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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1915)
I EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1915. PAGE THREE mi FIRE DEPARTMENT OE E -:3 G'.lmW Vt C.mZ itJrdy ilij iLiiil ENTERTAINS LODGE OF ENJOYABLE SOCIAL IE Why we grow rapidly ECHO REBEKAH LODG HERMISTOfI I i 12 m 3 5 E3 la -5 4 3 B EGINNING Monday, March twenty-sec-ond, and continuing during the week we will have our annual one dollar window. If you are not familiar with our custom of having a dollar window in March every year, we are pleased to say that this is an annual affair in which we display in our windows two or three hundred articles selected from our stock which sell from one to five dollars. We sell any one of these articles for one dollar and you have the choice. In selling these articles at one dollar we are losing on the value of them but in another way we do not feel as though we are making a great sacrifice. You will be glad to purchase some of these things for one dollar and we are glad to sell them to you so that we can re place them with new stock which we will receive in April. Our ultimate object is to keep a fresh and new stock and you will appreciate that when you come into our store to buy a commencement gift or a wed ding present. We have called this a dollar window but let us change that and say A Dollar Display, for we intend to use both our windows using one for our china de partment. ROYAL M. SAWTELLE Established 1887. M m E3 c3 F-3 m 3 VOLUNTEER SMOKE KATEIW IIAXQIET 18 HELD IX I. O. O. K KNTEJtTAI.V EHIENDB AT DANCING PARTY. AlxW 30 (Vuplcw AtUnd ami AU De - lUclittil With Hiwqtltalitr Shown by J HALL COMPLIMENTARY TO GlESTH. Number of Victors From Other I1imh AIho AtU-ndcd Mr. and Mrs. Host Hcrnilhton nHlicrmcn Make' Spinning J lave Party for Friend Not'" from, SUnfU'ld Lsxljr VIhIu tftluv Per sonal and .New Note. fioud CsUvh OUitir Projwt VUlage. (Special Correnpondence.) HER MI STON, March 20. The Hermlston hall was the scene of one of the gayest purtles for ; many month Thursday evening- when the (.Special Correspondence.) ECHO, Ore., March 20. Henrietta liehekah Lodge No. 36 of thia place entertained Kunbeam Rebekah Lodge No. ISO of Hermlston at a banquet 3 E3 .top XASCARETS ALWAYS STRAIGHTEN YOU UP TONIGHT! CLEAN YOIU BOW ELS AND KM) HEADACHES, COLDS, SOCK STOMACH. Get a 10-cent box now. You men and women who can't Set feellnf right who have headache, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath, dlzzlne. can't aleep, are bil ious, nervous and upset, bothered wlh a alck, gassy, dlaordcred atom arh, or have backache and feel worn cut. Are you keeping your bowela clean with Caacarets, or merely forcing a tawageway every few daya with salU cathartic pllla or caator oil? Caacareta work while you Bleep: cleanse the atomach, remove the aour. undigested, fermenting food and foul gaaea: take the excess bile from the Jlver and carry out of the ayatem all the constipated waate matter and rolaon In the bowela. A Cascaret tonight will atralghten you out by morning a 10 cent box from any drug store will keep your otomach sweet; liver nnd bowela reg ular, and head clear for month Don't forget the children. They love Caacareta because they taate good never gripe or sicken. NEW COUNCIL OF UMATILLA TAKES UP GOVERNMENT .IY DC MAl'RlER. WHO WROTE BRITISH PLAY, DEAD LONDON, March 1 8. Lieutenant Colonel Guy L. B. Du Maurler, 'n of the lute George Du Maurler, the artist nnd writer, haa been killed In nctlon at the front. The news was received by hla brother, Gerald Du Maurler. the actor, a he waa about so go on the stage and wus given to the audience in explanation of his absence. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION MEIHOD. If you snffef from bleeding, Itching, blind or protruding I'llos, send dis your addreas, and I will tell you bow to cure yourself st horns by the new absorption trratuieot ! sod will also send soma of this boms treatment free for trial, with references from ynur own locality If requested. Users report Im mediate relief and speedy cures. Send no snonny, but tell others of this offer. Writs -toddy to Mrs. M. Bummers, Box P, Notre Dame, Ind. , STANDING CXXM.MJTTEKS AND OTHER OFFICIALS ARE APPOINTED. UMATILLA. Ore., March 10. (SpeclaL) Monday night the coun cil met under the new city adminis tration after a long period of uncer tainty. Mavor Slarcher appointed J. A. French attacks failed north of Point-a-Moundon, It was stated. The Germans have captured a cliff north wet of Arras after a three days buttle. The British losses were heavy. Artillery duels continue In the Voeges region. There were no Important de velopments in Poland. Tlusslan forces which appeared near the Prussian frontier at Tilsit have been repulsed. basket aoclal and dance was given 0n Wednesday night at the I. O. O. F. by the volunter fire department all pronounce the entertainment a success. . The ladles prepared delicious edl bles In dainty boxes and were auc hall. Besides the Hermlaton visitors ft lOSf . n f A tnaa n K a a ! About thirty couples attended and " , "l , .. tors from other places. A .very en-1 Joyable time waa had by all present. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Spinning entertained a number of their friends on Thursday evenlnz at a Dartv held tloned by Mr. J. H. Young who made at home on ,ne corner 0t rjaie aatlsfactory sales. 8nd Buckley street. A very pleas John L. Wilson and Geo. Kayhlll ant time waa had. had a most successful fishing expe- , Mrs. George Coppinger visited In dltiori on the Umatilla river near Pendleton this week. Three Mile falls. Mr. Ray'hlll landed Mrs. Mary Cummins of Stanfield a 1-2 pound ateelhead and John waa In Echo the first of the week. Wilson three which averaged seven Miss Arlie Ronanzoin is visiting in pounds. ' Pendleton today, having gone up on j A score or more of the members tn ar,y train. I of the local Eastern Star chapter at- George Paling la spending the week I fenrte.1 tnlnt meetlnir In PmatllU nl Cayuse with his sister Mlsa I Tuesday evening. s Annie Paling who teaches at that M. J. Barthel, bookkeeper for the P'ace. Newport Construction company, re- Mrs. Eert Tefft returned home yes turned to Hood River Wednesday t"day trom Pendleton where she has morning, where the company la be"n visiting for the past two weeke. working on the Columbia highway. Je Hlnkle was up from Hermis- C. A. Holder of Cmatllla, waa shop- to" on Friday, ping here Monday. 1 A forc of bridge carpenters em- The Hermlston orchestra played Vle by the O.-W. It. & N. Co. are for a St. Patricks dance In Cmatllla repairing the underpinning of the wa last evening Because we do not carry sweat ahop products. We positively will'not have anything to do with this line of merchandise. Because we are buying according to the wants of the people. We pay special attention to the particular kind, style or price of merchandise desired, and along with that, the best service in our power to give. It may be that we will be able to do much better than we are now doing, we shall try, but let us thank you foryour appreci ation of our efforts so far. We certainly are thankful. Next week we will begin to quote you prices and at this time will ask you to wtch this space. Everything for the Ladies. P. S. The Middies arrived this morning. Several couplea of the younger set attended the dance given last even ing In Stanfield by the Catholic la- oMes. Site Had Advantages ter tank which belongs to the com pany at thia place. Miss Zelma Porter who arrived here on last Friday from Brownsville was taken sick on Monday with ty phoid fever and It waa necessary for her mother to come, who upon ar rival Immediately took her back to Mrs. Whlttler What delightful h h manners your daughter has! i M jvra Shaw, of Union. Ore.. Is Mrs. Biler (proudly) Yes You see h on .... , ,h . f hpp she haa been away much. Smart Set. from home so Sheriff's Pay i $31,000. NEW YORK. March 18. Next to the president of the United States the sheriff of New York county probably receives more money fur his services than any other public officeholder In Stephens, present Incumbent, aa chief America, according to figures made of police. Thia appointment was confirmed by the council. No agree ment waa reached as to a city attor ney. Standing committees aa follows were appointed: Finance F, W. Cllne, E. J. An thony. E. E. Shaw. Police R. Q. Evans. T S. Tlllson. E. J. Anthony. Streets A O. Means, F. W. Cllne. E E. Shaw. public recently by Leonard M. Wall stein, commissioner of accounts. In a report to Mayor Mitchel. Since 1905, the report asserts, the sheriff of the county haa received fees totaling 1402.329, In addition to $12. 