East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 14, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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PACH Tnr.r::
J here's mopino that)
(you'll win the race I
MEN, you chew tobacco for the satis
faction and comfort you get from it.
"Right-Cut," the Real Tobacco Chew
does satisfy. Gives you the taste, the sub
stance of rich, sappy, mellow tobacco.
Seasoned and sweetened just enough.
That's why "Right-Cut" users tell
others about it. You'll like it better
than the old kind.
Tike very (mill chew-leu then one-quarter the
old lite. It will be more satiilyiof then mouthful
ol ordinary tobacco. Juit nibble on it until you find
the itrenjlh chew that auiti you. Tuck it away.
Then let it reit. See bow eatily and evenly the real
tobacco tatte comet, bow it tatiifiei without grinding , bow
much let. yon have to .pit, bow (ew chew you take to
be tobacco utiried. That's why it ia Tki Ileal Tobaccw
Cktw. That'i why it cotta leu in the end.
It it a radr chew, ni ( and thort (brad m thu to. won't ban
to grind oa it wilb yww teeth. Cruuliaf oe Ofdiaarr oudicd Ufbwoo
eukm rum .pit too much.
Tba un ol nra. rich tobacco doaa nnt urd to b. ernmd up with mo Um aad
lisorias. Kmic bow th. Mil briasi oat lb. neb tobacco uau ia Riibi-Lul.
One small chew takes the place of two big
chews of the old kind.
SO Union Square. New York
m i:i ti;e b. s. jl
mm m
Eroiiomii-aJ Irak Discovered In
Agricultural Exchanges Police
Horses to be lUuibdied in New York
City's Hill for Charity U $20,.
000,000 Per Year,
and olher old landmarks are likely
to follow undt-r the n-w order of
thltiK". The ahepp have befti main
tained in the park for many years and
have been a source of pleasure to
those visitors who like a bit of pas
toral scenery In the mldnt of a crowd
ed city. They gaze upon the big sreen
attended by a genuine dyed In the
wool Kcotch shepherd and are shel
tered at night and In winter in the
sheepfold. a rambling brick structure
on the west aide of the park. The
sheep are to be ousted to make room
for horses. It Is proposed to send the
sheep to Van Cortland Park, where
a herd of avis deer and a herd of
buffaloes were maintained several
years ago. The deer were eventuallj
turned over to the Bronx Zoo and the
buffaloes were transferred to other
points as they Interfered with the
eolf players In Van Cortland Park. j
New York's famous character "Ty
phoid Mary" has again come Into pub
lic llRht due to the fiirt that she Is
to be made the subject of a nu Tiber
of bacteriological experiment In the
hope that a vaccine may be found
which will rid her of typhoid gcrma
Typhoid Mary has involuntarily rrlven
typhoid to at Icact flfty-ceven persons
und possibly to many more. Time af
ter time attempts have been made to
vising methods of making In this r,a n,r 01 lne VT.m out ul 10 aa"
country chemical and dye-stuffs here- "" hav fa"d- A new 'rum haa
tofore Imported and he announced a'been devised to prevent the disease
few days ago that he already hud I the typhoid carriers have reMsted
succeeded with several of these. An ll' nd f,,r that reaR,,n health depart
interestltig compilation made recent- ment ""iclH at the cavrlers
ly bv an expert who has been in- are a constant menace to the com
vesicating another phase of the sub-1 munlt- A num'Jer of iterm carriers
Ject, shows that the United States is are at liu8 ln New Wk and th"r 18
BHcriflrln the fertility nf Its anil nrni no "' "f Ending them, for they
NEW YORK, April 14. That the
movement to produce In the United
Slates many of the things for which
Americans have formerly been de
pendent v.tcn foreign countries, Is not
to be allowed to die out, Is indicated
by the activity with which Thomas A.
Edison and other enthusiasts of the
"JiHde In U. B. A." movement are de
v ting themselves to this problem.
