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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1915)
TACK SIX. eight yAQES. DAILY EAST OkCC.ONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, Tlll'KSDAY. KKniJlWKY 101 : i i ( THICK GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF ;im.s! thy IT! vont Ullt .I.Ts SUIT, HATEY AND LUX I RIAXT AT ONCE. If -itu csre for heavy lialr, that ftlistens with beauty an J is radiant with life; lias an Incomparable soft rip nn.1 In fluffy anil lustrous, trj Dandcrine. Juit one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides It Imme diately dissolves every particle of dandruff; vou csnnot have nice, heavy, healthy hair If you have dan druff. Thin destructive scurf robs the hair of lu lustre. Its strength and Its very life, and If not overcome It prod urea a nnj itching of the o.i!j; the hair roots famish, loos- n and die; tnen uie nair iaiis oui fast. If your hair has been neglected and It thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily, get a 25 cent bottle of Knowl-1 tail's Danderlne at any drug store or, toilet counter; aprly a little as direct-, ed and ten mlnutea after you will aay this was the best Investment you ever made. We sincerely believe, refrardlesa of everything; else advertised, that If you desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and Iota of It no dandruff no Itch ing scalp and no more falling hair you must use Knowlton'a Danderlne. If eventually why not now? NO RA(J TIME MUSIC FOR CLEVELAND PARKS CLEVELAND. Teb. 4. "Ragtime, music wil not mix with the classical. I refuse. Anyway the people here have graduated from ragtime." Christian Timmer municipal music director thus declined to wield the baton for "rag' in the city rarks this summer. He directed the municipal symphony orchestra. The city will be forced to hire a "rag" director. Tim mer's nrtistic temperament forbids. FUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells IIow To Open Gorged Nos triii and End Ilead-Uolus. Tou feel fine In & few momenta. Tour cold In head or catarrh will be pone. Tour clogged nostrils will op en. The air jafsages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no hawking, muffling:, mucous discharg es or dryness; no struggling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream In your nostrils let It penetrate through every air passage of the heard; soothe and heal the swollen Inflamed mucous membrane, and re lief comes Instantly. It Is Just what every cold and cat arrh sufferer needs. Don't stay stuff-ed-up and miserable. "IB" FOR UG, IE, IB FEE! Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swol len feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. Good-Lye corns,, bunions an 1 raw spots. No more shoe tight ness, no more limp ing wita pain or drawing up your face in agony. "Tir U magical. acU right off. "TIZH draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up the feet Use TtZ" and for- get your foot mise;y. Ah! how comfortable your feet feel. Get a 23 cent box of TIZ" now at any druift or department store. Don't suffer, llave goo feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, nwr get tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed or money refunded. Means PETTER HUSIXESS CI 1 K IIHFCL HOM C3 HKTli:i( llf.M.TII AXD EYESIGHT Ida os wire your hmie and ln uUI our modern Uuhdng Fix ture and IlrirWul Installs ttm all Uiene requlreiiieDta rmn be obtained. May we serve you? Electric and gas supplies, elec tric light wlrlt.g bell wiring, gas piping, motors and dynamo. J. L. Vaughan 831 Main Street Phone 139 GOOD, i I UGH T III WAGED 81 RITNER TO GET HIS BILL PASSED MTTKR DKllATl-: MARKS COXSID KRATION Ol' .MKVStKK IX THE 1IOUSU. t'liargwt 0cnl)' Made TliAt Member of I(. It. Commission and Thcit i:inlo)ra Sought to Influence Ixg Mun to ote Against I II 11 Wi ner Lends in the light. Keprescntatne Hoy Hltner of this county had a hard fight before his Mil to give eastern Oregon reprcscn i.iunu ujion use suue rauroad com inistdon was passed by the house, tc , cording to stories from Salem. The ( Mil passed by a (vote of 36 to 20 Tuesday afternoon after a bitter de bate In which charges were openly made that members of the commls :s!on and their employes had sought to inu.icnce legislators to vote against the bllL Rltner himself led the fight ror his bill and declared that evert Influence had been brought to bear upon him to withdraw his bill, one man even having gone to his banker and asked him to Influence the au thor of the bill. Mr. Rltner Is a pat ron of the American National Bank of this city. Those voting for the measure were: Allen, Anderson (Clatsop). Anderson (aaco). Sam Brown. Cartmill, Clark, Collins, Davey. Forbes. Gill. Hare, Hinkle. Horn. Hunt, Hurlburt. Jef fries. Jones, Kelly, Kuehn, Lafferty, iwls, LIttlefleld, Mlchelbook. Olds. Olson. Rlsley. Rltner, Schuebel. W. O. Smith, Stanfleld, Stott. Thomas