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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1915)
DATLY EAST OREOONTAN. PENDLETON. , ORF?ON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, IQl.n. PAGE FIVF iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ii:iiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiini:ii ETGTIT PAGES. mm y , Saturday, February 13 ! Week End Sale Pemeco Meats Fresh Ranch Eggs 35c Dozon I Special Pcfnoco Porh Boost; 16c the Pound We Will Be Very Busy f mm - m Please Phone Early I I SERVICE QUALITY SANITATION I Tlio Control Dorliot I 1 Phone 33 Hiiiniiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiff TTIT1NG TO SCCURE PEACF. (Continued from page one.) outh of Labolael' during which the Germans exploded mine under a section of French trenches ai an nounced by the war office. The state m.nt declare the Flench are every here maintaining their Tuitions r.i that the German are unable to lake advantage of the demolition of the trenches. From the eea to the Homme river, cannonading la increas ing, but there la no change In ttie rel ative poaltlona. At Tracy-le-Mont German ahelle have damaged a number of buildings. French artillery U bombarding the 0rman positions frrm Rhelma te Solesons. Some ot the enemy's bat terlee la thie region have been silenc ed. Enormous German loaaea in th Po land campaign are announced. The war office declared that Petrograd sfvlces atate 4M00 German carnal- APPLICATION FOU GRAZING PEUOTS. NOTICE la hereby given that all Ap plications for permiU to grase cattle, horses and aheep within the WE.NA HA NATIONAL FOREST during Ute season of 191 S must be filed In my offlee at Walla Walla, Wash., on r before March 1, 116. Full Informa tion In regard to the fees to be charged and blank terms to be ased In making application will be fur nlfihed upon request. J. M. 8CHMITZ, Supervisor. ties have resulted from the recent at tempt of the kaiser's forces to re sums the offensive In that Province. Ihe Germans have been checked at all points. IVople Are Indemnified. Pi.RIS. Feb. 11 By a decree an rroprlatlng $60, 004. COO. to be applied to individual indemnities for damage to property caused by the German occupation, the French government la held to have adopted the principle of such Indemnities, though heretofore no law authorised them. Heretofore the state has declined all responsl blllty for damage to private Interests as the result of Invasions. Excesses committed by an ewemy were consid ered In the same category as louse by storm or fire. In June, when there was , no thought of war. Deputy Louis Marin introduced a law recognising the principle of national responsibility for Individual losses In such casea The Chamber, however, did not con sider the discussion of this law ur gent and It was deferred. Farm for Saks. 220 acm of gojd wheat land in center of Grande Ronde valley, miles r.ortheaat of La Grande. Never falls to yield good crop. Land In same vicinity has sold at $100 and more per acre. Will sell a: 190.00 per acre, some cash necessiry and terms on balance. For further Information write J. R. Oliver at La Grande, Ore gon. Adv. LOCALS 8 Advertising in Brief BATES. Per Hot first Insertion 10e Par Hoe, additional Insertloa. . . .Be Por Una, per month 11.00 No local taken for leas tbaa Zix. Connt A ordinary words to Una, Locals will not be taken ot the 'pbona and remittance oust aeeott past order. ZEN J "MS, fi Vuy your CannsJ Vegetables and Fruits by (he DOZEN TINS. Our QUANTITY VRWES very LOW. PE BE A N8, CO UN, IV MA TOES, ETC. NEW SHIPMENT IN OUR FAMOUS FIKlKFyiT SAUSAGES Large, Pure, Clean Sausages, Ready for Eating. Made from .from lie very Highest ! Grade Meat DOZEN 25. Let us send you a dozen. Always repeat. EXTRA GOOD COOKING APPLES Loose packed boxes, filled and running over with, choice apples, box . 50 FANCY ROME BEAUTIES AND WINESAPS-Theso, extra special, box . 85 EXTRA FANCY NEWTOWNS AND ROME BEAUTIES Solid pick, wrapper, selected, ripe enough to eat at once, and also some to keep, box .. ?25 NO. 1 GRADE FLOUR $1.00 SACK. Today and Tomor row only. EXTRA SPECIAL Preferred Stock Pineapple, large size tins No. 2 1-2's, tin - 20 THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY 4 Phone 476. ; Next Door to Quelle Cafe. 628 Main. Bull pup for sale, phone I. Dunce Saturday night Mooe hall. Phone I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep Whipple, piano tuner. Phone 26R For rpnt fix room modern house. Ctll 240M. For rent 5 room house. Inquire 203 W. Webb street. For rent Furnished housekeeping rooms. 