TAGi; TWO DAILY EAST OREGOMAN. I ENDLETOX. OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 16, 1915. EIGHT TAGES (r V . A 11 Saii Jltme n iu in it a it SthUAl For Saturday Shoppers Bargains that offer worth while savings. Read them carefully be among the first to profit by these most remarkable prices. Sensational Sal o 9 oTnen SPRING SUITS ALL OF OUR NEW SPRING SUITS MUST GO. OUR MID-SUMMER DRESS ES ARE COMING IN ANDWEMUST MAKE ROOM. WE MUST DISPOSE QUICKLY OF A LOT OF SUITS. EVERY "GARMENT IS GUARANTEED TO BE STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE, NEW STYLE. HERE ARE THE REDUCTIONS. $20.00 SUITS ARE REDUCED TO $14.83 $25.00 SUITS ARE REDUCED TO $19.47 $35.00 SUITS ARE REDUCED TO $28.65 $37.50 SUITS ARE REDUCED TO $31.40 $40.00 SUITS ARE REDUCED TO $33.67 $45.00 SUITS ARE REDUCED TO $38.20 4 SAVE T. P. W. TRADING STAMPS. $17.50 TO $22.50 WOOL DRESSES $13.50 An offer worthy of your attention. Every garment a this season's model. Come in serge, poplin and challie. Colors are navy, Russian green, tan, Copenhagen blue; sizes are 16 to 42. THE MOST IN VALUE CHOICE $13.50 T. P. W. THE BEST IN STYLE $1.00 WOMEN'S UNION SUITS 75 Women's union suits, low neck, no sleeves, knee length, both tight and umbrella knee. Saturday Special.... 75 75 WOMEN'S NECKWEAR 49 Organdie and net collars, guimpes and collar and cuff sets. Saturday Special 49 $2.50 EMBROIDERY FLOUNCINGS $1.98 Batiste, voile and crepe flouncings, 45 inches wide, em broidered in colors, makes a very attractive summer frock for maid or matron. Saturday Special $1.98 $1.00 RIBBONS 69 One lot of fancy ribbons in both light and dark color ings, suitable for millinery, hair bows, sashes and girdles. Saturday Special 69 35 HUCK TOWELS 26 Hemmed ends, large size huck towels, for general use, worth 35c. Saturday Special 26 7Vit PERCALE 5 Comes in light and dark colors, neat patterns, good quality, fast colors, for house dresses and aprons. Satur day Special 5 65 TABLE DAMASK 48 One lot fine table damask in white only, beautiful satin floral effects, 68 to 72 inches wide. Saturday Suecial 48 BUTTERICK FASHION SHEETS FOR MAY ARE HERE. COME AND TAKE ONE. BOYS' WASH SUITS REDUCED We have a complete line of boys' wash suits, mostly Russian blouse styles. Neat pleasing color combinations as well as plain white. All garments are perfectly tailored. $1.00 Boys' Wash Suits Reduced to 83 $1.25 Boys' Wash Suits Reduced to 96 $1.50 Boys' Wash Suits Reduced to $1.34 $1.75 Boys 'Wash Suits Reduced to $1.48 $2.00 Boys' Wash Suits Reduced to $1.67 $2.50 Boys' Wash Suits Reduced to $2.19 $3.00 Boys' Wash Suits Reduced to $2.62 $3.50 Boys' Wash Suits Reduced to $2.97 $2.25 SHOES FOR CHILDREN 95 Tan, solid calf stock, welt and McKay soles. Shoes that regularly sold at $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25; this as a rare chance for you to get shoes, that will wear, for the boys' at less than one-half price. Saturday Special 95 $5.00 WOMEN'S SHOES $1.95 Some of our very best styles of tan shoes are in this lot. Good roomy toes. Medium heels. Just the shoe for your outing trip. Shoes that regularly sell for $5.00, $4.00 and $3.50. Saturday Special $1.95 15 CRASH TOWELING 11 Comes in plain white, good heavy crash for roller and hand towels. A good bargain. Saturday Special.... 11 $1.00 BLACK SILK 79 Best quality black silk messaline, 36 inches wide, for dress trimmings, etc, well worth $1.00 yard. Saturday Special 79 UP TO $1.25 DRESS GOODS 69 An assortment of fine dress goods, medium weight for spring dresses, in light and dark shades, well worth $1.25 yard. Saturday Special 69 T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP" 3 pl)r IN OUR CLEAN, COOL, FLYLESS BASEMENT. Whether you come to our store or have our store come to you, this grocery gives you the service all customers deserve. And if you prefer to stay at home, we have 3 main line phones, so you may get the best of phone service ; and clerks that will keep you posted on all the new good things we have in stock. T. P. W. CREAMERY BUTTER Fresh, clean sweet, the 2 pound square 60 MINCED CLAMS There is just 80 dozen cans for this sale at the lowest price you ever purchased clams. 10 cans for . $1.00 OUR CANDY DEPT. is brim full of new pure, wholesome confections. Visit us today. OLIVE OIL Our California and Im ported OILS, the cream of the olive. Smooth, delicate flavor. NEW PACK SHRIMP Extra select stock. 3 cans for 50 The dozen cans $1.85 DELICATESSEN DEPT. Quick Meal, Picnic and Fishing Trip ... Eatables in the wildest varieties. We make a specialty of packing your lunch goods in a manner that will please you. FRESH TODAY Boiled Ham, Dried Beef, Luncheon Tongue, Ham Loaf, Pickled Pigs Feet, Fancy Cheeses, etc. Let us serve you. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPT. All the good things the market affords here for Saturdays buyers; order early. STRAWBERRIES Today, box.. 20 STAN FIELD ASPARAGUS, 2 lbs. 25 BANANAS T. P. W. price, lb 9 Average the dozen.... 