000 a year salary an average annual Income of more than $54 000. Halt the fees turned Into the sheriffs office are turned In to the sheriff. The report waa made to place data before the mayor for use in his con sideration of a bill to limit the sher- Mirrh 97th set am a clean-uD day. All streeu and vacant lots will Iff compensation to a salary, then be cleaned and all debrla haul- . ed away. Thia ia the first step taken Med ford Has Many Eire. In a general Improvement plan, get- MEDFORD, Ore.. March 18. Med tlng the, city In readiness for the forj nng nluj tt series of fires. Sfnce open river celebration May 4th. Saturday night six fires have occurred .At a recent meeting of the Com-jn different parts of the town and In mercliil Club a new set of by-laws. raCh caae tne imilding was burned mother Mrs. Mary A. Barker. SHE SELLS ni'TTEKl-I.IES WITH HER lioivi'3 4J All Roslyn Pays Tribote. ROSLYN. Wash., March 19. Mlnea stopped, business houses closed and iSII i gjjdj m&i i-isb lusiii practically every man and woman In Roslyn paused to honor the memory of Henry Smith, one of the oldest residents of this community, who died at Everett. To the funeral serTlces, which were In harge of the local Maaonic order, came an escort of Knight Templars from the Ellensburg com mander)', and nearly 100 old-time Kittitas county citizens from the lower valley, as well aa others from Seattle and Taeoma. Mr. Smith came to Roslyn 28 years ago from Streator, 111. He leavea besides his widow two sons and tour daughters. For 25 years he was justice of the peace here, and was one of Uie wealthiest and most Influential citizens. Pcrfcrtly Safe to Order. Crawford (In fashionable restau rant) Don't order anything for rne. I'm not hungry. Crabahaw But you will be by the Ume the waiter brings it. Life. was adopted and officers elected. 1). It. Brownell was elected pres. Ident; W. A. Ford, vice president; J. 11. Summers, secretary, und F. W. Cllne, treasurer. The chnlrmen of the various stand- j Wil.s gutted ond Monday ing committees with the officers garage was scorched and to the ground. The total loss is estl mated at $15,000. Saturday the Walter Erskine and D. C. Cole residences burned Sunday the Vlerbeck grocery on East Main street the Gates a vacant elected constitute an executive com mittee. President Brownell appointed the following chairmen: C. G. Brownell, Earl Brownell, Carl Brownell ond two others; E. E. Starcher and A. B. Stephens, Jr. !Ywh Attack Tronchrs. PER LIN, March IS. (Wireless via Sayvllle) The French ore attacking the German trenches In the Cham pagne district It was officially an nounced by the war office. Attacks west of erthes have been unsuccess ful but the French assaults north of Mensll are being continued It was de clared. The French have been driven from their positions on the southwest slope on the plateau of Vaukuols. Two house In North Medford burned to the ground. Members of the fire depart ment ore Inclined to scout the fire bug theory nnd declare the epidemic of conflagrations to be merely a co Incidence. Aticnlmi Has 21-Yoor-OUl PytMnn. ABERDEEN. Wash., March 19. James M. Gillies, a drug clerk., Wish kuh Lodge, No. 44. Knights of Pyth ins of this city, believes it has the youngest Pythian ever initiated Into tho order. Gillies will take his third degree and be a full-fledged Pythian when he will be only eight daya over his majority. Gillies took his first ond second degrees last Friday at which time he waa only 21 years and one day old. EDM I'ifM'V.-..;.;.'