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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1915)
1 "RTGTTT PAGES. TAOTi FJO TIT. DAILY EAST ORraOXIAN', rEXPLETOX. OTCEOON. THURSDAY. VKKItUATtY 4, 1 01 .1. RESOLVED That you can't fall down on tlie Groceries you buy from us. But you may flip up on the quality if you buy elsewhere. Buster Brown. As ?xm a? xvl fruit and vegetables are on the nurket, we Lave thein. There is no danger of your getting poor goods in our store. PHONE 96 STANDARD GROCERY GO. Where all are Pleeisd Court and Johnson Sts. Newsy Notes of Pendleton IJhlH Ant llrokrn. Twenty llKhts In the court houa were last night put out of commission through trouble supposed to have emanated from the transformer. FORISALE! I SO 00 acres well watered, 400 acres In cul tivation and meadow. Cuts about 700 tons of hay annually. Much more can le cultivated. 30 million feet of fine saw timber, besides a big lot of mallpr. Good house, cost over $2000. one mile from town! four good barns Adjoins Nat. forest reserve, and has grazing right thereon. All vehicles and farm Implements!, some of them new. good blacksmith outfit, and chop mill driven by motor power. Tou can buy this ranch including the above mentioned property, for $16 per acre. You can buy with It. 750 well bred cattle, and 80 horses at the market prices; half cu-h. reasonable time on balance. I have both larger and smaller stock ranches than this, also wheat land, diversified farms, city property, and nchar.ges. E. T. WADE, rendlcton, Ore. THURSDAY FRIDAY All-Star Cast in Will o' the Wisp f .?--r-ff.tT' .A.J"1''. - -j i- y' .'V- Cfr-S-Il" 5 vt 4-', ..' - w V.i Vl .. k . ; . w v - - - . - . S f - t ' I-:,- . '-' r : ; ' . , '.i .. . . V .. T . - v ' - . ' : ' " " y t ; ' . h SSE3 IX 1 PAIIT.S. Larry Thorn, a novelist, played by Henry King Hazel. The Wisp, played by Miss Jackie Saunders Julia Kider. a trifler, played by Miss Made line Pardee. Faron Von Keller, played by Robert Grey The Miser, played (by Charles Dudley. The Widow, played- by Miss Mollie McConnell. The Farmer, played by W. Johnson. To Iluihl Xcw BuiiKalow. C. F. Hargrove has taken , out a permit to build a six room, one story bungalow at (04 Lewis street. It will cost approximately $1000. llfiiHxIcllng Alta House. - Fred S. Senn, the new owner of the Alta House, Is changing the front entrance to that hotel und doing some remodeling work on the interior. To tiho 1-1 y Talk. C. H. Hodges, the noted biologist semi-annual banquet. The newly el ected officers to be Installed next Tuesday night ar V. G. Hacknian. president; Hen Gerklng, vice presi dent; Paul Calllson secretary; Kulph Hargette, treasurer, and E. L. Crock- att, committeeman at-Urge. After the business of the club was transud ed, refreshments were aer.ved and a general good time was enjoyed. Appeal I blsmlasrO. Upon motion of Frederick Stelwer, attorney for the plaintiff, the appeal of the defendant In the cuso of L. O. Gelss vs. (.'. L. Bowers, was dLsnilssed by Judge Phelps. Appeal wag taken from the judgment In the Justice court. and "fly man" will lecture before thej Cliamttcrlulii Keoovcrinff, students or me tocai nign scnooi nexi Friday morning on the coming flj campaign. To Get Class Kings. President Badley of the Junior class of the high school, anntunced today that the orders for the class rlngi and pins would be sent Id some time this week. Baldwin Admitted to Bar. Edward D. Baldwin, secretary to Representative Slnnott and formerly secretary to the late ex-Congressman Ellis of Pendleton, has been admit ted to practice In the supreme court of the United States, Senator W. Borah of Idaho presenting him to the court Washout Prevents Concert Owing to a washout on the O.-W. R & N. tracks between Walla Walla and Rlparla yesterday the Hall'owell company which was to'have appeared In concert at the Alta theater last evening did not arrive thereby caus ing considerable dlsappolntnment to music lovers. The company will not be able to stop here at all as It has engagements arranged ahead. Whirlwind Takes Another Whirl. For the first time since he served a term in the federal jail at Portlanu some months since, Charley Shaplish, the elongated Indian known better as Charley Whirlwind, fell Into the offi cers' hands last night- His love for "firewater" was Indulged too strongly and he ended up this morning In the police court which used to know hlra so often. W. I. Chamberlain, well known for mer county clerk, and legislator, lo now recovering from a second oper ation at the St. Anthony's hospital He has