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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1915)
PACK SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1915. EIGHT PAGES i . 1 500,000 Strong Lined up (or your review by General Service Talk about an army of facts we have boon able to check up the returns from 500,000 Diamond Tires. Just think it over for a minute. This is no puny group of isolated tire tustimonials, it's a real report from hundreds of Diamond Tire distributors on tires sold and tires returned for replacement or adjustment No tire manufacturer ever dared to speak in rublic about such a report, let alone offer to place it in the hands of every interested tire buyer. , Use the return coupon and receive the book of compelling tire facts showing that on an average but on Diamond The out of every hundrtd wag returned for replacement or adjattment. Afkfed to the wonderful Diamond service yoa can now buy Diamond Squeegee Tread Tirea at the following "FAIR-LIST" PRICES: Size Diamond Diamond Squeegee alz Squeegee 30 x 3 S 9 45 34 x 4 $20.35 30x3C 12 20 36x4U 28.70 32 3j 14 00 37x5 33.90 3 3 4 20 00 38 x 5 46.00 PAY NO MORE t ;7 - jr o 'jhi i znrzrzz n 'N : V:.;l I " "' 1 1 l..'.XLl.. if lift ; mi I I I f Iiiihmiiiiimihu,- .I Diamond Tires, Akron, O. I w,8nl 'ou' book entltlJ OUM) Strong.- S JVame AdJrtm GIANTS AHD BRAVES . Ill STAGE (JERRY WAR OF THEIR 0! XATIOXAL I.EAGIK PKXXAXT HACK IS GOIX(J TO HE IX- TKKKSTIXU. Critics Who Howled That McGraw Ild Not Have a WU-hlng staff Are Xow silent And Thore'g a Reason Little XajxUiii of BumcImUI Ha Made Maxtor Moves. BT HAL SHERIDAN. (Written for the United Press.) NEW YORK. March 20. More and more, as the opening day draws; r.ear, does It appear as though the Giants nnd Braves were going to stage a merry little war all by them selves for the National League pen nant. All there Is to It they are the class of trie league and from this an gle there doesn't seem to be a team In the Tener circuit that has even a chance to cheat them. out. Thorpe, Hums or Murray, .Gowdy and Whaling against McLean, Myers and Smith. If the foregoing battle fronts don't offer pre-season prospects of the h test little fracas in the history of the grnad old tame then all dope Is use- less, and the dopesters should be sent to Belgium. The weakness of the Giants last year was attributed to luck of onoth er good pitcher and u weakness at third. Both have been filled and most ably. Weakness of the Braves If there are any was In their hit ting. Sherwood Magee, slugger par excellence, was added. Now If the unvll chorus will Just join In on "Just Berore the Battle, Mother," we'll let out bets on the Giants and Braves against the field stick from April to October. POLICE CONDUCT POOLS. Authorities in New York Handling Race-track Events Says Dope. PONT PULL A LONG FACE IF THE- BOSS SAYS 'YOU'RE' FIRED ! " OR DOC SAYS "ITS "TWIMS 'OR WIE. SAYS VlA'S COniMG!" DOM'T GET" SORE, LIGHT UP AN OASIS, THE SMILE STIMULATOR - AMD BE HAPPY WHILE T LASTS BY HAL SHERIDAN. (Written for the I'nlted Tress.) NEW YORK. March 20. New Yorkers who play the races telephon ed their bets to police headquarters Critics who a few weeks ago were; the other day and were sore birds HMMIlmMWHMm,,,, I 1 1 . 1 . . - . I . . . i.uun.s nau s now. n.m the chlckenpox which was not -J lunn. warcn u.-An aoan-j winning. -Mr. and Mrs. Shepard have doned waif. No. 104. as he is known been hosts to. many other poor chil to the Children's Society, was found dren. one night last September, sound asleep on the steps of St, Patrick's " cathedral This same John Doe. It Koscburg Film Censor Asked, became known recently, laid his ROSEBURG, Ore., March 19. Act curb' head a few weeks ago on a pll-!ing on a petition presented by the lo low in one of the handsomely fur-jcal Ministerial Association the coun- i.isnea cnamoers at the home of Mr. cil decided to appoint a movlnir Pic- mnA Uri rlnUi T Ch....4 it . . . I - i "rr"! . i lure censor in tnis City. An j-iiin -venue. nance authorizing the auv oiuy a iemporarjot such an official was placed on its guest of the former Helen Gould, but j first and second reading and prob he remained longer than she and her j ably will be passed bv the council, husband had intended. John Doe, ; The members of the Ministerial As No. 101. brought with him a winning sociation say that many of the plc amtle a cheerfu.l deposition and a j tures shown here have been