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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1915)
PAG E FIVR i ETOTIT PAOF8. DAILY EAST OREflONTAtf. PENDLETON, OREOON, WEDNESDAY, FEHHrARV 17, 101-. MM Fruits and Vogclables Fresh This Morning Oranges Lemons Bananas s Apples Celery Lettuce Cauliflower Etc. LITTLE NECK CLAMS . . STRICTLY FRESH RANCH EGGS 30c dozen SERVICE QUALITY SANITATION 1Ee CENTRAL MARKET PHONE 33 Good pl.mos Clieap. Warren's Music House has a fin line of Standard pianos, also a few clieap onea to nell in eoay terms. Sea them before you buy Adv. Notice. Dance In the Moore Hall, Thursday evening-, February I8th, given under the auspices of tho Pendleton Lodge Nc. 789. L. O. O. M. Everyone Invit ed. Admission, 50c. Adv. Dance at Gentian Hall. Social dance at German hall Sat urday evenlnir, February 20th. Cood music and refreshments served. Cor dial Invitation extended all Ady. niiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij. I Tho Science of Medicine is Progressive EE Judging from the trouble and expense people have in getting sat- EE EE Isfactory glasses, there Is room for Improvement in glass fitting. E A glass that was apparently alright at first but later requires EE changing. Is absolute proof that It never was correct EE We use a method of glass fitting that will straighten cross eye. without a surgical operation; the same principles will give you a E glass that will never require changing, except for reading from the EE E agea of 41 to S. ' EE EE Only one of th various systsms can make Oio above statement E rood. We are the only refractlonlst In Oregon using this system. rs D. N. Reber, M. D. S Eye. Eear, Nose and Throat Specialist. E , Schmidt ldg. EE riiiiiinniiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii Every Day 7e Give Relief lo Soma Paiienl in Correcling Improper Vision Don't put off Laving your eyes teste!. It costs nothing to find out whether or not the glasses you are using arc correctly fitted. Our lenses are ground in our store, to fit the require ments of each and every eye. 17. 1. fT With IIan800m TIIE Jcwcler- vgs"" Lenses Duplicated on Short Notice. em Looking Over Our Cash Prices You Will Find We Save, You Money THESE SPECIALS OX THIS WEEK. Country Lnrd Fresh stock, in 10 lb. pail ;. $1.50 Fancy Dried Peaches 12 pounds $1.00 Pure White Clover Honey No. 1 stock, 3 for 504 Mustard Pickles A fine meat dressing-, quart 25 Fresh Country Eggs 3 dozen ...... $1.00 Frankfurt Sausages Dozen . 25 Our Famous Picnic Hams 40 to 80 Extra high-grado stock. , Fancy Curvo Cut Macaroni 3 quarts . 25 Ripe Juicy Lemons Dozen .. 20f Kegular 35c stock. Hawaiian Pineapples Each .. 25 to 40 Ilipo juicy fruit Peanut Butter in bulk, pound 20 Kich butter for lunches. Our Kippered Salmon comes twice a week, prico 10 to 30 COAL OIL No. 1 Oil lor home use 5 Gallon Can $1.00 THE HOUSE OF MONEY SAVERS. THE SPECIALTY Phono 476. Next Door to Vl Og Eflch ltu on Nort.'i Side for Rale. Two lots, one corner, between Jack sen and Washington on Perkins. No grading, no retaining walla needed, will strike no rock In excavating. Tliorie 384R evenings or call after 4.30 p. ni. D. C. Brown, owner .Adv. Farm for Sale. . 220 acres of good wheat land 1n center of Grand Ronde valley, 8 miles northeast of La Grande. Never falls to yield good crop. Land In same vicinity has sold at $100 and more per acre. Will sell a: $90.00 per acre, some cash necessiry and terms on balance. For further Information write J. R. Oliver at La Grande, Ore gon. Adv. (IILL Onlician CASH GROCERY Quelle Cafe, 623 Main. 99GI& " Pemeco " Hams Bacon Lard Beef Pork Mutton Ranch Veal 6c pound NEWS OF FARM AND RANGE Wheat Is Xot Kuit. Ralph B. Mc Even, who has 1300 acres sowed to wheat this year li the section lying Utween Helix ind Athena, was In the city yesterday afternoon and de clares that none of the wheat In his locality has been damaged. He Is very optimistic uver the prospects for the coming season and