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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1915)
EIGHT PAOES. DAILY EAST O'tEOOtfTAX. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. FEHRITARV 17, IftlS. PAGE TnRFE. D A O UMTOLYOOS This is a Friendly Tip! and listen to their claims and promises, but we advise you in the best of faith not to buy until you have seen us. IT COSTS NOTHING TO CONSULT US We are always pleased to figure with you and give you the benifit of our years of experience in the piano business whether you care to buy from us or not. in usrrsia s jM1S Dlvlno Sarah In Hottpllal. BORDEAUX, via Paris, Feb. 1". arah Jlernhurdt. after consulting a professor of the (acuity of medicine here, underwent an operation for an affection of the knee today ut the Hospital St. Augustine of Arctchon. Mme. Bernhardt haa been Buffer ing severely for many monthii and It la believed that the operation will effect a cure. HOW SHE ENDED TEII YEARS OF SKIN-TORTURE Oct 2, 1914 : "I had eczema on my fare for ten years. Little red pimples formed in a aniall Fjot on my chin and tbca spread all over my face. They itched and burned nu awfully. It was certainly cmbarrasHing to me, and I would not go aniunpt people. I trld almost every remedy and treatment that could he used for tills trouble, but nothing did mu any good. I used Res inol Ointment and Kminol Soap, and vii relieved in a day or two. In one month I Mil cured. TliW vat lix month! ago and the trouble ha never returned.1 (Signed) Mrs. C. C. Rob erta, Weatlierford, Okla. The Resinol treatment speedily, heals eetcma, rashes, ringworm, an!" other eruptions, and cleara away disfiguring pimples and blackheads, even when other treatments prove worse than use less. Doctors have prcscrilcd Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap for eigh teen years, and all druggists tell them. Stories From the War Zone iMiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitimmiiiiiiiv F. E. Van Dusen General Contractor and E SujK'rinfcnJent, s PENDLETON, OREGON. riiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuiB California Expositions rr.xnurrov to Sixn IVani-isco and Bet urn 135.20 Nan IHcgn and return $57.20 via OltKliOX-WASHIXC.TOX RAILROAD & XAVKiATIOX CO. And Connection. IJboral Stopover Privilege For full Information, tickets, etc. ask T. F. O'lUUEX. Agent, Pcndloum. it. ni nxs, i). f. a v. a., YVaUa Walla. BT WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD, (United Press Ptaff Correspondent.) CAM IS. Feb. 1. (By Mall to New York.) The Canadluns are ready for the trenches. They are camped, In part, near a little luke In France and they are finding that the weather of thut coun try In far more comfortable than the ruins and mud of England. .Salishurj was us wet an the trenches. The pan- st-tigera who tries to alight from a train ut the little railroad station of the town near which the Canndiann are tenting will be put back on the name truln by a Cunadian Tommy and sent ii his way. The Tommy's explana tion will be. "You've got to beat It, because It's orders." The Kngllsh officers and soldiers never cease In their wonderment over the Canadian brothers. In London It was the Canadian chop suey craze that puzzled the English. There's only one chop suey restaurant in Lon don und It caters almost entirely to Chinese students; the English have never discovered the beauties of chop suey. Hut there is scarcely a town In Canada that does not boast of Its chop suey rehtaurants and It was only nat ural for the Canadluns to seek out a chop huey place In London. The found it at I'lcadllly Circus anJ there after the Chinese students were crowded out by Canadian soldiers and omcers. KngUsh officers who were coaxed Into trying chop sued din ners with their Canadlun brothers nly said, "most extraordinary"' and declined to eat Soon the fame ot the Canadians as chop suey eaters spread throughout the British army and the general military comment wus, "most remarkable fellows!" But. if the English were surprised at the chop suey hunger In London, they are now oven more surprised at the foot ball game which the Canadi ans play on the banks of their little lake in France. It's the American game of push and gouge and the Eng lish officers look in bewilderment