EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 101 PAGE TI - :jv. AN lNDKi'K.NDliNT NRWHl'Al'KIl. fobltabed Dill; and Suml Weekly it Pan- dktun, Oregoa, by the ABT OlIhUoNlAN I'UllLlhUINO CO. Entered t the nontoffke at Pendletoa, Oregon, u socoud claae mall matter. Keleptiooe 1 Official County Paper. Member li sited I'rcas Aaauclatlon. ON BAI.K IN OTUKIl CITIKr). Imperial Hotel News Bund, Portland, Urrsua. ttuwoiaa Neva Co., Portland, Oregon. ON F1LB AT Chlcngo Bureau, MOD Bwurlty Uolldlnf. Vanhlngton, II. C, liureau 501, a'our Nrata etrcet, N. W. 'ally, Daily, Kally, Dally, Hally, Dally, Dally. Dally. Keml W Heml W rami W Bl'URCItllTION KATES (IN ADVANCES) nnt year, by mall IS Ol) II month, by mall 2.611 three montba, by mail... llio una mouth, by mail 50 one year, by cartlr j T.IM) all mciotha, by earner... U 75 tiree tnuutha, by carrier...... l.l one month, by carrier W evaiy, one year by mall... eokly, all month, by mall, eekly, four montba, by mall 1.110 .75 .50 .THE OLD TIME BONNET. I. I'd like to ace an Easter bonnet With all the old-time ribbon on It, The kind the sweetest kind of any That used to crown Ihe curia of Jenny Who hoard my happy heart a- beating Along the way to Easter-meet- In. I'd love to ace that dear old lion not . WUh quaint, old-fashioned trim- tnlngx on it! H. They say that Fashion'! back- ward ranging extent the cost of the road work will become unimportant. The victory in Portland yes terday should fire our own good roads men with enthusi asm. The voting in Portland shows the people are awake to the fact a bad roads system is more expensive than a good roads system. They have dis covered the most expensive road is the one that makes hauling costly and that in the end the cheapest road is the one over which big loads can be hauled at any time of the year. They have decided it is bet ter to build roads properly and save on maintenance costs than to build cheap roads and pay out thousands of good dollars each year keeping those roads in shape. When the subject is submit ted to the people of tnis county and properly explained they too will vote for good roads. CANADIAN STEEL FOR AM ERICAN RAILROADS. r,cV 'OFFifi M j Ac & 111 THREE POUNDS HI it l-w I nil tail it 'Ml 3 T has come to light that the Illinois Central railroad recently placed an order for many thousands of tons of steel, rails with a Canadian steel company, the Algoma plant. Such action in view of com plaint of industrial depression in this country and in view of the success of the railroads in getting the interstate commerce commission to raise freight 5. I A steel-cut. fresb-roa Coffee no dust no chaff air-tight cans. Sold by Reliable Grocers. 'II K ffiClosset & (ft Si Devers The Oldest and Largeot Coffee uaator ui ut nortnwtM, t,.' bottle and they will do nothing to the And now the modem styles are ) rates has caused some sharp !jut SqUaii when put changing; criticism of the railroad peo-1.,,.). And maybe aoon I aliall be j jlc. ' ' ...e X The boSlny wore to meet- l But it is not a one sided PROOF OF NEUTI lug! My heart and hope are greatly In tt; 1 dream of It each Easter mln- ute. I'd joy to see that dear old bon- net And klas each fluttering ribbon on It! Frank L. Stanton. story, ihe Kailway Age, which 'seems to have access to the l facta of the railroad business, i- ii . . i i nays uie reason our own sieei trust did not get the Illinois NEUTRALITY GOOD ROADS VICTORIOUS, 3Y a vote of three to one the "Jj people of 1 Multnomah county yesterday endorsed the proposition for a bond issue of $1,250,000 for hard surfac ing of roads. It was a great victory for good roads and the people of Portland are entitled to congratulations. The victory is the greater because it was won in the face of opposition from certain people who should have supported the cause. Now if Multnomah county can bond itself to build hard surface roads all over the coun ty why cannot Umatilla afford some work of the same sort? From an economic standpoint the need here is more pressing than in Multnomah. The Multnomah county roads are desired chiefly for convenience ( in travel. There has never been any claim made they would reduce freight rates. In Umatilla the road pro gram that has been proposed looks first of all to reducing transportation charges. By building roads to the river we can connect this county with a new transportation agency and reduce freight rates to such an HILE the Germans con tend that the American note to England re garding shipments to Germany "April Dre.t'd in all Her Trim Hath Put a Spirit of Youth in Everything." The spirit of youth has been tailored into BOND CLOTHES $15 00 to $30.00 Everything the young man needs to be dressed in all his "trim" -or that the older man needs to appear trim and youthful. Each suit a value in style and workmanship coupled with a wearing quality that makes for true economy. BOND BROTHERS Pendleton's Leading Clothier. standing too strictly upon our rights under international law. They also assert that our notes to Germany regarding sub marine threats are lacking in force. In other words our manner of "calling down" the English does not please the Germans and our manner of "calling down" the Germans does not suit the English. What better evidence could there be that we are taking a really neutral course- and seek to stand first of all for the welfare of Uncle Samuel? CHEERFUL NEWS. Central order was because they was not sufficiently strong the demanded a higher price than ! English press claims we are ine Canadian company ana yet would not subject their steel to a quality test. In other words our greatly over capitalized steel corpora tion seems unable to meet ef ficient competition. It is its penalty for carrying so much watered stock and for having relied on protection syrup too long. There can be no other reason, because labor Is no cheaper in Canada than in the United States and raw materi al is not more available. The Illinois Central is not to be blamed for buying steel where it can get good steel at the cheapest prices. It could not do otherwise in justice to its shippers. If our steel trust wants the business let it squeeze the water out of its capitalization and get down to an efficient, business basis. Nothing will bring about this state of affairs more quickly than to use Canadian steel when American steel is held at prohibitive prices. Nothing would be worse than to reenact a protective tariff on steel and allow our monopoly to again exact higher prices because of the same. ' Let our industries stand alone upon a merit basis and they will become self reliant and efficient. Pamper them continuously with the tariff HE East Oregonian carries several news stones to day that are of an ex ceeding cheerful tone. The re sults of the road bond voting in Portland augur well for the success of the good roads pro paganda in this county. , The telegram to the East Oregonian from President Far rell of the O.-W. R. & N. Co. indicates we may soon hear that work is to be taken up on the Coyote cutoff and upon the freight terminal here. That work will be of decided im portance to Umatilla county and particularly to Pendleton. It will mean more people here and a larger payroll. - Another news story is to the effSct the headquarters of the Umatilla national forest will be moved here upon the com pletion of the federal building. It is welcome news because the office is one of importance and the change is desired by stock men as well as by local people. With towns as well as with people the rule holds good that the more we have the more we get. Keep the ball rolling and fMer's Friend Before Baby Arrives Curing several weeks of expectancy there la a splendid external embrocation in our "Mother's Friend" in whicb thousands of women have the moat un bounded confidence. They have used It and know. They tell of lta Wonderful In. "ii Vjsf i fiuence to ease the arid how ther avoid- ed those dreaded stretching pains that are so much talked about This safe external application Is gently used over the skin to render tt amenable to the natural stretching which It undergoes. The myriad of nerve threads just beneath the akin la thui relieved of unnecessary pain-producing causes and greet physical relief la the result as expressed by a host of happy mothers who write from experience. It la a aubject that all women enould dv inmumr witn aa "Mnthor' kv. bas been In use many years, and Is recom. neoded by grandmothers who In their ear Her days learned to rely upon Uls aolendid aid to women. Tou can obtain "Mother's Friend" at almost any drug store. Get a bottle to-day and then write for our little book so useful to expectant mothers. Address Bradflcld Regulatur Cwn IU Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Oa. i Frit aj Crowd Bringer ' 0. 