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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1915)
DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON", TUESDAY. MATCH! Ifi, TOir,. EIGHT PAOES i i ; 1 1 : 1 1 i 1 1 l i j i : i 1 1 1 1 1 1 w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : i j 1 1 1 1 1 f i : t 1 1 1 j ; i : 1 1 1 1 1 : t j i : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 - page eight : vr RESOLVED I Unit our prices won't frighten you. They are fair prices. Our Ej jJroceries wore marked right alien we pot them. Come anil let us show you. Buster Brown. 0 X i 3 VE : r : Every woman knows that when you pet good fruit and vego- S 5 tahles you pet more for your money because there is less that EE EE yon can't use. Our prices are fair. I PHONE 96 1 STANDARD GROCERY GO. ( Where all ire Pleated Court and Johnson Sts. ?.i!!!inii:!in!;ii;i!!!!;i:iiiii!iii:iiiiii!iiii!!!iii!i!iiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiinii7 Entire Change of Pictures ' TODAY New Cosy THEATRE "The Deadly Spark" A Mutual movie in two parts. 1 XTKKKST1XG, EXCIT- I NO. "Peanuts and Bullets" KEYSTONE COMEDY. You Will Laugh. "Love Knows No Laws" A Comedy reel that is different. "An Inside Tip" A Strong Offering. Vaudeville Tonight F. Leroy I Inner in a music and painting act. ADULTS 10c, CHILDREN 5c. NeiY GOSY THEATRE Vnder Nw Management. Newsy Notes of Pendleton Hut ur. nr. Harry . Medernach, proprietor of the Orpheuni theater, In driving h new Overlund auto which he Just purchased from the local agent. -. Rctiiriw from Portland. Rolmul Oliver, Independent grain buyer, In home from Portland to which city ho accompanied his fath er, it. L. Oliver, who la 111 and who Is taking treatment there. Remodeling liurch. .Having repaired the roof where It burned recently, the congregation of th.. Presbyterian church has started to repair nnd remodel the Interior of the building. The cost will be J800. Preparing Cow Pu.-tuic. Charles Despaln, enterprising local ealryman,. has leased a :t) acre tract bounding the north hill residence !Ih trlct from Lot Llverniore and during the punt few days has had the land Prepared with a view to seeding It to rye this spring.. He- will use the field as a pasture for his dairy cows. An adjoining tract has been plowed up and put Into wheat by George Meeker. (jrnud.son for B. r. Oglo. A son was horn Saturday night to Jir. ana airs. W. K. Campbell at their home 10 miles northeast of town. The boy is the grandson of R. F. Ogle well known local pioneer and farmer. Who rise with the sun each morn Kach day sees hours newly born. Who rises not till sun Is high. Sees only each day's hours die! "Cnclo George.'' Rack to Ia Grande. I nele George" Webb, ex-stat treasurer, returned yesterday to La Grande to remain Indefinitely at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jap Ste. vens, after spending a week at the home of his other (laughter, Mrs Frank Frnzler. He Is almost 91 years old. Lately he has been In Hi health but Is now much Improved. WE have the most complete and up-to-date grinding plant in Eastern Oregon, and can duplicate your broken lens in a few minutes. W. .H. HILL, Optician , with Wm. Hanscom, THE Jeweler 32Liiit iii: tiiiiiiiii it itiiii ill i ii ti ii iiiiti it 11:11111 iiiii i iiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii ii 1 1 iiiiii iiiii iiiii I CAN CATARRH BE CURED? I IF NOT. A VISCIOUS SEQUENCE. EE The Mother neglects to teach the child to blow his nose; some tls- EE EE sue behind the nose enlarges and the child has to breath through his EE month Adenoids the arch or roof of the mouth goes up, the par- EE 5 titlon between the nostrils slides, buckles or bends and he will have E EE Basal eatarrn until the Interior of the nose Is made like it was be- E fore this happened. The catarrh extends to the ears, he may es- E a eipe ear disease but later on he will have diminished hearing. If you r a wait until you are lUUoerf at you never again will hear like you E did a few years ago. D. N. Reber, M. D. a Eye. Eear, Xose and Throat Specialist. E Schmidt Bldg. E iniiiniiniiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijr FOR SALE! 5000 acres well watered, 400 acres In cul tivation and meadow. Cuts about 7u0 tons of hay annually. Much more can be cultivated. 