anticipates a bl crop. More i:rinp(iii for llouicotcadera Representative OMon'a homestead ex emption Mil pasj'l the house yester day afternoon with a big majority. The measure increases the exemp tion allowed under the homestead law ficrn 11500 to 3(00 but, on the other hand, prevents the rich man from ex empting valuable property under the guls of a homestead. The $3000 limit would be applied In every In stance, according to this law, regard less of the value of the homestead property. Representative Olson explained that the measure is Intended to give more protection tj the home owner of moderate mearw. and to prevent the wealthy from taking advantage ot the present law to beat their credit' ors. Ixx-al Wheat Market. According to the local buyers they had secured no prices today up to 3 o'clock. There Is lethergy In the market owing to the small amount of wheat left and the fact that few wish to sell. The Chi cago market Is reported as having dropped today. Hairy Iluys McKay Creek Ijuid. A deed filed today records the sale of 40 acres on McKay creek from John II. Wynn and wife to Col. J. H. Ra ley of this city for 12000. NO FUNDS AVAILABLE TO . BUILD PROPOSED BRIDGES COST OK STltl'dTUKS AT MIS SION .VXD TIIORX HOLLOW WOULD BE 128.500. Major E. L. Swartilander has re ceived a letter dated February 8. 1915. from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs concerning the erection of brldgea across the Umatilla river at MlRnion and Thorn Hollow. From da ta In the hands of tho Commissioner, It is estimated that the cost of both bridges. Including contingencies, is 128.500, If constructed at one time, and If constructed separately the estimat ed cost of the Thorn Hollow bridge is lie. 000, and the Mission bridge IIS. 500, total 129,600. The Commis sioner advises that there is not suf ficient amount of funds on hand to justify the construction of the bridges at this time, and that the Indian of fice will be unable to take any fur ther steps at this time, unless a di rect appropriation is made. Major Swnrtr.lander has referred the matter to the Pendleton Commercial associ ation rtnd it is his opinion that an ef fort should be made urging the Ore gon senators' and representatives In congresa to work for tho passage of an appropriation covering the amount needed to construct the bridges. Alfalfa Hay for Sale. Farmers north ot Pendleton on the O -W. R. ft N. and the Northern Pa cific railroad, I can furnish you choice alfalfa hay, cheap freight quick delivery." E. C. Burllngame, Farmer. Walla Walla, Wash. Adv. Wheat Farm for Sale. 820 acres, 270 under cultivation, all! fenced and cross fenced, 3 seta of old. buildings, 3 miles northeast of Van-) syclo station, west 1-2 of section 27 In Tp 8 N., R. 33 E. W. M. Price 38&0O. Terms. For further particu lars write A. H., cure East Oregonlan, Adv. IVf Snl, Very lieasonablc. Modern seven room house and sev en room hotiRe inul seven lots, about IS Mocks from town one block from paved streets. Suitable for chicken raising and gardening. Inquire C A." this office. Adv. 'Mrs. LOCALS Qj Advertising in Brief BATES. Per tins first insartlon l"e Per Hot, additional Insertloa. . . .Be Fur lias, per month $100 No local taka for less tbso -5c. Connt 6 oi-illntr? worta to linn Locals will not be taken over tae 'pboua snd remlttaoce mast tccoat psoy order. Bull pup for sale. Phone S. Sleeping rooms. Phone 21M. Phone I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep Whipple, plan-i tuner. Phone 226R. For rent 5 room house. Inquire 203 W. Webb street. Wanted Girl or woman for gener al housework. Thone 113. Don't buy a p'an until you see Warren's Music House. Fashionable dressmaking, Apt. 3, Opera House Apts. Phone 38!M. For aale-Oood iry wood. 110 Thomps' street, or phone J7IJ. Wanted Good, clean rags at the East Oregonlan office. Lewla Murray of Adams was here yesterday evening on a business trip. Five room house for sale on north aide. Corner lot Improved. Address "W" thla office. Uklah Pilot Rock Auto Stage starts May 1st F..T. Chamberlain, proprietor. Warren's Muso House has some thing to tell you before you buy a pi ano. For" Sale Bridge Beech range; al so Jewel gas range. 