KICHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 191S. PAGE Trn:r'E THE BEST METHODS OF CRUISE OF TIMBER IS Slender -yes, but graceful Effill ALFALFA ARE TOLD BT EXPERT IE II FORESTS 3F OfflS-ISIGilI ' Green J J Clothes Value sSSSSSSSSSSSjBISJSISJBasIISSMSaBSSBBaBBS BHMIHMIHIHM WHAT IS IT? Do you want a really convinclns answer? Then save time and come here for It. , We cannot find anywhere a better Illustration of full value for every dollar spent than you will get In BOND CLOTHES $15 to $30 Our lubel In your coat la an Incontestable contract with the Style and Comfort League. BOND BROTHERS Pendleton's Leading Clothier. RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER I INSTRUMENTS Chattel Mortgage. Fred O. Wilson to First Bank of Pilot Hock, 11,630; 11 cows, 8 cows, 40 shoats, 8 pigs. 4 horses and mares all farm machinery and harness and an Increase from cowa and sows. T. W. Bolkln to Frank J. Anseon, 8140; 1 mare, 1 colt. Hartman Long to M. A. Rlgby, II, 200, on all stock containing In the Pendleton Cycle Co.'s store, 22H East Court, subject to the right of sale In the usual course of business. DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea, or aa the German folks call it, "Hamburger Brunt Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a taMcspoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It is the most effect he way to break a cold and cure arip, as it opens the pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus driving a cold from the system. Try it the next time you suffer from . cohl or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. E Sob Pain and 8tlflheu away with a i mall bottle of old honest St Jacobs Oil When your tack is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer I Get a 25 cent bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in your band and rub It right into the pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame ness is gone. Don't stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only once. It takes the ache and pain right out of your back and ends the misery. It is magical, yet absolutely harmlcs" and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica and lame back misery so promptly! i r . .. fr Rcliabb Ginning Ws have the best equipped plant in Pendleton for doing this work right. Our big Investment and years of experience are our guarantee that we will satisfy you for, to continue receiving your patronage we realise we must give the best service al ways, and be Mionslule for all work sent us. Get the bent work possible and .always be sending your cleaning and pressing to FELL i Mortgage. G. M. Jasper to C. B. Miller 13,- 000; a tract of land, title descriptive. Geo. W. McCauley to Joseph El Thomas & Co., J850; the S 1-2 of NW. 1-4 of SE. 1-4 of Sec. 25, T. 6 N., R 28 E., W. M. Otilt Claim Deed. Chns. S. Hail et ux to F. W. C. Hall tl; tracts of land in Sections 16, 17 and 21. T. , N. It. 38 E W. M. IHwdst. Melissa E. Messenger et al. to John Nells JMO; the SE. 1-4 of SW. 1-4 and lot 14. Sec. 4. T. 6 N., R. 38 E., W. M.. containing 82.16 acres. C. B. Miller to G. M. Jasper, 86,000; a tract of land, title descriptive. Mary and John H. Gentry to Bar bara A. Sturglll JoSO; lots 7 and 8, block 2 in Ireland's addition to Mil ton. Chua. W. Records to Melissa E. Mes singer 1200; the NW. 1-4 of SW. 1-4 anil lot 13 of the SW. 1-4 of Sec. 4, T. 5 X., It. 38 E. W. M containing 81.40 acres. Susan and Thos. Martin to E. F. Pearl, tl; lota 7. 8, , 10. 11 and 12, block 27, In town of Freewater. J. T. Huston to L O. Huston 8450; a parcel of land In the city of L'klah. Maxwell Land & Irrigation Co. to Geo. W. McCouley 81; 20 acres land title descriptive. . Geo. W. McCauley to H. R. Andley 110; the S. 1-2 of NW. 1-4 of SE. 1-4 of Sec. 25, T. 5 X., R. 28 E., W. M.. subject to a mortgage of 1650. Alfred Schnelted et ux to David A. Techier 812.000; all of lot 9, block 5 in the town of Pendleton. David A. Feebler to Alfred Schnei- ter. 830.000; the SE. 1-4 of Sec. 6 and the W. 1-2 and the NE. 1-1 of Sec. 7, T. S X., R. 31 E., W. M. Washington Slate Wins. SEATTLE, Waih., April 1. The girls' debating team of Washington Stnte College defeated the University of Washington girls' team In the Se attle debate of the triangular contest between Washington, Whitman and Washington State College. The Judg ers' decision In favor of the stats c'- lege was unanimous. This gives to Washington State Col lege first place In the girls' contest. which won from Whitman Friday night, while Whitman defeated Wash- lngtnn. "Philippine Independence" was the subject of the debate. Washington State supported the negative. and Prossing protected, by 206 ti E. Alta St, Fhone 160 120 W. Court St., Phone 432. KXI'KKIMKXTS COM)l'tTEl) IN 1011 RESl'LTH IN HF.LPFIL INFORMATION. Ilullitin In Issued by Uic Government, Hhowing How Frequent Fields Should bo Irrigated Experiment Curried Out at Station on the Pro ject Near Herniisfcin. Facts concerning the best method of Irrigation of alfalfa as determined bv trie experiment station near Her mlston have Just been made known by the agricultural department. Frequency of Irrigating .Alfalfa. In 1914, an experiment was conduct ed to determine the relative desira bility of Irlgating alfalfa once a