. t v f 1 'h i! WW M Try This For . Your Cold. Coughs and Colds unless checked often lead to serious results. Coldj are caused by germs infectine and irritating the sensitive lining of the Nose, Throat, Lungs and Bronchial Tubes. Relief is obtained by killing these germs, then soothing and heal ing the inflamed membrane. This is just how Dr. King's New Discovery acts. It is Antiseptic; Kills the cold germs. It is soothing and healing, relieving the irritation. Stops tne Loupn ana Checks the Cold. (Jqt ' a 50c bottle from your Druggist, start ! taking at once, you will get quick and permanent relief. Here's proof. A. J. Johnson, Shon pro, N. Y., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the best , cough medicine made, and I surely be- ; lieve it saved my life several years ago j when I contracted a severe Cough. Be- ; fore using all of one bottle I was much .' tetter, and several bottles cured me." ! i Excellent for Children and Delicate Women. It is Mild, Pleasant and elective. Trial bottle on receipt of 4c in stamp. II. E. BUCKLEN & CO. C3D North Broad St Thila,, Pa. FMDEB8 ATTEOTlDUl FAIRBANKS MORSE 6 CO., & have made a big cut in the prices of their Gasoline Engines. For a limit ed time will make a special proposition to those who are in need of gasoline engines or pumping machinery. You can buy direct from the Manufactures. Our representative will be at the Hotel Pendleton five days, March 18-19-20-21-22. If not convenient to call at Hotel, drop me a card or telephone and 1 will call on you. P. B. VANCEL, Salesman Fairbanks orco Go. 95 1st Street, Portland, Oregon 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i nr ilM ml V uuu u UVJ Pendleton's New Farm Machinery House, &re agents for I TIiqF oiiious 39g2 BmiiloiiiQnf s I MUSIC MAM EASY Every member of .your family can play the latest and snappiest airs ou tho piano equal to the most accomplished pianist, if you ' BUY A PLAYER-PIANO We have them at all prices, the latest and most up-to-date makes, with 88 notes and fully piarautood, for $375, $125, $175, 9525, $750 and $550. Terms made to suit purchaser or your old piano taken in exchange. See us beforo you buy it costs nothing to consult us. Music House on the Corner Beatrice Prontloe, who has an Im portant role In "The Clever Ones" at 2 the Punch and Jmly Theuter In NewS York, has developed such an Import-1 ant aide line that she has thought's of forsaking the footlights for busl-js ness. She Is un Importer of Brazil- 5 Inn butterflies, a business which she's thought out herself. A steamer arrived the other day's with no fewer than 6000 butterflies! consigned to Miss Prentice. Theyj were the most gorgeous the regions s about the equator could supply. Nothing like them had been seen In S the United States except In private S and public collections. Miss Prentice S worked out the theory that a bou-js quet of beautiful flowers could be s made more beautiful If It contained butterflies. So during the winter she worked out a plan with several florists who enter to persons who can pay large sums ror rlowers amvs arranged with them to sell bouquets s containing brilliant butterflies. The fad has been successful, so success-S ful that Miss rrentlce has had to S employ help. Tho the warm climate stnamheated npartments and well.s heated houses as congenial as their is We Now Have on Blsnlay John Deere Binders. Mowers and Manure Spreaders. Velle Buggies and Hacks. John B-eere "Iron clad" and Peter Sehuttler Wagons. JOHN DEERE STEEL GANG PLOW Built of steel; easier to steer, and manage; great strength: adjustable beams. We have them in 14 or 14 Inch cut and adjustable two or three bottom; also equipped with our famous Quick Detachable Hard Shares. JOHN DEERE BISC HARROW The only spring pressure flexible harrow built. Has greater pene trating power; greater clearance; instant leveler; cuts even depth and cultivates more thoroughly. (allne Engine In fcu-k. s We are agents for the old rll- S able ''R. & V. Triumph"' gasnllno S engines and have engines from I to S 10 H. P. in stjck. Cull and e c them. 5 Q I p Here to 1 butterfiios from I 4Q0 E. Court St. Telephone 610 of Brazil find s We expect to win your Confidence anj merit ynur patronage by giving every buyer a square del. Every machine guaranteed to be as r-prwiited t your money cheerfully refunded. Your ptitrnnugn cordially invited. Complete line of;u currivd In stuck for all machinery. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllill 15 native climate. 's-.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiixiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiifj.: