East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 14, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Smoker of
Turkish Trdphus
Cigarettes fifteen yesrs ago
are smoken of
Turkish Trophies
Cicwette today I .
KulmutriiKV Xes tmnd
roi-KNHAfiKX, via London. April
1 Xoracgian airmen who have
n se-ourlng the coasts of Norway
imvm'KitfiiR rumors Hint a German
.(u!. marine has waa situated in some
sheltered .-pot of these neutral wat
ers found several German submarines
K it hi red behind the cliffs at Hergen
Tlie submarines were ordered to
lHe immediately or l interend for
thn remainder of the war.
MiF. tka am sn.rm it tcuxs
The annual spring apportionment
of the county school funds was
made yesterday hy Supt I. K. Young
upon the basis of six dollars for each
child enumerated in the school cen
sus and five dollars for each teach
er who attended the county institute
for a period of H hours. Only in
one district. No. 115 near Hermlston.
was no census taken and only one
other district. No. 109 near the state
line opposite Wallula, paid forfeit
for not filling all of the require
The Tendleton district secures 111.
SSS, the Milton-Freewater district
I49S0. the Weston district $1900, the
Hermlston district $1726. the Echo
district (1399, the Pilot Rook dis
trk-t $459, the Athena distrist 11312
Stanfield $SS8. Helix $128. Umatilla
1615. Nolin $342, Gurdane $95, Ukiah
$162, Nye $102, Adams $734, and
Holdman $137. There are 118 dis
tricts in all and everyone except dis
trict 115 received an apportionment.
"i'a: and Sulphur, ptoperly compound-!
,. btlnpa back V.-i natural color and!
1. -sire to the hair when faded, streak-i
! or sray; also ends dandruff, itch-!
irs scalp and -lotj falling hir
Years ago the r.nly way to get this
mixture was to n.ake it at home,
which Is is mud?y end troublesome.
Nowadays we simply ask at any
drugstore for "WyetVg Sage end Pul-j-hur
Compound." You w!ll get a
large bottle for about 50 cents.
Everybody uses this old. fnnni r-
clpe, because no one can possibly tell
mat you darkened your hair, as It
3ces It so natutally and evenly. Tou
dampen a sponse or soft brush with
it and draw this through your hair,
taking one small rtrand at a time;
bv morning the gray hair disappears,
an? after another application or two,
ycur hair becomes beautifully dart
thick and glossy and you look year
: ounger.
LEGE. Corvallis, Ore., April 11.
"Numerous agencies have done excel
lent work in placing farming upon
a scientific basis." said c. V. Rassett.
office of Markets, UL. S. Department
of Agriculture, "especially that which
has been accomplished bv th Ktt
agricultural colleges and experiment
station and the U. S. department of
agriculture toward increasing the
products and making farm life bet
"However, we have now reached a
point where farming must be placed
upon a business basis as well as a
scientific footing. The problem con
fronting us today is not so much
that of increasing our production as
mat we shall be able to dispose of
tnawnleh we do produce at an equit
able price. Both producer and con
sumer are complaining the consum
er that he pays too much for that
which goes to his breakfast table and
the producer thstt he does not receive
a fair price for that which ha pio
liheumaUsm Is no respecter of age,
tex, color or rank. If not the most
dangerous of human afflictions it is
one of the most painful. Those sub
ject to rheumatism should eat less
meat, dress as warmly as possible,
avoid any undue exposure and, above
all, drink lots of pure water.
Rheumatism is caused by uric acid
!ch is generated in the bowels
and absorbed Into the blood. It la
the function of the kidneys to filter
this acid from the blood and cast It
out in the urine: the oores of thA
kin are also a means of freeing the
blood of this impurity. In damp and
chilly, cold weather the skin pores
are closed, thus forcing the kidneys
to do double work,, they become
weak and sluggish and fail to elimi
nate this uric acid which keeps ac
cumulating and circulating through
the system, eventually settling in the
Joints and muscles causing stiffness,
soreness and pain called rheumatism.
At the first twinge of rheumatism
f.et from any pharmacy about four
t unces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoon
lul In a glass of water and drink be
fore breakfast each morning for a
week. This is said to eliminate uric
arid by stimulating the kidneys to
normal action, thus ridding the blood
of these Impurities. I
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, harmless I
arid is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon 1ulce. enmblnert with lirh-
it and Is used with excellent results
hy thousands of folks who are sub
ject to rheumatism. Here you hav;
a pleasant, effervescent lithia-watef
drink which overcomes uric acid and
lt beneficial to your kidneys as well
Tuesday's Market.
LONDON, Wheat cargoes on pas
sage, 3d higher. Oats, 3d higher.
PORTLAND, Ore With the ex
ception of limited nurchases nf h!n.
stem wheat bv California milling in.
terests there Is practically nothing
Developing in the cereal situation.
Australia is still bidding for oats
and barley but no sales are expect
ed here because of the lack of trans
portation. There was a stronger tone shown
for wheat and oats in Europe today.
London was strong for both cereals,
there being an advance of Sd In
wheat cargoes and a similar amount
in oats.