been In the Institution for six days and U now on the road to recovery. Pcliute Is Postponed. The debate which was to occur next Friday morning at the high' school be tween Bean and Colesworthy, affirm ative, and Curl and Hargett, negative, haa been postponed until next Mon day morning that the debaters might have Saturday and Sunday for furth er preparation. Not Itcndy to ColUnt Taxes. Though the assessor has practical ly completed the tax rolls,, he has not yet turned them over to the count; treasurer and it will be probably a week' yet before Treasurer Bradlej will commence the collection of taxes. Get) 30 Days in Jail. William Wained was this morning turned over to Sheriff Taylor and will serve SO days In the county Jail, that sentence having been Imposed upon him by Justice of the Peace Joe H Parkes upon his conviction of stealing about 100 new sacks from the "Van Petten Lumber Co. He was arrested by the police several days ago. will be a big asset to the company. The new firm will adopt the name "The Boston Store," by which the store was known prior to the time Mr. Schubert took It over. Colored Couple to Vol. A marriage ltcenxc was Iwucd this afternoon to George 'Taylor and Gladys Kent, a local colored couple 1'alsii lire Alarm. The fire department turned out shortly after S o'clock this afternoon in response to a still alarm from the Odd Fellows building. It was thought there was a fire on the. roof but no blaze could be found. Golnir to California. J. M. Uoyer, well known Pilot Rock hotelman.i Is here today .and1 with his wife and daughter, Mls Ruth Royer. will leave tomorrow for California for an extended vlxlt. He has leased his hotel. Jury Must Hans Together. Thone Jurors who were excused from service In the Burke murder trial either for cause or upon a per emptory challenge are now congratu luting themselves Inasmuch as the court, in accordance with the custom In cases as grave as the present one, ras given the bailiff orders to keep the jury together at all times until a terdlet is reached. Thus at noon they were taken into the Jury room and dinner ordered for them and to night they will have to sleep there. Tracing Stamps Slay Go. The death knell of the trading stamp business will be sounded if a bill Introduced in the legislature by Senator La Follette of Marlon county Is pawed. The retail merchants' as sociation of the state Is back of It and yesterday J. V. Tallmnn was ask ed by telegram to ascertain the sen timent locally. The result was a fctrong endorsement of the bill by 20 or more business men .some of whom ere no giving stamps. Some others refused to endorse the bill and others would not take a stand for or against It. The hill places a tax of five per cent upon the gross sales of stores handling these staps. This tax would practically prohibit the business. lino Article on Itound-up. Charles Wellington Furlong's latest article on Pendleton and her Round up Is contained in the February num ber of "Travel" and plctorlally is one of the best things which has yet ap peared on the local frontier show. Mr. Furlong, who has attended the lsi two Round-ups, Is an ardent booster of the show and has given it more national publicity than any one man. Recorder's Monthly Report., A total of 100 cases were In police court during the month of January, according to the monthly report oi Recorder Fltx Gerald. Of this num ler, 52 resulted in Jail sentences, U In fines. IS In bail forfeited, seven In suspended sentences, four were dis missed and three continued. The to tal amount of the fines was $404 and $470 was derived from licenses. Nine building permits were issued, six plumbing permits and three side walk permits. The sidewalk permits represented 2110 lineal feet. MISS JACKIE SAUNDERS An Unusual Photo-Drama 1 "v: Y t VI LL O' THE WISP Is so different from anything you have ever seen upon the screen, and yet such an in teresting drama, that you will vote It the best picture en tertainment In America. The photography is marvelously clear notwithstanding the fact that many of the scenes were taken in the very midst of a California flood that de stro)ed many lives and mil lions of dollars worth of property. The deluge was extensively described In the newspapers at the time, and no one thought tliut any mo tion picture concern would have the hardlnliood t'j pro duce a feature while Hur rounded by io many dangers. Put the Palbo Coii.pany per formed the unexpected and Will O' The WIkp Is the result. Special Added Attraction America's Greatest Cartoonlnt. Winsor McCay, presents "GERTIE" A prehistoric animal that lived Thirteen Million years ago, brought back to life. A marvelous work of art, science and hu mor. Mie's a Scream. YOU CAN'T AFIXHI) TO MISS THIS TREAT. A ':a-'.': .'