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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1915)
PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGON'IAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1915 EIGHT PAGES AS IM.KJ L.NUt.ST MW8l'A PER. KiMMfd and Sml Wkly at I'M- tflatiiO, Orvguo. Iif lb ART OKMiU.MAN lTM.lBlIl.NO CU Knrf4 t ik txwiorrir t rBii(M, Ori, u mcuoiI tlM Bkil natter. Sfevt , 1 Offl.UI County fipr. Itaber tblt4 Itmm AjwucUUo. ON BALK 1 OTHER CITIFS. Inpwlal Hutcl .News btod. t'urtlaad. UTfwoa. tKinmaa Nw O, PortUad, Orejoa. ON HLK AT (htr(a iai-r, tnn hormrlty Building. Wankliiciuti. I C, Uurtta Ml, lour twnia atrmt, N. W. 11)7. Dallr, Bl'llsrnilTIOS RATES UN ADVANCK) oti rrar. mall S no It month, by lull lbrtt month, by mill 1.23 out month, by mill 50 cm jrmr, by carrlr 7 .V an Biootna. by ntff,r i tlirrt oitifitba. bj carrier M on Duath, by carrier tt frtly, oo yrar by Bull 1 .0 teal Wprkit. (imr Booths, iy mall . . . by mall.. IT ISN'T YOlll TOWN ITS YOU. If you want to live in the kind of a town Like the kind of a town you like. Tou nredn't Blip your clothes in a Clp And atart on a Ions, long hike. Tou 11 only find what you left behind. For there's nothing that's re- ally new, It'a a knock at yourself when you knock your town It Isn't your town it'a you! Real towns are not made by men afraid Lest somebody eUe (eta ahead. When everyone works and no- body shirks You ran raise a town from the dead. And your if while you make personal stake Tour neighbor can make one too. Tour town mU be what you want to see, It Un't your town It's you. Unknown Author. SUPPORT FROM WESTON. CLARK Wood of the Weston Leader takes up the Cold Springs road proposition in a column long editorial this week and declares he is for the move, "tooth and nail.' He has always advocated bonding for permanent roads and rejoices that fanners are showing a keen interest in the enterprise The only objection offered by the Leader is complimen tary. It is argued no $100,000 subscription should be neces sary and that county bonds should be voted for the entire amount needed. This on the ground the road will benefit the entire county and should be built wholly at the public expense. This is encouraging. If a bonding plan would be good the scheme suggested by Mr. Earnhart is still better. The reason for the subscription of course is to eliminate any pos sibe criticism that might be made to the effect those near est the road will be most bene fitted and should pay more than others. There are other features that make the Cold Springs proposition attractive. Pen dleton will be taxed along with the rest of the county to pay for this road. Yet it i3 no sel fish move for Pendleton, Ad ams, Athena and Weston will have just as good service from such a road as will Pendleton. The same will be true of Mil ton and Freewater excepting their haul will be longer. Through such a road the greater portion of the county will have direct connection with the open river and ' the consumers will secure substan tial benefits continuously from lower freight rates. On out going freight such as wheat, fruit and wool there will be such benefits for the producers that the first cost of the road loses its importance. the allies and opposed by the Germans and vice versa. When a human being be comes crazed his friends-be come more tolerant because of his state. The United States can well assume this attitude towards the European nations. They are all our friends and they are all good people. The British view that the Germans are all fiends and the German view that Britons are in league with the Devil are each in er or. The people are alright. It is the war that is wrong. ere the American govern ment to hold the fighting na tions to that degree of respon sibility they would have to face in normal times we could very quickly get into senous trouble ourselves and the game would not be worth the cost. IT MAY LAST 14 MINUTES. ztOL. Henry Watterson, not- VtJ ed editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, may be a fossil politically speaking, but his mind seems able to grasp some new features in- the world's progress. Comment ing on the launching of a new $14,000,000 United States bat tleship March 16, the Colonel said: "Some day, in the event of war, a little submarine may run alongside this $14,000,000 terror of the sea, which bears guns heavy enough to splinter the rock of Gibraltar, and dis charge a torpedo that will sink the vessel in less than 14 min utes." The showing made by the German submarines justifies such a prediction. Scarcely a day passes that does not report the sinking of from one to three British or French merch antmen by submarines. Yet all the time the English home fleet, double in strength the total German fleet; is on guard but unable to save British ship ping or to seek out and destroy the German navy. When few pinhead submarines, so to speak, with a handful of men each can terrorize the sea and destroy battleships or merch antmen with ease it is time to wonder if the day of the bat tleship is not fast passing. government should interfere with piracy on the high seas when that piracy takes the form of exorbitant charters due to war conditions. Let our filibustered also show the Italians how they will become involved in war with some one somewhere if they take practical steps to relieve the shipping shortage and care for Italian trade. This, though other nations may state in ad vance they will not obiect. 