Abandoning temporarily the ordinary
sphere of his activities. Edison is dl-
rifting his efforts to the task of de
is virtually throwing away the produft
of millions of acres of Its best wheat
land Flmply through the failure to
grow Its own sugar supply. His in
milrv rlevcltmr'! the fitct that nil the
eua-ar n..w Inumrted from foreign I U' 'r an1 eleven months of Isola-
countries at a eo?t of over J10O.0O0,-'
Olio a year could be grown ln leu
than 2 OuO OHO acres of American soil
themselves do not know they are car
riers. As for Typhoid JIary she is
back In one of the small cottages on
North I'rother Island from which she
Was released ln February, 1910. after
lion on her promise not to resume her
former occupation of cooking. Bac
teriologists are anxiously awaiting the
On the other hand, over three-fifths outc""'e ot the experiments on Ty-
OAKLAND, Cl., April IS. For
the first time since their work was
recognized as a valuable adjunct In
crime detection, fingerprint experts
re to call a convention. The meet
ing will be held In Oakland In con
Junction with the American Prison
Association convention In October.
Inspector II. II. Caldwell, In charge
of the Oakland bureau of Identifica
tion Is making arrangements for the
convention and expects to send Invl
tatlons soon to every fingerprint ex
pert on the Pacific coast aBklng them
to come to the Oakland meeting.
These experts never have held a gen
eral meeting, and It Is thought much
good will result from the comparison
of methods and data.
of the total exports of wheat, or the
product of between seven and eight
million acreB, are required to pay this
foreign bill. Not only la there a prac
tical loss of the use of a large area
of valuable lund in this unprofitable
exchange but It la figured that at least
100,000 tons 'of nitrogen, the most
essential element of the soil, are be
ing shipped out of the country each
year by this process. One of the Im
phoid Mary inasmuch as, if they prove
successful the medical profession will
have made a great stride towards
combating the spread of the disease
through carriers.
ATi:E;:. tea:.! tmes
m 1:1s m
targe Crowd fkvs FxliiWtion Far
mers Union W ill Hold Meeting to
Arrange for Big Gathering May
1 New Tennis vurt Being Made
(Hlicr News of Helix.
Watch This Space
No Use to Try and Wear Out Yonr
Cold K Will wear You
Thousands keep on suffering
coughs and colds through neglect and
portant services In which those in-ctlay. Why make ourself an easy
Yale Golfers Make Debut.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., April 14
With a game with the New Haven
Country Club team begins Its season
on tee and greens, It will meet all
large eastern colleges.
Coughs and Colds Quickly
and Completely Cured.
Take Dr. King's . New Discovery to-night. Yon will
enjoy a quiet restful sleep, your Cough and Cold
will be much better in the morning.
No need to suffer Bperavstinp, an
noying, embarrassing Coughs, to feel
feverish, stuffy, Irritable, out of sorts
t home and with people you meet
Get a 60c bottle of Dr. King's New
Discpvory start taking at once. The
first dose helps. In a short time you
will be completely well and feel fine.
It's soothing to the Cough. It is Anti
septic and Kills the Cold Germs.
It is healing to the irritated and
Inflamed membrane. Get a bottle at
toe and keep in the house for emerg
encies against Coughs, Colds, La
grippe, Sore Throat, Bronchitis and
Sore Lungs.
G. S. Clark, Westfleld, Iowa, writes:
"After a severe attack of Pleurisy, I
was left with a hacking cough which
became worse and I was given up as
hopeless. After taking three bottles
of Dr. King's. New Discovery, I was
completely cured."
Trial bottlo mailed on receipt of ia
in stamps.
H. B. BUCKLEN & CO., 639 North Broad Street, rWl.delphi., Pa.
the New
a oummtr
A collar cut to fit the neck and the prevailing fashion in big knotted
cravats. A manly, good fitting, good looking collar. 1 be 11 mu
116 West AltaSt., Upitaln, Phone 433
For Sale
Two story house on East Court Street on hard surface
pavement. Price $3100.00. Will sell on Terms.
Five room house with bath at 715 Garden Street, 25 ft
frontage. Price $1500, $100 down $60.00 per quarter.
11! East Court St
prey to serious ailments and epidem
ics as the result of a neglected coldT
Coughs and colds sap your strength
and vitality unless checked In the
early Mures. Dr. King's New Dis
covery Is what you need the first
dese hell. Tour head clears up.
you breathe freely and you fel SJ
much better. Buy a bottle today and
start taking It at once. Adv.
