EIGHT PAGE? DAILY EAST ORKGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7, 1915 SUGGESTIONS Vegetables and Fruits for the Spring Diet Natures Gifts Pure, Fresh Vegetables Fresh Radishes, 3 bunches 10$ Green Onions, 3 bunches 10 Head Lettuce, each 10 Hothouse Lettuce, pound 25f Cauliflower, each 20 Dry Onions, pound 3 Parsnips, pound 3 Carrota, pound 3 New Crop Cabbage, pound 4 Fresh Asparagus, pound 15 Spinach, 2 pounds 15 Grape Fruit, each 10 Peanut Butter, pound 20 Knight's Sours, 2i2 gal. keg 90? Extra Fancy Ripe Olives pint 35 CHOICE FRESH STOCK "PEMECO" MEATS. COUNTRY VEAL SERVICE QUALITY SANITATION Tho Control arhot PHONE 33. FOR SALE! (000 acre well watered, 400 acres In oul. tlvatlon and meadow. Cuts about TOO inn. of ha Minua.ll. Much mora can b cultivated. 10 million feet of tine aaw Umber, beildea a big lot or mailer. Good house, coat over $1000. one mile from town! four food barns. Adjoins Nat forest reaerve, and haa grating right thereon. AU vehicles and farm Implements, aome of them new, food blackamlth outfit, and chop mill driven by motor power. You can buy ttala ranch Including the above mentioned property, for 111 per acre. Tou can buy with It, 7S0 well bred cattle, and 0 horaea at the market prices; half caah. reaaonabla time on balance. I have both larger and smaller atook ranches than thla, also wheat land, dlveralfled farms, city property, and exchanges. K. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore. Stylish Millinery The most pleasing styles are those that satisfy both the customer and the dealer. Best prices, right service, com bined with correct style and workmanship are what we are in a position to give you. It it always a pleasure to serve you. CARRIER MILLINERY T4 Maaa Street. Telephone 4 IS LOCALS Q Advertising in Brief UATKS. f'l line flrnt Innrtion lle Pw Mot, additional Ineertloa. . . .8 ft lias, wr month..... IIOO No lull takes for Irm than J.'c Count S ordinary words to do. Locals will Dot be takes of or the phoua and remittance Bust accoo psui order. !-orocnf iai jiniTiniil I I L iiIliiriL F ' 111 -www . 11 S VII II 1 M '', I Is In Irom Helix I I Letiher Norvell today. G. Yates of Stanfleld was a visitor in Pendleton last evening. ' H. H. Wyatt of The Dalles, wag at the Pendleton last evening. R. X. Adams, well known Ktanflelcl stockman, was In the city )at even ing. Peter O'SuIlivan, well known stock man, Is registered at the Ikiwman from Hitter. Ralph B. Stanfleld, Echo banker, was up from his home last evening and spent the night here. Cl XI trirlletnn. credit manueer of the . Experienced man and wife want'pi,,,,. mcFbII Co. of Portland. Ib h i business visitor here today. A. Buckley, assistant superintend ent of the O.-W. R. & N., spent last night as a guest of the St. George Wtliam McCorkell, prominent Wes ton resident, and his granddaughter. Miss .Sheard, are visitors In Pendleton 1 -I 1 VssszMn 1 For fuel fone five. Cabbage plants 76c 100. Forshawa Young lady wants position as cock on ranch or city. Inquire "P." E. O. To rent 3-room apartments, fur nished, 602 Water street. i fl Smoker of Turkish Trophies Cigarette fifteen years ago are smokers of Turkish Trophies Cigarette today 1 work on ranch. Address I. Holgrun, For aale New Economy Chief cream separator. Inquire 210 Thomp son. Five room house for tale on north Ida. Corner lot improved. Addreas "W" this office. John Rosenberg, watchmaker and today. AU Jeweler, Court and Cottonwood. work guaranteed, 1 U. n. JJIsnop, wen Known young m Itornev of Freewater. is looking after Furnished room for rent, suitable the interest of his clients in Pendle- tor lady or gentleman. Apply 401 Aura or phone SOU W For sale Two block work mare both In foal. Phone or write A. A. Mclntyre, Athena, Ore. Wanted, work on