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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1915)
E1QIIT PA0E3. DAILY EASY OUEflOiWATf. PENDLETON. OTtTlflON'. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1015. PAOF THREE. The world has known what Cottolene is for over quarter of a century a Cottolene established a class of its own over a generation ago. Cottolene was in the front rank of the great movement for bet tering household service and for improving food products. Cottolene has always held its place. There is nothing to which it may be compared. There are no secrets in the production of Cottolene. Its manufacture and its constituents are as well known as the simplest things done in every kitchen. CARLOAD OF CATTLE . SHIPPED TO PORTLAND Bl STAIIFIEID FARMER J. I (OX KKXDS MMIiKK OK FAT IJFKF FOK THK NORTH WK8TER.V MAIIKIX Funeral of Mm. Mary IjinIi Id V& Ixli,, High School Win Debate Gibbx Krldonc In Sold to . Onirics Ward and Former Will Mote U I kltth nln-r New Note. Cottolene is an exact combination of the two finest cooking fats nature produces. The cotton seed oil in Cottolene is pressed from selected seed it is a grade so choice that it is not listed on the market - It is purer, sweeter and better in food value than most salad oils. The beef stearine is the product of the freshest, finest leaf beef suet known. It is the exact combination of these two fats which gave Cottolene its high place over a quarter of a century ago, and which has held this place for it Cottolene is economical, but better than that it actually improves the quality and flavor of all foods cooked with it whether it is used for shortening, frying or cake -making. Frederlckson the Ladles' the church Your grocer has Cottolene now Tell your grocer you want a pail now; arrange with him for your regular weekly supply. Write to our General Offices, Chicago, for our real cook book "HOME HELPS"-free. FAIRBANK3 Cottolene makes good cooking better "-tSC-'-Ul:. I J nor Sva Waterpoo$ SAW FRANCISCO. Feb.. 11. After ncosnUrlng -the wont storm in her fcxperUnce. according to her iklpper the liner arrived from Hono in la with her deck rail partly washed way and other signs of heavy weath Harly today, when 10 miles from port, passengers on (he Manoa saw a waterspout which was plainly visible from the decks. -iafjBs L -dm It Jl ADAMS WOMAN IS RECOVERING FROM Smokers of Turkish Trophies Cigarette fifteen years ago in smokers of Turkish Trophies Cigarettes today I rrirTiJTrrttjTTTr: i . California Expositions n:xi)Mcro' to San FrnntlHoo and Itrturn $35.20 San Diego and return $57.20 via OHF,GOX-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. And Connections. Littoral 8uHver Privileges For full Information, tickets, etc. oak T. F. O'RRIEX, Agent, IHmdlcton. n. nntxs, d. f. & r. a., Walla Walla. dlcton Tuesday In the Lieuallen car or the purpose of getting the rug fo the library. i John Perlneer wit a visitor at the SERIOUS ILLNFSS county .t thi. I Mrs. J. llarrah went to Pendleton Monday. Wis Henry Whltler and Miss Han nah French were Pendleton visitors Tuesday. Ike Christopher motored to nwi Wednesday. air. and Mrs. Elmer La Due were In town this week. The ftailles club will meet time tl the country home of V.YI Toyer. Xr. .nnd Mrs. Fritnk Krehs live near Adams, were In town Tues day. Mrs. Ella Bowling has been con fined to her, home this week on ac count of sickness. Fraer meeting v.ns held Wednes day evening In the Methodist church. I!:iy rnd Frank Ro.u were In town lh. nick. OPF.HATIO.V WAS NECESSARY HIT SHE WILL SOOX HE ABLE TO HE OUT. (Special Correspondence.) ADAMS, Ore., Feb. 12. Mr. and Mia Alexander McKenzle motored to Ariamo Monday from their home is Valla Walla. " Mrs. Henry Lewis who underwent an operation some time ago. Is now Improving and will soon be able to rot in r. to her home. The Rebeknh lodge Is now busy praiticlng, as they will soon have sev er:! ! ntw members to initiate. Mr.-Dondell of Athena, the Adam and Instructor, was in town Tuesday. Archie Mclntyre of Athena, was in (own Sunday. The Adams library committee met Tuesday evening. j Some of the farmers around Ad Tiis &re beginning their spring work. Mr. end Mrs. Charles Dupuis were In town Tuesday. Hoy Ferguson was in town Tuesday. Lehman Delnlng was in town Tues day. The Adams library room has been fuo,tly Improved with a new rug and other supplies. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. l.l' ii;i)len, Mrs. Rosiherry, Mrs. Ches rnt nnd Mrs. Clark motored to Pen- Ad next Mrs. who MOTHER! IF CHILD'S TONGUE IS COATED Mnrrlnffe Proof Fall PHILADELPHIA, Feb., 11. Al though she lived with him 41 'years and believed herself to be his lawful wife, Mrs. Catherine Koolock. 80 eara old, cannot, by a court ruling Khsre In the $18,000 estate of William l). Koilock, Judge Patterson, In a decision recently dismissed her suit on the ground that she failed to prove a legal marriage with Koilock. Tho woman testified that In 1874, hcllevelng Koilock to be a single man she was married to him. Later, she fftld he confessed he had been marri ed before and had two children. He insured her, she Raid, that he had ob tained a divorce from his first wife. This statement proved untrue as the records show that Koilock did not get a divorce until 1890. Children by the first Mrs. Koilock will get the prop erty. The aged petitioner charged that i much of Kollock's property was bought with her savings. She bellev ed it to be held by them Jointly but .-I: Kollock's death, discovered he had I laced the property In h's own name. DISBHOW ENTERED IN BIG AITO RACES ..1. . i .... -trr !;. X Louis Dlsbrow, the daring western racing auto driver, who has entcreJ as a competitor In the irogram of races thnt are to be the automobile features of the ranama-Paclfic In ternational Exposition at ?an Francisco. Date . j FEB. 20th Carnival at Tampa. TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 12 The annu- IF CROSS, FEVERISH. CONSTIPAT ED, GIVE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF .FIGS." ' A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children simply will mot take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish: stomach sour. Look at the tongue, mothert If n' "Oasparllla Cnrnlvo," similar to u coated, or your child Is llBtless cross, mardl gras, of Tampa opened today. feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't 't will be a "dry" event, too. any thing eat heartily, lull of cold or has sora stronper than grape Juice being ban- throat or any other children's all- ed. The Rotary Club Is In charge of ment, give a tenapoonful of "Cailf r- the various events. r.'A Syrup of Flifs ' then don't Ucauso It is oerf't!y harmless, ano n a few hou-i, i'I thin constipation rnlson, sour bile and fermenting woate Villi gently move out of the boweis, and you will have a well, playful child ogHln. A thorough "Inside cleansing" Is oftlmes all that is necessary. It should be the first treatment given in any sickness. lie ware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a EO cent bottle ct ''Cflllfnrnh Syrup of Fig," whl:h has full A'.ti-rtlons for babies, children of nl' ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look careful ly and see that It is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." DANCERS TO HELP TEUTON IIOSIPTALS riULADKI.miA, Fefc. 12. Vany rrorrlnent persons affili ated with German and Austrian relief societies wll; attend the bal! of tl.e flermnn-Austrlan re lief association here. The pro ceeds will te mru to purchase ambulances anil t'rer needed inedlirul suj:lirs for German nnd Austrian hospuals abroad. J Hair Jenls Arc Unsold. ST. JOHNS, X. F., Feb. 11. Unless some plan can be devised within a month whereby the skins nnd oil of the hulr seal can be utilized by the British government for war supplies, thers lt n strong possibility that the seal hunt, which has been an import ant factor in the commerce of New Fonndlund for many years will be abandoned for the coming season. Because of industrial depression and the war, none of last year's catch of 233.000 has been disposed of, nnd r.rout half of the great catch of 3? skins In 191S remains in tho hands of brokers in London and New York (Spe'lal Correspondence.) KTANFIELD. Or., Feb. 12. J. L. ("ox shipped a caiload of fat cattle to I'm Hand Thursday. Mayor Kyle wrn. in churge of the car. The Embroidery Club met at the home of Mrs. Eva Dunning Wednes day tifternoon. Madams Heggman. end Heath entertained Aid In the parlors of Thursday afternoon. Glen McCollough was a Pendleton visitor the first of the week. The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Lash was held at the Presbyterian thurch Wednesday afternoon and the body v. as laid to rest In the local ri-metery. She leaves several children to mourn her departure. A. W. Prann of Hermiston was aere Wednesday attending the funeral of