30 to 35 ORANGES Our famous Rose and Lotus brand ; full of sweetness, the dozen 40, 45, 50 CROCKERY DEPT. Star Cut Glasses, set of 6 70 Wine Glasses, set of 6 $1.00 42 piece sets, decorated dinnerware, very neat patterns, the set $5.00 Johnson Bros. English Dinnerware Cups and Saucers, set of 6 $1.00 Dinner Plates, set of 6 85 Vegetable Dishes, Platters, Jugs, in fact a complete line priced right. U A J The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE', SAVE YOUR T. P. W. TRADING STAMPS Irnl m jj couow 1 Library News "SF.H AMKUKM KtKST.' Aa sentiment anions travelers this eur Is for "seeing America first." the library has purchased several new books of description and travel In the western states and South America. Those who expect to enjoy a vaca tion of western travel will be Inter ested In reading up In advance about the special points of Interest as given In these books. Athnrttm California, an Intimate history. "Mrs. Atherton tells the picturesque story of California from the duyg of the Spanish missions to the present. She says: 'In compress ing the history of California Into one volume It Is only possible to select the main historic events for treatment, connecting them with a synopsis of the contributing causes and illustrat ing them with all the personalities and anecdotes available.' A book of Importance beyond Its possible mo mentary use by those who would know something of the land toward which their feet are set." Austin Callfonfla. "The collabor ators have succeeded In conveylns both by text and Illustration, some thing of the charm of the California landscape. The thirty-two colored plates by Sutton Palmer are delight ful and give an excellent Impression of the wonderful variety and strik ing contrast of scenery throughout the state. The text is equally attract ive. Has the appearance of a gift book.'' KniK'k 1-Vnailor. "A comprehen sive survey of Kcuador, on which there has been hitherto no adequate I English book. Like others of the ser j ies. It deals with history and antl I quitles. government, natural sci-nery. I people, resources and economic po j tentlallties. with a view to the Inter j ests of prospective investors and set- tiers or others seeking practical In formation." Markham California the wonder ful. "A work that Is both historical and descriptive. The author, who la a Californlan, writes with enthusi asm for his native state. He gives glimpses of early history, with an ac count of the geological background of the state; writes of the original Indian tribes; devotes one chapter to the. old missions and their romance; and tells the story of the transfor mation brought about by the discov ery of gold. Many chapters are de scriptive of California's wonderful scenery, and her Industries are not neglected. One chapter Is devoted to the women of CallTornla; one to In tellectual California, and one to Ore gon and Washington, her northern neighbors. The book contains much of the Information that the traveler, starting for California In this year of expositions will desire." Mills Wild Life mi the Itcxklos "The explorations, adventures, obser vations and impressions of a govern ment experiment officer in the wild of Colorado. A sturdy mountaineer, a calm philosopher, a great nature lover, the author writes of winter ex cursions, mountain climbing, furred and feathered life, of rocks and trees, all with a love and reverence for un sullied, primeval grandeur. The work ! is fittingly illustrated and Is dedicated i4o John Muir." Pou-ell -fr'nil fif tlin Trail " 1 varv readable description if a motor trip from Mexico to Aluska, along the Pa clflc coast, off the beaten track. In terestlng to travellers and a strong argument for "seeing America first. Gives historical background and en ,ough facts and figures to make th book useful to homeseekers. Photo graphs Illustrate frontier life. It is a good book to put Into your collec tion if you aTe going to the Pacific coast next summer; and tndespens. able If you propose to extend your Journey north of the Internationa boundary. A book which reclothes our own country with some of the prl mitlve charm, the glow, and fascl nation wnicn enveloped the new world at the time of Its discovery.' Vivian Peru "One of a new ser Ies of informational and stutlstlca guides to South America, designed for manufacturers and intending Invest ors. Arranged to fit a definite out line, which allows little originality of treatment. Contains a gazeteer of towns, and appendixes relating to pqstal facilities, currency and kindred topics.'' Wood Tourist California. "A comprehensive guidebook, readable and timely on account of the ap proachlng exposition. A chapter o general Information Is followed by others on hotels and restaurants, the aters and sports, and descriptions of trips which may be taken from San Francisco to the Upper Coast region to Sacramento, the Yosemlte, the mis sion country and elsewhere through out the state. List of tourist cities and resorts." Xew Fiction. Adams Health Master. Hrebner Christopher Quarlez. Huck Battle Cry. Daviess Tinder I!ox. Freeman Copy-cat and Other Stories. Oale Neighborhood Stories. Oreene One Clear Call. Orey Light of Western Stars. Hagedorn Faces In the Dawn. Hannay Lost Tribes. Hartman White Haphlre. Hay Happy go Lucky. Lafon Jean (illles. School Hoy. MacManus Yourself and the Nei ghbors. Montgomery Chronicles of Avon- lea. O'HIggirm Adventures of Detectfvo Barney. Oppenheim Mr. Orex of Monte Carlo, Oppenheim Pay envelopes. Pawlowaka Child Went Forth. Reeves Lady and Her Husband. Richmond Strawberry Acres. Rlls Children of the Tenements. Rlnehart Street of Seven Stars. Sedgwick Encounter. Huttner When Thoughts Will Soar. Turnbull Looking After fc'andy. Vaehell Qulnneys'. Wasnn Happy Hawkins In the Panhandle. Walls nine of Jennie dishing. You can't be too careful of the Cattle, like people, are not all healthy. If great care Is not taken, disensed and contaminated meat is liable at times to find its way into your home. It is as dangerous and deadly as poison. protect your home demand government inspected meat We sell U. S. government inspected meats, examined by Uncle Sam's veterinarians. Nothing can pass by them but what is pure, wholesome and germ-proof. FOR THAT SUNDAY LUNCH Eastern cured hams, per pound 19 Fancy boneless pressed ham, per pound 20 Fine Cudahy's summer sausage. OREGON MARKET TWO PHONES 600 AND 601 815 Main Street. . J. S. Rogers, Prop. TRACK FOLLOWERS ON HAND AS RACE OPENS HAVRE PE GRACE, Md.. April 1. The real 1913 spring racing season of the north opened today at the Ha vre Pe Grace tracks, with a big at tendance of track followers from Bul Mmore. Philadelphia and Washing ton present The Inaugural handicap v as the big feature o today's card. MAYOR OF CITY PAID 25 CENTS PER MONTH CRIPPLE CREEK. Colo.. April 16.. Mayor 25 cents a month; each of four aldermen 8 1-2 cents a month. With these salaries there were, nevertheless, many candidates fur of fice at the election held April f. The highest salaried city official is the city clerk who gets 50 a month. ' ' ' Praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Women from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from all sections of this great country, no city so large, no village so small but that some woman has written words of thanks for health restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. No woman who is suffering from the ills peculiar to her sex should rest until she has given this famous remedy a trial. Is it not reasonable to believe that what it did for these women it will do for any sick woman ? Wonderful Case of Mrs. Crusen, of Bushnell.-IH. BrarmsLi, III." I think all the trouble I have had since my marriage was caused by exposure when a young girl. My work has been housework of all kinds, aud I have done milking in the cold and snow when I was too young to realize that it would hurt mo. I have suffered very much with bearing down pains in my back and such miserable pains across me, and was very nervous and generally run down in health, but since I have taken Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Compound my back never hurts me, my nerves are stronger, and I am gaining in health every day. I thank you for the great help I have received from your medicine, and if my letter will benefit suf fering women I will be glad for you to print it." Mrs. Jajles Cruskn Bub knell, Illinois. A Grateful Atlantic Coast Woman. IIododok, Mk. UI feel it a duty I owe to all suffering women to tell what Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Compound did for me. One year ago I found myself a terrible suffer jr. I had pains in loth sides and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. My back ached, I had no apatite and was bo nervous I could not sleep then I would be so tired mornings that I could scarcely get around! It seemed almost impossible to move or do a bit of work and I thought I never would be any better until I submitted to an opera tion. I commenced taking J.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and soon felt like a new woman. I had no pains, slept well, had good appetite and was fat and could do almost all my own work for a fam ily of four. I shall always feel that I owe my good health to your medicine.'' Mrs. IIatwabd Soweks, Hodgdon, Maine. For 30 years Lydia E. Vlnkhnm's Vegetable Compound hug been the standard remedy for fe male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself If she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs. It bae res toredsomany suffering women tohoalth. Write to LYDIA E.PIMKIIAH MEDICINE CO. rf (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., foradvlce. Your letter will le opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict contidence. (. THIS I adnor A collar cravats. the New a summer Arrow C OLLAR cut to fit the neck and the prevailing fashion in big knotted A manly, good fitting, good looking collar, ifcriiccnu CLtJETT, PEA BODY V CO , Inc MAKERS OP ARROW SHIRTS