.... ,,.. i i. , ILLEVEIIIflG EDITIOlTl -r - It4, '.si DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVERTISERS. The Rait Orcgonlia lilt the largest paid mculatloD of any paper In Oregon, eait of Portland and o?er twice the circulation Id JVhdletoo of any other newspaper. Forecast for Eastern Oregon, by the United State VKlT Observe at Portland. Fair tonight and Tursjiy. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL. 26 DAILY EAST OREGONIAX, I'EXDLETOX, OKEGOX,, -MONDAY, MAKC1I 8, v.,:,. XO. 8Ht 2 DADLV DAMAGED G1 FIRE 1M TOM FORTS French Vessel Put Out of Action and British Ship Suffers Heavily in Sunday's Bombardment. FORMER SHIP IS SET AFIRE Allied IVvu Reported to Hare Onscd Hi-Inn After Vain Attempt to Damage tho Turkish sliore Bat teries Brit lh Admiralty Deny CoiiKtantiiiopIo Claims. LONDON, March 8. A French cruiser was damaged during tho bombardment Sunday of the Dardan elles forts, according to an official announcement from Constantinople. The dispatch reached here via Ber lin. The German government assert ed that the Turkish claims have been confirmed by unofficial German ad vices. Shells were declared to have ex ploded upon the docks of the French ships, the porto's statement asserts. Gin i OFFEHSIVE AS DIG BATTLE DEVELOPS War Office at Petrograd Admits Kaiser's Forces are Making Dee perate Drives in Poland. 1 ' - 7 Where Ships Have Been Sunk in and Out of War Zone 99 RUSSIANS REPORT SUCCESS Constant Clashes l.eortcd as Pre liminary to General Engagement In Which at Icat Two Slav Army fori Will I'artld.wte Ilrluin SUk W heat Cargoes. BETIiOGRAD. March 8. That tho Germans are violently on tne offen sive in southeastern Poland was ad mitted by the Russian war office to- day. A biff Imttlp, in which at least two army curjis ure engaged, has devel- tped near Opoczno and Tomasof whre coiiHtant clashes are reported to have occurred along the Prras-riKZ-Miluwa road. "Northeast of Gordon." the official statement says, "the Russians eon. killing many, and the stricken vessel Ulnue to make progress. Violent v v-j,---.-,,, .:.J. , vSCC-jt'':-: : -; a- r-.A' -zz?r-- '--'v-. steamed from the firing line with Its superstructure aflame. The British battleships Majestio and Irresistible are named as am ang those participating In the bom bardment The ships of the allies were de clared to nave reasod firing after at tempting in vain for several hours to damage the Turkish shore batter lea. The Turkish claims are denied by the British admiralty which de clared that the ships ore bombard ing from a range too long to be within the fire of the guna In the forts. Vnofflclul advices Indicated the Anglo-French plan provides for an investment of Constantinople by the end of March and the Turkish gov ernment and troops are expected to evacuate as aoon as the Dardanelles forts have fallen. fighting west of Smolnlk. along the San river, la taking place. WASHINGTON, March 8. Tha British embassy announced that car goes of cotton consigned to German or Austrian ports, no lonaer will be permitted to proceed by the British patrol. It was stated that cotton might be sent under restrictions,-but the effect of the ruling puts it on the contraband list HARRY THAW WILL TESTIFY IN OWN BEHALF AT TRIAL FARM HOUSE OF THOMAS CAMPBELL PREY TO FIRE IX)SS Wil li AMOUNT TO SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS EV. fr'ytuing DIXTROYED. Fire Saturday evening completelj destroyed the farm house on the Thomas Campbell estate northwest of Pendleton and practically all of the household belongings of Will Campbell perished In the, flames. Thvre having been no Insurance on either the house or contents, the loss Is a total one and will amount to sev eral thousund dollars. I The fire broke out Just before dark while Mr. Campbell was absent front heme. Only the children of the late Thomas Campbell, Jr.. were at the house and they are unable to account for Its origin. The flames spread so rapidly that It was Impossible to save anything but a very few pieces of furniture. Mr. Campbell lost not only his furniture and clothing but some valuable papers as well. Fortunately Mr. Campbell had a new house under way and will soon have It completed so that he will not be without a dwelling for long. WILL REFUTE CHARGE THAT HE IS INSANE, DECLARES LAWYER. 3-OXkbY (Mh'M l 'EL' jb7r40RAH tFrencty v i'VtFAV' V;i.v- ifJSB : ' (a tf V-l .V ... ''7 ,ru - '' -. ....r- - . -f i-r- '-v' -i. 1 73 . 4 ijCe sSMXM 10 II HEWCASTLC HAKTICPOOC In'' Ki''MiT'iy CC22-.V i a j ti J " K . f : J ' - ". ' : -.. '.-i, o'V A i'. ' I? . ' ' - ... . - . ' . - ". . '.-.- ' . " - Nv :':''? .-'.V 'A " X'-' -- - : . ' N' : - : :' c-,. - .: .V ; Hi? CHESTER .