1 EGOnOLW DASELIEUT ii (! Double Stamps on all purchases made in our basement dept. WOMEN'S SUITS UP TO $33.50 ON SALE FRIDAY AT $7.95 Just 30 suits in the lot and judg ing from past sales of the kind held by us and the wonderful values of fered, we look for a speedy clear-, ance of these garment !. In the lot are suits-of wool poplin, gaberdine cloth, serge and homespuns in col orings of black, Copenhagen, blue, Russian green, nigger brown, shep herd checks, etc. Owing to the ri diculous low price at which we are offering these suits, alterations will be charged for extra. Women who wear extra size gar ments will be pleased to know that there are several stout sizes in the lot. Values ranging up to $33.50 for $7.95 150 pieces best yard American prints, 5? Greeny ,1) 27-inch Apron Check Ginghams, good quality, yard G 27-inch Dress Ginghams, regular 10c quality, yard 7 3G-inch Dorris Percale, all colors and full yard wide, yard 9 Heavy Bath Towels, size 43x24-in. (note the size), two to a customer each 25 Extra Size Huck Towels, 36xl7-in. in plain white, also with red bor der Dozen $1.10; each 10 Hope, 36-in. Muslin, yd 7 Daisy, 36-in., Muslin, yd 8 Indian Head Muslin 12Vtt Berkley Cambric No. 60 128 3erkley Cambric No. 100 16 2-3 Berkley Cambric No. 150 20 Best Table Oil Cloth 19 9-4 Pequot Bleach 272? The Ladies' Store V ONE LOT OF CHILDREN'S WHITE LAWN DRESSES Slightly soiled worth from 75c to f 1.50 2J) Women's Percale and Gingham House Dresses at about Half Price One lot of Swiss Embroidery Edg ings 4 to 8inches wide, special at, the yard 10 CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES At One Half Price, and an assort ment of gingham and chambray dresses for the Miss from 2 to 14 years. We are closing these out at less than cost of material. Many other bargains too numer ous to mention, so be on hand early Friday morning. We'll have extra salespeople -to serve you in our usu al courteous manner. Double Stamps on all purchases in the Basement Friday Only one of these days the greater Pendleton will be at hand. There were many people who said the good roads bonds would be voted down in Port land just as some are saying no road bond issue can succeed here. Just wait until the votes are counted. The northwest wheat crop this year will be very satisfac tory from indications. The chief question will- pertain to shipping facilities. The Kron Prinz W'ilhelm will go to sea in the same man ner as the Eitel Friedrich. With the freight terminal provided there will be neces sity for a good road to Pilot Rock Junction. The mossbacks were soaked hard in Portland yesterday. FROM THE PEOPLE ABOIT MUTUAL COMPANIES. Pendleton. Ore.. April 15. Editor Eaat Oregonian: A great deal la being said these days about the mutual insurance com panies that have recently gone Into the hands of Harvey wens, receiver, for liquidation. Having had some exnerience with mutual Insurance and holding a policy in one of those ccmoanlea when it failed, we will venture to assert the extent of your contingent liability. Some old line agents have been busy for years ad vising the people that if they insur ed In a mutual company and trouble arose that the policy holder would be liable to unlimited demands and assessments and would be liable tj pay the total liabilities of the com nanv If he were worth it. There is now an opportunity to confirm or disprove those bald assertions. We hold that under, the by-laws of the companies that failed, that your lia bility Is fixed by the provisions of the by-laws of the company and the extent of your contingent liaoiiuy can not exceed the premium you would pay were you Insured in the old line or standard companies ior the same amount lor the same time. Those mutual companies were In business about eight years and much of the insurance was written at 60 and "0 per cent of the premium you would have been compelled to Pv had you been WTltten in a standard ..ninnnnv That is to Say, SUPpOSf Ihe mutual charged you J12 to carry a policy three years, and If necessu remiirlntr vou to Day more, you could be assessed up the other 40 per cent, or $8 more because tne old "nc wouid