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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1915)
DAILY EAST OTCKfiOXTAN. PEXPT.ETON'. OKEflOK MONDAY, MAKHr 1. 1H1R. EIGnT PAOES Why awd fnmr monf way for "barfaia roof Inf wk! yoa cm get A nu (a Iowa got a guarantee oa a cheap reofiag, bat whsa k wanted tb guarantee mad food, the company had disappeared. , 1K Ixa roofing at rasaonable price of your m local owUr whom you knew? iwm: siy a7rrrr?- . Buy materials that last Ce?iain4eed f. " "13 i Roofing u guaranteed In wrhint 5 jwi f r 1 -p'v, 10 yrri far 2-pT, and IS Teri f J-r V, and the mpnatihbity of our b: aland behind this guarantee, hi q.u! ity ii the highe it aud iu price the rxot reaaonable. General Roofing VJf. Company D-iit i.Vi'i af Aua Mi S.MOia, Ntfr. Sao To C1t ! Chitara rltbkTul PUUU Adam Cfaailnl hM St. Lmi Ci1i flui CT STiaanpiU Htfnwt SaaBl. In in HaaVaia iiawf At k-k of oar big nCU w make the fol-k-mf product. - Aapa.) Raoiiii,aJI iniii mm4 sricaa) fWf. S.4 Saaaalae Aali Fafca DwUmi F.ka 1 arr4 Fell BatUiaf Pi Inaohhac Papara Wall Baud 1 laauc Koofiac Aapkah Caaaaai (tool Coatiaa M.tal Paiata Outdoor Paint Shmgl. Staioa Munft i far Coal D. RESTA, DRIVING PEUGEOT CAR IS WINNER OF RACE AlTOMOIUI.K CLASSIC KIV IX- DF.U MOST IXKAVOKABIX IXJXDITIOXS. Tlxj Grand Prix. ' Driver. Mahl.iu. 0 1. Heats. .. .Peugeot 2. Wilcox. . .Stuta .. ; 3. Hughes. .Ono 4. Dishrow. .Simplex ' 5. Anderaon .Stuti .. Murder Baffle police. AtliOItA. 111. Feb. . Con fronted with the third mysterious murder of a Rirl within a year, the Aurora police admitted they are baf fled. Kmma Pearson, 12. was found murdered, her luad battered by a Hunt instrument, (loaded by popular nenliment Into desperate measure l luin clothe.imen and Doliee have ar-( re; ted 20 neproes and 15 white men In a hunt for the murderers. Blood hounds were brought from Decatur and rut on the trail. Citixens are de manding that private detectives be employed to aid the police. A section of gasplpe was found near the scene of the murder. rem MfflW a The importance of reaerra atrvnrtb and pur Wood ml tail mrixl caaaot ha w-astiaated mat NatwVi ia 5cK' EmwUltn Iwrtx (kat atrasata tKat awickaa tb blood, atraavtlxM tio koaM aad aviawata tfca waata yataaa, PriciaKi awnlm awncrA k. itUftm fnm Alcalm, Oy ataa. rrLsonor- r.oJ to R-cblm Land. PEIILIV, Feb. IT. The sovern n:ent haa reported to the budger corr.mUsion of the lower houae of the rruw;an Diet that from 500.000 to 6P0.000 acres moorland are ready f'T reclamation work by prlsonen of vr.r. From 15.000 to 20,000 prison er? will be employed. Con Dang Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES "r HOT TAMALES CHILLI C0II CARI1E SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS SEKVICB TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb ted Cottonwood 8t. Pbona (if Pendleton. Or ii Cnfcswod nifllnjc falls FORTLAXD, Ore., Feb. 25. Chr pel with rifling the malls. Harry M leek. :j for two years a railway mar. jtVrk at the postoffice at the Union j station, was arrested by Inspectors. i ecjc is aiiegeu to have confessed to i the theft of several hundred dollars I from the malls In the last five months I cur apeclal delivery lettera contain ing money are said to have beeu found hidden In his clothes. Help the Stomach Digest Your Food When the stomach falls to digest and distribute that which ia eaten, the bowels become clogged with a mass of waste and refuse that fer ments and generates poisons that are gradually forced into the blood, causing distress and often serious illness. Most people naturally object to the drastic cathartic and purga tive agents that shock the system. A mild, gentle laxative, positive in Its effect and that will quickly re-! Here constipation Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, sold by druggists at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle. It does not gripe or cramp, but acts easily and pleasantly and la therefore the most satisfactory remedy for children, women and elderly persons. For a free trial bottle write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 451 Washington St., Monticello, Ilia 0 Time. . .7:7-57 .7:14:38 .7:11:4 .7:31:33 ..7:34:51 0 SAN FRANCISCO. March 1. Un der the most miserable condlttonj In the history of the classic, D. RsU, driving a Pugeot car. Saturday after i..ion won the Grand Prix race, the blue ribbon event of America, over the course laid out on th grounds of the Panama Pacific international exposition. His official ft me was 7 hour. 7 nrlnutes and 57 seconds th lowest Ir the history of the event. His av. etneo sneed throughout the 402.20 