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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1915)
f PAGE TWO EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. FENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 20. 1915. Next Week, is Nationally Advertised Goods w ee k ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES How Nationally advertised goods help keep down the cost of living. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT OF HOW THE PRICE OF A PARTICULAR AD VERTISED ARTICLE IS THE SAME NOW AS IT WAS TEN YEARS' AGO? TAKE SUCH ARTICLES AS ROYAL BAKING POWDER, FAIRY SOAP, PRESI DENT SUSPENDERS, CARHARTT OVERALLS, PHOENIX HOSE, BOSTON GAR. TERS, TRIANGLE COLLARS, KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, BON AMI, CAMP BELL'S SOUPS, HINDS ALMOND CREAM, CHENEY FOULARDS, OMO ODER. LESS DRESS SHIELDS, IVORY SOAP, BAKERS COCOA, SHAWKN1T SOX, STET SON HATS. , THE COST OF THE RAW MATERIAL HAS GONE UP, wages have Increased, but the price of these articles today is the same or practically the same as ten years ago, and you are getting more quality,' stronger and im proved goods that serve you better than eve before. Ten years ago Welch's paid $15.00 per ton for grapes. Last year they paid $30.00. The price of a bottle of Welch's grape juice has not changed... One of the reas ons for this is the incresed sales made possible through magazine advertising, with careful censorship of adver tisers' claims and the elimination of fakers, confidence has grown in the people who have bought heavily of Na tionally advertised .goods and been pleased. Attend this National Celebration of advertised goods. Now we offer you Nationally made by America's big gest and most reputable manufacturers who sign their names to every package or article because they are proud of the quality and excellence of the goods they offer you. And such goods are guaranteed to give you satis faction. If anything should go wrong, the MANUFAC TURER and WE will make good. So with increaed manu facturing expenses, the price of advertised goods has not risen. These same goods through quality save you money by cutting out the waste. SAVE MONEY. BUY NATIONALLY ADVERTISED GOODS. THEY SET THE STANDARD FOR THIS STORE. DONT BUY "TAKE-A-CHANCE" GOODS. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. WATCH OUR ADS. THEY'LL DO YOU GOOD. COUPOW The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PA YS TO TRADE SAVE YOUR T. P. W. TRADING STAMPS H prcmiuH : At the Hawthorne school yester day afternoon a very pleasant and In teresting Parent-Teachers' meeting was held with Mrs. A. Phlmlater Proctor aa presiding officer. There mere 50 present for the meeting and 17 new members were enrolled In the association. During the program music wai furnished by the fourth, aevnth and eighth grades, while the first grade pupils demonstrated the work In which they have been In structed by Miss Boyd. Mrs. C. a Terpenlng gave a paper, "The Herl tage of the 20th Cfjntury Child;" Mrs. H. C, Bedwell a paper, "Con Btructlve Work In the Home:'1 Mrs. Proctor a paper, "The Place of Com mendation In the Home." The cen tral thought throughout the meet' ir.g was of the opportunities parents have to aid their children on a basis of fitting them for citizenship, not oil the narrower view of personal possession. The ladles of the local Eagles fast evening gave a very enjoyable danc ing party in the Eagle-Woodman hall and It was largely attended. The la dies had full charge of the affair and employed no male helpers. Late in the evening they served refresh ments to their guests. Mrs. Thomas Boylen visited during the week In Athena aa a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Linden Vincent. On Thursday afternoon the ladles of the Degree of Honor, enjoyed an informal social session In the I. O. O. F. hall. Mrs. Frank B. Hayes and little son, Burke, returned yesterday from Vansycle where they visited Mrs. Hayes sister, Mrs. George Strand, for several days. When Anybody Finds a Cure He Is Generally Willing To Tell His Neighbor I The willingness of one neighbor to tell another neigh Lor in a private way of the benefit received from Peruna, explains the popularity of Teama more than all the ad vertising that has been done. f The fear of the publicity undoubtedly prevents the majority of such people from writing a testimonial to be used in the newspaper. But in soite of that we are re cciving fine testimonials continually. rrtM'l Mm. F. A. DeWltt. Marengo, Ohio, says: "I believe HnVtilH peruna to be the best tonic. I recommend It for any run-down condition of the system." , CC9IS fl Ht Mr- Rnla 8tufnbeam. Bunch, Iowa: "A ifilAil wULU) ppring cold 1 took settled on my lungs. Coughed. Could not sleep. We feared consumption. Thanks to Peruna, I am a well woman today." PATADDn Mr- Aen' Jo'Ph Onon: "My little boy Is VnlJiasUl .ntlrelv cured of catarrh of the eara by Peruna. Am thankful for your good advice.' "Taken In spring Peruna tones up the system. BSITft TAIIf Mrs. Wm. Mertoberts, Brown Taller, Minn.. emma avmv I consider Peruna a whole family medicine acts as a tonic. chest" 1 How did they hear of Peruna? Simply because one neighbor is always willing to telt another one he has found a cure. Neighborly conversa tion of grateful patients has done more for I cruna than advertising. Much more. The "Ills of Life," sent free. The Peruna Co., Columbus, Ohio. River to the Sea; Oregon'! Scenic Beauty; The Columbia Highway." Mrs. A. C. HamDton read "The Ore. The twentieth wedding anniversary : ton Pine." and "Chinook Queen." of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chlldreth last two poems by Burt Huffman, former Saturday evening was made the oc- editor of the East Oregonlan. Mrs. caslon of a happy gathering at their ( Mary Dlsosway read a paper upon home by neighbors and friends. A, "The Literature of Oreson' and the splendid program of musical numbers program was concluded by a discus- ana recitutiuns was given during the sion on "What Is Our State". Great early part of the evening. Miss Delta' est Need," led by Mrs. A. J. McAl jiorse ana Alias Nora Chlldreth con tributing piano numbers, Miss Ada Decker a vocal selection and Archi bald Blakely a recitation. Bountiful refreshments were served, the fol lowing young ladles assisting: Miss es Morse, Decker, Ine Schaefer, Merel Best, Pansy Bibee, Nora andiAmong those going were Thelma Chlldreth. Mrs. Henry W. Collins. lister. Between forty and fifty Pendleton-j luns motored over to Walla Walla yesterday afternoon and last even-1 Miss Helen Raymond entertained the Campflre Girls at her home thi afternoon at 1:10 o'clock in a gen eral business and social meeting. The Campflre Girls represent a blgb school organization similar to that of tha boy scouts. itJoy or Girl? Great Question! This brlnirs to many minds an old and ing and attended "The Whirl of the lrlrd ,amU' remedy-an external ap. World- at the Keylor Grand theater. ' kn5w" Mr. and air. ana "T.tvtvt eiwctanrr It a ao The guests at the celebration were Mrs. Fred Bloch, Mrs. Lawrence G. Mr. and Mrs. William Kupers, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wray, Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. J. A Blakely. Frailer, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. Westbrooke Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. J, F. Robinson, Donald J PRECAUTION'. Nodd: Tou don't mean to say you keep a, diary? Todd Not quite so low as that I'm just looking up to see the day I was married. This year I propose to pass safe and sane wedding anniversary. Life, WHY HAIR FALLS OUT Dandruff causes a feverish Irrita tion of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loosen and then the hair comes out fast. To atop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a SS-cent bottle of Danderlne at any drug store, pour a little In your hand and rub well Into the scalp. After a few ap plications all dandruff disappears and the balr stops coming out M lUPROVEOEIITS (JADE AT THE E. BEIilG HIL MUCH DEVELOPMENT WORK IS BEING DONE AT STATE rNSTlTUTIOS. Superintendent McN'ary IIM Form ! Men at Work Ewrj Day New Shrub and Trees Are I$elng Set Out to IVautlfy the Grounds Ce ment Walks Are Being Put In. Down at the Eastern Oregon State Hospital these warm spring days there is "something doing" all the time. Supt W. D. McN'ary Is not one to allow such weather to go to waste and he has a corps of assistants about the grounds who are as eager aa he to capitalize the sunny days. The result, generally speaking, is a scene of activity that would be an Inspiration to the most confirmed drone. Every department head la busily engaged In carrying out some partic ular development work. For instance. Chief Engineer C A. Mnrphy has a crew of men engaged In digging a ditch to tap the Irrigation canal near the rlwr and to serve as a feeder to the hovpltal well from which in turn the water will be pumped to the new irrigation reservoir that la to be built iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiniiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniii' I SAVING CREATES I I SATISFACTION BUY AT THE HUB AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE SATISFIED. Boys' Suits $1.98 values at S1.35 ' Boys' Norfolk suits with knicker pants, $2.98 val. ?2.93 g Boys' Norfolk suits, knicker pants, all wool $3.98 values E and up, our price $3.93 S Boys' Norfolk suits, knickerbocker pants, $7.00 value, I sold elsewhere at $4.98, the Hub price... $4.63 E E Bows' blue serge suits, Norfolk style, all wool, not sold for E $8.50, $7.50 nor for $4.98, the Hub price ?3.93 MEN'S UNDERWEAR AT LOW PRICES. Men's mercerized fine ribbed unions, $1.49 values for 95 Men's heavy ribbed unions, 98c value for 85 E E Men's Jersey ribbed unions, 89c value at C3 E S Mens genuine porosknit unions at ' 93 S E Men's porosknit 89c values at 65 MourOwii BeamyDoctor (McuraSoap andflotWater Preceded by light touchcsof Cuticura Ointment will help you. Samples Free by Mall Cutlrara Hoep sad Ointment (aid everywtura. litem urn pit of each nulled tree, with !2-p. book. Addraa poM-osrd "CoUciro," IMpt 107, ixabm. on the hill above the superintend ent's house. . New Shrubs limited. Jake Denick, the head gardener, is setting out new shrubs and trees seeding new ground to the south and east of tha main building to lawn setting out new shrub and trees, seeding new ground to the south and east of the main building to lawn and In other ways improving the al ready beautiful grounds. He has practically completed shaping up the grounds about Supt. McNary's new residence on tne hill and cement walks are now being put In there. As a result of the work which has been done north of the railroad iracKs, me nuisme presents a very different apeparance than it did year ago. Thomas Baker, the farmer of the hospital, Is now engaged in spring seeding work on the tract east of the buildings, o. J. Travelatead. the livestock man, has hU hands full with looking after several hundred heads of pigs and hogs and thirty or forty head of dairy cattle.. A visit to his barns Is not only an inspiration towards efficiency but also toward cleanliness and sanitation. At Chicken Itanch. Max Muller, in charge of the poul try department and .incidentally one of the recognized poultry experts In the state, has his hands full and al so most of his parks. He has com pleted his brooder house, and, In a few weeks more, expects to have his department developed to suit his very exact tastes. When he does there will be no question but that the East ern Oregon State Hospital will have a model poultry department and one that should be visited by every poul tryman in this section' of the state. The crematorium has practically been completed, the finishing touch es only remaining and preparations are being made for the commence ment of work upon the Irrigation res ervolr and the new wing to the hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank King, Mr. and ' Robinson, Mrs. Charles M. Stype, Mrs. Henry Dixon Jones, Mr. a Mrs. W. L. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Judd, Mrs. W. P. Temple, Vwra Temple, Miss Claudlne McMon Mrs. Henry Bredlng. Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones, Mrs. Hodgson, Mrs ,C. O. By bee and B. A. Rives. Mr. and Mra Chlldreth were presented with many handsome presents by the guests. plied to the ob- f- Is dMlnM to MAtha the Intricate network nerve Involved, this manner It has such a splendldi Influence a to lustl- Mi. ' i m in nil rmwa 01 coninM 1SS n.nlhA-ku4 f. t... I .. ......... . -....wTi. fc Iuu urfn generally rtc ommrndn for years and years and tho nd A 'JvirV'll hai ty Its use In Us, Cecil Curl, Ned Fowler, H. W. who have used It speak In highest prale KUner. Mrs. J. It. Dickson. Frank ot the Immenee relief It affords. Partlcu Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Chlou- Jrljr do thr knowing mothers speak of pek. Mlxs Edna Zimmerman. Dr. Guj S-min" !hTT'"C ,'.knT ?m?em .. ,,, w ,', . ' M strain on the lljraments and freedom L. Hoyden. Clarence M. Bishop, B. from ,ho clh,r dl.trf mmH? u. .'win.. u, ii.ii vjiaj, . i o 1 1 1 1 1 n ' f v " i i tv mm mra vvorvm. Ankeny, James It. Rice. Max ...w.n, ..u taaition to the phynlra! relief has glvei 'er- i a very wide popularity among women. - I Tu enn ohtaln 'Mothers Friend" at Mrs. William' Edwards will leave !'m.0,t. nT drug store, it has helped - - " .w . i v La ivpiarvn nn . .... i iiruuiiiiiitiiiiiB a irai. ui me omriu icna me weauing or ner son, Cluire linior uo.. 101 Ijunar Hid cim- race. He conies accompanied by Edwards, In that city. vo'd the many worthless subattttttes. Miss Mary Trls, a brilliant young I I - Chicago pianist; and Miss Martha1 Mrs. Gideon Brown entertained Stelzl a noted soprano. Mr. Konec-' about thirty-five young friends of I sIIIllIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIHIIlttIIIIl: Amoiy the principal events of the coming week will be the noted viol inist, Josef Konecny, who will en tertain the people of Pendleton next Friday night In the high school au ditorium. It is- said that Mr. Kon ecny's playing besides bearing the stamp of years of patient study an!) practice is characterized above all by that fiery temperament which Is so next Wednesdoy for Portland to at-: u u ZZZZr. ',i0.i,ri T.T:- Hard, Harry D. Gray, Nesmlth Iw-rd forward to with sorb, coortra. ly, James It. Bowler. Lyman O. r-'b!re 1" , ro tiUMlk,n but what Max Hopper, A. II. Cox. O. J. J rTZil h" vnr,k"i I tendency ... , r. . t ' --'I'" the mind and this of Itself In p. Claude Barr and Loy las- addition to the phy-lral relief has Vive!, r.y's number will be the fifth and lost attraction of the Lyceum course for this season. A great deal of interest has been aroused in the lecture on the friend ship of Damon and Pythias which la to be given Monday evening ln the Oregon theater by George' W. Pennl man, supreme representative of the Knights of Pythias from Massachu setts under the auspices of Damon lodge of Pendleton. Mr. Pennlman has made two trips to Syracuse, Sic ily, to study the tradition of the two friends and he eecured many pictures of historic interest which he will show by means of a stereopticon lan tern with 'his lecture. , "Oregon and the Northwest" was Miss Evelyn McCormlck this noon after-' In celebration of her eleventh birthday. Gomes were played and lerresnmenta were served. F. E. Van Dusen f E General Contractor and S Superintendent, S PFVTiT.V.Tnv ni?iT.nv ATELEPHONETRIUMPH The latest BclenUfic achievement is the successful telephoning from New xork to San Francisco, a distunce of s over 300 miles. It Is claimed voices were clear and dlntlnct. Another worthy public benefuct Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. safe fumlly remedy for Stomach and Bowel Ills and ln thousands of homes reigns supreme. j When the appetite lags, the dlses-'E tlon Is poor, the liver and bowels In- E the subject of the program enjoyed i active you Bhould try Hostetter's S iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,iiinmniiit ed theil Raymond 7. Hatch I nctor is 5 1 -Liver IS ApAhilftfl& sHIUIIIIUUI E ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? CAKI'ins CLKANFI). Color In Old t'urx-ta Itcxtorcd. WALL PAPER CLEANED. You Sihad better see me before you have S J that room repapered, I might save you S ', some money. ElK. V. AIXE.V, Phone 313 R. and EnKIand appreciate Japan's in U. S. SAID TO ACCORD. Tokio Reports America Agrees Over Question of Chinese Demands. TOKI.O, March 20. The Japanese people have been assured by Tokio papers that America la In full accord with Japan In the latest demands up on China. In substantiation of American sup port an Interview with Premier Oku ma Is published In wnlch he Is quoted os saying that both the United States terest In Chinese affairs. yesterday afternoon by the members of the Current Literature Club which met at the home of Mrs. C. S. Jerard on the south hill, Mrs. Jcrard and Mrs. Colesworthy being hosteases. It proved a - very Interesting subject ln all its features. Mrs. James A. Fee opened the program with a paper on "America's Greatest Storehouse; Its Great Future; Its Resources and De velopment; Recent Legislation and Government Railroads." A reartintf from Robert W. Service, the Poet of the Yukon, by Mrs. G. M. Klce, was followed by a paper on "Stories of Alaska; Jack London; Rex Beach," by Mrs. Norborne Berkeley. Mrs, .Tunics Johns, Jr., gave a paper on "The Columbia River and Open Stomach Bitters. It will helD Nntur restore normal conditions In the en tire system and Improve your health. Despain Building E Phone 76S E l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1: STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Says Cream Applied ln Nostrils I toiler es Head-Colds at Once. If your nostrils are cloggod and your head Is stuffed and you can't breathe freely because of a cold or catarrh, Just get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this fragrant, antl septic cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate through every air passage of your head, soothing and healing the Inflamed, swollen mucom membrane and you get Instant relief. Ah! how good it feels. Tour nos trils are open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no more headache, dryness or strug gling for breath. Ely's Cream Balm Is Just what sufferers from head colds and catarrh need. It's a de light, i 1 1 t rv X J; " ";:: v4 i Roliablo Cleaning and Pressing We have the best equipped plant In Pendleton for doing this work right. Our big investment and years of experience are our guarantee tnat we will satisfy you for, to con tin no receiving your patronage we realize we must give the best service J. ways, and be responsible for all work sent us. Get the bent work posslblo and always bo protected; by sending your cleaning and pressing to FELL' 206 14 K. Alta St., Phono 160 120 V. Court St., Phono 4.12.