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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1915)
r " EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OKEGOXTAN. PEXDLETOX. OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH K, loir,. TAGE FIVR be. the JUDGE We Want You to Try GROWN IN UMATILLA COUNTY Prepared in Pendleton You'll find "Pemeco ' always fresh clean and appetizing Shipment of Fresh Fish Arrive Daily See Our Vegetable Dept. New Stock Each Morning Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs Service Quality Sanitation Tlic Contra! ariioi Phone 33 LOCALS Q Advertising In Brief KATK8. Ptr Mo flrtt toMrtloa.i I0 Ptr Hot, additions! lnMrtlo....6 fr IId, Mr month 11.00 No locsl uka for Um this ulc. Count ordinary word to lino. Locals will not b Uko o?r tb pboao sad rtmltUoc mutt aecoia paujr ordtr. For fuel feme flv. Violets dally, 20c lunch. Forahawa Two light airy front rooma Crown Hall, Riverside Drive, North Slda. For iik Team and harness, in quire 623 Pine street. Fl room house for sals on north ild. Corner lot Improved. Address "W" thle office. For aale Good team. Weight about 2200 lbs. Inquirer 111 Lincoln treet. Man and wife want work, ranch preferred. Experienced. Inquire 201 W. Court. Wanted Experienced woman to do housework In small family, phone 601. For rent An eight room house on North Klde. Call 40 Garfield atreet. Phone 283R Miss Anna Klnnlbaugh, expert ault lady and corset fitter, arrive today to take a position with fa ) res. For sale 1(0 acres of Umber land near Gurdane, Oregon. Peter Krlaer, 107 Garfield street. Wanted Experienced girl wltn reference to do general housework. Call SH Ix-wla or phone 7J3J. Wanted to do Loose cleaning ot ary kind of work. Call J. W. Pierce. Phonea lit and 4. Good, competent woman a house keeper wanted at Arlington hotel. In quire lira. 11. F. Petere. For sale Iteglstered shorthorn bull. 3 yeara old. Inquire Dave Ncl ! aon. Phone 307. j Very many people dealre to buyl lands In eastern Oregon. What have' you to offer, and price? N. Berkeley. I Wanted Worn an or girl for gen-' era! housework, family of three. Ap ply 601 E. Leu la, or phone 1:9311. For mile Two mnJrrn o,.tiu. ia. w . If IIWll NEWS OF FARM AKD RANGE IfllllllltXIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIf IIIIIIIIIII llllllfllllf lllltlllllf IMIIIIIIIIIIIIItllf II(IIJIIlIlIIIlfltl4 Mr. Working'man! 1 Fed on Minnesota t'Atrn Corn fed hoga ralaed In Oregon on c6rn lm-j ported from Mlnneaola. Thla sounds jr Y: ?w":Ly"lhum u ""i carload of .wine'juat ahipped to you as it is to the high oriced merchant. 5 ii' me f-oriianq mantel iy William J. T. Hlnkle of Herrninton la apend Ing today In Pendleton. It from the mountain today tfrunir u' vi uu r i," 1 . i . .... . - " i or niot Rock answers the I'.fiumiin lent AV&nl r. , I. . very aesennion. There are John Thompson, road supervlnor at Gibbon, In In the vlty today,' Carl Perlnger bus gone to Port land on a brief business trip. William Mill, Juniper farmer, was at trie M. George Inst evening. UmJt on Price AmUc Walter Molkln of HermlHton, was' LONDON, March 16. Under the' up from the went end yesterday, auspices of the workers' war erner-, A. II. Kirby and 3. W. Perlnger of "'nry nallon,ll committee, Arthur Adams were In the tltv vei,.rrt;.v , lifnderaon. M. V.. preHldlng. a W. J. Wattenburger of Echo, la among the visitors In the city today. this -871 head of porkers In the lot and' they' S Were fed during the winter on three jS carloaila of feed corn shipped hero 5 by Mr. Evans from Minnesota. If you think your money is just as good us it is to the high priced m then you should come to mau meeting waa held here to dlacuaa the S prices of food and fuel. A resolution 5 UriMni? tha rovernmf.nt tn ntrn man-1 J. W. Perlnger, prominent Adarna deer the stock of wheat In the mn. 'B farmer haj. been a visitor In Pendle-try at a fair price for resale to the Inn I . . puMlc was adopted. The price of ,5 T. A. Paul, a well, known Walla thexe resales should not exceed 40, E Wallu attorney, was vlaitlng here yes- shillings per quarter, It was declared. IE terday. The meeting aUo urged action to.E Uuck Welch, well known I'klah rn',ol more ships to bring wheat . E resident, was down yesterday from rrorn Argentina, Russia and Canada -his home. an'l to guarantee a fixed price for S Rev. Hodshlre of the MethodlHt , the. 1,15 5rP' , . J MK.VS PANTS. y- Khaki V&nU with ruff Ixitfom 93 E ilen's Worsted Vmtf. all iw tins' conic in hrtvn. tirrv. lhu jikx's i;m)ki:vkai;. Hen's- 08c heavy ribfx-d union suitu for 83 E Men's .Summer weight underwear, fine ribU-d, rrgular $1.00 E p-ade for . Co E Men's $1.50 Summer union suits for 93 S Men's heavy work shirts 3Sf Mt-n's Hack sateen shirts 45 church la spending. few day. In ' """J -- " cn.irm-n o; ,f , , , , . Hpokane i niisn iraaes inion congress ot ,' -T ch.t, im- miiu iur in-av) ur. jur -a. . . , ' t 1 1914. addressing the meeting, ad-j Men s $2.."0 corduroy aiil for 81.45 E peni. nw..Mrr; CV h? cuy' 1 Vnn',, th.e "J"1 that ,f the K0V' ! M"' eordurov pant, for S1.83 E pervisor. was a visitor in the city ernment had acted the same ways M'. l,n.... 11 n t nr . w ith wheat It has w ith sugar ' S J f ,rat ,f.u11 Ct W-ralls for CO Walter Adams of Walla Walla. U there would have been no Increase In S .s ue bib Overalls for 3o down from his home In his new Bu-lt price. The speaker ascribed In- E I.V-"' kniekerboeker pants, all sizes and all colors for 23, "k auto. flated prices to three causes first, 1 354. 4 9 G3 85. Rert Jilrby, Adams merchant waa,,na,in " th Part of the govern-1 2.V IadipaMfosp frir tH ment; second, gambling In the wheat's , .,, , TT " " ZXZ. 5 markets of the world, and, third, the'E '-""'Jn 8 JlOSO, all 10 one of the business visitors In Pend leton yesterday. William Brown of Weston was at tending to some business mattera In town yesterday. L William A. Dnlzell, slate factory Inspector fo'r eustern Oregon, Is at the Pendleton. Col. J. H. Raley left on No. 17 yesterday for I'ortland to be a wit ness before the federal court. Royce, former farmer of this county and who Is now locaated in Portland Is vlxitlng here for a few days. Rev. Hodbhlre, pastor of the Meth odist church, Is away upon a visit thpln Subsequently the meeting adopted resolutions calling on the govern- I ment to commandeer all supplies of coal and distribute them to consu mers through municipal and cooper ative agencies. The resolutions also) recommended that railway be pooled and operated In such a way as to obtain the greatest possible economic advantages. Statistics compiled by the United States geological survey ahow that copper la produced In 10 different States and Alaska. With the excep- facilities '. t,Pn only ' Penns5'lvaDla and Mary- ianu, me ores produced contain some silver, and In all but five states gold also Is contained In the ores. Train Wreckers X1U,I. UTTI.K ROCK. Ark, March 16. Sells Baby Grand. Among the many pianos old by IL M. Warren recently waa a Solar Ba by Grand to Dr. C. F. Wood today. Mr. Warren, who la carrying one of the finest stocks In the Inland em pire, has disposed of several Baby Grands within the past few weeks. Adv. with his daughter Miss Maud Hod I What Is believed to have been an at- llrothrr Gets Insuranc. LA GRANDE. Ore.. March Like a letter from the grave came word to Edward Buaaey. a cabd riv er of thla city, from his brother, the late Major-General Cyrus Busaey, who died In Washington and waa burled In Arlington cemetery recent ly. The La Grande man knew noth ing of hia brother's death Until a letter came that had been written In 1913. to be held until death visited the old general. With the ' letter came notice that considerable life Insurance had been left In the La Grande man's name. The epletle waa a brotherly farewell. When Benjamin Harrison was el ected Prealdent General Hussey was appointed aa assistant secretary of the Interior, and after his term of office expired he located In Waah Ington city and engaged In the prac tlce of law. Ashland Track-Cringing Fight On. , ASHLAND. Ore., March 1. The contest over the Orange-street grade croselng has been carried before the public service commission. Frank J. Miller haa been here Investigating In order to submit his findings to the state board. The railroad company wants the highway to cross either above or below the tracks Instead ot at a grade. The city contends that the plan Is not feasible, owing to ex pense. View Our Millinery Supremacy Smartest Fashions of Today OUR present brilliant sliowinp is by far the most attractive we navo ever shown, containing hundreds of unique de signs with that rare artistic qualification which makes them exceedinply becominr to almost every woman, "whatever the type." WK ANTICIPATE T1IK PLKARITKE OF YOUR VISIT. CARRIER MILLINERY 740 Mala Street. Telephone 413 wica on east tourt street, aevtn :,re who Is a teacher In Spokane Clocks from Mln street. Inquire ofi Walter .mill. j ,t., a rI(nt t0 have na Situation wunted Stenojraphlc, our head" If you can gear them nooKKeeping or clerical work. Toung practical machinery. man, 24, living at home. Experienc ed and reliable. Call "J. T." office. Real green carnations for St- Pat rick's Day. Mailed or delivered. 85 cents a box. Hooker, 44 Main. Phone 5IJ. Open evenings and Sun day. Desirable residence lots for aale on recently paved street Prices rea sonable. Terms If desired. Phone 180. "Mutt" takes the big load and "Jeff" shows the apeed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse. Office 847 Main atreet. Phone II. To Whom It May Concern This is to notify yeu that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Ozeta M. Beale. from and after March th, U15. J. X Beale. The Alta House and Barn. Head quarters for farmers and stockmen. Call and see us. Stephenson A Eng lar, proprietors. Phone 447. 701 East Alta street Someone who has money can help swing a proposition that will bear In when i tempt to wreck and rob the Callfor r.Ia special on the Chicago, Rock Is lunj and Pacific at Parson?, 30 miles west of Memphis, was foiled - . : t the wreckers derailed by mistake an I ,.w.- r..i.i,t Three masked men. who appeared when the frefirhf left fh rail vn. Y lhed when they saw it was not the California special. The special waa flagged before It reached the scene. (Continued from page two.) Mrs. Sam R. Thompson is enter taining a few friends this afternoon at her home on North Main street Mrs. Frank Hayes 'and little son. Burke, left thla afternoon for the Strand ranch at Vansycle to remain a week. Mayor and Mrs, Homer I. Watts are down from their home at Athe na today. . Mrs. Conrad Platxoeder and daugh ter, Mrs. Carl Chrlstianson, of Jo seph , former Pendleton residents, came over yesterday on a visit Kcrpntnc Dance Wednesday Night There will be a big special serpen tine dance In Moose hall Wednesday night (St Patrick's Day). The pub He cordially Invited and guaranteed a good time. Music by the new Pen dleton orchestra. Admission 50c, Adv. cioae investiguion. Tnis win pay better than 59 cents on the dollar. Address "P. L. R." this office. Watch our daily list of Specials KETCHUP In pallon jars, nimlo from red rip tomatoes, spiced just right. The gal Ion V. 900 QUAKER OAT FLAKES , rt Pure white oats, large packages, regular fl.'e size. Special 25 PEARLS OF WHEAT A rival mush to Cream of Wheat. Two K. packages, fresh stock today, package - - 15 COAL OIL 5 gallon tins, excellent oil for general house use, can $1.00 am ejaBBMBBBBWBBBBBBBSSssBBBMBsjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMBBB English Breakfast Tea In bulk, same quality as package teas. Our price, 3 lbs. $1.00 Oriental Blend Green Tea An excellent blend of high grade, India, Ceylon and Jap Teas. Special, pound - 30 - DON'T PAY LONG PRICES SEE US. ' THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY Phone 476. Next Door to Quelle Cafo. 628 Main. Dissolution Notice. To horn It May Concern. The firm of Lester and Miller, tailors, pressers and cleaners, 114 E. Webb street Is this day dissolved by mu tual consent and will now be known aa Lester and ShanafelL L. D. Shan- afelt having purchased the interests of J. F. Miller. All bills will be paid and all moneys. wil be collected by the new firm. H. T. LESTER. J. F. MILLER. L. D. SH ANA FELT. Fendleton, Ore., March 9, 1915. (Adv.) Mrs George Mlnger. a former res Ident of Pendleton, la here from her home in Calgary to look after prop erty Interests. She reports that the snow Is Just beginning to melt away In Calgary after covering that place rlnce October. CHAHGKS DISMISSED. (Continued from Pace 1.) act upon the direction of the game department In game matters. Following the dismissal of the Hlnkle-Garfield cases today former' Fame warden E. F. AveriU said 'Mr. Prultt has never discussed this case with me or Mr. Whltsett and to my knowledge he has never discussed it with either Deputy Prosecuting At torney Keator who prosecuted the first case or with anyone of the wit nesses. Under these circumstances 1 IX POUND. hardly see how he came to the con The following described animal has' elusion there was not evidence suf ueen taken up by the marshal of the' '"'lent to secure a conviction. I am City of Pendleton. to-w!t: surprised to learn he found It sdvls One hay horse about S yeara old. able to secure the dismissal of the black mane and tail, four white feet, case. star In forehead, strip on nose, dlmj "Dr. Garfield and Mr. Hinkle were brand on left shoulder, weight about arrested the evening of December 11 7G0 pounds. j by Special Deputy Game Warden W. It said animal Is not claimed by'o. Whttsett. The arrest was made the owners or those entitled to the, near Mr. Whitsett'a home. He was possession of them, costs and expens-j using a lantern In going about his es against them paid and they taken chores nt the barn. He heard some away within ten days from the date! one shooting in the direction of a hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the place known as 'the spring." He went 26th day of March. 1916, the said an- to the place as quickly as he could Imal will he sold to the highest bid- but it was so dark he could not see der, at public auction, for cash, at the my one. Coming to a stop about 75 city pound, at the Depot Divery Sta-ljnrds rrom where he thought the ble. In said City of Pendleton, the hunters were he waited for develop proceeds of such sale to be applied nients. In a few minutes a flock of to the payment of such costs and ex-! ducks flew over him In the direction T. P. W. Special SHOES For Men SOX For Lightweight Championship TOWOOHT Oregon penses ot making sale. JOHN KEARNEY, Chief of Police. For Sale Very Reasonable Modern 7-room hvuse and 7 lots of the springs. While he was watch ing' them two objects he knew to be men raised from the sage brush and each shot two times at the ducks. "Whitsett remained where ho was for a few minutes to sea if he hud all at cut 16 blocks frcm town 1 block the hunters located. One of the men. from paved atree's. Suitable for after shooting, Jumped across a little chicken raising and gardening. In quire "Mrs. C. A.," this office. Adv stream and began looking In the grass for something. The other man re mained standing near where he had Good Coal and Wood. shot and was never out, of Mr. Whlt- Our Rock Sprint,-! coal bume clean sett's sight for an instant. He proved giving you more heat and less dlrt to be Dr. Garfield. Th other man for your money. Oood dry wood proved to be Mr. Hlnkle. that doesn't boll, Lut burns. Also I "Other witnesses were found who alabs and kindling. Protect yourself told of having heard the same num from cold and 'cot order from B. i ber of shots aa reported by Mr. Whit- L. Burroughs, phone B. Adv. In Training i "I ee you have supper a little lat er every night, my dear.' Yes, I'm working up gradually so na to cook ready for those twelve-Jn- were waiting there for an auto to sett, and at the same time and place, fully corroborating every statement made by Mr, Whitsett. "The defendants claimed they were not shooting ducks and had not been for more than an hour but that they nlng games," rittsburg Post. come after them," Xcw friends arc made by ex jwienees that establish coufi dtiice. We arc positive that you would name a T. P. W. Special shoe a friend if you ever tried one pair. Absolutely no better ?5.00 shoo was ever placed lofore you than those are, in quality, assuring llic desired amount of wear for any purjHwe they arc intended for. This illustration gives you n fair idea what our style Xo. f.OO and 503 are. Black and tan vtock respectively. '( . . The Peoples Warehouse Shoe Department. Where it Pavs to Trade. Oregon Theatre, PendIet TWO GOOD PUELI.MI.VAKIES Eddie Shannon Lightweight Champion of Pacific Coast. VS. Bobby Evans Lightweight Champion of Portland, Oregon. 15-R0UNDS-15 STRAIGHT QUEEXSBERRY RULES. Reserve,! Seats ?1.00. Gallery 50. KinRsiJe Seats ?1.50 Doors Orvpn ot S x . j.. .nam rveni at y v. I Advance Seat Sale Xow on, at Welch Cigar Charles Co. 444444444444444444 m. Store aud The E1PHE TODAY "A Martyr of the Present" "Three BadMen T Girl" "Throe Dad .Men and a Girl. I hi is or.iv ,,f 1 1,,,... ,,.,)i;, (.' j: ... -i. . . 11 -"" .... ivmiiiiw mat simply make our h censorship tac 1 "tii' howl from itii:iil The w-lude play is a., exoo, dinIy clevrr satir,.- . 1 - on uie more or loss linixsil,!.. .,., 1 everv dav. .u.mias unicii wc T?n.mvn Cfinnn.,..., "v.uu.u., cwiCA.uiAU Jb ARCE WITH SIXGLE I XTKFJ MISSION'. XOT "Every Inch a Hero" Another sidesplitting l,K() C,iu,y. Thursday and Friday "THE HARD ROAD" A play of the great white way "EXPLOITS OF ELAINE r