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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1915)
FAOE TWO. DATTT EAST OTFflONTAy. PEKDT.ETON. OK RAPS'. FMIUY. FFTiTUTAttY 12, 1915. F.TGTIT PAGES. New A rrivais In our Women's Ready-to- Wear department, second floor. Exclusive and original models in Coats and Dresses for early Spring wear. Smart Suit. in Uu anl and Mack anl white clicks. Short .Jacket. aivl wider t-kirt are two of the new features. COATS made Norfolk and Empire style, decidedly differ ent aud distinctly new. We ask you to como and see these new pannonts, whether you ere ready to Luy or not We want vou to see the new Sprine etvlc. It's a epleasure to tliow them. ALL ARE ECO NOMICALLY PRICED. 91.50 RIBBONS B7 Big lot new Sprinjr Ribbons in satins and taf 'fetaa. Fancy floral designs. Some fine velvet i-mhroidenil. eoiitra-tinp colors, the rilton3 u.-rih $1.50 vnrd. Sj-eeial Saturdav 07p 75 $1.0091.25 LADIES' VESTS 4S Fiiitt quality SwUs rib mercerized, and funcv vikes, all hjk. Come in white only, irorth 75 to 9125 each. Special Saturday at. . - 4S 65- INFANTS' KNIT GOWNS 47 Medium weight infants' knit nipht gown., full nin sizes, hijrh neek. lonz sleeve, with draw strinz at lottoin so as to keep feet warm. Special Saturday.. 47 worth C5. 7 1 2 APRON GINGHAMS 5t Gorxl assortment of fine apron einrrhainp, all colors, every size checks, worth 7 1-2 yard. Special Saturday .. 5 15 KIMONA OUTING 7 A few pieces fine quality Kimnna Outinp, in colors, with neat patterns, mo-tly light, worth 15 yanh Sftecial Saturday 7? "T.P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP" CLEAN STORE, CLEAN METHODS. ORANGES Extra fancy rij, tweet Oranges, riie dozen 35 FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT The ex tra fancv kind, the dozen $1.00 HAWAIIAN SLICED PINEAPPLE Full of tropical sunshine and fragrance. No. 2 1-2 cans in dozen lota. 92-40 Our famous NIPPON BRAND 6 cans 05 Buv them Ly the FINNON HADDIES Fresh and pood. A SPA RAG I S TI PS No. 1 round cans the dozen cans 92.00 Let us send you a dozen. BUCKWHEAT Pure, froh, Eastern Btock, 9 found sack 05 "JONES' DAIRY FARM" LITTLE PIG SAUSAGES You'll enjoy them . for Snndar morning breakfast, pound 40 MAPLE SYRUP Pnre Maple Sap, pint cans 40 Quart can , , 75t 1-2 Gallon can 9115 FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES for Saturday's trade. Shop Early. QUEEN OLiVES Extra largo and ex tra pood, the pint 30 COUNTRY SAUSAGE Made from tender young pips. PHONES, 15 OREGON PRUNES Extra large meatv fruit, 10 pound box $1.50 DRY PEACHES Extra fancv stock, 10 pound box .. 91.10 SHRIMP Extra select park, 3 cans 50 STAR CUT GLASSES Set of C 80 STAR CUT WATER JUGS Each 75 DINNER PLATES Plain white, set of 6 for G5 TEA CUPS AND SAUCERS Set 680 OUR ITALIAN OLIVE OIL Smooth, delicate flavor, the best for table or me- , dicinal use. Quart cans 1 91.00 ' 1-2 Gallon cans 91.90 1 Gallon cans , $3.75 NO BETTER COFFEE AND NO COF FEE BETTER than T. P. W. SPE CIAL BLEND the pound 35? DRY GRANULATED SUGAR SAT URDAY ONLY 15 ounds 91.00 Fresh by express Green Chili and Bluhill Cheese Cream Brick and Swiss. Fresh Shipmtnt NUT MEATS by ex press today. YOlNfi STANDAr.l) Oil. OincilL WHO IS LOST ill ,( ! :j - ! liLfe Jf II ; i H I COUMM TI10 Peoples Uarcbouso Where It Pays to Trade. Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps coueow I f XlIKT II W I p Gold. PARIS. Feb. 11. Th report of th Hank of Trance for th year of 1M ehons that the amount of gold n hand Increased more than 14, 00.000 franc, brlnitlnir up the gold reserve at th end of the year to I, 401.000.000 frani. On DecemJr 24 laot the Bank of Prance lent to the roTemment J.JOO, 000,000 franca and to private borrow for commercial and lnduatrlal pur joeea .4gl.0,00 franca. Tha divi dend rate waa decreaaed b7 1 franca, aa compared with lilt. J A Personal Statement. There are ao-ealled "honey and tar'f prtparatlona that coet the dealer half aa much but adl at the name price aa the original aad genuine Foley Hon ey and Tar Compound. We never of fer thrae imrtatltaa and aubatUutea. We know you will buy Foley' when ever you need a covgh ayrop ft you once uae It People come long 41a Uncea for the true FOLEY'S ver thirty yeara the leadrn remedy for cougha, colda. crotip, whooping cough bronchial and la grippe cough. Sold