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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1915)
J)Ii'T..?I.0REr,0yTAy' NDLKTOX, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1915. EIQIIT PAQEfl 1 1 1 1 a r 1 1 j i t i ii 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 r 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 i iiiiiiimiiiiiniii PAGE KIOIIT RESOLVED That our prices won't frighten von. Tlioy nre fair prices. Our 3roccrios were marked right when we got them. Come in ami let us show you. Buster Brown. i 1 MWmk I I l v Tv., A . rru.. Smokers cf Turkish Trophies Clfarettc fifteen yean ago art smokers of Turkish Trophies Ctgirette today 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tjf 1 1 Save the i Newsy Notes of Pendleton County Court Mooting. The county court today began Its monthly meeting and In busily engaged In auditing Mils today. Will Iliiild Garage. Mrs. Sophie Dyers has taken out a permit to build a wooden garage at 809 Mill street. It will cost approxt. mutely $1(0. Anotlior Xevr nungalow. C. F. Hargrove has taken out a permit to build a six room, one-story bungalow at 604 Lewis street. The estimated coat Is 11000. tieta Default Judgment. A default Judgment' was signed by Judge Phelps today in the case of W. J. Clarke vs. Edward Maurer. ' The Judgment was for 1300 approximately leal property at Seaside, Valued at '2500, and personal property valued at 127,500. The daunhter Is named executrix without bondH. The will was made Pepf. 28. 1913 In thi presence of George Kartman, Jr., and Charles it. curter. her attorney. Huys Farm Land. Albert Harala, formerly of this county who has been In the realty business In Portland for the past few years, has Just purchased 820 acres In the northern part of the count' from John Walters and wife. Every woman knows that when you pet good fruit and vege- wuics you get more ior your money because there- is Jess that you can't use. Our prices are fair. ' E PHONE 96 I STANDARD GROCERY CO. I Where all are Pleeied; Court and Johnson Sts. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mini iiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiminl Pieces! I TVE grind our W ntim lone llrtum from California, J. C. Monahan. one of the propria tors of the Hotel Pendleton, la back from California where he went sev eral weeks ago for his health. He Is feeling better than when he left own lens. i W. E. HANSCOM 1 THE Jeweler 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT M fiuiiiiiiiiiuiimiiitiii BiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiniiHHannmn:: I 66 A Y7 !1 w a iiii tttt ill ii r-v r m. Today and . Today Only 99 I A Heritage of Misfortune is the part fate bestows in the remarkable strong drama "A Daughter's Strange Inheritance," A Vitaraph Broadway Star Feature With Norma Talmadge In the leading role. I Theda Bara H XoUM ParUlan Aclrrss rtays Character of Great Strength and Sinister Fascination Thursday and Friday I "Kreutzer I Sonata In 77 Theda Bara, the famous Parisian emotional actress, created a veritable earth quake of comment through out the country for her mar veloiwly telling performance of The Vampire, In "A Fool There Was." repeats her gripping characterization of that role In her rendition of Celia Friedlander. the beau tiful and ruthlessly passion ate girl, who, without scruple breaks the heart of the faith ful Miriam, so that she may possess herself of Miriam's husband Gregor, the brilliant violinist, k one of the strong, est screen parts ever written and In many ways the most startling: and remarkable. Miss Bara'a powers were never displayed, even in the memorable "A Fool There Was," to more tr.insrend'-nt advantage than in Tolstoi's great work as it Is seen up on the screen. With cruel, serpent-like cunning, Cclla weaves her colls about the Infatuated Gregor. she rate; her unbreakabe spell of beau ty and fiiKcination over him till Gregor forgets every thing In order that he may be In her arms. From the furrr in Ku,s:a. where, as a wealthi land owner's adopted dau ghter, the first meeU Gre iror and charms him by play ltig "KreuUer Sonata." tr the last throbbing n-eni? of the pliy where t-ho anil Grc por nro trapped by end. in a scene s thrillinn as to be almost painful In it- Intensity, meet their deserts Miss I!ara's superb art nevei fullers, nor steps aside. Her rendition of the part If bound to make "Kruetzer Po ns la" one of the most dis cussed picturlzations yet produced. Count Leo Tolstoi Daring Drama Lmui in 4 VJ With All Star Cast XAXCE O'XEIL, America' Foremost Emotional Ac tress, as THE WROXGED SISTER. THEDA BARA (who starred in "A Fool There Was") plays Celia Friedlander, THE VAMPIRE. WILLIAM- E. MAX." SIIAV, A. George RamW "THE Undergoes Operation. Harold Estes, the four year old son of Deputy Sheriff J. II. Estes. this morning underwent an operation at St. Anthony's hospital for an abnor mal growth on his body. Goes to Grass Valley. G. T. Roork, who has been a far mer of tnis county for many years and who recently held a big sale here. Is preparing to leave for Grass alley, Sherman county, where he will locate. l'.rlng lUuk Burned Car. The remains of the Henry Rosen berg automobile which burned re cently on Yellowjacket grade while making a wild race for Lehman Springs reached Pendleton yesterday afternoon, being hauled In on a wa gon by Lee Caldwell. Schoolboy Is Hurt. ' Donald 'Whlteman, son of Clarence Whiteman of the Taylor Hardware Co., was accidentally struck in the head with a stone this morning by a playmate at the Lincoln school and the Injury was so severe that a phy sician was called. Runaway june"Starts. In this Issue of the East Oregonlan there appears on page 7 the first Installment of "Runaway June," the great story by George Randolph Chester. A section of the story will be published once each week, on Wednesdays, for the next 15 weeks. The story Is to be shown In picture form at the Alta theater. Takes Stella to Salem. Stella Williams, well known Indian girl whose parole was recently re-, voked when she became drunk, left' todny for Salem In custody of Sheriff' Taylor and will begin serving her; sentence In the penitentiary on a charge of larceny. One year is her minimum sentence. Dave Wltm'er. 1 sentenced from six months to three years for burglarizing a forest ran- ger's cabin, was also taken along. BAKER'S PIAXO SALE OPENS TOMORROW The big Piano Sale at John 8. Bak er's Furniture Store opens tomorrow morning at 9 a. m. Guaranteed pi anos for 15, 1175, J185; others from $190 up, on easy monthly pay ments as low as IS per month. We handle the world's best makes of pianos and player pianos, the Knabe. Kohler & Campbell, Kenyon, Vose & Sons, Newton, Showlnger, Vernon, Fischer. Brighton. Hobart M. Cable and many others. The big rhyme contest closed yes terday and the free $400 piano was awarded to Mrs. L. A. Relneman, 1004 Raley street, Pendleton, Ore. Kohler & Chase, wholesalers for John S. Baker, dealer. Open even ings till 9:30. Adv. TREES SPRAYED WORK GUARANTEED HAYS 6 WORTMAN Phone 536 Gets Walla Walla Position. Miss Rose McKenna, formerly ate nographer at the local O. W. R. N. office, but who lost her position about 10 days ago when the com pany decided a stenographer to be unnecessary, Is now In the chief dis patcher's office at Walla Walla, ac cording to word received by friends, She went to Portland from here but was soon called to Walla Walla. She worked there previous to coming to Pendleton. Xance O'Xeil is beyond jieradvcnturc of a doubt one of America V, one of the world'., in fact, greatest emotional actnv. 1 li da l!jra adds cmicto.l in ."A Im,1 mother ''Vampire Woman" to the part There Was." t Evans to Meet Shannon. Articles of agreement have been forwarded to Eddie Shannon of Spokane for a fistic bout with Bob ble Evana in this city next week and Promoter Shaw expects Shannon to arrive In Pendleton Saturday or Mon day to begin training here. The ex act dat of the bout will not be an nounced for a few days. Shannon has the reputation of being one of the toughest boys on the coast, having fought such well known scrappers as Johnny O'Leary, Ray Campbell, Chet Neff, Billy Williams and Pat Scott He and Evans met two years ago In Victoria and fought a draw. Since then both have been training; and fighting all the time and have im proved a great deal. TV V'y" I ! i' V k -vv "J jilhi'-A i PASTIME! I 10c Any Show Any Time 10c niiiiuiiwiitmiitiuiimiiitiuiwiiiuMiwriMM Wounded by Golf Ball. W. L. Thompson, president of the American National Bank, Is today wearing a Datch unon his upper Up and finds it very painful to smile, as the result of a violent encounter yes terday afternoon with a golf ball. Having driven the ball among the boulders on one of the hillsides of the links, he hit It as hard as pos sible to lift it clear of the rocks. However, it struck a boulder Just In front of him and rebounded with ter rlfic force, striking him Just above the mouth and splitting his Hp. The wound is an ugly one and the golfer had to seek the services of a physi cian. This Is the first Injury to oc cur on the local links and Indicates that even as tame a game as many believe golf to be Is not divorced from all danger. Dalo Rottiwoll EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. All work guaranteed. American National Bank Bldg., Pendleton, Phone (09. immiuiiimiiimii!iiimiimimiiMiiii'j IRVlDGTOn I HEIGHTS 1 rendlotoiTs Tift ntiful Exclusive 2 mm - " " v iihwviwh j aVKIIIf Kound-up Park and the City. S E . For particulars 5 Call np 788, or see R.W3IOXD W. HATCH. Arch'L Despaln Building, - Representing the , Irvlngton Holghu Land Co. iHiiiiiiiiiiiimmiimiimiimiimmiiniiH 51 Some of the New Spring Merchandise We Are Showing. l'riced for 'less than you will find it elsewhere, iu many in stances less Uian our comjtitors havo to pay for theirs. It's Localise we buy for 83 Wgt Busy Stores. ' Xfew Embroidery Edpres 5, G 7 2f, Ii Utf, Kewr Embroidery 5s G 14e, 8 1-3, 10t. Xew Embroidery 10t, 12 12, Insertions, 7 1-S, Flouncing, 15,t 10f, 25. Beautiful 18-in.- embroidered organdies for fancy collar seta, we have never shown such dainty embroideries, priced at 25 39s 40, not. Al lover embroideries at 23K 30t, 49, G9. liddy Blouses 98 "Middy and Skirt comb. 98 Imtso Iiunpilo Aprons.- 49 Children's Bungalo Aprons for 20t Sateen Bloomers.. 23, 49 Now Ifnssalino silks..- G9 Now fancy silks, $1.00 valuo for OOt 36-in. Black Jlessalina. 89f 36-in. Taffeta, black aud col ors . J out Crepe do Chine, $1.50 value for 98 Silk Poplin, $1.50 value 98 3G-in. silk Poplin, $1.00 val- uo for OOt 75o All wool Series 49 25c Morcerized Poplin 19 New Curtain Scrim 15, 18. S3. New Percales G 1-4. 10, 12 1-2. New Apron Chocks 5' New Bed Soal Ginghams 10 New Quality Ging. 8 1-3 Bist American Calicoes 5 flood Blenched Muslin 5 Hope Blenched Muslin 7 1-2 Oo(xl Turkish Towck 5 TOU CAS DO BETTER AT WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW OREGON THEATRE SUNDAY and MONDAY Nights MARCH 7 and 8 DIG MOOSE VAUDEVILLE EHTERTAIflMEHT SBBSlaBBeMAMBeSBSB aBBBiaBBMaMMBMBHBBHBHBW Under Auspices Pendleton Lodge No. 780 L. O. O. M. Seats on Sale at Pendleton Drug Co. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday ADMISSION 25c, 35c and 50c Pendleton's Last Chance to See "The SPOILE RS Big, Moving, Masterful, Wholesome The Story That Makes the Blood Tingle, Performances start: 2:15, 6:45, 9: P. M. 18 1 i urn limn i in i mm i iii ftirtm yuiuiiauiuiiiiuiiiiiiiaiiiiiauiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiii a Tttre imm'Mi'ii lli...iilllilililiili.wiiiij See our bi "Ad" on page four today Dcluyed Justice Costly. It cost Ed Fortier five dollars more to be convicted or dlHOrueriy coii'luet than it would have cost him had he pleaded guilty. Rather, it should be said, It will cot him three "ays in jail for he failed to pay hU fine. He was arrested In connection with Andy and Lizzie Rothrock Mon day night They pleaded guilty and were given $10 or five days. Fortic dec-hired he had merely escorted the Rockrocks home. When the night police got up they told a different story and the judge gave him a $15 fine. This morning he refused to join the street gang until he had been shut In the dark cell when he be came duly humble and pleaded to work. Leaves Entire Estate to Daughter. The entire estate of the late Mrs. Sybil O. Clopton, w ho died In Port land on Feb. 28, was left to her one daughter, Miss .Sybil Clopton, by the terms of the will which was admit ted to probate today. The estate Is alued at 150.000. more or less. It consists of real property In this coun ty valued approximately at 120,000, $ MMMM MINE mr i1tto The Great Photo-Play. Serial of Love, Mystery1 Adventure By George Randolph Cheste? THE QUESTION OF MONEY (DOLLARS vt LOVE) BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE Will He Shown Every Thursday THE ALTA THEATRE BEGINNING TOMORROW