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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1915)
TAOE SIX DAILY EAST OREOOXTAY. rKyPLKTON. OREO ON1. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, IMS EIOIIT PAOFA Hard Cough? Grippy? Head Stuffed? Bad Cold? No Matter How Dad You Feel, or How Hard Your Cold, You are sure of Quick and Grateful Relief by Taking Dr. King's New Discovery. No nr? 1o keep on fufTerinjj and try ing to wear out your Cold. It will wrar yu out instead. Start jrtttinp lpttT l.y takinjr Pr. Kind's New PLi-ov-ry. It contains just what you need (i rid you r.f that Grippy I 'V( ri' h StuflVi IVelinfc an J to stop that ronstant and nnnoyinj; Couph. The f i i !ose Marts relief and you hap yvllii $ letter. Tuy a ,r0o. bottle of rr. King's New Discovery. SUrt taking- at once; you will be gratefully surprised in your improvement. After using one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, John S. Dixon, Ay dan, N. C, writes: "AH soreness left my chest, breathing became easy and a serious ( ouph was cured." what it did for Mr. Dixon it will do for you. M. K. EUCKLEN A CO.. 639 North Eroad Street, Philadelphia, P. PILOT ROCK FARfERS ARE BUSY RESEEDING BARLEY; WHEAT SAFE lWiVrr i:kv( Reduction. P.AKF.R. Ore., Fot. 17. As the re v;t of ptovidlng Utter fire protec tion, linker Is to pet lower Insurance rutis. underwriters iiavlr.g Wen here th luet week g.iliv? over the situa tion, and announcing that rroably jo per cent cut In the present rates vili 1 ordered. , MaKeYourSMn soft ana Clear caflenra soap For tie toilet and" bath assisted by occa sional u?c of Cuticura Ointment. Samples Free by Mail fottrarm "t and Ointment aold t jucj. Utxral unpK of mrti milled f-e with 13-9- book. Addraa iwt-cvd "CuUcun," ix-pi. J?, tueua. Try a box of that Embassy Lawn Linen 48 Sheets 48 Envelopes All for 25c at Koeppen's The Drugstore That Serves You Best Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES T?; HOT TAM&LES CHILLI COM GARNE -SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Kvery.hlrg clean and up-to- uif. ru:srr class sekvicb TEA 5c Packize Under State Hotel ?or. Wtb and Cottonwood RU Phone C(7 Pendleton, Or senate r.vssEs kills. SALEM. Ore., Feb. 17. The fol lowing bills were passed by the senate S. B. IK. by Tedklns To amend subsection 5, section S817 Lord's Ore pon Iaws, defining duties of State Tax Commission. S. B. III. by Ferkins Authorizing assessors to disregard certain changes in boundaries of taxing districts. S. B. 159. by Butler Creates Ju dicial district comprising Crook and Jefferson counties. S. B. 63, by La Follett Provides for the Inspection of fruit drying and parking plants. S. B. "31. by Kiddle Changes time of holding court In 10th district S. B. 24, by Committee on Fish eries To prohibit salmon fishing In certain streams tributary to Columbia river. S. B. 174. by Committee on Judici ary Amends section 40, Lord's Ore gon Laws, to widen field for en trance of interpleaders. S. B. 13. by Moser. Provides for publication, distribution, etc.. of ses sion laws, house and senate journals, supreme court reports- and histories of early Indian wars. S. B. 1S7 by Hollis and Vinton Au thorizes two or more counties to cre ate a road-building district and build public highways In the district. S. B. 170. by Committee on Medi cine. Tharmacy and ' Dentistry Makes only graduates of medical col leges having four year courses eligi ble to take examinations for certifi cates to practice. P. B. 244, by Burgess Enables all dealers to sell bluestone, provided package contains poison label. XO siumarixes excoixtered ox tkip to livekpool by r. w. howard, (President of the United Press.) LIVERPOOL. Feb. 16. The Cun arder Franconia arrived without en countering the German submarines re ported operating off the west coast of England. Extraordinary precau tions were taken to prevent an attack r.ot only as