DAILY EAST ORI'GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, H) 15, pa nr. tn OAMY CASES OF RHEUMATISM NOW HOW A GERMAN SUBMARINE SANK THE FALABA, WHEN 140 PERSONS WERE LOST TO DARKEN HAIR APPLY SAGE TEA EIGHT PAGES AYS WE MUST KKFP IT.fiT Dili' AVOID EXPOSURE AND EAT LESS MEAT. Buy off the damp ground, avoid exposure, keep feet dry, eat less meat, drink lots of water, and above i all take a spoonful of salts occasion-1 ally to keep down urlo acid. Rheumatism la caused by polson oua toxin, called uric acid, which Is generated In the bowels and absorb ed Into the blood. It la the func tion of the kldneya to filter this acid from the blood and cast It out In the urine. The porea of the akin are alao a means of freeing the blood apf this Impurity. In damp and chilly, cold weather the akin pores are clos ed, thus forcing the kidneys to do double work, they' become weak and sluggish and full to eliminate thla uric acid which keeps accumulating and circulating through the system, eventually settling In the Joints and muscles causing stiffness, soreness sad pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put 'a table spoonful In a glass of water and drink before breakfast each morning for a week. This Is said to eliminate uric acid by stimulating the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding the blood of these Impurities. Jad Salts is Inexpensive, harmless and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lith la and is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are sub ject to rheumatism. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent llthla-water drink which overcomes uric acid and Is beneficial to your kidneys as well. What New York Is Doing In New Popular Music Our great metropolitan city la not only the center of commercial and In dustrial activity, but the whole coun try looks to It for the latest produc tions In popular music. Our readers who are interested In musical matters will undoubtedly be glad to know about two successful pieces that have been launched this season by New York's publishers of popular music. In the line of Instrumental pieces. New York seems to have gone wild over an eccentric novelty called "BY HECK" which can be played either as fox-trot or one step. "BY HECK" la by 8. R. Henry, who has written such well-known Instru mental pieces as "Polly Prim," "Peter Piper," "8. R. Henrys Barn Dance." etc. The famous "Castles"' are danc lag to It' and the favorite lght opera star, Mr. Donald Brian, has created some fascinating steps to It In "The Girt From Utah," while Bernard (h-anville la taking numerous encores with this number In his vaduevllle eagagements. A aong arrangement of BY HECK " ' 0 -I I , L- Irr-rS- h t .. J . 9 -Jzl f .tf S-J w CMtttaM. MCMUT. k 1m. W. tot fc 0.. MY LITTLE DREAM GIRL .Rfrw-Ati. t I : ; M lit -UdreAm girl, Vou CawtkW.1i.as'. iai SyGSOKESi GiiOP SUEYs ClIltlA DISHES rO?YC KWONG HONG LOW VVl W 116 Weit AlU St., UpiUin,' Phone 433 For Sale Two story house on East Court Street on hard surface pavement. Price $3100.00. Will sell on Terms. , Five room house with bath at 715 Garden Street, 25 ft. frontage. . Price $1500, $100 down $60.00 per quarter. . LI ATLDiiC-LAATZ I'lVESTUEHT 00. Ill Bast Court St MiilUliiillllWtttfWiiUlUli irsf Hoiiono! -a S 4 -i ! ESTABUSHjED 1882 ICaown For PERISCOPE ALC 7WAT AS VS8L& B9'D0V -T ! , v. POPLLR No fewer thun 140 irsons, Includ ing paascngers and crew, went to their deaths when a German subma rine attacked the Ilritinh ship Fala ba the other day. This drawing by A. W. Ileddy, h well known marine aitlst, dhows how the ship was at- "PY HKCK" the words of which are by U Wolfe Gilbert, is being sung in vaudeville by the well-known Mr. and Mrs. Carter de Haven, Kannie Krlce, Kuth Roye and many others of equal prominence. "MY LITTLE DREAM GIRL" is the title of a sweet love ballad, the lyric being by Mr. L. Wolfe Gilbert, writer of many famous successes, in cluding "Waiting for the Robert E. Lee," "Hltchy Koo." etc., while the music la by Anatol Frledland, whose beautiful song, "My Little Terslan Rose," Is known from coast to coast. The best orchestras everywhere are using these successes either for con cert or dance purposes, and If you haven't had the good fortune to hear them as yet. Just ask the musical di rector of the next affair you attend to Play them. By permission of the publishers we are printing herewith a brief excerpt of each of the pieces mentioned so that our readers may have an Idea of their character. (For -Trot) prct ty drum girl, Sumvtuiic I Ktm, girl. . vrt ta., S. saUlMUUiUlUlisilaiUil f 11 Donh B n If. Strength TORPCDO TUBE , t s- iHckofi. Anxtng tho.e