week, once In two weeks, and one in three weeks. The field which was irrigated once a week for 24 weeks received 9.7 acre-feet of water per acre and produced 6.67 tons of hay per acre. The field given 12 bi-weekly Irrigati ons Jn 24 weeks received 6.3 acre feet of water per acre and produced 6 30 tons of hay per acre. A third field, which was Irrigated 8 times in 24 weeks once every three weeks was given 4.4 acre-feet of water per acre and fielded 4.0 tons of hay per acre. Thus It is seen that 24 Irriga tions produced only 0.27 ton more hay per acre than 12 irrigations. In other words, an Increase of only about 500 pounds of hay per acre resulted from 12 additional irrigations and 4.4 acre feet of additional water per acre. This Increase In yield was certainly not suf fllcent to pay for the extra water and labor necessary in Irrigating the field 12 times. It appears that to irrigate only once In 3 weeks is not frequent enough. The field which was irrigated once In two weeks yielded about a ton per acre more than the field which was Irri gated once In 3 weeks. Thus. 12 Ir rigations during the season produced a ton more hay per acre than 8 Ir rigations did. The results of this ex periment Indicate that alfalfa on the sandy soils of the project should be Irrigated about every two weeks dur ing the growing season, and that It does not pay to Irrigate alfalfa as fre quently as once a week. Specific Requirements. In order to (ret satisfactory results in irrigating the sandy soils of the project some special methods are required. Ac cording to R. W. Allen, superintendent of the Umatilla experiment farm, the following are particularly Important: (1) Irrigation furrows should be short from 100 to 200 feet In length. (2 These furrows should be from about 20 inches to not more than 30 inches apart, so that the water will quickly moisten the soil between the furrows. (3) The furrows should be fairly shallow, so that the surface soil will be properly wetted at each irri gation; and well opened, so that the water will flow freely. (4) Only a small quantity of water should be ap plied at each Irrigation; where more than 5 Inches Is applied, large losses are to be allowed lo run over the land after the surface is well wetted, as a continued flow results in large perco lating losses. (6) Frequent light ap plications of water give better results than Infrequent heavy applications (7) Comparatively. large Irrigation streams should be used In order to cover the land as quickly as possible. A MEDICINE OF MERIT. A proprietary medicine, like every thing else that comes before the pub lic, has to prove Its merits. The law of the survival of the fittest applies In this field as In others. The rea son for the tremendous success of Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound Is because It has been fulfill ing a real human need for forty years, so that today thousands of Am erican women owe their health and happiness to the marvelous power or this famous medicine, made from roots and herbs nature's remedy for woman's ills. Adv. LIBEL SUITS BROUGHT AGAINST GERMAN SHIP BOSTON, April 1. Three marine libel suits against the Interned Ger man liner Kronprlnzessln Cecille, the celebrated "gold ship" which was forced to turn back from Europe when the war opened, with a gold cargo estimated at 811. 000,000, were on trial today before U. S. district Judge Hale. The Guaranty Trust Co. of New York Is suing the vessel's owners for falling to deliver 85.000, 000 In gold. Charles W. Rantoul ot New York and Maurice Hanssen of Belgium are suing, respectively, for 85000 and 1200,000 for inability to land In Europe. Hanssen's property was destroyed by the German army A woman never meets her Ideal man until she has passed the don't worry age. French Remedy For Stomach' Troubles The leading doctors of France have fur years used a prescription of vege table oils for chronic stdVnach trou ble and constipation that acta like a charm. One dose will convince. Severe cases of years' standing are often greatly benefited within 24 hours. So many people are getting surprising results that we feel all persons suffering from constipation lower bowel, liver and stomach trou bles should try Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. It Is sold by leading drug gists everywhere with the positive understanding that your money will be refunded without question or quibble if ONE bottle falls to give you absolute satisfaction. DIKING LAST FIELD SEASON AREA OF 115.619 ACHES COVERED IX STATE. 