401 Aura. Fashionable dressmaking, Apt. 2, Opera House Apt. Phone 386M. For sale Good dry wood. 110 Thomps' street, or phone 271J. WanteJ Good, clean rags at the East Oregonlan office. Five room bouse for sale on north side. Corner lot Improved. Address "W" this office. Uklah Pilot Rock Auto Stage starts May 1st. F. T. Chamberlain, proprietor. j Cows! Cows! Cows! Thirty head fresh milch cows for sale. Enquire Grltman Bros, John Rosenberg, watchmaker and Jeweler. Court and Cottonwood. All work guaranteed. If you want to have a good time for oii! GOc, go to the public dancea ev ery Saturday night in Moose hall. For aale Two modern cottages lo cated on east Court street, seven blocks from Main street Inquire of Walters' mill. Old papers for sale; tied In bundles. Good for starting fires, etc. 10c a bundlJ. This office. Woman cook wants work on car cr ranch for men. Address Mra Tlmblln, Box SI, L'matllla, Oregon. Wanted, to buy Five Buff Orping ton cockerels; also Incubator setting of same breed. Address James Hill Helix, Ore. Expert hair dressing, manicuring, shampooing, scalp treatment. Miss Hi.rt, with Hansen's Millinery, (21 Main street Phone 322. Several small farms on Umatilla liver particularly adapted to hogs, dairy or poultry, $7S0 cash, balance on or before 10 years. 7 l-i per cent See Berkeley. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse. Office 147 Main street Phone til. The Alta House and Barn. Head quarters for farmers and stockmen. Call and see us. Stephenson A Eng lar, proprietors. Phone 447. 702 East Alta street Dbirk Minorca eggs for hatching. It pp. $2.00; 45 eggs, $i.0; 100 eggs, 110.00. All infertile eggs re plawa. L. Boyd, $01 E. Court, Pen- Middle aged woman wants situa tion housekeeper for bachelor, widow. rr. Tarm or city. Competent to take ful charge. Mrs. B. Gray, ill Thompson. riaso. standard make, nearly new . .v Win sell for balance wing on monthly payments. Address "Bar- gain, Eat Oregonlan. Order flowers now for your Valen tine greetings. They cost less than paper valentines. Flowers fer all oc c&slana. Flowering house plants, ferns, .seeds, rose bushes. Hooker's Flower Store, 644 Main street, E. Ore gonlaa Bldg. Phone 622. Agent Ore eon Journal. For aale Standard Holt combine harvester, 20 foot cut, II fcnch cyl inder and hitch, all In good shape, Price 11100 F. O. B. Condon, Oregon. Will ooaslder approved note payable October 1, 1115. Also have all kinds of fanning. Implements fer sale cheap. Address W. I. Ebbert, Con don. Ore. If mil L. W. Blue of '.ilcm Is a guest of the f-'t. George. R E. Paddock 'was over from Wal-j la Walla yesterday. William Ruthern Is In from his home at Helix today. I Chjrles H. Stewart of Albany is roistered at the 1'endleton. j Cr. E. Stanfleld, veil known young, sheepman, was up from Echo yester-; Cay. ' E. C. Kklles, w.-JI known traveling nun, paid Pendltn a visit jester-! t'ay. j T. Harbour, mayor of Weston find brick maker of that town, was an overnight visitor. j I'dmund Mabli', local telephone malinger, went to Echo and Hermis-. ten op business today. A. W. Nye Is enjoying a visit from his son, Dick Nje. and family who arc now living in Idaho. M. G. Hall, veteran official of the Northern Express Co., paid Pendleton his annual visit yesterday. County Judge Charles H. Marsh went down to the west end of the coi:r.ty this mornln? on county busi ness Dan P. Smythe, local attorney and lawyer, arrived home yesterday from a business visit of two weeks in Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rhodes came ov-r from Pasco th;s morning to vis it with relatives. Mr. Rhodes Is a machinist In that city. ' i.iiarle H. Hearl, local agent for the Equitable Life, returned yester day from Portland and Salem. C. E. Nebwm, district agent, arrived home Tuesday. Kev. James Ha, a, Indian minister at Kamiah, Idaho, arrived this mor ning on the N. P. train to assist In the campmeetlng services at Tutullla mission. Rcrlin Sets Food limit BERLIN, Feb. J 2. Bread tickets u(H,n which a weekly quota of bread cr flcur can be drawn, will soon be a feature of life In Berlin. The munici palities of greater Terlin voted unan imously to adopt This measure. The tickets, which will be issued weekly, will be provided with coupons per mitting the holder to purchase bread or flour In amounts up to two kilo grams (4.20 pounds). Creater Berlin Is the only city In Cermany where a limitation on con sumption haa thus far been adopted. "Tlilpf Talk OosU $100. OREGON CITY. Ore., Feb. 12. John Gibson, school director of the Wichita district near Milwaukie, won X 1 00 of hla'UO.00 suit against Je tome Avery, leader of the forces op pued to the board, when he Intro ilurcd witness In the Circuit court toda to prove the.t Mr. Avery had caller: him a thief. The jury deliberated two