DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. IENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915. EIGHT PAGES PAGE TWO (r Utf I.- ' 'i.-r- . 'I1 ?W M V $28.50427.50425422. 50 EN'S S Ul T Mi 11. I ! 1 1. $18o 75 SATURDAY ONLY THESE SUITS ARE TAKEN FROM LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4 AND COMPRISE SOME OF THE FINEST SUITS IN OUR STORE. WORSTEDS AND CHEVIOTS AND A FEW SERGES. MOSTLY HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX AND HIRSH, WICKWIRE MAKES. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO BUY YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT AT A BARGAIN. ONLY THE NEWEST IN DRESS SKIRTS SUSPENDER SKIRTS JUST IN New crown yokes, new cuff bottom. In all the best shades of sand, putty, battleship grey and navy. Serge in black and white checks. Wool poplin and chudda are the materials used in making thesie smart skirts. Priced from $6.75 to $10.00 15? HANDKERCHIEFS 9 , Hand embroidered, unlaundered linen handkerchiefs in three designs. Saturday special 9 50 AND 75 BRAID PINS 25? Braid pins, barrettes and Spanish combs, worth 50 and 75. Saturday special 5 50 BLACK HOSE, 3 FOR ?1.00 Women's black hose with white feet, good 50 qual ity. Saturday special, 3 for $1.00 SILK HEMSTITCHING 10 Three yard bolts of silk hemstitching suitable for join ing seams in silk waists or underwear. Comes in pink, blue and white. Bolt 10 $1.50 CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES 79 Made in neat styles, of gingham and percale, plaids, stripes and plain materials. Saturday special 79 CREPE KIMONAS REDUCED Crepe kimonas in all colors, full length and extra full cut; all sizes up to 44. $1.50 Grade, Saturday Special $1.10 $1.75 Grade, Saturday Special $1.39 $1.50 WOMEN'S WASH WAISTS 9S , One special lot of lingerie waists made of voile and lawn, trimmed with lace and embroidery. Long sleeves, roll collars, all sizes, 34 to 44. Saturday special 98 50 PONGEE SILKS 39 One special lot of fine Imported pongee silks, 27 inches wide, a silk that washes and wears well, the shade is very stylish. Saturday special 39 $1.00 FANCY SILKS 68 A choice assortment of fancy silks including stripes, plaids and checks, all colors. Saturday special 68 35 BATH TOWELS 26 Large size, double thread, Turkish towels, hemmed ends. Saturday special 26 20 HAND TOWELS 15 Come colored borders of red and blue, extra good qual ity, Jinen finished. Saturday special 15 PENDLETON'S GREATEST SHOE STORE You are looking for variety in this day and age, and WE HAVE IT. You demand good substantial shoes for the children, and WE HAVE THEM You are anxious to have the little ones properly fitted and WE DO IT. We have shoes as narrow as A, B and C widths for the little tots. "TP. W. PURE FOOD SHOP" 3 IF IT'S FROM OUR PURE FOOD SHOP IT'S CLEAN. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Here for Saturday's buyers, in almost end less varieties. Order early. STRAWBERRIES We are receiving liber al shipments now daily and the quality is fine. Phone us your orders. DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT NEWS Lunch Tongue Ham Loaf Pickled Pig Feet Boiled Ham Dried Feef Domestic and Imported Cheese Sugar Cured and Hickory Smoked Hams and Bacon JONES' DAIRY FARM PURE LARD 2 pound package.. 40 Between You and Us and the Lamp Post Many a woman who was accustomed to "shopping around" every time she bought supplies has learned that she can do just as well by. dealing with us steadily, and saving" herself the running from store to store and the not infrequent disappointments and losses that result Standard goods, like Crisco, Royal Baking Powder, etc., at standard prices, a policy of complete satis faction or money refunded, and a service that stops at nothing within reason these are the things that keep our old customers year after year, and each day bring us new ones to add to our visiting list ORANGES Extra fancy Rote Brand Oranges full of ripe sweet juice, dozen 40 T. P. W. TEA "Sure to Please." CROCKERY DEPT. Johnson Bros. English , Dinnerware. Dinner plates, set 6 90 Cups and saucers, set of 6 $1.00 A complete stock of this ware at attractive pri ces. T. P. W. SPECIAL BLEND COFFEE The pound 35 No better coffee and no coffee better than T. P. W. Special. FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT Full of juice, doz. ?1.00 OLIVE OIL Our celebrated Califor nia Olive Oil. bottles 35, 60, $1.00. OUR ITALIAN OLIVE OIL Smooth delicate flavor. 