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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1915)
ETGTIT PAGES pi 1L 21 DAILY EAST OKEOONIAN, PENDLETON'. OKEfiON. MONDAY, MATK'II J,J01.t. TACE THREE 31 3C 3d 5 A SAW to be don't have to be bitin It can be like VELVET jes full o flavor without any bite. bright, n lv I l-S, Mi J ' Tobacco does not Aw to be "strong" to be full of flavor and fr.anoe. VELVET proves that. VELVET, Tho Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, hat all the pipe smoking oualitie. that aro natural to Kentucky'! Uurley Luxe, together with an aged-io-the-wood mcllowne-. that ia not found in an other pip tobacco. 10c Una and it metal-lined bap. 11 n 111 " J-Jt- if ;? ratJCHAPELCAR AT ATHENA WILL GO TO PORTLAND Compromise WASHINGTON, president can obtain the paaagt of the government ahlp purchaae bill befoie final adjournment on March If he will consent to the kind of compromise they want waa the state ment made by seevral senators. Sen ator Simmons, In dlacuaalng the sit uation aald the administration "nat-j rally would not amend the bill ao aa to loae rotes." 5 CARLOADS CATTLE LEAVE ECHO FOR THE II. POM D MARKETS frTHATERS WIU, MEET MARCH a! OTHER NEWS NOTES OF Tin: VILLAGE. REMARKAD IE CASEoff.1rs.HAH Declares LyrJia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Saved Her Life and Sanity. I (Special Correspondence.) ATHK.VA, Ore.. March 1. TVo I chapel car "Good Will" and lU evan j KeiiMts. Mr. and Mra. Driver, which I been here for the past two I weeks, will leave Monday for Port land. 1 "3 he hlch school debaters of Wei ton, are scheduled to meet the Athe na debatera In thla rlty on March 6. I Wceton's team la composed of Eoren Maybee, James Wood and Ethel j Lano. Arnold Koepke, Louis' Ptew , t.rt nnd Zola Keen will compose the Athena team. Justice of the Peace Richard gave thena auto ownera a heart to heart talk on speeding, Thursday. Mra. Mary Fhlck, who haa been sc Mra. Wm. Plnkerton, Mr. Deaper and Mra. Lizzie Watts have been quite 111 with la grappe thla week. Jap Harden of Independence, visit ed relatives In Athena thla week. Senator IJarrett returned from Sa lorn yesterday. Mia niadya Andre waa In Pendle ten Friday. George Minkle was up from Pen dleton Friday. Shamrock, Mo. "I feel it rnvdutv to tell the public the condition of my rioualy 111. la recovering rapidly, nealth before u.infj your medicine. I had falling, inflamma tion and congestion, female weakness, paina in both sides, backaches and bear ing down paina, waa short of memory, nervous, impatient, passed ileepleis nights, and had neither strength nor energy. There waa always a fear and dread in my mind, I had cold, nervous, we ak spells, hot flashes over my body. 1 bad a place in my rif-ht side that waa ao sore that I could hardly bear the weight of my clothes. I tried medicine and doctors, but they did me little good, and I never expected to get out again. 1 got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier, and I cer tainly would have been in grave or in an asylum if your medicines had not saved W-tlon to make the laws of one state me. But now I can work all dv. aWn ' apply to other states. The case of "well at night, eat anything I want, have . I,crry Thaw la cited as a . horribla no not nasnes or weak, nervous spells. " pre acm .jncni. ju pains, acnes, I ears and dreads are Sots Aside Old Itullng. WASHINGTON. Feb. ST. Acting on representations by Congressman Hawley. Secretary Houston of the de partment of agriculture, haa aet aside the ruling of the forestry de partment In the caae of Carlos G Kilts. It la held CS acrea In the Slu Slaw national forest ore properly sub ject to entry by Kilts. Congressman Hawley received a petition from Albany, Ore., bearing 700 namea asking aid In getting leg- CAItlOAl) OF HORSES IS ALSO SHIPPED- WILL GO TO EU ROPEAN FIELDS. DrltlNli Government Ruys Stock Anl nwla Now on Way to EaxUTn Hce- xrt ItutUT Creek I "a mil y Enu-r tain Friends-Other News Notes of Intercut From Echo. (Special Correspondence.) ECHO, Ore., March 1. Another shipment of cattle went from thla place on Saturday evening. Five cars to the Portland market, one belong' ing to F. W. Andrewa, one to Frank Correa and three to Joe. Cunha. The shipment was accompanied by F. W. Andrew, Jos. Cunha, Jr., and Fred Hosklns. A carload of horses was also sent out on Saturday