rr.lles covered by the rase wm 67 1-2 n.iles. 7 1-2 miles per hour slower than the slowest previous Grind Prix Howard Wilcox, In a Stutz, wa second, time 7:14:35, avenge TS 1-4 miles. Hughle Huahes, in an One, flrlshed third. Time 7:21:48. Louis Dlsbrow was fourth. He drove Simplex TIa time was 7:31-3S Gil Anderson, piloting a Stutx. finished fifth. His time was 7:34-51. After Anderson had crojsed the lino all of the other contestants were tiagped off the course and the race cfclally ended. In view of the almost continuous rainfall. Resta's performance was re markable. He drove a steady, care IjI race. He outclassed frjoi the start, all of the other driven, exctpt inn Hucl-.le Hughes and he dlnum-ed He Jjtler after the flfty-Wtn iap, following a sensational brush extend in? over the five laps. From the fifty- f.fth lap on the victor was nev e- overtsKen ana went over tne un Ish lire miles ahead of his nearest timpe'.itor. Wilcox and Hughes fo-JRht it out for second placo In t?n otlonnl manner. 0 SPOUT DOPE. BT HAL SHERIDAN. (Written for the United Press ) NEW YORK, Feb. 27 If It was not for Freddie Welsh, the British holder of the lightweight bonfalon. there wouldn't be any International (porting events a-tall In 1915. Bill. XIck, George and Prexy Poncare, who wields the baton over sunny ""r & nee. seem to have a corner on the International sporting events which they refuse to relinquish. Getting bromldlc, If It hadn't been for the war, 1915 stood an excellent chance at going down in history as one of the greatest 365 days in the annals of port. IU predecessor 1SU4, was undeniably the greatest cue until the struggle started, and 11-15, bid fair to eclipse It. wpects for 1916 don't look es pecially alluring, either. Certain it is that even should the war close be fore the, next New Year's Day, Euro pe win be In no position to stage sporting events of any great moment Berlin, according to reports from the German capital, has not yet re linquished all hope of staging the 1(16 Olympic games but from this safe and sane angle it doesn't look probable. Then, too, many of the old world s athletes have been killed In the war. They flocked to tho colors early In the fray. Even should they emerge with two arms and two legs thelt days of physical prowess will pro ably have been left In the trenches and a new crop will have to be de veloped. So until somebody knocks off Fred die Welsh and Judging by the way he la side-stepping boats where he stands to lose his crown it doesn't setm likely Americans are going to have to be satisfied with contests among themselves. It looks, at that, as though Earl Kitchener and Win ston Churchill overlooked a good tx-t when they allowed Freddie to en bark for these United States. He has shown a remarkable aptitude for getting out of tight places where a decisive outcome was imminent. What a wonderful strategist the Welshman would have made! If ha cculd circumvent the Germans and Ausirians as ne has American con tenders for his title the war would scon be over. What. College Teams Meet. PRINCETON, X. J., Feb. 27 Princeton and Georgetown were to meet today In a two mile relay race and other events. San Francisco IIa.t 1900 Jitneys, SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 27. A cording to figures given out by the license bureau of the police commis s!cn, there are now 1900 6-cent auto buses in operation in this city, with 400 applications pending. January IS there were but 350 of the cars op erating In San Francisco. Haw Rubber Confiscated. VENICE, via London, Feb. 26, Advices received here from Vienna say the military authorities there have confiscated the entire supply of raw rubber, pneumatic tubes and rubber hose. Contracting teamsters say that un less this action la revoked it will be impossible to supply Vienna with food and their factories will suspend operations. ' A boycott instituted by Viennese housewives against the use of pork is spreading. Retail prices Of pork have dropped about 4 cents a pound, but the boycott will be continued. Loas of Apictlte is also Iocs of vi tality, vigor, tone. To recover appe tite and the reJt take Hood' Sar Siiparllla that strergthens tho stom ach, perfects d!gest:on, makes atlng pleasure. It als-) makes th blood Ich and pure and . steadies the renes. Adv. ' M Mlaaa.a. l lav iimvmn nnnv to RL'X f f If IX PEXX RELAYS 8 Unreachable Neighbors ' '..V. ! telephones. (r (J k ( : . HOWARD 4$ T ""v mm, In every wallc of life you'll find good old "Bull" Durham Men of action, men with red blood in their veins, who do the world's work, and do it well, leam to appreciate tilings at their real worth. They