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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1915)
1G t EIGTIT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREflOXTAy. rK,VTT-ETOV. OT?T-nOT. 1Un?SI)AV, FEBTirAflT 4, 1flir. PAOE SKVF.W FEW FOLKS HAVE GRAY HAIR NOW RUGOI8T BAYS LADIES ARE USING IlECIPE OK SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR. Hair that loses Its color and lustre r when It fades, turns rray, dull and lifeless, li caused by a lack of ul hor In the hair. Our grandmother made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her loeka dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who value that even color, tiat beautiful dark shade of hair which la ao attractive, use only this ld-tlme recipe. Nowadays we get this famous mix ture by asking at any drug store for M-cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," which dark, ens the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell It has been applied. Besides, It takes off dandruff, stops scalp Itching and fall ing hair. Tou Just dampen a sponge r oft brush with It, and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; but what de light the ladlea with Wyeth'a Sage and 8ulphur Is that, besides beauti fully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also brlnga back the gloss and lustra and gives it an ap yearanoe of abundance. 0IIIMIIWIIIMIIllfiiiillllllMIMIIMIIIIIIIC Orphoum Theatre S J. P. MEPERNACn, Prop. 1 a a 8 High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures 2 FOU MEN. WOMEN AND 2 CHILDREN 5 Program change Sundays, Tuesday!, Thura- I daya and Saturdays. Be Prorram in Todays Paptr. Bciiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiic illlllinillllllllimilllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIII!: I Pastime Theatre i "The Home of Good Pictures" I ALWAYS THE LATEST I i Photoplaya :: Steady, 5 g Flickerleea Picture :: AW S 5 lntdy No Eya Strain. S A Refined and Entertaining a Show for the Entire Family. Next to French Restaurant 5 e - ' ' . 2 2 Change Sunday, Tuesdaya, Thursday! and Saturday a. i s Adults 10& Children under 5 I 10 yean So. SnuHiuiiiiimimiiiniiiinininniiiiiii fmuiiwiumimimniiimimnwiiMirc PENDLETON'S P Q P U- I S s LAR PICTURE SHOW 5 ! TIJE I I COSY I mm mm s Where the entire family can S enjoy a hiph-cla38 motion E H picture show with comfort, mm m I Fun, Pathos I Scenic 1 Thrilling I All Properly 1 Mixed i S Open Afternoon and Even- 5 s ing. ChanKoa Sunday, Mon- 5 S day, Wednesday and Friday. 5 mm mm 5 Next Door to St George Ho- 5 tl. Admiaaion Bo and lOo. 5 SlllinillllimililllHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIllli;. HOG MARKET IS UP TO $7.25 (Courtesy Wednesday's Journal ) PORTLAND, Ore. Hogs adanced ISc again In the North Portland yards with only a very limited run reported on the market. - Tops went at, 17 25. I There was an excellent . demand shown for swine ut the opening of I the- day's trade and at ths start the higher prices were available. While the quullty of the stuff that enme for 1 v.urd today was unusually favorable, I the general market situation Is bet ter. Hogs were weaker with a loss of a dime In the Omaha trade today. Tops Hold at $6.05 with the bulk of the sales around 6.R56.85. General hog market range: Best light I 7 25 Medium light 7.15 Good to heavy 7.00Qi7.10 Rough and heavy 6.G0.80 Stoclter D.5001.25 ( attics Market Is Skw. Home excellent cows went at S In the North Portland yards today. The murket had only a light run, but there has been a lack of buyers re cently except at the start of the week. The general cattle market sit uation Is not at all favorable and killers are much more particular as to what they take on. General cattle market range: Selected steers $7 65 8.00 Good to prime 7 607.EI Good to choice 6 607.00 Ordinary to fair 6.76 6.26 Good to prime 6.60 6.61 Ordinary 6.266.t0 Selected calves 8.00 0 8 25 Fancy bulls 6.60676 Ordinary 4.000 4.26 No Sluvji Slww Monday. With the exception of a few head that appeared yesterday, there were Ho offerings In the yards since Mon day. In fact the open market has re tched only a handful since the week started. The bulk of the Monday shipments being a direct purchase by a Seattle Interest, the sale having teen made In the country. The situation In the mutton trade Is Intensely strong, snd the general trade Is anticipating a further ad vance in the prices, especially for ex treme quality. General mutton trade range: Old wethers I 666 Beat yearlings 6.60 Bent ewes 6 60 0 6.75 Best east mountain lambs 7.75 07.80 Valley light lambs 7.60 Heavy spring lambs 7.25 07.60 IJvoHlOCk blUpp!. Hogs Frye & Co., Echo, l load dl recti Russell' & Osborne, Redmond, 1 load; L. T. Larson. Gateway, 1 load. Cattle C. F. Walker. Idaho Falls, Idaho. 