lost on her v I.on ('. Thraslrer, an American of Massachusetts, a mining enK'neer. , "We have eiders to sink every-! thins" said Hie commander of the suUntarine L'-IO whb h sank three, j British trawlers April 1. NEVADA CATTLE AT N. PORTLAND (Courtesy Thursday's Journal.) PORTLAND, (ire There was a fair run of cattle from Nevada in the North Portland yards today, but the stock was not oifered early because ii had not yet filled properly after the long Journey. The cattle were of heavy weight and for that reason v,ere not considered available for the California trade. Shipments from that section of the same class of cat tle have been coming regularly to the Portland market during the lust four or five years. General conditions In the cattle trade are somewhat healthier, al though the exact reason ts much of a mystery. Why any improvement should be made in the live cattle market when the dressed meat trade is so slow that It ts almost atangnant. la the mystery. In any event there has been quite an Increase in In quiry for cattle here during the last IS hours. General cattle market range: Select steers tl.ii&l.'ii Best hay fed steers 7.25 7 BU Good to choice 7.00 7.15 Ordinary to fair 6.60 6.75 Best cows 6.00G,25 Good to prime 5.756.00 Ordinary 4.00 8.50 Select calves 7.50 8.00 Fancy bulls 6.50 . 0(1 Ordinary 4.00 5. 00 Hog .Market Is Steady. With prices here ruling from 40c to 50c above the highest recogn'zed stockyard market In the country, the hog trade at North Portland Is con sldered steady today with extreme tops, selling up to $7.60. Most of the arrivals today were from the val ley. General hok market range: Best light 7.07.50 Medium light 7.30 7.35 Good and heavy 7.2007.30 Rough and heavy 7.207.3O Stockera 6 50 e 6.80 Shcrp lmic On Contract. While at North Portland the trend of the sheep trade Indicates a con tinuance of the former strong tone and extreme price, the only stuff that came forward this morning was from a Willamette valley point and was sold on contract, prior to arriv al. Sheep supplies In the local yards continue to show a very serious de crease from a year ago. During the first months of the year the decrease has amounted to 32,336 head. General mutton trade range: Old wethers t T.75 Best yearlings 7.85 8.00 Best ewes 6.756 7.00 Best east mountain lambs 6.25 Valley light lambs 8.5098.75 Heavy light lambs 8.00 8.25 Spring lambs 10.00 Uvestock SUppcrs. Hogs F. B. Decker, Gervals, 1 load on contract to Union Meat Co., W. B. Kurts, The Dalles, 1 load. Cattle A. W. Thompson, Battle Mountain, Nev., 5 loads. Sheep Frank Wnnn, Canby, 1 lead on contract. Sanitary Commission to Itc Sent. NEW YORK. April 7. The Rock efeller Foundation announced that it has made a contribution of $25,000 to the American Red Cross toward the cost of sending a special sanitary co mmlsslon to Serbia to aid the Serbian government In controlling epidemics of typhus and typhoid fever and pos slbly of choirs. Noted Athlete Killed. LONDON, April 8. Captain Wynd ham Halswelle, the well-known Brit lsh runner, was killed while fighting at the front on March 31, It was an nounced here. Captain Halswelle broke the 400- meter record In the Olympic games In London In 1908 In an exciting contest The making of the record was precoi) ed by a charge of foul against an Am erican runner, and all the other Am erican entries promptly withdrew from that event. TORPEDO That is the new German method of wur, as shown in the sinking of the Falabra without notice, which re- suited In the loss of so many lives, While the number of Kritish ships sunk t'y the fc-uitmarlnes is not large when compared to the total amount TALK OF PEACE AFFGTS WHEAT (Thursday's Market.) CHICAGO. Wheat closed un changed to 1 l-2c lower. Peace talk ; had its effect In the pit at the open nig at'M.i.t. .uaj n urn, lower, at 31.52 1-2 a bushel. July was down 1-Sc at the outset. Scattered rains, general selling and weak cables caused a further drop At the decline a fair demand develop ed. Flrmleas in the northwest caus ed additional buying. The trade was small, with the pit crowd bear ish. The Liverpool market was low er. Easier cables caused a lower open ing in corn. The pit crowd pressed the short side. May opened l-4c down and July was also off l-4c. In srmDathv with other grains. 