as two Canadian elevens struggle through the mud toward the goals. The Eng lish game of "soccer," which Is only a kicking game or of Ruby, which Is made up entirely of open play are so entirely different from the Am ericas form of the hame. as played by Canadians that the English soldiers declare that the Canadians have no right to call their game "football." Which doesn't seem to bother the Ca nadluns In the least for two or thres games of "football" are going on al most every afternoon In the camp. Though the lake near the camp i small, the members of various row ing clubs in Canada have found old row boats In which they keep up their dully practice. Try to Hold up Saloon. CHICAGO. Feb. 16 Three men were shot early today in a running fight between police and automobile bandits, following an attempt to hold up a west Van Buren street saloon. Cne man will die. An automobile (laj-hed up to Puccettl's saloon and three mc n entered. After a fight they forced the bartended Into the Icebox and seriously wounded the poru-r. Policeman Hognn reached the saloon at this Juncture and opened fire as the robbers made a dash for their ma. chine. One bandit, Thomas Ford, dropped from the running board as the car sped. He died. When the bartended was liberated he was found to be wounded In the temple. Cold Arc Oftrn Most STioua Stop po4blo Complications. The disregard of a cold has often brought many a regret. The fact of sneezing, coughing, or a fever should be warning enough that your system needs Immediate attention. Certainly loss of deep Is most serious. It La a warning given by Nature. It Is man's duty to himself to assist by doing his part. Dr. King's New Dls covery la based on a scientific analy sis of colds. SOc at your druggist. Buy a bottle today. Adv. J vj A GOLF BECOMING POPULAR GAME IN PENDLETON 40 ACHE TRACT IS KIXTKED BY LOCAL KXTIM'SIASTS PLAY DAILY. Golf la now an established institu tion of Pendleton. The field sport and recreation, whose popularity ha spread over the country In great waves during the past few year until now it is recognized as having almost as many enthusiasts as baseball, haa been taken up seriously In this city and Indications are that It will remain a Joy to youth, a boon to old age and a source of revenue for the small boys. A year ago a few who had tasted of the pleasures of golf grouped them selves together, secured a 40 acre tract of land at the northwestern city limits and made a golf course. Now with spring hardly arrived yet, manj others are getting outfits together and every afternoon that the weather per mlu sees a half dozen or more clout ing the little w hlte balls over the nine hole course while on Sundays a verit able swarm of golfers cover the links. The links lie Just at the city limits, the start around the course being made Just at the ede of Irvlngton Heights. Lying thus done In, they are In easy walking distance. The lay of the land .n ikes It unusually Rood for a golfing course and a. little more work will give the local club swingers a course as good as has any small city In the country. The sage- bruch has been cut down along the lourses but tha g.i'U percha balls have a way of straying sunk-times from the beaten paths and there are still big clumps of sagebrush and Plenty of badger holes among which the balls may hide and trv out the r-atience and vocabulary of the man with the club. It is the Intention of the golfers to do some more work to the piece of ground and there are plans, hardly more than Ideas as yet of buying the course and putting up a club house upon It. not many until regular races will be run under the training shed and oval the cross country courses. S!OI(T IKll'K. 4 STAR ATHLETE WILL RETURN TO UNIVERSITY KoctlialA Give iyture. PRINCETON, N. J . Feb. II. Col onel George W. Goethals, governor of the Panama canal cone .dellevred his first address here as a "Stafford Le,c tcrer" at Princeton. He spoke chief Iv on the forms of government which brve been in operation on the canal rore and described the present sya t-m as unique and differing from ;.ry established method of adminis tration." Regarding the difficulty experi enced with slides, Colonel Goethals believed there was no remedy except In digging. "The present settling will contln i'c." he