8 oz. cans 35 16 oz 65 32 oz $1.00 Yi -gallon fl.OO Full gallon cans ?3.75 ' The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE1. SAVE YOUR T. P. W. TRADING STAMPS wain, mqtript u tiUnlfa UiUllilUI IJ FORMED AI IDIfl 10 BOOST IHIYS ENTIUSIASTIO GATHERING AL SO APPOl.NTH DKlJttiATKS j TO PEN DLETON, j V. Y. Hurrah and Otto Kitrnlutrl Address Meeting Road to we Ol'n River Receives Endorsement Farmers Slpilfy Willingness to Subscribe Toward Untitling. j HOLDMAN, Ore.,' April 9 A very enthusiastic and well attended good roads meeting was held at Holdman Tuesday evening, April 5. A Rood loads district was organized with F. F.-L. MeCrea as president and C. F. Cunningham as secretary-treasurer. F. L. McCrea and William Kupers were elected us delegates to the coun ty meeting at Pendleton Friday, April 9th. John Hooper was elected as delegate from North Holdman road district. The meeting was addressed by W. W. Hurrah and Otto Earnhart, both prominent good roads boosters. Mr. Harrah In a very logical and con cise speech presented the many ad vantages of a hard surface road and the particular need of this section for transportation facilities both with the open river and Pendleton. A number of prominent landhold ers spoke of the .willingness of all concerned to subscribe cash In addi tion to supporting a special tax or bonding proposition. No antagonism was expressed to ward any other district but ull ex pressed the 'desire that the entire county might benefit from the open river. The figures presented by the speakers very easilly proved that ton nage of this district alone would In a short time pay for the building of a hard surface road. , were recently sent to the bindery as their condition warranted their be-' lug rebound. I It Is now time that the periodical subscriptions should be renewed and four new ones are recommended Very often reference questions direct us to "Current Opinion." The new magazine "School and Society" is loi he Indexed In the Reader's Gukle and Mr.' Landers thinks will be worth v. tille taking. Two magazines use ful for playground work are recom mended by Miss Boyd. They are "Mind and Body" and "American Physical Educational Review." A larae order of 470 new books arrived last week and are well along In the process of preparation for the circulating shelves. The Eastern Oregon State Hospital has recently purchased several hun dred new books for their hospital li brary and It the county library board would cure to offer the assistance of the library staff in organizing this li brary, it would be much appreciated by the hospital authorities und would! increase by that much the value of the county library In it service to the institutions within the county. Statistics for March, 1915. Book accessions: Pendleton . . '. 30 Umatilla 4 83 i 0 1 f I L. i I r . w stops itching instantly! The mordent that Resinol Ointment touches itching skin the itching stop and healing begins. That is why doc tors have prescribed it successfully for twenty years in even the severest cases of ectema, ringworm, rashes, and many other tormenting, disfiguring skin di seases. Resinol Ointment makes the skin healthy, quickly, easily and at little cost Sold by all druggists. Total 5U Registration: i Pendleton, adult 38 j Pendleton, children 19, Branches 66 1011 Total 155 Circulation: Pendleton, adult 1331 Pendleton, children 581 1918 Branches, adult 1690 Children 85 2544 Rural school stations 4 55 out In the open air and It can easily be made remunerative. "If one or two boys can raise a hundred dollars' worth of vegeta bles during the summer months, it makes a great difference to their families. lt the children work. It Is the "best thing In the world for them, provided the work Is congen ial and brings Into pluy their crea tive faculties. Man Takes Ills Own Medicine He has absolute faith in his med icine he knows when he takes it for certain ailments he gets relief. People who take Dr. King's New Dis covery for an irritating cold are op timists they know this cough rem edy