evening to Kansas City, Md. They will form part of ahlp load to be used by the allies. They were bought by a representative of the British government. Mr. H. I Hendrlck spent the week end with frlenda here and returned to Pendleton thla morning. Mr. and Mra. Fred Puchanan'a home on Hutter Creek was the scene of merlment last Friday evening. The occasion was a surprise given them by the neighbors. A large number were present. Carda and duncing was the order of the evening. Mrs. Vina HoKklnx returned Fun day evening from lone where she ha. been Vlnlt!ng with her slxter Mies Ze na Houner. MUs Houser Is teaching near lone. m. KHselhtyn and son Bill spent Sunday In Hermlston. Frank Atklne of Portland spent the weekend at the Hotel Echo the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P.. G. Manhburn. tr. J. II. Brazeul, a veterinary sur geon of this place, left yesterday eve ning for Newport News where he ex pects to ship on a transport carrying cavalry and 'artillery horses to Eu rope for the allies. A steady rain fell here all Satur day night and the greater part of Sunday. I Nelson Taylor came up from Port land on Friday and Immediately went up to his home on the Lisle place. Miss Daphene Gulllford has been visiting for several days with friends In Pendleton. Miss Arlle Ronanzom returned yes terday morning from a business trip to Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Helm are visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mra. Hugh Ftanfleld. Mra. Helm was for merly Miss Cloe Stanfleld. CAHAHKT PEKFOItMEU TO STAND V ( IIAMHKIt OF COMMERCE DI.NEltS f)t) :,M ism p J j' v 'i'. '. . AIJEBIC STEAMER DACIA IS SEIZED. BY FRENCH WAR VESSEL I'OItMEIt IIAMniKG AMERICAN LIXEH IS TOWED INTO ItltEST. Ilcr Caitare Will Ilulwo the QucHion of Import- Claim Is Mado Salo Waa Solely to Prevent Itclng Interned an Genua ISought by American. gone, my house, children and husband ara no longer neglected, as I am almost ! Submarine Lot, Is Fear. LONDON. Feb. 27. A dispatch entirely free of the bad avrantnm. I hut from Amsterdam to the Exchange belore taking your remedies, and all Is TtlrKr,1' Company aays reports from pleasure and hannineu In n, ( German frontier are that much Mrs. Josie Ham, R. F. D. 1. Box 21 1 un,a-lneM exl8U at tn German fron KhtmrnrV Ml. ' I t!f"d seaport of Cuxhaven concerning two large submarines which have it tou want special advice wrlt not returned to their base. X.yuia iM l'lnkbam JIIdlcIno Co-1 The undersea boats are said to be (COnnaenUttU JLynn,Maa8. two days overdue, and It Is feared I they have been destroyed1. Recommends chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "I take pleasure In recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to my customers because I have confidence In It I find that they are pleaaed with It and call for It when again In need of such a medicine." writes J. W. Sexson, Montevallo, Mo. For sale by all dealers. Adv. GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass., March 1. D. B. Cornell, a real estate agent and president of the Great Bar rlngton Chamber of Commerce, Is back here after a trip to New York when he Interviewed MUs May Wilson ;ne of the performers at a cabaret given after the chamber's annuul din ner. She denied she had told of any unseemly acts which took place at the banquet, such as the I; lining of the bald heads of the dinera by the dancing girls and the telling of spicy stories by the performers. "Miss Wilson wllr tell at any Investigation that may be Ftarted." aald Cornell "that one man member of the cham ber of commerce did try to pull a girl into his lap, but that she dragged the girl away nnd threatened to leave If such actions continued.'' tjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiniiiir F. E. Van Dusen f Got to Go Deep to General Contractor and 1 CofC Rh!!nmini Superintendent, PENDLETON, OREGON. 