East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 14, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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f ' W
That we lead the pro
cession in the grocery
business because we've
got the best and sell t VJ ,
iiictiii ai iiic muoi pit-
When you buy groceries and vegetables from us you
will get full value for your money. We stand by our
goods and make good on every sale.
W here all are Pleased
Court and Johnson Sts.
Newsy Notes ol Pendleton
Student Injure finp-r.
hllc working In the manual
training department of the high
school yesterday, Eugene Hampton
cut his finger rather badly. The cut
severed the nail and reached the
IiivcMlKiitlnx Hog Cholera.
Dr. C. W. Lassen, county veterinary,
left this afternoon for Milton to In
vestigate reports of hog cholera In
that part of the county.
Young Mann Cuts Arm.
Irvin Mann, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.
I Mann, this morning suffered a pain
ful cut In his right forearm when he
accidentally plunged It through a
glass door at the high school. He
I came down town at once and had the
wound sewed up.
Verdict for ftofendant
The Jury In the case of J. J.
J Gumm vs. Walter S. Ferguson. Jes
i sle M. Ferguson, William A. FergU
j son and Florence Ferguson, Involv
I ing several notes alleged to have
I been lost, returned a verdict last
evening for the defendant.
Gave WLskey to Indian.
This morning in police court Harry
Hart, a more or less frequent offend
er, was given his choice of a MO fine
or 20 days in jail when he pleaded
KUilty to giving liquor to Joe Hays, an
Indian. Said Hart Is not the notori
ous dot? rfltchpr mtlh t. tho ravml
I ot some of the dog owners of the city.
I 2 aJinctes Sunday, April 18 I
' Omrvli Committor to Meet.
! The "Come to Church Sunday"
! publishing committee Is called to
j meet at the First Methodist church
Friday evening. April 18 at 7:30
o'clock. The. following comprise the
committee: A. J. Owen, Gilbert
Mower)-. J- B. Coleman, Mary C.
Harvy. E. L. Powers. Bert Parlette,
E. C. Funk and SI Reetz.
Tennis Club to Meet.
A meeting of the Round-up Tennis
Club will be held tomorrow evening
at ? 30 In the Commercial club rooms
to discuss matters of Importance. The
meeting was called today by President
Two Building Permits.
A building permit was Issued yes
terday to John Harvey for the build
ing of an addition to his home, 1200
West Rnilroad street, and one to E.
J. Burks to eularge his garage on
Thompson street.
Estate Appraised.
H. L. Frazier, Matt Mosgrove and
D. J. Kirk, appraisers of the estate
of the late Mary R. C. Thomas of
Milton, filed their report today. They
value the estate at 11500, consisting
of 10 shares of stock in the Milton
National Bank.
1 fe
Three Weeks"
. In 5 Parts
2 Sensational Drama of Thrilling Love and Royal Intrigue.
2 "Vivid in interest and gives no offence." N. Y. Herald.
S "Will sweep the country." The Evening Mail. 5
"Startling sensation." N. Y. World.
niiiifiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiifiuiiiiif iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiririniiiiiifiiir
S000 acres well watered, 400 acres In cul
tivation and meadow. Cuts about 700
tons of hay annually. Much more can
be cultivated. 30 million feet of fine saw timber, besides a tig lot of
smaller. Good house, cost over IJO0O, one mile from town! four good
barns. Adjoins Nat. forest reserve, and has gracing rlgM thereon.
All vehicle and farm implements, some of them new, good blacksmith
outfit, and chop mill driven by motor power. You can buy this ranch
including the above mentioned property, fur f 16 per acre. Tou can buy
with It, 750 well bred cattle, and 0 horses at the market prices; half
cash, reasonable time on balance I have both larger and smaller stook
ranches than this, also wheat land, diversified farms, city property, and
exchange. E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore.
laboratory Equipment Obtained.
The science department of the high
school h;is obtained a static machine
from Drs. Boyden. This machine
has attachments which make it use
ful in a medical way. An electric
shower may be secured or X-ray pho
tos may be taken. A series of experi
ments will be undertaken by- the
silence classes on the generation of
electricity and Its application to the
human body for medicinal purposes.
