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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1915)
VAGK SIX. DAILY EAST OREOONTAN", PEyDLKTOyOREOON'. I-KTOAV, FEHKITARV 1-2, lfllfi. EIGnT 1AGES. 'XS1L lUIUIHitHII UT01 'I ROAD 1DL 3D .. J" S v1 S X jt x f J7 ly The 7 is P f fresh v.r.A f V r. .!- Golden West Coffee a a N a purest and best for the least packed daily and is always and uniform in flavor and strength 40: lb. Tay More? Steel Cut No bust No Chaff. 47EST; Tvlv. Closset & Devers The Oldoct and Larpest Oof fee KoAstera In the Northwest. VnpaU Pebta Injurious. rOHTLAND, Ore., Feb. 11. Fall ure to pay personal bills promptly Is he latest offence to be punished by Woman's Health Requires Care Women are so constituted as to be peculiarly susceptible to consti pation, and their general health depend In large measure on care ful regulation and correction of this tendency. Their delicate or ganisms rebel at the violence of cathartic and purgative remedies, which, while they may afford tem Dorarv relief, shock the system and J seriously disturb the functional organs. A mild laxative Is far pre ferable and, if properly compound ed, much more effective. The combination of simple laxa tive herbs with pepsin sold in drug stores under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, is ideal for women's use. A free trial Dot-' tie can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 45!' Washing-, ton St, Mor.ticello. Ills. demerit marks in the city's depart ment of public works. Notice was mt by Commissioner Dierck to the civil service board that one employe rns been given 20 demerits because h.s "manner of conducting his per s.nidl business U to the city's dli credit." Commissioner Week says he belives the failure of an employe to pay his lilLs throws discredit on the city ser vice and he proposes to bring it to an end through the demerit system it I esslble. Tryja box of that Embassy Lawn Linen 48 Sheets 48 Envelopes All ffor 25c at KoeppeiTs The Drug Store That Ssrve3 You Best Woman, GO, Kills Self. OKEGON CITY, Ore., Feb. 11. Mrs. Katie Wines, 60, was found dead tit her home at Gladstone by neigh bors. Coroner Hempstead has reach ed the conclusion that she took car bolic UCid. Mr. Wines died last May and the relative of the dead woman is a niece living in Florida. Until communication is established with h?r, no arrangements to dispose of the body will be made. The motive for the apparent sul cide is a mystery to Coroner Hemp stead. Mrs. Wines was well-to-do and owned her home. She was last seen iy neighbors Saturday. A VALUABLE SUGGESTION IMPORTANT TO EVERYONE Con Dang Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES",? HOT TA'MES CHILLI CO!! GARNE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-tale; FIKST CLASS EERVICB TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webfc and O'tonwood St, ''tmns tT Pendleton. Or. It Is now conceded by physicians that the kidneys should have more at tention as they control the other or gans to a remarkable degree and do a tremendous amount of work la re moving the poisons and waste matter from the system by filtering the blood. During the winter months especial ly, when we live an Indoor life, the kidneys should receive some assist ance when needed, as we' take less exercise, drink less water and oftea eat more rich heavy food, thereby forcing the kidneys to do more work than Nature intended. Evidence . of kidney trouble, such as lame back. annoying bladder troubles, smarting or burning, brick-dust or sediment, sallow complexion, rheumatism, may be weak or- irregular heart action, warns you that your kidneys require help Immediately to avoid more se rif us trouble. Many physicians claim that an herbal medicine containing no, miner als or opiate has the most healing influence. An Ideal herbal compound that has had most remarkable suc cess as a kidney and bladder remedy Is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by parcels post. Ad orns Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnghamton. K. Y, an J enclose ten cents; also tr.rr.tion the Pendleton Dally East Or-egonlan. 