ranch by man and wife. Experienced. Inquire 704 E. Court street, or Byers mill. Very many people desire to buy lands In eastern Oregon. What have you to offer, snd price? N. Berkeley. Old papers for aale; tied In bundlea. Good for starting fires, etc. 10c a hundlj. This office. ton today. H. M. Cockburn of Milton and H. A. Waterman of Hermiston, county commissioners, are here today to at tend the regular meeting of the court. CLOSED SEASON IS CREATED FOR CLAMS ST. PAUL, Minn, April 7 The si lent and heretofore Ignored clam, has asserted his neutrality. Further he has demanded his rights as a non combatant The state of Minnesota For sale 4 1-2 acre tract and 18 attempting to gain the cooperation modern seven room house In River side. Address R. H. Patton.'care this office. Wanted Experienced girl with good references for general house work. Inquire 614 Lewis strett Phone 793 J. Dunham, Brownlow & Payne, con tractors, builders, job work. Estl mates and plana furplshed. Golden Rule Hotel basement. Phone XI J. of Iowa. Illinois and Wisconsin, to create a closed season for clam hunt ing on the Mississippi river. The principal revenue from the clam is the $20 a ton paid by buttonmakers for their shells, although sometimes pearls are found in clams. In the four states Carlos Avery, state game and fish commissioner, estimated to day that the revenue is $1. 000,000 annually. Young woman wishes work 'ART SHOW HELD TO waitress or competent cc;k. Will work on ranch. Give particulars is to wages. Inquire "H" th'a office. The Alta Houae and Barn. Head quarters for farmers and stockmen. Call a.id see us. Stephenson 4t Eng lar, proprietors, phone 447. 701 East Alta street. For Sale II fe. cot, 24 In. cylin der Holt Combine, 12 horse equaliser, good condition, 1650,40, F. O. B. Kennewlck, Waah. 8. D. L. Rosa, Athena, Ore. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff" ahowa the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture, van and storage warehouse. Office 147 Main street. Phone 18. Broken lenses duplicated In a fen minutes, no matter where you got them. I have the most complete lens grinding outfit in Umatilla county. Dale Rothwell, the exclusive optician, American National Bank Building. AID SUFFRAGISTS XEW YORK. April 7. An art show of old and modern masters was opened today for the aid of the HI 5 suffrage campaign. Suffrage leaders and rank and tile promised a big patronage at 21 a head admission to the private galleries. For Sale Very Reasonable. Modern 7 -room house and 7 lota about II blocks fnm town 1 block from paved streets. Soluble for chicken raising and gardening. In quire "Mrs. C. A.," this office. Adv Try one of our famous PICNIC HAMS Extra Choice Meat, 16c lb Average 81.00 to 81.50' Asparagus 2 bunches 15 Spinach Fresh daily, pound 5 Green Onions 5 bunch . 10? Head Lettuce 3 for 35 Rhubarb Fancy stock, pound 5t Radishes, Carrots Bunch 5? Cauliflower Heads 15 and 20 Sweet Potatoes 4 pounds 25 Lemons Large size, dozen 20 Grape Fruit Dozen OOa Oranges Dozen 30 and 45? Quaker Oats Large size 25 Corn Meal Yellow and white, package, 2 for 25 Tea Garden Drips Gallon tins $1.00 Karo Dark, 2 gallon jacket $1.45 THE SPECIALTY GASH GROCERY Phone 478. Next Door to Quelle Cafe. 628 Main. For Sale Cheap. Two sets single buggy harness, sad dle, two buggies, light Studebaker wagon suitable for "roustabout" work or camping trip and a pony city broken to drive and ride. Will sell separately,. Inquire "W" this of- flee. Adv. Good Coul and Wood. Our Rock Sprints coal burns clean giving you more heat and less dirt for your money. Good dry wood that doesn't boll, tut burns. Also slabs and kindling. Protect yourself from cold and cost order from B. L. Burroughs, hone E. Adv. Free Excursion to Harney Valley. See Livermore