Towne, vagncr. Weeks, Wodell. Those voting against the bill were: iManchard, Bowman, Thos. Brown, lardwcll, Childs, Cobb, Dillard. Ea ton, Elmore, Crier, Huston. Taisley, i'eirce. Tierce, Torter, Smith (Mult norr.ah). Stewart. Vawter. Selling. The Salem Statesman In its account of the fight had the following to say: Rltner Champions Cause. Speaking In behalf of the passage of the eastern Oregon measure, Rlt ner of Umatilla, denied that the east ern Oregon men had any man In mind for a place on the commission if their bill went through. He said that his section merely asked the right to be represented on the commission. He assorted that in making this request cui-iem vregon aia not mean any re jection on the work of the present commission. "From eastern Oregon Immense shipments of wool, stock, sheep, wheat and other commodities are an nually shipped." declared Mr. Rltner, "and we believe It but fair that this Part of the state should be represent ed on the commission. ''When the commission was first created the ftate had only two con gressional districts, and so the com missioners were elected from these districts. "Everything has been done to de feat this bill, and one man even went to the banker where I do my busi ness, and endeavored to have him use his Influence with me, not to urge thin measure. The employes .of the ruihoad commission, I am told, even have been lobbying here against this :neaure." "No attack has been made on the tallroad commission," said Davey In supporting the eastern Oregon meas ure. "It is not fair to deny this Just recognition to eastern Oregon. Who. but a resident of eastern Oresron ! knows best the needs of that great section. Ninety-five per cent of the residents of western Oregon have never traveled In the eastern portion of the state. I say that our interest cannot be properly protected unless we are represented on the commis sion." Olson of Multnomah spoke for the measure and said that he had been "approached." He deplored the use of such alleged tactics. Whites Eawlewt In Alaska. WASHINGTON, Feb. 4. A report of lawlessness In Alaska has been brought back by Dr. E. Lester Jones, deputy commissioner of fisheries, who spent six months there on a sur vey. In his report to President Wil son and Secretary Redfleld, Dr. Jones says the whltp man is rapidly ruining the morals of the natives and no law Is respected. DECIDE YOURSELF. The Opportunity Is Here, Backed By Pendleton Testimony. Don't take our word for It. Don't depend on a stranger's state ment. Head Pendleton endorsement. Read the statements of Pendleton citizens. And decide for yourself. Here Is one case of It. J D. Morrow, rancher and butcher, E17 Marie t., Pendleton, says: "I had pain in the small of my back for about three months. If I did any work that obliged me to stoop, sharp twinges darted through my back. Just over my right kidney. The kid ney action was very irregular and the kidney secretions pained when passing. One box of Doan's Kidney Pills removed all these troubles." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't elrnply ak for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Morrow had. Foster-Mllburn Co., props, Buffalo, N. T. STRENUOUS rAS SELLERS OF OPIUM 1ST REGISTER PAY TAX OF 1 DOLLAR DRK.tUSTS, DOCTORS. DENTISTS AXD OTHERS COME UNDER NEW LAW. McwHuro AdoKel by Congress In De cember of Last Ycr Registration Mut bo Made With tho Internal Revcnuo Collector Heavy IVnulty Provided for Violation. Before March 1 all locnl druggists, doctors, dentists and others who dis tribute or dispose of opium must reg ister with the internal revenue collec tor in compliance with the law passed by congress on Dec. 14, 1914. Not enly must they register but each will be subject to a one dollar tax. As a means of regulating the traffic the new law makes it necessary for those registering to dispose of no opi um except on written order of the person to whom it is sold, and these orders are to be made on blanks fur nished by the revenue collector, and Placed on file In his office for a peri od of two yearafor Inspection by pro per officials. Tne law does not apily to the giving of drugs to patients by Physicians In the course of professl t nal practice, nor to dentists or veter It dry surgeons, but they will be re quired to keep a record of aU diugs so used, the date, name of the pati ent, and this record must be kept on Me for a period of two years The sale of opium on a,physlc!:.ii's prescription will be permitted undor tie law, but d'uggists w ill be requ'rod to keep records of the entire trans action. The law does not prohibit the sale of preparations and remedies which contalnt not more than two grains of opium nor one-fourth of a grain of morphine, or more than one-eighth of a grain of heroin or one grain of codlene. A fine of $2000 or imprisonment not more than five years, or