915 E, Court. Phone 446. Cows! Cows! Cows! Thirty head fresh milch cows for sale. Enquire Orltman Bros. Lost Bunch of keys on ring In bus iness district, Tueday. Reward If re turned to this office. John Rosenberg, watchmaker and jeweler. Court and Cottonwood. All work guaranteed. Don't fall to attend the big dance Wednesday eveninif, February l"th, at the Eagle-Woodnisn hall. For sule Two modern cottages lo cated on east Court street, seven blocks from Miln street Inquire of Walters' mill. Old paper for sale; tied In bundles Good for starting fires, etc. 10c a bundlj. This office. Wanted Children to care for after- I noons and evenings. Charges reason able. Mrs. Ray Beagles, 314 Cosbie. Woman cook wants work on car or ranch for men. Address Mra Timblln, Box 81, I'Matilla, Oregon. "I Should Worry" dance, Eagle Wcodman hall, Wednesday, February 1 . Refreshments. Help home lndJsiry by buying an Adams broom at the Peoples Ware house or Milne's Grocery. For sale Plavrr jiano almost new for sale at a bargain If taken at once. Phone JllW. Wanted, to buy Five Buff Orping ton cockerels; also Incubator setting cf same breed. Address James HiU Helix, Ore. Wanted Tou to have your glassei fitted by Dale Roihwell, the exclu sive optician, American National Brnk Building. For sale Furniture from five room house. Good bargains If taken at once. Will sell separately or other wise. 401 WV Court Several small farms on Umatilla river particularly adapted to hogs, dairy or poultry, 1750 cash, balance on or before 10 years. 7 1-1 per cent See Berkeley. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse. Office 647 Main street Phone 131. The Alta House and Barn. Head quarters for farmers and stockmen. Call and see us. Stephenson & Eng lar, proprietors. Phone 447. 70S East Alta street Muck Minorca eggs for-hatching, 15 eggs, 32.00; 45 eggs. 5.00; 100 eggs, 110.09. All infertile eggs re placed. L. &oyd, 101 E. Court, Fen i ton. "I Should .Worry'' dance, Eagle Woodman hall, Wednesday, February 1 7. Refreshments. For sale Standard Holt combine harvester, 20 foot cut. 28 Inch cyl inder and hitch, all in good shape. Price 31100 F. O. B. Condon, Oregon. Will consider approved note payable October 1, 115. Also have all kinds of farming . Implement for sale cheap. Address W. I. Ebbert, Con don, Ore. WANTED By tin OREGON NUR SERY COMPANY, Orenco, Oregon The LARGEST anl BEST Nursery In t!.e Northwest Two more HUSTLING SALESMEN.- Experience unneces rary. We teach you how to do it COMPLETE OUTFIT furnished. Write NOW. HURRY. IJfo PrrwrTcrs Vscd. LONDON. Feb. 17. The German sailors who were rescued from the sinking cruiser Bluecher all wore new style life preservers with which the German navy has been equipped since the beginning of the war. The apparatus consists of a cork belt and an Inflatable vest fastened about the shoulders. The vest Is of rubbpr and Is about 24 Inches long by 10 Inches wide. It can be blown up by the wearer in a moment and Is so made that when in use the air feed pipe comes opposite the mouth. Ger man sailors said that any man who lost this article was liable to a fine of 13. ! California Orange Show, SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 17. South em California's annual orange and citrus products show opened here to day. Exhibits from various orange growing sections of California were entered in prize competitions. Thou sands of visitors wero expected here during the elBht days of the show. II II. D. (iray has gone to Portland upon a business trip. 8. V. Peterson, Milton attorney, la ' down on business today. Roy I'enland caine in this morning from his ranch near Helix. Mrs. E. Bralburn of Pilot Rock was at the Bowman yesterday. R. N. Adams wns here yesterday from his ranch near Stanfleld. W. If. Morrison, Helix