Utile Baby Very low,
Horace, the little son ot Mr. and
Mrs. George C. Baer, Is very low this
afternoon with bronchial pneumonia
which developed suddenly this morn
ing. Physicians have been with the
little patient nearly all day.
Board Members at Hot I'jike.
W. E. Brock and J. V. Tallman.
both members of the school board,
are spending a few days at Hot Lake
and, owing to their absence from the
city, no meeting of the board was
held last evening, the regular date for
the monthly transaction of business.
WE have the most complete and
up-to-date grinding plant in
Eastern Oregon, and can
duplicate your broken lens in a few
W. H. HILL, Optician
with Wm. Hanscom, THE Jeweler
Thousands are wasting nerve en
ergy equal to the amount con
sumed by hard labor, which results
In headache, dizziness, pains In or
about the eye or in the nape of
the neck, twitching or inflamed
eyelids, cross eyes, squinting, etc.
Such sufferers often cannot un
derstand why they should need
glasses so long as they see well.
Those who see best are most apt
to suffer from strain because If
their optical defect Is so great that
the muscles of the eyes cannot
overcome it, they may be perma
nently weakened, and the case be
comes one of poor sight. The or
dinary test by letters is useful for
determining sharpness of vision,
but is useless as a test for eye
strain, the full extent of which can
only be determined by a skilled re
fractlonist, Proper fitting- glasses
are Uie only safe, sane and logical
means of relieving eyestrain.
Dale Rothwell
Exclusive Optician
American Nat'l Bank Bldg.,
I grind lenses and can duplicate
broken ones oa short notice.
Church to Have Nursery.
Hereafter on Sunday mornings a
nursery and kindergarten will be
maintained in the basement of the
Presbyterian church during services
so that mothers who have young chil
dren, may attend church. Members
of the Sunday school clashes of Mrs.
Frank Boyden and Mrs. E. L. Power
will take charge of the babies during
the services.
Holiday on Reservation.
Tomorrow wUl be a legal holiday
on the Umatilla reservation in com
memoration of the fiftieth anniversary
of the death of Abraham Lincoln, the
"great emancipator." Supt. E. L.
Swartzlander this morning received a
telegram from the V. S. bureau of In
dian affairs in Washington apprising
htm of the observance of the day.
Accordingly the agency office and
school will be closed.
Funeral Arrangements Clanged.
Instead of being sent to Colfax
for burial as first planned, the body
of John C. Monahan, one of .. the
Hotel Pentlleton proprietors, who
died Monday evening, will be taken
tomorrow to Bellingham, Wash.,
where It will be held until the arriv
al of the only son of the deceased,
John Monahan. Jr., from Alaska, be
fore being Interred. Tom Monahan,
brother of the deceased, arrived last
evening and made the change in the
r ;
i 1 --D
Jmcmwafe Waw w m tt "niymmm.terkeTtt Kim in ' i ' torn iB-ritemaawr -nfrnm nt.tna sktt'immi
Round-up Buffalo at Large.
"Letta," the Round-up buffalo cow
that was left a widow recently when
her mate "Buck" succumbed to the
ravages of distemper, is wandering
about somewhere in the south end of
the county as free for the time be
ing as her shaggy ancestors. She es
caped night before last from Round
up Park when someone left the gate
open. Yesterday she was seen on Mc
Kay creek and later In the Coombs
canyon section but this morning T. D.
Taylor and 8. R. Thompson, president
and livestock director respectively of
the Round-up, made a futile search
for her. However they expect to run
across her trail soon.
' J'V fit? i
X . t
in Vitagraph Broadway
Star Feature
Coming Thursday
Pathe Presents
The Boundary Rider
A 5 Part Production of Th Rorthlaad.
OAKLAND, Cal., April 14. A num
ber of eastern mlllonalres, lovers of
fine horseflesh, have asked for infor
mation concerning the big horse show
that is to be held in Oakland's new
51.000,000 municipal auditorium in
August, just before the big stadium
meet at the Panama-Pacific expositi
on. They have in most cases already
stated their willingness to participate
In the Oakland show.