St Bickers at once and make reservation to go with the crowd on the big excursion Saturday, April 10th, and see the wonderful Harney valley. Fare and one-third on railroad for round-trip. Free au to rides and accommodations at com pany's hotel to all who go. Railroad fare returned to all who buy. Land sella at 10 per cent down and bal ance In nine annual payments at I per cent Interest. Adv. Notice of Bids. Sealed bids for the onstructlon of a Natatorlum In Round-up Park (In accordance with the plans and speci fications now on file at the office of the secretary of the Pendleton Com mercial Association) will be received at said office up t0 4 p. m. on Thurs day, April 8, 1916. A certified check for five per cent of the amount of each bid, made pay able to The Natatorlum Committee, must accompany each bid. The Natatorlum Ccmmlttee re serves the right to reject any or all of the bids. C. M. BISHOP, (Adv.) Chairman. newsy notes of Pendleton County court Meeting. The Cmatllla county court is to day holding Its regular monthly meeting. The entire day has been spent In auditing the big budget of bills. Tho flew Cosy Theatre TODAY FEATURING William Garwood IN IMAR THE SERVITOR The Photoplay Beautiful 2 PARTS. MUTUAL WEEKLY Latest news at home and abroad told in pictures. Tbo CI iiiiiiuiiiiiHiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiisiiiniuiiiniiiiniiuiiiiiniiiinHiiiininnHini Why Pay More, When You Can Buy the Same Goods at Hub Hub For Less Men's hats, not old style hats, but this spri:: and sum mer's styles, regular $:'..00 and $3.50 '.d.iue for 91.M5 One lot of "$2.00 and $2.50 value for $ 1.00 Men's John B. Stetson hat, No. 1 quality, regular $5.00 grade for $3.35 John B. Stetson hat, the $4.00 grade, we sell them not for $3.45, but for $2.95 Men's work shirts, good heavy shambray, regular 50c grade for 38; 2 for 75 Men's black sateen shirts, regular 75c grade for.... 45 Men's heavy drill shirts in black and tan for 45 Men's blue handkerchiefs for Ce4 Good heavy horse hide gloves, gauntlets and short for 25, 45, 65, 85, 05t $1.00, fl.SO, $1.25, ?1.45. Men's cashmere pante for f 1.00 Men's heavy khaki pants for 95a Men's dress pants for 91.95, $2.25, ?2.45, ?2.65, ?2.S5, ?3.25, ?3.45. , Men's overalls 45, 69, S3 Men's jumpers 45, 69, 83 Boys' bib overalls 35 Boys' knee pants for 25, 35, 49, 65, 75, 85, and 95. Eoys' Jumpers 45 Men's heavy Rockforor socks, 3 for 25 Men's black socks, 4 for 25 A new line of men's ties, regular 75c grade for 39 TBBfJHUB illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllr. Featuring Roscoe Arbucle (Fatty) and Chas. Chaplin. 2 Part. KEYSTONE COMEDY Adult 10c. Children Sc THE NEW COST THEATER. I'nder New Management. Judge O'SuIlivan Back. ! Peter O'SuIlivan, prominent Ritter stockman and former county Judge of Wallowa county, arrived back in Pendleton last evening and will probably remain here for a time. MRS. VlflN'S AD VICE TO 170 LIEU Take LydiaLPinkham'. Veg etable Compound and be Restored to Health. Attachment Suit Filed. An attachment suit for 1983.68, al leged to be due on account, was fil-' Kansas City, Mo. -" The doctors told ed today by James B. Bradshaw et il me I would never be mother. Every of Portland against J. D. Holden an'i Fannie Lee of this city. Chester G. Murphy and Frederick Stelwer are attorneys for the plaintiff. Notice. There will be a dance Saturday night, April 10th, at German Hall. Good music and a great time assur ed to all. Adv. Hnrd Times Dance WerittcfHlay. "Nix wld de doll-up," eet on your old clothes, leave old care and 'troub' behind and come with the bunch to the big hard times dance In Eagle Woodman hall, Wednesday night, April 7. There'll be some thin' (loin' every Instant. Late music by new Two Admlnistraticcs Appointed. Mrs. Barbara McRae, widow of the late Ronald McRae who died March 26 at Freewater, was this morning ap pointed administratrix of the estate which consists of personal property to the amount of J2825, real estate In this county valued at 17000 and some town lots In Lincoln county valued at $600. The heirs are the petitioner, and Misses Jennie and Jessie McRae of Freewater and James R. McRae of Portland. Mrs. Kate Christlanson of Freewater was this morning named administratrix of the estate of her mother, the late Minerva J. Perry who died March 20, leaving property in this countyvalued at J240S.50. The heirs are Fount Perry of Lake view, Idaho, the husband, Mrs. Chris tlanson and Edith Perry of Freewater. Pendleton orchestra, mission tOc. Adv. All Invited. Ad- Oowsl Plsjsl We still have a few good dairy cows, a number of horses (Including registered draft stud) aome shoats, a lot of farming Implements, Including 19 horsepower gasoline engine, and Wolverine hay baler, all for sale at going pricea. HARRISON & HADLEY. Pilot Rock Junction, Pendleton, Ore. (Adv.) "RED HOSE'' WAS AGAIN APPRECIATED HKKK With Zoe Barnett as the star the "Red Rose" was again appreciated in Pendleton last night. It is a musical comedy in which a youthful American art student, his millionaire father, of the rubber trust, his hated rival In the rubber Industry and his daughter are shown In Bohemia, The singing Is as good as formerly and among the more popular num bers may be mentioned "Come Along Ma Cherle," "If Tou Can't Sing. Dance" and "Queen of Vanity Fair." 111 "mA month the pains were so bad that I could not bear my weight on one foot I began taking Ly dia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound and had not finished the first bot tle when I felt greatly relieved and I took it until it wade me sound and well, and I now have two fine baby girls. I cannot praise Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound too highly for what it has done for me. I always speak a word in favor of your medicine to other women who suffer when I have an opportunity." Mrs. H. T. Winn, 1225 Freemont Ave., Kansas City, Mo. KeadWhat Another Woman says: Cumming, Ga. " I tell some suffer ing woman every day of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and what it has done for me. I could not eat or sleep, had a bad stomach and was in misery all the time. I could not do my housswork or walk any distance without luffering great pain. 1 tried doctors' medicines and different patent medi cines but failed to get relief. My hus band brought home yourVegctable Com pound and in two weeks I could eat any thing, could sleep like a healthy baby, and walk a longdistance without feeling tired. I can highly recommend your Vegetable Compound to women who suffer as I did, and you are at liberty to use this letter." Mrs. CHARLIE BAG LEY. R. 8, Cumming, Ga. uiiiimimiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiuiiiiii!.' I PASTIME TODAY! 5 Last chance to see Broadway Star Feature "LIFTING THE BAN OF CONVENTRY." f Featuring Lillian Walker, Julia Swayne Gordon and 5 Darwin Karr. E rillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrlllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllill?. Circus is Coming IT SPEAC FOR ITSELF r-:"'- 4 "I in i usT aMW-r- , i- - . --va-y-jC, WHEEL BASE 110 INCHES lODOi SOOTIIIRS MOTOR CAR Fully equipped with extra tire, tuhe and tire chains, de livered to you all ready for the road for S900 Pendleton Auto Co. Phone 541 812 Johnson Street TODAY Cleo Madison in Doman'S Debt" Tells the story of the regeneration of a heartless mother who, while her child is dying, spends her time at the gam ing table and is only torn away when her fortune is wasted. "ALL FOR PEGGY" PAULINE BUSH "Rejuvenation of Liza Jane Comedy