1 load; Robert Wiley. Red mond, 1 load; W. Wright, 1 load. Mixed stuff H. II. Taylor, Vader, Wash., 1 load cattle and hogs. ItHutln Has Year's Food. LONDON. Feb. I. In a booklet entitled "England's Fo'l Supply In War Time." Dr. R. H. Rew. head of the bureau of statistics of the board of agriculture, declare that England Is safe at least for a year, no matter what happens. "Rread," he points out "can be made from other cereals than wheat. Ry the simple expedient of altering the popular type of loaf, the country could add 10 per cent to Its wheat supply while as a food It would gain In nutritious elements. "It Is a conservative statement to say that for a year there would be no reason why anyone should go khort of bread, even If nothing reach ed our shores. Livestock, however, would have to go hungry, and beer and whiskey would be scarce. More over, In potato production the coun try Is self-sustaining." GLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS IP TOtm BACK HURTS Oil I1LAD ER BOTHERS TOP. DRINK LOTS OP WATER When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot ef drags that excite kidneys and Irritate the entire urnlnary tract Keep your kidneys clean like yon keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmless salts which remov es the body's urinous waste and sti mulates them to their normal activ ity. The function of the kidneys Is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from It 500 grains of acid and waste so we can readily understand the vital Importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lota or wateir you can't drink too much: also get from any phar macist about four ounces of Jad Salts take a tablcspoonful In a gloss of wa ter before breakfast each mornllng for a few days and your kldneqswlll net fine. This famous salts Is made from the ncld of grapes and lemon Juice combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer Is a source of irritation, thus endinlg blndder weakness. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive: cannot lnl- Jtire; makes a delightful efferves cent llthla-wnter drink which every one should tnke now and then to keep their kldneya clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drink Ing, and no doubt you will wonder whnt became of your kidney trouble and backache. CIHCHESTER S P1LL ?..'Hr.t AL Jour lrr.Ul.frr j our ifrnjrr'iM. irr A , l.tumimd U-enl I V!l r.ct.-.!ILV i ' r. I'MI. I.i l: d I .. A Vff ,ll 'ft 'i.TTtta 1-! i - I-. ; M II I I 1.1 it. f .1 I' a l. yr.u, known w t , T ,t.Aiwr R-!''4 V S3LQ CV C?.liC!ST3 ANOTHER CABINET ROMANCE I' y'C'U ''si mr... t. ; - fv'v:; " A Above, Miss Lucy Burleson; below. Associate Justice James C. McRey ncld' of the United States supreme court. WASHINGTON, Feb. 4. rerslstent rumors have been in circulation that Mlns Lucy nurleson, oldest daughter of the postmaster general, Is engaged to marry Associate Justice James C MILL TAX LEVY FOR GOOD ROADS CUT ONE HALF HOI SK COMMITTEE DETERMINES ON REDUCTION A ITER AN OPEN MEETING. SALEM, Ore., Feb. 4. Reduction ot the proposed 1 mill general road Itvy to half a mill was determined l.iu.n iv the house roads and high- nil m m litre In an oren meeting, which was attended by nearly 100 roA rod enthusiasts from man) I parts of the state. The tax is pro- vlderf for in H. B. 249. introduced by! Sam Brown of the roads committee . ha Hrawn un In the main by E. E. rv.r f Portland. . ,.,,, Kin k. ' This s the chief road bill now oe- i ..... fore the legislature, and Is the first general measure of the scope con-; templates. By dividing the burden of load construction between me fctate at large, 40 per cent and the county, 40 per cent, and owners of t rooerty benefited, In proportion io the benefit, 20 per cent, the bill pro- pooes to suggest a comprehensive plan which may be taken advantage of at thd option of property owners or the various road districts created bv them. I Mr. Coovcrt and Attorney Roberts of Salem both spoke for the bin. t showing how the proceeds of the gen- j trul levy, matched by county appro-1 iirlutlon afforded a system of road l t i v . J ); ' A - construction that would equitably dts- l0 nwaC0-8 bill for pumping city wa trlbuto the cost. tor. It was nt the suggestion of Gover-I i-or Withycombe that the reduction lrom 1 mill to half a mill, was decid- ed upon. Mr. Coovert voluntarily chanting the bill in the light of the determination of (he legislature to ac complish economy. The committee made several am- endenta in H. U. 70, Introduced by! the luusln has varied to a marked di Mr. Lewis and drawn up by Thomus gree. , McCtiskcr of Portland, who repre- Investigation has placed the blame t-enls u number of automobile truck on an Innocent woodpecker which concerns. This bill allows the oier-Jwhce one wire for' a perch and with atlon of trucks on public highways Its tall touching the other wire made after the payment of license fees bos-ja short circuit so that the engineer's ed on the tonnnge of tho vehicle. ThU slirnal to stop pumping was coiitroll ttmnnKe scale 1: Twenty dollars per ed by tho woodpecker's rest rather ton ui to 10 tons, and 160 per ton, for trucks in excess of the 10 ton ca pacity. Franklin T. Griffith, president ot -I'M' .: A.- m A- W A. v 1 ; - f - 1 - T ' 'ft. 'i t'." 