detri wlnning way that made everyone j mental to the welfare' of the young love him. But he also brought with1 people of the city. nowung mat aicuraw muni nave a pitching staff are strangely silent now. Critics who at the close of the last season were . howling that his Infield was shot to pieces crawled In to their holes when the Little Na poleon went out and grabbed Honus Lobert. They burrowed still deeper when he went out and grabbed him self Pol Perrltt. Mathewson. Tesreau, Marquard, Perrltt, Chalmers, From me how does It look? Rudolph, Tyler, James, Hess, Da vis, Crutcher how does it look If there are any of the other six: teams in the league boosting such aggregations they have yet to blare forth. Getting down to hair line di.Uinc Hons on paper the Giants seem even to have the edge on the hated Bostonites. Comparisons, however. ordi- are odious, as was proven quite con- appointment ' clusively last October when the dope- sters began comparing Schmidt to Mclnnis, Deal to Baker and Gowdy to Schwang. Schmidt, Evers, Maranvllle and Smith, against Merkle, Doyle. Fletch er nnd Lobert, Magee, Connolly and Moran against any three of the fol lowing Roberston, Snodgraas, when the ponies they picked as win ners failed to fatten their bank rolls. In Its crusade against betting the police department has gone In the pool room business at least that's the way the betters have It doped. A pair of detectives from headquar ters snt at the phone In an office In William street, got all the Informa tion from betting headquarters and received about fifty bets from clients who stand well enough to bet "mark ers." Some of these bets were on win ners, and It was the howl brought out by the lucky ones which brought out true facts. They are calling the cops welchers. When the day's races ended the po lice had collected all the information they wanted. The regular pool rooms are down on the police lists and raids galore were . In prospect. LIGHT OP AN OASIS' THE SMILE STIMULATOR- J 1 AMD BE HAPPY SwHILE IT LAST: J nkPRETTE U aJI coupons if ZK IN EACH f X Jtfffl X V 2 0 FOR 10 cL? RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS Satisfaction of Mortgage, A mortgage executed by Fred Johnson to L. L. Johnson, April 7 1914 for 1 1000, Is paid and satisfied A few weeks back it looked HKe i A mortgage executed by Tho efforts to Interest women in boxing Thompson to A. E. Mayland, January hereabouts had failed. But the oth- 5, 1913 and assigned to Anna E, er night, when 200 of the fumlnine Newport January 17, 1913, Is paid fans gathered at Sixty-nine Regiment .and satisfied. imM (f A La wJij Aura Street Pendleton, Oregon SATURDAY, March 27th Starting at 1:30 p. m. HEAD GOOD WORK 20 HIORSES Weighing from 1 000 to 1 600 pounds , and ranging from 4 to 1 0 years old. 2 two-bottom Gang Plows. 2 eight-horse Harrows. IN ADDITION, THE FOLLOWING STOCK BELONGING TO MR. H. A. WATER- MAN OF HERMISTON WILL BE SOLD: 12 Head of high-grade young milch cows. A number of full-blood Duroc Jersey Hogs and other articles too numerous to men tion. ! Terms: all sums under $50.00 cash; on sums over $50.00 time will be given until October 1st, 191 5, on approved notes bearing 8 inter est. Cash discount of 2 on all cash sales over $50.00. h a C. E. RUDE, Auctioneer a vv uusu E. L. SMITH, Clerk army to witness a boxing tournament in aid of the city's poor, pessimists changed their spiel and agreed that beskirted ringside bugs will be able to master the game pretty soon. The tournament was for charity, and that brought a lot of women who other wise would not have attended, but the simon-pure boxing microbe stung some of the girls, at that TO PRAY FOR PEACE. NEW YORK. March 20. Prayers for peace will be said in every Catho lic church of the world tomorrow. In tesponse to Pope Benedict's special order for Passion Sunday. ' IIKI.KV I.OSIXICII TKLLS OF RKI CROSS NTKSKS V ;rvi :::: '.'Wii Chntt1 Mortgage. W. T. Porter to L. L Mann, $328 All the hay and grain harvested In I behalf of the party of the first part i during the season of 1915 and 1916. on lands leased by first party. Ernest Finney to S. P. Hutchinson, H 5. Two mares. Mortgage. C. F. Collins to A. G. Cornwell. $1200, 4 1-2 acres, title descriptive. Harry Howton to Williams & din ger Co., " $310.55. The east half of lot 1, block 6, of Vincent. James A gee to R. H. Wilcox. $180. The S 1-2 of sec. 20, T. 4 N., R. 30, E. W. M. Fred Johnson to A. M. Nicholas, $2000 314.04 acres land, title de scriptive. Elsie Hartle to De Tweedy North- 1(8 western Hypothie Bank, $160 aires of land, title descriptive. Quit Claim Deed. Idaho Frazer Campbell and Ev Frazer to Paul W. Clark. $130. Lots . 