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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1915)
EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OKEGONIAyT, PENIUKTOfr, OKFGON, MONDAY, MAHCTI 1, 101.1. PACK FIVK m ! phi? TAT GET FRESH, WHOLESOME ''I'EMECO" MKATS AND CLEAN' WASHED VEGETABLES. OUU "I'EMECO" MEATS AUK THE VEHV 15 EST, AM) OITJt VEQ K TAHLES AUE WASHED CLEAN. Extra Special TUESDAY, MARCH 2nd fPDTPTP WITH EACH $1 I1 KJiLr CASH Purchase A PAIL OF Knights Sues! India Relish Only One to Each Person YOU WON'T HE DISAPPOINTED IF YOU PLACE YOUIl OHDKRS IIEKE. THIS MARKET ABOUNDS IN GOOD THINGS TO EAT AND WE'RE GOOD AT SUG GESTING DELICACIES YOU'LL APPRECIATE. We're always glad to see you at our market, but you can make your telephone your shop er if more convenient. It U just as SAFE, for it places ALL the responsibility of selec tion on us. ' HAVE YOU SEEN OUR DISPLAY OF VEGETABLES AND GREEN FOODS? Our Tuesday "Pemcco" Special "PEMECO" BONELESS CORNED BEEF 17e THE POUND. FANCY CABBAGE, WHITE EXTRA " QUALITY 2 1 2 THE LB. Service Tho Sanitation Quality Control Dorlio Phone 33 LOCALS Advertising fn Brief BATES. Par lint first Insertion 10e Par Una, additional laaerttos....6e Par Una, par month fl.OO No local taken, for Imt turn J5c Count 8 ordinary words to Una. Locals will not be Ukro over tba pboua and ramltunca must tctom pan ordar. EandlnaHan 6cstoii On. LONDON. Feb. 17. A dlspath to th Exchange Telegrapm Company frtm Copenhagen says that the con fetence between th representatives of the Scandinavian governments over the altuatlon created by Ger many's submarine blockade was be gun, but that the questions at Issue were so Important that It probably nil! be prolonged. The dispatch add that It is under stood that the Scandinavian countries are not planning; to act In concert with Holland and the United States, ss the interests of those two coun tries are entirely different from those of Norway, Sweden and Denmark, ror Sal) Very Reasonable. Modern 7-room house and 7 lots, about If blocks frtm town 1 block from pavd strae'a. Suitable for chicken raising and gardening. In quire "Mrs. C. A.," this office. Adv. (IIIIIIIIIIIllllllIIIIIIIItllllllllHIItltlllllltlllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllV V af 1 . - r r- I, j- t California Jubilee Quartet. To Jti&ht Methodist E Church, Idmis ion 55 and 25 cenU. iTiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiir THINK IT OVER n V Don't Pay Lon Prices for Your Groceries, Fruit and Produco WHEN WE SELL FOR LESS By Watching Our Daily Ads YOU Will Be Convinced of This Qualify Low Prices Sorvico OUR MOTTO , - The Best for Less ' THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY Phbne 476. Next Door to Quelle Cafe. 628 Main. For fuel fone ftv. Hull pup for sale. Phone 8. Phone I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep Violets dally, 20c bunch. Forshaws Whipple, piano tuner. Phone 226R. M . . Bunny rurnished room. 601 Water street, Man and wife want work on ranch. Phone 26M. For rent Modern furnished apart raent. Phone 28F4. Fashionable ereasmaklng, Apt I, Opera House Apt. Phone 386M. WanteJ Good, clean rags at the Cast Oregonlan office. Wanted Girl to dj general house work. 103 Lewis street Two light airy front rooms. Brown Hall, Klverslde Drive, North Side. Woman wants housecleanlng or any kind of work by day. Phone 361 Five room house for sale on north side. Corner lot Improved. Address "W" this office. Uklah - Pilot Rock Auto Stage starts May 1st. F. T. Chamberlain. proprietor. To Rent 5-room houne on corner West Webb and Willow. Inquire 203 W. Webb. Wanted to 3o house cleaning ol any kind of work. Call J. W. Pierce. Phones 1E9 and 4. For sale Two modern cottages lo csted on east Court street, seven blocks from Mln street. Inquire of Walters' mill. Old papers for sale; tied In bundle Good for starting fires, etc. 10c bundU. This office. Cows! Cows! Cows! Thirty head fresb milch cows for sale. Enquire Orltman Bros. Wanted By reliable young woman, position as cook or housekeeper In the country. Phone 263. M. John Rosenberg, watchmaker and jeweler. Court and Cottonwood. All work guaranteed. Lost Sight or failing tan usually be restored by proper fitting glasaea See Dale Rothwell, the exclusive op tlclan, AmerlcAn National Bank Building. For salJ Wln.'ar wheat farms from ISO to (40 acres In great wheat belt of Montana, or prices write Den Ison Land Company, Chester, Mon tana. Several small farms on Cmatllla river particularly adapted to hogs, dairy or poultry, 1750 cash, balance on or before 10 years. 7 1-1 per cent See Berkeley. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable Furniture van and storage warehouse Office 147 Main street Phone 331 Mack Minorca eggs for hatching. IS teres. 32.00; 4S eggs. $5.00; 100 efigs, $10.00. All infertile eggs re placed. L. Boyd, 601 E. Court, Pen Ct ton. The Alta House and Barn. Head quarters for farmers and stockmen. Call and see us. Stephenson A Eng lar. proprietors. Phons 447. 703 East Alta street The Mutual Life Insurance com puny of New York In 1)14 paid to policyholders $69,032,809.59, which exceeded the amount received dlreslly from them by $10,(12,872.70 and ap rortloned the sum of 310.939.320 8 i for dividends payable In 1915. R. C Bean, District Manager, Pendleton, Oregon. For sale Standard Holt combine harvester, 20 foot cut, 28 Inch cyl Inder and hitch, all in good shape. Price $1100 F. O. B. Condon, Oregon. Will consider approved note payable October 1, 1916. Also have all kinds of farming Implements for sale cheap. Address W. I. Ebbert, Con don, Ore. : IffHIWIIll 'jmnjiMniminiiiniimiiiiniiiiiiiniiiimmiiiiiiim MIs Daphne Gulllford of Echo, spent the weekend with her cousin, Miss Lllllun Gulllford. While here she attended the La Grande-Pcndle-ton basketball game and dance. DACIA TOWED1 IXTO PORT ACCOMPANIED BY WARSHIP Lj: U il pnn ? rp 17 uu Lb Lb uu I The best merchandise made (drummers samples) will be sold at and be- low what other merchants are forced to pay for their stocks, at iiti;.tn cuujskk co.vvovs am- IIUICAX VESSEL- SEIZED UY ALLIES. BIlEST. March 1. Escorted bv a Trench cruiser the Dacla was towed Into the harbor here. NEW YORK. March 1. The Am erican steamer New York, carrying 221 passengers, arrived today. She p;itu!ed through the war sone Four torpedo boats convoyed the liner from Liverpool In the darkness, when the war one was cleared the torpedo boats put back to Liverpool. Pas sengers stated an unidentified steam snip with the propeller blades miss In; was seen drifting in mid-Atlantlc It was thought to be the Triton Ian. A wireless message from the distressed e'eamer said all aboard were safe. Liverpool, March 1. The Ameri ca n liner St. Laul arrived from New York. The voyage was uneventful. Jcpl (UJ Jo) Comn awl wo wJiat cash will ! at this, Pcnfllofoti's only sample store. We are a mem Ur of the Pig Hub fhain of 18 busy sample stores. Tbat'a why we can buy lower that's why wa ean quote the following sensational prices: THREE LITTLE SISTERS TEACHER'S OXLY CLASS Raymond B. Hatch, Architect, has offices In the Despaln Building If you are contemplating putting up any kind of a building see him Adv. Homos Lost or Strayed. Strayed from George La Fontaine pwture near Cayuse about two weeks ago, one black horse about 8 years old, branded WF connected with bar over brand on left stifle; also circle U on right stifle. One bay horse about 8 years old, shows saddle marks and branded quarter circle H on right stifle. Will pay liberal re ward for return or information lead ing to recover of above described an itrals. Geo, La Fontaine, Pendleton, Ore. Adv. Notice to Mix, All members of Pendleton Lodge No. 780, L. O. O. M. are Invited and requested to be present at Moose hall, 515 Main street on Wednesday, March 3rd at 7:30 p. m., for the annual roll call and a social entertainment. Big