have made you pay 1 20 to be gin with. But suppose your policy was cancelled by act of the company when it had been In force for a year, in in could Dossibly be held for would be the standard rate for a year and you would be entitled to some of the J 1 2 back whether you would ever get It or not, and you could not he held to contribute more money than the standard rate for one year's Insurance. GEO. W. COUTTS. Respectable middle aged gentlemen who are always advising young men to go back to the land never satisfactor ily explained why they themselves did not do so. PUBLIC HIGHWAY WILL GO THROUGH CEMETERY PHILADELPHIA, April 13. Hun dreds of bodies of early Philadelphia settlers will be exhumed within a few days, when work Is begun to construct a public highway through old St. Mary's cemetery. The cem etery, which for years has been fill ed, has been abandoned. Nobody ha? ever visited the cemetery during the past few years and the city has no records of the persons burled. The bodies will be removed to some oth er location. Stomach Trouble Cured. Mrs. H. O. Cleveland, Arnold, Pa- writes. "For some time I suffered from stomach trouble. 1 would have sour stomach and feel bloated after eating. Nothing benefited me until I got Chamberlain's Tablets. After taking two bottles of them I was cured." For sale by all dealers. Adv. YOUNGSTER 20 MONTHS HAD FROG IN STOMACH finSHKV Tnd. Anrll 14. Johnnie Wolf is approaching the age of 20 inonthH and la sound and hnnnv. He didn't have a frog in his throat; It was In his stomach. The ounester began losing weight despite a hearty appetite, and moth er had visions of a tapeworm. The hoy's stomach was photographed via X-riy and a big lump was seen. Doc tors' operated and brought out a haf pound milk fed frog in the best of l'eahh. Mrs Harry Wolf believes Johnnie swallowed a tadpole when they visit ed Mrs. Robert Gregory, his grand mother, in Syracuse.. They drank hydrant water there. Though Mexico is not doing much in the theatrical line just now, depart ing public officials are carrying away a lot of stage money. IIOAD BOXD ISSUE CARRIES. (Continued from Page 1.) narrow margin, with scattering pre cincts going against the bonds. People Sliow Inlorcst. The size of the vote indicates the extreme interest of the people in the Kood roads issue. In the three weeks' campaign preceding the spec ial election they became fully arous ed to the Importance of developing the outlying sections of the country by improving the roads connecting the farms with the city. Every class of citizens, it seems, became impressed with the Import ance and the necessity of construct ing permanent roads and all classes,! therefore turned out to vote for the An Automobile Fort One of the latest Inventions for serv ice in war times is called the war mo tor or movable fort. It can be oper ated by a few men, and wherever it has been used has always demonstrat ed its efficiency. - An efficient aid to Nature in cases of poor appetite, headache, bloating Indigestion, dyspepsia, bllltousneea and constipation can be found in Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters. Time and again it has demonstrated Its effici ency, and if you will only use it promptly may be the means of help ing you very materially "towards re covering your health and strength. Give it a fair trial. bonds. Women did a large part or the voting. The districts In which are the homes of the workingmen al so returned heavy majorities In fa vor of the bonds. Labor Talk Gets Out Vote. One strong argument advanced by proponents of the bond Issue was the opportunity that the Improvement will offer to the unemployed popu lation in the shape of profitable la bor. "t he rural communities which are to be specially benefited by the propos ed road construction went emphati cally on record for hetter roads. The Troutdale precinct, for instanse, cast 144 votes for the bonds and only three votes against them. It is estimated that between 3t 009 and 3 S , 0 n o voters went to the polls. LET HIN GO! T STOPPED FLETCH HECKER THIS MORNING' FOR EXCEEDING SPEED LIMIT. "YOU'RE CRAZY, ARGUED FLETCH, " WAS , ONLY GOING FOUR MILES AN HOUR." "YES. LAUGHED I. OUT btt HOW FAST YOIQC SMnwiwn tuat limn w - y i - vi rr nil uj if 11 f THE ySP EXCEPTIONAL J CIGARETTE J COUPONS IN IACH PACKAGE V I