EfCHT PACKS DAILY EAST ORKGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 15. 1015. PAGE SEVEN is not only the Perfect Gum in the Perfect Package. Absolutely clean and wholesome the product of scientific manufacturewax wrap ped and sealed air-tight Not only that, but on each 5c package the outer band is a valuable Premium Coupon. mX These Coupons U cI come m with both WRIGLEY'G SEnaa- new Double Strength Pepper mint flavored gum and with WRIGLEY'S e3ezo- the Mint Leaf flavored brand. These SAME COUPONS now come with so many high grade products that you can collect them very rapidly. Substantial premiums are offered for as low as 5 coupons and from that up. Articles for men, women, children and the home. Birthday and Holiday gifts. Wearing apparel, furniture a thousand useful, ornamental, pleasure-giving things. The Spear men shown here have a few of them. It Will Pay You To Save Write for your free copy of the newest jingle book for young and old WHIMSY'S Mother Coosa the old familiar rhyme written and Illustrated aa the WRIGLEY SPEARMEN think they ought to be ! Addreaei w.. Hfa, Wiigkty Jr. Cm. 1209 Meaner BUg, Chicago fa A yk PROFIT-SHARING ML wM GET MORE FOR YOJJR MONEY I W I Man's Power Multiplied IN the home or place of business your per sonal efficiency is multiplied by the Bell Telephone. It adds to the earning power of every individual and to his comfort and convenience. It stimulates commercial activity and speeds up the wheels of industry, It increases the volume of business by extending the field of the business man's activity. The 7,500,000 Bell telephones are unit ed in one great, system of intercommunica tion, contributing to the welfare of the whole nation. Em ry Btll Ttlephone it a Long DUtanc Station THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. n a-, j .r .,, -. TICKETS FOR CEULO cahal mm M mm II? AT HELIX TWO MK.MI1KHS OK .U M ITTEE ON AltltA.VGr.MKNTS MAKE TRIP YESTERDAY. Ton Ticket Ait Ia-U. to lip DIhimmmI of and Indications ,tv That Anoth er llnu-h Wltl Have U llo Sent OutKMliiiIafuii shown Tttrough out txninly over Kiiir4un. Tickets for the Umatilla county Ceillo canal excursion were taken out to Hellt yesterday afternoon by Chairman J. F. Robinson and Sam R. Thompson of the committee on arrangements and, though they re mained only 20 minutes, two of the tn ticket! were aold before they de parted. The tickets were left at the tore of J. 8. Norvell & Co. and Mr. Norvell was supplied with Informa tion relative to the trip from Pendle t( n to Umatilla to The Dalles by boat. Hardly had the window cards been put up than an order came In to Mr. Norvell to reserve two. Only ten were left and Mr. Norvell felt con fident that he would have to send for another bunch. In fact, one resident! of Helix was positive that at leant 25! WoOlri irn from that r-,Lmnim!ti- Tlio! trip to Helix was made in the Thomp son auto, Messrs. Thompson and Robinson being accompanied by C. H. Jerard and M. H. Chessman. Reports reach the local committee that the tickets are being purchased readily all over the county. H. N Dryer yesterday wrote Mr. Robinson that Umatilla has sold out her allot ment and would draw on Hermiston for more. Mr. Dryer stated that ho had also received an order for three tickets from Milton. Not only the importance of the celebration but the moderate cost of the excursion and the promises of rare enjoyment are making a big appeal to people and I'matllla county will undoubtedly let the country know that she is on the map and appreciates the great water way that Is being thrown open. MUTTON MARKET REACHES RECORD (Couilesy Wednesday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore. Mutton and lamb prices were advanced 25c in the North Portland market today, values reaching the high point for the season today with top lambs at 19.50 and yearlings at (8.50. There was was only a small offer ing of supplies In the mutton division at North Portland. Buyers were keener than ever before to secure the limited stocks and the advance was therefore easily forced. North Portland has really Just be gun to fight or the mutton and li.nib trade. It has made a success of the cuttle and hog trade and to day Is being carefully watched by competitive markets all over the country. The trade here has at last realized that It must bid higher for its requirements of mutton and must maintain a better net value to ship pers that competitive markets are paying. This condition is fast being reached and a general campaign to capture the entire western muttor. and lamb trade is about to begin. General utton trade range: Old wethers t 8.00 Best yearlings 8.50 Best ewes 7.25 7 50 Best east mountain lambs 9.25 9.50 Valley light lambs 8.75 ft 9.00 Heavy lambs 8 00 S g.25 Spring lambs 10.00 Cattle Market Is Quiet. With only limited arrivals In that division of the North Portland yards overnight, cattle were rather quiet for the day. Generally speaking there was no change In the price from that shown the first two days. General cattle market range: Select steers 17. 