EIGHT PAGES Y There is an appetizing appeal in the thought that your foods are cooked with Cottolene made of an oil that is far superior to most salad oils and as fine as the best, combined with the choicest part of rich, leaf beef suet Nothing has ever been found to equal this combination. For more than a quarter of a century Cottolene has been alone and has held an unchallenged leadership. Order a pail of Cottolene from your grocer today and use it in shortening, frying, or cake-making. Added to its splen did results is its economy you use one-third less than of any ordinary cooking fat Arrange with your grocer for a regular supply. Write to our General Offices, Chicago, for, our real cook book "HOME HELPS" free. i. ninii ARK APPROVED. : utivxt nm.. Feb. Jl Ths fo'- lowlng bills were approved by Cover tint Wlthvcombe: II. B. 110, by Stott, to create small ritimi Aenartment In the district court of Oregon. ITCHING ECZEMA COVERED ENTIRE BODY, RESIIIOL CURED CovJd Not Sleep. 8 Remedies had Failed. fUeinol Stopped Itching Immediately. Doston, Mass., Aug. II, 1014. "My entire body, even my eyelids, u com pletely covered with blisters as large aa a pea. When ono would burst water would como from it, and then it would turn into a very painful eore. Tho burning and itWiing wcro something terrible, and I COULD NOT SLEEP nor rest. I think I had 0:10 of tho worst cases of eczema a human lx-lng ever had. "I wed eight different kinds of rem edies without sueceon. I then tried Reelnol Ointment and Keainol Soap and it stopped tho itching IMME DIATELY. I gradually noticed a change for tho better. Now I am en tirely cured, and am without a pimple r blemish on any part f my body.' (Signed) Edward F. MeCulIough, 249 River St., Mattapan. Beainol Ointment and Resinol Soap heal akin eruptions, clear away pimples, and form a most valuable household treatment for soros, nrna, etc Sold by all druggists. i ci 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mow OpgDl 1 IlongCCongCafc AND NOODLE PARLORS mm , I Noodles f 1 AND I 1 Chop Sueyf 3 Oataldo Tray Orders a Specialty. 3 Boxes for ladles and gehtlemen. 3: OPEN PAY AND NIQHT. -s 5 5 MEALS 25C ANJO'l'P. "','. Special Chicken Sundays. Dinner s 1 548 Mctin Street f ' Next to E. O. BMk. Phone fids 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i m m 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 : j : 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 DAILY n mow -what eg made There is no secret about Cottolone. The world has known Cottolene for over twenty-five years. It was in the van of the great movement for the improve ment of food products. It is an exact combination of pure, ultra-refined cotton seed oil (a grade so high it is not listed in the market) with beef-stearine from clean, fresh, leaf beef suet That is what produces the splendid qualities for shorten ing, frying and cake-making in Gt1tlm Cottolene makes good cooking H. B. 342, by Home To compel employers who withhold employes wugea to account for money aa col lected, etc. II. B. 47. by Blanchard Requlr lng that mill feeds be sold by weight II. B. 341, by Huston Empower ing authorities to collect tolls from Interstate bridges. If. It. 4(1, by committee on game (Sub for 1C, :i4, and 258) To am. end sections 10 and It, chapter 232 ccneral laws Oregon, relating to game. H. B. 187, by Rlsley Authorising and regulating the practice of chiro practic In the state of Oregon. II. U. 227, by Childs Relative to the number of members on an olec Hon board. II. B. 29, by Huston Amending blue sky law. Governor Wllhycombe yesterdaj afternoon approved the following bills: II. U. 469, by committee on ways and means making an appropriation for the state industrial school for girls. H. B. 481, by committee on ways and means Making -an appropria tion for the Oregon national guard II. B. 485, by committee on ways and means MukinK on appropria tion fur tho soldiers' home. 11. r. 4 86, by committee on vnys and means Making an appropria tion for soldiers' home. II. B. 4 86, by committee on was and means Making on appropria tion for state tuberculosis hospital. II. B. 489, by committee on ways and means Making an appropriation for charitable and benevolent Inatl tutlona caring for foundlings and or phans. S. B.' 19S, by Smith of Coos and V' I I I Golden Coffee The purest and best is packed daily and is always fresh and uniform in flavor and strength 40a lb. VTiy . Pay More? Steel Cut No Dust No ::. Uosset 6l , The Oldest and (J o I ree tkoaaiera in the Northwest. W e re e e EASTjDRKGONIAN, PENDLETON", OREGON, FRIDAYFEDRUARY 26, 191 Cotoleee of Curry Amending road districts. law relating parent of Bride Sue. OKEGON CITT, Ore. Feb. 25. When Nellie Ruth Bolton, 16 years eld, returned home several days ago after eloping with Pobert Guy Smith. 19 years old, and Informed her par ens thut her name was Mrs. Smith, they promptly became indignant and they filed a suit In the circuit court to have the marriage annulled. The ftlrl parents are Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bolton, of Portland. In their suit they aver that neither the bride nor bridegroom Is of age and that the marriage of the young couple has no! been harmonious. I of Apivtlte Is also loss of v' t'lty, vigor, tone. To recover appe tlte and the rest take Hood's Sa-- Skparllla that strengthens the stom ach, perfects digestion, makes eat ing a pleasure. It also makes the blood rich and pure, and steadies the n rves. Adv. 27 Road niotricls levy. OREGON CITT, Ore.. Feb 16. Tv. er ty-seven road districts In Ctack- iinna county win lvy special taxes to ralwe J64.012.21 and Increase the amount to he spent on roads In 1915 to almost $300. 0M. according to a tax sheet made public by J. E. Jack, u3snsor. The tax In the county levied for all purposes Is $784,878.64 and the tax i.lie property is $30,375,188 81. The state tax In Clackamas county will le $118,463.05: tho general county tax, $97,200.46; the school, general and library, $108,275.50 and the gen eial road, $243,001.14. A 10-mlll tax will bring Oregon City $28,747.87. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f . mm m West i for the least Chaff. Uevers ieee Largest A e e e e fi.,e,.,e,e,.,e 'pfr e f""w 4 e AAA '71 - 'swff I better" Rabid Badger Slain. BAKER, Ore., Feb. 26. Meeting a rabid badger in his field near Malheur W. X. Whit worth, a rancher, fought the an imal and finally killed It Whltworth was collecting his horses when he encountered the badger, which was ready for battle. Grasping a halter from a horse the man struck at the frenzied animal and kept it from him until he secured a stake from a fence and killed the ani mal. Cutting it open he found the meat filled with froth. Within the last week two cows belonging to F. W. Smith and Elmer Moltham, near Iron sides, have died Of hydrophobia and several rabid coyotes have bt-cn around recently. ALL HIS MONEY GOES FOR A RIG FUNERAL OAKLAND, Cal., Feb. 26. Robert A. Stevenson, oiler of the tracks of the Oakland Traction company, frr 2f years, had lived alone In an hum ble cottage out on San Publo avenue tul he certainly had some fun.-rai. For a time the downtown traffic of Oakland was halted completely whilo a score of costly limousines wound slowly through the street be hind a big brass band playing dirges. Followed several wagonloads of flow ers and a long line of uniformed car company employes brought up the rear. Stevenson had been a member of the Carmen's Social and Benevolent society and the Carmen's union and at his death he had accumulated ben efit!, aggregating more than $1000 He left not a relative In the world and these organizations decided to fiend it all on his funeral. Sweden Asks for Copper. LONDON. Feb. 25. The seizure of a considerable quantity of unwrought copper for Sweden, which was brought over in two neutral and three British ships, came up before the prise court The counsel tor the Swedish company said he was authorised by the Swed ish minister to say .that the copper was urgently needed In Sweden to fill the government contracts. He asked for an undertaking by the BrittshJ government that , the ' government which had requisitioned 'the coppei would not 'uFe It before a legal settle-, ment was reached. , ' ' The attorney general said tfe Brit Ish government, while It wasVfirepnr ed 'to act reasonably In the matter could not give such aft undertaking The' case ' was adjourned on the BP' plication of the attorney general. - An egotist Is a man who insists or ttlilng you tho things about himsel that you want to tell him about your THE III 11$ MOSER BILL IS SIGHED BY VITHYCOMBE IMITATION' AL . INSTITUTES .OF STATE PLACEB UNDER hIOIL8 SYSTEM. Goternor Ihhuc IX'fiuxe of Measure Hut Makes No Reference to the PrliKiiml Point ou Which the ISill Ha Keen Attacked arUttan Iri lcrct, Ho Bays. SALEM. Ore.. Feb, 26. Governor James Wllhycombe yesterday signed the now notorious Moser bill whbn has been under much criticism be cause It places the big state educa tional Institutions under the spoils s stein. The governor Issued a state ment in defense of the bill but makus no reference to the' principal point on which the bill has been attacked. The governor's statement Is as lot lows: . In signing senate bill No. 312 I am fully aware that It has been the sub ject of bitter, if purely partisan, crit icism. I am also aware that this criticism, while so framed as to charge that the referendum rights of the people in this particular