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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1915)
-4-.. PAGE TOTTR. r DAILY EAST ORFflONTAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1015 li iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii l FOR, FA1HL, IPIRiCEoILfiSir'S i I mm cm m mum m r? oo This is a delibc rate attempt to cut the "liable'' out of . Tire buying1 and selling, for Consumers. It is also an Attempt to set right, with the Public, thousand of well-intentioned Retailers of Tires and Auto-Accessories. These have, by circumstances, been forced into the gradual ad option of a most Unwholesome Custom, Yiz : that of selling 'TRICE-LISTS'' instead of selling Tires, to Consumers, of sell ing Discounts OFF Price-List, instead of selling Mileage and Service in Tires. It is not an Attempt to make things harder for the kind of Tire Manufacturer whose Product apparently cannot be sold without the doubtful Expedient of the Padded Price-List. Said Expedient consisting of an alleger ''Price List" which is purposely printed ''UP" so that it may then be deliberately dis counted DOWN by the Dealer, to provide "a Special Bargain" to the Consumer who is Unwary, or who is too busy to investigate values. , This Attempt is Wing made also with a sincere desire to save the Retailer of Tires from the consequences of further growth of that Padded Priee-List CUSTOM which is inciting Consumers to patronize CUT-PRICE SPECIALISTS and band together to inaintain "Supplv Depts." with which to fight what they, errone ously consider EXTORTIONATE Prices and Profits supposed to le charged by Retailers, on "Price-List" basis. Without the PADDED Price-Lists, which in some cases show as much as 55 per cent Retail Profit on Tires (as much as $11.00 Profit on a single 34x4 Plain-Tread Tire), the ''CUT PRICE SPECIALISTS" would have no reason for existence, could not make headway, nor threaten to cut the market from beneath the Dealer's feet With the Padded Price-Lists, and the bitter Frice-Cutting con ditions that abnormal profits always invite the. Dealer makes, in the end," much less profit, on average, than the normal and reas onable one to which he is entitled. , i ... Thus he loses three ways, through the Padded Price-List Cus tom. 1st. Through the impairment of his legitimate Market and Vol ume, bv "CUT-PRICE SPECIALISTS," and by CONSUM ERS SUPPLY DEPTS. 2nd. Through obtaining a lower AVERAGE profit per Tiro during the year, because he must meet the keen , price-cutting Competition which excessive profits always invite. . Crd. Through the heavy increase in the cost of Selling Tires, for Salesman's Time, when each Customer feels that he must Shop around a number of different Dealers Stores, in order to find out which will give him the largest Discount off the Price-List of the Tire he wants to buy. More costly and dangerous to the Dealer than all three of these is the Undermining of Public Confidence, in the kind of Store that is popularly believed to have several Prices for the same article (an unreliable method of Selling Goods.) That, and the TO-MORROW, which comes out of it, is the DEALER'S side of the Case, The CONSUMER'S side now claims our Attention. Tires are often Emergency needs ! When the Car Owner needs a new Tire he is more likely to need it on the road, and "P. D. Q" than to need it under leisurely "order-far-in-advance'' conditions. w mm mm - if J if If at no W $ ll I Additional A lllul 'POSt' v i h m w m. w mm. mm mm mm mm mmm mm mm m. SqueegeeTread g TIRES' . Always 1 SSiv $l Put on Diamonds We advise DIAMOND TIRES. And we have good reason to. Better tires are not made. Better for comfort, for service, for wear, for mileage. But they cost you less than any other high-grade, anti skid tires on the market I ODD SQUEEGE TREAD IMS Compare tbeso Diamond "Fair-List' prices, showing tremendous re ductions with prices you have previously paid. For instance, old price on Diamond 34x4, Smooth Tread, $24.35. Present 'Fair-PriccList" price, $19.40. Ask your dealer for Users' Net Price List, showing prices on all sizes. ze 30x3 ze 30x3 zo32x3 ze 33x4 ze 34x4 zo 34x4 ze 3Gx4 ze 37x5 zo 38x5 Plain 1-2 Plain 1-2 Plain Plain Plain 1-2 Plain 1-2 Plain Plain 1-2 Plain Tread Tread Tread Tread Tread Tread Tread Tread Tread 9.00. 