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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1915)
EIOUT PAOK3., TAOE SIX. DAILY EAST OREQOXIAy, PEXm.FIW. OREGON, MONDAY. FKRRTT.VRY 1, IMS. .MII!III!lllllllllllllilll!l!ltl!lllllltlllllllllll g Mow Open f Hong ECong Gaf o im) oiii: PAiiixms f Noodles AND Chop Suey j (iitiil. Trnv Orders a Srnvlalty. r S i:.xo f. r 'fiilirs and gentlemen. 5 in: IY AND NIGHT. E mki.s 2:o anh n. E DR. CLIFTON f. HUE COMES 10 IAIILU II DELIVER ECTURES M IIKIH I.K STAHTS AT STAN FIELD T01AY KM 'CATION IS SUUr.CT. l'tofo!r of Social lUoIng? in lul vrslty of Oregon Will He Here on IVhninry 5. Uiere Ho Will Talk iii labile r.iluoatlon for Sot-lal Ail am." .jo(-i.'i; .'hicl.en Dinner ."'ur.iJiya. jj; f 548 Main Street 5 Next to E. 0. Pldg. Fhone 60S 5 iaiiiiiiiiimiummiuimnwiiMiiim.i.i; MOTHER! THE CHILD IS COSTIVE, BILIOUS IOOK. MOTIIKK! IK TOXGl'E IS tlVVTKD C.lXi: "CAUIXMtXIA SYIUT OK ITGS." No natter what alls your child a gentle, thorough laxative should always be the first treatment riven. If your little one Is out of sorts, half pick, isn't resting, eating and act ing naturally look. Mother! see If tongue Is coated. This la a sure sign that lis little stomach, liver and bow els are clogged with waste. When cross. Irritable, feverish, stomach sour breath bad or has stomach ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, full of cold, give a teapoonfuI of "California Syrup of Figs." and In a few hours all the constipated poison, undigested food anl sour bile gently moves out of its little boAc-bs without griping, and jcu have a well, playful child again. Mothers can rest easy after giving this harmless "fruit laxative." because It never fails to cleanse the little one's liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach and they dearly love Its pleasant teste. Full directions for tabhs. children of all -ages and for groan ups printed on each bottle. Peware of counterfeit fig syrups Ask your druggi.-t for a 50-cent bot tle of "Califernla Syrup cf Fig"!" then roe tat It Is made br the "Cal ifornia Fig Syrup company." A busy week will be spent In I'ma t li.i county from February 1 t Veb rrary S by Vr. Clifton F. Hodge, pro f s.- ( r of portal biology In the Ur iver-s-.ty of Oregon. Ir. Hodge' xxrk wi.l begin at Stanfield today, anl w;U l p concluded at Weston, Februu'. 6th. His schedule of lectures la as follows Stanfield. February 1. "Public Education for Social Advance." High school auditorium at 8 o'clock In the evening, under the auspices of the schools. Hermiston. February I. The same lecture In the high school at 8 o'clock in the evening under the auspices of the schools. Ferndale, February 3. The same lecture In the Community Hall at 8 o'clock In the evening, under the aus pices of the schools. Fruit vale, February 4. The same lecture under the auspices of the school. Pendleton. February 5. The same lecture during the day at the high school assembly. Adams, February 5. Same lecture in the hall at 8 o'clock In the evening, under the auspices of the schools. Weston. Feb. 6. Same lecture at T:3t o'clock In the evening In the school house, under school auspices. li.itlhani Hold names. NEW YORK. Jan. 30. Fordham university was to hold Its annual In door games at the armory of the Twenty-second regiment this after noon as a result of action by the leg islature which passed a bill vacating the supreme tench on January 31. It was contended that the Justices' terms exp'red October 31. as Gover nor Fletcher, his political enemies said, could not make permanent ap pointments to continue after the con vening (f the new legislature. Walk'n? Champion to Compete. NEW TORK. Jan. 3". George Gould'n cf Toronto, the 10.000 meter j Olympic Kal'iv'.ng champion, will com-! 1 ete tori?ht with E ldie Ilenz of the Muhswk A. C. and Dick Ilemer of the Iri.