East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 08, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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1 I
That our prices won't frighten
you. They arc fair prices. Our
Snverios wens marked riffht
when we pot tliem. Come in
ninl let us show you.
Buster Brown.
Newsy Notes of Pendleton
Mining la Im Grande
Frank V.osa, who has been em
ployed by the Pendleton Meut Co.
for some time pot, la moving his
family to La Grande, having accept
ed a position In that city.
Suffering fn an niood rolson.
ueorge strana, weu Known young
farmer of Vansycle, is taking treat
inent In the city for blood poisoning
of the hand. Recently he cut hla
hand slightly and the wound became
Infected. While at La Grande last
week on a business errand, hla band
and arm pained him so severely that
he was forced to consult a physician
who found that blood-poisoning had
developed. He ordered the patient
to the hospital where the hand was
lanced. Mr. Strand returned to Pen
dleton yesterday morning and will
remain until the doctor permits him
to return to his ranch.
Jockey Itcnnott Hack.
Jockey Dennett, well known bnn
tamwelght scrapper, arrived bock In
Pendleton Saturday from Portland
where he had been working for sev
eral months. He expects to remain
In this city.
Ships More Sheep.
C. E. Rude, buyer for Frye & Co.,
of Seattle, left today for Heppner on
a buying expedition. On Saturday
he shipped two cars of mutton sheep
to his firm, having purchased them
from Roas Howard of Walla Walla.
Kvery woman knows that when jou get good fruit and vege
5 tal-les you pet mere for your money because there is less that
j ou can't ue. Our prices are fair.
I PHONE 96 1
Where all are Pleased Court and Johnson Sts.
i 1 1 1 1 1 t i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it i : i : 1 1 r i : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i r 1 1 : i t n i n i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
! iuimimiiiiiiimMtiiuiiiimiimiimiiiU:
1 1 Save the f
E grind our
own lens.
We wish to remind the public that
the old reliable Oregon Fire Relief
Association of McMlnnvUle, Oregon.
Is today stronger than ever, with I
years' successful operation, with
more than a quarter of a million of
nssets to meet losses, handling pre
ferred risks only. It solicits your
business provided you have first
class risks. We do not want hazard
ous risks. The reople who are In
sured with us have policies worth one
hundred cents cn the dollar. Call
on Geo. W. Coutts, our local agent.
Schmidt Building, Pendleton, Ore
TION. W. C. Hagerty. Sec Adv.
. Good Coal and Wood.
Our Rock Sprints coal burns clean,
giving you more heat and less dirt
for your money. Good dry wood
mat aoesn t coil, tut burns. Also
slabs and klndlin?. Protect yourself
from cold and cost- order from B.
L. Burroughs, hone 5. Adv.
THE Jeweler
Funeral This Afternoon.
The funeral of Andrew Hubbard,
who took his own life a few days njro
at Campbell station was hold thin
afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Prown
chapel. Two dauRhters of the de
ceased. Mrs. J. E. Perlpo. with whom
he had been making his home, and
Mrs. Cal Davis of Pomeroy. Wn., were
In attendance.
Donglu iiiay is Iturltxl.
Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock
In the Christian church, funeral ser
vices were held over the body of the
late Douglas Phay who Jied at St.
Anthony's hospital Saturday morn
ing following a long Illness. Manj
old friends were present. Rev. T. F.
Weaver conducted the services while
the. Woodmen of the World had charge
of the graveside rites.
You Mr. Buyer! You Office Man!
You Banker! You Attorney! You Rail
road Mn! You Rancher! You Ranch
Hand! You Man With the Shpvel!
Kvery ono of you recopiizo tho real value of n dollar and desire to eeonoinie, Do you realize
that credit increases tho cost of your living ? Who pays all bad accounts and Itookkceir'u Hilary ?
You pay them if you trade at a cruht stoiv. Do you realize that trading stamps increase, tho
cost of your Hying? Who pays for this added eosi to the merchant and these profits of trading
stamp companies You pay for these. Do you realize that deliveries cost money an J that you
pay lor them, and Mr. Man. outside the city, you jay for deliveries you don't get. The Golden
Kulc Store's Modern liusiness Methods cut out all iese added expenses, nid give you ncro than
ymir money's- worth for every dollar you spend. Try it aau See.
Compare These Everyday Values,
You Can't Duplicate Them Elsewhere
Dr. Re E. Farnsworth
Room 7 Temple Building
Dale Rothvell
Glasses ground and fitted.
Lenses duplicated. All work
American National Bank BIdg..
Pendleton, Phone S09.
H Telephone 772
Pendleton, Ore.
. illtlt"fiitlltiMlttinf miiinimmtiiiftfittittmiitHMimtiiif iiiimimii
e-.ii i i i i hi i ' iiii -i ' i I i
rcndlcton'a Beautiful KidoalTe 5-
Hosldence Addition overlooking E
S Koand-ap Park and the City.
