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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1915)
TACK SIX DAT IT FAST OKFflONTAN'. PODLKTOX. OnFCOV. TUESDAY. MARCH R WIS. EIGHT PAGES JUST GOT BACK FROM H'YORK AND SAY THATS A WISE LITTLE TOWM. WEMT INTO A CIGAR STORE FOR A PACKAGE OF CIGARETTES "GinriE THE BEST YOU GOT. SAYS - MOT CARING WHAT THEY COST YOU MEAN THE OASIS. MISTEP, SAYS THE CLERK- AMD HE WAS RIGHT- 20H0 iiST VALUABLE COUPONS IN EACH PACKAGC V'iu Amm Ok HEALTH BOARD TELLS HOW THE RABIES DEVELOP OW THK DISKASK LY HE UEC OGK1ZKD IX A MM A LS -Tl M K IX ADVICE CUVEX. Ia Oi view of th fact there Is aa tn:w-h rabies over the county, .the lkwlDS articles describing the sym ytariB of the dim-ase In dogs, taken ttvwn the re:ort of the state health fcooui will be of timely Interest: , I. The first ej mtoms is a change an the dog's disposition; usually It kerwtnes more sullen. i. Restlessness, growing Into a tendency to wander away. Two of tfce people who were bitten in Port-1 taBd were from their own does "-a(i a foreign body in its throat and kouschobl pets that had returned' I'rsons are frequently innoculated In! lomt tMrai!'.1 orwl I at teniDtina- to rnmnve an Imoflnirv! n i u n n i mill i - nod and mire, evidence of having bone- Wc on a long run. and when their Tfle symptoms in all other animals taistress attempted to give them a.'are somewhat similar. Some animate of the disease, can drink water, and the word hydrophobia is really a misnomer. 5. A change of voice, the voice becomes a hoarse, high-pitched -sort of a half bark and half growl. 8. A tendency to tremor, with a possible blindness of the . right eys. exceeding Irritability, wltih a gradu ally Increa?'n3 paralysis, usually be g'nnlns In the left hind leg. and be coming total and ending in dyspnca or death. 7. A rabid dog does not froth at the mouth and does not always, havej f'ts. fVttlnir n nf r.fltpr in front I of him, and expecting, as is the pop ular belief, that he will "throw a fit" for diagnostic purposes, Is an error. These ere the symptoms of furious rabies. In dumb rabies the lower jaw 13 puraiyxed early and drops down. The animal acts as thoueh It V 9 1. IlOY. MAHIUEl) DEC. 22, AXXOIXCES FACT ata they were promptly bitten. . A tendency t map or bite anything that moves, often developing llo a perfect fury. , i. Refusing food and usually drink Kit may attempt to eat Indigestible bjects like stones, leather, dirt. etc. A rabid dog, during the early stages 111" FOR W. IF, 1IRED FEET TO" Fr Tender, Pnrfed-op, Corn Ins, CaIloud I"et and Corns. "Sure! I dm T1Z very time for any foot trouble." WK- v I i I f - "In. S W... icy; vu i r ' k . f a i j- t 4 . , f'.V loo can be 1-appy-footed Just like mi- L'at- "T1Z" and never suffer with armclrr, raw, burning, Clistered. wol- lm, bred, smi-!ly feet. "TIZ" and 2y TIZ" tukes the pain and sore ms f ot .f corns, callouses and bun- As te,n as you put your feet In a "Tiar bath, you Jut feel the happl uraiti Making in. How good your jour, )d feet feel. They want to fur joy "TIZ" Is grand. "TIZ'' s.asi?y !rawa o'jt all the poleonous 'l,tu.rn which puff up your f'-et mvJI t-u soro. Inflamed, aching, atKfjity, wni.Dy fret i; te nt Ix.x of "TIZ'' at ar y rnkX store or df I'artinerit store. Gel ai-tti( foot relief. Iaugh at foot a-'tfer who complain. liecause Snr fwt hi rever. never going to a4hrr i make you limp any more. strike, others butt. Rabid horses strike with their front feet, while others bite. Rabid cows usually butt and a cat with rabies is more vicious than any other animal. When parti ally paralzyed It will crawl along anl viciously bite at anything that moves. One that was recently killed by a police officer In Port land had attempted to bite all the members of the family, and was bit ing and scratching the bricks in the I fireplace at the time it was killed. J The (jue.nion Is often asked: I "How lone will n t. llvn n-lrh rabies?" The perioid usually varies from forty-eight hours to eight or nine Uyt, and any due Ilvine after a ner- iod of ten days, you can be assured Drecser Is a brother In law of George did not suffer from the disease. The Vanlerbilt. His first wife was Mim average length of time that all of the! tffimi' Iuine Burnhma. animals that have developed the dls-l ease here was varied from three to'nnn . five day. after the first symptoms apjQG KlLLED AT GIBBOS l f ?X3 cards the local rules are printed for the guldanco of the golfers. BOTH