77,010 acres in .Washington Forest Service In twrying on Intensive (uiimr and Mapp'nff In Localities Where Government TIiiiImt Slay He In Demand, PORTLAND, Ore., April 6 Ac cording to an announcement made today hy the district forester of Port land, the results of the 1911 cruise of timber on the national for ests of Washington and Oregon have just been compiled, and show that during the last field season an area of 115.649 acres was covered in Ore gon and 77,010 acres In Washington. It has been the practice of the forest service for some time to car ry on Intensive cruising and mapping in localities where there was likely to be a demand for government tim ber. The object of the work is to obtain definite and detailed Informa tion regarding the topography and the timber and other resources on each tract examined. During 1914 work was carried on In four different localities In Oregon and two In Wash ington, the crews doing the work varying In number from four to 13. The most extensive area covered In Oregon was east of Mt. Scott on the Crater forest In southern Oregon, where a crew of ten men covered an area of 51,853 acres. An area of 48, 998 acres was cruised in the Breit- en')ush country on the Santlam for est, Oregon, Just west of the Cas cade divide. Of the two projects In Washington, that carried on in the neighborhyd of Squire creek on the Snoqualmie forest in Snuohomish county covered 65 820 acres; whlie that on the Bogachlel river on the Olympic .forest In western Washing ton covered only 21,190 acres, yet was the most difficult and expensive work of the season. The cost of the work varied from ten to twenty-seven cents per acre, depending upon the ruggedness. hrushiness and inaccessibility of the country. In most of the projects tne cost per thousand feet cruised was less than half a cent. On some of the projects, particularly those In heavy timber west of the Cascades, the cruising and mapping is carried on under severe hardships and han dicaps, which make the cost much higher than in the park-like yellow pine forests east of te Cascades. On the Bogachlel project in the Olympic mountains, for example, the cruisers W Pre auie lo lull uiu, a mur ui rw i a day, and aa they moved camp, hadi to build a traU ahead of them In ol der to get their equipment in. It is probable that uring the com- ing season another 200.000 acres will he mapped and cruised by the forest 3ervice in the two states, since It Is part of the plan of the administra tion of the natlonl forests to take stock of their resources and make a good topographic map of areal hitherto unmapped. Operator Saves Train, POTTSVILLE, Pa., April 1. The action of Joseph Ziegler, a Philadel nhia & Reading telegraph operator. saved the morning express, bound north from this city, from Detng wrecked near a cut at Wethei ill Junc tion. A five-ton boulder had rolled down from the mountainside and lodged on the tracks. After half an hour spent in a vain attempt to pry the huge rock loose and roll it over the embankment, Zieg lpp npnrlv overcome bv exhaustion, dragged himself to the telegraph tow. er and flashed a message to Pottsville Just as the train was leaving the Potts- cille station. It's a safe bet that the man who barely escapes being run over by an automobile doesn't call the driver a chauffeur. JAPANESE NURSES Here is where the Occident hsl come to the Orient. These Japanese! nurses and surgeons, mown in mini photograph are in a French hospital where they have given wonderful j 1! I ' Mrs W K. TTf A H';!' ' .'-Vjll ! , III - f hVVM O H A 3 ' - .7 117 it ) LfcfefeS M- Csfsrriftimbf tW WaMfeMtoMQmaM? Don't forget that all "RED FERN CORSETS" are fitted, perfectly on your figure by our Expert Corsetiere, Mist Kin niburgh. She is here to stay, too, so if you have a complaint to make latr, you will be taken care of. Stories From (By a United Press Staff Correspond ent) PARIS, March 23. (By Mail to New York.) German and Austrian owned hotels, villas and private resi dences of all kinds on the famous French riveria are to be used as hos pitals for the French soldiers when the former are wounded if Deputy Georges Boussenot can have his wav.J He has written to the minister of tnej Interior demanding that all such, properties be taken over by the gov- ernment and equipped at once as mil- ltary hospitals. The delightful wint-j er climate of the Riveria, it is point-1 ed out, would be a most important factor In the convelascence of the! wounded. As a goodly portion of the hotel Industry on the Riviera is in the hands of German concerns it Uj estimated that the seizure of the ho-; tels alone would afford all "of the hos pital accommodations that could pos sibly be needed. France has just begun its firt step towards the rebuilding' on the Ladies Club of Adams to. Hold a Skating Party OCCASION WIIX BE MADE SO CIAL AFFAIR OTHER NEWS NOTES OF THE TOWN. (Special Correspondence.) I ADAMS. Ore., April 6. Mr. and! Mrs. L. L. Rogers were In town last week. The Ladles' club will give a skat ing affair Saturday evening, April 10, lr the city hall. All skaters will bel nnrmilta tn clrata fni 1 T. sAnfB Tin ' fiiniiiitu t senate iui a a .ruuii a - cream will be served during the ev ening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krebs motoreil to Pendleton Saturday. The Celilo canal boosters came through Adams Friday and gave a short address. The Adams band welcomed them. CARING FOR WOUNDED help. They are the same surgeons! and nurses who passed through tho i. nueu sunn, i, way to Europe. Seventeen pretty nurses with several surgeons l i You may be genuinely winsome in your slender ness if rightly corsetted. A pretty, slight hip curve made by the corset give slenderness a pleasing attractiveness. m n f We always advise a fitting, even when dupli cating a satisfactory model, for the reason that the slightest variation in the figure calls for an equally slight variation in the corset. May we serve you in the way to bring the best results? The the War Zone most modern lines of the hundreds