initiation and a general Rood time. Adv. C. L. HUMPHREY, Sec. Royal Family Guarded. LONDON, Feb. 2(. The north wing of Buckingham Palace Is now being covered with a wire netting about 20 feet above the room. This Is the wing containing the living apartment of the royal family. Additional anti aircraft guna have been stationed in the neighborhood of the palace, one having been set In the center of Green ralrk during the last week. If a Zep pelin 'Should be seen hovering over the palace there are at least six guns which would open fire upon It. Almost every day additional pre parations are being made to fight air. ships over London. Many of the art treasures in the museum have been removed to places of greater safety. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu gene, Feb. 27. Out in the heart of Columbia county, Oregon three little girls are the only pupils in a rural school. These girls are sisters, and their teacher is an older sister. Every morning, the four girls harness a team, drive five miles to the school house, build a fire, ring the bell and go through the daily program of studies. The teacher receives $60 a month. This Is one of the many districts in the state where there la some talk of consolidation. The University of Ore Ken, through its extension force and its department of education, is ac tively assisting in furthering such con solidations as are In the interest of economy and efficiency. A University of Oregon faculty member who visited the above school some days ago says: "This Is merely one example of the tendency to make our district units too small. The same team which carries the little girls to the school taught by their sister could carry them to the next district, where they might have the advantages of a grad ed school." On the same trip, a district was vis ited where there are but two children permanently resident in the district who are eligible to attend school. The board of directors, by advertising for a teacher with children, has been able to Increase the ' attendance to five. This teacher receives $70 month, free house rent and free wood for teaching five children, three of whom are his own. Four miles away there Is another small schoolhouse with but four pupils. There are other districts In the same county where school attendance is as low as two pupils. One of these small schools Is situ ated in the largest district In the county. In this case, there Is $700,- 000 in taxable property behind the schooling of two children, while a few miles away, a small town with two teachers is laboring under a school tax of 20 mills. "This Is not equitable," said the vis Itor from the University. "The best interest of both children and taxpay ers' would be served by throwing sev eral of these districts together, and by bringing the children to the central school by means of wagons or auto mobiles. Of course, due regard roust be had to distances and to condition of road. Much consolidation may be arranged with benefit to Columbia county as well as elsewhere through out the state.'' Columbia county already has one consolidated school at Scappoose. An- other at Vernonla is a possibility. XEW SPUIXO SHOES JUST KEC'X). 5 Ladies' patent leather button shoes with brocad- S ed top, regular $4.50 thoe for only ?3.45 5 Ladies' -patent leather shoe, mat top, mrular $3.50 for ?2.S5 Ladies' patent button, regular $3.50 shoes for ?2.63 Ladies' black suede Goodyear welt, regular 5 $4.00 shoo for . . ?2.85 s Ladies' button or lace vici kid, regular $4.00 for ?3.20 Ladies' kid button fchoe, regular $3.50 shoe 5 for ?2.95 Ladies' gun metal button fchoe, low and high 5 heel latest lasts Ilegular $3.50 shoe for $2.95 E Kegular $3.00 shoe for T ?2.65 E Ladies' gun metal, plain toe, with cravenette jjj tops; something snappy; regular $4.50 shoe for 3.45 Ladies' tan button shoe. Goodyear welt, hitrh or E low heels, regular $3.50 shoe for $2.95 E Ladies' rubber heel Juliets 