- ' - , ... .. . . PAGE FIVE ETOIIT PAGES. DAILY EAST OKEOONTAN'. PETLETON", OKEflON, TITKSDAV. FKnHI'AUV C, 191.1. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllinillElllllllilllllliMl I Our Big Special For s s a 2 ac The Lenten Season Freeh Salman Fresh Catfish Frotth (MamH Deep Sea Crabs Eastern Oysters Ehrimpi Shrimp Heat "J s 3 SPECIAL FRESH HALIBUT 2 Pounds Our Fruit and Vegetable Department. Oranges Lemons Bananas Apple Pineapples Cranl?rries Fresh Ranch Eggs 35c Dozen I Service Quality ( Tlio Oontral Mot ( Phone 33 iiiuiiuuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiS KI6H SCHOOL ATHLETES ARE GEniKS INTO FIXE FORM ALL OK SPItlXG niUNGS OUT BOYS TO TttAlX FOK COM- ma kiasox. With th call of spring many of tre high school athletes are now ret ting out In their track suits, and tak ing prolonged hikes acroaa neighbor irg hilU. The track behind tha school building Is In constant use dur ing the evening hours after school for the purpose of polo vaulting, jumping, hurdling and weight throwing. Arnold VlnnU, the prominent hlgb school mller, has Wen getting out for awns time and 1 already In excellent lie' ' .. ji "AShlnotn Entry Drop" Ct a sen t4ay frees year lierdwsce ec are cry stealer. P5 sT 1 113' dl! A complete assortment of Flower and Garden Seeds Buy your supply while they are all here A. L. Solid Pack Tomatoes, dozen $1.25 P. S. No. 2 1-2 Sliced Pineapple, 5 tins 90 I Sweet Corn, standard size, special pifck, dozen 9125 Fxtra Special Peas, dozen ; $1.25 2 1-2 Standard Tomatoes, dozen $1.20 Frankfurt Sausages, dozen 25f Kipjored Salmon, Fresh ... 10 to 20 Sehftcd Bacon, pound .. 2G Quaker Oats, large size, package 25 Corn Puffs, package - - 10 (Junker Corn Meal, 2 packages 25 Bulk Oat, choice oats, no wheat, 10 pound bulk 40f THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY it Phone 476. Next Door to Quelle Cafe, 623 Main. Begins Tomorrow Kippered Salmon Kippered Black Cod Kippered Herring flalt . Mackerel 15riek Codfish Golden Bloaters' Smoked Salmon Carrots Turnips Parsnips Celery Caluiflower Lettuce. Sanitation 1 shape. It U his great hope to bring home the eastern Oregon medal for his school this year, and there will probably be excellent chances for his winning. There will be a rreater number of men this year for the athletic field tfian ever before In the history of the high school, and It is thought by Cru.cn Livingston that among the great amount of material there will prob ably be a great deal of efficient tal ent that has not been manifest yet In the high school athletics. Besides the new material, most of the old track men are still In the school, and with the advantage of their experience and the new talent which will be In practice thla year It Is highly probable that the local high school will one more bring home the eastern Oregon champion ihlp as they did last year. Dance at German II all. Social dance at German hall Sat urday evening, February I Oth. Good mvslc and refreshments served. Cor dial Invitation extended all. Adv. Farm for Sole. 220 acres of good wheat land in center of Grand Ronde valley, 8 miles northeast of La Grande. Never falls to yield good crop. Land In same vicinity has sold at $100 and more per acre. Will sell a: $90.00 per acre, some cash neceasiry and terms on balance. For furl'.ier information write J. R. Oliver ut La Grande, Ore Con. Adv. I locals (Sb Advertising in Brief KATK8. fur lln flrt loMrtloo 1 Ptr Mo. sddltlooal loMrtloa....6e fit Mil. per noatb 11.00 No local Ukeo for less thsa -be Coout 0 ordinary word to Hd. Local will mot be takn ever the phoot and rtmltUoc Boat eeoo piny ordaf Bui) pup for sale. Phone t. Sleeping room. Phone 21(M. Phone I. C Snyder, chimney sweep. Whipple, plan) tuner. Phone 228K. For rent 6 room house. Inquire 208 W. Webb street. Vhree modern furnished housekeep in rooms. 803 B K. R. street. Fashionable dressmaking, Apt. 8, Opera House Apts. Phone 38IM. For sale Qood dry wood. 110 Thomps" . street, or phone 17$. WanteJ Good, clean rags at the Eaat Oregonlan office. Lewis Murray of Adams was here yesterday evening on a buitlneK trip Five room house for sale on north side. Corner lot Improved. Address "W" this office. Uklah Pilot Rock Auto Stage starts May 1st. F. T. Chamberlain, proprietor. Cows! Cows! Cows! Thirty head fresh milch cows for sale- Enquire Grltman Bros. John Rosenberg, watchmaker and jeweler. Court and Cottonwood. All work guaranteed. Don't fall to attend the big dance Wednesday even in if, February 17th, at the Eagle-Woodmen hall. For sale Two modern cottages lo cated on east Court street, seven blocks from Mtln street Inquire of Walters' mill. Old papers for sale; tied in bundles. Good for starting fires, etc. lOo a bundlJ. This office. Wanted Children to care for after noons and evening Charges reason (He. Mrs. Ray Keag'es, 314 Cosble. Woman cook wants work on car or ranch for men. Address Mrs Tlmblin, Box 81, L'natllla, Oregon. "I Should Worr" dance, Eagle- Woodman hall, Wednesday, February 17. Refreshments. Help home lnd-uury by buying an Adfms broom at the Peoples Ware house or Milne's Grocery. For wle Plavf p piano almost new for sale at a barxuln if taken at o.ice. Phone lltW. Wanted, to buy Five Buff Orplng ton cockerels; also Incubator setting. cf same breed. Address James Hill Helix, Ore, - Expert hair dressing, manicuring, shampooing, scalp treatment. Miss Hf.rt, with Hansen's Millinery, 821 Meln street Phone 322. Wanted Tou to .have your glassei fitted by Pule Roihwell. the exclu sive optician, American National Hi nk Building. Several small farms on Umatilla river particularly adapted to hoga, dairy or poultry, $780 cash, balance on, or before 10 years. 7 1-1 per cent See Berkeley. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff" shows tha speed. Penland Bros, haul snythlng and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse. Office (47 Main street Phone 331. The Alta House and Barn. Head quarters for farmers and stockmen. Call and see us. Stephenson & Eng lar, proprietors. Phone 447. 702 East Alta street. l:iack Minorca regs for hatching. 15 ggs, $2.00; 45 eggs. $5.00; 100 eggs, $10.00. All infertile eggs re placed. L, Boyd, iOl E. Court, Fen ii ten. "I Should Worry' dance, Eagle- Woodman hall, Wednesday, February 1 7. Refreshments. For sale Standard Holt combine harvester, 20 foot cut, 28 inch cyl inder and hitch, all In good shape. Price $1100 F. O. B. Condon, Oregon. Will consider approved note payable October 1, 1915. Also have all kinds of farming implements for sale cheap. Address W. I. Ebbert, Con don, Ore. WANTED By tit j OREGON NUR SERY COM PANT, Orenco. Oregon The LARGEST anl BEST Nursery in t).e Northwest Two more HUSTLING SALESMEN. Experience unneces rary. We teach you how to do It COMPLETE OUTFIT furnished. Write NOW. HURRY. Alfalfa Hay for Sale. - Farmers north of Pendleton on the O.-W. R. A N. and the Northern Pa cific railroad, I can furnish you choice alfalfa hay, cheap freight, quick delivery." E. C. Burllngame, Farmer. Walla Walla. Wash. Adv. Wheat Fnrni for Sale. 320 acree, 870 under cultivation, all fenced and cross fenced, 2 sets of old buildings, 3 miles northeast of Van sycle station, west 1-2 of section 27 In Tp N.. R. S3 E. W. M. Price $8500. Terms. For further particu lars write A. H., ;:tre East Oregonlan. Adv. For Sal Very llasonable. Modern seven room house and sev en room house nnd seven lots, about 14 blocks from town one block from pisved streets. Suitable for chicken raising and gardening. Inquire "Mrs. C A." this offloo. Adv. Iit on Nort.l Side for Snlo. Two lots, one corner, between Jack sen and Washington on Terklns. No grading, no retaining walls needed, will etrlke no rock In excavating. Phone 384U evenings or call after 4.30 p. m. D. C. Brown, owner .Adv. Notloc. Dance In the Moore Hull, Thursday evening, February ISth, given under the ausnices of Iho Pendleton LodKe No. 7S9. I O. O. M. Kveryono Invlt-j ed. Admission, 50c. Adv, ' PEB1 llllll Glen E. Scott Is In from his ranch north of the city. Marshal Henry of Adams was In the city last evening A. L.. Myrlck of Adams was down from his home list evening. W. H. Oault of Pilot Rock, was at the St Oeorg; last evening. Jay Williams and Walluce Hunt of Walla Walla were visitors In the city. Paul Clarke if Albee was among lhe south-end residents here yester day. Hupt. W. W. IJollon of the O.-W R. A N., Is a vliitor In the city to day. E. B. Wood, ch'ef special agent of the O.-W. R, It ., was In the city over night. Fred Martin waj down yesterday from the Dixie tanth In the south end of the county. E I. HoddcI. traveling freight agent of the Northern Pacific, was at the Pendleton last night C. W. Steen and J. D. McKnlght of Milton, were here last evening to fct tend the K. of P. Initiation. Pert Klrby. prominent Adams mer chant, was here jt evening to at tend the K. of P. meeting. D. C. Brownell returned last even ing to his home In Umatilla after spending several days here. C. E. Roosevelt returned this morn- Inr from Walla Walla where yester day he attended :he funeral of his wife's mother. George Ferguson, former well Known local salesmrn but now a far rrer on Weston mountain, was an over-night visitor In Pendleton. Rev. E. W. Warrington of Freewa tcr, formerly of Pilot Rock, passed through Pendleton this morning for Echo to attend th Sunday school convention. Harry D. Gray Pnd Paul Flnnell two of the Pendlelor.lans who attend ed the charity maique ball in Walla Walla last even'ns. returned this morning on the local. (Continued from page two. Following the l;:t meeting of one of the dancing c'asses last evening Miss Hester Proctor entertained the members In a oelichtfully informal vay at her home. Besides her par ents Mr. and Mm. A. Phimlster Proc tor, and Miss Effle Jean Frailer, the following members of the dancing clr.ss were her guests: Misses Muriel Sallng, Muriel Pevinger, Jean Reber, Madeline BurgJM. Helen Raymond. Thelma Thompson. Mildred Flnnell Catherine Thompson, Esther Shea. Olea La Fontaine. Claudlne McMon ct, Gladys Lane ard O'Connell and thn Messrs. James Bowler, Henry Ji.dd. Donald Robinson, Merton Mcore. Clarence Bean, Frank Dick son. Joe Colesworthy. Wesley Hassell, Harry Dyche. Ned Fowler, Wesley Mims and J. H. Merryman. Rev. J. E. Snyder and two sons and diiiBhter will arrive this evening from Portland to take up their resl dorce. Rev. Snyd-r being the new nlnlster of the First Presbyterian church. They w:li be entertained at tl e home of Judge and Mrs. J. W. M.iioney until the'.r household goods arrive from Portland when they will move Into the Charles Rhlnehart dwelling on East Court. I menu Safo Combination. E. W. Sheldon, houseman at the Hotel Pendleton, has a very novel little invention that Is attracting at tention. He has devised a safe com bination which works In such man ner the use of ' knob on the safe Is dispensed with. Mr. Sheldon has con structed a small safe out of hardwood and brass and tne model serves to il lustrate the principle. He Is also working on an Invention under which he can manipulate the bolts of a safe by the same arrangement. Cabinet Blftit- Situation. WASHINGTON. Feb. !. All in ternational complications with which the United State Is now confronted i-fifiNMprA1 hv the nresldent nnd his cabinet today. Aryan was pres-j cut ana he suommea to me presiucm the text of the second reply from Great Britain regarding the shipping protest of the United Staes. Extend. cl negotiations over the mater Is ex pected to continue. The cabinet gave particular sttentlon to the note pre sented by von Bernstorff in which the offer was wade In hehalf of Germany to abandon plans of an attack on Brit ish merchantmen if England would remove restrictions on food ship ments to German '. It w-as feared bore that the prospect for relieving the strained situation resulting from this controversy was dim. Cement filling frr the decayed teeth of war horses is now a recognised munition of war and the new profes sion of horse dentltt is open to am bitious young men. ni:i,;i kino goi-s OVER LINES IN PLANK AMSTERDAM. Feb. 16. A dispatch received snld that King Albert of Belgium reconnoltered for an hour over the mnln line of German trenches In u Pel lian aeroplane last Saturday. Ho was always under tire. The neroplane dropped low so ns to get nn accurnte lino on the Her man trenches. KEWS OF FARM Au'D RANGE .MiiIp Salo Fell. 21 A. Wade, a prominent reslden'. if Wallowa coun ty, was here yeaierday arranging for th.4 sale of a carload of mules on February 24. The mules are of good grade and are lo be sold at a public sale at the Oregon Feed Yard In this city. Mr. Wade is a resident of En tei prise and says the snowfall in Wallowa county has hern lens than usual this winter hut that there is no lack of moisture there. I'tonnm Holding Wwat Checking up the wheat ;n the warehouse at Walla Walla re vet to that about 25 per cent of the crop remains In the hai:ds of the farmers, and that there b Mill some good sized lots In the warehouses. Among those yet unsold are Thorn- 4! Martin, 25,000 bushels; George Struthers, 30,009 bushels; Lyons, J0, 000; Welch and Harvey, 30,000; Dan Donovan, 20 000; Joe Harvey, 26,000 see Milton Man Trades A transfer In real estate was reported this week bj L. Couch, real -state dealer of Wal k wa. In which J. M. Chapman ex changed his ranch on Bear creek for en acreage tract near Milton belong ing to Boyd Johnson. Mr. Chapman is a pioneer in the Wallowa valley, having resided upon his place here for 20 years. He In tends to devote his time In his new home to raising fiuit and garden and to the poultry fuilness. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman will leave In a short time for Milton. They have a Urge circle of friends here who regret to see them leave nere. Mr. Johnson will convert his new piuce here Into a stock ranch. He formerly lived In Lower Valley but has spent the past few years at Mil ton Wallowa Sun. Buying Horse and Mules Marks er.t Gllmore of the South Omaha hcrse market cane In Tuesday and will be In Wallowa county for the next week or ten Cays buying horses r nd mules. They mlde a trip to Los tlne in the afternoon to look at some mules. They ara well pleased with the class of animals that they have seen, and will probably buy several carloads. The luyers want horses weighing from 1200 pounda up, and mules measuring from 15 hands up Wallowa Sun. Win! Market Sirongrr The wheat market is a little stronger today, lo cal quotations for club being as high as $1 45. Tarm Land Is Sold A deed filed jesterday records the sale of eighty certs of farm land between Adams I r.d Eastland by T. A. Lieuallen to W. Scott Bannister for $9000 or $112.50 an acre. Ben F. Marlln of Meacham yeterday bought cf George F. Boox er 80 acres of timber land near Mea cham for $320. Kaiser Would be Friendly. THE HAGUE. Feb. 16 The Kals er Is Irritated at the growth of feel ing against Americans In Berlin. He let the capital know he strongly dis approved of some of the angry com ments of the newspapers. As a re- suit th nress is more restrained In discussing the American note regard- ln the extension of the war xone. Semi-official confirmation has been received to the report that Ambassa dor Gerard has been invited by tne emperor to confer with him on the eastern battlefront. Gerard has ac cepted. He will accompany Chancel lor Von Bethmann-Holwegg. ""Everybody's doing it FLAY AUTOMATIC ALL The game that is setting the entire country crazy. It takes you back to "kid days" again, besides its fascinating, exciting and healthful exer cise. Only 5c Game Hegulation hats and balls but "Oil you pitcher." NOW OPEN 818 Main St. I C. U X XKU PICT Kl ISO N", Proprietor. IP) 1 Just Received a Shipment OF New Spring Coats and Suits Every garment strictly hand tailored, every attention given to details which is essential to all high grade, stylish wearing apparel. To know that you are well dressed gives you a self satisfied feeling. We ask you to come in and see them, try them on and look them over carefully and then be your own judge. Coats priced from $1 5 to $35 Suits priced from $20 to $45 Wolilcnborg Department Storo Better Goods for Less Money. We Give Fidelity Blue Trading Stamps ORIGINAL OF EOKA FERBER STORIES VISITS FEKDLETON FMMA M CUKSNET IX FICTIOV IS MADAM FARI8SEE IX REAL LIFE. Maxy readers of Pendleon are ac qualnted with Emma McChesney, the energetic and level-headed traveling saleswomanKho has been tne heroine of many charming rtoriea from the p?n of Edna Ferber and these read ers will be Interested to know that the original of Mian Ferber'a character was a visitor In Fendleton last week Ebe is Madame Fatissee, traveling representative Of the Goasard corset company, and Ust Friday ahe paid on of her regular visits to the Peo ples Warehona. Madame FariMe Is an Intimate of Miss Ferber and the talented au thoress found In tie experiences of this traveling; saleswoman much ma terial for her McChesney stories. For IrMance the story of Mrs. McChea ney's detention at a South American cuitoms house was a'most exactly the experience of Madame Farissee In Australia. Friends of Madame Farissee, who are also acquainted with Miss Fer rer's creation, profess to see much similarity between the real traveling si V woman and the traveling sales woman of fiction. While here Mad WIFE! LISTEN! Is Your Husband Liberal With You in Money Matters? Do You Dislike Asking Him for Money? TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Call of the Waves The gambling scene in this film was taken at the celebrated Monte Carlo, where the greatest gambling coups of the century have taken place. 'The lirl end flic COMEDY "Broken Doll" 10c ADMISSION ame Farissee. took delight In talking ttout Miss Ferber whom ahe regard as an extraordinary woman.. "She enjoys the distinction," aalo) the madame, "of never having; had a manuscript returned." There is nothing more pathetlcc arout the last rose of summer thai there la about the last chunk of win ter coaL BE HONEST With Yourself A Tou cannot afford to be care m less or indifferent to the con- diUon of the Stomach. Liver Ja and Bowels. Watch them sj and at the first sign of aT sT weakness, try HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters DBS. VYH1TAXER & WOOD DENTISTS Milarkey Building 5c