the Il'ier, approached the British coast, but nightly during the voyage. The Franconia sailed from New York February 6. .Every night all portholes and skylights were blanketed. Only port, starboard and forf-mast lights were displayed. Look outs were doubled, but the liners' course was unchanged.. Regain the Mastery Over Blood Trouble No Matter How Disheartening You Can Overcome It. Blood Ciiorflnrs are R. 8. S . th l&n.ov.n ruih9 Into t:. M'.xd at pi bas iraT r' 1 t .e Tilrklj choked br Mood purllW. It Id three mln- entire circulation, It fariritoj t hre tb' blood is made. It irasbes out tlio" spots and places rhre ta:mat;ro ha sttlfl. It clanset the tr.PDibrsn'". drfrM Irritation from the Joints. f:i:i t!i? I'lix.d atri-am with antidotal Influrni and trm luad to foot rreat-a r-nrtltluna tfcat make for blood health. Th'-re are p.ple In erery com. tniiElty ho kB'W till to b true. They hare tf-d ?. P. H. f r ivre forma of rheumatistn, fr ladnlett. ulcerated spots, f-r fruptlve kln dln-anea. for any and ell th,s bodily conditions canard by liiood load'-d ith Impurltica. Being a p-ire produrt cf Nature It can not hurt the a'orrarli rr.d haa th"rffire been the rluzp i f a L .Kt of people iclguldrd In their dilemma ly flrt flying to thoae dm-." r'liu t.i rf.n ial rtr-it-s nlilch haTe iltlcifl f-o txiriy ur-f'rttiDat'. If tbe l:in bral: out In a ranh. If boll or o'her (r ittlTi a'reir. If t'ifre are blood r.-:t. or a::y otli'r Isdhatbrns of lm-;,-ire I !. . g t a Ir.itie f S. S. K. St ..n-e of i:ny drurrUt. li'.t birare of ibh!'t':;e. I? lu d'''ibt a to your troii e r y.ti vltli cotrptent" medical ad "'e frw. wrl'e to the iredj'al depart rr lie Sa-lf' Specific Co., Tft Kwlft YMn . Atlanta, '.'a. Thin department Is siowu far and wlrte tn one of the great et of be!;i tc hl -'-d atifT'Tera. But don't d. ley lit P't n I (fie r.t H. 8. S. today. mmmmmmummmmnmmmmam H 3 3 i For SALE CHEAP 1 8 (lead Good Work Llulos For Further Particulars See E. L Smith & Go. Pendleton, Oregon E3 E5 IiWKXT COLD SP1XL DAMAGES UMEU 1KOP WHEAT XEE1S MOISTUIE. Kc-k Vouiiff Men Attend Dunx .MuMiaI Kcdtnl at lVnUcton nigh Slioo u Attou.Iwl by ir. and Mrs. ;illilnil OtlkT News XoW of In tercut. (Special Correspondence.) PILOT ROCK, Ore., Feb. 17. The farmers are all ousy reseedlng their barley after the cold spell. The wheat Ls still nil right but needing n:ilsture pretty badly. Earl Rankin and Dutch Rogers were among those who attended tho dance at D. V. Chupman'a Frldayl night. Glenn Rust of Pendleton spent Thursday here with relatives. Dean Goodwin visited at the coun ty seat Wednesday. . Miss Ethel Freeman was the guest of her sister at Pendleton over Sunday Arthur Bond motored down to Pen dleton Friday. George Johnston of Nye was a vis itor here Wednesday. Miss' Delta Ri:e of Hermtston, spent Thursday here with her sister. Mist falsy Rice. Dr. Gilllland and wife attended the musical recital i.f the high school students Thursday evening at Pendle ton Miss Alma Boyle.i was a visitor at Pendleton Friday. Art Gill of Xye paid Pilot Rock a business call ThJrsday. Born, to Mr. nrd Mrs. Elbert Caa- teel a 7 1-2 pound girl, Thursday. Thomas Jaques was a business vis itor at Pendleton Friday. Mrs. Jamea Wh'ttaker of Nye spent Thursday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lon Etter. J. W. Etter visited the county seat Friday. Mr. and Mrs. 12. R. Lester wers visitors at Pendltii:n Wednesday. Alex Schaefer motored down to Pondleton Fridi. 