instance are being abused, ha In reality noth ing to do with the welfare of the people or of the public service, but ruther finds origin In selfish anl partisan interest I most firmly believe now, as 1 always have, that the laws of the people mu.st be defended, safeguard ed and upheld. The tWrgency clause should not be used to defeat the legitimate purpose of the ref erendum, but neither should the. ref erendum be abuned as an agent for crippling a competent administration of those very laws. In the particular caae of senate bill No 312, the legislature has held that an emergency exUts owing to the necessity of creating and main taining efficiency in the various stata departments. I believe that the facts Justify such an Interpretation of ex isting conditions. The public weal actually la affected, or may well be come affected, under the existing sys tem, with many subordinate officials exercising important functions of state government without real re sponsibility to the power which ap points them, and which power, in turn, is held responsible by the peo d! for the satisfactory admlnlstra tlon of the people's laws. , Right of Removal Needed. . Loyal co-operation and assistance, as well as competency, economy and Industry', are essential to proper ad m'nUtratlon, and where such la lack ing the appointive power, whether U be a board or theexecutlve. should have the power of removal, and I feel that such additional authority will work for the very best lntereaU of the public and . will not be oppos ed except by those whose political positions may be Jeopardized, anl by their friends, who, under one pro- tense and another, will attack Its im mediate operatlcn. There has been. It Is needless to m !nt out a general demand for a stricter economy In state admlnlstra t!i n This demand has grown. In m small measure, from the extrava gance of a multiplicity of commis sions and departments which rae sprung up. I believe the operation of this act will eliminate possibility of any repetition of the tactics of offlte holders, whose pernicious lobbying embarrassed the legislature's effcris for economical consolidations. Lastly, the removal power can be abused and over-used, but that is ti uc of every power. In this partic ular Instance I Intend to exercLe ev Use ' ir u.Lys Order Sunkist Lemons, too. Use their juice for salads and in other dishes that usually, call for vinegar. Lemon juice is more healthful morn of it should be used et this season of tho year. Note the added delicacy of flavor. Send eonoon for Prrmlam Litt thowina thit Aidnu and 45 ethtr Wm. Wm rmamnlf yt'U puy to gtt er precaution against its abuse, and I believe Its very eilstenca will have such a salutary effect that it will b necessary to employ It seldom. The governor vetoed house bill 357 rerauA of Its conflicting with house bill 195. Corporation Commissioner Watson anked that it be vetoed. It related to the regulation of co oper ative associations. Bills signed by the governor yesterday are as fol lows: H. B. 477, committee on assess ment and taxation, relating t assess ment of public service corporations. If. IT. 248, Weeks Amending pub lis road laws. H. B. 270. Childs Providing time when assessor ahall deliver tax rolls to treasurer. H. B. 473. game committee Cre ating fish and game commission. H. B. 179, Olds Relating to state hoard of horticulture and county In sptctors. H. B. 437, Blanchard Requiring mlli feeds to be sold by weight II. E. 320. Stott Creating small cinlms department In Oregon district ccurta. II. B. 461, game committee Am ending laws. H. B. 341. Huston Transferrin? state authority over Interstate bridge to Multnomah county. II. B. 29, substitute, Huston Am ending "blue sky'' law. H. B. 227, Childs Amending law relative to number of members on election boards. S. B. 312, Moser Making appoint ive offices subject to recall by ap pointive power. A Tent for Liver Complaint Mentally Unhappy physically, .Dull The liver, sluggish and inactive, first ahowa itself in a mental state unhappy and critical. Never la there Joy in living, aa when the Stomach and Liver are doing their work. Keep jour liver active and healthy by us ing Dr. King's New Life Pills; they empty the Bowels freely, tone up your liver and purify the Blood. 25c at drucgists. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve excellent for Piles. Ad. T5XAS AUTHORITIES PUT QUARANTINE ON CHILE FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE CAUSES DRASTIC ACTION' TO BE TAKEN. AUSTIN. Texas, Feb. 25. A cattle quarantine against Canada and Mexi co and every state, in the union on account of the foot and mouth dlseaae was ordered by the Texas authorities. The quarantine also includes stock, fowls, fodder, cottonseed, straw and hay. Governor Stops Riders NASHVILLE. Tenn., Feb. 25. A majority of the able-bodied men of Lake county have been appointed doputles under Sheriff Hall and au thorized to make arrests in the night rider outbreak in that section. It said, will order the militia company that alan fails. Governor Rye. is le at Union City to proceed to Tiptonvllli j yWnfM Cctuon SupPeinet and Place Itself at the disposal ofj BERUX Feb- 25-A dbpttck Sheriff Hall. ( from Vienna to the Vorwaerts throws For the past week nlghtrlders h.v ght on the preM cen8or8hlp ta directed their acts sgalnst the n 08 ,0, Austria. population In the neighborhood of; s,nce lhe outbreafe of ,he war th Titan and Philippl. where many hav-lenUr6 contenU of aU newspapers ha6 weec oruerea 10 ieae me cumr, hading planter in the vicinity. It is said has been told to dimls all of his negro tenants. The object of the i.lghtr!ders seems to be an effort to drive negroes f.-om tlut section In which the rentinr o!' linds to negroes Is carried on. L?r ., vr ..sdfgg ww5 etsahrold! An old bachelor says thut matri mony is the best cooking school. Famous California Seedless Navel Oranges Fully Ripe and Delicious Now you can have these famous seedless navel oranges at any first-class grocer's or fruit dealer's store. An abundant supply fresh from the trees has just arrived from California.; Telephone your dealer Free-peeline, seedless, food for every day. Sunldst Lemons Sunkist Lemons taste best best on the table. Serve quartered With fish, meats or When buying either fruit on zusttst and save th. prange and lemon wrapper for v beautiful silver premiums, r K Rogtrw SUver Premium thtt Si'.'txr. W' rmfanJ iht IrifTt it 1 not tat Utuctory m y wy. PAGE TIIRKE FIVE MINUTE CURE IF STOMACH IS BAD 'TAPE'S DIAPEPSI.V IS qUIl. EST, 8UItrST INDIGF.STIOJf CURB K50WX. Tou don't want a slow remedy when your atomach I bail or an ua certaln one or a harmful one your atomach la too valuable: you musa't IrJure It with drastic drugs. Pape's Dla pepsin la aote4 for i's eped In glvln relief; Its harmleaa nets; Its certain unfailing actloa la regulating sick, sour, gassy stomach. Its mlllona of cures In indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other atom rch trouble has made It famous the world over. Keep this perfeft stomach doctor In your home) keep It handy get a Urge fifty-cent case from any drug store and then If anyone should eat something which doesn't agree with them. If what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; c: uses headache, dizziness; and nau sea; eructations of acid and undlgeat. ed foed remember as soon as rape's Dlapepsln comes In contact with the sumach all such distress vanishes. Its promptness, certainty and eae la overcoming the worst atomach disor ders la a Tevelatlon to those who try It FARMERS GLAD TO SEE THE RAIN COME AT PILOT ROCK SHOWERS THE PAST FEW DAYS BRING THE BROAD S3IILK TO FACES. (Special Corref pondence.) PILOT ROCK, Ore.. Feb. 26. The, farmers are all wearing their "big smile" again, because of the good rams that have been falling off and on for the last few days. It also gives the sheepmen a chance to am lie. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Boylen wero visitors here Wednesday. Mrs. Bert Hunter and children of Pendleton rpent Sunday here with her sister-in-law, Mrs. A. C. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Russell of Nye were hero Wednesday doing acme trading. Rev. Harry Galvln was called away this week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver and children of Missouri are visiting friends her Dr. Gilliland and family for a few days. Dr. Gilliland was a vbltor at Pea dleton Wednesday. Harry Whittaker of Nye was hero Wednesday on business. James Whittaker spent Tuesday evening at Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mathews of Stewart creek, were In town Wed cesday doing some shopping. Dr. Gilliland and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver took dinner Wed nesday at the home of William Kid well been subject to the approval of the censors, who have absolute power t suppress any article, without regard to their nature. The newspapers must be submitted to the police authorities two hours before they Are published, and tha censors may then suppress the whole paper or order the removal of ob jectionable paragraphs. The result Li that the newspapers frequently appear with great parts of the pa ices blank. 1 f; I n n l r-i PH. now order today. firm and tender healthful. Cnnia Frail Grrww Excatafe, 139 If. Out Stmt, CHICAGO and look sliced Mall MtkUanvoa m4 mUI tea 4 rom mmr fwH-antart S i Z' IZ- r-ZZ, ZZ - J - "T ii wtu uiw. jmm4 u . . "tiff r S S 6r : . A naiait .aia,a.a. self. r