EIGHT PAGE? DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1915. PAGE FIVE '!llVIPMM'MMMVr'f!'nflM,Pl"!''l!'!'l'!''''','1!!!1T!"!!tl!!F'!!!'!,H!rl AW ENJOYABLE ,' SUNDAY DIMMER DEPENDS LARGELY ON SATURDAY'S SHOPPING. INSURE YOUR SATISFACTION BY BUYING DELICIOUS "PEMECO" MEATS ' Prime Rib Roasts Pot RoaU Short Rib Boil Lean BoiU Fancy Steaks Hamberger Steak Corned Beef Spanish Stew Legs Lamb Lamb Breasts Lamb Chops Lamb Steaks Country Veal Roasts Steaks Chops Pork Roasts Pork Chops Pork Steaks Pork Sausage Pork Link Sausage Salted Side Pork "Pemeco" Bacon "Pemeco" Hams FRESH, CLEAN STOCK Radishes, bunch 5 Green Onions, 3 bunches 10f Lettuce, head 10 Cauliflower,. head 20 Rhubarb, 2 pounds 25 Celery, bunch 15 Grape Fruit, each 15 Cabbage, pound 4$ STRICTLY FRESH RANCH EGGS, dozen 20 KNIGHrS GOOD GOODS Knight's Sweet India Relish, pint Knight's 'Ripe Olives, pint Knight's Sweet Midgets, quart Knight's Stuffed Olives, pint Knight s Mixed Sweet Pickles, quart. ... 15 ... 35 ... 30 ... COc 30 Knight's agal. Jars Chow C3e ANOTHER SHIPMENT PEANUT BUTTER The Pound ' 20 Service Tbo Quality Central Phone 33 Sanitation orhof I locals! Advertising in Brief ttATEH. 'f Hoe flrt lurtln ,.J0 rr line, additional Insert loa....6 fate Hum, oer moDiD 1. IK) No local Ukro for Iim tbia '.:5c '"nnnt 0 onllmrf worif lo Una. Local will not be Ukco over tas pliuu aud remittance mint anrofa pan? order TURKISH BATTERIES BAFFLE ALLIED FLEET V LONDON. March 27. New Turk lah batteries alx mile Inside the Dar danellea on the Asiatic shore are of .ferine an .etrely ihot resistance to the allied fleet, according to Athena dlspatchea. Taking advantage of the four days lull the new batteries are pouring sheila about the squadron. Plowing Ceaktat Held. JUNCTION "CITY, fire., March 27. IL C. Peterson won first prlie and D. Strom second in: tbo plowing con teat held here recently. Professor II. K. French, of Oreicon Agricultural college, was Judge, and i large num ber of contestants took part Pro feasor O. R. Hy-lop. director of farm crops, gave a lecture on farm plow ing, while Profemor French discussed general farm work. County Agricul tural Coition was present. Thla Is the first plowing contest that has been held by the local grange. The grange met and discuss ed the Lane county fair. It waa de cided that the fair was necessary for the development of this county. The negative won the debate on the sub ject. "Resolved, That poor cooking has done more harm than tobacco." If you would flatter a married man tell him he doesn't look It. STYLE, QUALITY and PRICE THEY ALWAYS FORM PART OF THE SALE BETWEEN US. With our sroods these are included. You want quality we know WE do.' Our magnificent Spring showing of correct style hats is now being displayed for you to vie:. Buy when you wish, tut come and'Jook now. CARRIER MILLINERY 144 Mala 8tr9t Telephone 413 Today' s Oooli Iuos Tomato Ketchup Rich, spicy flavor, gallon 00 Peaches, Peas, Apples, Berries Extra standard pack, .gtflon 40 Asparagus Choice stock, the can 30 Minced Clams Extra good standard, dozen $1:25 Dried Peaches Extra good, 12 pounds ?1.00 Fancy Tid-Bit Pineapple Special, doz $1.20 Red Mexican Beans Fancy stock, 16 pounds $1.00 English Breakfast Tea Extra choice 50c blend, 3 pounds for ?100 Pill Pickles Flavor just right, dozen 2ty Black Cooking Figs 4 pounds S5 Limberger Badger State Brand, 1 poujid 30 Fresh Hard-Tack, Army Biscuits Dozen 10c Curvecut Macaroni 3 quarts 25t Green Chili Cheese Package 15 Fresh twice a week. Choice Green Olives Pint 25 Sweet Relish Sour Relish Pint 15 Fresh Eggs Dozen 20 THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY Phone 476. Next Door to Quelle Oafa. 628 Main. For fuel fone flvn. Cablage plants 75c 100. Forshaw Two light airy front roema. Drown Hall, Itiverslde Drive, North Side. 1ve room modern bouse to rent Phone 30J or Inquire 417 Garfield. Wanted GJrl to do general house work. Inquire 121 Monro street. For sale New Economy Chief cream separator. Inquire 210 Thomp son. 4 Wanted Girl for general house work. iit. U. Alexander, at E. Jackson. Flva room house for sale on north side. Corner lot improved. Atfdrast "W- thla office. For sale 110 acres of timber land near Cardans, Oregon. Peter Krlaer, 117 