65 BOYS' SHOES E Button and lace Shoes for bovs', tan and black. E for ' ?1.00 MEX'S SHOES E Pig lot of Men's Shoes in heavy and dres?. S worth up to $4.50 $1,95 ' LADIES' HOSE E' Ladies' Mercerized Black Hose, these are im- E perfect but are regular 25c values to be sold E at 10 GIRLS' DRESSES E One lot of girls' Dresses, different colors, sizes E from 0 to 12 years to go for 23 A few of .the ladies' Dresses left, while thev E last at 1 49 Boys' blue bib overalls, size 4 years to 15 years. pair 35 CHILDREN'S HOSE Children's Cotton Ribbed Hose 5 E MEX'S SHIRTS 1 Men's 3Iilitary collar Shirts in light patterns Sj and fine material, to be sold at 35 ; 3 for 91.00. S BLANKETS 1 All our Wool-nap Blanket.?, large size, TOxfiO, 5 heavy weight to be sold at 92.45 js PANTS I Men's Pants of good nualitv, worth up to $2.25, 5 aii sizes : : 91.00 1 BOYS' KNICKERBOCKER PANTS 1 A nice line to select from and some of the latest Sj styles. Norfolk Coat and full peg pant", j now coiner for 91.35, 9105, 92.95, 93.35, 93.85, 93.95, 94.35, 94.65. boys' niGn CUT SHOES 1 High Cut Tan and Black Shoes, in sizes 8 1-2 to 13 1-2 91.25 MEX'S SHIRTS 1 Golf and Negligee Shirt, of the best qnalitv; regular $1.00 and $1.25 65 SUSPEXDERS ,1 Our entire stock of Men's Suspenders to be sold E at, the pair 15 Ej HATS - I Men's Hats of fine quality and up-to-date 5 shapes. Ye have 300 to" be sold at $1.00 MEX'S SHOES Good Work Shoes for Men, all solid leather and 5 we can give you any size. Our loss is your pain. Get a pair at 9&5 H Every pair of Men's Shoes in our entire store, H including all our sample Shoes, will be sold at a low figure. 57l 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 III II I II II II U 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 II I llllIIIIIlllllMIlIIMIIIIllIlMIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIlIIlMIIIIIIIIIMIIIlIlllIllIMllIIIIMMitllllllllllMIIIMIIlIlltlllla EMBARGO DECLARED. (Continued from Page 1.) that by April the conflict will be costing England eight million, five hundred thousand dally. Beginning In April the Premier snid naval expenditures alone will total two million dollars daily. He added the coming war plans demand the largest levy ever made upon the nntlon. "But after seven months of war," ho added, "the whole empire Is every whit as good as It was at the out set " Premier Asqulth asked the house of commons to vote a government credit of a hundred and eighty-five million to cover war measures for t!ie remainder of the period ending March 31. This makes a total war ni proprlatlon by Great Britain to date of a billion eight hundred and ten million dollars. To the Housewife. Madam, if your husband js like most men he expects you to 'oik aft er the health of yourself and chil dttn. Coughs and colds are the most common of the ir.'nor ailments and ate most likely to lead to serious dis eases. A child is much more likely to contract diphtheria or scarlet fe ver when It has a cold. If you will Inquire Into the merits of the various renedles that are recommenced for roughs and colds, you will flud that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy stands high In the estimation of peopie who u-o it. It Is prompt and oftectual, 1 1 en sunt and safe to take, which are Qualities especially to be desired. when a medicine la Intended for chil dren. For sale by all dealers. Adv. NEW- PUBLICATION DEVOTED TO EYENTS OF WHO WEST THE WILD BUNCH" IS EDITED BY COWBOY" WELL KNOWN IX PENDLETON. The East Oregonlan Is in receipt of the initial number of "The Wild Punch." a publication edited at Muskogee, Oklahoma by Homer Wil son, the husband of Lucile Mulhall, and well known to Round-up audi ences. Wilson characterizes his mag arlne "a round-up review for ropers, riders, wild w-est and circus'' and de clares Its purpose will be to become to the wild west world what "The Mirror" is to the "legit." the "Bill Board' Is to the sawdust ring and "Moving Pictures" to