East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 19, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Forecast for fjiKrrn Oregon, bf Ue
I'nlted fcuitee Weather Ob irTrr
I portUod
' Tha Kaat Oregonlan haa the large pal I
rlrcul.ilun of njr paper In Or.goo, mt of
Portland tod over twice tut circulation lo
ftsdutsa of any other otwspeper. .
Fair ton'ght and Saturday; frost
tonifht heavy In exposed plarfi.
SO. .8154
1 1 1 i . k
: ' : 1 - " 3 3
Peex T All Im a . I
,r ,o mv n on n p in n mm I BATTLESHIP IS
JT III llHlinP uty Better Place . . .
riiiiiLiii in iHi M l miin m nnnnnnmnn v k a mi
i r pt bTubt m . i jiji iiii m u 11 11
i i ill . i mil ill i. ii Am hv uuhm nnu uiiiliiu
m m m mm aa ai
DF THE- PnESIOEHTl KSuKj rniinTmi Tiinnrmin nrrrnrn RAMoCFII BVTIIRK5
A .forte tn Turp n
s " f
.jf .'Troublesome Boil
." Panes VlnraTrAiik
Conditions as Whole are Good
Says Report After House-to-1
House Inspection is Made by
Correspondence Between the United .., :f ea7 "ZZ 'hhT":
States and France on Blockade m"k' our tl,y c,,,"n un,i healthful'
biiu a inruniini Iiiaca in wh .h
Subject is Wholly Ignored.
With something like 114.0U0 volun-. run a preliminary survey of the pro-
pieugeo. aireuoy towara a nara piaed road ao to provide more
l.v. i-.i.. ,. "urfaoe road to Cold Spring, landing definite Information reardlmr the
, r .,,,,- (uuviuimn Mntimn( un.n f, ......... I .... .. . .
a public report made by City Phy- , ; rmerpruw anu n proname coat.
Inn i i- t-.i- .f . r.es.men 1. shown to be ao strong for ... ..
lan I. L. Temple, Acting Mayor ....... ... ...... .u . . . What tins Itlvcr lxc.
French War Vessel Bouvet is Sent
to the Bottom by the Forts De
fending the Dardanelles.
Dyer and Chief of Pullce John Kear. 7 I Z . . , . ' ' eatlmate of the probable ben
iney, following their houae-to-houa. ," t, . L 1 , m . 7 . e,,u rro,n lh "en river. provWrd
llnapVctlon of the l.u.lnei dtatrVt " l ' ' T" , L" ''ul" "V b ' from the
AtlifUlc of FiiKlaml Only M-tU-r to early In the week. "The condition. , J ,"ke ? " ?e,",U ' " 'r-'Kht late redu.-tlom. made follow-
Ito omahU-riNl a llrlUM, Ord'Y H on the whole are quite good.- the ' T"", , 1 uT" ,n,f th' "P-nln of the Caa.ad,. Lock.
Takrn A Stutl,w C,rreU, l.e At- report reada. "but there are acme " ;,!n,V, he ru" l"nem canal. The grain rate from The Dalle
lltud of the AIII.H X Mxvlai place that are not c-hmnllmntflrV lo,un,"la- t Portland waa cut 45 i-er cent In.
S4HHioil of COUgTCWH.
to a progreaMlve city like Pendleton.'
hm irevioUHl)
WASHINGTON, llarchc The
At the present time there I no atead of 40 per cent
The ihre. ffi,.ii- ,.. '"""' "WBianiion ai worn upon, stated.
t th. -. " .. , . 8 ,h u'Jert other than the commlt-
flrot draft of the American protect -a .. . . . ' ee of Cold Spring, farmem appoint
ugalnat the Anglo-French blockada " '"a. .7. V? ra. " ed ,"iver"1 n,,'n,h', ' 18 n"w th' '
..rVi... i. . . "r""-uP plan to get thia committee together
' I" 2,:"d ht,y Wl" ,nak - U-lck.y a. p,..ll.le and to Invlu
IV S.JT", 'f "Ueh rUb- re l.ooatlng the road
blah and traah aa were noted this ,,rjP,t ,,y ....bacrlptlona or other-
.nlk-h:.?","1 'Tn t,,e"red A line of action will then be
, ,0 ""-" 8U'n diacuaaed
" ""," t PI"y call for cooperation by
,.Za , 7 r ""' K.n Commercial Club.