11 BE BEGINNING NEXT WEEK HOCK CKlTSIIFJt HAS I1EKX MOV. KU AX1) WORK IS XOW Anocr TO IIKGIX. Harvey Groves, Old Itasohall Player, in Killed In l.oorlng Camp Near I .a f.randc Pluyod In Old Uluo Moun tain Ixiajruo Other News Notes Ftuiu Village of Weston. (Special Correspondence.) WESTON, Ore.. Feb. 12. The coun ty rock crusher is being moved under the supervision of John Crumm through Weston today, and if the weather remulns good, work will be gin on the Mllton-Weston macadam road next week. Harvey Groves formerly a resident of Weston and a member of the old Blue Mountain baseball league team was killed In a logging camp near La Grande and his body was shipped to Portland for burial. Wm. McKenble purchased a new Studebaker in Walla Walla this week. The Infant child of Chris Arm strong died Wednesday at the Arm strong farm north of Weston and burial services were held Thursday in the Weston cemetery. Mrs. A. A. Kees who has been ill for the past two months Is improving' rapidly. P. T. Harbour of the Weston Brick yard was in Walla Walla the first of the week on business. It. E. Bean of Free water was In Weston Wednesday on business. The woman's home mission of the Methodist church met Wednesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Mary MacKenzle for their regular business meeting. Besiie Key of Athena was In Wes ton c"ur!ng the week visiting friends. Mrs. John McRae of Weston made a business trip to the Garden City the first of the week. George Horseman left Wednesday for lone. Ore., where he will attend to his Interest there. Mrs. Lester Carlyle of Weston has gone to visit her parents on Reed and Hawley mountain. Mrs. Lizzie Mansfield of Athena is spending the 'week in Weston at the John Harris residence. Bert Winn of Helix was in Weston Thursday bdtlng his mother Mrs. A. L. Winn. 1 r UiU F7T nr 4 1 n.VSKIl.YLL DOPE. HL II U, SHERIDAN. NEW YORK. Feb. 12. Already the worm Is beginning to turn. Tho halcyon days when a ball player bousht two or three automobiles, put on parties for that one in the third row back and showed up at the pnrk the next duy ready to fight his Krand mother are Just about gone. To the Popular tune of Jim Gllmore's funer al dirge they will be borne out by saddened ball players. They were dying in the big league two years ago. Then came the Feds and with the siren clink of muny dol lars lured the slaving tollers from their first loves, promising much gold. The players got the gold and the head aches. But, as hereinbefore chronicled, the ancient worm has done the Vernon Castle. The announcement comes from no less a personage thun James A. Gilmore himself, who, when he Isn't calling Ban Johnson names, presidents the Federal league. List to Jeems: On account of the many other things that had to be attended to last season we had little time to look after the playing end. (Kansas City and St. Louis players please copy) of tho game and enforce discipline. But we know some of our players failed to display the sumo activities they did while members of organized hall and also do we know that some of them didn't keep In such condition as to give their best Kfrvlces to the club. "The Federal league has been a great benefit to the ball players, and I hope they will realize It. We have given them a chance to draw bigger salaries than ever before. And, be sides have been the cause of their getting better treatment from organ ized ball. "I don't say any of our players "laid down" in their playUig, but they lucked the aggressiveness they show ed with organized ball and we hope to remedy this next season. "We are going to have discipline!" And this from a man who but a few months ago proclaimed to the wide, world that a ball player wus a slave and subjected to unjust persecution on the part of his employer and that In the Federal league the poor ball player would find a haven of rest and free content! MHJoorty-t Inbby Meet. NEW ORLEAN?. Feb. 12. Eddie McCoorty and Jimmy Clabby are fcchtduled to meet tomorrow night l-efore the New Orleans fight fans. Tennl Crack to Couicte. NEW YORK. Tcb. 12. Notable ten ils cracks wl.l compete lit the fdxttenth annual indoor lawn tennis tournament, cn the? courts of the Sev enth Regiment Armory. The winner of fhe slnglo championship will re ceive the seventh regiment's cup won In 1912 by Grant .md in 1913 and 1911 tby O. F. Touchard. If Touch ord v.'lns again this year, the trophy will become his property. Among the notable entries are I. C Wr'.?ht a;id A. S Dabson of Boston. King i'mlth will as referee. PILOT ROCK LADY RETURNS AFTER A TRIP TO SALEM MRS. FXl.A M 'BROOM CALLED TO CAPITAL CITY WHKIti; RELA TIVE IS ILI- HEADACHE STOPS HM GONE ; Dr. James Headache Powders give instant relief Cost dime a package. ' Nerve-racking, splitting or dull, throbbing hiadaclies yield in just a few moments to Dr. James' Headache Pow ders which cost only 10 cents a pack age at any drug store. It's the quick est, suret headache relief in the whole -.,..! I Tl' n.fforl Ttvlieve the t nvilu, j ' u i. . - j agony and distreM now! You can. Millions of mon and women have found that headache and neuralgia misery is needle. Get what you ask for. HOODI ES, CHOP SUEYi CKina DISHES rApviQ KWONG HONG LOW V&Vll & W 110 Wert Alts St, Upitairi, Phone 433 I'M LITTLE! - BUT OH MY ! Ui Oils little advertisement I want to tell you of my LITTLE PRICES OX Candles, XuU, Fruits, Vegetables, Groceries, Et. A fine larpe slock on hand and selling fast. Pay our prices and save money. Phompt delivery msJc us as near as your telephone. JOHN W. DYER, GROCERYMAN Ivnrt Aha PL ' PWe Ml (Special Correspondence.) PILOT ROCK Ore.. Feb. 12 Mm Ella McBroom returned Monday from Sslem nheie she was called to ths bedside of her mother-in-law. . MnrWn Rcy vislied at Pendleton Mond. y. . Arthur Bond spent Sunday evening at Pendleton. Jinks Jaques paid Pendleton a bulnc?s call Tuesday. Charlie Kldwell has accepted a po sition In Fred Bailey's meat market. Mrs. Jesse Jones Is visiting her mother, Mrs. William Jones at Pen dleton. Nurse Clark of Albee, who has been caring for Mrs. J. W. Terry re lumed to her hom- there Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wakerllng lefk Tuesday for Westfall, Oregon, to make their future home. Bert Reeder of Nye was a buslnejs visitor hjpre Monday. Tom Morris left Saturday for Port land after visiting his aunt, Mrs. L. E. Roy, for a few days. Carl Jensen and wife were visitors at the county seat Wednesday. I'ndc Dave Wright was in town Wednesday on business. Bills Introduced in Oregon Senate Tin Measures Below Were Introduced in tlio Senate at Yesterday' Session, SALEM, Ore.. Feb. 12. The follow It.rf bills were Introduced In the sen ate: S. B. 232 by Fatrell Providing for feedlnf prisoners in certain counties, and lepealing sections 3098 and '4543. S. B. 233, by Judiciary committee To provide certain provisions In liabil ity and indemnity insurance policies S. B. 234, by Umatilla delegation Fixing the salary of the county school superintendent of L'matlll county. S. B. 235. by Barrett Relating to school attendance and the employ ment of minors. S. B 236, by Judiciary committee To bmend section 2,' chapter 274, iaws of 1913, so as to provide for Jury trial in abatement tuits. S B. 237. by Judiciary committee To amend section 7416, relating to mechanics liens. S. B. 238. by Hollls Limiting time within which to reccver curtesy and dower. S. U. 239 by. Ho'ilis To amend sec tion :S8", relating to decree of courts cn settlement with heirs and legatees. S. B. 240 by HdIHs Fixing title to fiih and game in prl'ute prks. ponds and pools. S. B. 241, by Psrklns To amend sections 1, 2 and 3 cf chapter 142, ibws of 1913 and to repeal sections 7 of chapter 142, lawi 1913, relating to road improvements. S. B. 242, by Judiciary committee To amend section 1520, relating to tle manner of forming trial Jury in criminal actions. S. B. 243, by Hollls To exempt divorced persons frcm being subject to 1913 law, relating to neglect of bwlmnd to support his wife and chil dren. ' S. B. 244, by Burgess To amend s.t::,on 12, chapter 164, laws 1913. teluting to sale of poisons. S. B. 245, by revision of laws com irlttet Providing for annual report to county court of a'l trustees holding fandh for any use. S B. 246, by revision of laws com mittee To repeal section 2928, relat ing to the care of non-resident pau r ers. S.'B. 247, by Langifuth Prohibiting practice of law by persons not duly admitted to practice by the supreme court. S. B. 248, by Moser To provide method for creatlo.i of new counties Fencing Meet Tonight. BOSTON. Feb. 12 The Eat-tern Fencing championships were to bo decided U night at the Postnn A. A. with Boston and Harvard swordsmen as the principal entrants. k i si i: s s i : i . ) ; i) I E- CREUS BRITAIN ISOLATED $2,000,000 AhUcd for Road. WASHINGTON, Feb. 11. Secre tary Lane asked the house appropria tions committee to Include 32,000,000 In the sundry civil bill for tle Alas kan government railway. Tnc limit of expense for construc tion of the railway Is 335,000,000. Of this Jl.000,000 has been appropriat ed and mostly spent In surveys. Timn'ii Ce.ttral Held Up, GRANTS PASS. Ore., Feb. 11. A r.ianked highwayman entered the tele phone tf.'ire here and, shoving a