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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1915)
EIGHT PAOES DAILY EAST OKECOXTAN, ?EynLF.TOy. OHEOON. WEDNESDAY. MATJPTT 3. 101". r.von five nn BBBSD AT THE CENTRAL Von may order things from this store ''hur riedly'' lliouglitlcssly, cairlcnily and then not pay any pnalth, such a you would take dinners wilh if we kept n certain amount of stock inertly Wnuso cf its dieapneps. "PEMECO" CLE AX, WHOLESOME, HOME INDUSTRY" MEATS Heats-Fish 'Temeco" Hams, lb Jc Temeco" Tot rtoaitt, lb... IBo "Pemeco" noil, lb 15c Temeco" Mutton Breast, lb. 8c Temeco" Tork Chop, lb. 20c Temeco'' Mutton Chops, lb.(18c Fresh Salmon, lb 18c Fresh Halibut, lb 15o Fresh Smelt, I lbs 25c Flnnen Haddle. lb 18c Kippered Aliuika Cod, lb... 22o Vogc.ablss-P.ckles Green Onions, i bunches... 10o Hot Houne Lettuce, lb 35o Ripe Tomatoes, lb 20c Celery Hearts, bunch 10c Spinach, 1 lbs 25o Sours, quart 20o Sweets, quart 30c Chow, quart 25c Dills, dozen 20c Stuffed Olives, pint 0c Green Olives, pint 25c THURSDAY SPECIAL MARCH 4TII 'TEMECO" SUGAIt CUHED BKEAKFAST BACOX. SIDES, 23; SLICED 25 FRESH RAXCH EGGS Dozen jService Quality Sanitation Tlio Control ortiott Phone 33 Hero's tf Shoe. If you are looking for a medium weight shoe that Is guaranteed to give the expected service, you should call for T. P. W. Special, style No. (00. This shoe Is made of whole stock Ytlout calf upperand oak tan ned Inner and outer soles. It Is built In the famous Klassy last, which gives the toes unusual room to be no extreme wide toe. The boxing Is high and round. Blusher lace. Cill for T. P. W. Special Style No. 800. Adv. NOUce D. P. O. Elk. Notice la hereby given that a reg ular meeting of Pendleton Lodge No. Ill B. P. O. Elks will be held at their lodge room In Pendleton, Ore gon, on March 4th at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Special order of business elec tlon of officers for the ensuing year, au members are urged to be In at tendance. By order of the exalted ruler. . . j. .v. TALLMAN, Exalted Ruler. TIIOS. FITZ GERALD, Sec. (Adv. Notice. Dance in the Moose Hall, Thursday evening, March 4th, given under the auspices of the Pendleton Lodge No. 7SI. L. O. O. M. Everyone lnvlt ed. Admission, 60c Adv. He's a busy man who pleases his fi lends. jtiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiitiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiixiiiiiitiiitiiuiic: S CAN CATARRH BE CURED? 1 IF NOT A VISCIOUS SEQUENCE. The Mother neglects to teach the child to blow his, nose; some tls- X sue behind the nose enlarges and the child has to breath through his S mouth Adenoids the arch or roof of the mouth goes up, the par. S tltlon between the nostrils slides, buckles or bends and he will have H nasal catarrn until the Interior of the nose Is made like It was be- E fore this happened. The catarrh extends to the ears, he may ea- S rape ear disease but later on he will have diminished hearing. If you wait until you are Halloed at you never again will hear like you did a few years ago. 1 D. N. Reber, Me Re 5 Eye. Eear, Nose and Throat Specialist 2 Schmidt Bldg. HJiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiHtiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitiiiuiiiitiniiiimiiiiiiitttk- TODAY'S VALUES FANCY DRIED rEACHES 6 pounds 50 GRAPE FRUIT, California or Florida variety 3 for. 25 HOT HOUSE LETTUCE Crisp, fresh, tender, lb 25 SPINACH Fresh daily 2 pounds . 15 FRESH EGGS 2 dozen 55 TILLAMOOK CREAM CHEESE pound 25 CREAM RRICK Extra good for sandwiches, lunches, etc, pound 30t GREEN CHILI CHEESE Package BLUHILL BREAKFAST CHEESE P'K'G. 10c 10c ROUND-UP FLOUR Special, sack 91.75 COAL OIL No. 1 grade oil 5 gallons ?1.00 SPECIAL MANCHURIA WALNUTS 6 pounds..- 50 COOKING FIGS Rlack, white 4 pounds . 25 MI LIT! cans 25c 1 Morse and Co's. Garden and Flower Seeds NONE BETTER THE SPECIALTY GASH QROCEBV Phone 476. . Next Door to Quelle Cafe.' ! 628 IXaui. 1 NEWS OF FARM AND RANGE 450 Cars of Apples Ift Approxl mutely 400 curs of apples In cold vtorflKH and 60 cars in common stor age represent the total tonnage re malnlng In the northwest to be ship ped through the North Pacific Fruit Distributors, according to figures civ en out by the selling agency. This It exclusive of about 20 cars of com iri'in Htornge fruit to be exported from the Yakima district In the next several days. Ttie distributors have been sending cut a Wiles at the rate of 25 cars a day for the last month And have ship ped a little leas than 1000 cars since tht first of the year. Total shipments of all kinds for 1200 cars, of which approximately the 1)14-15 season to date aggregate 3700 cars were apples. LOCALS & Advertising in Brief RATES. Per llos first Insertion 