everywhere. iiiMiiiininiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiuiiiiiiiniiiMiiiniinjiiiuiuiiiiiiiiumimtmtiiiiiiiiiiiiic 1 The Opening Strains oj Spring's Symphony WUhelmlrm In Falmouth. FALMOUTH. Feb. 11. The Amerl can teamer Wllhelmfna, which haa a carfcu of food auppllca aboard for Geimany arrived here. The captain or the M iliielmina aald he came to Falmouth of hU own free will and hu'I no prize crew aboard. CuHtima offlcem visited the vew-l Immediately f .1 her arrival, but It ha not lcn announced what action. any, waa taken. The WUhelmlna lie In the xtream with the American flag flying. Rhe had an extremely rough pawajte. the fficera deacrlblng It as the wornl in ihelr experience. .'.nother awful war la threatened jmong the various American cltlea that are trying io become faiihlon ctnierx. HAVE found their i-Ji in the harmonious and indeecrib siUe lovely styles we are showinp. Your favorite is Kurc to le among the wide variety of nnth'.ritive iiirwlels in our WIN TOW DISPLAY of Pumps and and Shoes, strap effects and nov elties for women and children. A kind for every purpose, btreet, party, afternoon and house wear. You M ill 1 amazed at tlie reas onabh iicM of the priws. SOME BEAUTIES FOB 93.50 AND 91-00. UHE PEOPLES tOATKEHOVSE I Where it Pays to Trado 5 Savo Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps. 5 5iit:!iii:urt!ii:ittiiniiiiit!iiiiiiiiiitiiiiii!inntnnn!iiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiMi!iiiiniiiiiiT s s B B HOW TO CLEAR MAY PIMPLES Bathe jour face for several minute with minol aoap and hot water, then applr a little retinol ointment very gently. Let this stay on ten minute, and wah off with retinol soap and more hot water, finishing with t daah 'of cold water to cIom the pore. Do this once or twice a day, and you will Le axtoniBhed to find how quickly the tiK&Ung rininol medication Kxithit and dcanM' the por-, rpmovca pimple and llackht-ada, and leave the complexion clur and vrlvrty. lU'itinol ointment and rciinol aoap top itching instantly and spoedily Leal Mkin humors, or:, burns, wounds and chafing, bold by all druggist. SOAP FOR BABY'S TENDER SKIN The regular liw of rcfinol soap is vauilly enoiiL'h to prevt-nt thotv- dis- treiiniiit; rimin g and chutlnfr to which inot balii-s are auljjts t. 11) in it so, first, Ixx'siiwi rcnlnol soap In slituiluMy pure and free from liarnh alkali, and second, because it contains the rcsinol medication, on which so many pbjsi cians rel for skin trouble. Detectives searching for Henry C. C'oe. Jr., a former New Torker and now Bonton representative of the Standard Oil Company, who haa mys teriously disappeared, raid they felt he had been murdered or was being held fur ransom. ' At the Coe home. 1200 Common wealth avenue. Allnton, Mrs, Coe Is prostrated. She wea Helen Alnslee, daughter of A. Allen Alnslee, former proprietor of the Hotel Lenox and several othfr large hotels scattered throughout the country. She is In a delicate condition, and grave fears are entertained that her husband's disappearance may result seriously. Police and operatives from the Burns detective agency are hunting for Coe, who Is twenty-three years old. Coe left his home in Allston on Sat urday morning. Jan. 30, to meet Gen eral Manager Wilkinson of the Stand ard Oil company. He- wa to be told that he had been promoted and that hi sales territory had been extended to take in more Important ground. When he left home he was in a most cheerful state of mind. He had with him SI 00 In cash and wore a three-stone diamond ring valued at $300 and an amethyst acarfpln. He boarded a trolly car near his home bound downtown. Where he left the car or when Is not known, though he was seen on the car by acquaintances. Try Tlil for Jfeuralta. Thousand of people keep on uf ferlng with neuralgia because the) do not know what to do for It Neu ralgia I a pain in the nerves. Wha you want to do Is to soothe the nerve Itself. Apply Sinn's Liniment to the surface over the painful part do not rub It In. Sloan' Liniment penetrate very quickly to the sore, Irritated nerve 'and allay Inflammation. Get a bottle of Sloan' Liniment for 25 cent of any druggist and have it In the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joint, Lumbago. Sciatica and like ailment. Tour money back if not satisfied, but It doe five almost Instant relief. Adv. ( Jjrarrcttc (ilvlnjf CoUy