said, "until the material Is entirely removed. The only course to bo pursued Is to deepen the channel as It is filled from the slide." "JIOSK- PAYXE Or ATHEXA WILL BE BACK T l OF O. THIS SEASON. BY HAL SHERIDAN. (Written for the United Pretw.) NEW YORK, Feb. 17. Hew many more times does Freddie Welsh, the Prltlsh holder of the lightweight title, have to be licked by American aspir ants before he loses his crown? Easy. Just as many more times as the pub lic will shove its ducats through the box-office window to watch ten round no-declslon affairs. L'p to date the Englishman has been whipped, in the opinion of the ex Peru, by four American contenders for his title. Yet the crown still rests with him. Charley White walloped him in Milwaukee, Joe Shugrue has beaten him. Jimmy Duffy outpointed him in Buffalo and Johnny Griffiths outfought him in Akron. O. And there is a strong suspicion in many Quarters that there are two or three more Yankee battlers who could give him the gate particularly Willie Rit chie, whom he uncrowned and whom he is matched to fight next month, and Johnny Dundee. Welch has now been a champion almost a year. And he never has fought a decision fight since he won the title. He has fought plenty of battles, but he and his manager, H. Connolly Pol luck, are shying away from any dist ance Jaunts where a decision Is In volved. Why? Is It because they know the Welch man is not a real champion? Jack Dillon, th Indianapolis "man killer,'' should be in line for several more good bouts In the east. His last appearance was against Porky Flynn In Brooklyn and he fully dem onstrated that he Is entitled to the voracious names he has had conferred on him. Dillon hasn't been very pop ular In these parts for some years. It was all due to a rotten show he put on here with Frank Klaus, but it Is almost forgotten, now and loud was the praise of the Hoosler battler fol lowing the Flynn battle. Dan McKetrick is making much out of the fact that his man. Young Ahe am, was awarded a popular decision over the Indiana boxer In a six round Joust in Philadelphia. He Is using It In his publicity propaganda freely. Fill iiiiuiififiiiiitfnrTiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiMiittiiif iiiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiintif Minn uiiir COFFEE SALE... this week only at ALEXANDERS Pendleton's Biggest and Best Dept. Store One Week Only I'NIVERPITY OH OREGON. Eu gene. Feb. 17. "Mose" Payne will re turn tn mlloPA Thl nrnrA vam h.h t r . . v.l rneroe has opened negotiations with a Klamath Is After Plant. KLAMATH FALLS. Ore., Feb. IS. The Klamath chamber of com- U lAneUmaUtm lMwh-we.r. out onr .trenh-wom, A N tnhborn ti eri out joiir strength wornn too with ruin drag, on your vitality deureuMjonr aiiod alloc u your aMl lb I Tlnft't kl il k Dnn'l "1t nP rnn' "v",no1' FOLEY ISOUloayoai IOH I mm UOu KIDNEY PILLS I For thev work directly on tfcs k idnr tone up and Unogthm them t the perfect artioo that keep uric acid ouiof the blood, and cloartaway tbseanse of rtteumUsui, lumbago and stiff swollen arli. tig jiiiuv. iwMiiuHiiDanntQi diutfi Aocepl no sabkUtate. M 1 I o Kidneu Pills Far ijf nW BLADDER SOLD EVERYWHERE BEDDOIV FILLER Pendleton's Only Exclusive Plumbers When wo say exclusive, wo don't inenn that our shop is a department store, or that we have several branches to divide our attention, but we do mean that wo know tlie plumbing and heat ing business in all ita branches, and give it our undivided attention. In other words wo aro not a "cure-all," but are specialists at the plumbing and heating business. Our motto; "Not how long-it. hikes to get to a job, but how quick we can get awav from n job." Phone 202 Glenn Dudley, fnjiirrd member of the Ongon basketball rquad, returned after visiting at h's home at Athena. P.iyne. who livos In the same town. told the elongat ' varsity center that he would be in Eug.