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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1915)
f ETOTIT PAGE 8. DAILY EAST OREflONIAN, PENDLETON, OKEGON, WK I).VKST).V, FKP.HTTATtV 17, 101S. PAGE SEVEN. AN OLD RECIPE TO DARKEN HAIR KAC.E TEA AND Sl'U'lU K TURNS GRAY, FADED HAIR DARK AND GLOSSY. Almost everyone knows that Bag Tea and Sulphur, pioperly compound ed, brlngi back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streak ed or gray; also ends dandruff. Itch Ins scalp and ttopj falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to ruake It at home, which U U mu4y end troublesome. Nowadays we limply art at any drugstore for "Wyeth'a Sage and Sul phur Compound." lou will get a large bottle for about CO cents. , Everybody uses this old, famous re cipe, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as It does It so naturally and evenly. Tou dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw thU through your hair, taking one small rtrand at a time; bv morning the gmy hair disappears, ano" after another application or two, ytur hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years ; ounger. Every time a man picks up a few rents worth of experience he drope a dollar. cJtimiiiiniiiiiiiiiiM.iiiiiiiiMimiimiiiiiL1 (OrpliGum) Theatre 1 J. P. MEPERNACII, Prop. 1 : High-Class Up-to-Date 1 Motion 1 Pictures I FOR MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN E Prorrm channel 1 Sundays, Totadtys. Thurt- H day i and Saturdays. 6m Program in Todiy'i H Papr. niillliiilililllllillilliiilllllillliliillilliilii; 'llUlltlllllllUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIUIII: Pastime f B Theatre "The Home of Good Pictures" ALWAYS THE LATEST in Photoplays :: Steady, S i Flickerlew Picture :: Abeo- 5 H lutely No Eyi Strain. I A Refined and Ertertainin g Show for the Entire Family. SBBSBSM""""" a M p- Est g Next to French Restaurant E I Change Sunday, Tueadaya, S Thuredayi and Saturday. 5 B S s Adult 10c. Children under 5 10 yaars So. S PillllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIimilllilHIlB sisijimiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiiiiiiit 1 PENDLETON'S POPU- LAR PICTURE SHOW I THE I I COSY I H Where the entire family ean s tojoy a hih-clara motion j 3 picture show with comfort, g mm M I Fun, Pathos I Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed s ., 5 3 Open Afternoon and Even- 5 s inf. Changes Sunday, lion- 3 day, Wednesday and Friday. 5 M " mm ewssBsssssssa tarn I Next Door to St George Ho- 5 tL Admiseion Co and 10c 3 3jllllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIHIIII!lllllllimi CHICAGO WHEAT IS FORCED UP (Tuesday's Market.) CHICAGO. Foreign demand for wheat and a shsrp advance In car goes on passage, together with a bet ter feeling In tha middle west trade, forced prices sharply higher today In the local pit. Cloning was a net rise of 3 l-4e for May und 2 l-4c for July. At one time during the session May tr.-jched (1(3 7-S, or 4 3-8c better than yesterday. Hroomhall cabled from Liverpool that the wheat market was firm on American strength und strength In spot. There Is a targe business be ing dune In Armtlne wheat, but prices hold firm and sellers there are confident. American winters are hold at 8 to 3d (il vance, and spot markets strong, with offers light Ar Kt tine weather U generally favor alle, with the freight situation easier. WHEAT. May Open. $1.80; high, $1 83 7-S; liw, 11.80; cloie, 31.82 3-4. July Open, $13S; high. $1.37 1-4; low, $1.35; close, $1.38 3-3. Woman Gets Hoard Job. NEW YORK. Feb. 13. Miss Bea trice Wlnser, assistant city librarian hi Newark, will be the first woman to hold office in tl'at city govern ment. Hhe was appointed to the hoard of education to succeed Dr. Thomas 8. McCabe, whose term ex pires soon. Recently Mr. Raymond named two women for membership In the health board, but these appointments by the common council, which Is under dem ocratic control and opposed to women In the mayor's official family. The council rejected the two women. The hourd of education