will penetrate the linings of the throat, kill the germs, and open the way for Nature to act. You can't destroy a cold by superficial treat ment you must go to he cause of the trouble. Be an optimist. Get a bottle of Dr. King's New Dlscoverj today. Adv. The auditorium of the Eastern Ore gon State Hospital will be the scene of gay festivity this evening when the young ladies of the Phoenix Club and their guests assemble for the danc ing party which this organization an nually contributes to the social sea son. The young ladles have made elaborate plans for the affair and It has been anticipated with much pleasure all through the Lenten sea- Miss Helen Keller, the deaf and blind girl known throughout the civ ilized world for the almost Insur mountable obstacles she has over come during the past twenty years. was in Pendleton a short while last evtiing. With her teacher, Mrs. Macy. Bhe was enroute to Walla Wal la where last evening she delivered her lecture on "Happiness" under the auspices of Whitman college. The two women came up from Portland on the train that reached here at 5 o'clock and Pendleton people who were on the train speak in terms of highest praise of the charms of the blind girl. Mrs. J. Newton Burgess, as high score winner In the season's play by the North Side Bridge Cluti, receiving a pretty compliment yesterday after neon when she was surprised with a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Will Moore. All of the twelve members of the club were present and follow ing the luncheon, which was a de lightful affair, a few hands of their favorite game were played. Mrs. Arthur G. Means of Umatilla Is a guest of Mrs. James Johns. Jr., and will be Joined this evening by her husband. ' For her pleasure Mrs. Johns will entertain informally to morrow afternoon at her home, 216 Garden street. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Living ston have been enjoying a visit from Mr. Livingston's mother and sister of Forest Grove. Mrs. J. R. Dickson entertulned the members of the large chorus which recently sang Stalner's "Crucifixion" at the Church cof the Redeemer, on Wednesday evening at her home on South Main street. A delightful mu sical program was enjoyed. Total 49 Books sent to bragches 2 I ouks mended Hooks withdrawn Fines collected: March 13. Lost book On hand H- Expenses 21.24 i Balance 7 01 Rental collection:. March 7.21 On hand H-13 Balance 18.33 Branch Circulation. Athena Milton Freewater Vincent Ferndale Hermiston Echo Weston Adams Stanfleld Helix Pilot Rock Tum-a-lum SOCIETY LEADERS AND STAGE STARS TANGO NEW YORK, April 8. Stage stars and society leaders will mingle to' lught at the annual ball of the Allied Arts, for the benefit of the Actors Re lief Fund of America at the Hotel As. tor. The Lambs, Friars, Players and Screen clubs and other allied organ izations will be represented. ,,.zill BB oi U ill LaEa J 627' 521 266 1 228 217! 193; 179. 132 120 86 38 Total 2544 Don't ldda Thein With a Veil; Re move Them With the OUiine Prertcrlptton. This prescription for the removal of freckles was written by a prom inent physician and Is usually so successful In removing freckles and) giving a clean, beautiful complexion that It is sold by druggists under guarantee to refund the money if It (nils. Don't hide your freckles under a veil; get an ounce of othln and, re move them. Even the first few ap plications should show a wonderful Improvement, some of the tighter freckles vanishing entirety. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othlne; It it this that is sold on the money-back guar antee. ' Library News Aua Is Vantage Point. LONDON. April . The capture of Aus, an important station In Ger-1 man Southwest Africa, by troops ot the Union of South Africa, Is llkeb to have a strong bearing' on the' campaign, says a Reuter'a dispatch from Cupe Town. The place Is situ ated at the end of a 90-mile stretch of desert from Luderltz Bay, and stands at the gateway of a fertile region, where the Union forces will' be able to operate with greater free dom, less hampered by the lack of water and pasturage. Aus Is the principal resting place r.n the great cavern route from north tr south. It was strongly held by the Germans, who were prepared to