Mrs. Lash. Mrs. J. Smith and daughter of Pen dleton was here Wednesday. V. F. Cooper of Oswego, Oregon, was hre Monday ar..1 Tuesday. S C. Cummlngs of Pilot Rock was (oiling on friends Saturday. Miff Mable McElroy of Hermluton was a Stanfield ca!l"r Saturday. Mrs George Coe returned Thursday from a four months' vlsi with herj .mnu in Boston. J. i. Yeager of Pilot Rock. C. G. Tubus of Pendleton and J. C How-! irun ol Nolln were judges at the de-1 bate Letween Echj and Stanfield hieh schools. Their decision was in favor of Echo. Mrs. C. W. Connor and Mrs. F. B. Stuart were shopping In Pendleton Mond:'. W. P. Ward was In Hermiston Monday. W. P. Gibbs has told his residence to Charles Ward. Mr. Gibbs will go t-) Ukiah where hi has a position with the telephone company, W. 3. Furnish And fl. J.Moore of Portland are spending the week nere, R. H. Irwin Is In Portland on bus. lnet. Vu Jessie B. Drlerley of Athena, was the guest of Mrs. F. B. Stuart S.-lJtday. E. F. Averlll. deputy game warden of P?rdIeton, turned twenty four Cal-lfc-i irta valley quails loose on the Page ranch. George Crawford of Pendleton here Thursday. UNITED STATES WARNS E NuLIOAIlD GERMANY AGAIHS T VIOLATIONS BELLIGERENTS WILL BE HELD TO ACCOUNT IF AMERICAN LIVES LOST. was Went Getting Rig Orders ABERDEEN. Wash.. Feb. 11. Two orders for barrel staves, the value of which aggregates $57,600 and which ili take more than 70 cara to carry them to the East have been received within the last few day by the West-i .,ihhoty KtrtM Will Ro Tkm to; Protect RifffiU i f Amrrb's.n, I)c-I rlarrtf NoUm S-nt By State IM-part-nt Sharp Wordd Are I'sod -Noten Caufe Stir at Cuital. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. Publlca-j tlor. ty the stati department last night of the texu of the notes sent I t Great Britain and Germany respect ively,, revealed that both countries had teen warned In most emphatic terms against menacing the vessels or lives of American citizens traversing tb recently proclaimed sea sones of war. Roth Countries Warned. Germany waa r.dvlsed that the United States "would be constrained to hold the Imperial government to a strict accountability" for such acta oZ l's naval authorltlia aa might result In the destruction ' f American vessels or the low of American lives, and that "if Siich a deplorable situation should arlie," the American government wou d "take any pteps It might be rec-essary to safeguard American lives snd iroperty." To Great Britain the Unletd States 1 dntcu out "the measure of responsi bility" which- would, seem to be Im tn the Britiisi government "for the l-Jhs of American vessels and lives in case of an attack by a Ger man naval force." If England sanc tioned the general misuse of the Am erican flag by British vessels, and th.rely cast doubt tn the valid char acter of the neutral ensigns. Entire Cabinet Coiinll'il. Th two communications were to tia.e been preaen'.cd yesterday re spectively to the Biitlflh government by Ambassador Page and the German for. Igr. office by Ambassador Gerard. Tl.ey v ere prepared by Counsellor Robert Lansing and revised by Presi dent Wilson and Secretary Bryan aft er 01 sultation y',tri the entire cab inet. The British, Spanish, and Braxlliau aini);utadors. who happened to call ut the state department, received copies of the notes, as did the mints vers of Sweden, Norway and Den n aik, who especially requested It. The cccuments created something of e sensation among the diplomats gen erally because of what some regarded as their drastic Implication. Lffcot on Public I "oro tailed. ilifh officials of the American gov einni'nt pointed out Informally that it 1 ad been deemed advisable to speak In unmistakable terms now rather than to await the alarming ef fect on American which might ensue iiMiimiMiniiKniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinu I K3ow Open f Hong Kong Cafof H AND NOODLE PARLORS 5 f Noodles I AND , E I Chop Suey f S fhitxlile Tray Ordrri a Spwlaltr. E Boxes for ladies and gentlemen. S OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. MEALS AND UP. S hpeclai ('hlcken Dinner S Sundays. f 548 Main Street I r Next to E. O. Lldg. Phone MS flllllllllllllllflllllllllfllllllllltllllllllf llf? EAT CABBAGE, FISH, SAUSAGE, NEW BREAD "PAPE'8 DIAPETSIN" DIGESTS JOOD WHEN KTOMACII CAN'T CURES IN. DIGESTION, Do some foods you eat hit back taste good, but work badly; ferment Into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot thl