-- m : a- V-.. . ..... rDESSDDEDIUGH I 10 1 iii on Df IIIIEDVEIII1I Affairs in Mexico City are Hourly Growing More Serious Famine Situation Not Relieved. WARWICK J. - V"7- ;i i . , wv,,.. h,.!- -, w."' JT.'- t "f.r. ''--' .--TLC .! This map shows the operations of the German mines and submarines. vpiir vnnir w t . since me aecree oi me war "hj - vim, warcn a. iiarry, Thaw, slayer of Stanford White, will about the British lIes went Into ef take the stand In his own defense to' feet at midnight, February 18. In refute the charge he Is Insane. This all there huve been sunk twelve ves- was the Intimation of Thaw's counsel at the opening of the trial this morn ing on a charge of conspiracy to es cape from Matteawan. Thaw's mother, brother and sister were interested spectators while a Jury was being drawn. nets, some by submarines and some by mines. The two Amerlan vessels to suffer, the Evelyn and the Carib, went down off German harbors as the result of contact with mines, so no very serious International ques tions were raised. But some other neutral ships have been sunk by sub marines. The Germans have given no a.osurane that they will not sink American vessels flying the American flag without close Investigation, nev ertheless, the . fact remains that the first nine days of the operations In the war zone by their submarines they had sunk no ships flying the American flag though they had not so highly regarded the flags of weak er nations. EI6HT CENT ADVANCE IN CHICA60 WHEAT PIT ITALY AND BALKAN STATES ON VERGE GOING . 1 j WASHINGTON. March 8. Because PORTLAND MARKET MARKS AD-',,f tn.e universal belief In official clr- VANCE OF EOUH OR FIVE cles that Italy and most of the Bal- CENTS TODAY. A Jump of eight cents In the price of wheat In Chicago Is reported by wire advices today. An advance of eight cents was made In May options, the closing price being $1.49 1-2. j July closed at 11.19 J-4. The Port land market made an advance of four or five cents today. kan states soon will enter the Euro pean war,- administration offlvials have veiled the pending negotiations In secrecy. Secretary Bryan refused to disclose to the press the text of the messaaes the government has sent to England and France, Inquiring the methods they expect to employ to make effective the proposed blockade of Germany. It Is believed this will Involve protracted negotiations. Pre cautions ahe being taken to prevent embarrassment from premature publication. Ilewsy notes of Pendleton ATHLETIC CARNIVAL WILL BE HELD BY HIGH SCHOOL Final Dividends Declared. The final dividends In the bank ruptcy case of Joseph Bohl has been declared by Referee Fitz Gerald at 17 S-10 per cent. The liabilities of Mr. Bohl amounted to 13043.25. FRENCH LINER IS BEING ESCORTED SAFELY TO PORT LODGERS HAVE AN NARROW ESCAPE IN PORTLAND FIRE I'ROMIT WORK OF MAN WHO DISCOVERS BLAZE PRE VENTS LOSS OF LIFE. PORTLAND, Ore., March 8. Thirty-seven lodgers In two rooming houses weer Imperiled by a fire early today which destroyed the Morgan wnll paper store on Second street, That none perished was due to the work of C. E. R. Tilbury who turned. In tne alarm ana neipea 10 rouse m sleepers. The loss exceeds $12,000. The cause of the fire Is not known. Most of the lodgers upstairs wore loused In time to save their belong Ings. A nian with a broken leg and his sick wife were carried out by tho police. 821.000 Allies Captured. B Kit UN, March 8, by wireless to Payvllle, X. Y. Among the items given out for publication by the Over seas News Agency are tne following: "Members of the Prussian diet who have been vlHlting prisoner camps have received Information that at present there are 821,000 war prisoners In terned In Germany, an Increase since the end of 1914 of more than 200, 000 men." LATOUHAINE WHICH IS AFIRE EXPECTED TO ARRIVE IN ILWRE TONIGHT. Most of us could start a brass band If hot air were music. NEWS SUMMARY LONDON, March 8. The French liner Latouralne is proceeding on its way to Havre and is expected to ar rive tonight. A wireless message to the owners stated that the fire practically has been extinguished. French cruisers patrolling the coast have Joined the steamer Rotterdam In escorting the vessel to port. M. L. Warren, one of the school dl- ! rectors of South Yoakum is in the city today on business. Idwson Removed. SALEM, Ore., March 8. B. K. Lawson, warden of the pen itentiary, was summarily dis charged this morning by the state board of control. Charges of gross insubordination were preferred by Governor Withy combe as a result ot Lawson's refusal to appoint J. E. Keller parole officer. John Bengen, deputy warden, was elected to succeed Lawson until Harry Minto returns, ready to take charge. The gov ernor refused to heel a sugges tion of Secretary of State 01 cott that Lawson be given a hearing. C.ew ll-ture of Bandits. Deputy Sheriff Estes has Just ad ded a rather grewsome picture to the official picture gallery (ft the office. It Is a photo of the four dead bandits of the notorious Dalton gang who were killed after robbing two banks at Coffeyvllle, ' Kansas, October &. 1892. NEW SWEATERS WILL RE PUR CHASED W ITH PROCEEDS PROGRAM PREPARED. In order that the basketball boys of the local high school might have some new sweaters with which to FOREIGNERS ARE IN DANGER President Wilson. IIowvfi tm Stand Una on Former lAllry Nothing Rut a General Majum Will Change UN Attitude, Declare Secretary Bryan. WASHINGTON. March 8. Ex treme pressure from three sources Is being brought to bear on the admin istration to force Intervention In Mexico. , European diplomats, who former ly backed Huerta, are more appre hensive than ever regarding their safety and through Washington am baiisadors are urging the United States to act The financial Inter ests of Germany and England, it Is stated, are extremely active. Those who advocate a division of Mexico Into two states are protesting against the present conditions. Sec-. retary Bryan has told these that the president Intends to stand firm on the belief that the United State has no right to intervene In the affairs of a friendly nation. Only a general massacre will force him to change this policy. There Is no attempt being made In administration circles to disguise the gravity of the situation, however. . The famine crisis Is becoming more serious and President Carranza. thus far Is taking no steps to relieve the conditions. ' WASHINGTON, March 8. "Secre- tary Bryan's last word to Carransa, will make him sit up snd take no tice." This was the declaration of Sir Cecil Spring-Rice. British am bassador, following a visit to the state department He had called to ask Bryan to outline the latest de velopments in the Mexican situation and was shown the note which has been forwarded to SUliman for trans- mission to Carranza. The ambassa dor said he entirely approved of the note, which notified Carranza that he must answer for the actions of Gen eral Obregon, who, he claimed, is menacing the peace of Mexico City. If foreigners are slain. Carranza must assume the responsibility. Government Wins Suit. WASHINGTON, March 8. Accord ing to a decision of the supreme court the government has won the suits against the Linn and Lane Tim ber romnnnv unA r'h-rta- c(, r aer their letters for this year's work Minneapolis, to cancel patenU to Clean-up Day Coming. It behooves Pendleton residents to begin cleaning up their premises and sacking up their tra.sh for the an nual "Clean-up" days will probably be set by the council at the regular meeting Wednesday evening. The ladles of the Civic Club who irigl nated the "clean-up days" movement will suggest eorly dates to the coun ell. GETS SENTENCE OF THREE YEARS IN PASSPORT CASE NEW YORK, March ' 8. Carl Ru roede, Indicted by a federal grand Jury of conspiracy to obtain a fraud ulent passport, pleadod guilty. He was sentenced to three years in the federal prison at Atlanta, General. Pressure I being brought to bear at Washington for Intervention In Mexico. Bryan's last nolo will make' ( nrrana take wKhv, is declaration of British ambassador. Twt cruisers, one French anil one English, hnvo been badly damaged by tho Turkish fort at to Dardan elles, Former sultan or Turkey escapes from his prison and believed to be planning roup which may force pres ent Turkish government to sue for peace. 1 Germans developing .rigorous of fensive In Poland. Rig battle La iin Incut, s belief at Petrograd. Local. lrrS"a ll I i a I a I mm m mtmmm a IN CUH Al lAli Indiana Are Vagged. Four of the Indians, who make a practice of loafing about the back streets In wait for any liquor they can secure, were this morning sentenc ed to five days each in Jail on va grancy charges and will become mem bers of Street Commissioner Heath- man's gang.- They are Joe Hayes. Charles Bennett, Jr.. George Wash inRton and Harry Luton. and In order that any small financial deficit obtained during the season might be cleared up, it has been de cided to give an athletic carnival next Friday night In the high school gymnasium. The students are offering a variety irogram for the carnival in which will occur a first class basketball game between the first team of the high school and some other local team of a Is tars. There will probably oe a. preliminary game between a couple of first class teams. How ever, this has not yet been fully decided upon. Besides the games there will be boxing bouts, and wrest ling matches between high school athletes and non-students, and be tween representatives of the various classes. A great many comic numbers have been arranged for. Including obstacle races, biscuit shootinr and Linn county. Ore., timber land for alleged fraudulent entries. The HtU gation began in 1908. Wilson Declines Invitation. WASHINGTON. March 8. Presi dent Wilson formally declined an In vitation to visit the Panama-Pacifio Exposition "at present." FIRE AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DOES $150 DAMAGE MEETING IS BROKEN UP SER VICES IN EVENING HELD AT COURT HOUSE- CITY FROM THE GERMANS i Ray Away With Dad's Horses. Charged with taking three of his father's horses, Hugh McCool. a 22 year old son of a prominent Walla Walla farmer, was yesterday arrested at Hermlston by Sheriff T. D. Tay lor of this city and Sheriff Loe Barnes of Walla Walla. The young man had the horses with htm and was passing through Hermlston with them when apprehended. PARIS, March 8. A bloody en gagement In the Voages In which the French Chausseurs achieved a splen did victory Is described In an offi cial statement by the French war of fice. The Germans charred attainst came too close and then clubbed the rifles. The attack was so desperate the Germans were finally driven oft The losses were said to have been vtr.v heavy. Between Terthes and Beausejour, northwest of Souain, successful French attacks contine. The French the French works at Relchackerkorf. Fire docs damage to Presbyterian driving the French out, gaining a t,hllrr- (foothold In the outskirts of the vll- have gained 400 yards of trenches in Campbell farm home destroyed by.lage. The Chausseurs reformed and one section, capturing many prison flMN delivered a spirited counter attack,! ers. Germans who were captured Dm. 1 h KmamIv .11 1 I I .... , 1 . n . .... ' uvs wua, mu mvnu in irnc-. uwiinK several uuurs. ine i"Tencn ' north of Verdun admit the French Fire that broke out yesterday af ternoon In the Presbyterian church. pie eating contests. Various other not only did considerable damage te amusing and interesting numbers will that building, but interfered with the worship of the day. It broke up one meeting in progress and caused an other to be transferred to the court house. The fire broke out about 4 o'clock while the back room of the building was being used by some of the col ored church people. They discovered ie arranged for at a later date, prob ably at the next meeting of the com mittee. There is also a probability of a basket social at the close of the car- rival. However, this is an uncertain attraction, and may possibly be dis pensed witn. Definite arrangements end a complete program will be mado at the next meeting of the committee. The carnival date has been set for the 12th of March. (In lor Spokane tournament used bayonets until the fighting be-' artillery Is very deadly In its effect Bootlegger Heads Guilty. Fred Parr, an old offender, this afternoon pleaded guilty before Po lice Judge Fltx Gerald of selling li quor to Indians and he drew the cus tomary sentence, $40 or 20 days. He chose the latter alternative. He was arrested Saturday and charged with furnishing liquor to Joe Hayes and Charlie Bennett, Jr. A deal. phonograph also talks a good but one can change the records. FORMER SULTAN OF TURKEY ESCAPES; PLANNING COUP LONDON. March 8. Abdul Mam id, former Sultan of Turkey. Is free, according to a Bucharest dispatch to the Central News. The correspond ent says the former ruler has sur rounded himself with numerous friends and plans to execute a big coup. Abdul expects to make a dramatic entry Into Constantinople. There is a possibility the former sultan has made a master stroke for the allies which may force the present Turkish government to sue for peace. 1 the fire and turned In the alarm with the result that the fire department arrived on the scene before the flames could get much headway. Within 4 short time the "fire out" tup wd runn in. The damaee was confined to th rear part of the building, the flamn being in the attic about the pastor's study room. Two holes were burned In the roof. Fire Chief Morrow . tlmates the total loss from fire arid water at $150 and this was fully cov. ered by Insurance. He has not yrl arrived at the cause of the fire but states that either spontaneous com bustlon or defective wiring was re. sponsible. There was a fire In the furnace but the flames broke out at a considerable d!t,tnce from the flue. The evening service of (he church were held In the coiirt room th court house. As soon n ttiU'ii"!. ment has been mal bv the Imoirari'-i men. the work of repnlr v l! l, un 'Ttiken.