The Oakland Stadium Club, which
is behind the movement to give the
horse another chance before the au
tomobile relegates him to the scrap
heap, has appointed committees to
make arrangements for the show. So
ciety leaders, sportsmen and breed
ers are strongly back of it, and it is
more than probable that visitors to
Oakland will have the opportunity to
see the pick of the entire country in
riding and driving horses and pole
The holding of the horse show Is in
line with the plans of the Oakland
Stadium association to establish a per
manent stadium near the big audi
torium. A petition signed by nearlj
10,000 residents In favor of this plan
already is before the city council.
Berlin Assumes Rcspontihlllty.
WASHINGTON, April 14. Unoffi
cial dispatches received by the state
department Indicated that the Ber
lin foreign office will assume respon
sibility for Ambassador Von Bern
storfrs note to the United States ac
cusing this country of violating the
spirit of neutrality by permitting the
shipment of munitions of war to the
allies. No official report has been
received yet from American Ambas
sador Gerard In Berlin. Members of
the cabinet declare the president's
reply will show the note was an
"unfriendly utterance" although
those words will not be used by the
Apparently a man never gets to be
so old that he ceases to be surprised
when women's fashions change.
WASHINGTON, April 14. General
Funston wired the war densrtment
today he is going from Sam Hous
ton to Brownsville to look into the
situation there which is said to be
very acute because of the Mexican
battle raging across the border.
Rifle bullets fell
ville pumping station, endangering
the lives of manv American li u
believed Funston Intends tn .i..m..i
that hostilities cease. The fightln is
o desperate that it Is not believed
likely the belligerents will comply.
OAKLAND. Cal., April 14. That
the opening of the Panama canal
soon will mean an enormous increase
in ocean freights is definitely shown
in announcements by steamship com
panies that in future Oakland wlli
be made a port of call for their ves
The first is that of thrt-e bis
sleamer line controlled by Scandina
vian capital, which will operate a
fleet of vessels from Copenhagen.
Christlania and Goteberg, Sweden, to
me raeitie coast. The Information
came from Harold Gybwed, of Chris
tlania, now In California collecting
commercial data. Gybwed repre
sents the firm of storm & Bull, Lim-
iiea, Dig manufacturers and ship
owners, and he said the first of the
steamers would start from Christlania
in three weeks. All will dock at
Oakland on their way to the north
ern Pacific coast ports.
A second announcement that
means much to California came by
telegraph to an Oakland firm from
Chicago. It stated that officers ot
the Chicago, St. Louis & Gulf Trans
portation company will early In May
begin the shipment ot freight from
Chicago to Oakland by way of the
Gulf of Mexico and the Panama ca
nal. The eastern freight is to be sent
from Chicago by rail to La Salle, 111.,
and there placed on barges, which
will carry It to the mouth of the
Mississippi river, where it will be
loaded Into ocean steamships. These
vessels, after making calls at all im
portant points, steam northward and
discharge their cargoes at Oakland's
municipal wharves.
F you are economical, and are looking: for high grade,
I crisp new merchandise you will find it only at this big
busy store at prices to your liking. When it comet to
value giving every day in the year we have oo competiti
on; we are knockers of high prices.
New dainty sheer tub dress
goods 5t 8Vsf, 10
12V4f 15.
7-in. Martinette, Bates
crepe or mercerized pop
lin lSli
36 to 40-in. cotton chiffon,
Navara chiffon and lace
cloth, fast colors 18
3G-inch silk brocade, sold
everywhere at 50c, our
price 29
Muslin, cambric or nain
sook night gowns 40,
60s, 9St.
Muslin, cambric crepe or
nainsook combinations,
49. 69. 70s, OSt.
Children's Oliver Twist
suits and dresses 494,
G9t, 98?.
Misses' dresses, percale or
gingham 49, G9, 79
9S, $1.49.
