EIGHT PAGES' DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY. APR'!. ?. 1V PAT,!'. I IV CITY (0UNL ENDORSES PLAN TO EMPLOY HOME LABOR ON ALL NEW BUILDING PROJECTS 111 (From Dally Kant Oregonlan of April 1, 1915.) Taking a stand for home labor, the, city council laxt evening went on record as favoring the employment of Pendleton people In the building of the new library, the nataturlum, the federal building and the new wing of the Eastern Oregon State Hospital. In the matter of the fed eral and hospital work, the aldermen can do no more than give their mor al Influence toward securing the rec ognition of home labor but with ref erence to the library building and the natutorlum they have a direct voice and will use It In behalf of lo cal labor. The council has one member on the library board and three on the natutorlum committee and these were Instructed that It was the sense of the council that they give their vote and support to local people In letting of contracts, all other things being equal or nearly so. The council spe cifically advised the members on the library board to favor the employ ment of a home architect In the event of close competition. This recom mendation was made upon the an nouncement of Councilman Phelps, who Is on the library board, that the library board Is deadlocked over the consideration of plans. Acting Mayor John Dyer brought the matter up for discussion, declar ing his belief that the council should use every effort to provide work for home labor. Sentiment among the councllmen seemed to be unanimous ly along the same line. Councllmen Murphy, Vaughan and others declar ing that upon public works local contracyrs and laborers should be given the preference. Mr. Workingm&n Mr. Businessman By the above 'news article you may see that the city council has taken the lead toward keeping Pendleton money at home and constantly circulat ing among OUR home WORKINGMEN and BUSINESSMEN. It's a grand move and worthy of our united support. The dollar spent at home is merely loaned temporarily. It will even tually come back to us with interest through the course of local co-operation. BUT! On the other hand, if we spend this dollar away from home WE HAVE KISSED IT GOOD BYE. Let's all put our shoulder to the wheel and boost for the Pendleton Workingman and Businessman. EVERY HOUSEWIFE can be of great assistance in this popular move and prove a true partner in the home. There is not a home in Pendleton but what uses either lard or smoked, cured or fresh meats. Here's where you can help! EVERY morning when you order meat or lard, insist that it be "PEMECO" BRAND and take no other. This will mean that it has been prepared in Pendleton by local labor. .That it is fresh, pure and wholesome. That it will give perfect satisfaction or your money will be refunded. This is how every WOMAN as well as man can follow the councils lead and make business better in Pendleton. j WE SELL "PEMECO" BRAND MEATS AND LARD and feature our quality, service and sanitation. . , The Central Market, Phone 33 LOCALS Q Advertising in Brif HATKH fr'ep lfn flrt lukeniiO loe Per Hoc, additions! ioHrtloa.. . .Se V'.t line, per month II. oo No lural tlii for n than . Count ordlnsry worils to line Loral will not be utn out cbe pbuut and twoltUnc mutt ai-eoia tfsoj order THREE MEN FOUND MURDERED IN N. Y. NEW TOHK, April 5. Hacked to pieces by meat cleavers, the bodies of Otto Zlnn, a cafe proprietor, and two of his employes, were found a few minutes after robbera had mur dered them and looted the cash draw er. The slayers tvldently entered the little restaurant quietly, walkec buck to the kitchen, where they selx ed cleavers and attacked the em ployes. Zlnn, hearing the terrible cries of the victims, rushed to th assistance only to be struck down aJ he stepped through the door, Then, with fiendish energy, the murderers hacked the three dead men. A pas serby, seeing blood, Investigated and found the bodies. Only 35 wen secured. New Millinery See the galaxy of beautiful styles In Ladies' Hats we are showing before you make your decision to buy. Styles absolutely correct Ideas to please every taste and prices oderate. CARRIER MILLINERY TM Main Street Telephone 413 Just Received! another snipment of our PICNIC HAMS Extra Choice Meat, Average Size ' S1.00 to gl.50 KRINKLES CORN FLAKES Special, 3 PACKAGES 25 7 1. TABLE FRUIT Good standard grade, all kinds, S TINS, f 1.00. KNIGHT'S TOMATO KETCHUP Special, bottle 20 Extra Special Flavor. DRIED PEACHES 12 pound fl.OO. THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY Than 478. Next Door to Quelle Oaf. 628 Main. T .vmi-.i(h'..x m usk iij, of a TYI'HVS IX SALONIKA a a a a a a a ? 