both fine and Imprisonment, Is provided for viola tion of the statute. i SPOR TS KUBS LOOKING FOR MATERIAL FOR 1915 TEAM RAKER IS GETTING INTO SHAPE 1X)R PLACE IN WESTERN' , T HI-STATE LEAGUE. BAKER, Ore., Feb.. 4. H. H. Clif ford, president of the 1914 Baker baseball club, has received letters from Carl Fulwilder and Nick Fuller, Pitcher and first baseman respectively of the Baker 1914 club, telling that they are playing winter ball in Cali fornia and are in fine shape for the 1915 season. They have lined up several fast young players for the Ba ker team, they report, and believe Paker can be a pennant contender. That Paker will have a club in the 1915 Western Trl-State league begins to look more and more like a proba bility. Both Mr. Clifford and Louis Fernald, secretary of the 1914 team, are willing to aid in backing a team again this year. Both favor a lower salary limit next year and think that as good a grade of ball can be fur-! nlshed without running the club at a deficit. Mr. Clifford and Mr. Fernald bore the greater part of the financial loss sustained by the club last sea son and this year they believe the club can be run with virtually no de ficit and say they will both try again and if three or four others will go In with them and assist In directing the affairs of the club. . Sutherland, pitcher, is the only member of the 1914 team lost, and even he may not be kept by Spokane but sent back to Baker. Karl K. King Is again being spoken of as manager and the majority of the fans seem to feel that he should have a chance to show what he can do with a team not started as a bunch of green players. Tognerl, shortstop, and SIgsby, third base, are the only players outside of the pitching staff not likely to be with the club this year. Contracts were mailed to the others. North Yakima; it Is said, has given up all Idea, of baseball and Boise Is being spoken of as the city to replace North Taklma. Boise was dropped from the Union association last year. Berlin Bakeries, Guarded. AMSTERDAM, Feb. 3. via Lon don. Th Berliner Tageblatt In an iw ue which has reached here declares that the Council of Great Berlin has appointed 12.000 special constables ti guard the bakeshops of the cltv i,r,,riii,rm -.n ih nart of the public. ROM E, Feb. , 3. Demonstration over the high price ot tread contin ued at various places, especially In I .c'ar'llni. At Sasarl. capital of the Province of Safari. Sardinia, rioters broke Into a bake fchop. Troops were called out and dii.persed the demon strators. Old Enough U Vote. NEWTON, N, J., Feb. 4. Mrs. Wallace Douglas, wife of nn Instructor at Columbia uni versity, bought a dozen eggs the other day. They were strictly fresh, the grocer said. The first one she opened was sick; the second was hardly convalescent. A third was stamped "May 6, 192 " r m 0 When line, you debts paid break for the (ON Stories From BY P. M. SARLE. (United Mates Staff Correspondent.) LONDON. Jan. 20. (By Mall to New York.) "Who is going to have Palestine when the war Is over'."' U one of the questions which is already beginning to warry the allied associ ation of new map makers, and the re- sponsive query. "Shall It be tne l nitea States?" is receiving more consider - ation than, at first thought, might seem possible. What ever happens to Germany and Austria, the allies determined that Turkey shall be pushed com pletely off the map of Europe, and off the greater part of Asia Minor, und there will be a rare old scramble for "leg portions" when the Ottoman bird is carved. Certain portions of the turkey have already been hooked. England has annexed Egypt and Cyprus, and will almost certaitily Insist on retainins that part of the Persian Culf and Eu phrates valley captured by the Anxlo Indlan troops. Arabia won't be much use to anybody, as 1U Inhabitants are a bit too lively for Christian govern ment, and anyway England could not afford to have any other nation plant ed along the route to India. Russia will grab moat of Asia. Minor and northern Persia, and there only re mains Syria and the Holy Land. Palestine came under Turkish dom inion In 1516. after the war between the Ottoman Sultan and the Egyptian Mamelukes, and for 300 years the san guinary quirrels of landed shlekhs, and the. never-ending exaction of Or iental grafters kept the country In a state of chaos and depression. In 1840 the power of tho .Sheikhs was broken and the Turks bosan to streng then their hold, but although they have done much for tho improvement r the country, me ongni oi rule still oppressed the "land of milk and honey," und keeps fertile plains and valleys sterll';. At first slht it would appear to be ! the simplest plan to grant the .Un- Ist'H app'-al for a Jewish Mate, but there are difficulties In the way. it thi re were the nuclei of a Jewish administration In the country, It mlxht be easier, but there ar- not and the ZlonlMt movement has not led to nnj great stream of Jewlih Immigration There has been but little agricultural, political, or other development anions the Jews In Palestine, und tho Zionist leaders were, perhaps, more Impelled by the desire to restore tho undent religion In the Holy Places. Right here the Christian powers would object strongly. Toleration has never been very marked in Palestine, but with the Turks In control the Holy Places wero at l'-at kept bj neutrals. Neither the Roman Catho lie, Greek Orthodox, nor Protestant churches would permit one denomina tion to obtain absolute control over the plac.