...rd. ' k1 lWH.ut. l,n""'' Hefore a formal campaign la .tart-
,,,r report. nutuneaa men . -w. ...... tJ .. . . . .
wm ... ........ . . "u ii coiiipeiHion ana lor renoieion ana
lea.l r. . r.'tMU rv ft i r rYi u lirtlmlnnrv u-ir 1 . U .. - ...i... i . 1 J. ...... ... n
. .. - w uinrr ifuinu .u .i.v niuiiti . ni'i 11.1 inn
11 ... m . .... .
It U probable it will
the Pendle-
An nvern?. reduction of 61 pr
ent waa ma.le In the carload rate.
on rult. augar. cantied good and
r.alls. A further reduction In rate,
waa made for point ea:t of The
Dalle, after the porta. railroad wat
put. Into operation. A aub.untlal
on uper Columbia river point, a.
Boon a. the Celilo canal la finlahed.
Naturally the reduction, will be mude
only for point, affected by river
of the (ierinan coa.t reached Pre.l
dent WIlHon today.
The draft point out that the ac
tion of the allied nation Involve, a
matter of fact ruther than a matter
of law. The correspondence between
the United States and France on the
aubject i. completely ignored. It la
declared that no matter what an.ur-
. .V ... . i . v. . 1 It. J
... . ... . . ,, ,. . .nouiu conduct clean-up at
State with regurd to a limitation of . u . ,...,.. .
the war lone. America must regard montha ummer t D1 aone,, Assunmcea will have to the wheat belt to secure the lenefit.
the Uritl.h order aa correctly stating he had of a dock site at Cold Springs! of the river it will be neceasarv to
the attitude of the allies. Thia at-' , Jtu,l"",n " made of the landing and It will Ik neceaaary to have a road to the river.
tiM.i. .i..iHr.. ih. intUnti..n t ririt. residence district! bui each houae- . .
ain to interfere with all commerce to UvT w'" Ue M'fted to clean up rFpMAN rrcrD cumit
and from C.ermany. hl" ,r"nl- ,'fre the clean-up GERMAN CRUISER SUNK
It I unlikely that the American ''""V" urr,v'"' Th" -,," "I1 .. . T
Jirote.t will tve forwarded to London t'k,(l nl l'la-e. upon the atreet NavafTa IS Sent Down by Brit-
Covernmflit offl- "ere u wjii ie gathered b
city teams.
ran; n
austais ens
ltii4an TorM-lo-lbait IIum- N sImHI
l, Many ItullilingH iwliis llrcdl
and Sk-utmI of tin- War-tvaft I)am-or.
ael Allied Hcct SJld
ltlxlnn from Strait..
Cause More Trouble
Remedy Proves Painful Ex
periment and now Harold
Cresswell Has to Nurse Se
vere Burn.
tl'L It A -
n. ie trying a novel but rather' ,;, i . n. L n
dangerous experiment to cure a boll Capital 0T BUKOWina PfOVIfCC IS
Sel iTKTL1 w.!, LJ!i rbiectf of Slavs wh Move in
Ust evening Buffered a very severe FOTCe UpOn the City,
turn and, conaeo.uentl' has learned'
""in vi me oia an age wnicn
say the cure la sometime worae than
me disease.
The lad was suffering from a large
toll on the back of his neck and de
rided to try a remedy recommended
lo him by someone other than a doc-
Securlng- a common water
lo Hate
I.OMo. March l)isa telle
from .tlii-n annoiiiiciHl the .-tglo-French
fli lum r'diMttl two of the
1 nrklh ImticrlcM guartllu the )ar
cIuncllcH, afl'r a tuo-li'Mir liomliurd
inciit. Sona- war ship were fllyht-
reductlon will undoubtedly be madel'' ,,tt-, Thr admiralty icfu-ed
for several d.iys.
fiuls agree that there Is no apparent
need of haute In the matter. j
ish Battleship
off South
It wo officially denied today thnt it take, a nervous worn in to dem
the president' Intend to call a special oiihtrate what nerve force really Is,
union or rongrejta lo consider tne
I Hxx.iee of a measure empowering
the executive to place an embargo
n exportat'ona from the I'nited
States of certain good. Tha pre.l-j
Oent believe mat sucn an rmimrgo
would loiistltute a violation of neu
trality and he does not favor It
Man Denies He Was Sent to
Commit Deed by Husband of
the Woman.
VAI.rAKAI.Ml, Jlnrch 19. Off - SAN FltANCISCO Cal.. March 19.
rer. of the Pritish auxiliary cruiser j Iteslgned to hla fute Isaac Eddie, an
trama confirmed the report previous-1 Algerian, who shot and killed his sls
;i published In Englimd that the Or-j ter "Princes" JCehla. a. !uncer ..n the
arm on November 11 sank the armed I stone ut the erposltlunw denied ha had
-iiiiiin imr .avarra orr lle .rnen
tine coaft.
The fundamental proposition of the AI l.i:;r.n lUCOkl'X
trotet will le that the deinnnd of
the allies that the Cnlted States
agree that no American goods shall
reach Uermany In shipments through
reutral countries la absurd und im
AT ( I.KVi:i.M.
i As soon a ji sick shoemaker
P.T A XI) able to work he's on the mend.
I CLKV ELAND, O., March 19. (leo.
E. Kent I. dead and his partner, Les
ter Scheu, I In Jail, while the police
re Investigating a story of Jealousy
"nd broken suicide pact. Scheu
told the police that Kent tried to POLITICAL OPPOXKXTS
lorce him to a suicide agreement. He PMXT A(Xt)ltl)l(i Til in:.
raid Kent produced two bottles of It)ltTS IltOM ISLAND,
chloroform and ordered Scheu to
drink one at the point of a revol- NKV YOI1K. March 19. News of
Jl IK.K P11KI.1N SKiXS DIXUKK ver. In order to gain time he prom- the assasslnatfon of Governor 7avas
,wu (i;,r,,,r'" " ire oiv .in! r -t.
a rv l " ' - u Kin uuru U nil
. n"t his friend. The two. he sn!d,
After being In the court for more had promised never to marry. De
than ten years, the case of Lillian ' l'lte this agreement, Scheu married
Kead vs. Melvln Head was brought in February. He alleRos Kerit wa
b en cent as a nies.senger of death by
the girl's husband. Simultaneously
the pcillce are tring to drag from the
husband. Anieen Lufty. a confession
that he Inspired the crime because
hi. wife was too friendly with other was stated, and disappeared in the dl
men. Eddie insist, he shot hi. sister' rectlon of the Tenedoa Islands.
to comment on the t'onantliiople
di'iiati li a-rtlnjj the !tici hip
Ilouvet liud IH'cn Mink.
It wa officially announced here to
day that the French battleship Ho a
vet ha. Iteen sunk by the fire of tlie
Turkish Dardanelles forts. The Hou
vet waa one of the oldest ships In
the French navy. Its keel was laid
In 1903. Normally It carried a crew
of 6')5 men. No mention of their
fate la made In dispatches reaching
here from the scene of action.
The statement as Issued officially
indicated that the Bouvet hud been
si:nk Inside the Dardanelles. It wis
declared that the fleet had Bteanied
Into close range and was hurling
shell, at intervals of lens than a
minute. So effectively did the forts
reply, it was stated,, thai several of
the allied ships were badly crippled
and were forced to withdraw. The
Pouvet was struck by several shells
at once and suddenly Hated and sank.
The fleet Immediately withdrew, it
g'as.. he poured some alcohol In It
and by the aid of other boys, light
ed it and Inverted the tumbler over
the boll. The Idea wa that the
Austrian Move Out in Kffort U
Check Advance But Troop of Omr
Kecrive Warning and Hurl Knemy
flack lire ami Sword Harare
Iru.HHta After IleHin'a Threat.
uurnlng alcohol would exhaust the I'stche from border town declare
ox.vgefi In the glass and thu. create that a great battle for the posaesa'on
a suction which would draw the core of Czarnowltx. the capital of Huko
from the ImiII. The idea may have wlna, 1 developing. The Austrian
ben alright but the execution was have advanced from the city and at
very poor. Some of the alcohol es- tempted to attack the Slaxa massed
taped from the glass and ran over In the vicinity of Sadagora, Warned
the boy's neck and for a few mo- of their approach the Kusaiana met
inents he was in a very precarious the 'attack and repulsed the Austri'
predicament. When the fire waa fi- an,
rally extinguished, the young man
was ruahed to the office of Dr. Tern-1 PETROOKAD, March 1. War
ple who found that the whole back fare of the bitterest character la Im-
or the boy neck had been very rend'ng along the 100 miles of the
badly burned.
because he wa. "Joy inad" and spent
mot of her recent years In cafes and
dancing places. The crime occurred
In a crowded restaurant on the rone,
j Eddie called the cafe manager and
when he refused to loan him money,
began firing. One bullet wounded the
HATCH proprietor. Princess Zi hlu. who danc
ed in the cafe, tried to flee, but her
hr.ilher fhot her dead.
The admiralty also announced that
Turkish warship bombarded the
Russian torpedo boat base at Theo
dosla. In the Crimea, firing many
luildlngs and damaging several of
the war craft. This Is the first con
firmation of previous reports that
the Turkish fleet had withdrawn
from the Dardanelles and Is now op
erating in the ISlack Sea only. Only
a part of the fleet participated In thi.
to It last chapter today when Judge' 'anJy Jealous of his bride.
Phelps signed a decree of divorce In
favor of the plaintiff, not only sever-,
, ing the marital bond, but giving her
the custody of the minor child and
adjudging each to be the owner of
the property now In hi or her own
The suit waa filed August 24, 1904.
The Reads were then living In L'ma-
tillu and had been married since
1891. The wife complained thut her
husband had frequently assaulted
her. had threatened to kill her with
a butcher knife and revolver and
had knocked her down once with a
piece of rubber hose. The case was
allowed to drag for six year or un
til Judge Phelps took the bench and
wa then dismissed. The following
year, however, It was reinstated and
on July 17, 1911, the defendant, who
was a locomotive engineer, filed hi.
answer In which he accused hla wire
of Infidelity and Improper conduct
with other men aa well as of threat
against hla life.
Finally the depositions of witness
es were taken by J. a Beckwith but
both partlea falling to pay the ste
nographer fees, Judge Phelps re
cently ordered them to make pay
ment or have their testimony strlck-
en out. The result wa that the plain
tiff paid her fee, the testimony ol
the defendant wa stricken out, he
wo adjudged in default and a decree
Xlven to plaintiff. During the pen
ency o'f the suit, all of tho children
except one had attained their majority.
PMtur Maklmr Improve.
MASON CITY. Ia.. March 19 1
by The co-operative creamer'ns ..f th..! BERLIN (Wireles
the steamer Ironuoi The mur.l..ri- country are larcelv resn.msil,u r.XIarch 19. The French
were the governor's political enemies the I'r,-"ent da" In marketing oV
' i dairy products, according to E. .1 '
Holmers, of Braham Minn., befor.i 'bombarding the Dardanelles
, sen-maae man Is often the only the National Creamery Butter Vak-' mcording to dispatches from
one satisfied with the Job.
, ers Association, here.
Bouvet was sunk yesterday as a re
sult of a collision with a mine while
Prussian frontier In Poland where
the armies of the czar and the kais
er are about to grapple. The Ger
man announcement that- Russian es
tates and villages will be burned,
leaving a trail of devastation, has
aroused the bitterest indignation at
j Petrograd and a a result a campaign
of savagery unparalleled In recent
;KK.MX TORPKIKlKs SKXD history Is feared by many.
.MOl IK VKSSKI.s TO fiUAVK If ,ne l"reat made at Berlin I
HKXKATH WAVKS, carried out, it i. certain that the
. Slavs will adopt tactic as drastic.
LONDON, March 1J. The sink- r and the sword will be carried In
In of two more British steamers by, Germany with greater. determJna
Oerman submarines w a ' announced Hon than ever and the entire land
by the admiralty this afternoon. I '"' be laid waste.
It was declared the Glaigow steam-' "riie Russian presa U urging that
i liyiidford.was torpedoed and sunk Grand Duke Nicholas Instruct his
In the channel on Tuesday and the subordinate to retaliate. At the
Cardiff steamer Bluejacket, en route ame time the newspapers quote war
from Argentine to London, with a office official as denying Berlin
cargo of grain was sent to the bot- charge that Slav troops pillaged ev
tm by a torpedo last n'ght. The erv Prussian town they have occu
crew of the Bluejacket took to the P'el- Officials declare that Berlin
boat and started ashore In the dark- made the charge to cover It cha
ness. tine boat reached New Haven Krln over th' defeat of the German
but the other has not arrived. Life forces norjh of Tilsit. Instead of
hav'ng been repulsed, the Ru.-slan
army there was declared to be en
trenched inside the Prussian fron
tier. A new offensive. It waa said,
also has been undertaken.
savers are Searching for them.
Hllneys Bob l'p in linker,
BAKER. Ore., March 19. Baker
has a bltney service. Not a Jitney
r.or a taxi service, but a bltney ser
vice, one taxi firm in a rate war
tried to get the business by selling
hooks good for ten 25-cent rides for
$2.25. ,
There were many purchnsors, but
another firm lowered the rate to 25
centa a round trip with a ticket for
another ride if the passenger goes
enly one wny. This made the far
12 1-2 cents or, in common talk, a
bit. That Is why they call them bit-
nrys here and the only people who
" I
Prisoners I pavinn Pnn7 P:fi c:a -:u ll!
I i r ' iu. tnvi i i icuci iui i 1 1
v i ff m wLJ
i! ii s.-jtjff i i r i, is
v'-; 'ri ..51 nr.,.
I iV''""'1" Ni-w-a-m n i ; j ir-ih- - 1 1 1
J I l 'Wvwwvw-. nttr-i-iff - i' ii it man , , t 1
iaaWaStaaMBaaa 'VW''W " mmmi '"' '"X.W "yy-ffT II' i H. i i IWi m.l .bj I
' ' r 1 Mtilli.mn-iilill1,.M i j
BERLIN. (Wireless via London.)
March 19 That Russian raider,
have succeeded In crossing the Prus
sian border and reached the out out
skirts of Momel was admitted by the
war office. Official dlspatche from
Ir.sterburg characterize the Russian
Apropos of the annual clean-up of ' Participating as "firebugs" rather
man soioiers. i ney uasrt across the
i at n nt fniittlp An F!nl?lish
I i t. ,..- .ui.r t ... , - ... .
i ... .i..v K.. . . v. n ii i v i., v inn 'i i once iveamev leiis
f,om one of the forts. The British I " K,,,rk u'',,n h'mwlf which indicated rr ' end pillage the town,
battleship Irreslst'ble was put out of"h:lt h" Practicing what he h-n flee back acr.-ss the lln.-.
action the dispatch declared, wlmllo " extent somew hat be- Ho they evaded the German PtroU
joihi nis lmenuons. A Tew mornings nui.s i;ae neen
ago. a hobo a; pea red at his home rJ'red from Tilsit to prevent a rep
cn" North Bush street arid asked for etul," of the raids,
a meal. Not given to encouraging av attempt to take the offensive
mendicants, the chief told him the ,n Xortn Poland have - failed. At
meal would be forthcoming If It was lacks between the Plssa and the 'Or
earned, and told the man to rake his zek rivers, west and northwest of
ard first and he would get break-! Praasnysz have been repulsed. South
fast afterwards. I of 'he Vistula there has been no
I i banxe.
Uniform German successes ar
claimed In . the western theater of
war. Two French attack north of
i ...... i . .. . . .1 . . ...
these were nh,t ih. rKl.r . -"--- nr ueciarea cnecaea ny tn
He gave him the rake and came ' 'TTn rt!llerr. NorthofBeau.se
down to work. What was his aur- l"r 'h" f-v-h atuck have failed.
irLse when he returned home at re"ch achieved slight .uccees
nonn finH ht . ..i.j ,...k ln th Paln-Noevre district but were
anuthor w.is laiily iKirDUSed.
LONDON, March 19. That Greece
may yet decide to cast her lot with
the allies was indicated in an official
statement received here. It denies
there has been any disagreement over
neutrality In the new Greek cabinet.
"The government continues to study
I IhA oYturrin). Kltniittnn " mivs the state
ment, "and will establish a policy on
a solid basis which will enable it to
obtain precise promises In the event
Greece decides to abandon its neutrality.''
Having cleaned up hi yard only
a few days before, there were only'
a few chips scattered about over the
lawn from the ch'laren's play and
Thia photograph show soma
do not enjoy tho war are thosa who lhe thr,'e bundled odd prisoners ta
loaded up on books thnt gavo rides ,ipn " the high sea by the Prlnr.
for 12 1-2 cents a ride. I Kitel Frlcderlch leaving her tho day
Mrst draft of irotost asniust block
ade of Gorman coast 1ms boon nmde.
One battleship sunk and others
damaged in attack on tho Dardanel
les. light for capital of Bukowlna is
rapidly developing.
More British Ktcantcrs are sunk by
Gorman submarines.
Organization to boost Cold Spring
road will ho formed.
Divorce. "easo in coiirt U-n years N
Boy burmM In experiment with ImiII.
Slp'comeii to meet at Raker to or-
or after .h. anchored In Newport News.aank. and his wifo are shown deJuk "
At tne extreme .ert or the photo- seeding the ladder to take a cutteri city offUHals nrjre co-om-ratioi. for
Braph Captain Klehne. m,ter of the to the shore. Th.w In the f ore- Jnl L , .L "
ground nre members of the crew of. storv of frlen.lshln of I)n. ...i
Pythias to be told hero Monday.
a merlon ii ship William P. Frye,
which tho German auxiliary cruiser
the Frye.
and debris piled up in front of his
house. The man had cleaned up the
vacant lots back of the Kearney
borne, gathering up an old stove,
pipe, tin cans and much other trash
that had accumulated, and the chief
had to hire a wagon to haul It away.
The seret of the unusual energy
with which the hoNi had prosecut-!
ed his ta.sk probably lies In the fact
that the chief, when he gave the
man his directions, was In his shirt-1
sleeves so that his gun and billy j
club were plainly to be seen protrud
ing from his hip pockets.
thrown back after severe fighting to
the west bank of the Meuae.
ROME. March 19. Italy, is pre
pared to denounce the triple alliance
with Austria and Germany according
to reports from various sources today.
Foreign Minister Sotmino was report
ed preparing to take this s..p, pre-
NEW YORK. Marh 19. Abandon
ing all. hope of getting a Jury trial.
Harry Thaw launched another writ
of habeas corpus today designed !
save him from returnitis- to Mattea
wan. The second Writ w is urguc I
th's morning before Ju U- Dljour.
The writ was served early and th
sheriff brought Thaw lino court Im
mediately. It Is alien.,! that Judi;e
Pave Illegally ordered Th.iw re...ru-
PRF.PARED mltted to the as.vlum. Judue Bi.onr
Is expected to refer the m.itt.-r "
Juilge Page, whose expeit'-ij refu.i.il
will form the basis for .in up;'e,il.
Party I ulon Predicted.
MILWAl'K EE. March i -T Th r
can te no doubt that niuii thl on.t
great eci.tionilc Ls.su t hi- t.irli'f IS.-
republican party can iriy f..r s'l iorv
scnimg Austria the alternative of ce- In 1918. " said John H,i-. I1,.imm,,,i, i
dins Italy the desired provinces alom,'
the Adriatic or facing Italy's parti
cipation In the war on the side of tha
allies. The press has warned th'
public that a crisis is nt.ir.
In addressing several hundred repul.
Loans of WMcoiiain, who were as
sembled lure f.jr the purpo of In
aiiKuritlng a rnnvernent toward pu'
ai-tioii in tho coming ca;iiiulgn.