i.omlnations are tiot subject to confirmation. Ml Wlnser has been associated with the Newark library for a num ber of years and Iris been active In cllc government. She Is in hearty sympathy with thu proposed reforms of Mayor Raymond. Roys TU Naval Tet. WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. A acore of Washington bos. ambitious to be come naval officers lined up In front cf Franklin school here today for the mental examlna:ln to determine whether they are fit candidates for appointment from the district to the naval academy. Two appointments will be made from the group which passes by President Wilson upon the recommendation of the district com missioners. How's This! Wt offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Curs. r. I. CI1KNET k CO.. Toledo, 0. W. b anleralg-of1. bivt known, F. 1. Cbforj tor tbe lut IS years, sod belle? film prrfertly bonnrtble In sll business Iranurtloni snd financially sble to carry iut anr nhltirtilons made by bis firm. NATIONAL HANK Of COMMERCE, Toledo. O ITiU's Tttirrb Cnr ts tskea Internally, artlns rtlretl upon the blood sod mo coua urfat-r of the irstem. Tratlmonlali tent free. I'rlre 73 rents per bottle. Sold it Irnn(lts. its nail ramiu? I'll is rnr roesiipsnesi DRESS WARM AND KEEP FEET DRY TEI.LS R1IEU3IATISSI SIFt'KRFJIS TO TAKE 8AI.T8 ANI GET ' hid or rmo aod Rheumatism is no respecter of age, ac. color or rank. If not the most dangerous of human afflictions It Is one of the most painful. Those subject to rheumatism should eat less meat, dress as warmly as possible, avoid any undue exposure, and above all, drink Jotj of pure water. Rheumatism Is caused by uric acid which Is generated In the bowels and absorbed Into the blood. It la the function of the kidneys to filter thu) acid from the blood and cast it on In the urine; the pores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this Impurity. In damp and chilly, cold weather the akin pores are cloa ed, thus forcing the kidneys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fall to eliminate this uric acid which keeps accumulating and circulating through the system, eventually settling In the Joints and muscles causing stiffness, soreness and pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoon ful In a glass of water and drink be fore breakfast each morning for a week. This Is said to eliminate urlo acid by stimulating the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding tha blood of these Impurities. Jad Salts la Inexpensive, harmless and la made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llth la and Is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are sub ject to rheumatism. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent llthla-water drink which overcomes urlo acid and Is beneficial to your kidneys aa well. PORTLAND WHEAT MARKET QUIET (Tuesday's Market.) I'ORTLAND, Ore. With no ocean tonnage offering except at ruinous val ues to grain exporting Interests, the murket for wheat Is a quiet affair. Efforts to "corner" the outs mar ket huve fulled. Dealers who tried this recently in the Pacific northwest have found to their dismuy that far mers have plenty of outs left und they are feeding a sufficient supply to the market to overfeed the trade. Every one seemlnxly has more oats at the moment than they know what to do with at current values abroad and ex. treme freight charges. The same ap plies to barley. While no business has been closed recently for foreign account the gen eral trade Is not figuring upon It ability to secure vessels below 60 shil lings. As high as 65 shillings was paid here a Vhort time ago. The lower price does not mean above $1.4 2 for club here, a price utterly out of line with local conditions and quotations. Flour market remains quiet with no change showing in values. Clover Seed Buying price: Nomi nal No. 1, uncleaned, 11 11 l-2c; or dinary, 11c pound; alslke, 11c. Flour Selling price: Tatent, 37.20; Willamette valey. $7.20; local straight $6.40; export straight, $5.40; cutoff. $5.40; bakers', $7.007.40. Hay New crop, buying price: Wil lamette vulley timothy, fancy, $13fi 14; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tim othy. $15W15.50; alfalfa, $12; vetch and oats, $9fi l0; clover. $8 per ton. Grain Pucks 1915 nominal. No. 1 Calcutta, $6. Mlll.-tuffs Selling price, Rran, $30 5 31; fhorts. $33. Rolled Barley Selling price: $38 39 per ton. While there were higher bids all around for wheat on the Portland Merchants' Exchange for the day. the only trading was for a lot of 20,000 bushels April red Rufslun at $1.51. The bid and ask prices were somewhat closer today than for several days. Holders are rather firm In their views, and buyers are meeting their ideas gradually. Outs market was down 23c a ton on the exchange today for pot. Sales Included 100 tons March at $36.50. Parley market was weaker with a loos of 50c In bids for spot. No sale on the exchange. A sale of 100 tons spot bran was made at $27.50 a ton. Merchants' Exchange spot prices WHEAT. Tuesday. Monday. Rid. Ask Bid. Ask. Eluestem $1.57 $157'4 $1.55' $1.56 H Fortyfold 1.56 1.67 1 55 1.57 Club 1.55 1.56 1 54 1.56 Red Russlun 146 14S 1.44 1.46 Red Fife 1.50 1.514 1.49 'i 1.51 H OATS. Fed S3.-..T3 $36.25 $36.00 $36.50 BARLEY. Feed .$30.00 $33,00 $30.50 $32.50 Prewing 30.00 33.00 30.50 32.50 MILLSTl'FFS. Bran $27.00 $29.00 $27.50 $28.00 Shorts 28.00 30.00 28.50 29.00 WHEAT. Bid. Ask. March bluestem $1 57 4 $168 4 April bluestem 1.69 4 Ml May bluestem 1.62 1.63 March fortyfold 1.67 1.57 4 April fortyfold 1.58 4 1-60 March club 1.56 1.67 April club 1.68 1.584 March red Russian .. 1.47 1.50 April Red Russian... 1.51 1.514 March red Fife 1.51 1.62 4 April red Fife 1.54 1.55 OATS. March $36.25 $37.50 April 37.00 38.00 May 38.50 39.50 BARLEY. March feed barley ....$30.50 $33.00 April feed barley 32.60 34.00 GAVE THEM A CHANCE; THEY PROVED HONEST DENVER. Feb. 15. Out of 700 boys Judge Ben B. Lindsey, of the Ju. venlle court, has sentenced to reform atories and sent them unaccompanied to the Institution where they were to serve out their sentence, only five have run away. This covers a period of fourteen years. And of the fice who did break their word three later apologized to the Judge. The other two were captured within a short time. Judge Lindsey celebrated the four teenth anniversary of his system -of putting convicted boys upon their honor only a few days ago. The day was marked by the receipt of word thut Robert Gregg, 17, sentenced to the reformatory at Buena Vista had arrived there. Judge Lindsey sent young Gregg unnccompinIed to the Institution. Gregg was convicted of contributing to Juvenile delinquency by going through a false marriage cer emony with a lrl. He was sentenc ed to serve from one to four years In the reformatory and Warden Capp declares that after delivering himself up the boy proved so earnest and cap able that he Is certain he will be an ideal prisoner. Only five per cent of the youths sentenced from Judge Llndsey's court are sent to the reformatories under guard. Aside from the good influence the establishment of the honor system has upon the boys,, the Judge esti mates that he has saved the state $5, 000 in traveling expenses and fees by doing nwny with the guards who for merly delivered the prisoners to th reformatory wardens. Perhaps the hot thing about fash ions for women Is the undeniable fact that the woman l.erself remains as lovely as ever. AN AMERICAN MADE EVENING GOWN W 1 J .t ' J ' if S. M if This Is an elaborate American made evening gown in soft brown and Fiench blue tones. A veiled effect In soft brown toned net with skunk trimming is -shown over a rich blue CATTLE MARKET 15 CTS LOWER (Courtesy TucsiJiy's Journal.) PORTLAND. Ore Market for cat tle Is fully 15 tj c lower than a week ago. For the average offering of hay fed stuff at North Portland the market Is down 25c for steers, with the aversgo sales from $7 to $1 25. and a few lots going as high as $7.35 for some very fair stuff. For a select lot of almost full blood Here fords the price ruled at $7.65, but this was extreme, for hay fed stuff and other lots did not bring this