are not fooled by frills they demand honest value. These are the millions of men all over the earth who find com plete, healthful enjoyment and lasting satisfaction in "Bull" Durham hand-made cigarettes! GENUINE IiilMIyl SMOKING. TOBACCO These fresh, fragrant cigarettes they roll for themselves, with their own hands, to their own liking, from ripe, mellow Bull; Durham tobacco, suit their taste better than any ciga-y - " rette they can buy ready-made. "Bull Durham hand-made cigarettes are a distinctive form of tobacco enjoyment wonderfully comforting and satisfying. Their freshness and flavor are a revelation. Roll a cigarette from "Bull" Durham today. An Illustrated Booklet, show ing correct way to " Roll Your Own" Ciearettes. and a Pack age of cigarette papers, will both be mailed, free, to any address in United States on postal request Address "Bull" Durham, Durham, N. C THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY ' a. a - - aaaa paw aa ' Mtft aaasj FREE fmmi 3 q Cattle Prices Soaring. the price of wheat and seveml ml!!- base ball evangelist and his move- READING, Pa. Feb. 27. Record fr" ay tn' are now paying only mrnt. I am the great man's goat," prices for livestock, the highest ever 31 0 a bushel. A week ago whiM hs said. , heard of In Berks county, are now bought at $1.50 and farmers "Every saloonkeeper and tinmen- being received at sales and there 80,(1 ln great bulk. Some believed tlonable person in New York and are rumors that among the bldd-rs ben this figure Was paid for wheat' Brooklyn will be a possible disciple are agents from the foreign govern- tn danger rone had been reach I, of Jesus Christ when Billy Sunday mt-nts at war. Some of the cattle, ul d they quit buying. In expectatloa begins to preach his gospel In this have been bought by strangers and th Price dropping have been shipped away. ' I 1 As an example of how the prices . IVtwImy Sunday' (;t. are advancing, a milch cow offered NEW YORK, Feb. 27 The Rev. city," concluded Rev. Emmett Grain Broker flow Book to Probo CHICAGO. Feb. 25. Grain brok- at the sale of Thomas Yoder, at Mos-' Billy Sunday's "gout" la In town. Ho era engaged In business on the Chl eltm Springs, was knoked down for U the Rev. Edward H. Emmett, Eng-iiago Board of Trado have flatly re 3167, and on the farm of Robert lishman and Baptist minister, who! fused to submit their booka and rec. Heffner, of Kutztown, a cow sold for told 600 persons at the midweek $126. Horses, sheep and hogs offW- piuyer meeting In the Baptist tent ed for sale are always bid up to pic. In Brooklyn, that he goes ahead high prices and spring shoats es?f."cf Billy Sunduy from town to town lully are In demand. ( to stop the tin cans and other hard This week has witnessed a drop In things that are always thrown at the I orda to government officials inves tigating the high prices of wheat and flour. It was said, the Injulry which centers In the causes for the ad vnced price of bread Is at a stand-(till. The telephone users in the com munity who can be reached by one are inaccessible to the other. To reach them all means the in convenience and added expense of two telephones. A community gets the best service from one good telephone system which is linked up by toll and long distance lines with the rest of the country. 0 Every Bell Telephone i$ a Long Dittance Station THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO, . jj LOS ANGELES, March , 1. The University of Southern California will be presented in the sprints at tha l'ern Relays at Franklin Field, Phil adelphia In the late spring by How prd Drew, sensational negro flier, It has been announced. Despite the Hlorles which have been bandied around as to Drew's professionalism, th former bellboy of Worcester, Ji, !., will compete against the rwlftest kprlnters In the country at Un bit; Intri'collcgl.'ite event. irnna At New Low Prices FISK TIRES are demonstrating greater worth than ever, and yet they NOW cost you less much less I Built on a GOLD standard they are now sold on a silver basis. This Is Sise 3 x30 3H X30 4 x33 4 x34 4H x3Q 6 x37 The New Standard For Values Plain Tread Casing Non-Skid Casing $ O.OO 11. GO 19.05 19.40 27.35 32.30 9 9.45 12.20 20.00 20.35 28.70 33.90 Tuba $2.35 2.70 3.85 4.00 5.20 0.25 "If You Pay More Than Fisk Prices You Pay For Something That Does Not Exist". BIG PRODUCTION, with our ever increasing distribution, makes the reduction or price and the maintenance of quality possible. You profit both ways. You Can Bw) Fisk Tires At All Dealers The Fisk Rubber Company OFN.Y. Home Office Chicopee Falls, Mass. .U.. P,l,c. Tim. IsR. tlr.T (liny Fiat) f J 1