30 million feet of fine saw limber, besides a big lot of smaller. Good house, cost over $2000, one mile from town! four good barns. Adjoins Nat. forest reserve, and has grazing right thereon. Al) vehicles and farm Implements, some of them new, good blacksmith outfit, and chop mill driven by motor power. Tou can buy this ranch including the above mentioned property, for f 18 per acre. You can buy wllh It, 750 well bred cattle, and 90 horses at the market prices; half cash, reasonable time on balance. I have both larger and smaller stook ranrhes than this, also wheat land, diversified farms, city property, and exchanges. E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore. fin tFI LASSES XV I The Perfect Double Vision LENS ) upper Partfcr ' Far Vision ') VT JF f "oaxn who . i I XZlonniooo tha book iV! S Sr indiy. WV Tower Part for) Near Vision Summer TeaclHTS Hired. Three of the districts of the south end of the county, which conduct schools through the summer, have sent in the contracts of their teach ers. Mis Marie Mettle will teach in No. 34 near fklah. Miss Elsie Mc Reynolds will teach In No. 79. also near Vki.ih. and Miss Pauline Hey cock will tench In No. 64", the Rldg. school near Nye, Coiiwdl Hero Tonight. Dr. Russell H. Conwell, eminent lecturer nnd pastor who .will deliver his famous lecture, "Acres of Dla monds," at the high, school tonight, under the direction of the Lyceum bureau, arrived in the city today. Though he has been working on the platform nnd In the pulpit for over half ti century and has given much time toward other big works, his ap pearance indicutes there is much work yet left in him. DAINTY SILK DRESSES and White Chinchilla Coats with lirinjw us li HIV seen. ill Aim DRUGGED ROBBED BY A ITPiWT l;ick cross bars, just riveivil today, in fart, every day new Hints, Hkirts, coats nnd dresses. Visit this bit, store every day, there is nlway something different to be SILK POPLIX DK ESSES, really worth double the Golden Iviilo jiriee; they al so eomo in inessaline ami crepe do chine x( 5.00, $0.90, Jj"9.00 SERGE PRESSES for less ihnn you can bother making them SjJ-l.OS, $7.00 NEW SIIIIWIEXT COATS in' white chinchilla with black cross bars, serges and jiojdins in all the new colorings priced at half vrm would pav elsewhero 9-1.08. 95.00, 9O.OO: 90.00, 912.50. TAILORED SUITS in the new sand and putty colors of poplin or covert cloth, real jaunty suits at only 9000, 912.50, 911.75, 910.50. TAILORED SKIRTS in blue serges, shepherd cheeks, sand and putty colon so popular this season, 9-.08, 93.08, 9 4.08, 95.00, 90.00. i THIS ILLUSTRATION TELLS THE STORY OF THE VALUE AND COX YEXIEXCKOF KiirvTOK Txvrswu-: HI FOCAL LK-XSRS. Xo lins in t lie lens and no cement. Just perfect vision with the uiiMghtliness left out. OF COURSE THEY MUST ij K FITTED RIGHT. D 1 I Exclusive Optician. Phono 009 Americ.-tn National Bank Bldg., Pendleton Hours: 9 a. m. to 5 :30 p. in. 'Oniiifc'o Dai" March 20. Saturday March 20 has been des ignated "Orange Day" by the people of California, their fleslre being to proclaim to the world their bounte ous crop of citrus fruit. In view of the fact Californlans have Joined In celebrating such Oregon events as Apple Day and Salmon Day the O-W. R. & N. company is boosting Orange Day In literature sent out and 'some of which reached T. F. O'Rrlen, gen eral local agent. Improve Court House Yard. The county court gave the order for the Improvement of the court house yard and parkings and Janitor Geor?e Simpson, assisted by Jim Hutchinson are now at work. Hutch inson Is trimming all the trees while Simpson, is giving his time to fixing up the lawn and flower beds. The parking about the west and south aides of the block will be filled and seeded to lawn. St. Patrick's Day Celebration. The members of the local Knights of Columbus will give a St. Patrick's day celebration tomorrow evening beginning at 8 o'clock at the rectorj of St. Mary's church to which th members of the parish have beet invited. A program