price. Market for .vain led cattle was down about 15c, with split up loads soiling no higher tt .in $7 85, compar ed with easy snlc at $8 during bust week. There was only a small supply of cattle In over :ilglit, four loads com ing from t'tah. The demand was lim ited, and the market showed practi cally no further chinge. General cattle irarket range: Select grain fed slcei Best hay fed steeri 7 50 7.6 5 Good to choice 6.6007.00 Ordinary to fair 6.5006.25 Rest cows 6.6006 75 Good to prime 6.4006.50 Ordinary 5.25 0 5.50 Selected calves 8.00 0 8 25 Fancy bulls 6.60 Oidlnary 4.00 05.00 Hog Market Weaker. Weaker tone was shown for hogs at North Fortlanl during the last 24 hcurs. While a small volume of bus iness was closed late yesterday after noon at $6.80 06.90 for extreme qual ity such as seldom appears here the market today was not above $6.70 for beat offering!. Only one load of hogs came for .i.rd to the yards this morning, and buyers were not l.een to take hold een of this. General hog warVet range: Rest light $6 60 06.70 Medium light 6.4006.60 Good and heavy 6.0006.25 Rough and heavy 6 80 0 6.90 Stcckers 5.5006.00 Mutton Very Strong. Condition of the mutton market continues extremely firm at North Portland, with no fiesh supply offer ing on the market today. There were no arrivals in this division overnight. General muttoA trade range: OUt wethers $6.9007.00 Best yearlings 7.00 0 7.15 Best ewes 6.0006.15 Pest east mountain lambs 8 0OW8.20 Vi'lley light lamrg 7.85 0 8.00 Heavy spring lambs 7.50 0 7.75 IJvtutocic ShlfoxTS. Hogs H. E. Schumun. Touchet,, 1 load. Cattle Hanson Livestock company, Lognn. Utah. 4 loads. Hut tt girl never thinks she is too ycung to marry. 1 V : ;, ;;. vs. f I 4 cMtI. . satin brocade. Tha point basque aug gertlon in front, with large butterfly drape in back and long pointed train, gives an Idea of the season's most elaborate gowns. Radium EalT to Reduce. WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. An nouncement that the federal bureau of mines had worked out a process of reducing radium by simplified methods was made In the houje by Representative Forter of Illinois, who congratulated the country on the dis covery. Members gathered about as Repre sentative Foster displayed a case con taining $11,000 worth of radium pro d'teed from ore oy the bureau. Hs head to the house a letter from Dr. Howard A. Kelley. of Baltimore, say inj that the work of the bureau in sured the successful treatment of many conditions in cancer cases. British Colonies Plan Aid. MONTREAL, Quebec, Sept IS. The Canadian parliament will be ask ed to vote $100,000,000 toward the CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op poslte postofflce. Funeral parlor, twe funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone TS. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone IS. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HABTMAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Doe a general brokerage business. Paya taxes and makes investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. DENTLEY & LE FIT N G WEI J REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. 315 Main street. Phone 404. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all secondhand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. 219 E. Court street. Thone 27 1W. MARRY MANT RICH. PART1C ulars stamp. F. Morrison. Desk GM S053 Holden, W. Seattle, Wn. 2iniiiiJiiimnii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiMi!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii!ii FOR ! FUEL ' I mm f Rock Springs Coal j Good Dry Wood Slabs and Kindling 1 it's not the kind I kind we sell 1 I B. L. BURROUGHS I Planing Mill and ritiiiifiiiiiiiiififiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllll!!l!fv expenses of carrying on the war in Europe, according to a declaration made by George E. Foster, dominion minister of trade and commerce, In a rpeech before ths Canadian club. The dominion has already voted $50,- 000,000. A wise youth passes up the doll and marries a girl who can broil a steak. XOTICB OF TENDENCY OF PE TITION TO VACATE CERTAIN ALLEY-WAYS AND PARTS OF CERTAIN STREETS IN COLE'S ADDITION TO TILE CITY OF PENDLETON. Notice Is hereby given to all whom It may concern that a petition was filed on January 2 1st. 1915, by the Irvlnston Height Land Company, a corporation, with the Recorder of The City of Pendleton. Umatilla county, Ore iron, nd is now pending before the Common Council of said City, praying for the vacation of certain alley-ways and parts of certain streets in Cole's Addition (formerly McAllister's ao dltlon) to Tho City of Pendleton, HOPPLES, CHOP SUEY. CHWfl DISHES fApV'Q KWONG HONG LOW X -C Jfc W IM For Sale: 'rents for $10 down and the balance on easy terms. Ten room house in good condition, located on a paved street three blocks from Main. Arranged for apartments and the house Is rented all of the time. Price, $5,100. Will consider small Mouse In part payment. We also Insure your house or your life. Better be Insured than sorry. MATL0GK-LAATZ 113 East ATTORNEYS. RALET RALET. ATTORNKYS-AT law. Office In American National Bank Building-. FEE A FEE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Despain building. CARTER & SMYTH E. ATTORNEYS at hw. Office In rear of American National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON ft BISHOU, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 3, 3 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room IT, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER, ATTORNEY at law. Office in Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office In Despain building. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D.. HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Jtidd Block. Telephones: Office, 341W; residence, 612J. AUCTION" KFKS. COU W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONEER makes n specialty of farmers stock, and machinery sales. "The man that! gets you the money." Leavo orders i at East Oregonlan office. I mm ! FIVE we keep but it's the Lumber Yard Umatilla County. Oregon, as per plat thereof of record ana on rue in me office of the Recorder ef Conveyance of said Umatilla County. Oregon, to wlt: Of all the alley-ways running; north and south through Blocks num. bered 3, S, 9, 10 and 11 or sal a cole f Formerly McAllister's) Addition, and of that part of Wilson Street lying between the west line of Ray Strtet and the east line of Arc Street, of thai part of Washington street ryrag Be tween the west line of Ray Street and the west line of said Cole's Addition (the same being the southerly pro jected west line of said Block 9) and of that part of Arc Street lying be tween the north line of Jackson Street and the south line of Wilson Street; all of said property being within the corporate limits of Th City of Pen dleton aforesaid; and the matter of granting of said petition will come up before the Common Council of said City in due course, as the law directs Dater this 21 day of January, 1916. IRVINGTON HEIGHTS LAND COM PANY. By Chaa. Cowen, President. IRTINGTON HEIGHTS LAND COM PANY. By Frank J. Dorsey, Secretary. W..( Alts St.. Uoitsiri.' Phone 4H Dwelling house at 410 Turner St, just back of kthe Sleters school. Its high and sightly. Now per month. Price $1,600. $200 INVESTMENT GO. Court St VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. COUNTY, Veterinarian. Residence telephone, 27; office telephone, 30. MISCELLANEOUS. HAIR WORK SEND YOUR COMB lngs to Madam Kennedy, Athena, Oregon. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY Cash or give trade for Umatilla county farm, 320 to $$0 per acre. Addreea Box 13, Athena, Ore. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlun makes a specialty of sue t'.on sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will assure you of having a successful sale. TRESSPASS NOTICES. STALLION SEASON CARDS and SALE BILL6 of every decrlption printed at rea sonable prices at the East Oregonlan. We have a fine lot of stock cuts that our patrons are allowed the free use of. BEAVER ENGRAVING POM PA NY "( ft waA (y :,, i;..e-.j. X