hours. Mr. Cibon charged that Avery had trav eled through the district asserting thnt the director way a thief, and that his reputation ha suffered damage as a result AataUa Hay for Sale. Farenera north of Pendleton an the O W. RAN. and the Northern Pa cific railroad. I can furnish yon choice alfalfa hay, cheap freight quick delivery." E. C. Burllngame, Farmer. Walla Walla, Wash. Adv. 3mi1i Lots on North Side. Twe lots, one corner, between Jack sen and ivaenington on t'erains. .no grading, no retaining walls needed, will strike no rock In excavating. Phone SS4R evenings or call after 30 p. m. D. C. Brown, owner .Adv. Istdlaa Ijand for Rent 1(0 acres section it, Indian vatlon land. Ed Chapman, Livery stable, Cottonwood St- reser Depot -Adv. Dance Sstwrday NlRtit Mooec Hall. There will be a dance hereafter every Saturday night In Moose hall. Music by Pendleton orchestra, good time assured all who attend. Admis sion 60c, ladles free. Everybody n ltd. Adv. TONE OF NOTE! ASTONISHES men AUTHORITIES (Continued from page one.) J Home Cooking. The Ladies' Aid cf the Christian church will sell home cooking at the Cuah Market Saturday (tomorrow) and for five Saturdays following, from 9:30 to 12 a. m. Adv. Degree Ttxin Dance The Woodmen of the World degree team will give their second dance of the st-nson Monday night, February 15, at the Eagle-Woodman hall. Adv. Notion Motl'Yn Woodnoa A full attendance is required to r.lht as there will be work In the Initiatory degree. Also refreshments afterwards. . H. E. COOK, V. C. THOS. A. HODGSON, Clerk. ,.(Adv.) prise to the majority of the diplo mats In London, The general disposition on the part of government ofTlcIals here was to re-nt the actio of the American state department in assuming, with out asking official Information, that tl-o British foreign office had sanc tioned the "mbswse of neutral flags." It was believed generally that the American note'ta "Great Britain would arouse Irritation but for the fact the lHguage of the' -note to Germany Is equally strong. BERLIN, Feb. 12. The newspa pers made little comment on the Am erican note. There ' was a general Justification of the government's at titude In the few editorials that ap peared. The Tage-Zeltung sold the suggestion that submarine must as certain beyond doubt that a ship at tacked la British cannot always be compiled with. . WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. The state department sent Germany a protest sRulnst Interference by German au thorities with Minister Van Dyke a communication betwmn Holland and I.ixemburg. Van Dyke Is accredited to both countries. WASHINGTON, KeK 12. "The sit uation Is filled with menace. Who cm say what moment the dark cur- lain veiling so much may be swept anlde by uncontrolled ferces, drawing the whole world into the vortex of war." Senator LaFollette sounded this warning In the senate urging the pneauge of his resolution providing the United States and other neutral i.atlona again offer their good offices toward ending the war. "Shall we wait until other nations he been drawn Into the struggle." he asked, "or shall ve and other neu tral nations meet to make an artic ulate protest, tempered by sympathy and affection, ao strong that it fi nally will be heard above the root nnd crash of the world war?" 'tou Spring life ami tat s in the latertt word of fashion jn-t received Norfolk and Lord Kitchener Bt vies full flare ultirts in plaited effects. Materials of Tuseoraras, Serge, Poplins, Coverts and Gaberdines. Coats Priced from $10 to $35 Suits Priced from $20 to $45 Sizes from 10 to 42 bust. 1 Perrins World Famous Gloves 1.50, 91-73, $2.00 Kabo Cor ts ?1.00 ?1.23, $1.50, $1.75, ?2.00, ?2.50, $3.00 and ?3.50. Children's Scjiool and Dres Shoes at Special Low Prices this week. COME AND SEE THEM Wohlenberg Department Store Better Goods for Less Money We Give Fidelity Blue Trading Stamps. Ask for lhem- Wot5 satub rvinrtniiail from nara two.) oH W J U sr The members of the Sunday school of the Methodist church gave a sue ffeful valentine social last evening in the church parlors and a neat sum was realized which will go toward the Sunday school. About 200 guests at tended. A cafeteria supper was served, and at prettily decorated booths articles were sold. Much credit is due to the committee which ha' the event in charge. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. McNary pre sided over a charmingly appointed dinner party last evening at their home at the eastern Oregon state hospital. Mrs. Willard Bond received word last evening that her mother, Mrs. A'.lce. Hays, who has been seriously ill at her home In Portland, was very much Improved. Mrs, Bond waa In tending to leave on the night train for Portland but the receipt of the more favorable news changed her plans. The Thursday Afternoon Club will meet tomorrow afternoon at " the home of Mrs. Mary J. Lane with Mrs. Lane and Mrs. C. F. Coleeworthy a hr-t esses. An exceptionally rood musical pro gram haa been prepared for Sunday evening service at the Presbyterian church. Aa arranged now It will con sist of the followlag numbers: Trflude Bach Miss I'auteen Hymn. Prayer. Scdo Come Gracious Spirit . Morrison R. W. Hatch Eet Why Art Thou Cast Down.. Schnecker Mrs. Power ant Mrs. Dickson Violin Solo Oouvenlr. .Frani Bradja B. A. McDonald. Offering Announcements., , Crndle Song "....Spinney Sole Beyond the Dawn. . .Sanderson Miss Ed.ia Coutts Quortette Radiant Morn Mrs. Power, Mrs. Knight. R. M. May- berry, H. E. Bishop. Sclo The Way of the Cross. . .O Dea H E. Bishop 4 CORNCOB PIPE 4) AS A WEAPON - v a DALLAS, Texas, Feb. 13 Ntw Yoikcrs are r tying "polloe whistles" with wh'ch to frlght- en holdups, citlsen of Texar- kana, Tex., are ouylng corn cob pipes .'or the some purpose. W. E. Welcome penned a cob pipe at a ho!du;, who fled down an alley : Joha F. McLrtm Is Dead. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Feb. 12. John F. McLean, pioneer business man. died here following a two weeks illness, which resaHed from an at tack of appendicitis. An operation was performed but gangrene had set In. Mr. McLean was born in New castle. New Brunswick, in 1839. He moved to Massachjsetta and enlisted In a Massachusetts company in the Civil war. He later Joined a New York company and after the war came wet to Virginia City, Mont, coining here shortly. For several years h was commander-in-chief of the G. A. R. for the state, waa a member of the board of trustee of the Soldiers' Home and was a member of the city council. He was prominent in Masonic and Presbyterian church circle. He leaves a widow, two sons and two brothers. r rs s n n buy warn. FromlOur Clothing Department 1 1 1 1 i ii "Wocly Hoy" lll WoolSuiU Every suit in the department to be reduced just One-Fourth the regular price. They are the Xorfolk styles, also 6ome of tho double breasted styles, and every suit is guaranteed to be of all wool fabric, sizes range from 3 to 17 vearsand thev are priced from $3.50 to $10. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY, ONE 'FOURTH LESS. k. Hov-t School Shoes SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY. About 30 pair of extra high grade shoes, come in the lace ttvles only, are of calf and vici leathers, very good styles and sold in tho regular way up to $3.50 pair. Your choice for SATURDAY ONLY, pair ?1.00 Menf Golf Shirts SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY. . These Shirts come in neat stripes and figures and are of the coat styles, laundered cuffs ana are good values at One Dollar each; our special offer for SATURDAY ONLY, each- 53f Jfttv Spring JfecKjouear For Men We have just received shipment of new wide end Neckwear for men. The silks and fabrics are of the very latest creations, and these ties have the appearance of the regular 75c and $1.00 frade. We have priced them at, each 50 JVettt Spring HaU For Men Never before have we shown a more complete line of hats than this Spring. The styles are of the most pleasing character and the prices are not exorbitant SELECT ONE WHILE THE STOCK IS FRESH, each ?3.50 EVERY EXPRESS IS BRINGING US NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE. WE SHOW THE NEW THINGS FIRST. . Tho Aloxandor Dopf. Sforo Pendleton's Biggest and Best Department Store. Save your S. & IL Trading Stamps. Incrra.Ml Frlcw Unnecessary. PORTLAND, Ore, Feb. 12. Fol lowing a decision by the master bak ers to cut the sise of a loaf of bread from 14 to IS ounces, a prominent miller said today the reduction was unjustified as most of the big bakers purchase their requirements for about a year early in 'he season and that the present high prices of flour had r.ot effected them. Snick Arc Running. VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 12. For Ihe first time 1877 smelt are running In he Kalama river. Eany Kelso fishermen, who had walt- 'ed for more than two weeks for the 'kinelt to enter the Cowiltx, are com pelled to travel e'jht or ton miles to new falling grounda. As many as 60 beats at a time miy be een dipping the fish with nets. The retail price now Is six pound tor H cents. Later In the season the price drops to as low aa 11 a box. Painting of Princess causes hubbies woe, EUPHEUM Thursday 6 Reels Friday 'A Dream of a Painting' LAUGH "THE COWARD" A Drama of Intense Emotion "Alias Mr. Smith" Murdock MacQuarrie "Perils of Pauline" THE GERM TEST 10c 6 Reels 5c