11.60. 13.35. lft.05. 19.40. 26.00. 27.35. 32.30. 43.80. Size 30x3 Size 30x3 1 Size 32x3 1 Size 33x4 Size 34x4 Size 34x4 1 Size 36x4 1 Size 37x5 Size 38x5 1 Squeege 2 Squeege 2 Squeege Squeege Squeege 2 Squeege. 2 Squeego Squeege 2 Squeege Tread I Tread Tread Tread Tread Tread Tread Tread Tread 12.20 14.00 20.0C 20.35 27.30 28.70 33.90 46.00 miQE Mr o)To) 6)15) PENDLETON, OREGON Distributors Eor Umatilla County If he' can step into an Auto-Accessory Store, a Garage or Repair Shop, in the neighborhood of his need, and there get the Tire he wants, PUT ON in 20 minutes, it is worth a great deal to him to continue his shipping without laying up his Car while he awaits Shipment and Delivery ef same Tire, on his Telegraphed order. . But, if Auto-Owners do not patronize Auto-Accessory, or lo calized Tiro Dealers, these must go out of business, and such con venient Sources of Supply would then lo missed more hy Tire Users than by anyone else. lat is why the adoption of a FAIR Price-List, and the cutting f the seemingly Extortionate Padded Price-lists, means so out of the seemingly much to l)Oth Consumer and Retailer of Tires. That is why WE take the RISK or lining up the entire Tire Manufacturing Industry against us, in a sincere effort to put the Selling and Buying of Tires on the same sound, safe and pro gressive basis that practically all other Merchandise is today re tailed upon. We want to see Price-Lists that are DEPENDABLE, Price Lists that correctly and fairly Represent the Mfrs. own since Valu ation of the Mileage and Service he puts into his Tires. Price-Lists that are Reasonable, logical, and reliable, not mado to QUOTE DISCOUNT OFF, but to sell Tires on Of course there will still he wide differences in the Value of Consumers, as great as the difference in the Facilities, Capa city and Skill of each Manufacturer. It is not expected, nor required, that Price-Lists shall accu rately gauge relative Values, but only that they shall and reliably Measure the Value which each Manufacturer intends to give Consumers, for the amount each Consumer invests in his Tires. It is not desired that the Manufacturers' Prico-List shall cut the Dealer's margin down to a profit on which he cannot afford to do business and make money. It is only expected, urged, and desired, that the Retail Profits offered by Price-Lists shall be moderate enough to bo bona-fide. Not prejK8terous "Paper Profits," that cannot come true without ruin to the future of the Retailers' business, but actual Profits that he actually makes, and that reduce his selling cost, per Tire, to the minimum, that moderate Profits and the "One Price System," can alone make feasible. That is our Hope, and Wish, for the future of the Tire Industry. WE set the pace, today, by List-Pricing our own Tires so as to carry a moderate but REAL profit to the Retailer, instead of the Visionary ".Get-rich-quick" profits, of 80 per cent to 55 per cent, that other Tire Price-Lists offer, but cannot deliver, when the price cutting such huge margins invite, docs the settling. WHEN, therefore, YOU, Mr. Auto-Owner, and Tire-User, find a Retailer who recommends Diamond Tiros to You, bearing in mind that ho not only offers the Greatest Mileage for what it Costa YOU, but proves his Good-faijh by offering a Tire carrying only a moderate and Normal profit f6r him, when he might have recom mended other Tires Price-Listed to carry 30 per cent to 55 per cent profit for him instead. That is the kind of Dealer to "Tie-To" ; And you'll find him "doing business at the Old Stand" when the "Get-rich-quickers" are chauffering for people who knew the Ways of the World better than they did. kMUim.MiuiiHiniiiuMmMH.utJI BP Phone 135 2i mm m