. i 'sN " ' HENRY KING New Addition to City. R. T. Brown, former deputy county cleric has completed a plat of a new addiilon to Pendleton which is to be known as "River View Addition." Having purchased the old Pendleton academy grounds on Riverside drive, he has divided the ground Into three large lots to which access may be had from both Riverside drive and Madison street. The plat cannot be approved by the council until the courts determine who Is the mayor and Mr. Brown will withhold it until that time. LOCAL HIGH AND WALLA WALU GUSH OK FRIDAY PENDLETON BOYS ARE DETER MINED TO MAKE GARDEN CJTY TEAM HUSTLE. Court Room Is Jammed. The circuit court room at the court house .Is this afternoon packed and Jammed until there is not a foot ot standing room left, the murder trial cf Richard Burke being the attrac tion. I'p until noon today there was neny oi room 10 seat me auuience. Nxt night ln the Ioca, ngn the examination of Jurors not being j hool gvmnaslum the Pendleton Interesting enough to attract many, j i,OV8 hae solemnly vowed to give the When court took up this afternoon, va:ia Walla basket ball team the nowever. there was not a seat to be( Kime of their ilves Tne ,ocn had and soon the standing room was boys were beaten by Walla Walla last nil taken. Scores had .to leave be-, nionth .In that cltv nnd have deter cause of their inability to get inside. m!tied to have revenge on this last opportunity. Quite a number of women were In the audience. The first witness call ed was Fred Hobby, brother-in-law of Ed Klrkpatrlck and at whose ranch the shooting took place. He was fol lowed by the widow of the. deceased man, dressed ln 'heavy mourning. Neither saw the shooting, both hav ing been Inside the house but both knew something of the circumstances leading up to It. Sclilffler Buys Half Interest. E. A. Schlffler, who has been re tired for the past three years from active business life, has just conclud ed a deal whereby he becomes the owner of a half Interest in the Schu bert Clothing Company's store on Main street. Mr. Schlffler has been In the tailoring and clothing business all his life, for many years In this city, and his experience and ability Coach Livingston declares that his team Is ln the best condition It has been for some time and that they are showing up better in team work and Individual ability than at any time this season. Two oflts strong play ers, Charles Russell" and Roscoe Vaughn are not playing at present. Vaughn having gone to Portland and Russell being too occupied with oth er matters to find time to keep up his work In athletics. Both are, how ever, ably succeeded by Fowler and Mentzer. both of which are starring In basketball practice. The game next Friday night will undoubtedly be one of the best play ed by Interfcholastlc teams on the lo cal floor this season and Coach Llv Ingston snys that If the local team Is defeated It will be by one of the clos est scores produced this season. 10c ADMISSION 10c New Map of Pendleton. Guy O'Melviny, civil engineer and son-in-law of Judge Thomas Fits Qer aid, has Just completed a new and up to date map of Pendleton which bias talr to be accepted as the official map of the city. He- has been work ing for months upon it and last even ing presented it to the city council for approval, declaring both abstract ccmDanies had endorsed It. The council was very pleased with It but deferred acceptance until a commit tee had examined It to determine its correctness. The map is over six feet long and very neatly done in colors Mr. O'Melviny plans to put it upon the market Inasmuch as the city at this time has no official map. jiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiin nun urn i lit i in 1 1 imiii iiiiiiim in ti tiiiiiimi 1 The Science of Medicine is Progressive iiuu(tiK iioiii me uuuuiq uiiu expense people iiuve 111 kchiiib - isfactory glasses, there is room for Improvement In glass fitting. A glass that was apparently alright at first but later requires 5 changing, Is absolute proof that It never was correct. E We use a method of glass fitting that will straighten cross eyes without a surgical operation; the same principles will give you a glass that will never require changing, except for reading from the S ages of 45 to 65. Only one of the various systems can make the above statement s good. We are the only refractlonlst ln Oregon using this system. E D. N. Reber, M. D. Eye. Eear, Nose and Throat Specialist. 