has been pre pared consisting of pongs, declama tions and music, ljght refreshments will be served. In observance of the day, services will be h.d In the ev ening at 7 o'clock. High mass will I be held at 9 o'clock tomorrow morn I In? and the j anecyric of St. Patrick j will be celebrated at - this time bj Father Joy of Athena. -r.::::m;;tmiiii;i:nnnniu!::ii!i;i!nni:n f Coming Thursday 1 Lillie I Leslie 1 As the I Vampire in I Lubins i Sensational I Drama 1 Siren of I Corsia" Pastime TODAY Vitagraph Broadway Star Feature "The Radium Thieves" With Leo Delaney, Leah Baird and all star cast Also Tom Mix champ ion cowboy of the world in a one reel comedy cue SUNDAY! j Lillian Russel In the 1 Great Racing Drama Order for Ilorson lUnviveil, That Pendleton is being recognized as tlie center of a big hor.a country is evidenced by ati order for 10UO head of cavalry horses received here by D. Parlett, locul agent of the Am erican Kxpress Co. The request for the horses was wired by the Denver off'ce of the express company, . rep resenting a buyer in that city. Mr. Parlett has been aMe to negotiate for bOO head in a preliminary way and hopes to get the balance of the ship ment. The telegram g:ves a descrip tion of the aniiuuls wanted and it Is to be read!ly Been that the buyers for the European governments are not nearly so particular as to color weight, size and age as they were when the war broke out. Howling Team U picked. Last evening In the Bungalow al leys the bowling team which Is to represent Pendleton In the north west bowling tournament at Spokane during the latter part of this week was selected. Six men will compose the team as follows: Pat McDevltt, Fred Hook, Jake Myers, Loren Hoo ver, Fred J. McMonies and Omar O. Stephens. This team will engage In the team contests on Friday evening and In the doubles and singles on Saturday. In the doubles McDevltt and Hook will be paired, McMonies, g3 and Myers and Hoover and Steph-lfS ens. Tomorrow evening the bowlers' 5 will give a St. Patrick's dance In the Eagle-Woodman hull to help de fray the expenses of the trip. On Thursday morning the six men will leave for Spokane. Foiled In an attempt to hild un Joe Thompson last night at the point of a gun, an unknown footpad resorted to the use of a drug and accomplished his purpose. According to the story told by Mr. Thompson this morning, he was accosted by the man In front of the home of Henry Schwartz and commanded to throw up his hands, the man at the same time a revolver at him. Thompson says-he grabbed the gun with one hand and threw his other arm about the high wayman's neck. Quickly the latter threw a towel over his face he said, and he Inhaled the fumes of ammo nia or some drug that took hU senses from him for a time. When he reviv ed, he was sitting on the edge of the sidewalk alone. It was In this con dition that Mr. Schwartz saw him and, thinking him drunk, reported the matter to the police. Officer Scheer took the man in charge but he wai still too dazed to tell a clear story. The robber got only $135. YOC CAN DO BETTER AT XKK LEAD OTHF-RH FOLLOW G Kit MAN FAHMKHS ASK IX) It WAITS KXD LONDON, March 16. A' cable from Amsterdam stated that the Vos siche Zeitung declares the German agricultural union, a farmers' union, and various similar associations have petitioned the Reichstag for permis sion to discuss terms of peace. Invaders Lille. BERLIN", March 16. Because the inhabitants of Lille, a city in Franco occupied by the Germans, made a demonstration In honor of a group of prisoners of war brought into the city, the German military authorities In control Imposed a tax of 500,000 frarcH to be paid by the city before March 20. The people of Lille also were for bidden to leave their houses between 5 o'clock, in the evening and 7 o' clock in the morning. MONEY ORDER SERVICE IS SUSPENDED WITH GERMANY I ITALY TAKF.S ACTION FOLLOWING MM1LAK ORDKIl ItKLATINO , TO Al'HTKIA. ROME, March 16. Money order service between Italy and Germany was suspended today by a formal or der of the Italian minister of posts and telegraph. The action followed that relating to the telegraphic money order service with