of French towns and villages destroyed In the present war. As many of these were centuries old, even their historic Interest and Importance could not al ways offset the disadvantage of un sanitary location and cotstruction re sulting from the more or less prim atlve times in which they were built A commission composed of M. Bris sac, director of public hygiene. Drs. Julen Rensult, Pottevin, and Labbe. technical sanitary experts; M. Mart- the famous geologist, and M. Pelis sier, one of the greatest modern au thorities on agricultural improvement has just been appointed to inspect the provinces invaded by the Germans for the purpose of preparing sites an I plans for the reconstruction of the towns and villages 'lnder modern sai. itary requirements. Similar commis sions of experts for passing upon oth er essential elements in the rebuildln? of the towns will be appointed latet as the work Is carried on step bj step. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Marquis spert Friday at the home of Mrs. Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. George Woodward were in town Wednesday. Miss Eileen Bowling came home Friday evening to spend the week end. C. Wordward was in town Wednes day. Kyle McDaniels went ta Milton. The Led'es club met Thursday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. S. A Edwards. Those present were: Mes- dames Peringer, Bert Kirby, Elmer Hales, L. L. Lieuallen, Harrah. Stock ton, Richardson, Stephen Edwards, Roseberry, Boyer. McCollum. Darr, Kirbv and Miss Nannie Stockton and Miss Francis Simmons. Refresh ments consisting of cake, salad. randwiches and coffee were served in the latter part of the afternoon. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent. The club's next meeting will be a' the home of Mrs. Stephen Edward Quite a number of the farmers have been delayed with their spring wuik this week as It has been so rainy FRENCH SOLDIERS charge of Dr. J. Suiukl, came from tlve Orient by way of California and were received In m iny cities on their way to the battlefields. Now they' ere bard a work. The new Itedfern ' : 1 , .. 1 tV?m.,(lclH that pom sess the qualifica- ft CZtJVDroDr lately a slender form. Ladies' Store But nevertheless, the rain has been enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lieuallen hav moved to their ranch for the purpose of completing their spring worit. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison and chiWren Pcnt the day In Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McKen zie ot Walla Walla were in town Fri day. Mrs. Charles Schatz held the spell ing contest at the school house Fri day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kirby were) guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krebs Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. W. Spencer and daughter, Beulah, spent Saturday in Athena. Thomas Coffee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Coffee of this place, was mar ried Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock. His bride was formerly Miss Lois Bartlett of Milton. Kyle McDaniels went to Milton Saturday. BILLY SUNDAY OPENS REVIVALS AT PATERSON PATERSON. N. J. April 5 Bill Sunday and his soul-saving brigade arrived here today to open a revival of several weeks, Sunday has been resting at his home at Winona Lake. Indiana, since his recent campaign, at Philadelphia. He will stay here six weeks. DOCTORS SAID HE HAD DROPSY Some time ago I had an attack of grlpp which finally settled in my kidneys and bladder. I doctored with the doctors and they claimed I had dropsy. I tried other remedies and got no relief from any of them. My condition was such that I was unable to work for about two months and the annoying symptoms caused me a great deal of trouble and pain. I was hardly able to turn over in bed. Seeing one of your Almanacs. I de cided to give Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root a trial and after taking several bottles I cannot say too much in praise of your Swamp-Root as the results In my case were truly won derful. Yours very truly, Robert ballard. Mansfield. Pa. Sworn and subscribed before mo, this 7th day of May, 1912. RAY C. LONGBOTHCM. Notary Publii IetUT to I Dr. Kilmer A Co,, Jtlnihamtow, y. y. J rrove 'What Swamp-Root Will Do Ft You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample else bottle. It will convince anyone. Yo will also receive a booklet of valu able Information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing; be sure snd mention the Pendleton Daily East Oregonlan. Regular ft. ty-cent and one-dollar slie bottles for sale at all drug stores. t HEAD STUFFED FROM 1 CATARRH OR A COLD T Says Cream Applied tn Nostrils J Opens Air Passages Right I p. X t Instant relief no waltlnf. Your elogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear snd you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, head ache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely's Crsm Palm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, snttseytle, healing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air pas of the head, soothes the Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes Instantly. It s Just fine. Don't sty turfed up with a cold or nasty catarrh. j