grainman, (tine In yesterdiy from his home. L. W. Berry of Stanfleld Is among the west end residents in the city to day. R. R. Beckham of Athena Is am tne the out of town folks In the city today. J. B. Saylor ind R. G. Kaylor of Freewater are guests of the St George. Mr. and Mr. A. D. Bloomer of Pi lot Rock visited In the city yesterday and today. Cyril G. Brownell of Umatilla has teen here today on a brief trip, re turning home on train No. 17. H. N. Dryer and Arthur Means, prominent young business men of Umatilla, were at the Pendleton last night. They returned on No. 17 to day. Col. J. M. Bentley has returned from a vitiit In Portland and upon his return was accompanied by his dau ghter Mrs. Mabel Shove of Centralla who will visit here for a few weeks. Ralph B. McEwen, prominent yctng farmer of the Athena section, wa.' in the city yesterday on business. Ha purchased a n v combined har vester while here in anticipation of a big crop. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson, the for mer a prominent farmer near Helix have returned from an extended trip to Dallas, Pennsylvania. They were accompanied by their two daughters and on their return stopped at Cor-1 vallis where their sons are in school. MALOXEY IS ELECTED. (Continued from page one.) The morning session today was taken up with a discussion of the "teen age." Harry Ravis of Ferndale introduced the subject of "The Teen Age Boy,' bringing out the reasons why a boy should be In Sunday school the . reasons they are not and what should be done to get them there. He was followed by Frank Noble of Ir rigon. Miss Carrie Ferguson and Miss Jau nita Friedley, two Pendleton girls dis cussed "The Teen Age Girl," discuss ing the value of home training and the chief characteristics of the adoles cent girl. "The Value of Organization" was Introduced by Chandler Harper of Milton and the same subject was taken up by Ernest Crockatt of Pen dleton. Altogether, the contribution of the younger delegates to the con vention program was one of the most Interesting parts. PAWNBROKERS TAXED. (Continued from page one.) record of their transactions but this Is also required hy the city ordinance. No more than 3 per cent monthly Irierest can be .-barged. No limit is placed on the interest allowed on ncn-secured loans. No more than $300 can be let to any one individual, however, and interest cannot be col lected In advance. A section that will hit some pawn shops good and hard Is aimed to pre vent them from engaging In the sec oml hand business. All unredeemed pawns must be kept at least one year before they are s)ld. and then they cannot be sold at private aale. Every thing must be sold at public auction ura'er the auspices of a licensed auc tioneer, and the auction sales must b-3 adertised in tho newspapers In ad vance. All proceeds accruing from the auction sales nust be applied flrsU to satisfy the principal and the inter est of the loan together with the costs of the sale. Any surplus must go to thi person who would have been en titled to redeem the goods, If such person can be found. If not, then tho surplus goes o ihe county treas ury. The effect locally. It Is said, will p:obably be that the second hand merchants, who have been doing a pawnbroker business, win refuse to take articles In vwn but will buy them outright Then, If the seller wishes to get thm back, he must bu;- them at the Increased price. Society VNlllne at rittfburir. PITTSBURG. Fe'J. 16. Miss Hen rietta Thaw. , daughter of Benjnmln Thaw of New York and Pittsburg, was to become 'he bride of Lawrence Slade of New Tork, today, the cere mony taking place at Shadyslde, the. Thaw home here. 50 Men Entombed., Pa.. Frb. 17. Fifty nioii wore entombed an tho re sult of a gas explosion In tho Pros pc colliery of tho Ichlxh Valley OoaJ company. One body and nine Injur ed already have been removed. OR.RINE FOR DRINK HABIT So uniformly successful has ORRIXE keen in restoring the victims of tho "Drink