17 It 1UL TJV'RYTHING, good bad, gets mo' so with age Thar even ain't no fool like an ole fool. D ESSE? mi or n D Mellowness Is tne rare g(i bestowed' hy Time on only the best of man's or nature's himdiwork the fine wine, the line violin and VELVET. VELVET, The Smoothcat Snioling Tobacco, is Kentucky Hurley tie Luxe, with 11 it natural flavor and body mellowed to an aged-in. t lie-wood smoothness by more thau two years careful curing. lOt-tinaand Sc nicUl-liiied bacv V? J S-y s 1DL 21 LADIESXLUB OF ADAMS NETS $29 FROM SUPPER MOXEY WILL BE USED TO BUY DISHES OTHER XEWS XOTES OF TOWX. (Special Correspondence.) ADAMS. Ore., Feb. 17. At the sup per which was given by the ladles' club last Saturday evening, twenty nine dollars was made. This money goes to help buy the dishes and other domestic supplies. Three tables were arranged and decorated so that thej appeared very nice. A larfee crowd was present and a good time enjoyed by alL Laurence Lleuallen and family have returned home aftar having spent two months In Portland. Fred Farley, wife and little dau ghter returned to their home In Van couver after spending some weeks with relatives. Charles Nelson returned to his home In Weston Monday after spend ing Sunday with his brother Sam Nel son. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter were in town Monday on business. Mr. ond Mrs. Tom Lleuallen were in Weston Saturday. A number of Pendleton friends were guests at the home of Miss Eil een Bowling Sunday afternoon. Roy Ferguson was at band practice Sunday. Frank Martin was an Adams vis itor Monday. Jerry Stone was an Adams visitor Monday. Mrs. Dora McBride from Athena ls visiting her mother Mrs, Darr a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hales and dau ghter Thclma motored to Pendleton Sunday afternoon. ' Bert Kirby. Earl Slmonton, Peter Mclntyre, Wrennie Greene, Frank Henry and Sullivan Deamer motored to Pendleton Monday night to attend the K. of P. lodge. Mr. Jones returned from his farm after having finished pruning his or chard. Mr. Coffey returned home after spending several days at Milton. Mrs. Mclntyre has been on the sick liHt for several days, but Is feeling bet ter again, LOCAL MANUFACTURING PLANTS VERY BUSY t Regarding progress by the Empire ff C'n which has taken over the plant of the Pendleton Iron works tho following statement is made by the management: We will build an office building and remodel the Interior of the old build lng to make room for the new machi nery which will arrive In a few days. At the present time we have more general repair work and special work than w have ever had at this seaaon of the year and the Indications are that It will be necessary to run two shifts of men. Unsolicited orders for the new ro tary pump are coming In every day and at the present time we have on hand ordes enough to tax the pres ent capacity of the plant for several weeks. It is the plan to have pumpi made In Portland and elsewhere ehould we find that local plant will not be able to supply the demand, and the present Indications are thai we cannot hope to fill more than a very small per cent of orders. STATE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU DUX KILLED SALEM, Ore., Fb 17 Despite the pitas of Representative Oscar Horne and Allen Eaton, the house summar uy Kiueu tne ua:on Dill creating a state employment bureau. The house had wrangled for nearly three hours over the amenimenta to the game and fishing laws and when the ques tion of state aid for the unemployed came up It was In no amiable mood. In committee ot the whole, the house approved each consecutive sec tion, striking out one which excludes the operation of private agencies at Mr. Eaton's request. When It came to the final section, however, appro- ptlatlng 120,000 for the support of the bureau, Mr. Ke'ly moved that this also be stricken out Mr. Eaton protested that such u procedure would nullify the whole bill nr.d said that If the house Is In good faith It should at least adopt ths section and then accept or reject the v hole bill on the final vote. The only votes cost In favor of the bill at roll call were: Allen, A. A. Arderson, Barrow, Cardwell, Chllds, Cdllns, Dlllard, Eaton, Gill, Irvln. Horne, Lafferty, Legwls, Pierce, Schuebel, Miss Towne, Vawtcr, Wag ner and Weeks. Opportunity Knocks Again Knights M;t at RoMuburff. ROSEBURG, Ore.. Feb. 17. Tho annual convention of the Knights of lthlns for the dUtrlct comprising Eugene, Junction City, Cottage Grove and Roseburg, will be held in this city. K luit only they will profit wlio aro alert to tlieir own best interest. Tito time to build is when pros perity is on the rise and unless we are badly mistaken you are going to see a lot of our people start new homes in 191.'