Garfield street. John Bosenberg, watchmaker and Jeweler, Court and Cottonwood. All work guaranteed. Wanted by refined Eastern Star Udy, housekeeping for elderly gentle man or lady. Money found. Loser can obtain same by application to Itev. E. U C'levenger. j i-'ix room house to rent after April 1st ami furniture for sale. Inquire 112 L Webb. Very many people desire to buy lands In eastern Oregon. What have you to offer, and price? N. Berkeley. Old papers for sale; tied In bundlea Good for starting flrea, etc lOo a bundlj. Thla office. For sale Two moJern cottages lo oted on east Court street, seven blocks from Mtln street Inquire of Walters- milt. Dunham, Brownlow A Payne, con tractors, builders, Job work. Estl mates and plans furnished. Golden Rule Hotel basement. Phone 161 J. For Sale lg fe. cut, 24 la. cylln der Holt Combine, 32 horse equalizer, good condition. 1550.00, F. O. B. Kennewick, Wash. 8. D. U, Ross, Athena, Ore. The Alta House and Barn. Head quarters for farmers and stockmen. Call aad aee us. Stephenson A En lar. proprietors. Phone 447. 702 East Alta street For sale 240 acres fooLhUl wheal laad raisin 35 bushels per acre, miles irom railroad at 215 Per acre easy payments; Paul Uulflack., Am erlcan Falls, Idaho. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff ahowa the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable Furniture van and storage warehouse Office 147 Main street Phone 211 Extra good sober farm' hand wants work, likes horses, can run binder. header, threcher and combined har vesier. can do carpenter and eaw mill work; also gardener. Address Pox 11, Tjgh Valley. Oregon. For sale One of the best lmprov ed hornet In the city, 4 lots, 7 roomed house, one block from paved street cheap. It will pay you to invest! gate if wanting to buy a home. In quire at 302 E. Alta atreet For aale 820 acres famous Bock land Valley land. 240 acres of which Is tillable and BO acres now under cultivation, joins the Minidoka na tlonal forest reserve, thus giving ac cess to ununited range for cattle. Soli excellent foothill land and lay well. tit per acre. Address C M Canfleld, American Fails, Idaho. NEWS OF FARM AND RANGE FREE LEASE OFFERED N 0-V OF LAND OH ITS RIGHT 6E VAT 66 jp CD 99 CD : i i J f 3 Huvlng a good many acres of good farming land within Its right of wa between Toakum and Gibbon In this county, the O.-W. It. & S. Co. has made an offer to lease this land free of charge If It will be cropped and further volunteers to furnish the seed for sowing it if the lessee has not the means with which to purchase It. Local Agent T. F. O'Brien thU morning received a letter from Supt W. Bollons notifying him of the pol icy of the company. The letter calls attention to the fact that there are a number of tracts within the right-of-way which are adapted to culti vation. These will be leased free to employes, ex-employes who have been laid off on account of the reduction In assistance or to any poor or needj persons. Mr. O'Brien Is Instructed to canvass the local situation as soon as possible In order that the land may be cultivated at once. He will take the matter up with the city and coun ty authorities. Formal application for the land must be made to Supt Uollons through the local agent. Power Please Endurance Every Pleasure Purchaser :3 i z 3 3 - 3 A This is the reason why we sell so many c? ones BIDS ADVERTISED FOR CHEESE TO BAIT TRAPS MINNEAPOLIS, March 27. The powt office of Minneapolis Is todiiy ad vertising for bida for a hunk of cheese. Recently, Old Tabby, brigadier general In the warfare aKuin.t rats, was rendered hors de combat In a frontal assault upon an enemy of un known strength. Tabby found out the strength of that position, and un willing to make strategic retreat, went down with her colors. Then there was no appropriation for the funds necessary for the ex termination of rodents at the post of fice. It was necessary to advertise for Mils for the purchase of three rat traps, which were procured for 19 cents. Now comes the cheese. Cwf i I 5 : " ?': it V For gale Cbewp. One xt good double hack harness, two seta single buggy harness, aad die, tw0 buggies, light Studebaker wagon suitable for "roustabout' work or camming trip and a pony city broken to drive and ride. Will sell separately,. Inquire "W thla of flee. Adv. QUI for Rids. School District No. 1 is asking for sealed bids for the construction of a retaining wall on the west aide of block No. 224 and on the north side of blocks . 