5 , Schmidt Bldg. ..I. lfllMIIIIIIIIIMI IllIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilIIIIiIlllllllllllsillllllsiiiiiiiiisississftBiassiiisi---"'' Trains Sh Washout. Rerouting of O.-W. R. & N. trains was necessary yesterday because of a washout near Alto. No. 7. from Spo kane to Pendleton, by way of Walla Walla, was sent Instead down the cnai. T?ivor line via Umatilla, to Pendleton. The North Yakima branch train was held at Wallula to make connection with No. 7 and to bring passengers and mall to Walla Walla.- A stub train from Walla wai la to Pendleton was put on late in the afternoon to take care of traffic con- nia-ned to DolntS south. The washout near Alto occurred during the heavy rains of Tuesday night and several rods of track were lost. The break Is not a serious one, however, and will be repaired at once, Bachelor Club Meets, LnHt night the Bachelor Club, a lo cal high school organization, met at the home of Mrs. C. L. Crockatt, at 709 West Alta street, for their regu lur weeklv business meeting. Seven new members were voted to member ! shiD and two committees were ap pointed to arrange for the Installation of officers and initiation ot new mem tere which Is to be held next Tuesday night in connection with their second Announcement CWe take great pleasure In announcing to our many pat rons, the reopening of our optical department, under the personal supervision of Mr. W. II. II1U. v UMr. Hill Is a registered optician be in r a crnilnata lit (Via Northern 1111 nols College of Optometry. Eighteen fS"-' years of successful professional prac- if vv tlce has made him . capable or nanai- ,f Ing the most obstinate or difficult SteaVr CCLSC8, C.Wo have Installed the latent Improved methods of re fracting and fitting the eye as well as the latest and best machinery for grinding the lenses to fit each Individual case. JWe have hcen ln business here for many years and have a hotit of satisfied patrons who will gladly testify to our efficiency. , Wm. E. HANSCOM DIAMONDS, WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY. Just received by -today's expressa Mot of TAILORED SUITS and COATS They are different better stop in and see them. Then too, they are priced at about half you would pay tlsswhere. High grade mer chandise for less at The Golden Rule Store. r "Py rTSs W want t0 caM yur attention to 0110 of Lv LAtTvSnt4 tlu new Bkirti, tliey uro BOln0 widcr hStiJ iVfX ) . at bottom, nil-wool lluo penro anl priced at $2.1)S . Another lot of now skirts iu hergrs, cravenett or KhnpLerJ cheek aii'l should brills double tho price, f-r only JjJS.CS Oilier okirt.s, yon xhould wo nro prici-1 at $ 1.08, $5.00, $G.0O New Coats, j list a sprinkling of will bo shown for early Spring nt nlout half von would pay cLe where, $7.00, $8.00, $0.00. Early showing of tailored suits, they are different, the jackcU are shorter and the skirts are fuller at bottom, ?8.00,?0.00. Petticoats, of guaranteed silk char-- mouse, a fplendid $5.00 value. Fitted waist,' guaranteed not to rip, tear nor split in the seam -... $3.40' Another lot of all silk chnrmeuso petti coats at..... $1.08, $2.08 A big shipment of quality Hod Seal Dresa (iinghams, tha dress gingham just roeeiv- patterns nro very pretty din td, only 8 1-3J season, only - J0 you c.y ik BETTER AT UK LKAO OTHERS rOLLOW Why Go to Portland to Have Your Glasses Fitted? About 14 montha uco a young man rume to my office who haj been having nerlouN trouble with his eye for neveral years. H hail pent nevenil month under the care of Medical Ee fperlullnts In Port land, and hud paid them over IliOO with no relief. After a careful examination we ground and fitted noma gluten that proved to be all that his even required, and It Is needles to nay that the young man In one of our beat Pleased Patrons. We will gladly give any one hia name. The argument that rIohmch can Ih fitted In every (om m they will nctcr nocil chantfnK. U too ridiculous for any thoughtful jxTson to consider. Dale Roth well ExriualTO OiXJctan. American National Bank Bid.. Upstairs. Phone 0j Pendleton. he Alta Theatre We wish to call your attention to . a very clever vaudeville team FOX AND EVANS THE TWO BLACKBIRDS In a Singing and Dancing Act. Our Picturo Program "The Struggle" A story involving present day labor conditions "Why Aunt Mary Never Married" Carrying a tale of love, devotion and self sacrifice "Charle's Little Joke" A Good Comedy TOMORROW! "The Bargain" A film made in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado