East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 15, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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O 0 .''W$
.fef kv strive
the pro- jN'l
grocery tl ... ( ' - r v
That we lead
cession in the
business because we've
got the best and sell
them at the fairest pri-
When you buy groceries and vegetables from us you
will get full value for your money. We stand by our
goods and make good on every sale.
Where all are Pleased Court and Johnson Sts.
Newsy Notes ot Pendleton
ItanihiW-t lialiy Horn.
A seven pound daughter was born
estorday to Mr. and Mrs. Kay Hut
sell of itarnhart
Imprmeinciit.s to KcNldtMicc.
Knutp Knuteson hus taken out a
permit to build a $900 addition to his
homo at 512 Franklin street. The ad
dition will consist of two rooms and
a porch.
I City 1x4s Sold.
J. H. rvrry, local attorney, has
purchased lots 13. 14 and IB. block
t 46, Reservation addition to rendle-
ton of J. H. atten burger for ioU.
The lots are situated on
Mrs. lsnaos 111.
Mrs. James Isaacs was brought in
from the Isaacs ranch yesterday af
ternoon and taken to the hospital for
treatment for an Illness.
Two Hub Ws arc Sold.
The Oregon Motor Garage has de
livered a C-25 l?ulck car to McCook
& Pentley, local implement firm, and
a C-37 Bulek to Joseph A. Monese
ot Echo.
Walnut John C.
fixed at
Lome With Body.
The body of the late John C. Mon
ahan was placed aboard No. 17 to
day to be taken to Bellingham where
it will be interred as soon as the son
arrives from Alaska. Accompanying
the body were Miss Erma Monahan.
daughter of the deceased, T. F. Mon
ahan. a brother, and Fred T. Ploch,
his partner In the hotel business.
Orwron Proftsr Makes Address.
This morning at the high school.
Prof. John Straub of the state uni
versity, gave a talk on the need for
better training ot the young and the
advantage the man with the brain
has over the one with merely muscle,
lie said that the Creator gave every
living thing some means of defense.
that of man being his brain ana mat
Is (iiinnliaii of Niece.
T. F. Monahan of Fellingham was
today appointed guardian of his niece
Erma Monahan, daughter of the late
Monahan. and his bond was
Baby Is Metier.
The condition of the baby son of
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Baer, who
was taken suddenly ill with bronchal
pneumonia yesterday morning, Is re
ported Improved this afternoon.
Xatatorliim Committees Meet Tonight.
This evening at 7:30 a Joint meet
ing of the committees from the Com
mercial association, council and
Hound-up In charge of the natatorium
will be held in the Commercial club
rooms to consider the letting of the
contracts for the work.
Attachment Sulla Timis.sel.
Vpon motion of the attorneys for
the plaintiffs the attachment suits of
Fred Senn vs. J. M. Stephenson anil
Harry S. Englar and of the Pendleton
this brain should &e developed to Its Cash Market vs. Stephenson and En-
highest capacity. He ended with a giar were this morning dismissed,
plea for
' tions.
Oregon educational Institu-
fMIPnr Vlllia AMMH I! KM'rcss W ason Damaged.
I AD i Hi. EL ingLAHt&L
Just before noon today
runaway occurred on
having been satisfactorily settled.
1 2
Commencing 1
Sunday, April 18 1
Three Weeks" !
In 5 Parts 1
5 Sensational Drama of Thrilling Love and Royal Intrigue.
"Vivid in interest and gives no offence." N. Y. Herald.
"Will sweep the country." The Evening Mail. I
I "Startling sensation." N. Y. 'VYorld. s
a very lively
I street when the team hitched to me;
5 V. A. Jones express wagon ran away.
zjThe horses dashed north on Thomp
I son street until they reached the cor
ner of Court and Thompson. At the
corner the team attempted to run
over the Ladow block and Collided
with a telephone pole and fire hydr
ant. The horses fell heavily but
were not injured, though the tongue
of the wagon was broken.
6000 acres well watered, 400 acres In cul
tivation and meadow. Cuts about 700
tons of hay annually. Much mn -n
be cultivated. 30 million feet of tine saw timber, besides a tig lot of
smaller. Good house, cost over IJOOO, oue mile from town! four good
barns. Adjoins Nat forest reserve, and has grazing rigM thereon.
All vehicles and farm Implements, soir.e of them new, good blacksmith
outfit, and chop mill driven by motor power. Tou can buy this ranch
Including the above mentioned property, for $16 per acre. Tou can buy
with it. 750 well bred cattle, and 0 horses at the market prices; half
rash, reasonable time on balance. I have both larger and smaller stock
ranches than this, also wheat land, diversified farms, city property and
nchanges. . E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore.
WE have the most complete and
up-to-date grinding plant in
. Eastern Oregon, and can
duplicate your broken lens in a few
W. H. HILL, Optician
with Wm. Hanscom, THE Jeweler
Thousands are wasting nerve en
ergy equal to the amount con
sumed by hard labor, which results
in headache, dizziness, pains in or
about the eye or In the nape of
the neck, twitching or Inflamed
eyelids, cross eyes, squinting, etc.
Such sufferers often cannot un
derstand why they should need
glasses so long as they see well.
Those who see best are most apt
to suffer from strain because if
their optical defect is so great that
the muscles of the eyes cannot
overcome it, they may be perma
nently weakened, and the case be
comes one of poor sight. The or
dinary test by letters is useful for
determining sharpness of vision,
but is useless as a test for eye
strain, the full extent of which can
only be determined by a skilled re
fraitlonlst Proper fitting glasses
are the only safe, sane and logical
means of relieving eyestrain.
Dale Rothwell
Exclusive Optician
American Nat'l Eank Bldg.,
I grind lenses and can duplicate
broken ones on short notice.
More Coyotes Cut Off.
Bounty has been paid on 43 coyote
scalps and hides during the past two
days. J. K. Cummins of Touchet.
Wn , cashed in IS. A. It. Coppock of
Athena 7. J. K. Peters of 1-eiidleton
6, A, L. Daggett of Echo 5, A. M. Do
spain of Pendleton 2, A. B. Lee o
Echo 2. and John Lang of Nye. ft. E.
Lilly of McKay, and Andrew Starr of
rendleton one each.
Ball Game Starts at 3:30.
. The ball game tomorrow afternoon
at Round-up Park between the 0. A
C. team and the Pendleton Pucks will
start promptly at 5:30 o'clock, accord
lng to an announcement made by
Manager Ballard today. On Saturday
the game between the same two team
will start an hour earlier, at 2:30 In
order to give country people an op
portunlty to see It.
v. - ?W
,-' - -.-" .3
-Oil" .n n
It's true &n J you can't get away from the
fact that this big busy store sells the same
gr&de merchandise a third less than our
You may wonder how we do it, all we atk is investigate
our buying methods and our selling methods. You will
agree with us.
Men's blue serge suits, we ask you to
examine these, they are worth more
but are priced at S9.D0, 812.50,
?H.75, $16.50.
Men's fancy mixed suits, plain greys,
plaids or neat stripe, every one a
Rood value at a third more 87.00,
SP.90, 812.50, 814.75.
Young men's suits in neat tripes or
fancy mixed, 12 to 18 year Bizes
with long pants SG.90, S7.DO,
SS.OO, 89.00, 812.50.
Boys' Knickerbocker suits, Norfolk
coats, the best values we have ever
seen, are good suits at a third more,
some new plaids, stripes, mixed or
blue serge at 81.08, 82.08, 83.98,
Men's shed rain slip-on coats, they
don't come amiss these cool nights
SG.90, S9.90, 812.50.
Big Sale Optns Saturday.
oy r. Alexander, who recently
purcnased the stock of the Wohlcn
uerg department Store and another
stock of men s goods and furnishings
announced today that he would open
a big salvage sale Saturday morning
m the old Wohlenberg store. He was
able to purchase the stocks at 30
cents on the dollar, he states, and
Plans on selling out at a margin thai
win mean a big saving to patrons.
Wants Wallowa Witness.
in order to bring John Phay of
Wallowa to Pendleton to testify in the
iwitchell-Thompson damage suit Mon
aay, l. e. Twitchell, guardian of
hharon Arnold Twitchell, today filed
an amaavit to the effect that Phay
was an eye witness to the accident and
that his testimony is very material.
"ins ourame tne county and more
than 20 miles distant, an ordinary
summons is not sufficient to bring
mm into court.
.r2 , . ..
1 y
1 -HJ ..
"The 13
Pathe Presents
(5 parts)
An exciting drama of the Revenue Service and Northwoods
Showing opium smuggling on the Canadian Frontier a red blood play for
those who like thrillers
Also Essanay Laugh Comedy
6 REELS 6 Adults 10c, Children 5c
To Conduit Alta Itoti.se Alone.
J. M. Stephenson who has been as
sociated with Harry Englar in con
ducting the Alta House and feed barn
announced today that hereafter he
would have the entire management of
the hotel though the partnership
would still be retained. He was ab
sent In Wallowa county when recent
suits were filed against the firm and
settled them immediately upon his
Barnum Uio Hypnotist. -
At the Oregon theater Barnum the
hypnotist has been demonstrating the
mysteries of hypnotism to good hous
es and he Is to hold performances
each evening for the remainder of
the week. Last evening he made one
of his own subjects sustain a weight
of 1126 pounds. After the ball game
tomorrow he will have a subject at
tempt to ride ".Jnort" one of the
Round-up outlaws. He does not guar
antee that his "buckaroo" will stick
but says he will stay on the horse for
a time at least. He will be only
partly hypnotised.
Dog Cateher on Job.
The dogs that have not been given
license to exist for another year are
now suffering for the delinquency of
their masters and mistresses. Harry
Hart Is not here, to be sure, but he
has a worthy successor In Frank
Campbell, a local man, who has as
sisted the police In the canine depart
ment for the past year. Yesterday
Campbell started out after the dogs
and by nightfall had 17 In the pound.
This morning he rounded up five
more and, as he has the location of
many others, he expects to make a
cleanup of all unlicensed canines.
Accident Leads to Damage Suit
The accident on the evening of
March 13 on West Webb street just
beyond the O.-W. R. A N. crossing In
which W H. Washburn, a colored
man, was Injured led to the filing of
a damage suit for flOOO against Mrs.
O. O. Connerly. owner of the Ford
auto which Is alleged to have caused
the Injury. Through his attorneys.
Fee It Fee, Washburn brought the ac
tion today. He allege that, though
it was :30 In the evening, the car
was running without lights and was
going at a speed greater than IS miles
an hour down the grade from the
crossing when It struck plaintiff,
knocked him to pavement bruising
and lacerating him on the head,
shoulders and limbs and Injuring his
nervous system. Instead of stopping
General Denutrieff, the Bulgar
Itatlcr who lu'd sltw to Adrlanople
"oru u in the Balkan war
is a conspli'uoim riip,, i.i. t. ,
....... nun itlinsiilN
in tne operations against Cler-
Austria. Th Pi.i.. h.,.
l"l'?d m the Gullclan cam
palgns most of the time, but on sev
occasions he switched to the
ursaw rront to repel Von Hlnden
burg. He Is as great an Idol with
the Russian people as he Is with th
and offering him assistance, plaintiff
alleges that the occupants of the car
drove on. He claims that as a re
sult of the accident he has not been
able to attend to his dally duties. The
suit is brought against Mrs. Connerly
as owner of the car and agent for her
husband who drives the machine.
Former O. A. 0. Football player
He Physical Director.
LA GRANDE, Ore., April 16. La
Grande's schools are to have a physl
cal director. Charles Reynolds, of
this city, for four years prominent In
athletics, more especially In football.
at O. A. C, has been engaged by the
scnool board to take charge of all
athletics in the high school as coach
and manager. It has been the cus
tom of the board in the past to em
ploy a h!gh school teacher.
Mr. Reynolds coached the football
team last year with remarkable suc
cess. He Is now working with the
track team as a volunteer coach. A
greater interclass spirit and more
games of that sort, to the end that as
many students as possible may be
benefited, Is the purpose of the
.The statement asserts that the
facts prove that Russian Jews have
been the victims of cruelty by the !
Russian soldiery and calls upon the I
civilized world to "protest agnlnst
the policy of the Russian government;
which has only one aim In view to'
exterminate the Jewish race." Of
this the Russian people themselves.
Is is explained, ace not accused.
The five organizations are the
Putted Hebrew Trades. Jewish Na
tional Workers' Alliance of America,
Jewish Socialist labor party, Jewish
Socialist Federation of America and
the Workmen's Circle, who represent,
they say, 300,000 worklngmen In the
Vnlled States.
I la c bull Friday!
Oregon Agricultural College
Pendleton Bucks
(Blue Mountain League Team.)
Game Called at 1:30. p. m.
Round-up Park
The fastest game of the year
Admission 25c Adv.
Come out ye fans and fanettes.
NEW YORK, April 15. Five Am-
erlcan Jewish workmen's organiza
tions Issued a Joint statement here
branding as false the recent denial
by the Russian government of
charges that Jews In Russia had been
persecuted during the ar. .
Royal H. Sawtclk
EiUbliihed 1887
You can always depend on
VTE WILL clean, spot and
W press your clothes RIGHT
Work called for and delivered
to any part of the city. Satis,
taction guaranteed w know
Our Motto, "Quick Service"
Lester fihanafelt
Tel. 331. 114 B. Webb Bt
Kelley's Auto
Repair Shop
Give us a trial.
Cottonwood St., Opposite
City Hall. Phone 181.
Why Should Your Glasses Be Changed?
"The eye is practically developed at 7 years.
Under-development in length means far sight, overde
velopment means near sight; one diameter of the cornea
longer than another means astigmatism.
The attempt to overcome these errors by the accom
modation or focusing power, is eye strain, this power
changes with age, the errors are always the same and
must be corrected with glasses.
Therefore, the only reason why glasses should be
changed is a commercial one. Opticians by giving away
a smattering of medical knowledge as a blind are enabled
to sell glasses at an enormous profit.
D. N. REBER, M. D.,
F.yo, Far, Nose and Throat Specialist Schmidt Building, Pendleton
The Alta Theatre Today
"RUNAWAY JUNE" in the seventh installment brings in many
exciting incidents and some unusually beautiful scenes. Also beauti
ful gowns in abundance. You will enjoy it even if you have not seen
all the story.
'THE FAMINE," is a story of Japanese life that is educational as
well as being a good dramatic production.
"CUPID AND THE PEST" is a good comedy.
VAUDEVILLE Eddy and Kearns, "Those Foolish Fellows" in
Acrobatic Comedy. i
John Emerson in "A Bachelor' Romance." This is a comedy dra
ma of high order. "
Gaby Deriyt in "HER TRIUMPH." This famous dancer who
gained so much notoriety through the infatuation" of one of Europe's
kings for her, shows in this film some of her celebrated dances with
her well known dancing partner Harry Pilcer. This picture has created
a sensation in the cities. . '