gun through Hie window to the operating roo-n, made '.he attendant. Miss Cren thaw, d:nver the cashbox. . Tho highwayman then ordered the girl to po out the rear door. The robber fseaped, throwing the box In to the Mrect f nd keeping the 33 in chanpe It contained. l . . S - .. fit W J? Keep Your Lungs Strong This advice is doubly important with ! BERLIN, Feb. 11. On February 18 the knowledge that every three minutes Admiral Von Tlrpltz" threat, made some one in the United States succumbs severai months ago, thut eventuallj to consumption and many refuse to Germany would find It necessary to realize they are afflicted untdtt is too late. ; ..8tarve out England" will go Into ef- It is after colds or sickness, from over- fect 0r ttt jcawt tne Kaiser's dogs work, confining duties or when general of war wU, try t0 make the Diockade weakness exists that tubercular germs En(?Hh portll effective through the thrive because the restive power, of J KW the body are weakened. ! fiotlla anti the huge submarine boats Only with fresh air, sunshine and of unreveaie(i cruising radius. When abundant rich blood can one hope to Von TIrptz flrgt mentioned the Ger arrest their progress and the concen- , Kngland he was W&Wtt? Z "uK,n T-y. Era now, If you work indoor., tire easily, feel tute a "war one" the British Adrnlr lanruid or run-down Scott's Emulsion is alty expresses contempt. 'Just wait, the most strengthening food-medicine we have named the day when our known and is free from alcohol or stupe- blockade will become effective. We fying drugs. Avoid substitute. j will make It effective," cay the Ger- 14-61 Boott (t Bowb, Bloomficld. K. J. ' man naval officials.. Fresh and Crisp direct from the big, clean, airy baking rooms right here in Oregon SWASTIKA Graham Crackers are healthful, wholesome and nutritious. Keep a box of these appetizing cracker, always on hand. The children are de lighted with them. Their dcliciousnes. and food value make for sturdy health, while the natural mild laxative tenden cies of the graham flour we use it most beneficial. AT ALL DEALERS 10 AND 25 CENT PACKAGES 11 rour dealer "can't supply yoa writ us and will refer you to a near by dealer wbo can. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. Portland, Oregon BAKERS OF SNOWFLAKE SODAS 1 IS zinc T1V man that starts out with a candle to find a leak in th gas, gets quick re sults, but they ain't satisfactory! VELVET, The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, is the slowly acquired result of more than 2 years curing of Kentucky "Burley de Uxe' itxyfuiSaccoCbt a-. inr Insurance Men at Cleveland. CLEVELAND, Feb. 11. Insurance Icgls'atlon in the various states was an Important topic before the mid year session here of conference com mittee of the National Ai.oclatloa of insurance agents. Members of ths committee are prencnt from all parts of he United States. Arrow COLLARS Fit, DuitAiiiLiTV, Style and Comfort every requisite the collar wearer seeks is found in the highest degree of excellence in Arkow Collaus 2 for 25 c I o Lismore 2 i in. Lizr 1 1 uron" 24 in. CLL'ETT. PEA BODY Ic CO., Inc. Mums or Aaaow Sit TROY. N. Y. Dwelling house at 410 Turner St.. just back of the Slaters school. IU high and sightly. Now w fcrv,'rents for $10 per month. Price $1,600. t.0 down and the balance on easy terms.. Ten room house in good condition, located on a paved street three blocks from Main. Arranged for apartments and the house is rented all of the Ume. Trice, 15.100. Will consider small House in part payment, We also insure your house or your life. Better be Insured than 6orry. MATLOGK-LAATZ INVESTMENT GO. Ill East Court SL For SALE CHEAP 1 18 Head Good Work Llulcs 1 For Further Prticulan Sec , . - - - i E. L. Smith & Co. Pendleton, Oregon I i!inimmn'!iiffl!!!!!!r!ra!!inin!mm!i!!!ii? lUIWiliwiiWIUililuiMiUiUUilUUiUliiUJIUiMiMUUlJ UflBTEP m IM III! Under 6 years of age, sound, broken, 1200 pounds or over. ADDRESS A. B. Willing c&re Pendleton Hotel, Pendleton, Oregon State where mules cn be seen and low est cuth price delivered Pendleton SMALL SAVINGS hidden away are likely to be lost or stolen. Spent for pleasure they are gone and can never mnltiply. I'roperly invested they become the foundation of many a fortune, . If you will systematically deposit a portion of your earnings it will surprise you how rapidly your bank account will grow. THE American national Oonk OF FEtlDLETOIJ, OREGON Capital and Surplus $400,000.00