0, . - .'IV' Mls Mary D. Coxe, an American war nurse, Is suffering from typhus. contracted In Serbia. She Is at pres ent In Salonika having been moved from a base hospital In Serbia. Miss Cox went to Serbia last November. She was assistant superintendent In the operating room of the Mountain side Hospital, at Montcalm, N. J. NOTED EDUCATORS IN MEETING AT FRISCO SAN FRANCISCO, April 5 Some of the most prominent educator of the west will address the California Teachers' Association. Bay Section which began a five day session here today. Dr. Judsofi, president of the University of Chicago; President Ber. jamln Ide Wheeler of California Unl verslty, and David Starr Jordan, of Leland Stanford university, are al" scheduled to speak In addition to a number of authors and humorists. The teachers will not neglect the opportunity to ace the Panama-Pacific exposition, however, as they will hold convention sessions only In the morning and will visit the fair every afternoon. For Sale Very Rraeoaable. Modern 7-room hiuse and T Iota about If blocks from town 1 block from paved streets. Suitable for chicken seising and gardening. In quire "Mrs. C. A.," this office. Adv For fuel fone five. Cabbage plants 76c 100. Forshawa Wanted Girl for general house work. Phone 612 W. Toung lady wants position as cook on ranch or city. Inquire "P." E. O. To rent 3-room apartments, fur nished. 602 Water street. Experienced man and wife want work on ranch. Address I. Holgrun, For sale New Economy Chief cream separator. Inquire 210 Thomp son, j Five room house for sale on north nae. corner lot Improved. Address MW" this office. For sale "Old Trusty" 228 egg In cubator. In good condition. Apply "T" this office. John Rosenberg, watchmaker and Jeweler, Court and Cottonwood. All work guaranteed. For sale Two block work mares, both In foal. Phone or write A. A. Mclntyre, Athena, Ore. Wanted, work on ranch by man and wife. Experienced. Inquire 704 E. Court street, or Eyers mill. Very many people desire to buy lands in eastern Oregon. What have you to offer, and price? N. Berkeley. Old papers for sale; tied in bundles Good for starting fires, etc. 10c a bundla. This office. Dunham, Brownlow & Payne, con tractors, builders, Job work. ' Estl mates and plans furnished. Golden Rule Hotel basement. Phone 361J. iuuiig woman wisnes work as waitress or competent cook. Will1 work on ranch. Give particular is! to wages. Inquire "H" th'S office. The Alta House and Barn. Head quarter for farmers and stockmen. Call a.id see us. Stephenson k. Eng lar, proprietors. Phone 447. 702 East Alta street For Sale 18 fe. cut, 24 In. cylin der Holt Combine, 32 horse equalizer, good condition, 3650.00, F, O. B. Kennewlck, Wash. 8. D. L. Ross, Athena, Ore. For sale 240 acres foot-hill wheat land raising 35 bushels per acre, ( miles from railroad at 135 per acre, easy payments. Paul Bulflnch, Am erican Falls, Idaho. "Mutf takes the big loads and "Jeff" shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable Furniture van and storage warehouse; Office 647 Main street Phone 333. ( "V0 M : . - f - : "5 U- v IK j Scene from l'uta, and Pei 1, nutter, Oregon Theater, Thursday, April 8. For Sale Cheap. Two sets single buggy harness, sad dle, two buggies, light Studebaker wagon suitable for "roustabout" PERSONAL MENTION John McDonald of Wallowa is a Pendleton visitor. L. A. Eeteb, Echo attorney, was up from his home yesterday. J. F. Relhl of Hermteton was a Sunday viBitor in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. White of Her mlston are at the St. George. Dr. D. N. Hayden of Ukiah, wa registered at the Pendleton. Tom R. Pearce of Hertnlston was up from the west end Saturday. Alfred Smith is In from the Smith sheep ranch near Pilot Rock today. W. F. Follett of Elgin Is among the eastern Oregon people here today. H. G. Hurlburt was among the Hermlstonians In the city Sunday. W. M. Friend of Hermiston came In last evening and spent the night here. C. H. Zurcher, prominent Enterprise resident, is at the Pendleton today. T5 T d.llicin rf 1J ; n. K work or camping trip and a pony'..;;-"'".;: n, ,". " " " city broken to drive and ride. Will sell separately,. Inquire "W" this of fice. Adv. Good Coal and Wood. Our Rock Springs coal burns clean giving you more heat and leas dirt for your money. Good dry wood that doesn't boll, Lut burns. Also slabs and kindling. Protect yourself from cold and cost order from B. L. Burroughs, phone I. Adv. Free Excursion to Harney Valley. See Llvermore & Bickers at once and make reservation to go with the crowd on the big excursion Saturday, April 10th, and see the wonderful Harney valley. Fare and one-third on railroad for round-trip. Free au to rides and accommodations at com pany's hotel to all who go. Railroad fare returned to all who buy. Land sells at 10 per cent down and bal ance In nine annual payments at ( Per cent Interest. Adv, Notice of Bids. Sealed bids for the c instruction of a Natatorlum in Round-up Park f'.n accordance with the plans and speci fications now on file at the office of the secretary of the Pendleton Com mercial Association) will be received at said office up to 4 p. m. on Thurs day, April 8, 1915. A certified check for five per cent of the amount of each bid, made pay able to The Natatorlum Committee, must accompany each bid. The Natatorlum Ccmmittee re serves the right to reject any or all of the bids. C. M. BISHOP. (Adv.) Chairman. day. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gelvin of Pilot Rock were visitors In Pendleton yes terday. J. A. Campbell of Hermiston was up from the west end of the county Sunday. J. M. Ashton and John Fits Hugh of Milton, were at the Bmman dur ing the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Penland and lit tle daughter, Mary Elizabeth, are in from Helix today. ' C. W. Nctyes and Fred Gaskill of La Grande are here as Jurors a', the session of the federal court. C. H. Stuller of Baker, who Is doing Jury duty before the federal court, is registered at the Pendleton. E. I. Davis, well knowr. civil en gineer of the west end of the coun ty, spent the weekend in the city. M. L. Watts, prominent Athena bus iness man, and H. I. Watts, mayor of j the same town, are in the city today. W. R. Taylor of Athena is here to day and is one of the Jurors sitting in the case on trial in the federal court j Judge R. S. Bean, Marshal Montag. Deputy Marshal Leonard Decker, Dep uty V. S. Attorney E. A. Johnson and' Deputy Clerk G. H. Marsh, all of : whom are here fur the term of the federal court, are guests of the St George. CALIFORNIA WOMEN HELP BELGIAN RELIEF NEW YORK. April 5. Mrs. Lln don W. Bates, chairman of the wom an's section of the commission for relief in Belgium, yesterday an nounced that among the various do nations sent from the different points in the United States, was one of II. 050 from Mrs. W. K. Jewett. of Cal ifornia, making exactly 14690 receiv ed through the activities of this one friend of the Belgians. Mrs. Bates said that, despite the fact that the state of California had previously given an entire shipload of food, valued at nearly 3300,000. Its citizens were continuing to give generously to Belgium relief. The students of Stanford Univer sity have to date given no less than 34.705.50 making an average monthly contribution of 3700. The students whose funds come from many states in the union, are preparing to gather further funds this month through the establishment of a European market in the Palo Alto -:ircle. er plant will be voted on as a pre paratory step to voting on a bond Is sue for a city plant The ordinance provides for an estimate of the cost of extending the present plant. A man with a lot of money la al- ways a great help to himself. Petition I'onn Approved. BAKER, Ore.. April 1. Despite disapproval of the city commission ers, the movement for the extension of Baker's municipal light plant was taken up again. City Clerk Cunning approved the form of a petition submitted today by Robert Service to initiate a popu lar election on July 14, at which an appraisement ordinance for the ex tension of the Baker municipal pow- KELLEY'S AUTO Repair Shop Now ready for business. Your Autos Neatly and Promptly Repaired. Give us a trial. Cottonwood St., Opposite City Hall. Phone 181. YOUR REWARD for co-operation with the Stom ach, Liver and Bowels will be bet ter apoetite. Improved digestion and freedom from Headache, 1 Illoatinjr, Constipation and Bill ousnexK. To bring; about this condition try HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters It IicIik Nature in etery way. ii '--1T f fr t i i ii mT You can always depend on OUR WORK WE WILL clean, spot and press your clothes RIGHT Work called for and delivered to any part of the city. Satis faction guaranteed we know how. MODEL CLEANERS. Our Motto, "Quick Service" Lester it Shanafelt Tel. 321. lit E. Webb St EX-REPRESENTATIVE PALMER IS JUSTICE Notice. There will be a dance Satuid iy night, April 10th, nt German Good music and a great time assur ed to all. Adv. Hard Times Dunce Wednesday. "Nix wid de doll-up," get on your old clothes, leave old care and 'troub' behind and come with the bunch to the big hurd times dance in Eusle- Viinlmnn hnll WAtlneqriav ntpht. April 7. There'll be somethin' ,loln'irenn- every Instant. Late music by new Pendleton orchestra. All Invited. Ad mission 60c. Adv. WASHINGTON, April 1. Former Representative A. Mitchel Palmer to-1 day went on the bench of the court! of claims, who was defeated for V I S. rrnator In Pennsylvania by Sena-j Penrose, was an "original Wilson'' in n mil democratic leader In Penn-: Hall, i svlv'.tiiia. After lteinir defeated for1 the senate, the president appointed j Calmer to succeed Justice Charles B i Howry of the court of claims, who re s.ijned effective today. Palmer waa democratic caucus chairman of the house of representatives and refused the portfolio of secretary of war when the Wilson administration came in. His home is at Stroudsburg. TODAY Cleo Madison in en's Ooljf" PROHIBITION MAY BE DECLARED BY VILLA SAN ANTONIO, April J Emulat ing European governments. Villa ex pects to make Mexico a prohibition nation when peace Is restored, ac cording to statements credited to him. Villa has had many soldiers executed for drunkenness. He has also placed saloonkeepers before the firing squad for selling liquor to them. He believes prohibition will be one of the best guarantees for fu ture peace in Mexico. Tax Officials Ienove1. COLUMBUS, O., April 2. In ac cordance with a letter from Gover nor Willis, the state tax commission removed all officials in charge of the taxation machinery In the 88 counties of the state. Those remov ed are all democrats who were ap pointed under the administration of Governor Cos. The removal of the officials was based on a desire on the part of Governor Willis to have the state taxation machinery In the hands of men in sympathy with the state administration. How large a dollar looks to the man with only 30 cents! Tells the story of the regeneration of a hearties.'; mother who, while her child is dying, spends her time at the gam ing table and is only torn away when her fortune is wasted. "ALL FOR PEGGY" PAULINE BUSH "Rejuvenation of Liza Jane" Comedy 1