-h American A. C. In a handi-' ca me td by the -Diocesan union. le iria viiii-i u an .a. . iu a naiu-. p match at the Thirteenth Pegl- j ienl armory n Brooklyn, to be stag-, Army Cable? Hales Lower SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 29. A 23 jer cent rmluctlon In Alaska cable rates for night commercial messages will become effective February 1, It was announced by the United States Army Corps, operating the Alaska mi litary cable and telegraph system. The rate for radio, foreign cable and press messages will not be af fected. The new night rates to prin cipal points In Alaska for a 10-word message, excluding address and sig natures, are: Juneau, $120; Skagway uml Ketchikan. $1.40; Valdez, $1.80; Nome. $2. is. THREE mm SHIPS ARE SENT TO BOTTOM SY GERMAN SUBMARINE HISASTKU TAKES I LACK OKF HAVUK IN Till" IRISH SKA, SAI-S UK.POHT. Hniil ! Made Saturday by the 1-2 ( One of the Yecscl Sunk Hail Aboard ;lft for Ilefiigew Other slil Arc Clins'M Liner I Wro eil of IWiuct by Wireless. LONDON. Feb. 1. The toll taken by the German submarine L'-Il In Its raid Saturday In the Irish Sea In the vicinity of Llverpol, still stands at three ships the steamers Ben Crua chen. Linda Blanche and the Kll- coan, the latter a small vessel. The crew of the Kllvoan was landed on the Isle of Man by a coastwise steamer. In addition a German submarine clso haa torpedoed two British steam ers in the English channel near Havre the Toko Maru and the Icarla. Normal Klilpplnjr Resumed. The Irish Sea raider easily mad her escape and shipping Interests, con- dent tnat sne haa returned to ner base, ordered a resumption of norma traffic today. This under-water Emden Is the same vewel rhlch last September torpedoed. In the North. Sea, the British cruiser Pathfinder, with a loas of 246 lives, and later distroyed two British steamers off Havre. She found numerous vessels In the waters to which she has centered her activi ties. In addition to the three vessels she la known to have sunk, at least five other steamers were chased b her. Vessels Saved by Flight. These Include the steamer Graphic, with 100 passengers and a crew of 40. and the smaller boats, Atreus, Ava. Kathleen and Edymlon. All these vessels escaped In a zig-zag flight. The Graphic's captain had his pas sengers don life belts and sent all the members of the crew to the stoke hold that the steamer could keep up a full head of steam In flight. The cajtaln also took the precaution by wireless to warn vessels from coming Into zone of the submarine's activity IJner Warned by Wireless. The Allan line steamer Scandina vian, from St. John. N. B., January 22. for Liverpool, with 500 passenger on board, learned of the raid of the I' 21 and put Into Queenstown. Aft er remaining In Queens town for a short time the steamer proceeded tc Liverpool. Guaranteed roofing bestjresponsibilityi Why accept a doubtful guarantee on roofine when you can get one signed by the largest manufacturer of roofing and building papers in heworld-with a saving in cost in the long run? Buy materials that last 1 '. C?ftmm4se i 3 C Roofing i guaranteed in writing 5 yean for l-p!y, 10 year for 2-ply, and IS yean for 3-ply, and the responsibility of our big milli lund behind this 'guarantee. Iu qual ity U the highett and its price the most reasonable. General Roofing Mfg. Company WarWt Inert auwiiVfw-r Kooffaf HfTrkOtr BtM Ckc MtAarsk rUkaWpku Alloa OmUW Drtra St. Lmm Ccitf Hum Cr sWb At each of oar biff mills we make Use fot lowing guaranteed products: : Asphalt Roofme fall tro4aa4 prists) Slat Surfaced ShixW Deadening Fks Tarred Falls , Bnikiuif PpTS Inanlahas Papen Wall Boards FtaticRooti Cats sat' Asphalt Cams Hoof Coatjoe Matal Paints Outdoor Paints Sbioeia Stains TarCoaane PLEASANT DANCE IS ENJOYED BY NOUN SOCIETY iiiii!iiii::ii:ii!itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui:ii:iiiiiiiiii!iitMMiiMii:ii!iitUiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiii(iuiP3 1 PENDLETON BRANCH 1 1 Minu 2, Go.utr.bia River Nmsery Co. Phone 275 M 512 W.Webb PENDLETON, OREGON n I am pr pared to offer to the of Pendleton and vl- S S it:ity this excellent 'f well known Nursery stock at the ZZ 5 han-.e rut' sold In neishi or;n? citi-:. A full line of both fruit 2 5 ami ornamental tre-s ub'ef t to this climate 13 offered from s H which to ma!e your choice. I would b- plo'-Sed to figure with S you on all thee lir cs. L. J. HiLE THE PI PUS nVXGALOW IS SCKXE Or GATHERING JOLLY CROWD PRESEXT. (Special Correspondence.) XOUX. Ore.. Feb. 1. The best dance of the season was given Satur day night by YV. E. and D. W. Du puis near Toakum where they have about completed a spacious bungalow. Oood music furnished by the Echo Urchestta and a fine supper, together I with a well behaved Jolly crowd ad ' ded to the success of the occasion. On last Monday V. W. Atherton and family turned over possession of their .store and postoffice here to J. 1. Wil liams and son and departed for Port land. Ore., where they contemplate making their future home. The Wll- .lil;ms need no Introduction In this community since they have lived here If.T seme time past and we feel that I t'.u-ir new venture will be a success. ! Owing to A. J. Amoureux moving to Tendleton and John Fisher moving to Yoakum district, a special election was J recently held in this school district when Mrs. Ed Dupuls and C. C. Lane were elected to fill their place as dl- , rectors on the school board. I Mrs. Larkins. our principal teacher i is able to fill her place In the school room again after a two weeks sick ! spell. i F. K. Nordhoff of Freewater, re i turned home Friday evening after ! teaching the higher grades during Mrs. Larkins' Illness. j Jesse Craig and, family of Cophan, -'nia, lirt.c uwnic fc'J ."'nil . of locating. Mrs. Craig Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Williams. O. F. Steele returned Friday after spending six weeks' upon a visit to his old home In southeast Missouri. He also visited at Denver. Colora do Springs, Pueblo, Colo., and Rupert, ldeho. and states that Umatilla coun-. ty has them all beat for climate. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hendricks were Pendleton visitors Friday and Satur day. R. R Toman, our assistant teacher. was a Pendleton visitor Saturday. Freeman Hendricks who Is attend in the Pendleton high school at tended the Dupuls ball last night. Miss Josle Sullivan of Pendleton is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. V. Lees today. ',iiii!iiiiiiniii!iii!ii!:iHiii:ii:i:ini!iiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiKiiini!iii:iiii:niiimiiiiiiiimi!i; I'M LITTLE! - BUT OH MY ! In litis little advertisement I want to tell you of my ' LITTLE PRICES OX Candles, XutH, Fruits, Vegetables, Groeorlos, I'M'.. A fine larite stock on hand and relllng fast. Pay our prices and save money. I'hompt delivery mak s us us ritur as your telephone. JOHN W. DYER, GROCERYMAN Ksm Alti Sl Phone 536 1 1 , Mill Something to Amuse and Please Them. The "Little Ones" Best Friend. 11 ANNA siinidL HToir iTro IDollQ A Great Big Beautiful Doll and 2 smaller dressed dollies for every boy and girl in the city. Hurry and get V yours! w . Lit . (yP ACTUAL HEIGHT, 25 INCHES ifT M 6& Bigger iM biV Tnese 3 dol lies are beau tifully printed on one large piece of mus lin all ready to cut out and stuff. They have gold en hair, big brown eyes and are very life-like indeed. ACTUAL HEIGHT, 71 INCHES Bigger Than a Bal?y ACTUAL HEIGHT, 7 IHCBE3 Another cause of social unrest ! the after midnight Welsh rarebit. Cut Tfil" Out Xow. If you don't want it today, you may next week. Send this advertise ment and 5 centa to Foley & Co., Chi cago, III., writing your name and ad dress clearly. You receive In return three trial packages Foley's Honey end Tar Compound for coughs, colds, croup and grippe: Foley Kidney Pills, for weak or disordered kidneys cr bladder; Foley Cathartic Tablets, z pleasant, wholesome and cleansing purgative, Just the thing for winter's sluggish bowels and torpid liver. These well known standard remedies told everywhere. Adv. MOW TO OBTAIN ANNA BELLE BOLLS The East Oregonian is going to give away several hundred of these dolls as follows: Any girl or boy bringing or sending to this office 0 One new paid in advance Subscription to the daily East Oregonian, by carrier for ;one month 65c, will receive free "Anna Belle" and 'her two dolls. Or for one new'paid in advance subscription to the daily East Oregonian by mail 1 1-2 months 75c. Or for one new paid in advance subscription to the Semi-Weekly East Oregonian 6 months 75c Or by cutting 5 coupons from the Daily or Semi-Weekly East Oregonian and 10c. If dolls are to be sent by mail add 2c for postage. Hurry and got your dolls now, bocausothis offer is for a limited timo only Coupons to'.be clipped will be'found elsewhere in this paper each day.