-s which are Holy to thera all, i imc ti t wmm Mi mm 1 P.A.MaIces You Smoke Peaceful you hit the smoke are off to the iov and money in the real thing, the sooner youll find the real ni the national joy smoke LtKSSL0? tto " , ua umcs uul uie Dire ana leaves pure pleasure Once you ve been over the route, you'll pack back whenever you feel that ' v.-bU16 uuiim uiouiuuiiaDasn, Dnar.corncoD or Princ Albert is sold wherever tobacco is on the call; in the tidy uonrA,; jLIT.r R J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Winston the War Zone und it Is ciar that there must be neutral or Joint administration. A -h...tun Ute under Lrltlxh protec tion, la England's IJea of the solution, on the ground that Great Britain has had more experience in governing Propl? of various races and creed but thi? ether nations will naturallv protest tnat i-.nimna 13 graD:)int more 1 than her rhare or the plunder. A neutral Mate gutu'diiteed by all the great powers, order bVIng kept by. r.nd the guardianship of the Hoh Place entrusted to an. International gendarmerie is unother suggested so lution, but recpnt experhncej of In ternational control. In Mueedolila, Crete, Albania, etc., do not promise the elimination of friction. Looking round, then, for an Impartial admin istrator, removed from the whirlpool of European politics and religious squabbles, the Powers may find no more satisfactory candidates for the Job than America. It Is .pointed out that the United States has for many years taken a leading part In mission ary and educational work In Aria Mi nor and no country has displayed more enthusiasm with less Idea of personal aggrandisement. Hence the possibil ity of the stars and stripes waving over Jerusalem is by no means re mote, according to "International dopesters" here. Hot Springs, Ark., will have a White Way. new FARM MORTGAGE LOAN BUREAU IS PROPOSED RALENf. Feb. 3. An act to create a farm mortgage loan bu reau was Introduced In the sen ate by Kellaher. It Is Intended for the purpose to afford farm ers long, time loans at a low rate of Interest. The bill provides that the governor, secretary of state and state treasurer shall constitute a board to transact the business of the bureau. n n n u SEEK HEALTH first, because it is ot vital Importance. The first step Is to strengthen the stomach, help the digestion and cor rect tht liver and bowels. For this work HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Is particularly well adopted. Try It M trail via thp Prinr lands, traveling fimt bank. Quicker vnn All X"" neep the - Salem, N. C Atlanta Detective Free,. ATLANTA, Ga.. Feb. 4 A verdict of not guilty was returned by a Jury here in the case vt Dan F. Ihon. C. C. Tedder and Arthur Thurman, churned with subornation of perjury In connection with the Leo M. Frank case. Lehon is Southern manager for the Burns Detective Agency. Tedder for merly was employed by the agency and Thurman Is a lawyer. GET RID OF HUMORS AND AVOID SICKNESS Tliimors In the blood cansc inter Dai derangements that affect the wholo system, ss well as pimples, boils and other eruptions, and are responsible for the readiness with which many people contract dUeose. For forty years Ilood ' Saraapa rilla has been more successful thai any other medicine in expelling humors and removing their inward and outward effects. Get Hood's. No other medicine acts like it. Open Day and Night Meals 25c and up. Special Evening Lunches. .THE polio RESTAURANT Qua LaFonUint), Proprietor. Mi For SALE CHEAP 1 8 Head Good Work f.ulos For Further Particulars See E. L. Smith & Go. Pendleton, Oregon m I'M LITTLE! - BUT OH MY ! In this little advertisement I want to tell you of my LITTLE PRICES ON Candles, Nuts, Fruits, YtyreUbkw, Groceries, Etc. A fine large stook on hand and selling fast, ray our prices and save money. Phompt delivery maJt s us as near aa your telephone. JOHN W. DYER, GROCERYMAN Eaiit Alta St. phone 538 aiw Hacc oil mnU joy of smoking. patent process- meerschaum. red tint 10c tobacco SPECIAL Manufacturer's Advertising Offer on ' PALMOLIVE SOAP For a limited time wo will pive nway with each purchase, of Palmolive Cream, 3 cakea Pnlniolive Soap Free. Tollman & Co. LWiag Drajjbts Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms in connection Steam Heated m Pi E3 3 a 3 t)