Habit" into sober and useful Citizens, and so strong is our confidence its curativo powers, that we want to emphasize the fact that ORRINE is sold under this positive guarantee. If, after trial, you j;et no benefit, your money Will be refunded. OKKIXE costs only 1.00 per boi. Ask for Free Booklet. TA I.I.MAN DRUG COMPANY Just Received a Shipment OF . BJew Spring Coats and Suits Every garment strictly hand tailored, every attention given to details which is essential to all high grade, stylish wearing apparel. To know that voir are well dressed gives you a self satisfied feeling. We ask you to come in and see them, try them on and look them over carefully and then be your own judge. Coats priced from $15 to $35 Suits priced from $20 to $45 Uohienberg Department Sioro Better Goods for Less Money. We Give Fidelity Blue Trading Stamps (Continued from page two.) Mrs. Horace Mann and Mrs. George C. Baer and litt!e Horace Baer left yesterday for Ponland for a brief visit Mrs. Seth Catlln left today for her home In Portland after a visit of three weeks with her sister, Mrs. Clark E. Nelson. New Viceroy of Ireland. DUBLIN, Ireland, Feb. 17. Lord Wlmborne today succeeded the Earl of Aberdeen as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. The new viceroy is a cousin of Winston Churchill. WOOL FAMINE IS REALITY. (Continued from page one.) If competition is the life of trade, it certainly looks as If there would bo plenty of ltfe n the wool trade In the west this spring. Not only does Germany w.nt our wool, but dealers believe if hey can buy right there will be splendid opportunities to make money. Many manufacturers having had to pay uch round ad voices after th wool is in the deal ers' hands are preparing to operate In the west this jeA. Until the past two years, when the ucconsumed - wool was Inventoried January 1st, tharo was found to be practically enough wool in this coun try to run our mills for almost a year. This meant that wool was grown one year and consumed the juxt and lndlcatsd the need of the dei.lers or middlemen to carry the wool until consumptive demand arose. But with wool production decreasing all over the world, consumption has caught up with production and wool nv.'ft now move with as little delay as Is possible from the sheep's back to the human back. With the add4 war demand it ccr- t a inly looks as i; the Clothiers' asso ciation had shied the situation up cor-' rectly as shown In a copy of their! letter to Secretary Bryn, attached.! wnen tney state "an actual wool famine now eilsta. There re many contradictory re ports regarding the embargo, but re TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Call of the Waves The gambling scene in this film was taken at the celebrated Monte Carlo, where the greatest gambling coups of the century have taken place. 'TIiq irl end tho Spy' 3 COMEDY "Broken Doll" 10c ADMISSION gardless of whether it Is on or off. wcol can only come from abroad la limited amounts. In cur opinion the best market for the new clip will be a'.ter it Is shorn. The first ship load of foreign wool Is due to arrive on the 15th. Much Interest is being taken on values) which will prevail. NATIONAL WOOL WAREHOUSE 41 STORAGE COMPANY. Dr. James' Headache Powders re lieve at once 10 cents s package. Tou take a Dr. James' Headache Powder and in just a few moments your head clears and all neuralgia and distress vanishes. It's the quickest and surest relief for headache, whether dull, throbbing, splitting or nerre racking. Send someone to the drus; store and get a dime package now. Quit suffering it's so needless. B sure you get Dr. James' Ileadacne Powders then there will be no disap pointment Remember It is wise to get riJ quickly or ailments 'of the organs of diges tion of headache, languor, de pression of spirits the troubles lor which the best corrective is TV LtrpMf SaUtAmv IMnM in tXt Wmid. SW tTf.i. la ban, !Oe 25. ORS. WHIT1KER &. WOOD DENTISTS Mil&rkey Building 5c Ill MI n