offer a stubborn resistance, but were oblig ed to evacuate, the dispatch says, when Union forces threatened their flanks and line of retreat to Keet- mannshoop. Mine Explosion Kills It GREENVILLE, 111.. April . Ele v men lost their lives as the re sult of a black damp explosion in the Shoal Creek mine here. Approx Imately 400 others who had Just en tered the mine escaped uninjured. Ten bodies were recovered. SHf-Support Is Advised. NEW YORK, April 8. P. P. Clax ton, United States commissioner of education, advocated making children of the public schools self supporting In an address which he delivered be fore the National Plant, Flower and Fruit Guild here. "This work you are doing In en couraging each child to have his lit tie garden plot is valuable," he said. "Gardening teaches a child more practical knowledge than any am ount of dry textbooks; It keeps him Following Is the monthly report of the librarian for March, 1(16: This month the books circulated In Pendleton show an Increase of 442 over March of last year, making a to tal in Pendleton of 1911, In . the county branches 2644 and from the II small rural school stations 466. This totals 491T for March which is a gain of 233 per cent over last year before the county system was estab lished. Ninety-nine books have been with drawn from our records. These withdrawals have accumulated for teveral so oaths past bat are being taken from the records at the one time. One hundred and forty-two books HOW rnExni PEOPLE CTKE STOMACH TROUBLE A household remedy of the French peasantry, consisting of pure vegeta ble oil, and said to possess wonderful merit In the treatment of stomach, liver and Intestinal troubles, has been Introduced In this country by George H. Mayr, who for twenty years has been one of the leading down-town druggists of Chicago and who himself was cured by Its use. So quick and effective la Its action that single dose Is usually enough to bring pronounced relief In the most stubborn cases, and many peo ple who have tried It declare they never heard of anything to produce such remarkable results In so short a time. It Is known as Mayr's Won derful Remedy and can now be had at all leading drug stores. It Is sold with the positive understanding that your money will be refunded without question or quibble If ONE bottle falls to give you absolute satisfac tion. 1 An Everyday Cake Here Is a simple and Inexpensive cake that can be varied In many ways with di Keren t frottings and Icings. It looks a little nicer baked in a tube pan, but will be equally as good baked In a square loaf. K C Gold Cake By Mrs. Janet McKeniie Hill, Editor of the Boston Cooking School Magazine. cup butter- i cup $ugar; yolk of 4 tggi. beaten light; 1 cup flour, leu t level tablepomfuU;t level teaspoonfuli K C Baking Powder; cup milk; grated rind oj I orange. Sift flour and baking powder together three timei cream butter and sugar, beat yolks of eggi. sdd thete to creamed mixture, and lastly add the moisture and flour alter nately, beating batter until smooth. Gold Cake can only be made successfully by beat ing yolks of eggs, very, very creamy and light lemon colored, using a rotary beater,. 1 he rotary beater is the only fj;', ry beater that will do Justice to the yolki of eggs. The beat- Lf J: big kills sH egg taste and F 'i improves the texture oi tlie cake. Coeoaaot Frosting Beat the whites of 2 eggs dryt gradually beat in half a cup of sifted confectioner's sugar and continue the beating until the frost, ing is smooth, thick and glossy then beat in grated cocoanut, fresh or prepared, and spread upon the cake, This frosting is made thick by besting rather than by sugar. 0 Save this recipe. Vou will want to use it frequently. Or better, send us the colored certificate packed in each 25-ccnt can of K C Baking Powder and we will mail you "The Cook's Book" containing this snd 19 other baking recipes equally good all by Mrs. HUL Jaques Mfg. Co., Chicago. Hiiiiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiifiiiiimiiiiii:;:iiiiii ItU JlllWIIU III liaiMIs I Architect I I Desp&in Building 1 Phone 76$ sniiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiii? SEE COPELAND For GOOD BOARD BY DAY OR WEEK American Plan Prices Rlsjht 777 THOMPSON ST.