-ne the latter part of the week, thereby dispelling doubts about his re-ent'rmg Oregon after his withdrawal early In the fall. BUI Haywnrd wore a broad smile. The veteran coarh has ample material In all events anl with the return of the star dlstanco man he figures the varsity regiment Is sufficiently "cov ercd" in all razes. Great Ray Prcdk-totl. While talking tn his men the other de: Bill said: "If Payne ret'ttns to college this spring followers oi track athletics In the northwest -ire going to see the greatest two mile races ever run In this section when Hopgood. the Ag gies' star, and P.i'Me meet. They are evenly matched and it Is a toss up as to who will win." Incidentally. .1 the little Athena athlete should "merge a winner over the Aggies best btt, an ambition which has been i-.ursed since their last roce, when "Hobby" won, will be real Izid. 'Tayne's one ambition Is to beat Stewart's star.' said Hayward. Not to He Overworked. With Hugging Langley and pos siliy Nelson, wh i may be shifted fmm the 8S0-yirl tv the longer dls tunce. Couch Haywnrd will be enabled to confine Tayna to the two mile race and In this m inner strengthen him for the more severe test. Last year Payne was burdened with both "long winded" runs tnd as the events were unusually close together, he was wenkened for ono while winning the other. As It now looks, he should be! at his best in the lone race. Kinks In the mt-scles. sore Joints, "bock shins" and "charley horses" are fast disappearing under the pre season workouts the weeks are tencern which Is seeking to establish sugar beet factories In southern Ore gon. It is said tha the concern re quires a large acreage to be planted to beets before it will undertake to e-ect a factory. The members of the Russian anl Bohemii n colonic In Klamath county s:r anxious to undertake beet culture If a factory is located here. The su gar beet has leen grown with com plete success In this county and Sev ern! efforts heretofore have been THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR 10c. to 50c ir PRCSCNTCO AT GROCERS FEBRUARY 15th tJ 20tb, 1915 FOLGEB'S eET COFFEE fUnUr Special m! price rtii price riUi coupoa t it Tina .45 .35 2 " ' .85 .65 2 " 1.00 .75 6 " " 2.00 1.60 Craccn will collect I tic Vfomcc from m ENTER VOUR ORDER BELOW ! l lit fcn tf i 45c Quality WE REDEEM THEM Kins' to . ' daEvarya Clip Out and bring in the above Coupon We want to demonstrate to you the difference between good coffee and cheap coffee BROOM COMPANY AT ADAMS HAS DOUBLED OUTPUT FARMERS URGED TO RAISE nuooM conx is ouder to SI PPLY COMPAN Y. INDIGESTION, GAS OR SICK, SOUR STOMACH made to Interest th.s section. manufacturers In Stop Tlutt Condi Sow. When you cntch cold, or begin to cough, the first thing to do Is to take Dr. Bell's Flne-Tar-Honey. it pene trates the linings of the throat and lungs and fights the germs of the dis ease, giving quick relief and natural healing. "Our whole family depends on Pine-Tar-Honey for Coughs ard Colds." writes Mrs. E. Williams. Hamilton, Ohio. It always helps. 2Sc at your druggist. Adv. Pythian Hanks (i rowing. A LB A NT, Ore., Feb. 15. One nun drd and eight men will receive the first rang in the order of Knights of Tythlas at Pendleton Monday. Other Oregon lodges will confer the first rank on classes this week as fol lows: Albany 25. Aurora 12. Indepen dence 10. St. Johns 11. Pallas 9. As torln s. Brownsville T, Sclo S. Grants Tnss 7, Calanthe Lodge of Portland 5. Weston 4. Ashland i. Silverton 4. These lodges x have reported these classes to Orand Keeper of Records nnd Seal Ptinson. and scores of other lodges which have not yet reported will have classes for the rank of page at the unniversary celebration meeting. IF J M Smokers of Turkish Trophies Cigarette fifteen years ago ars smokers of Turkish Trophies Cigarette today 1 Hindus Offer British Aid. VICTORIA. B. C, Feb. 13. A Urge number of Hindus who have j-con service with '.'.'e British army In India nnd China and who, since their discharge, have fo :nd their way to Viitorla, are orgmlzlng a company. ADAMS, Ore., Feb. 16. The Adamg Proom company ha nearly doubled it.T output of 1913-14. The members of the firm are encouraged to double their acreage of broom corn the com ing season. They have seed carefully scltcted, well curc-d and acclimated to plant forty a-'res They will not need more thin vne-fourth and so could spare some. It should bring eight cents per j ound. Last year the Adams Broom company matured and hsrvested a crop on summer fallow by September 15. In the vicinity of Adams It has been successfully cul tivated for three cars in succession. If the Adams Broom company cotld have a too contract of 