221 and 227, and walks and steps within said blocks. all located In Reservation addition to the city of Pendleton and known I as the high school property. PlansU and specifications of all work may be obtained from W. B. Brock, ehalr- an of the board, at Taylor Hard ware Co. Bias to be opened on Wednesday, March 31, 1115 at 1:21 p. m. at the office of Lot Livermore. clerk, 111 E. Court street Adv. Good CoiU and Wood. Our Rock Sprint coal burns clean giving you more heat and less dirt for your money. Good dry wood that doesn't boll, tut burns. Also slabs and kindling. Protect yourself from cold and cost order from B. L. Burroughs, phone 8. Adv. For Sale Very Ilfasonable. Modern 7-room house and 7 lots about It blocks frtm town 1 block from paved streets. Suitable for chicken raising and gardening. In quire "Mrs. C. A.," this office. Adt Settings Now Heady. Rhode Island Reds, not buff or brown, but big red birds of heavy laying strain. Cockerel prise bird from Portland poultry show 1915 Hens bred from International prlte winners. Supply of eggs limited. Ad dress B, I. Davis, Hermlston, Ore. Adv. COMMISSION UPHOLDS M RATES TO THE WEST g WASHINGTON. March 27. In a ruling of the Interstate commerce Ej commission It was held that twenty- one door and sash manufacturers In g Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin, who at- 3 tacked the carload rates charged by g the Southern Pacific and other roads 13 from California, Oregon and Wash- lngton to the three states had failed H to prove that such rates were unreas- j onable. ' ' ' I BUICK will go where any car can go and where many cannot. BUICK always makes the trip pleasant and most economical. You are always sure of getting there without trouble in a BUICK they make hills seem like level roads. BUICKisinaclassbyitselfbecau.se of the great power developed by the VALVE-IN-HEAD MOTOR. ASK ANY OWNER' We have cars for immediate delivery and are always pleased to demonstrate them Pendleton. Ore., March 25. 1915. Sealed bids for the construction of i Natatorlum in Round-up Park In accordance with the plans and speci fications for said Natatorlum now on file, and subject to the Inspection of prospective bidders, at the office of the secretary of the Pendleton Com mercial Association... will be received at said office up to 4 p. m. on Wed nesday, March 21st 1916. 1 A certified check for five per cent of the amount of each bid, made pay able to The Natatorlum Committee, must accompany each bid. The Natatorlum Committee re serves the right to reject any or all of the bids. j C. M. BISHOP. j Chairman GEO. HARTMAN. JR. , (Adv.) Secretary.. BUICK PRICES F. O. B. PENDLETON Buick C-25, Standard Equipment $1083 Buick C-37, Fully Equipped ?1450 Buick C-24, Standard Equipment 91035 Buick C-36, Fully Equipped 81400 Buick Six C-55, Fully Equipped ?1S50 81400 i M7 FOODS 00,11 The new FORDS have torpedo cowl dash, electric lights, speedometer, round fenders, .rain vision wind-shield w braces and a large number of other refinements. Ford Touring Car $565 with -electric starter Ford Roadster $515 with electric starter Jones' ithout $675 $625 K CARPETS CLEANED. Color In Old Carpeta RcHtorcd. WALL PAPER CLEANED. Tou had better see me before you have that room repapered, I might save you Some money. F W. ALLEN. rhone 343 It OREGON MOTOR GARAGE 1 M Telephone 468 B. F. TROMBLEY, Prop, 119-121 W. Court Street m S3 SATURDAY ONLY One Mile of Laughs To Whom It May Concern. I will not b responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. W. E. Brown, after this date. MARY FULLER in "My Lady High and Mighty" Playing the part of the spoiled, petted English noble-woman who seeks a cave-man husband COMEDY " " HI r- I -I III July n m THEATRE suriDfly 1 1 c h i n e MONDAY in n7 Pauline Bush in "Such is Life" Comedy 'The Fat Girls Romance" FAT FAIR FLIRTY One mile of comedy a laugh every foot Murdock McQuarrie IN "Dear Old Oyprocrifo" Comedy King' Bag'got in THREE TIMES and OUT Comedy Signed. W. E. BROWN. (Adv.)