10e Par llos, additional Inserttoa. . . .fte Per line, per month 11.00 No local Uka for less tbto -5. Count ordinary words to line. Locals will not be takes ovr the 'pbons and remittance mast access paay erdw. For fuel fone five. Phone I. C. Bnyder, chimney sweep Violets dally, 20c bunch. Forshawa Whipple, piano tuner. Phone 22(R. sunny furnished room. 601 Water street. Man and wife want work on ranch. Phone 266M. Wanted Oood, clean rags at the East Oregonlan office. Wanted Girl to dj general house work. 103 Lewis street Msn and wife want work In city or country. Apply 720 Johnson. For sale cheap Tolouse geese. Address E. Plucker, Adams, Ore. Two light airy front rooms. Brown Hall, Riverside Drive, North Side. Five room house for sale on north tide. Corner lot Improved. Address "W" this office. To Rent 5 -room house on corner West Webb and Willow. Inquire 203 W. Webb. Wanted To rent farm on shares. Address Jon A. McGoughey, 2058 Sixth street, Baker, Oregon. For sale 1(0 acres of timber land near Gurdane, Oregon. Peter Krlser, 107 Garfield street. Wanted to do l.nuse cleaning ot sxy kind of work. Call J. W. Pierce. Phones 151 and 4. For rent An eight room house on north side. Call at 409 Garfield street or phone 383R. For sale Two modern cottages lo cated on east Court street, seven blocks from MIn street Inquire ot Walters' mill. Old papers for sale; tied In bundle Good for starting Area, etc. 10c a bundla. This office. Wanted By reliable young woman, position as cook or housekeeper In the country. Phone 213. M. John Rosenberg, watchmaker and jeweler. Court and Cottonwood. All work guaranteed. Lost Bunch of keys on road be tween Pendleton and Helix. Finder please return to J. M. OaJloway, He lix, Ore., or to Grltman Bros. ' Lost Sight or failing can usually be restored by proper fitting glasses. See Dale Roth well, the exclusive op tlclan, American National Bank Building. Wanted Good, experienced house keeper who can live at home. Must be experienced. Will pay 11.00 per day to right party. Inquire 110 Vin cent For sale WJnr wheat farms from 16) to (40 acres In great wheat belt of Montana, for prices write Den leon Land Company, Chester, Mon tana. Several email farms on Umatilla liver particularly adapted to hogs. dairy or poultry, 1710 cash, balance en or before 10 years. 7 1-1 per cent See Berkeley. "Mutt" takes the big loads and Jeff shews the speed. Penlaad Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse. Office (47 Main street Phone III. Bluck Minorca eggs for hatching. IS tgga, $1.00; 45 eggs, (6.00; 100 eggs, $10.00. All Infertile eggs re placed. L. Boyd, (01 E. Court. Pen di'-ion. The Alta House and Barn. Head quarters for farmers and stockmen. tail and see us. Stephenson & Eng lar, proprietors. Phone 447. 701 East Alta street For sale Standard Holt combine harvester, 20 foot cut, IS inch cyl Inder and hitch, all In good shape. Price $1100 F. O. B. Condon. Oregon. Will consider approved note payable October l, 1016. Also have all kinds of farming Implements for sale cheap. Address W. I. Ebbert, Con don. Ore. Wanted A man to retail Rawlelgh products, town and county. Largest and best line. One of the oldest and largest companies In the world. Six factories and branches. Products supplied from new Pacific coast branch. Quick service, low freight. ve want oniy. industrious men, ca pable.of earning 1100 and un rer month and . expenses. Must have means for starting expenses and fur nish Contract signed by two respon sible men. Address W, .T. Raleigh Co., Oakland, Calif., giving age. , oc cupation and references. F7 We are going to sell the entire stock of the late JESSE FAILING MUSIC HOUSE, consisting of a large stock of fine Player Pianos Pianos Organs erssasasaasaaaBMBHHB-j-aiaasasna-sa-tTaaa eMasBBtststststststststaaBt--T--sit-saa-sB-ai 4taeaBHaBBtstststststststaBSBBtstHBsaraar. eVBaataBBSBSBBBBBeBta-Bt-atstststsrststssaeBBBBSB all musical merchandise such as Violins, Mandolins, Banjos, Talking Machines, Old and New Sewing Machines, Sheet Music, and everything in the musical line at Justi eimfis on tiEue OoDIat3 T sU J ri If if 1 Never have the Pendleton people had such an opportunity to pur 4 Jl Aw chase a good reliable Piano or Player Piano at so small a price. You will find in this lot fine pianos for seventy-five dollars, you will find just a little better one for the small sum of one hundred dol!ars,$ 1 1 0.00, $ 1 1 5.00, $ 1 20.00, $ 1 50.00 and on up. Player pianos and good ones fully guaranteed 88 note and up to date at $265 and up . Each and every piano and player carries with It our Iron Vftpiyc I Till T5Y ftl Clad Guarantee, which Is as good as a bemk note. P : i j m W: .1 - Remember there la only one real straight from the shoul der piano sale now going on In Pendleton, and that sale to the genuine stock which Is so well known by every one who knew Mr. railing. . . mi n ON THE CORNER visible brands or marks except star in forehead. Also one grey mare, weight about 1050 pounds, about 8 years old, no visible brands or marks. Mane now growing out but has been roached. Owner of -above' described animals can secure same by calling at my place and paying charges. F. J. KLEISLAR, (Adv. Pendleton. Ore PEH1 till Taken : There came to my place near Pilot Rock ' Junction" . about February" : ", 115. ,' One black horse, .weight about IJE0 'pounds, about I years old. No Don C. Brownell of Umatilla, was at the Bowman last evening. Charles Stanton has been a visitor here today from his home near Helix J. p. Hannon. O.-W. R. ft N. spec. lal agent, was In Pendleton ' jester day. , Mr. and Mrs. Gus Peret both ex pert marksmen, are .&t the Pendleton today. ' A. M. Brown. O.-W. R, ft N. freight official from Portland. Is at the St. George. Dr. W. H. Lytic, state veterinarian. was a Pendleton visitor yesterday af. ternoon. J. S. Norville, Helix merchant came down on the forenoon train from that place today. Dr. W. M. Lytle, state veterinarian, arrived this morning from Salem to look after official matters. Cyril G. Brownell, prominent young business man ot Umatilla, came up this morning from his home. C 11. Breler of the Hub Syndicate, Is paying Pendleton a visit. His home and headquarters are in Lew lston. Sam Nelson, prominent stockman and farmer of Nye. Is a Pendleton visitor .today. He is accompanied by his wife and children. Nate Raines and Julius Guderlaa were passengers on the Northern Pa cific train' today from Seattle where they had been to sell some rattle. ' Harry Turner of Cayuse who has been visiting a few days with Tobias Butler, well known local brakeman. returned this morning to his home. E. E. Koonts, formerly, qf this county and now or Portland, is at tending to business in Pendleton. He Is one of the administrators of the estate of T. J. Kirk. KayinoiHl B. Hatch, Architect. ha. offices In the Despaln Building If you are contemplating putting up my kind of a building see him Adv. Real Estate for Sale, 4 SO acres all level black wheat land, Camas Prairie. Idaho. No waste land. Price $14,000. Incum brance, $8000. Buy now and get this year's crop. Will raise 40 bush el to the acre. Inquire Scott's Gro cery. Adv. Kills His Rrothcrx-ln-Law. BILLINGS. Mont.. March 3. Grant T. Martin, a paperhanper. ac cusing his two brothers-in-law of al lenatlng his wife's affections, shot and killed both men, John and George Dochrldge. Xotice to Moose. All members of Pendleton Lodge No. 7 SO, L. O. O. M. are Invited and requested to be present at Moose hall. 515 Main street on Wednesday, March 3rd at 7:30 p. m., for the annual roll call and a social entertainment Big initiation and a general good time. (Adv.) C. L. HEMMELGARN, Sec For Sale Very Reasonable. Modern 7-room house and 7 lota, about 1( blocks frcm town 1 block from paved streets. Suitable for chicken raising and gardening. In quire -Mrs. c. A.," this office. Adv. ft mm sr Voiwtvras fN 2& im Prua, ITCHING ECZEMA ON HANDS nVO YEARS Came on Body. Scratched and Be came Irritated. Often Kept Awake. Cuticura Soap and Ointment En tirely Healed, E. 1014 UtU Ave,, Spokane, Wash. My erioma txyan on my hands by a breaking out. followed with a distressing Itching. Later on It eamo on my body which was a great source oT annoyance to ma. H first apKared as a rash and later as plmploj. I scratched until they became Irritauii and this was followed by swelling of my hands wrucn were especially annoying at night and I was often kept awake. My clothing Irritated my body. I avoided putting my hands in water as It was Irritating and I bad some one help me with my work. l used many simplo remedies, sulphur and lard and gun powder with only tem porary relief. The ecsema lasted about two years, but it was only a short time after I commenced to use the Cuticura Soap and Ointment until I found relief. I was entirely healed in a short space of time," (Signed) Mrs. Sue B. Shore. November 0, 1914. Soft, white hands are promoted and main tained by dally use of Cuticura Soap and occasional use of Cuticura Ointment. , Sample Each FVe by Hall With 33-b, Akin- Book on request. Ad dress pots-card "Cutkttfe, Dent, T. Bos. mm.-. MdUmgboMlk world, Wednesday 19 Tuesday "Tlio AivaHod EJour oee onay make his sensational Jump Shay uic convict make his escape by clinging to the belting of a great engine-Shay in the Death Mouse ot the pnson awaiting electrocution. The inside of N. Y. Great Prison "Adventures of a Sea-Going Hack" . .. REX COMEDY 10c 'Innocent Dad'3 ' Sterling Comedy ADMISSION 5c I!