BOYS ARE Ity FINE FORM FOR BOUT TONIGHT OLD BLUE MOUNTAIN E LEAGU REORGANIZED ANOTHER SEASON EXT1U SIASTIC MEET IX (2 OV EAXS IS HELD IX THIS CITY EAST XKilll, Pilot Itock. Echo, llcrmiston and Pen dleton favor lr(HtHl to t.lve Uic iA'agtie a Xew I.enso on IJfe An other Mootlnic Xcxt Monday to Draft a Si licdulc. expresses himself in the Portland Journal In relating the cifferent fen EVAXS AXD SIIAXXOX EACH COXI1DEXT Of VIN.IX2 I AltKi:i,l, TO CIIALI.EX(2E. The winner of the 1G round bout tures of the practice game Sunday be-'twi'Kht between nobby Evans and Ed tweeii the lieuvers and the Indianapo Us team. In the fourth Inning Nau Khtnn'a buKerunning iut the Indiann up In the air to such an extent that three runs were registered ton played third bane, was at bat four times, scored two runs, mude one hit, one as.slHt und no errors. NEWPORT. R. I.. March i-eiioy Dresser, and Miss Marcla Wal ther have been married since Dec. 22 lai-t. and have 1ut n nnnnn.,j i. , ' It. .Ill Ife was Miss Captuml lYrneli Exilitl. GENEVA, via Paris. March 10, Thirty thousinris civilians Inhabitants of French territory occupied by the Germans are being expelled through Switzerland in lots of 500. The first thousand passed throuch oeneva yesterday. They were chief- AFFECTEO WITH B1BIES There seems every senson to believe that the Hlue Mountain League will live again this year as a result of a meeting last evening In this city of fans from Pilot Rock, Echo. Hermls ton and Tendleton. After a thor ough discussion of the matter, the representatives of the four towns ex pressel themselves favorably toward the organization and another meeting, to be held In Echo next Monday eve ning, was arranged. At this time tho Tormal organization and drafting of a schedul? will be undertaken. une thing was very apparent at the meeting last evening. The league must be nn amateur affair from Mart to finish or It will die before the end of its schedule. That Is, It muet be amateur, not in the most technical sense of the word, but Insofar as am ateur means non-salaried players. Recalling the days of the T.luo Mountain leugue when Athena had her Soldier Frlnk. Walla Walla her Mysterious Mitchell and Pendleton her Joe Berger and all drawinn princely salaries, the delegates from Echo and Pilot Rock declared emphat ically that they would not and could not be a part of a league that winked at violations of the by-laws. Hermls- ton s delegates, though their town has never before been In the Rlue Moun tain league, expressed the name senti ments. The Pendleton fans present hastened to give every assurance that Pendleton would abide strictly by the rules of the league. "We hav had belly full of paid players for awhile" said one of the local fans, "and no one need fear that this city will spend a cent for salaries this year." I D. Drake, president of the Plue Mountain league last year brought to mind the fact that Pendleton played strictly amateur team last year from start to finish even though she held the cellar position. "Everything de pends upon the officers of the league." he said. "The right kind of officers will see to it that each club lives ud the rules of the league." The discussion last evening made it probable that the following provis ions would be Incorporated in the bv- laws: unday bull to be played; season to start about April 11 and end before July 1. No salaried players allowed; each Player must be bona fide resident of county for specified length of time be fore he plays. Professional ball players who are bona fide residents not to be barred. No transfer of players from one cluh to another without consent of club managements. Each club to put up cash forfeit to abide by by-laws: Pilot Rock was represented at the meeting last evening by E. B. Casteel and Merwln Gilbert, Echo by Asa B. Thomson and Call Gilbert, HermbUon by Henry Hltt. A I Larson, Harry Maltby and H. B. Glese and Pendleton by L. D. Drake. Roy Alexander G. I. LaDow. L. G. Fraler, W. N. Matlock and others. HoniiT Jamison, former southpaw twlrler for Pendleton, has been en gaged to coach the Jefferson high teum of Vortlund. Carl Gilbert, one of the Echo dele gates to the meeting last evening, sug gested that weekday ball Instead of Sunday bull be played, declaring It would result In better patronage In his town. However, the Pilot Rock. Her niiston and Pendleton delegates de clared It would be out of the question for them. die Shannon will receive a personal