1 As long as there are heret ics anywhere who would serve the public instead of mammon our anti-ship purchase critics have a sacred duty to perform Un to Rome. Now is the time for all good people to make ready for tha clean-up day set by the coun cil and the civic club; make Pendleton the cleanest town o its size in the world. Business is rushing these days in Davy Jones' locker. Some people think the law is crazier than Harry Thaw. Capturing the Dardanelles is proving no walkaway. It is a good struction work. year for con- Lower freight rates cause all should aid. is a THIS MA Y ENTER TAIN WICKED ITALY. 1 TALY is awakening to the need of ships and a gov ernment ship purchase rill has been introduced in the Italian parliament. It will now be in order for Messrs Root, Lodge, Smoot et al to devote themselves to some 5500,000 speeches explaining to the Italian senators the wick edness that lurks in the propo sal. Let them show that no A DAILY NOVELETTE. Samson awoke with a start. Eftsoons!" he shouted. "What means this darn light headed feeling? Bewildered, he ran his hands over the place where his hair used to be. "Gone!" he shouted. "Went! At the same moment he spied trembling figure at the foot of the bed. "Delilah!" he cried. "Thou has did this! Thou hast shorn me of mj beauty and my strength. Oh, where fore?" "Forgive me, Sam." whispered De lllah. "Forgive me! Sam. hast heard of Cheops Alcl blades' hair clipper?" Jest not. woman!" cried Samson. "It is not Jest it Is Jest truth.'' re plied Delilah. "Sam. Cheops Alclblades himself told me that he would put my picture in his ads in all the maga zines if I could get thee to cut thy famous hair with his hew clipper. Tou Know what wonderfully artistic pic lures Al uses for advertisements! didn't want to disturb your rest) by ask' ing thee so I Just went ahead and clipped, and oh. Sam, It works beau tifully!" "Delilah." said the shorn giant "thinkst thou that thou canst get my picture In along with thine?" For In them days it was much as It Is now. Cru1 and rnnsnal Punishment. "Doesn't our choir sing at the prison any more?'' "No, several of the prisoners ob jected on the ground that It wasnt Included In their sentences." Stray Stories. FjnnirinfTOiMinnfi j tfjf)u uuuuuu yt5 'ftt l U mrvw tuuwuyijyl (Mr VP. - f 1 til nun The Motor Car of Today the FRANKLIN WHETHER you are a Franklin owner or not, as a motorist you will be interested to know that the franklin Car is closing the greatest year in its thirteen years of history That the sales of the Franklin Car are now greater than any other car at its price or at any higher price That the sales of Franklin Cars have increased eighty eight per cent, in the past twelve months. There is a more practical attitude towards the auto- mobile in this country. We see itevery day, and in the tone of every question asked us about the Franklin. More emphasis on running economy gasoline, oil and tires. Less concern about first cost. Wider understanding of what the direct-air-cooled Franklin Engine means in getting 365 days a year service from a car. Take ten minutes to stop in and see the Car here. Six-Thirty Franklin Touring Car, 2750 pounds, $2300 F. O. B. Pendleton. PemdlefioirD Aufi Company 0 0 0 m n LJ tJ QJf y f: i Mm M Utecayse lift's a . V '.Tr House of feature's.. "?ff m H jifl A BETTER CAR "BECAUSE IT'S A STUDEBAKER." 4J w U w ! HELEN GARDNER IN THEY ARE NOT S1BLE. RESPON- TVLL thouehtful Americans will endorse President Wilson's announced inten tion of proceeding with cau tion and calmness in dealing with the various warring na tions. We will set forth our rights but will not take a blus terous, trouble seeking course. The situation calls for such an attitude. The European nations are temporarly insane, ho to ppeak. Each nation has become a paranoic. They think of one thing only military success. Whatever will help the allies win is welcomed by 68 CLE PATHA 99 (EGYPTS QUEEN OF 2000 B. C.) jj 6 Reel Feature Film $100,000 Production 1 Wonderful Scenic Educational M Children 10c Immense Cast Effects in Egypt S OKI DAY and Adults 25c This is Not Anthony & Cleopatra, But SwnnvSr's "CLEOPATRA" ADDED ATTRACTION LACHNER, VIOLINIST MEW COSY THEATRE Under New Management 3 B globe. ECAUSE this car carries a name that for more than 63 years has stood for the highest achievements in manufacturing, a name that represents mil- lions of dollars invested and millions of friends in everv countrv nn th v vaa w It is by manufacturing STUDEBAKER cars COMPLETE in STUDEBAKER plants that STUDEBAKER can be SUREof getting the quality, the CERTAINTY, the harmony of operation that a man EXPECTS in his car. ask for a demonstration I and experience the silence, the riding comfort, the ease of driving and the smooth running qualities that Studebaker has built into it. Prices F. O. B. Pendleton. 4 Cylinder Roadster.. $1085 4 Cylinder Touring.. $1085 6 Cylinder Touring.. $1500 6 Cyl., 7 Passenger.. $1575 THE Phone 74 LONG & WELKER STONE GARAGE 727 Johnson St 1