E For particulars E
E Call op 768, or see E
Z Despaln Building",
Representing the ES
5 Irvington Height Land Co. EJ
Ff 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M I J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
iJ" nniiiii iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin
I D A QTTIV Ft? T 1 d
i r jo i iivil i oaav!
Jules Eckert Goodman's
Administrator Is ApiHrinted.
Fred G. Kamrath was this morn
ing appointed administrator of the
estate of tho lute Herman F. Kam
rath. his father. The estate conslts
of two lots and a dwelling in this city.
estimated to be worth $1200, and notes
in the amount of $2500. Oodfred
Newman, John Harvey and Fred
Marsh have been appointed npprals
ers of the estate.
Haec This Afternoon.
There will be a hound and hare
race this evening between' a number
of the long dMance men of the high
school. The race will take place Im
mediately after school and will be
rn over the hills back of the school.
Coach Livingston will probaby be
rresent In the line-up as he wants to
follow his men. This Is tne first con
test which will take place on the ath
letic field for this season.
Official Invitations to Fair.
John Dyer and U. F. Klrkpatrlck,
Pendleton's two mayors pro tern,
Kecorder Thomas Fltx Gerald, City
Attorney Charles Carter, Chief of
Police John Kearney and Supt. F. B.
Hayes .of the water department this
morning received official Invitations,
signed by Mayor Charles O'Neall and
the members of the San Diego coun
ty, to attend the fair which to being
held In that California city. Each
Invitation was beautifully engraved.
The members of the city council al
so received Invitations.
Boosts Rood Festival. '
In the Portland Oregonlan this
morning appeared a picture of R. Al
exander, prominent mercnant of this
city, under the caption' of "Let 'er
Buck'' Alexander. With it waa the
announcement that he Is responsible
for a campaign to have eastern Ore
gon residents take in the Portland
Rose Festival while enruute to the
Pan Francisco exposition. "See our
Portland Festival First" is the slogan
of the campaign.
Something New in Motion Pictures
I One Reel Comedies With Famous Broadway Stars .
I (who will be remembered in "A Gentleman From Mississippi)
in the laughable one act farce
Charlie Chaplin
"Til" Gets in Crawfish.
Sheriff T. D. Taylor evidently ran
afoul of Dean Collins, editor of the
Monday Morning Crawfish which the
Oregonian runs once a week. The
following was among the items ap
pearing in that supplement "Til
Taylor, the genial sheriff of Umatilla
Co., was In our midst the other day,
on his way to Salem. He was acting
as chaperone to Mile. Stella Williams,
the popular belle of the Umatilla Res
ervation, who will sojourn for a year
In that great Institution rendered so
Justly famous by Mr. O. West, when
he was governor. Til says that the
popular belle will be missed, but that
ha tenia t h n t li aU.,,,. will n.r ,npl. I
c.i;i:uiiniimiimuiiiiMimi!jii;i:miiimiiiniiiinminmm aiiy affect the statistics for umatuia
OUR CHARLIE who is paid to make a fool of himself
.Nearly $35,000 Loaned.
The total loans made by the city
water department from Its sinking
fund totaled $34,421 on March 1, ac
cording to Supt Hayes' monthly re
Port and this means that the commis
sion has loaned out the entire fund
except $16.67. The cash receipts from
the sale of water during February
were $1,937 and the total receipts
from all sources $1,968.20. The dis
bursements, including $298.89 for the
repair of the reservoir and $629.66
Interest to A. S. Bent on the balance
due him, amounted to $1,541.31.
To Have Picture Taken.
With the basketball season over,
the Pendleton high school team are
to have their picture taken, that It
may be placed In the trophy room. In
remembrance of their splendid show
ing for this season. Only the letter
men will be represented In the pic
ture, which will represent, Emll Sel
bert as center; Fred Peters, as cap
tain and forward; Ned Fowler as man
ager and forward; Cap Mentzer as
guard; Charley Gorden as guard; and
Wesly Mlmms, as substitute. The pic
ture will be taken at Bowman's studio.
New 2C-in. Silk Mescaline - C9
New Fancy Silks, $1.00 values C9
OG-in. Mcssaline, $1.23 value 89
40-in. Silk Crepo do Chino 08
40-in. Silk Poplins .. OS?
SG-in. Silk Poplin, $1.00 value C9
New Wool Goods in fancy plaids, a $1.50 val
ue for : : 98
Why pay $1.30 and $2.00 fer Shepherd Cheeks.
our price 49, 9S, $1.25
Ked Seal Drees Ginphain '. - 10
Quality Dress Ginghams 8 l-3?
New Percale O 10, 12 l-2f
, Good LL Drown Muslin 5
Good Bleached ihislin 5?
Extra Heavy Muslin 0 l-4, 7 l-2, 8 l-3
Hope Bleached Muslin "7 1-2?
Lonsdale Bleached Muslin '. . 8 1-3?
Muslin Cambric 10?, 12 l-2 15?
Foxcroft 8-4 Brown Sheeting
Foxcroft 9-4 Bleached Sheeting
Pillow Slips ..8 1-3?, 10?, 12 1-2?. 15?
Pillow Slips, scolloped edge 17 1-2?
Good Sheets, full eizo 39?, 49?
Extra "Heavy 81x00 Sheets C9?f 73?, 83?
81x00 Scalloped Edpo Sheets 79?
Muslin Gowns i 39?, 49?
Nainook and Crcfo Niht Gowns, daintilv
trimmed C9?, 79?, 98?
Caml.ric or Nainsook Combinations. You can't
make them for' the prices, 49?, G9?, 98?,
Musli.i Petticcats .... 1 49?, G9? 98?
Corset 'Covers 19?, 23?, 39? 49?
Biakres .0c and 75c values 25?, 49?
Crown Corsets G9?. 9S?, 81.49
Crown Iltngo Belt Corsets .... S1.9S, 82.98
Iront L'ico Corsets ?1.49, 1.98
Front Imcc Corsets, $:.00 value 82.98
Things That Will
Interest the Men
New Overcoats in Spring weight, real
Balmacaans that sell everywhere
. at $15.00 and $20.00. priced tho
Golden Rule way at 89.90, and
Men's Blue Serge and Fancy Mixed
Suits, and easily kept clean,
should Ihj priced at $15 to $25,
but we buy them for less and sell
them for S9.90, S 12.50,
S14.75, S1G.50.
Men's Separate Trousers priced a
third less than their real value,
98?. 81.49, 81.98, S2.98,
Boys' Knickcrlioeker Suits among
the nqw arrivals, in greys or
brown mixed or fane.v striped, al
so blue serce at S1.9S S2.98,
83.98, 84.98.
New Arrivals in
Tailored Suits, you can pay moro
but you can't get moro m price,
we price them at about half vou
would pav elsewhere 89.90,
812.50, $14.75, 816.50.
New Spring Coats, a good showing
for this early in the season at half
. you pay elsewhere S 1.98, 85.90.
87.90, 89.90.
Silk Petticoats, inos't any color you
may fancy," come in silk jersey
top, others All silk ehnrmeusc at
,81.98, 82.98, 83.49.
Sateen Petticoats in black 49?, 09?
Black Heatherbloom Skirts 9S?f
Tailored Skirt, you don't have to
pav $G to $12, we havo the nmo
values prieed at 82.98, 83.98,
84.98, 85.90.
You can do
better &t
C. Penne v-Coln c - J
We Lead
Others follow
county on the per capita consumption
of spirituous beverages."
Arrcpa Position.
Herbert Calfee, well known young
local salesman has accepted a position
with the Hub department store.
Permits for Improvements.
A permit waa Issued today to George
Winberg for the repair of his dwelling
house and sidewalk' permits were Is
sued to John Estes for his West
Court street property and Andy Rust
for his Calvin street property.
B000 acres well watered. 400 acres In cul.
tlvation and meadow. Cuts about 700
tons of har annually. Uurh mnr. .
be cultivated, to million feet of fine saw timber, besides a big lot ef
smaller. Good house, cost over 11000, one mile from townl four good
barna Adjoins Nat forest reserve, and has grating right thereon.
All vehicles and farm Implements, some of them new, good blacksmith
outfit, and chop mill driven by motor power. Toa can buy this ranch
Including the above mentioned property, for 111 per acre. Tou can huy
with It, 760 well bred cattle, and 10 horses at the market prices; half
cash, reasonable time on balance. I have both larger and smaller atook
ranches than this, also wheat land, diversified farms, city property, and
exchanges. B. T. WADE, Peodletoo, Ore,
Funeral Delayed; Held ThJ A. M.
The funeral of Geary Judson, for
mer Pendletonlan who died last week
at the Will Evans place near Pilot
Rock, was held this morning at 10
o'clock at tho Folsom chapel, having
been postponed from yesterday be
cause of the Inability of the sister
and son of the deceased to reach
here from Illinois until this morning
on the early train. Rev. C. A. Hod-
shire of the Methodist church con
ducted the services, the Woodmen of
the World assisting. Interment was
made In Olney cemetery.
Tbo lill
T ii nn
inn II niins TioffnPTT '
, and shows the young lady that secured, the prize for solving it.
This Concludes That Wonderful Serial
In that beautiful story we all know
A picture every child should see a picture every grown person will
enjoy. Beautiful scenes and photographic effects.
Comedy Singing Act
The Alta Theatre
Tomorrow "The Call of the North." Ad&ptedj from Stuart Edward
White's bock "The Conjurer's House.