'oats opened lower. There was a good demand at the decline. A heavy export business w;as reported. Pro' visions wer dull. WHEAT. May Open, $1.62 1-2; high. $1.53 3 4; low, $1.62 1-2; close, $1.53. July Open. $1.21 3-8; high, $1.22 1-8; low. $1.21 l-; close. $1.22 A. Sept. Open, $1.09; high, $1.0 5-8; low, $1.08 3-4; close, $1.09 5-8. American Sees Air Raid. NEW YORK, April S The Zep pelin bombardment of Paris during the early morning, March 21, was de scribed by Joseph Harrlman, of this city, who returned aboard the steamer Transylvania. The Zeppelin, he said, like- a great gray cigar, floated un lighted, throuRh the sky above the city for about half an hour. "I counted six bombs that the air ship dropped.' said Mr. Harriman. "A tinv red light showed from the Zep pelin each time. This was the only light the airship showed. As the bomb came to earth we could trace its course by a trail of sparks." K Alsr.lt HAS NKW GRAND- SOX. 4 DUCHESS OF BRUNSWICK BERLIN, April (. The Duchess of Brunswick, formerly Princess Victor. la Louise, daughter of Emperor Wil liam, has given birth to a son. She was married to Prince Ernest August of Cumberland In May. 1913, and their first child, a son, ' was born March 18, 1914. y n f shipping from British ports, yet It is sufficient already to make many mariners pause. And it has been tne cause of insurance rates going up. U It becoming the opinion of those who have' watched the German opera tions that they propose terrorizing JROPE NEEDS OATS SUPPLY (Thursday's Market.) PORTLAND, Ore. Europe has sent an urgent request for the Pacific coast to offer It a supply of oata for Im mediate shipment. There is an unu sually strong demand for oats from Europe and if ships are available for shipment, some very liberal sales can be expected here almost any day. Some steamer room is said to be avail able at San Francisco and local in terests With connections there confirm some business as passing. Since the withdrawal of the Royal Mail from here, Portland has been without a regular liner for European shipment, but it is now believed that some ships will be available. Dealers are freely offering $33 a ton here today for spot delivery oats. The Willamette valley is practically the only sectoin offering but quite lib eral supplies are held there. Barley market is likewise showing quite fair strength with dealers of fering $25.50 26.00 a ton for spot de livery In the country, basis tidewater. Very quiet tone is shown for wheat, although some additional business is reported with California. Clover Seed Buying price: Nomi nal No. 1, uncleaned, 11 1-2 12c; ordinary, 11c; alslke, 11c pound. Flour Selling price Patent $6.80; Willamette valley, $6.80 local straight $6.30; bakers, $6.80. Hay New crop, buying price: Wil lamette valley timothy, fancy, $12.50 f 13.00; Eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy, timothy. $15; alfalfa. $13. 00 13.50; vetch and oats, $11; clover, $8f 9 per ton. Grain Sacks 1915 nominal, No. 1 Calcutta. 6 3-4c. Millstuffs Selling price: Bran, $26.50; shorts, $28.60. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS JOHN R BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postofflce. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night Phone 75. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORK Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone IS. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS IIARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all 1anri In TTmatllla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a eenerai brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes Ore, lire and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Free, C. H. MARSH, 8ec. CENTLET at LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident msor ance agents. Sit Main street Phone 494. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embossel private and business stationery, etc Very latest styles. Call at Bast Or gonlaa office and sea sample. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR ' egonlan makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, cards and advertising We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will assure you of baying a successful sale. Iiritish commerce. If they continue to sink ships without warning so crew and passengers are lost, they figure, it will have a more deterrent effect on commerce than the mere lots of ships and cargoes. Rolled Earley Selling price, $30'& 31 per ton. Corn Whole, $35.50; cracked, $36.50 per ton. With no trading for the day on the Portland Merchants Exchantie, spot wheat prices were mixed with bids showing fractional changes. Oats market regained strength with an advance of 25c a ton for spot No sales. Spot barley bids were' up ao equal amount with no aales. - Orly sales on the exchange today was a lot of 100 tons prompt bran at $23.50. Monkey Gets "New" Sleep. HUNTINGTON, W. Va., April 8. Bridget la to be given the "twilight sleep'' treatment She Is a royal Mar moset monkey, and the best In the land Is none too good for her, accord ing to the Huntington police officials who have had Bridget for a pet for a year. She has replaced the inevitable station house cat I She Is about to become a mother, and everything Is in preparation tor the operation. Bridget and her royal consort, Joe the First a majestic ap pearing Simian, were presented to the police last year by a carnival company showing here. Since they have been at the station there has been a great decrease in intoxication in Hunting ton, as on several occasions occupants of cells "saw monkeys." There Is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases pot together, and until the last few years was upiwsed to be Iticorsble. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease sad prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to core with local treatment, pronounced It inenrsbie. Sci ence has proven Catarrh to be a consti tutional disease, and therefore reqoiret constitutional treatment. Mall's Catarrh Core, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Co Toledo, Ohio, Is the only Constitutional cure on the market. It is taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonfuL It arts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address : F. J. CHENEY k Co., Toledo, O. Sold bv DruirirUts, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation ATTORNEYS. RALET ft RALET, ATTORNEYS-AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. FEE A FEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Despaln building. CARTER ft SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. FETERSON ft BISHOU, ATTOR- neys at taw; rooms 3 ana 4, smun Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 1, S and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. a A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Off! re 1 Despaln building. PHYSICIANS. DRS. WHIT AKIR ft WOOD, DEN lista. Office bones I a. m. to I p. m. Mllarkey Building, Pendleton. Oregon. LEGAL BLANKS OF . EVERY . DE scrlptlon for county court, circuit court, justice court, real estate, etc., for sale at East Oregonlan office. uwik vol x;s fu.iv s um'k irs ,N H ItAr, ( t)l :;, . ot AM) Til H MS. t'oir.mon Rirelen :.(te browed lets a heavy tea with S'.ilphur nml nl.'nUol aiidfd. will turn sr.iy, streaked nd faded hair beautifully dark and Mtt:r. lant lemove every tit of riinilraff, step scalp itchlns; ind falling half. Jtst a few applications will proie revetion If your hair is fud'ng. H or drj, STaggly and thin. Mlxlmt t'.ie Hage Tea and Sulphur reclp at home, though, Is trouhlesoni. Am easier way is to 7"t the ready -to-uao tonic, costing about id cen' a larg bjllle at drug stores, known as "VVy. eth's Sage and Sudph'ir Compound." thu avoiding a lot of muss. While wispy, c.rty, faded hair la not sinful, we all d-cire to lutein our youthful appearance and attractive' nes.'. By darkening your !.alr with Wyeth's Sage ond Sulphur, no on tan tell, lecauiie It does so naturally so evenly. You Just dampen a spong or roft brush with II and draw thla through xouf hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have dlsapptand. and, after an tthcr application cr two, your hair becomes beautifully -dark, glisy, soft, and luxuriant Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY .fAM t7C -Chinese lYUUiLr&J Style HOT TABLES CHILLI G0I1 GABliE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS 8ERVICB TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel . Cor. Webb and Cottonwood St Fhone 147 Pendleton, Or MERITOL COLD TABLETS will break up that Spring Cold Sold by us on a Moneyback Guarantee Tollman & Go. m Leedinf Druggists VETETUN.VRY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTS Veterinarian. Residence telephone 17; office telephone, 20. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second-hand geoda. Cash paJ4 for all secondhand good bought. Cheapest place In Pendleton to buj household goods. Come and get our prtees. Ill E. Court street Phoa 171W. AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. TOHNKA, AUCTION E EH make a specialty of farmers' stock and machinery sale. "The man thai gets you the money " Leave order at East Oregonlan office. MISCELLANEOUS. TRESSPASS NOTICES. STALLIOM SEASON CARDS and SALE BILLS of every decrtptlon printed at rea sonable prices at the East Oregonlan. We have a fine lot of stock cuts tnas our patrons are allowed the free use of. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY Case! or give trade for Umatilla county farm, 110 to HQ per acre. Address! Bos 11, Athena, Ore, u BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY f ir -, a - f V-a, . ( it worn ty tnm Lit wuw,i