CHAMHERSBURO, Pa. Teb. 11. Joseph Wetzel, of Waynesboro plead ed guilty in court here today of fur nishing cigarettes to a boy. It yeara o'd, and offered the excuse that he was drunk when he did it. Judge Gillian sentenced him to pay 1100 fine and cost in' lieu of which he went to Jail Abundant Health I assured when there is good blool In the vein. Ifotd'r SarsaparliU Is the medicine to mnkc good blood. Begin taking it now. It Is Jut what the system needs i Mis. J. 8. Landers nnd Principal and More of the pUno and voice pu pils of Mrs. J. R. Iickson were heard !n recital last evenlnr at Mrs. Dick son's home on South Main street and q'Jite a number of friends and rela tives were gathered to hear the very pK-nslrig program, which was as fol-!iv- Ding Dong Bell. Maxim Luclle Saling The Traveler Son? Oesten Katherine McXary A Li:tle Rogue Hoffman Mildred Rogers Two Waltzes Jensen Helen LaFontalne Afternoon Peace Jensen Ruth Isaac Fr-jlics of a Fairy Night Heller Gertrude McConnell A Maiden's Wish '. .Chopin Traumerel -. . . Schumann Helen Thompson i-' Schumann Beulah Young OondoMled Mendelssohn The Lark's Song Tschalkowsky Alice Flnnell Sonaline DlabelU Juanlta Frledly Sonatine Weber Gwendoline Rogers Air ce Ballet Chaminade Vera Temple Parcnrolle Enna Muriel Perlnger Hunting Song Mendelssohn Ruth lerpenlng Songs O That We Two Were Maying. .Xevln Curlsande Sanderson Edna Zimmerman To the Evening EUr . . .Wagner-Llsxt Catherine Thompson AJ.ifclo Haydn Contentment Schumann Lucile Gilliland Berceuse Gottschalk Nola Childreth Etude Wollenhaupt Jean Reber Goodnye Tostl The Nightingale's Song Nevln Edna'Cout Largest and most brilliant of th card parties of the season was the one e.flcrrfay afternoon In the Eagle Woodman hall at which Mr. Fred Earl. Mrs. Lawrence Frailer and Mr. Clark Nelson were hostesses. About eighty ladlej were present to enjoy the charming hospitality of the three young matron. The large hall had been darkened and inmps, shaded with red, cast a varm glow over the tables. Rich Tur kish rugs were on the floors, giving a 'drawing room effect, and the wall aud overhead decorations were of red. Bridge was played at twenty tables, honoik being won by Mrs. Charles Bond rmd Mrs. Charles A. Murphy. During the afternoon Mrs. Frank E. l'nyden favored the guests with bi verU beautiful pUino selections and Mrs. Roy AlexanJer and Mr. Carl Power contributed to the enjoyment with vocal numb?. Assisting the hoHtcsses In serving the refresh ments late In the afternoon were Mrs. Frank B. Hayes, Mrs. Richard Miiybcrry. Mr. W. P. Temple, Mrs. Henry W. Collins. Mr. George Strand, Mrs. Wlllard Bond, Mrs. Roy Alex- an ler and Mrs. sSMh Catlln. Miss Elma Dunn entertained the Embrtldery Club Wednesday after in. on at Woodlawn Farm on McKay creek. Light refreshments were Kerved and Miss Verna Ackerman rendered several sanctions on the pi ano, which were enjoyed by all. A large crowd attended the "good time?'' dancing party last evening In the Moose hall, glvon by Daphne Or cl Women of Woodcraft. This evening tho high school stu dent will entertain the members of the Walla Walla high school girls' basketball team at the U and I dance iu. Moose. halL Mr. and Mr. A. H. Cox left today f.,r San Francisco for a visit in the exposition city. . Boyce Fenton and Clark BurRard student at the University of . Ore- jron and memoer or. me ueia xne ta Pi fraternity, are spending the day with Pendleton friends en route buck to Eugene from Walla Walla where they visited for several days with Whitman college friends. Miss Alice Butler, head of the do incstic science department at the high school, and ner student will preside this evening at a dinner par ty t'-vtn to the members of the school board and their wives, Supt. and Culaworthy Mob. G!nden Live and learn. H:i!l Good form for all occasion Hane Practical dog keeping. H. iren Europe flnce 1815. It'.ibbard Ann of Ava. .Iniiits Habit. I. t-jrp In Red Man's Land. Mangold Problem of child welfare. NVurlng Reducing the cost of living. Rerly Selected ititlclcs on world peure. .hui p Where rils the Oregon. Monor Natural' education. T;:lt United States and peace. Terman Hygiene of the school child. Whelpley Trade of the world. Wiley 1001 test. New ll.