ETfiTIT PAGES. DAILY KAST OREflOXTAN. PF.Vm.ETON. OKEOON. TUESDAY, I'KURUARY 2, 1915. PAGE SFA'KN. SAGE TEA TURNS GRAY HAIR DARK IT'S WltANOMOTHKirS RECIPE TO DIUNQ HACK COLOK AND LUSTRE TO HAUL That beautiful, even shade ef dark, glossy hair can only be had by brew ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Your hair la your charm. It makes or man the face. When It fades, turns gray, streaked and looks dry, wlupy and scraggy, Just an ap plication or two of Sage and Sulphur enhances Its appearance a hundred fold. Don't bother to prepare the tonic; you can get from any drug store a 60 cent bottle of "Wycth's Sago and Sul phur Compound," ready to use. Thl can always be depended upon to Mag back the natural color, thick nass and lustre of your hair and re move dundruff, stop scalp Itching and ailing hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage and Sulphur because It darkens so natur ally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied- Tou simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disappear ed and after another application it becemea beautifully dark and appears glossy, lustrous and abundant. NUIIIIIlllllllllllliiiilllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU jOrphGum) 1 Theatre J. P. MEPEKNACH, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date 1 Motion Pictures 3 FOR MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN E Program changes E 8undaji, Tuesdays, Th ars is days and Saturdays. E Se Program in Today's Papw. BiiiiimiiiiiiimimiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH tLiimuiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii!: Pastime Theatre "The Home of a VJUUU 1 iiuico a ALWAYS THE LATEST S 3 in Photoplays :: Steady, E H Flickerleea Pictures :: Abeo 5 lately No Eye Strain. S A Refined and Er-ertiin 3 S 2 Show for tie Entire Family. 5 a Next to t rencn nestawant - a xs S Changes Sundays Tuesdays, 5 a Thursdays and Saturdays. E 5 Adulta 10c Children under H 10 years 5a E a 3 MiiiiHiiiniiMiiiimiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiiiiHiiG uinmimmniKwiimimnmiiiminmie I PENDLETON'S POPU- I LATt PICTURE SHOW I THE I I COSY I Wher the entire family ean g enjoy a high-clnsa motion 5 S picture show with comfort, 1 Fun, Pathos Scenic 1 Thrilling All Properly Mixed 2 - 5 5 Open "Afternoon and Even- 5 a ing. Changes Sunday, Mon- 5 5 day, Wednesday and Friday. 3 S Next Door to St Georgo Ho- E 2 tl. - Admiseion 5o and 10c 5 4iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiim5 HOGS ADVANCE FOR TOP STUFF (Courtesy Monday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore. Hog prices wer given a good lift today on the Port land yards at the opening of the week's trade but the totals of last Monday werenot reached. The advance In hogs here might have been expected In view of the re cent severe weakness In the market Killers who had purchased very Jib irully at the low prices of lust Week tire naturally bent upon supporting the market today. Two loads of hogs went at the ex treme price here today at the start bnd more could have been sold had the quality been avullable. General hoe market range: lieut llKht Medium light Good to heavy 7.10 7. 00 6.76 Rough and heavy (.25 Q 6.60 Htockers 6.60Q-5.10 Mlvt Moors at $8. Wlille the general market tor cat Do Is considered Just about holding Its own, two loads of extra fancy of ferings went at 18 In the steer divi sion this morning. There was a much smaller run of cuttle than had been expected and this cauHed killers to bid up somewhat for the better clasa offerings. X fine lot of cows went this morn nig at $6.75 and other stuff sold at iibuutho sumo figures as available 1USI w ftrcK, General caltlo market range: Selected steers 17 658.01 Good to prime 7.6047.65 Good to choice 6.5047.00 Ordinary to fair 6.754f6-25 HcHt cows 6.60 6.65 Good to prime 6 50 6. 65 Ordinary 6 20 5.50 Kanry bulls 6.50 6.75 Ordinary A... 4.00 6.25 Mutton Thud Is Stronger. .Stronger murket was shown for mutton ut North Portland at the week's opening. There wus a fair run reported In the yards over Fun day, but the traJe stated that it was principally contract stuff sold prior to shipment from the Interior. General mutton trade range: Old wethers i 6 5 Heat yearlings 6.60 Rest ewe '. 5 50 6.75 Iie."t east mountain lambs 7.75 7.80 Vulley light lumhs 7.S0 Heavy spring lambs 7.25 7.50 Tenia j 's LivctfUx-k fchlptrs. Hobs J. E Blare. Dixon. Mont.. 1 load: Walter Storm. Ravllla, Mont, 1 load; Ed Uolcomb, Welser, Idaho, 1 load; Charles Howard, Brogan, . load; F. E. Graham, Elgin, 1 load M. J. Hansen, Enterprise, 1 load i. J. Hansen. Enterprise, 1 load Kiddle Bros., Imbler, 2 loads, La Grande, J loads; Elgin Forwarding company. Joseph. 4 loads; D. Ful ton. Ulgga. 1 load; L. II. Kukeck. Canyon. Wash.. 1 load: Ed Coles Haines, 1 load, 0. M. Smith. 1 load C. W. Davidson, 1 load; A. Q. Stain, North Fowder, 1 load. Cuttle Portland Feeder company, Hurley. Idaho, S loads; J. L. Cox Eaton. Idaho, 2 loads; F. C. Johnon Pavette. Idaho. 2 loads; F. C. John- nn Pavette Idaho. 1 load: C. W. Johnson. 1 load; A. McGIU, Ontario 1 load; E. Smith, Condon. 1 load; G W. Pevoe, Jerome, Idaho, 1 load; J H. Savior. Echo. 2 loads; C. R. Ad- pms, 1 load; Joe Carter, Haines, 1 load. Hurd & Green. 1 load; J. A. Giiderlan, Pendleton, 4 loads; J. f I'.iiter, Roblnette. 1 load; J. I Cox Stnnfleld, 1 load. Sheep It. N. Stanfleld. Pilot Rock t londii. Stanfleld. 1 loads. Mixed stuff A. Ferguson. Welser, Idiho, 1 load cattle and hogs; P. II. Morelock. Joseph. 2 loads cattle. filves and hogs: H. A. Toakum, Brooklyn. 1 load hogs and sheep; J W. Chandler. Union Junction, 3 load cattle and hogs. iHMiinrrorH Arc 0citi1n1. INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 1. Federal Ji due Anderson overruled demurrers at 27 defendants In the Terre Haute election conspiracy In the Terre Haute The demurrers attacked the Jurisdic tion of the local court. BIG EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBLE TAKK SALTS AT FIRST SIGN OF BLADDER, IRRITATION OR BACKACHE. The American men and women must guard constantly against kidney trouble, because we eat too much and all our food la rich. Our blood Is fill ed with urlo acid which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the ellml. native tissues clog and the result Is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline In health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine Is cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; If you suffor with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather la bad, get from your pharmalst about four ounes of Jad Salts; take a ta blespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This fa mous salts la made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthln, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys., to neutralize the acids In the urine so It no longer Is a tource of Irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot In jure, makes a delightful effervescent Uthla-watcr beverage, and belongs in cvory home, becauso nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. AMERICAN WOMAN 1 Mm. SUtko (.rmlti'h Hoarding the LuMtanla. Mae. J-'Invko Grovltch, wife, of the Siberian Colonial Secretary and for merly Miss Mabel Gordon Dunlop, of West Virginia, arrived In this coun try m Saturday to arrange for a ser Stories From COPENHAGEN. Stoa ways anxious to get back to the Fatherland and Join the troops at the front are con stantly arriving here. When the Dan ish steamer Esrom recently came in one of the three stowaways aboard, who had been compelled to work as stockers, revealed himself as a Ger Diun prince, as they were being paid off. Presenting his wages to the other stokers he said: "I want to thank you boys for your kindness to us when we were working together. I'm not by profession a stoker, and have not been used to this kind of work. As n member of a Ger man princely house I want you to know that this is one of the happiest days In my life. Now- I ran go and hWp to teach these British a lesson." And with that the trio departed for the frontier. LONDON "We've had a scrap In the trenches; a serious one." That is the laconic manner In which Captain W. L. Prodi, of the Highland Light Infantry, described the deed which won for him the Victoria Cross. PARIS. M. Tattegruin. the well known painter. Is ready to admit that one can have too much realism. Re cently he conceived the Idea of paint ing the bombardment of Arras in his M'PriXMI'A KFLF.XT: ADMIT Mi:N TO VASSAK PLAY CAST NKW YORK. Jan. 29. Whether Vaaaar "supermen" got tired wear In 'em, or have at last admitted mere man to equality wua debated to day by college alumnae who planned to attend this year's play of the Aa- soclnte Alumnae of Vassar College, to be given at the Century Lyceum to nlsht. For the first time, the alum nae have admitted men to the cast and half a dozen male friends of the praduatei will appear in leading rolea, formerly taken by betrousered rollogo glrla. The play la "The Road to Yesterday. To Save Naval Militia SALEM, Ore., Jan. 28. A vigorous Clfort Is being made by those Inter ested In the Oregon Naval MUltla to fe-u'e the organization from abolition 1 the legialnutre. A bill to abolish the mllltla has passed the senate, and all efforts In behalf of the or ganization are now centering1 In the hoiioe. Adjutant General George Vhlto of J'crtland announced today that an effort will be to et the house com-n-lttoe to euliHtltuo for the t)iniK'k liHl abolishing the naval militia a bill HERE TO AID SERBS ies of lectures In the homes of her friends for the benefit of Siberia, Seed and agricultural implements are badly needed In her adopted country says Mme. Grovltch. if the Siberians are to pull through the present crista The womm will plant and harvest the crops while the men are in the field the War Zone Paris stcdio and In order to pet col or he arranged with an Arras refugee named Vasse, to carry out a number of experiments In the studio with the object of getting a vivid idea of shell fire. Unfortunately some two pounds of gunpowder exploded by accident while preparations for the experiment were proceeding and the explosion wrecked the studio. ROME. All foreigners now resid ing In Italy are being subjected to the most rigid surveillance on the part of the public authorities. When the time comes for Italy to carry out Its pres ent pluns of Intervening in the war for the purpose of retaking the two provinces of Trieste and Trent as well as a portion of the Dalmatian coast she do-sn't propose to have her efforts handicapped by the presence of any innocent looking strangers who might In reality be spies. All Germans and Austrian now In Italy are being watched with especial care and every effort made to ascertain whether or not their alleged reasons for being here are the actual ones. In addition to this sueveilance the minister of for eign affairs Is also preparing a list of the foreigners whom Italy deems It will be desirable to expel the mo ment that hostilities become certain. iirlvidlnx for the reorganization of tlu mllltla on nn efficiency basis, timllar to that maintained by the regular naval forces. He said all the "deadwood" In the list of officers would be weeded out ar.d there would be the same comple ment of officers and men as the navy department would provide for a boat of the Boston's class. The proposed substitute bill will abolish the naval militia board and I luce supervision of the organization !n the adjutant general and two commissioned officers of the naval mllltla, to be named by the governor. The bill would carry an appropriation )f 115.000. now'aThiat We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any cue of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CnENKT A CO.. Toledo, O. We, the uinlerlRDt, bare koown, F. J. Choney for the lat 15 years, aud tx-ltev bua perfectly honorable In all builura triinxiu-tloiin and flimu.UliT Me to carry ut "it titillKHtlono made by his firm. NATIONAL. HANK OF COMMKUOE, Toledo, O Unll'n Cntarrh ('ore li tnkn lnttrna!ly rtliifi directly npm the blood tul mil ootii mirfiin'K of llio ayttipii). TrntluionUli lent froc. Price 73 ceuta nor botllo. Stld It all nrncKUts Vike Uall r'auilU Hilt tor couitlpatlco. RISE FORGED IN CHICAGO MARKET (Monday's Market) CHICAGO. With European Inter. sts bidding against one another for wheat offerings the market hers ad- a need to $167 for May and $1.28 lor July option and closed at $1.66 1-4 and $127 1-2 respectively. May made a net gain of 4 3-8 for the ses sion, while the July was 2 6-ftc. The market was sensational from the start for the May option and while there were frequent upward Mid downward swings to values the ultimate trend of quotations was harply upward. snorts had the fright of their lives today when the market opened and within a few minutes they were ruuh ing to cover but sellers were scarce. WHEAT. May Open, $1.52; high, $l.f,7 low, $1.53; close, $1.56 1-4. July Open, $1.25; high, $1 88 1-4.' lew, $1.35; close, $1.37 1-2. Administrator's and DKsolutkm Sale. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Jack McCarty place on South Cold Spring, 11 miles northwest of Pendleton and 2 1-2 miles southwest of German hall, on Friday, February 12th. commenc ing at 10 o'clock a. m., all livestock. chattels and property owned by the partnership firm known as Mentzer & Elliott, composed of S. A. Mentzer and John Elliott (now deceased); also some property owned by the lat ter in his own name and that after the sale of said property the above firm will be dissolved. All sums under $25 cash, on sums over $25 ten months time will be giv en on approved notes bearing 8 per cent interest. Two per cent off foi cash on sums over $25. Lunch serv ed by school board No. (6. (Signed.) S. A. MENTZER. R. F. KIRKPATRICK. Administrator for the Estate of John Elliott Deceased. C. E. RUDE. Auctioneer. R. O. EARNHART. Clerk. NOTICE OF TENDENCY OF PE TITION TO VACATE CERTAIN ALLEY-WATS AND PARTS OF CERTAIN STREETS IN COLE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PENDLETON. Notice is hereby given to all whom It may concern that a petition was filed on January 21st. 1915. by the Irvinirton Height Land Company, a corporation, with the Recorder of The City of Pendleton, Umatilla County Oregon, und Is now pending before the Common Council of said City, praying for the vacation of certain alley-ways and parts of certain streets in Cole's Addition (formerly McAllister's Ad dition) to The City . of Pendleton, Umatilla County. Oregon, as per plat thereof of record and on file in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of said Umatilla County. Oregon, to wit: Of all the alley-ways running north and south through Blocks num bered S. 8. 9. 10 and 11 of said Cole's (Formerly McAllister's) Addition, and of that part of Wilson Street lying between the west line of Ray Street and the east line of Arc Street, of that part of Washington Street lying be tween the west line of Ray Street and the west line of said Cole s Addition (the same being the southerly pro jected west line of said Block 9) and of that part of Arc Street lying be tween the north line of Jackson Street and the south line of Wilson Street all of said property being within the corporate limits of The City of Pen dleton aforesaid; and the matter of granting of said petition will come up before the Common Council of said City In due course, as the law directs. Dater this 21 day of January'. 1915, IRVINGTON HEIGHTS LAND COM PANT. By Chas. Cow-en. President. IRVINGTON HEIGHTS LAND COM- PANT. . By Frank J. Dorsey. Secretary. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL DI rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite poatofflce. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 75. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 44. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS IIARTMAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. IiKNTLEY & LEFFIXGWKLL. REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 315 Main street. Phone 401. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. ' DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all secondhand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. 219 E. Court street. Phone 271W. LEGAL BLANKS OF .EVERY . DE scrlption for county court, circuit court. Justice court, real estate, etc., for sale at East Oregonian office. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS ATTORNEYS. VETERINARY SURGEONS. SMALL SAVINGS hidden away are likelj to be lost or stolen. Spent for Iilcasure the are gone and caa never mnltiplv. 'ropery invested they become the foundation of many a fortune. If you will systematically deposit a portion of your earnings it will surprise you how rapidly your bank account will grow. THE American National Bank OF PEKDLETOil, OilEGOli Capital and Surplus $400,000.00 Open Day and Night Meals 25c and up. Special Evening Lunches. THE OuqIIo RESTAURANT Gu9 LaFont-ine, Proprietor. IFire! ofiionol Sonti FEHOLETOH, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1882 Known For fclli,......i,:i,il.lIlllll.iIM FREE FOUR-IN-ONE "ANNA BELLE DOLL Bring or send five of these Coupons properly eigned and 10 to the East Oregonian office and tret a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll" feature. No. Pendleton, EAST OREGONIAN PUB Herewith please find five "Four-in-One" Coupons and 10 for which please give me a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell DolL" Name. Address- If sent bv mail add 2c for rx?taio BE SURE AND STATE WHICH FEATURE IS WANTED RALEY & RALEY. ATTORNEYS-AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. FEE & FEE, ATTORNETS AT LAW. Office In Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON & BISHOU. ATTOR neys at law; rooms J and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms l. 2, 3 and t, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt . block. ! FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. I S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office In Despaln building. PHY8ICL1N8. H. S. GARFIELD. M. D-. HOMEO pathlo physician and surgeon Of fice Judd Block. Telephones: Office. SOW: residence, 512J. i AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. TOHXKA, AUCTIONEER j makes a specialty of farmers' stock iitul machinery sales. "Tho man that gets you the money " Leave orders , at East Oregonian office. i Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms in connection Steam Heated Er It' Strength COUFOiJ Ore.,. .1914 CO.. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. COUNTX Veterinarian. Residence telephone, 27; office telephone, 20. MISCHLLANEO US. ENGRAVED CARPS, INVITATIONS. wedding announcements, embcse4 private and business stationery, etc Very latest styles. Call at Eat Ore gonlan office and see sample. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY Caah or give trade for Umatilla county farm, J20 to tiO per acre- Addres Box 1J, Athena, Ore. AUCTION SALES THE EAST Off egonlan makes a srec!aHy of auc tion sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, cferk and! aJvertl-sing complete that will nature you of havlrg a successful sale. TRESSPASS NOTICES, STALLION SEASON CARPS snd SALE lilLUf of every decrlptlon printed at rea sonable prices at the East OroKonlan. We have a flnt lot of stock cut thai our patrons are allowed the free us of. BEAVER ENGRAVING - COMPANY r ..... i . Si , n m t n " i i. J A