down: Pa pes Diapepsin d!genls everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you There never was anything so safely quick, so certainly effective. No dif ference how badly your stomach la disordered you will get happy relief In five minutes, but what pleases you most Is that It strengthens and regu lates your stomach so you can eat your favorite food without fear. Most remedies give you relief some times they are alow but not sure. "Pape's Diapepsin" la qukk, positive and puts your stomach In a healthy condition 0 the mlseri' wont soma Uc. You Ml different as soon as "Pape's Diapepsin" comes in contact with tha stomach dlstresa jmi van Ishea your stomach geta sweet, no gases, 110 belching, no eructation of undigested food, your bead clears and you feel fine. Go now, make the best Investment you ever made, by getting a Urge fifty-cent, tiM 0f pape'a Dlapepaia from any drug store. You realise. la five minutea how needless It to to suffer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder, Citizens. The note, officials were confident, would serve as a preventative- of the critical possibilities dis cusced in them. Diplomats examined with great In terest the language of the commu- trn Cooperage company. The first Is: r.icatlons and some ol them construed from the Chicago headquarters of the the note to Germany as a warning Armour Packing company and Is fort that the loss of American lives by JjO.000 of lard barrel stock. This or der alone will make 60 carloads of staves. T ie other order is for $7500 worth short barrel staves and from a New Hampshire firm, It Is estimated that the Armou or- t'er Is the first of several large simi lar orders which may follow. To meet Swb Petroleum l lxw. BERNE. Switzerland Feb. it public Pinion J scarcity of petroleum Is being expert from the sinking e.nced In KttltT.ri-n ..... of a vessel with scores of American' pension of Importations from Russia and Roumania. Supplies have run so low that the 5overnment has been forced to ar range importation front America. It las Just bought a large amount of petroleum at New Orleans. - German Order Protocol, PARIS. Feb. 11 The Belgian aov- binkli.g even a belligerent merchant ernment has issued a protest against lui vould be cqvired by the repre mentations of the American govern- tho recent action of Germany In an no'Ilng the e.equateurs of the rat. menr, because of (he Insistence tharjjula of neuirtil rowers In B.1um comes ell merchant ships must be visited and , The United States and Belgium agree ...-.iiiiiru wi.c Bu.iis n ue sun. says tne protect, that Germany has no right to ennui the exe)uateurs. Corneal Stone Laid WILMINGTNO, Del., Feb. the heavy demnnd placed upon It the The coiner stone of the new $2.50). cooperage plant will continue' to op- 000 county and municipal erate both day and night. I was to be laid today. The two co'intries. It adds recoir- 12. -nize only rlsht of Oerm.inv to suspend the mUsion of rnn.-mu whu building military xif.(n-ies make 1 necessary. such a step Danish Liner Detained NEW YORK, Feb., 11. The Dan Ifh steamship Helllg Olav. nrrlvlng here from Copenhagen and Christian ia. reports that on the outward voy BRe from th's port, which she left December 2. the ship was boarded at Kirkwrll, Scotland, by armed marine, t'nd detained for eight days pending investigation as to the character of her cargo. Captain L. Hoist master of the Hel llg Olav, a Scandlnavln-Amerlcan line steamer, said the reason of the de tentlon was ultimately traced to a hllp of the Brltlxh censor handling cable dispatches. A cable explained fiat the ship carried no copper had not been believed. . 1 Order SUNKIST Oranges Today Big, Juicy, Sweet, Firm, Tender-Meated. P Seedless Navels are Now on Sale in Abundance at AH Good Dealers' Stores in Your Neighborhood The name "Sunkist" stands for a rigidly main tained standard of quality, and these oranges come from California's finest groves. Picked only when fully ripened. Trices are low. Sunkist cost no more than you pay for ordinary oranges. Don't go without them now v3:sSsW5"-w when they are so good and good for ycu. - - ' . Serve them at every meal, begin ning tonight have Sunkist sliced for dessert. Sunkist Lemons Perfect ia color the most appetixinn garnish best to serve with fish, tuea: and tea. Juicy, tart, practically seed less. Use the juice wherever you now use vinegar. Learn 86 ways to employ Sunkist Lemons as a delicacy and a household help. 0