-tlon. Bordeaux The house. Daviess Phyllis. G:egory Under handicap. Hall Henry of Navarre, Ohio, Harrison Lad of Kent. IUy Knight on wheel. Lee Woman In the alcove. Mable Light are bright Moore Peacock Feather. IU'UtUii Army Shaken vp. HAVRE, Feb. 11. The Belgian army haa lately undergone a com plete shake-uo and reorganlxatlon, followed b the retirement of all the generals commanding divisions, in cluding even the brilliant General Bertrand, who 1 Incapacitated by 111 nea. These officers have been re rlaced by ounger and more active me-ii. From officials connected with the Belgian government at Havre It Is learned that the new army is divided Into six divisions. Mixed brigades have been dispense I with, and as cav alry cen play no active role in the present trench warfare, its officers ard men ie largely serving as In fantry. A section of auto-cannon has been t rented In imitation of the Germans, who use these mobile wea pons In their surprise stacks on Fur nes and Coxyde, being able to run in close to the eremy line and escape unscathed, especially In times of fog. As the Bt-Ulan cyclists have al ready established a record of daring in their assault within the German lines, the auto-artillery Is expected to rive an equally good account of Itself. Its commander Is Major Col on, late mlll.t ry attache at Paris. Consuls' Flajrs Lowered AMSTERDAM, via London, Feb. 11 The Telegraaf publishes a dispatch raying that the German commander ot Bruges, Belgium, ordered all the consulates there to haul down their flags and remove the coats-of-arm. The consuls the dispatch added In cluding the representative of Turkey, protested but the order was enforced, In some cases with violence and In addition the consuls were competed i) surrender all their arms. ut this time and w i do you great gnod. Sharpens the appetite, steadies the rerves. Adv. Church Kaffir Unharmed. RALEM, Ore., Feb. 11. Represen tative Frank Davey's untl-lottery bill. aimed particularly at the operators of Chinese games in Portland, was killed m the house, the objection be ing raised that It was a needless measure whose ground Is covered by statutes already on the, books. One member sngstested that it would mako raffles at church fairs Illegal. Children' Onagri -Children's Cold; Roth Are fieri oris. When one of your little ones shows symptoms of an approaching cold. give it Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey at tnce. It acts quickly, and prevent the cold growing worse. Very heal ing soothes th lungs, loosens the mueou, strengmens tne system, it s guaranteed. Only 26o at your drug gist. Buy a bottle today. Buklen'a Arnica Salve for sores. Adv. I Mr.'. A. C. Hampton, The Current Literature Club in this afternoon enjoying the club annual Follcwlng a lunchoon at the Hotel Pendleton, the members will adjourn to the home of Mrs. J. F. Robinson to piny bridge. Library News New books at tho library: Antrim County library. Brandels Business a profession. C-li Every day living. Cnrlton Industrial situation. C'heyney Farm woodlot. Cubberley Rural life and educa ton. Duvls Day in eld Athens. Day fioclul entertainments. Durand Book of roses. Flexner Juvenile court and pro bation. Fowler Storle and toat for aft er dinner. Oalloway Biology of sex. Berlin Buys la Rountanta. BERLIN, Feb. 11. It Is seml-offi-c'lly reported from Bucharest that Roumanla Is to supply Germany, by pre-arrangement, a large quantity of grain. .YnJ Transportation for the grain is to l-e furnished by Germany. Ills; &hiM rtvm Canal. PANAMA. Feb. 11. The new Northern raclflc Bteamshlp Great Northern and the American line steamer, Kroonland, the two largest passenger boats yet to use tire Pana ma canal, passed through the water way, both making fast time. Tho trip was without special lncl dent The ships used the new chan nel, which has been dredged through the slides at Cuaracha. A. It. C. Dennlrtton Named. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 11. A. B C. Dennis'.on, a well known eteamship man of the Pacific coast, has been appointed general agent of the pas- Corn-Mad? Uso "GETS-IT," ll's Sure Make Corn Vanish Uke Magic! A bird cup of skin mnkea nn every corn. W hen jou put 2 drops of "UKTS IT'r on r. It shrivels up and comes rlirht off and there's your corn gone bj thunder I Hlmple s taking off your bat ! That's why corn- IW Wu Time "Hollerlns." "CETS4T," World Simpltwt Corauiw, Kim Fails. million, hure gone wild over "OETS IT" noiiuiifi use ii ever innwu. nome ioikh, iu this dnr. nutter .around with bandiiKes. sticky tHDe, thick plasters, corn "pulling" Rives, gouue corns out with knives, imp 1th tiiem w then howl sore corns, scissors, make them bleed and because they can t get rid or Use "(JUTS-IT. There's noth- ri K to do hut apply 2 drops. The work Is done, "(JKTH-IT does the rest. No pln, no f una I rip. no ehnnelng shoes, no limping. It never falls. Try It tonight for any corn, alius, wart or bunion. He sure that you get "IIKTH IT" nnd nothing ele. (JKTH-IT" Is sold by (iruiulHl eyery- where, 25c a bottle, or sent direct by R. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. Hold In Pendle ton and recommended as the world's best corn rurt by Pendleton Drug Co., and F, J. Donaldson. Buckwheat Cakes UlM4UfeMt Yew When they are Just right, the old fjuhv loned yeast -raked buckwheat cake are Jiut fine. But it takes a skillful hand to get them "Just right" and many housewives do not want to be bothered with a bowl of batter standing around all the time. Made after thl recipe, buckwheat cakes are as good as any you ever ate and much super ior to those nude with scU-ralsIng flour. Made with K C double raise baking powder, the last of the batter wiJl make Just as light cakes as the trsL K C Buckwheat Cakes By Mrs. lnet McKenxie Hill, Editor of the Boston Cooking School Mauinc. 1 cup buckwheat flour; 1 tablt apaonful tugar; S level UdBpoor full K C linking J'ouder; ll eup$ cold water; i tea $poonul tulL . Sift together, three timet, the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder i tur the water in all at once and bake on a hot. well oiled grid dle. Buckwheat flour calls for a generous meaiure of baking powder. Part milk may be used to mix the cakes but water give quite at good remits. A delicious "ipresd" for griddle cakes is made by creaming together about twice as much honey (either comb or it rained) a butter. Work it up with a fork to about the coruiitency of hard sauce. Readers of this paper may obtain "The Cook's Book" containing this and 19 other delicious recipes frit by sending the colored certificate packed in every 25-cenl can of K C Baking Powder to the Jaques Mfg. Co., Chicago, Send for "The Cook's Book,rtoday. senger department of the Great Northern-Pacific Steamship company here. Hr. Dennla'on will make his homo in San Friu.usco. He was formerly connected 'with eastern railroads, lat er moving to lortland. where for eev eral year hs wa passenger agent of the same iMiioad company. In Se attle he was also northwestern Pas senger agent of th Pacific Coast Steamship company, resigning to be come owner and general manager of a number of steamers plying on Pu gct Sound. Diced Sufferers Want to Knoa The Light U Turned on to a Subject of DarkiKM. The mere fact that 8. 8. ft., the fanon blood purifier, drives out disease Is a world's story, a tuple of conversation wher ever Oien get togrtbrr. Thejr wondi-r nhy. almply because most remedies are n..-ilinod and put before them as 'discoveries." The facta are that we pay tco much attention to pcsalbllltlrs and not fDough to rest, homespun accomplish ment. 8. 8. 8. Is a remedy of our fathers. It baa a history that la written deeply la men's minds because It has done the wort drlvra out drop seated disease, revived hope, prt the O. K. on appearance aad clamped down tight any effort of gems to get the upper bsnd. Any sore spot ea the akla '4 an Immediate demand for H. 8. 8. llJce the first principle of this famous re nedy la to itrtke out for places of trouble. This la s physiological fart and 8. 8. S. la true to the workings of our brdy. Get a bottle of 8. S. 8. today at any dniKRlat and begta blood health. It will master any blood disease and do It la a way to emphasize Its Influence. And If yon would like definite advice write Tlx Bwlft 8nerinc Co., 60 Swift Itldg., Atlanta, fia. Their medical department la wbert moat people first seek advice that put then oa the straight roai miiiiiiiHuiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiimiiiiiPi F. E. Van Dusen 5 General Contractor and 5 Superintendent. s 3 PENDLETON, OREGON, s fTiiniiiiiiHtiiiNniiuiiiiiiuiitiiimmwi SPECIAL Manufacturer's Advertising - Offer on PALMOLIVE SOAP. For a limited time we will give away with each purchase 'of Palmolire Cream, 3 cakes Palmolive Soap Free. Tollman Ik Go. LrMdiol DratfUts