Austria Issued last night. The travelling post offices on trains to the Austrian frontier which Indirectly affected communication with Germany from Italy also was or. dered ruspended. i -.i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 MGTOM HEIGHTS Fefore you build that pro- 5 posed home by all means visit 5 Pendleton's new addition. If you are seeking a splendid loca- tlon and a view unexcelled, S Iurat here. If you are at all H Interested see EE RAYMOND W. HATCH, The Architect, Despaln Bldg. Phone (S :iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiin'7 'jiimiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiimimiiiimiiiniii FOR SALE I 1 Ravmnnf. 17 IhtMi I ESTABLISHED GROCERY "J"-"" "MIVH and MARKET BUSINESS. STORE Bl'ILDING with full bnsement. Five room dwelling house and barn. Good location. A bargain If taken at once. Owner leaving city. Will sell all together or separately. Address, "Market," care of this office. X 4 Architect j Despaln Building Phone 768 Tlllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllimilllis iIIUIUIIMIIIIIIUIIIIi:U!IIIIIHilIllllinillllUI!MIIIMIIIilllinilllll!llllllllll(llllll'2 I Bowlers' Dance I Torpedo Relieved lUatcn. WASHINGTON, March 16. Plans are helm; prepared by the navy de partment in the light of the Euro pean war for the great dreadnaughta recently authorized by congress, whereby provision has been made foi the construction within the hull of a second tier of compartments, next to the skin of the ship nnd on the sides, to keep out torpedoes. It Is expected that a torpedo dis charged from a submarine, even If it penetrated the ship's side, would explode harmlessly In the outer com partment and that the damage S would be so localized that the ship E would not be sunk. Eagle-Woodman Hall P1BL IT, I St. Patricks Da,WED. lllOlGll I 1 Ej Come ami re the liya in their new tdurR EE EE Proceeds to toward sending a Pendleton team to the Xorth- EE EE west LWling Tournament at Spokane. a I'XITKD OPiCIIKSTJIA. GOOD TIME ASSU1JED 1 EE Coino out and boot for the "bovs" and help advertise Pendleton, a ADMISSION' 75. Somcthincr Doin? Everv Minute. 5 HKFKESHMKXTS SERVED. a ' s 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 !ira i j i 10c Admission 5c Poetical Ijiiinilryiiiaii Here. Richard Carter Warrlner, presl dent of the Opera House Laundry L)o. or Portland, who was at one time an eastern Oregon resident, ar rived yesterday afternoon from. Wal la Walla and Is a guest of his old friend, J. F. Robinson of the Do mestic Laundry. He Is representing the National Laundrymen's associa tion which will hold Its annual con vention at Portland this year from July 19 to 22 and Is paying a visit to all of the laundrymen along the road In an effort to make the con vention the biggest in history. It will be remembered that Mr. Warrl ner wrote two poems Inspired by the Round-up, one entitled "The Buck aroo" and the other "The Buckar ess." Roth were published In the Portland Journal and the former Today at The Alta Theatre "MARTIN EDEN" written by Jack London incorporates many of the author's experiences and enabled him to j&t the life touch into this story filmed by the Uosworth Studio. ; From a hard -won leadership of a hoodlum pang in Oukland, Calif., from a bench comber's life in the South Seas, Martin Eden, an unlearned sailor, wins his way to fame and fortune. But it is not until great odds havo been conquered and much sacrificed that tho goal is reached. And then it is too late. The girl who has lcen an incentive while ho was working for educa tion and position loses faith in him during his struggles. When Love comes atjain in reiKiitant mood he turns away from it and sails again for the South Seas. It is a picture full of life and ac ion like all of London's writings. The kind that makes you feel your amusement money well spent. The vaudeville act is two young m -n in novelty singing and dancing. Kcmctnlcr that the Alta Theatre is showing the same pictures that the Strand ami Broadway Theatres in New York City are filling their houses with. The Alta Theatre E3 3 3 c-3 &-3 ?xr;;;!!iiniminnni!!!ini:;.'tiiii!mi!m vas dedicated to Mr, Robinson.