challenge to meet Billy Farrell, wtll known Spokane lightweight who ar- ' . .!.;."' "I'le with his defl to the victor. Far rell Is one of tho fastest boys on the coast, according to repute, and be lieves he can put either Evans or Shannon away. The main bout this evening will commence promptly at S o'clock, ac cording to Manager R. C. Shaw. Either Lurry Duff or Jockey Bennett will be the third man in the ring. Both boys declare themselves fit as a fiddle and local fans are anticipating a good go. I mm Itontoveil Official to Sue. KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., March 13. About two years ago while W. Frank Arant, of this city, was super- On April 16 the Colored Giants ofjintendent of Crater I-ake National Park, he was requested by the Secre- Chicago will play Whitman college In Wulla Walla in all probability. Tiny Leonard held these ebony sluggers to a 1 to 0 game two years ago. "Lefty" Schroeder. one of Pendle ton's rtar twirlers of last year, Is ne gotiating with the Tacoma and Aber- i.een ciuos lor a uenn since It became 'ruled in Mr. Aranfs favor. ce in .ely known that he Western oweV(.r Attorney-Genernl McRey i r -state would no rise from Iti , ashes ' no,d8 h ,d lfftrpnll), and Mr. Ar(lnt his year. U- t made good with I endkton from the start last year and s, nft, F hp M Ar. tary of the Interior to resign In favor of Will G. Steel. Mr. Arant. asserting he held office under the classified ci vil service, refused to resign, as no charges had been filed against him. Tho matter was then presented to the civil service commission and they 7 lost. Local fans would like to see him get Vn with some good club. Among the ex-Western Trl-staters signed up with Russ Hall's Tacoma club are Pltcher .Peterson and Me Ivor. Catcher Kiirl King, and Outfield, crs Johnson and .vtokl:e. ant's attorneys have busy In the mat ter, and It la said suit will be filed soon In the United States court of claims for Mr. Arant's reinstatement and for back pay. EVEIIYOXE HIS OWX LAWYER IX CHICAGO'S XEWEST COURT CHICAGO. March 12. Every wom an her own Portia and everv man his Score Cards Guide own ,r'bun- And ,hl8 ln a court Local Golfers Ariqht fgre a judge wh0'' fhlef tuJy ia to I hasten Justice. For the realization of j this Municipal Chief Justice Harry Ol- The Pendleton Golf Club ha had "on haa established Chicago's first printed tally cards for the conven- cut-price, small-claim court ience of players. They not only have' Demurrers will be unknown. No i paces for marking down the scores claims for over $3S will be allow ed, hole by hole to enable the golfer to Petitions for a suit demanding pay tell when he Is doing exceptionally ments of debts are in "the simple good or exceptionally poor and the language of the plain people. Court dis'nnce he has to go from one. hole costs are only $3. The working of the to another. The "par," which Big- court Is so plain that Chicago already nlflei! par excellence, and the "bog- Is culling it the "poor man's court." ey." which stands for the mythical! judge John u wcorrM.r who pre. and extremely good score of Col.iS(ell 0Ver the court will be a public Bogey, as well, as the number oi referee in debt matters. "The debtor anls Is given after the number of, and the creditor, the hankrunt anil each hole. Thus lowing table; No. 1 we have the fol- Par . .4 33 Bog. 4 4 5 4 4 5 S 3 5 ' 39 Tdj 217 233 403 236 234 ; 362 2 H 9 I 1271 302 2403' the millionaire all shall have a friend In court," according to Judge New. comer. "Procedure Is so simple that lawyers are unnecessary." It will be seen that there Is a wide divergence In tho distances betw-een holes, from 127 yards to 403. How ever, this doesn't necessarily mean the shorter holes are more easily made. Indeed, there are times when they are harder, because of the pre ence of more natural hazards, NOSE CLOGGED FROM A C0LD0R CATARRH Apply Cream in Nostrils To Open Lp Air Passages. Ah! What relief! Tour clogged nostrils open right up, the air pas sages of your head are clear and you can breatho freely. No more hawk ing, snuffling, mucous discharge. Thus heaJache, dryness no struggling for In doing from 7 to 8. .the distance u, ' breath at night, your cold or catarrh Extmiiintioii Show, Germ Throe Dogs I-ost. IPsrmv of Have Horn Further proof of the existence .n mis county Is furnished of J "IIC VIIM I- , . IHOI1CU III I.v from Lillie and Maubeuge "and f , r wh,ch w- Sayer of Gibbon consisted of old