100 acres for five years It would be able to enlarge its olant and furnish em ployment for many hands. This could be done without interfering with the wheat culture and Increase our home market. j However, if . ny one In Umatilla county will proviso to plant an acre or more and cultivate and cure ltj properly and give the Adams Broom ccmpany the fir3t option on the crop they will furnish the seed free and buy the broom S'nw at market rates. P can be grown with advantage to the succeeding wheat crop on that grows too rank. Help home .ndustry by buying an Adams broom for sale by the Peo ples Warehouse and Alexander de partment store a:id Mllnes Grocery. TIME TAPE'S DIAPEPSIXr FIVE MIXUTES ALL STOM ACH MISERY CONE. IX "Really does" put bad stomachs In order "really does" overcome Indi gestion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness in five mlnutes that Juat that makes Pape's D la pepsin tha lagest selling stomach regulator In the world. If what you eat fermenU Into stubborn lumps, you belch fas and eructate sour, undigested food and acid; head la dizzy and aches; breath foul; tongue coated; your In sidea filled with bile and Indigestible waste, remember the moment "Pape'a Dlapepsin" somes In contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly astonishing almost marvel ous, and the Joy Is Its harmlessnesa. A large fifty-cent case of Pape'a Diapepsln wiy give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back. It'a worth Its weight In gold to men snd women who can't get their stom achs regulated It belongs In your home should always be kept handy In case of a sick, sour, upset stomach during the day or at night. It's tha quickest, surest and most harmleaa stomach doctor In the world. Potato lYuit. Court Says. OLYMFIA, Wash.. Feb. 17. Th" state supreme court decided In the case of the Los Angeles Berry-Growers' association versus state horticul- ; turist Huntley, that the latter had i jurisdiction over potatoes.. a shipment of which from California he comlemn : ed because they were diseased, j The point ut Issue was whether pot- n tA n V. . .r f l 1 1 11 w 1 i.e. ..I . . ... Already they have asked to Join the The gupreme com ru,oJ thy The same request has been made of Major-General H'ighes. the min ister of militia, by East Indians ot Vancouver. The crlental ex-soldlors are exceedingly enthusiastic. Ttvej are following the course of the wat with close nttentloi and are eager to Ret to the front. Juniper with his family where h land! ''a8 leased 12S0 acres and bought th ouini irom Mr. smitn. Elmer Pell is moving his family to South Cold Springs to his ranch which he bought from Mr. Furnish.. Mr. Jacobson is visiting his son-in-law at Juniper. ; The farmer tr? starting summer fallowing. Mr. and Mrs. F.nbvsk were at HolJ nan isitlr.g their daughter, Mrs. Wairaan. Sunday. The fall wht is looking nice. There will be little reseeding to do In this neighborhood. are. Pntionoo I KowanM. KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Feb. 17. After 12 years ot waiting. Paul and Will Lambert havo been Issued pat ents on ,160 acre tracts on Clover creek, which thoy hmesteaded. The two brothers settled on the lands, which contain fine timber, in 1903 Before they were there long enough to make final rroof. the lands were withdrawn from entry and Included ' running's plae. w ithin the limits of the Crater nation-. pi od time, al forest. F.lno Wetersun j FIXX DISTRICT NEWS. (Special Correspondence.) ADAMS, Ore.. Feb. 15. Last Frl da afternoon nn extemporaneous program was given by the school children, celebrating Lincoln's birth day At the cUw f the program the Valentine box, consulting of home made valentines, wes opened and en J ed by all. Saturday evening the young peo ple of this nelghorhood went down to Missouri Canyon to a party at Mr. Everyone had a has moved to IBM mm r mil are alicays aggravated duing damp, changeable weather and ordinary treatments are often useless. Such conditions need the oil-food in Scott's Emulsion to redure the injurious acids and strengthen the organs to expel them. Scoff's EmuUion. with careful diet for one month, often relieve tha iame muncRs ana stiffened joints and subdues the sharp, unbearable pains when other remedies have failed. M)NO ALCOHOL IN BCOTTS.