50 7.75 Best hay fed steers 7.25 5 7.3 j Good to choice 7.00 0 7.15 Ordinary to fair .60g6.75 Best cows 8.00 iff 6.26 Good to prime 5.75 6.00 Ordinary 4.00 5 50 Select calves 7.50 8.00 Fancy bulls 5.506.00 Ordinary 4 00 5.00 Hog Market Is Steady. While leading killers were not of fering above $7.60 for what stuff came forward to the North Portland yards today, market for hogs was considered steady, with a small am ount of trade available as high as 17.65 If extreme quality was In sight. There was only a very limited run of swine in the local yards over night and these generally were of only fair quality. General hog market range: Best light t 7.65 Medium light 7.50 Good to heavy 7.30 Q 7.40 Rough and heavv 7.25 IJvcstock Shipper. Hogs Frank Flegoe, Wlllbridge, 1 load. Cattle George Dixon, Terrebonne, 2 loads. Sheep C. W. Gibson, Halsey, t loads; W, C. Bridges, Oakland, 1 loads. Mixed Btuff W. H. McMahan, Hal sey, 1 load cattle, calves, hogs and sheep. FLOUR MARKET EXTREMELY DULL (Wednesdays Market. PORTLAND, Ore. With oriental business out of the question and Australian situation very mixed, to gether with the extreme slackness in the demand for patent, there Is not much doing in the flour market at the moment. The Australian government still Imposes a very heavy duty on flour Imports while at the same time it is purchasing wheat in the United States and selling It to millers of the colonies at an actual loss. Demand of wheat, oats and barley fiom Australia continues the dom Inatlng factor In the trade, In fact is the only bullish sign on the trade ho-riton. While there has been more or leas talk In some quarters of a probable reduction in the price of patent flour here, leading millers assert that not only Is there no decline of quotation in sight, but prevailing values are ac tually low In comparison with the price of the grain. j Flour Selling price: Patent 16. - 80; Wiilaette valley, J6.80; local straight, 16:30; makers, 36.80; ex port, 5.50 5.75. Hay New crop, buying price: Wii laette valley timothy, fancy, $12.50 13; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tim othy, $15; alfalfa, $1313.50; vetch and oats, $11; clover, $8 9 per ton. Grain sacks 1915, nominal; No. 1 Calcutta 6 S-4c. Mlllstuffs Selling price: Bran, $2 50; shorts, $28.50. Rolled Barley Selling price: $30 31 per ton. Corn Whole, $35.50; cracked, $36.50 per ton. With the exception of red Fife, which was l-2c off, and red Russian which was unchanged, spot wheat prices were 1c a bushel higher on the Portland Merchants' Exchange for the day. Sales Included: 5000 bushels May bluestem, $1.32 1-2; 5000 bushels May bluestem, $131: bushels May red Russian, $1.21. Spot oats bids were unchanged wiih no sales, with mt barley bid 2c a ton lower; no sales. TAKE SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS EAT I.ESS MEAT IK YOU FEEL BACKACHY OR HAVE BLADDER TROUBLE. Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks the kidneys in their efforts to filter it from the system. Regular eaters of meat must flush the kidneys ocasionally. You must relieve them like you relieve your bowel; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull mid cry in the kidney region, sharp pains In the back or sick headache, dlzlness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather Is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get Irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times dur ing the night. To neutralize these Irritating ac ids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a ta blespoonful in a glass of water be fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder ir ritation. Jad Salts is inexpensive; harmless and makes a delightful ef fervescent lithia-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and bladder diseases. JULY WHEAT IS 6 CTS HIGHER (Wednesday's Market) CHICAGO. Wheat showed a net gain of 6c for July at the closing with May 3 3-4c and September 4 3-8c above yesterday. Liberal export business caused a higher opening In wheat prices to day. May wheat was 1 l-4c higher at the outset. July was up 5-8 and September l-2c. The Liverpool mar ket was higher. Pit traders regarded the short In terests as somewhat increased. Corn started with an advance of l-4c. Shipping sales are Increasing here and In the southwest This fact coupled with the liberal decrease In stocks. Is