. Why not bo ono of them? Lot us suggest a plan to meet your nofili. Plans and Specifications Free Oregon Lumber Yard A. II. COX, Mgr. Telephone 8. Alta St., Opposite Court House 5ve ) Dudley 2 inches Norm ax 2i inches ARROW COLLARS Are not excelled by any other 2 for 25 cent collars made here or abroad Cuett, raisoor & Co.. Ixc. Mai cat or Aasow Shist Tsoy, N. Y. I'M LITTLE! - BUT OH MY ! In this little advertisement I want to tell you of my LITTLE PRICES OX Candle. Nuta, Frulta, Vegetable, Groceries, Etc. A fine large stock on hand and selling fast. Pay our prices and save money. Phompt delivery makes us as near as your telephone. JOHN W. DYER, GROCERYMAN East Alta St. Phone 536 GOOD WORK will FOR SALE OREGON FEED YARD Phone 561 400 West Webb GOOD for DOTH NEW and OLD SUBSCRIBERS Oar Special Big Four Magazine Offer Woman's World : Household : Peoples' Popular Magazine b arm Lile A special arrangement secured by the EAST OREGONIAN, enables us to offer to our subscribers for a limited time only the SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGOXIAN for ono year with a full year's subscrip tion to all four of the above high-grade publications, at the special price of ?1.75. FOUR BIG MAGAZINES AND S-W.East Oregonian 0 7Z ALL FIVE FOR & i THE PE OPLE & ? -nnnrrntf MflVTTfLY 'a Woman's World haa more sub scribers than any other magazine published, over two million a month. It's articles, Its stories, its Illustrations, are the best that mon ey can buy. It Is a magazine to be compared with any home maga rlne in the country, regardless of price, without fear of contradiction of any chiims we make for It. Its stories are by authors known the world over. The Household a favorite magazine- In a million homes. Every Issue Is full of new and Interesting features, be sides regular depart ments of Fashions, Home Cooking, Needle work, Fancy Work, People1! Popular Monthly is one of the greatest popular fiction and home magazines published. C o n t alns complete stories each Issue, and is full of other entertaining feat ures. You will enjoy this magazine. Farm life la a publication adap ted to the everyday Ufa of the farm folks, brim full of things that help o make the farm Ufa more cheerful and homelike. Special articles by authorities on all subjects of Interest to the up-to-date farmer etc. This offer supplies you with Magazines of the Best, quality, giving yow a year supply of good literature at a saving of one-half the cost This is tho BEST and biggest combination clubbing offer ever presented to tho public Tho EAST OREGONIAN is glad to an nounce to its subscribers tho completion of this splendid arrange ment, whereby we can offer such an excellent list of publications in connection with a year's subscription to tho Semi-Weekly East Orcgonian at tho remarkable price of $1.75 for all five. Ibis offer is good for a SIIORT time only and may be increased at any time. Better fill out the application blank and get your sub scriptions to us before it is too lata The above magazine offer is also good in connection with sub scriptions to the DAILY East Orcgonian, both new and renewal. Rates furnished on application. Fill out this blank and enclose with money or check to the East Oregonlan. Enclosed find $1.76 for which send me the Semi Weekly East Oregonlan for one year and a full year's subscription to the WOMAN'S WORLD, HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE. PEOPLE'S POPULAR MONTHLY and FARM LIFE to this address: Name Addreiw qyUMaSMJaii I 1