Mermiston Boy Will
Pitch for O.A.C.Team
It-rested In the "Made In U. S. A
movement have engaged Is that of ex- j
Posing such uneconomical methods in
the handling of the country's natural
resources. j
The days of the mounted police are
numbered, New York's most pictur
esque branch of the uniformed force
Is gradually making way to the de
mands of modern conditions, and the
bicycle, motorcycle and automobile
are supplanting the horse. A num
ber of experiments have been made
in methods of patrolling the subur
ban parts of Greater New York. The
experiments have demonstrated the
superiority of the "bike'' cop. The
first actual dismounting of the police
will take place shortly when forty
members of the mounted force will
part with their mounts. There are
more than four hundred mounted po
licemen In New York. Most of these
have made records as horsemen, and
In almost every celebration they have
taken the leading part. Squad A and
Squad C are famous throughout the
t'nited States for their daring riding.
Whether these two squads will be dis
placed has not been determined. Since
the news leaked out that their days
are numbered mounted policemen
who never attempted to ride a bicycle
have been seen struggling through
their first lessons. Those who rode
In the days when the bicycle was pop
ular are bruKhlng up. The bicycle Is
coming into Its own again, It seems,
and Father Knickerbocker may be
held partly responsible.
More than t20.G00.0O0 is spent In
New York City each year for the care
of the poor. Of this sum the city pro
vides nearly 111,000,000 and the city's
dependents number more than 40,
000. - Private charity spends about
J9.000.000. In 1901 the same work
cost the city I5.S78.85S the Increase
In ten years being nearly 90 per cent
These stntementa were features of a
report rnnde public several days ago
by the board of estimate. The re- le Gillette on the mound. Both
Port covers a period of ten years. It twlrlers have been working out for
is said that the cost of dependents In several weeks and have their arms ln
private Institutions In 1904 was 12,-) condition. Fred Peters Is on the
:'05,447 ana the increase ln ten years hospital list and Ballard may use
(Special Correspondence )
HELIX. Ore., April 14. The first
extra Inning game of the season fori
the East End league was played In
Helix Sunday when the local team
met the Athena nine. The contest
went for 10 Innings, at the end of
which time the score stood two to
three ln favor of Athena. The day
was fine and the large crowd In at
tendance was treated to as fine an
exhibition of the national game as is
often witnessed in amateur leagues.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Carglll. Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. Drew, C. C. Conner
and R Henrlksen attended the coun
ty meeting of the farmers' union held
In Milton last Saturday.
At the next regular meeting of the
local farmers' union which will be
held next Saturday afternoon, ar
rangements will be made for the big
meeting of May 1st when an all day
Bisslon will be held.
May 1 Is the day for the annual
stockholders' meeting of the Farm
rs' Mutual Warehouse Company ana
the day will be made of great gener
al interest as there will be several
speakers present who will give prac
tical talks at both the open and
closed sessions.
Mrs. Fred Earl of Pendleton spent
Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
George Strand at their home ln
Nortii Juniper.
A new tennis court has been made
on t'le school grounds and as there
are a number of local people who
play the game there will no doubt be
a great Interest taken in the sport
during the coming summer months.
Later on it la expected that matches
will be played with Athena and oth
er neighboring towns.
C. C. Conner and R. Henriksen
drove to Pendleton today to attend to
business matters.
Miss Ida Rush was a visitor ln Pen
dleton Sunday.
A number of local sportsmen drove
to Squaw creek Sunday and spent the
day fishing. They report having had
fair success.
I 4
r 1
No. 1
Particulars Tomorrow
"A Little Money for a Lot"
A Umatilla county boy. Merle
Phelps of Hermiston, nephew of Cir
cuit Judge G. W. Phelps, will pitch
for the Oregon Agricultural College
team against the Pendleton Bucka
Friday in this city. Young Phelps,
who Is attending college, formerly
did the twirling for the Hermiston
team of the Irrigation league and.
under the coaching he has received
from the mentors at the state Insti
tution, has developed Into a winner.
Another Umatilla county boy, Ad
olph Loot of Milton, will also be in
the college boys' line-up, according
to a letter received by Manager Bal
lard this morning. He plays in the
outfield. Both the O. A. C. and Pen
dleton teams will have a Siebert on
the third sack. They are not rela
tives, the college Siebert being a
Portland boy. Captain Goble of the
collegers plays first base. Smith will
be on second, Morgan on shortstop,
Weller and Hays do the backstopplng
and Baldwin and Seely with Loot take
care of the out gardens.
Manager Pallard wilt send McGar
rlgle against Phelps ln the Friday
game and on Saturday will use Pink-
was approximately 53 per cent. The
number of Inmates in private charit
able Institutions in Manhattan alone
in 19f3 was over 30,000. Of this
number there- were 18,515 dependent
children, 2,350 Infants, 2,130 delin
quent children, 1,363 consumptives
and 223 children in the tuberculosis
preventorium. There are nineteen In
stitutions that come under the depart
ment of charltes and in addition to
these there are appropriated $65,000
a year for the adult blind, (24,000 for
the state hospital for Inclpent tuber
culosis and 146,000 for civil and Span
ish war veterans. The charltabla
work of the city Includes some of the
activities of the health department in
cluding the tuberculosis service, milk
stations and nurses for Infectious dis
eases, which cost the city $1,023,114
a year.
Central Park's famous flock of
sheep Is to be removed with the pass
ing of the old arsenal building, II
present tentlve plans are adhered to,
Then la mora Catarrti la this aeetloa of
tha country than all other diseases put
tostther, and until tha last few years was
supposed to be Incurable. For a great
mnjr jeara doctor, pronounced It a local
disease and preaerlbed local renedies, and
by constantly falling to cur with local
treatment, pronounced It Incnrabl. Sci
ence baa proven Catarrh to be a consti
tutional disease, and then-fore requires
.-onstllntlonal treatment. Hill's Catarrh
Cure, nanufactnred by P. J, Cheney 4k Co.,
Toledo, Ohio, Is the only Comtltntlonal
uro on tha market. It la taken Internall;
In do.es from 10 drops to a teaipoonful
It acta directly on tba blood and mucous
uirrarea of tin ayatesi. They offer one
hundred dollars for any case It falls to
ure. Bend for circulars and teatlmonlala.
Address : P. J. CHUNKY k Co., Toledo, 0.
Bold by Prtiiotlsla, ?5r.
Take U.irs Family l'llls for constipation.
Stranahan, former Portland player,
on first In the games against the col
lege. Clark Varlan, one of the leading
hitters of the Western Tri-state last
year, is down at the park every after
noon coaching the young Bucks ln the
art of swinging on the curving pellet
and Manager Ballard believes his
team will show better at the bat ln
the game from now on.
"A Modern Eve."
Mort H. Singer's musical comedy,
"A Modern Eve," under the direction
of LeComte and Flesher, will be seen
for the first time here at the Ore
gon theater, on April 19, after Its
long and successful career In Chica
go. The success of 'A Modern Eve
The Ladies' Store
Western Mitt Artists Meet.
ateur boxers of the Pacific coast and
far western states hold their cham
pionship tournament at the etosl-tlop.
A Warning i to feel tired before
exertion Is not laziness It's a sign
that the system lacks vitality, and
needs the tonic effect of Hood's Sar
saparilla. Sufferers should not de
lay. Get rid of that tired feeling by
beginning to take Hood's Sareaparilla
today. Adv.
Track Coach Hayward Issues Set of
instructions for Youngsters Who
Get Xo Athletic Training.
gene, April 14. Directions for school
track athletes who have not the ad
vantage of professional coaches are
being issued by William L. Hayward,
track coach of the University of Ore
gon, and will be sent free upon re
quest. The instructions are intended
to enable any boy or young man
who wishes to excel in a certain
event to learn the form for that
event without the aid of a coach. The
events covered are: sprints, 220
yard run, 440-yard run. 880-yard
run, mile run, running broad Jump,
hurdles, high Jump, pole vault, shot
Clears Skin Stops
All Blood Troubles
Goes Right Down to Where
the Germs Start
The action of S. & S . the famous blood
purifier, Is notable in the skin. It is but
natural that blood Impurities should
seek an outlet. Water, gas. oil and
In Chicago was so Immediate as to: nearly all the active products of nature
he almost without precedent. Neith
er "The Merry Widow" nor any other
musical production staged In Chicago
during the past decade have caught
the public taste with such rapidity.
Capacity audiences was the rule from
the very opening ot the engagement
Animals to Have Week.
nouncement was made that the Am
erican Humane Association has des
ignated the week of May 17 to 23
as "kindness to animals week," dur
ing which the organisation purposes
to Interest people throughout the
country In the mora humane treat
ment of animals.
The association has also designat
ed Sunday, May 1, and Sunday, May
23. as "Humane Sunday.1
will be asked to preach sermons on
seek the surface. It seems to be a cos
mlc law. Even our thoughts will un
dertake to find expression. And so what
ever we take Into our system will even
tually come out changed In form, con
verted often Into some other substance,
but constituting alwaya either waste
or that which has served Its useful pur
pose and must be eliminated. And the
akin la tha principal avenue for escape
of certain aclda or polaona. If the akin
and blood be healthy, these wastea pass
oil aa vapor or perspiration. But Im
pure blood loada the skin with enema,
plmplea, acne, rheumatism, rash, fever
bllaters, blood rlalnga and ether erup
tions, And 8. 8. 8. has been found the
very beat, safest and most effective,
remedy to purify the blood and thus re
store the skin to clear and attractive
health. Get a bottle today of any drug
gist, but be emphatic. Do not allow any
one to hand you a substitute. Wrapped
around the bottle ia an Interesting cir
cular that tells you how to obtain skill-
Clergymen! fl advice free on any subject concern-
8. & & la prepared only by The Swift
kindness to animals on one ot these Sneclflo Co.. Ill Swift Bid.. Atlanta,
two days. 1 Look for this p.am on the package.
put and throwing the discus. Pre
vention and treatment of injuries are
also dealt with.
"Generally the boy between 14 and
16 years Is apt to overdo himself and
should be watched very carefully,"
says Coach Hayward. "I have often
seen boys who had natural athletic
ability stay on the track all day and
challenge everyone who came along
Just to show off. Needless to say,
these boys did not last long; as ath
letes. Their nervous systems were
torn down faster than nature could
build them up.
"My advice to all boys who
track aspirations la to make
very slowly."
Sweater Taboo at Issue.
lem, Ore., April 14. That no co-ed
will be allowed to wear any sweater
bearing the official "W" won in
track, baseball, basketball or foot
ball by Willamette men probably will
be the decision by members of the
official "W" club who have the mat
ter under consideration.
Orogon Thoafro Jf'
LeCOMTE & FLESHER, by Special Arrangement
with MORT H. SINGER, Announce
The 2
Like Her Namesake, Recording Conquests Everywhere.
eliciou Music
farling Chorus
slightful Comedy Luxe Production
Exactly as Presented in Chicago 1 Year, New York City
8 Months.
Favorite Musical
Comedy Farceurs
Great Song
2 Brilliant
Big Acts
Including the Original Famous
At these Special Prices Lower Floor, first 13 rows $1.50.
Balance Lower Floor $1X0. Balcony $1.00, 75c. Gallery
50c. Seats on sale Pendleton Drug Co. Sunday, April 18.
i z
f 3
THE U. S. Government Eauiva
lents Show that to Equal the
Amount or Heat Produced
Burning One Cord of Oak Woo
v i-
It Requires:
2137 Pounds of KEMMERER COAL
2267 Pounds of Rock Springs Coal
2619 Pounds of Hiawatha Coal
2272 Pounds of Castle Gate Coal
2404 Pounds of Clear Creek Coal
2716 Pounds of Almy Coal
2598 Pounds of Bear Creek Coal
2686 Pounds of Roundup Coal
2436 Pounds of Roslyn Coal
2972 Pounds of Carney Coal
Just Received a Car of the
Oregon Lumber Yard.
Phone 8
1 1!