considered as a good offset to the present attempt to force May liquidation, Oats -opened unchanged. Senti ment in the trade Is bearish, due to a decrease In the export demand Provisions started strong. Wheat. May Open. $1.58; high, $1.63. low, $1.67; close, $1.60 1-2. July Open, $124 1-8; high, $1.33; low, $1.23 5-8; close, $1.29 1-2. Sept. Open, $1.11 1-8; high, $1.18 1-2; low, $1.10 5-8; close, 1.15. FEW FOLKS HAVE GRAY HAIR NOV DKlGfilVT SVS MDII'4 I!K SU INti ICKUI'E OF Sit.K TEA AND SULl'IU H. Hair that loses i: color and lustre, or when It fades, turns gray, dull and lifeless. Is caused by a lack of sul phur In the hair. Our grandmother made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep hr locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women sr.d men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which la so attractive, use only thia old time recipe. Nowadays we get this famous mix ture by asking at any drug store for a i-eent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and 8u:phnr Compound," which darken tr.e hair so naturally, so evenly, that ncbody can possibly tell It has been applied. Besides, It takes off dan draff, stops scalp Itching and falling heir. You just dampen sponge or soft brush with it and draw thia through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the Stay hair disappear;; but what de lights the ladles with Wyeth's Sag and Sulphur is that, besides beauti fully darkening the hair after a few applications. It also brings bark the gloss and lustre: and gives it an ap pearance of abundance. A Cure for Sour Stomach. Mrs. Wm. M. Thompson of Battle Creek, Mich., writes: "I have beer troubled with Indigestion, sour stom ach and bad breath. After taking two bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets I am well. These tablets are splen didnone better." For sale by aL dea lers. Adv. rnopili or tli Annul luUmut of the Aetna Insurance Company of Hartford. In the itfite of tVmrwtirat. on tbe 31t day of lMrfinber. 1914. mad? to Um lDcuriD cuminiasln,-r of tb gtate ot Urt Ifuli. pumiaot to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital uo I S.OuO.i)D0.0O INCOME. Net premiuma reiflvwl during the e 10.818.44.62 InliTMt. dlTldftuK and mu re- crlrd durtiiff tbc rear 913.243.09 Income from otlirr wuroea n ctlvtd durii.j toe year 43.281. 0 Total income Sll,772.71.Sl DISBUBSEMEITTS. et louea paid durhn tne ji-ar.1 3.802.314.89 l'lTldend! mid durhis the year on capital stork 900.000.00 CommiMions and aalarlef paid durin the jear i.8W,76.84 Tniei. license, and feea paid dnrlns the year 414 874 34 Amount of all other expenditure 71u.&!.13 Tolal expenditure tlU.S12.S27. 18 ASSETS. value of real estate owned imarket Taluel I 410,000.00 aine of ptot ks and bonda owned Imarket raluel IS.ftnn 5V 37 Can in hank and on band 1.D75.8U W Premium In rouife of lolleiiku written elnce September 30. 11H lW..'2i4 Bfli recelTBl.le 3.ou3.3o Interest and rent due and ac crued 102 .971 87 Total asaete S23.4t.saMW Tolal aet admitted In Ore- on t23.400.528.n9 LIABILITIES. Grow claim f"r kw uuoaid I 1.027. 034.70 Amouut of unearned premium on all ontatandins ri-k t.&2u.3134 All other liahiiitiea 8M.lfti.S0 Total Uabilitiex et.lnelte of capital Hoik of tVow.wU tU.732.0TS.a0 Total premium in force De cember 31, 1S)14 tl.557.120.Ji BUSINESS IN OBEOON FOR THE TEAS Toui ti&Wk nritcen dorine. Lne rr t 4.515.516 00 oroa premium recelred duriujr the year 87.593.03 Premiums returned during the . rear 17.406 7 lsee paid durinp the rear 42.901 !9 LoaNT incurred during the year. 4i.U02.2i Ttal amount of risk out BtauuMnjt in urcKOn December 81. 1914 8.27S.S23.0S Aetna Insurance Company Hy W VI. B. f'LARK. President. Statutory resident general ageut and attorney tar aerTh-e: K. Vl. Khlu HKH. HAHTMAX AKSTKACT CO. Synooau of tu ukJ Siu,ateal 01 um The Columbian National Life Insurance Company of B'suin In the tat of M.ieaarhtelts. on toe :tlt( day of lceiue-r, 191 4. made tu th Insurance , onimlJ.kr of me Stale of OT'-g"U, purauiut to law. CAPITAL Amount of capital tk paid up tl.' '. ' INCOME Total premium Income t2..tt.."W latere!. dlfldend a:id rents r ceieed during the ar 4K'.o72.9X Income from other aourcea r-relied during tb year 20.3.37 Total Income .t2, E18BU BBEMESTS Paid for lneaes. end luenta, an nultle and surrender fjloe..t Dividend paid to policy boidaf during I lie year dividends paid on capital tock during the year Coninil-eioo and aalarlcs paid dor. ing tbe year Taie. Ihrenee tttd leea paid dur ing the year Amount of all other eipcudiiure Total expenditure tl. ASSETS llarket rain of real crate oa rted f aiarket aiu of atock-f aid amor tized value of bond cuned.... 