5' u, . n, riiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiHiiiuiHiiiiniiiiHimS1UnTcni! Hel? Tcai!jr 1 the Disease u Way Down GOOD ' LIGHT Means better nrsrvEss CHEERFUL HOMES BETTER HEALTH AND EYESIGHT Let na wire yonr home and la tall oar modern Lighting Fix tnrea and Electrical Installa tion all these requirement can be obtained. May wo serve yon? Electric and gas supplies, eleo trlo light wiring, bell wiring, gaa piping, motors and dynamos. j. L. Vaughan 831 Main Street Phone 139 Insidi e. PJk 8 of FH)n Crew .Mi-wing. WASHINGTON. March 1. Ambas sador Henry Van Dyke cabled the Mate department today that a rumor waa being circulated that eight mem bers of the crew of the American ahlp Evelyn were missing. The Eve lyn waa mined and sunk In the North sea 10 days ago. Ambassador Gerard cabled confir mation of the reports that three mem bers of" the American ahlp Carlb had perished. The Carlb also struck a mine. WAR ODDITIES. ROTTERDAM. All loaves of bread now sent Into Belgium from Brabant are now, by order of the German authorities.' cut In two, as nir.ny Instances have occurred in which letters have been smuggled acioss the frontier by thla means, BERLIN According to Herr Karl Seheffer. one of the German "apos ties of Idealism," the war was begun bemuse "the artistic regeneration of Get many Is only possible through catastrophe." After the war "Ger man genius will develop Impression. which will kill cubism and futurism.' CALVE'S "SEWING SHIRTS FOR SOLDIERS" To ret at thn source of rheumatic pala. It requires the deep, .earrhlng In ' tlueoce of 8. 8. 8., the fauinii. blood pur j Ifler. Itheumatlam I. primarily a blood disease that. alar. It Is in this vital fluid that rheumatic tendencies are carried, lodge. In tho joints and muscle., there to ' Irritate the nerves and produce pain. ' And In order to drive out these pain In flicting poison. It require. 8. 8. 8. to sink deep Into the tiny gl.nds Imbedded In the Innermost tissue. 8. 8. 8. travel, wherever tho blond goes and never lose. Ita medlclnnl Influence. Tills explains Why It overcome, thn moit chronic form, of rheumatism, why It dltilnriKea those bard deposits that thicken tho Joints, tor It act. a. a solvent and .ssIhI. the blood to pro vide In tho tissues those natural element, for which ths body building process con tinually crave, and must have. If you have never used 8. 8. 8. for rheumatism, get a bottle today of any druggist, t'se It a. directed and with ome simple home helps you will soon dethrone th. worst and most painful forma, of rheumatism. Write the med. r.l department, The 8wlft Specific Co., 63 8wlft Itldg., Atlanta, On., for addi tional advice. Your, may be a ca. wher. a alight help from a aneclallat whoie advice Is free, will solve the mys tery that h been musing life ml.erabl. for you. When you ssk for 8. 8. 8. In .lit npon It and refuse all substitutes., chop cinna dishes r'niTY'Q KWONG HONG LOW JL W lldWeit AltaSt., Upitair.,' Phone 433 ill . 7 5V ' V"':-4 1 PARIS, March 1. The Fiench minister of marine announced early yesterday that the American steam ship Pacta was stopped by a French steamer which Is escorting her to Brest. The Dacla, originally a Hamburg American line steamer, was purchas ed by Edward N. Breltung of Mar queue, Mich., and placed under An.' erlran registry on January 4. h !id been engaged 'n carrying freight c.i i goes between New Orleans and Galverton and other gulf ports and L'rernen. At the beginning of the war the Dacla was tied up at Port Arthur be cause of her German ownerhlp and 1 he fact that England assumed cm trol of the seas. After her purchaw by Breltung she wa sent to Galves ton, where ehe took on a cargo of co'ton and after many days sailed for I rumen. The sale of the Dacla at once loomed big In international affairs. Ths French government waa the flrat to make Informal protests, declaring that the sale was not bona fide, but a plain attempt by her owners to prevent her being Interned for the balance of the war. In violation of the declaration of London. Great Britain later Joined France In her reports. Repreacntatlves were made to the American state depart ment which, however, took the view that the purchase was bona fide and finally Issued government insurance on the Dacla's cargo, though refus ing to lr.rure the bull of the stea-er. Tie German captain and crew left the vessel and she was placed li command of Captain McDonald, an American, with an American crew, She became an American steamer un der the provisions of the amendment of August 18 to the Panama canit act The French and British govern ments based their claim on this c'ause In the declaration of London: "The transfer of any enemy vessel to a neutral ffag effected after the outbreak of hostilities Is void, unices !t is proved that such a capture was not made to avoid the consequences to which r.uch a vessel la exposed." TVin't nut o.T ire-tiny roup Child's Couprh. if not only saps their strength, but often leads to mora serious ail ments. Why rick ? You don't have to. Dr. King's New Discovery is Just the remedy your Child needs. It ia made from Tina Tar mixed with soothinsr. That healing and antiseptic balsams. Will hiup quickly check the cold and soothe your Child's Cough away. No odds how bad the Cough or how long standing. Dr. King's New Discovery will stop it. Just get a 50c bottle from your Drug gist, oive it to-night and you will Your Child's Cough is a Call for Help. An?wcr it with Dr. King's New Discovery. It is Pleasant, Soothing, Healing. notice an Improvement to-morrow. Here's proof. M. J. I'amcll, Whites boro, Texas, says: "I can recommend Dr. King's New Discovery for it saved my Child's life. She was taken with a cough and given up to die five times. One 60c bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery cured the cough and saved kec life." Excellent for Children and DellcaU Women. It ia Mild, Pleasant aa4 effective. Trial bottle mailed on receipt t it In stamps. H. E. BUCKLEN & CO., 639 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa, Rest Treatment for Constipation. "My daughter used Chamberlain's Tablets for constipation with good results and I can recommend them highly," writes Paul B. Babln. Brush ly, La. For sale by all dealers. Adv. Old newspapers form the basis of most of the boxes In which goods are kept In the furnishings stores. When ground into pulp and treated with certain chemicals they furnish an Ideal material for the pasteboard used in the cheapest as welt as the mor expensive grades of boxes. DID CHILD WAKE UP CROSS OR FEVERISH? LOOK. MOTHER! IF TONGUE IS COATED GIVE "CALIFORNIA." SYRUP OF FIGS." Mother! Tour child Isn't naturally cross and peevish. See If tongue Is coated; this Is a sure sign Its little stomach, liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, does not eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, remember. gentle liver and bowel cleansing should always be the first treatment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs'' for children's Ills; give a teaspoonful, and in a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and ferment ing food which la clogged in the bow els passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this harmless, de licious "fruit laxative," and It never falls to effect a good "Inside" cleans ing. Directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are plain- on the bottle. Keep It handy In your home. A little given today saves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a 6.0-cent bottle of California Syrup of Figs," then look and see that It Is made by the "Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company." f 1 u ip 5Ti& s ft I WW I (if M JWan the siops mm PAIN, NEURALGIA Doat suffer! Get a dime pack et Dr. J amos 'Headache Powders. NEW YORK, Feb. 27. Mmc. Em ma Culve, opera singer. Is "scwIiik nhlrt.i for soldiers" Jut like "sifter Susie." She Is not only sewlnjr but PiicKIng nnd chlppinK warm clothing and other artlclea for the French sol diers. '1 can do more for Franco In America than I could at homo,'" sho said. "I sang in all ' the hospitals over there, but here I believe I can create furtber interest In the work." Tou can clear your head and relieve dull, splitting er violent throbbing hoadaclie in a moment with a lr. James' Headache Powder. This old- time headache relief acta aliuoct magi cally. Send some one to the drug store now for a dime pnckoi;o nnd a few mo inonU nfter you tuko a powder you will wonder what became of tlui head ache, neuralgia and pain. Stop suiTer inj; it's needless. He aure you et ual you a.-k for. With 'Black Vandtftif: He's a sinister figure that drops like a shadow on the lives of Ned Warner and June. Dark, polished, mysterious, his polite attentions seem a constant menace. At every turning, he crosses the path of the beautiful runaway bnde. BEyGeotfe Randolph Chester vr lulua CkMtar is a mystifying story, a fascinating story, a story of spell-bound thrill. Runaway Jane " has never Wore been published, tt was written for America's greatest newspapers) in this city it wiD appear exclusively in Tho lost Orogonion Watch for it doiVt miss it It will appear in serial form, starting soon ISi IflL AWh r--. . i