10, 11 and 12, block A, town of Albee. Hoods. Newt Newtson to Jens Newtson. 1.00. One-half Interest In the SE 1-4 of sec. 34, T. 6 N, R., 32. E. W. M. J. W. Weddle to Maybelle Jones. $1.00. A tract of land In sec. 26. T. 6 N.. R. 35 E. W. M. Ellen Brown and W. J. Brown to Arthur E. Hascall, $1000. 1(0 acres land, title descriptive. Roy Etter to Elsie Hartle, $2000 168 acres of land, title descriptive. Patent. Ralph A. Tachella. Lot 4 of sec. 28. T. 3 N R. 33. E. W. M., contain ing 10.28 acres. peaking at the launching of th Pennsylvania, praised th. men of th. United States navy, and declared that arm of the national defense was nev er so powerful us now. He urged constant training and more target practice for the navy. The secretary ulso expressed his thanks to congress for providing so amply for new submarines. THAT TIRED FEELING by Hoods eartaparma. Which Ranovatss the Blood. XKW SlIIMARIXKS TO MAKE 20 KNOTS NEWPORT 18. Secretary NEWS, Va., of the Navy March Daniels. That tired feeling that comes to you In the spring, year after year, tsi a sign that your blood lacks vitality. Just as pimples, bolls anil other erup tions are signs that it la impure: and it Is also a sign that your system in In a low or run-down condition In viting disease. It Is a warning. Whlc4) It Is wise to heed. Ask your druggist for Hood's Par aaparllla. This old standard tried and true blood medicine relieve that tired feeling. It cleanses tbo blood, gives new life, new courage, strenirth and cheerfulness. It makes the rich red blood that will make you feel, look, eat and sleep better. He sure to iret Hood's, because It Is the best. There Is no other com bination of roots, barks ami herbs like It no real substitute for It no "Just-as-good" medicine. ij The Safest Way. The Cheapest Way. ! I HOLT COMRIMfclto! Wm M mmmtm 1 MOLT COMSMWB HARVESTERS There's a Holt Karvoster (either gas or ground powar) for every farm. 8 D ON I experiment. Its expensive and dangerous. Xot every Combined Harvester is a Holt just the successful ones. Holt Harvesters are long past the experimental stupe. I ho design ia standard the improvements added year bv vear arc the finishing touches that add to the owner's convenience and success. Their cut ranges from 12 to 22 feet. Their worth lias boon imvr.ri hv inn f 0,,.,.,f..i ation and the saving of thousands of dollars to their owners in eastern Oregon and Washington. This agency alono lias delivered over COO Holt Harvesters with no dissatisfied owners nnd not a single rejection. , . ' A Gas Holt Harvester Will Make You More Money It will save your down grain and savo you from 40 per cent to 50 per cent the stock needed to pull your machine. Come in and let us figure with you NOW, as the supply is lim. ited for this season. 1 1 '' J5 HELEN7L0SI.WICH ! NEW YORK, March 20. Miss Helen Loslnlch, former Red Cross nurse In Serbia, who is here visiting Mrs. Slavko Groultch, wife of the Serbian under secretary of foreign af fairs, has given several Interesting talks describing the work of Red cross nurses In her country. In the first place, few of the -women at tending the sick and wounded are graduate nurses most of them have picked up much experience in three years of warfare In Serbia, and they have been further taught by simple, first aid to tho Injured lectures. Sho spoke of tho lack of facilities and Kiihltnry nppllancos In the hospltnls and thanked Americans for their fi nancial aid. I i CAS MOTORS Wo have separate' gas motors that can bo attached to your old ground-driven harvest ers. They are of four cylinders and come in 30 and 45 II. P. sizes also tho midget motor weighing under 1000 lbs., for driving email harvesters. The now aluminum base on all these gas motors, this year, make them much lighter. CATERPILLAR ENGINES Tho traction engino that is tho peer of them all. Sizes 75, CO, 45, 30 and 18 II. P. Unequaled for plowing, harrowing, seeding, harvesting, hauling and stationary power purposes. The Caterpillar is the only trac tor which takes no account of soil or weather conditions. It works whoro horses and other tractors are forced to quit. Necessary Extra Parts Always on Hand. E. L. SMITH COMPANY 1 319. E. Court St. Pendleton, Oregon Telephone 518 t