4 Loans on mortgage aod collateral, etc I Premium note aod policy loan.. 1. rasa In bank- aud on baud Net uncollected and def-rred pre mium Other aseets tn0 'J07,5,8.ti 793, 573.4 V.308.M 70.0HO 425 72 l7 : .".i 379 iHI 74 7S3.SMI.5I 84T.I'. 41 kM.812.44 i-:: ia.-.7 It 7H.', 5l 29 5t:2.oT7 04 3o0 9 23 u;,so it Total at Ilw.3rn.9lt.ut Total asset admitted In Ore gon tl0.3Hl.9H0t LLABILITIIS Net reaerre I8 552.WOOS T itai pi.llcy claim Donald 145.i9.4 All other itanilitle. Including re aeree for contingencies of t5. '") isu3.5l4.5t Totl liabilities etc! ile of cap ital stock of l.i.iO. tH .9oO.S-S4.tft Total iMtiraoc In fore Int. ember 31 1814 4j,3I2.1!.5 Tolal Inanranc In force Ileccuiher 31. 1914. a. cident and bcattb (premium I 273.948 OS BCSIlTESi W 0REO0M JT01 THE TEAK Total rlk wrlllen iluriug in year - I Ora prelul'Jm recelfed during the year, life Croas premiums recciaed during tbe year, accident n.l health.. rrtruium returned during the year, lif Iseaea paul during tbe year, acci dent and betltb t.,. Incurred during lb year, accident aod health T.,Tal amount of rlka outstand ing In tlregou Itecember- - U,,4 SU.210.O The Columbian National Life Insurance Company Br WILLIAM II. BIIOWS. Secretary. Stamp ry general . tent a ai attorney for BerYtie. I'HANK V. EUUKTIS, 712 SpaUlluf - . P .rtlaod Or. ISl.TSf'Oo, 19,04.74 1.501 2J7 5S3.81 385.(1 CHICHESTER S FILL Tak m axber. It tf jNr year k crw u Dcst. Safest, A 1 - y K Hiaii SuU)C-YDGLSTSr.IJ.VaHt!& CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DinECTORS. llolliintl Denies ltuimrtM. THE HAC.UK, April 14. The clos est Inquiries ninde In diplomatic, min isterial and military circles failed to discover the reason for the alarming rumors printed In London newspa pers relative to tbe possibility of hos tilities between Holland and Ger many, or for the charging of high insurance premiums. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL DI rector and licensed embalmer. Op poslte postoffice. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night Phone 75. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone (S. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS IIARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Fays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance, References, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. ATTORNEYS. VETERINARY SURGEONS. RALET 4 RALEY, ATTORNEYS-AT & w- LASSEN. M. D. V. COUNTY law. Office In American National Veterinarian. Residence telephone. e. n ,. .. 97- of ft t.Unk... an sang fsuuaing. FEE FEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ! Office In Despaln building. j CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of American National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON A. BISHOU. ATTOR neys at law; rooms S and 4, Smith Crawford building. j 27; offlco telephone, JO, SECOND-HAND DEALERS V. STROBLE, DEALER IN Js'EW and second-hand goods. Cash nald for all secondhand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy hdtisehold goods. Come and get our prices. Ill E. Court street Phone 171W. EENTLEY t LEFFTNGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. IIS Main street Phone 404. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, eto Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see sample. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egontnn makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, cards and advertising We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete thst will assure you of having a successful sale. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all atate and federal courts. Rooms 1, t, I and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, will, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room It, Schmidt block. AUCTIONEERS. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office In Despain building. COL. W. F. YOHNKA, AUCTIONEER makes a specialty of farmers' stock and machinery sales. "The man thai gets you the money " Leave order at East Oregonlan office. MISCELLANEOUS. TRESSPASS NOTICES. STALLION SEASON CARDS and SALE BILLS of every description printed at rea sonable prices at the East Oregonlaa. We bare a fine lot of stock cuts that our patrons are allowed the free use Of. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY Cask or give trade for Umatilla county farm, SID to MO per acre Address Bos 11, Athena, Ore. PHYSICIANS. PRS. WHITAKER WOOD. DEN tists. Office hours t a, ra. to I p. m Mllarkey Bullult.g, Pendleton. Oregon. LEGAL PLANKS OF .EVERY ,DE scrlptlon for county court, circuit court, justice court, real estate, etc., i ror saio Kt i.a.n uregonlan office BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY c-vr--