people and children tV-vi rpce'vel from Dr. Calvin S. under 10 years old. Some of the' . ' Htate nealth officer who ex French children said thev had often I am,ned th head of a dog sent bv Mr gone ripar the fighting line to get , l" omce after he food. The exiles were sent across the! . ' . ,ne an"nal. i French frontier by the Swiss author ities. Sportland Sparkles "That Pendleton kid Is sure some baserunner," Is tho way Bob Cronln very nhort but a drive that falls short lands the ball in a deep ditch or rocky hillside, whereas If the ball carries beyond the hill It la very liable to roll down Into another gul ly. With fortune favoring, however, It Is not a difficult matter to make bogey on thla hole. So far none of the golfers have nucieeded ln getting- around the course In bogey form yet. Brooke Dickson come the nearest Saturday when he negotiated the course In 41 strokes nnd L. G. Frailer made It around In 41 Sunday. On the reverse side of the score Is gone. Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream In your nostrils, let It penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, giving you Instant relief. Ely's Cream Balm Is Just what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It s Just splendid. ite Caroline of Qualiiy fib. geti you thert and P v&tQ back i?ain ererjr time. Dealer every- I where. I J Standard Oil j I Company Cklifc I Pendleton 7 Gives a brilliant liosiy shine that due not rub off or dint off lhat anneal to th iron that laats lour tlnic as tuna at any other. Black SiikStove Polish It In a class br Itwlf. It'a Bore tatrtullr matte and made irum btlUr maUr$alt. Try II m rw pvtor tova. youreeuk bit or yuur iu ranir. If roadVn't flndil t n bmt u. iWl yaa tvnr u U, your hardware or gnocrrr dwl4W la authorlMd la r- I aad ft anuo. Thr'm"A tSMnm In C-WI III 5 SPECIAL jfanpfaeturor's Advertising Offer cu PAUIOLIVE SOAP For a limited time we will give away with each purchase of Piilmolive Cream, 3 cakes Falmolive Soap Free. Tallman h Go. had f r fin L'aa v, . fc ji vein t veterinarian, yesterday and in an enclosed note states that he has lost HobVr ran Utc Term I " , I,a,u,lt",e from rabies. LOS ANGELES. March II. Alfred! , (t '""""'"K w an excerpt from tho Sells, confessed robber, was sentenc-j ?f Dr hlte: el to life Imprisonment In San Quen- , "e examnaon of the brain of tin Penitentiary f.,r his part In the . .. " 1 ',u- nicn arrived and two robbery of Fred Harlow other men In the Harlow sorrje months ago. Charles E. Sllgh, allegel of Sells In various crimes. rot guilty to the same offense. Bells is aliened to be one of two robbers' who killed Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Vogel; in their home In Oakland, Cal., recently. ' at the office this morning, we ! Negri bodies find Miss Jane McKinney Of the rriscUla NadU Shop, Walla Walla Will he at J. T. HKOWN'S IT1LTITKK STOKE THURSDAY, KIM PAY AN D SATURDAY Wiln a rotnj'Icto line 'f Uui latit embroidery material Mr. Ua'-lu r Rrcwcr will Ii;ivc a i-xA Rtfs-k of faee ereaiiis nd hair switches for p.ale. rel,Ur.. .-- rai, VfUVK COnCIUH Ve V that the animal had rabies. It would partner' be ,ntPrf,"nf to watch the stock you pleaded 1 know have b,'en bltten anl Probably i ii"i ilium man one tnird of these would In any event develop the dis ease. In the meantime their flesh ia as good for food as any other. It would be wise, however to watch them in handling that you aren't bit ten later on as the disease Is liable to develop any time after the expira tion or three weeks. CANT FIND DANDRUFF Every bit of dandruff disappears after one or two application of Dan derlne rubbed well Into the scalp with the finger tips. Get a 2 6 -cent bottle of Danderlne at any drug1 store and nave your hair. After a few ap plications you can't find a particle of dandruff or any falling hair, and the acalp will never Itch. .i A..' (?' M :..,.f""""H,'--'.; ,v "( V' V-v .i. BILLY I' FARMERS ATTEMTlDfJ! FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO., have made a big cut ir the prices of their Gasoline Engines. For a limit ed time will make a special proposition to those who are in need of gasoline engines or pumping maqhinery. You can buy direct from the Manufactures. Our representative will be at the Hotel Pendleton five days, M&rch W-W-MWi-ZL If not convenient to call at Hotel, drop me a card or telephone and I will call on you. P. B. VANCEL, Salesman Foirbanho torso So, 95 1st Street, Portland, Oregon