1 A- A:A.K. 6 McReynolds of the United States su preme court. Miss Burleson, only 21, Is still taking a course In a private school. She denies the rumor but friends assert she Is wearing, what to all appearances, Is an engagement ring. Justice McReynolds is fifty three years old. He was chosen at torney general In the Wilson cabi net and w-as recently promoted to the bench. He is a bachelor. the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, spoke generally on the sub ject of automobile competition with established rail lines, particularly ln-U-rurban lines which traverse routes paralleling country roads. Mr. Grif fith felt that the provision forbidding a rail line from operating trucks as feeders for its principal lines would prove a hardship because of the high taxes the railroads pay for upkeep of highways on which the competing trucks are operating. He felt that the license should be based rather on the ton mile than on mere tonnage alone. Arthur C. Spencer, general attorney for the O.-W. II. A N. company, de clared the automobile truck without doubt Is an established competitor to the railroads, which must be consld- erea as a new ana growing lacior in transportation. He telt that It is yet 'oc- early to tell how far It will go, but ,...... .v v he forsaw a great field with the prob- ...,. .,,, h. d " "The n iJixatlTe I Know Of.'' "i nave sou Chamberlains Tablets for several years, Teople who have used them will take nothing else. I can recommend them to my customers as the best laxative and cure for Con stlpatlon that I know of." writes Frank Strouse, Frultland, Iowa. For sale by all dealers, Adv. WoMlMvker Hobs Ihvaoo. n,WACO. wash., Feb. S. A wood- i,e0ker Ls blamed for larco ndditlons The contract for filling the munlcl- pal reservoir Is let to a power com- pnny and an electric indicator noti- lies tne engineer wncn me required depth of water has been provided For some months the bill has been regarded as exresslve and the num ber of hours required dally to fill than the depth of water provided. Hard work Is the only sure cure fof an Ingrowing grouch. WHEAT RECORD MADE AND LOST (Wednesday's Market.) CHICAGO. A new high record for May wheat was established at II. ft a buHhel or 1c above the record of yesterday, but the market droped to 11.66 2-4 at one time and closed at f 159 1-4 or 5 2-4c a biiHhel below the level of yenterday. July closed at 11.38 ! or a Iohs of 4 7-Sc. Market for wheat opentd with a Ions of 5c for May and 4 3-4c for the July, but. prices showed a sky-rocket character during the early session v, hen longs began to liquidate and the big Intcrexts tried to shake out the tallenders. In this they were success ful because when prices began to drop rapidly there was an abundance of wheat offering for sale. Foreign Interests continued to pur chase heavily of wheat at Atlantic coast and gulf points and considerable business passed at Winnipeg. WHEAT. May Open, 100; high, 146; low, IDS 3-4; close. 159 1-4B. July Open. 138 3-4; high, 143 6-1 low, 137 1-4; close, 138 6-8. ill DAKGER OF SERIOUS OHIO FLOODS IS PASSED WATERS RECEDE A ITER REAII ING HIGH MARK FREEZ ING WEATHER COMES. PITTSBURG. Feb. 3 All danger of serious flood In the upper Ohio re gion Is passed. The waters began to recede today. CLEVELAND, Feb. J. Alarm due to the rapid rise of practically every river and stream in Ohio, subsided. With freezing weather the waters are subsiding. Comparatively small dam age has been done. War Veterans to Meet WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. Civil war veterans hundreds here in the feder al departments and In other occupa tions meet tonight at the annual encanmpment of the G. A. R. of the District of Columbia. Plans will be made for the national G. A. R. reun ion which will be held here next Sep tember or October. And you may do a man a favor by not giving him advice. rWaThia! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY t CO, Toledo, O. We. the nndenliroed, bave known, F. . Cbeoey for tbe last 15 years, and teller dim perfectly honorable In all business trsnssrtloni and financially able to carry rat any obligations made by bis firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, O Ball's Catarrh Care Is taken Internally, acting directly opoo ths blood snd mo nma surfaces of tb system. Testimonial! ent free. Price 75 cents per bottle Sld sy all Itrocglsts. Vat Ball's Famllr Pills for eoostlDatk NOTICE OF TENDENCY OF PE TITION TO VACATE CERTAIN ALLEY-WAYS AND PARTS OF CERTAIN STREETS LN COLE'S ADDITION TO TUB CITY OF PENDLETON. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that a petition' was filed on January 21st. 115. by the Irving-ton Height Land Company, a corporation, with the Recorder of The City of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, .-nd is now pending before the Common Council of said City, praying for the vacation of certain alley-ways CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL .DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL DI rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postofflce. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 78. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral ears. Calls re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone IS INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on rltv and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business, rays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. I.F.NTI.KY & i.FFlTNfiWEM. REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance acents. 315 Main street. rhone 404. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STUOBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all secondhand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. 21) E. Court street. Phone 271W. LEGAL BLANKS OF .EVERT . In scription for county court, circuit court, Justice court, real estate, etc., for sale at East Oregonian office. BURN oke and Coal MIXED:--2 parts of Coke to 1 part of Coal will give you the same results in your coal stove as though you burned all Hard Coal. Think of the great saving effected by the use of Coke. Pacific Power & Light Co. "Always at Your Service" Phone 40 and parts of certain streets In Cole's Addition (formerly McAllister's Ad dition) te The City of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as per plat thereof of record and on file In the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of said Umatilla County, Oregon, to wit: Of all the alley-ways running north and south through Blocks num bered 8, 8. 9. 10 and 11 of said Cole's (Formerly McAllister s) Addition, ana of that part of Wilson Street lying between the west line of Ray Street and the east line of Arc Street, of that part of Washington Street lying be tween the west line of Ray Street and the .west line of said Cole's Addition (the same being the southerly pro jected west line of said Block 9) and of that part of Arc Street lying be tween the north line of Jackson Street and the south line of Wilson Street; all of said property being within the corporate limits of The City of Pen dleton aforesaid; and the matter of granting of said petition will come np before the Common Council of said City In doe course, as the law directs. Dater this 21 day of January, 1915. IRVINGTON HEIGHTS LAND COM PANY. By Chas. Cowen, President IRVINGTON HEIGHTS LAND COM PANY. By Frank J. Dorsey, Secretary. FREE four-in-one nniinnpi "ANNA BELLE DOLL" UtJUrUiJ Bring or send five of these Coupons properly signed and 10 to the East Oregonian office and pet a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll" feature. No.. Pendletoa, EAST OREGOXIAX PUB Herewith please find five "Four-in-One" Coupons and 10 for which please give me a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell DolL" Name Address- If sent by mail add 2c for postage. S U KJS AH D STATS W UICH FEATURE IS WANTED ATTORNEYS. RALET ft RALET. ATTORNETS-AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. FEE & FEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNET8 at law. Office in rear of American National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRT, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON & BISHOU, ATTOR ncys at law; rooms 3 and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wilts, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17. Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A LOWELT ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office In Despaln building. PHTRICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD. M. D.. HOMED pathlc physician and surgeon Of fice Judd Block. Telephones: Office. S41W; residence, 51 2 J. AUCTIONEERS. COL, W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONEER makes a specialty of farmers' stock nn.l machinery sale's, "The man that pets you the money." Leave orders at East Oregonian office. AdniinKrator'a and Dissolution gale Notice Is hereby given that the an deraigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Jack McCarty place on South Cold Spring; 11 miles northwest of Pendleton and 2 1-2 miles southwest of German hall, on Friday, February 12th, commenc ing at 10 o'clock a. m., all livestock, chattels and property owned by the partnership firm known as Mentzer A Elliott, composed of S. A. Mentzer and John Elliott (now deceased); also some property owned by the lat ter In his own name and that after the sale of said property the above) firm will be dissolved. All sums under 825 cash, on iumi over 125 ten months time will be giv en on approved notes bearing I per cent interest. Two per cent off for cash on sums over 126. Lunch servt ed by school board No. II. (Signed.) T S. A. MENTZER. R. F. KIRKPATRJCK. Administrator for the Estate of Joha Elliott, Deceased. C. E. RUDE, Auctioneer. R. O. EARNHART. Clerk. Ore.. .1914 CO.. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. Vr" LASSEN, JL T). V. COUNT? Veterinarian. Residence telephone, 27; office telephone, 20. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS. wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, etc Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonian office and see sample. WANTED PARTY WILL, PAY Cash or give trade for Umatilla county farm, 120 to ISO per acre Addret Box 12, Athena, Ore. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR- egonlan makes a specialty of auo t'.on sale bills, card and ailvertlntnr. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will assure you of having a successful sale. TRESSPASS NOTICES. STALLION SEASON CARDS and SALE IlIIAfl of every decrliitlon printed nt rea sonable prices at the Kant Oregonian. Wo have a fine lot of stock cuts that our patrons are allowed the free use of. f BEAVER ECW; V ... rri.i r ... ...... S;rV A, ..? i, " - . f . s