Flour situation remains very quiet
Business is showing nn fmrnvement
There is much talk of reduced prices
oy interior mius but tidewater Inter
ests are confirming $6.80 for prac
ticaily all their sales of patent.
Hay market remains very quiet
and inactive, alfalfa showing the only
Flour Selling price: Patent, $6.
60; Willamette valley. $8.80: local
straight, $6.30; bakers.' $6.80; export
Hay New crop, buvlne nrice: Wil
lamette valley timothy, fancy, $12.50
8 13; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy
timothy, $15; alfalfa, $13013 50;
vetch and oats, $11; clover, $8.00 9
Per ton.
Grain sacks 1915, nominal; No. 1
Calcutta, 3-4c.
MlJlstuffs Selling price: Bran
$26.50; shorts, $28.50.
Rolled barley Selling price: $30
31 per ton.
Wheat Prices were firmlv held wtfn
I seme advances for spot, on the Port
land Merchants Exchange today. The
only sale was a lot of 10.000 bushels
May Red Russian of $1.21.
iSpot oats bids on the exchange
were advanced 25c a ton with no
sales and a similar advance w
forced for feed barley.
Safe and Sure
should be your relief from indi
gestion, biliousness, or consti
pation. Known be-reliable
and i'amous fur their prompt
and certain efficacy are
Uwt SU of Ajit MdVia to tk. Warta.
Said Ttirrkr. U ., 10c, 2 Sc.
in Via;
(Tuesday's Market.)
CHICAGO. Anrll 14. Bullish for
eign advices caused a higher open
ing in the pit today. May wheat op
ened with an advance of 6-8c, May
corn was 3-8c higher, July corn was
up l-4c, July wheat was up -4c
The Liverpool market was consid
erably higher. A fair export busl
ress was reported. The general sen
tlment In the trade Is Inclined to be
Later In the trading there was a
break In the wheat values due to
me weak cash situation. Oats was
nrm, prices at the outset being un
changed from yesterday's close, pro
visions were steady.
May Open, $1 a- high. $1.68;
low, $1.66 1-2; close, $1.56 J-4B.
July Open, $124 -4; high, $1.24
$-4; low, $1.2$ j-2; close, $1.23 1-2B.
Kept Open, $l.n 6-g; high $1.11
6-8; low, $1.10 1-2; close, $110 B-8.
1 1 . .. ....
a-jv " .-di'' -yi' - nkJ r fc
to 38,000 Maxwells in the last 1 8 months
Every car made in the gigantic Maxwell factories is just as finely finished, just as handsome
an automobile as if it were especially made to be exhibited at the New York Automobile Show,
or some dealer s fancy Showrooms.
BUT and here is a great big
BUT-33,000 of these Maxwell Cars
have actually been turned out and
have actually been driven thousands
of miles by 38,000 Maxwell owners.
These owners have driven their
Maxwells up hill and down hill over
all kinds of country roads and over
citv streets, everywhere that four
wheels will go.
Most of these 38,000 Maxwells
have been rained on, snowed on, and
put to every land of a rough and tum
ble test that time and use can give a
car and that's what we mean by
the "Acid Test."
If you have any neighbors among
these 38,000 happy owners, ask them
to tell you all about their experience
with their Maxwells.
If you don't happen to know any
neighbors who own Maxwells, here
are a few facts to think about things
to consider then you can come in
and see this "Wonder Car" and add
up tnese tacts for yourself.
But don't forget this the Maxwell we will show you is an exact duplicate of these 38,000
tried and true Maxwells that have stood the rough and tumble "Acid Test."
Satisftction and Service in a Nutshell
To the automobile owner satisfaction and ser
Tice means a car of beauty, refinement and com
fort combined. On. that possesses tie many con
veniences, is easy and simpl. to operate; properly
designed and constructed ot the best materials and
woom operatiT. coat is yery low. He wants motor
car efficiency and maximum serilce.
Alt This Has Been Accomplished in
the Maxwell
Tbroort the high Ideals and standards, won-
........ .B..V,,UH BDuius, iviusiiBuiB rmource. sqb
toe accumulated experiences gleaned from years of
And Here Are Some Vital Points to Think Of
tare aeeompllshed wbat a few years hgt many said
was Impossible.
The Maxwell is Not the Result ol
n Experiment
It was nit luck or the result of an experi
ment on tbe public, but good hard business Judg
ment that made tbe Maxwell of to-day possible.
Able engineers spent months designing this
powerful, eOk-ieut, light-weight car. The best
metallurgist. In the world s famous laboratory (the
Maxwell', own plant) tested materials and formu
lated new heat treatment tbat gave this car a re
markable light weight and yet the great strength
which it possesses and wblcb stands all the abua.
,. J' real genlua that gar. to th Maxw.tl
ths powerful motor tbat enable. Maxwell owner, to
go wherever tour wheels will travel, over all roads,
up ail grades, through any sand, any mud.
Beauty and Comfort as w.ll as Strength
MAnd Maxwell builders added to this "wonder
car not only all the conveniences, power and dur
ability, but also tb. refinements and beautiful Hoes
of the murh higher priced cars. Pure stream lines,
crown fenders, fins upholstering and all the little
details tbat make Maxwell owners proud of their
Every Feature of Mechanical Construction
Vrarr ,, - i ., .... .
- ....... w uin.iiMultai CTMlBirucilOU IOBI 1.
to t found la cars ailing at many time. Its price
will b found la the Maxwell. Ani in addition
there are many mechanical feature, that are strictly
of Uaiwell deala-a, How w. hav. Improved the
lamps, mad. them rattle-proof by using utra brace,
and eliminated ihe hinges, mad. tbem dust-proof,
easy to clean sod adaptable to us. In any desired
position ; th. manner In which w. bav. protected
on. of the beat radiators that money can buy from
the many twists and strains of the car. In fact, con
structed a full floating rsdlator th. way In which
Maxwell has provided for proper lubrication and
thorough cooling of tb. motor and has given one
square Inch of braking service for every twelve
pounds of weight; how our engineer, have equipped
Maxwell car. with a snrln. tninn fn that
Itself to any oresaur. on th halt mika. v,.
The Maxwell Comnanv's Gimranti rf
a J - w w w .iHUAIIVU VII Ublsl
No other automobile is backed by a more reliable service than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner. More than 2,000 Maxwell deileri
-u, every part of thu country-are always ready to give expert advice, to make adjustment., and to supply new part, a reaon"Te price.
Thu splendid Maxwell dealer service organization is perfected and completed by the chain of Maxwell owned and Maxwell Sed
Semce Branches Sixteen great Maxwell Service Station, are so located throughout the country that a Maxwell dealer can ."pdy 2v
for an owner within a few hour, if not in bis stock. Maxwell Service is one of the great advantages enjoyed by MaxweU ownerT P
V ea ar
urder a maxwell from us now, and when you want it delivered, we will
give you your car not an excuse on deliverv dav
m siwva Mr auw a s IW II .!.!. f Ti " i Tl i"
r. o. i. txzcrtic
DEraorr nuns
729 Cottonwood St
I'hone 4.
t o , move
Mnion nAim
(Courtesy Tuesday's Journal)
PORTLAND, Ore. Aside from the
12 loads of cattle from Montana
which were reported In late yesterday
there were no arrivals at North Port
land overnight While there has been
a rather active market for cntd In
the local yards during the last 24
nours, values for average offering
are safely a dime lower than last
The sale of a load of eitra select
"tuff here and there at $7.75 does not
establish a market That much has
been clearly shown by the general
General cattle market conditions In
the eat were steady to a fraction
easier for the day.
The only shipper here during; the
last 24 hours was William Montgom
ery, who had 12 loada in from Ana
conda, Mont.
General cattle market range:
Select steers 17.6007.75
Best hay fed steers 7.2507.35
Good to choice 7.0007.16
ordinary to fair .O0,75
Het cows 6.00 0. 25
;Good to Drime K TKisnil An
'! Ordinary 4.0005.(0
Helect calves T.ROK.OO
Fancy bulla , f.MOI.Of
Ordinary 4.00 W 5.00
Hog Market Is Absent.
There was no market for hogs at
North Portland today, for the very
good reason that no arrivals were
shown overnight Sales yesterday
afternoon were made as high aa 7.(5
but It waa the smaller buyers who
paid the extreme price.
Big killers were not at all Inclined
to pay above $7.50 for the best offer
ings of swine: In fact, thev refused to
take hold above this value.
There la no doubt of the greater
strength of the hog trade at this
time. All over the country the feel-
In Is lmnroved. Demand Is irrnwlno-
t all points, with offerings less than
expected. At Chicago today tops ad-1
vanced 5c to 10c again, with tops
hugging $7.45. Other markets of the!
east showed a similar feeling.
General hog market range:
t'et light $ 7.65
Medium light 7.50
Good and heavy 7.3007.40
Hough and heavy 7,25
Sheared Sheep Coming.
While there were no arrivals In the
mutton division at North Portland
over night, most of the recent arrivals
have been clipped. In the future the
market will be established on this
basis because the Percentage of wnnl
stuff Is too limited.
General conditions In the mutton
market are strong with nrlm. ann.r.
ently unchanged from last week.
mutton market conditions were
mixed In eastern centers today, values
being higher In some instances.
General mutton trade range:
Old wethers $ 7.75
Best yearlings 7.8608.00
Best ewes $.76 7.00
Best east mountain lambs t.li
Valley light lambs 8.60 0 8.75
Heavy lambs 8.0008.26
Spring lambs xo,n
Philosophers and pretty women ar.
apt to be enamored of their own re
flections. Health Promotea napptnsm
Wl-hout health, genuine Joy la Ian
possible; without good digestion an1
regular bowel movement you oaa
not have health. Why neglect keep
ing bowels open and risk being sick
end ailing? Tou don't havt to.
Take cue small Dr. King'a New Ll'e
PHI at night, in the morning you
will have a full, free bowel moTsment
and feel much beter. Helps your ap
petite rnd digestion. Try on to
night. Adv.