26-ln. messaline silks, black
white or colors, a regular
dollar value; we buy
it for less anil sell it for
less than ever G9
36-in. black messaline,
$1.25 and $1.50 values
at 89, 9S
36-in. taffetas black and
colors, why pay $1.50
when you get the same
grade here at 9S
36-in. silk poplins G9?
40-in. silk poplins or crepe
de chine, you don't have
to pay $1.50 or $1.75,
our every day price 98
36-in. all wool serges, also
cashmere and batiste at
Shepherd checks, gaber
dine or storm and French
serges, worth a third
more 9S, ?1.25, $1.49
Children's Hats, bought like everything else in quantities
and sold to you at half you pay elsewhere 25 49.
69, 9S, ?1.49, $1.69.
Will any war-reformed European
nation deliberately go back to' hard
drinking when the fighting is over?
as such, at Chicago, are engaged In
conducting a scheme or device for j
obtaining money through the mails'
by false and fraudulent pretenses,
representations and promises, In vl-j
olation of the acta of congress, the!
postmaster general hereby forbid!
you to pay any postal money order
drawn to the order of said concern!
or parties and you are hereby direct
ed to inform the remitter that pay-'
nient thereof has been forbidden and
that the amount thereof will be re
turned. "And you are hereby directed to
return all letters, whether registered
or nor, and other mall matter which
shall arrive at your office directed
to the said concern or parties, to the
senders thereof with the words,
'Fraudulent: Mail to this address
returned by order ot the postmaster
general,' plainly written or stamped
on the outside. Provided, however
that where there Is nothing to Indi
cate who are the senders, you r
directed to send such letters and
matters to the division of dead let
ters to be disposed of as other dead
Pinkerton and Company, a detec
tive company whose collection agents
are said to have separated several
Fendleton business men from some
good money, appear to have been put
out of business by an order issued by
Postmaster General Burleson, a copy
ot which was received at the local
postofflce as well as at all other post
offices tn the country. This company
Is not the original Pinkerton com
pany, which la known as the Nation
al Detective Agency, but is said to
have adopted its name to confuse the
public. By a clever Joker In its con
tract with business men as well as
by misrepresentation, the company
Is said to have been reaping 190,000
a month at the time the government
stepped In and It Is claimed that It
had secured $1,000,000 through Its
fake scheme.
The following Is a copy of the or
der Issued by the postmaster general:
"It having been made to appear to
the postmaster general that Pinker
ton & Co., United States Detectivs
Agency, and its officers and agents
Royal H. Siwtelle
Eitabltihcd IU7
You can always depend on
WE WILL clean, spot and
press your clothes RIGHT
Work tailed, for and delivered
to any part of the city. Satis
faction guaranteed ws know
Our Motto, "Quick Service"
Lester ShanatelL
Tel. ail. Ill E. Webb 8t
Kelley's Auto
Repair Shop
Give us a trial.
Cottonwood St., Opposite
City Hall. Phone 181.
Why Should Your Glasses Be Changed?
The eye is practically developed at 7 years.
Under-development in length means far sight, overde
velopment means near sight; one diameter of the cornea
longer than another means astigmatism.
The attempt to overcome these errors by the accom
modation or focusing power, is eye strain, this power
changes with age, the errors are always the same and
must be corrected with glasses.
Therefore, the only reason why glasses should be
changed is a commercial one. Opticians by giving away
a smattering of medical knowledge as a blind are enabled
to sell glasses at an enormous profit.
D. N. REBER, M. D .
Eyo, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. Schmidt Building, Pendleton
Tub tlsiill PBdtarQB
The Castles in Society Dances"
"The JiingSe"
The Castles, the most famous exponents of society dancing, are shown
in their own restaurant on Broadway, New York City, in society's
latest fads. A very beautiful film.
"The Jungle" is adopted from Upton Sinclair's famous book and is an
expose of the methods of the ' large meat packing plants. Strong in
VAUDEVILLE Eddy and Kearns Acrobatic Comedians
The Alta Theatre
Coming Sunday Gaby Deslys