the screen ar- tij-ts. The cover design is a full length picture of Lucile Mulhall, the only real woman steer roper, and among the contributors to the columns are Sammy Garrett and Tex McLeod. both well known ropers and riders. There are many items of interest to the frontier show performers and more than one note that will Interest local people. Under the head of "A Suggestion to Pendleton, Oregon, Round-up Committee' is the following item: "Take the inside fence and con struct in a manner that during the steer roping every fifth section can be taken out or swinging gate that could be thrown open to allow roper to follow steer after he Jumps the fii'Ce. This would Improve your steer roping 75 per cent" The following are some of the oth er items which tell of well known Round-up performers: J "Chester Byers will not be with the lion of one cent postage. 10: Ranch show this season but wlllj "The government la making a large make all the contests, roundups and jrofit from first class maH," he said, stampedes Cheater is considered one, "It's hard to say exactly how much of the best all around cowboys in the, the profit is, but It must be nearly business and will be missed by all' ens cent on every two cents paid." the bunch. "Red Parker, winner of the world's! cliampion bucking horse contest at I Walla Walla, Washington, and Pen dleton. Oregon, is confined In a hos pital at Glrard, Kansas, with small pox. Harold Shotwell writes that the chances are he will be there for some wetks and would like to hear from' j some of the Wild Bunch. "Lucile Mulhall, the Girl Women study art with the aid of mirrors. This-and Five Cents DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this f1lr Attrlrtaa fit aa Co.. Chicago. 111., writing your name) i ri d address rlearlv. Vnn will r and the world s only woman steer teive Jn rturn a tr,a, pilck c0. rcper Is organizing a troupe of real ;:i,nlng Fo,ey.s and' Tar Com cov,g!rls and will put on attractions poun(,( for co,d9 an, c a: the big fairs and play all blg; Folov K1,,ni Pla tnr ., . ...V. Ranger """,'ur" V '"uind back, rheumatism, backache. .:r .wauaiiun u. i....uii. , kd ,n(j blajder allmMlU. ,n - .S hnltiA KaaIaJ hit ncM a toley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome entf being headed by the world's greatest horsewoman and cowgirl should be one of the big hits of th.j comfortI t0 ,tout vor Sha will rurrv ttt'n -n rlrtJldn . ,... . ... ..... ...... ;6ons. Sold everywhere. Adv, o. long nui a .airjuittn sirrio, i'uw horses, relay horses, roping horses, bucking and high school horses, starting about July 1st "The following Wild Bunch will! be with Barnum & Bailey's greatest show on earth: Sam J. Garrett. Tex McLeod. Cv ComDton. Otto Kline. Ku.? riemina Ruster Trow Harry sP"ng finds many afflicted with Walters. Lillian Compton. Rose Hen-i linorln hacking coughs that weak dcrson. Karney & Karney, and Em en the S!u.-h and wet caust. ily Stickney. This is a bunch of wild, more coll than pro weather. Croup, ones chosen by Sam McCracken to bronchitis and pneumonia are prevaN nnd thoroughly cleansing cathartic. Get Rid of Lingering Colds, Coughs and . La Grippe put on the wild west concert." Ono Cent Postage Advocated. ent. Every ramily should have a safe and reliable "ough medicine) leady for use. Foley's Honey and and Tar Compound contains no WAMHMjTOJV March 1. Assert-, harmful Ingredients. It eases a ins there la a reason to believe the( cough, checks a cold and relieves In toftofflce department is not being Turned and congested membranes. It tptrnted as economically as a private ( clears the air passages and soothei Liiflness, Senator Weeks announed he Inflammation. Sold everywhere.- will begin a campaign for the adop-'Adv. Mimiiiiimiiimimimitimiimiii iHiiday ond ondoy tl .iiiiimmmiiumiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiii, l&tyi ft EPISODE NUMBER 9 I i For I Slave Toiled "THE WISE GUYS COMEDY I j t i f j 1 i