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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1915)
EldllT PA0E8. MUTTON THE DELICIOUS "PEMECO" KIND AT SPECIAL PHI "Pemeco" Loin Mutton Chops "Pemeco" Mutton Steaks "Pemeco" Mutton Breasts K MIGHT'S PICKLES START THE MONTH RIGHT USE PEMECO .Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillliliiililtilillliiiiiii MM . nn i service-Quauty The Central Market Sanitation r.iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimniiF The Standardof the World m (0) QD HAS ARRIVED ON EXHIBITION AT City Auto Co. Do flauo tlio Bost I for Loss onoy THAT ISN'T TALK COME AND SEE FRESH YELLOW AND 'WHITE CORN MEAL Eiistcrn Meal Sack - - OUR BULK FLOUR Good white stock 10 lb. pkfi.. PURE OATS Flaked 5 pounds ASSORTED CANDIES Special, pound FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS 3 quarts P. S. ASPARAGUS TIPS, 5 tins P. S. SHRIMP 1'rosii stork, dozen tins PURE CIDER VINEGAR Gallon FRESH EGGS 3 dozen : REMEMBER: Wo Sell For Cash For Less Money. THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY rhone 476. Nfxt Door to PATLY TUESDAY FEBRUARY, PHONE 33 fa is BUT THE TRUTH FOR YOUR SELF. Choice ... 35 ... 35f . S5 - 15 .... 25 $1.45 ?1.75 . 35 $1.00 Quelle Cafe. C2S Main. EAST OREOONTAN. PENTILETON, OnEflfW. MOXPAV, FI- CHIFS 2nd. 18c Pound 15c Pound 03c Pound LOCALS Of Advertising in Brief BATES. Per ltn first Insertion l"e Par Una, additional Ineertioa. . . .Oc Tr Una. per month I1.UO No local uktn for less thtn -5c. Count ordinary word to Hoe. Loral will not be Ukn over tba 'phone and rcmltUoc muat accom pany order. Public dance Moose hall Tuesday. Phone I. C. Snyder, ehlmney sweep For sale Piano practically new rhone 238W evenings. Phona til. Kurlle A Elliott dellca- tessan market, for your meats, etc. For aale Good dry wood. CIO Thompsn street, or phone J7IJ. WanteJ Good, clean rags at the East Oregonlan 'office. Two girls want to work for board and room. Box 465 City. Wanted Office work or house work by girl of 1. Apply this office. La Tim cigars, made la Pendle- I ton. Five room house for aale on north side. Corner lot Improved. Address "W" this office. Smoke the La Tlma cigar. Cows! Cows! Cows! Thirty head fresh milch cows for aale. Enquire Orltman Eros. Ynunir womaa wishes to assist with light housework. Apply Ana House. Lost On street or Saturday night dance, diamond pendant earring. Re turn to 40 W. AJta for reward. Tounar woman wants place to assist knnuvork. a-o home 'nights. Phone 343W between 4:30-7:10. Wanted, to trade horses for an au tomoblle. Address E. E. Hutchinson, Pilot Rock. Oregon. , For aale Two modern cottages lo cated on east Court street, seven blocks from Mln street. Inquire or Walters mill Old capers for sale: tied In bundle Good for starting fires, etc 10c I bundle. This office. Try the La Homer 10c cigar. For sale Fine stock ranch at Rich field, Idaho; lit acres tillable, part In alfalfa. Will consiaer pari iraua Write S E. Slmonton, Adams, Ore. Wanted Energetic business worn tin desirous of earning good money. Experience not necessary. Address G this office. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff" shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable Furniture van and storage warehouse Office 647 Main street Phone 139. The Alta House and Barn. Head quarters for farmers and stockmen. Call and see us. Stephenson & Eng lar. nronrletors. Phone 4)7. 703 East Alta street. Several small farms on Umatilla river particularly adapted to hogs. dairy or poultry, 1750 casn, oaiance on or before 10 years. 7 l-i per cent Bee Berkeley. For rent 2 sections well Improv ed land, 800 acres plowed, seed and feed on farm. For particulars write to Clyde Welttenhiiier, untario. ure gon. B. L. Allen, Laurens. Iowa, or A. F. May, Pendleton, uregon Found on county road In front of Mate hospital, purse containing a sum ot money and other articles. Owner run, secure same by calling at super intendent's office In state hospital and paying for this notice. Alfalfa Hay for Rale. Farmers north of Pendleton on the O.-W. R. A N. and the Northern Pa cific railroad, I can furnish you choice alfalfa hay, cheap freight, quick delivery." E. C. Burllngame. Farmer. Walla Walla, Waah. Adv. Wants Ilarlior Fortified. OLYMPIA, Feb. 1. The senate n loint memorial nskine con- gross to fortify Wlllupa and Grays' harbor. A bill was Introduced In the senate which would repeal tho elKht hour law to permit city employes to work as much as ten hours. IPERSOHAL Illllll Mrs. Mny Rivers of Hood River I at the Bowman. Jay Hurd of Pilot Hock spent Hun- tiny In Pendleton. Walter K. Burgess of Helix was at the ,st. Ue.orge yesterday. William MIIIh wai among the He lix residents litre yesterday. Mrs. Anna Itui ker left yesterday for Portland to remain a month. William H. Hill of Baker, was a guest of the Pendleton yesterday, I F. G. Lucas. Weston realty dealer. I was a Sunday visitor In the city. Dr. H. h. Moy and daughter of Ll-' lensburg, are at the Pendleton. Jack Dlnsmore. Helix newspaper- . In Ihlu Mr.n1nn " . . V. XT I inuu, vnniy in ni inviii'iiB vh iuo -'.line germ, ne win auu mtm. P. P. C. Hunter, Echo agent for the O.-W. R. It N., spent Sunday In Pen dleton. Mrs. Evelyn Skinner of Echo, came In this morning on a shopping expe dition. S. F. Wilson, former Athena attor ney, Is up from Portland on a busi ness visit. O. D. Teel, Echo landowner, is at tending the meeting of taxpayers this afternoon. Asa B. Thomson and C. H. Rhea were among the Saturday guests at the Pendleton. Harry Rees, formerly assistant post master here. Is up from his ranch at Stanfield today. MUs Pauline Lededle of La Grande sp-nt the weekend with her invalid father In this city. S. D. Peterson of Milton and H. I. Watts of Athena are among the out-of-town attorneys here today. F. II. Moes, well known young bus iness man of Pilot Rock, was among the weekend visitors In the city. Peter Weldert, who has been here Since Friday taking treatment for kidney trouble, left today for his home near Athena. Joe Lewis of St Anthony, Idaho, who has been 1n Pendleton for the past week, returned to the city this morning after a Sunday visit with friends In Hells. Ileivsy notes of Pendleton Moves to The Dalles. Delmar Thompson, who has been head salesman In the ladies depart ment of the Alexander Department Store for some time past, haj resign ed his position and will leave tomor row for The Dal lei to accept a posi tion In the Golden Rule Store of that city. Taxpayers Meet Today. This afternoon the Umatilla coun ty Taxpayers' association Is holding a meeting in the Commercial associa tion rooms for the discussion of coun- tv matters. Among the things up for consideration is road Improve ment work and, to that end, Secre tary Friedley has secured a statement of the money spent In the different districts during the past year. Burke Trial Is Wednesday. The trial of Richard Burke, tne Indian slayer of Ed KlrkpatrlcK, which was originally set for Thursday has been advanced to Wednesday ot this week with a possibility of it com- Ing up tomorrow Inasmuch as there is no case' on the docket for tomorrow. After the Burke case has been dis posed of. there will be nothing but bootlegging cases left on the docket. loHty Clerk Resigns. R. T. Brown, who has been deputy county clerk under Frank Baling, has resigned his position. Harry Rees, former assistant postmaster under J. T. Brown, has been appointed county clerk and assumed his duties today. Mr. Rees has been living on his farm near Stanfield since leaving the post office. NEWS OF FARM ANO RANGE Polmminz Many Rabbits Accord Ing to Elmer Cleaver, who was in the west end of the county yesterday, the farmers are meeting with great suc cess In poisoning rabbits w ith strych nine mixed with chopped alfalfa. He says In one section visited yesterday dead rabbits were thick but that fur ther up on Butter creek where no no work has been done the rabbits are still thick. He believes that If the poisoning campaign Is continued during the cold weather the rabbits can be almpst exterminated. BILL WILL AFFECT WORKING HOURS OF WOMEN AND GIRLS SALEM. Ore., Feb. 1. The senate passed the bill authorising the indus trial welfare commission to allow women and girls employed In canner ies and fruit packing houses and sim ilar activities connected with the fruit Industry to work overtime In case of emergencies. The bill repealing the law providing that only licensed an aesthetists could administer anaes thetics, was passed. The house ses sion was brief and little was accom plished. The senate passed the following other bills: Relating to filing reports of treasurer and sheriff with the county clerk; providing the county treasurer shall deposit monthly with the county clerk all county orders re deemed; relating to the publication ot semi-annual reports of county clerka ItljrARY 1, 1fl1.y MAD GOTOTE IS KILLEO . AFTER ATTACKING WOMAN - ANIMAL filVES BATTLE BEFORE IT I'ISfALLV IS BROUGHT , LOW BV BILLET. J. F. Homers of Kamela brought down this morning from his home the latest story of a mad coyote and It Indicates the seriousness of the sit- uatlon In this county. A few days i. fn . ait ri A ta Villi ft tfif a ana nmnrhed hi rare and made for hi wife, chasing her Indoors. He then went out and the animal charged him, forcing him to retreat. He se- cure1 nla un howler, and killed tne anlmaI but not before u 't the u t0 oU)erve theIr ac. Uon ,f he Decomcs convlnced ha ihv Tnv hoen Inoculated with ... . I . . .t I (Continued from page two.) A big social event of the present week will be the civic club's card par- ' ty to be given at the Eagles-Wood- g3 men hall Thursday evening, the pro- ceeds from the SO cents admission to j be given to the park fund. Arrange- 5 menu for the party are now being Eg made and there are Indications of a good attendance. The committee on 3 general arrangements Is composed of,f Mrs. Charles Greullch and Mrs. J. N. E Lurgess. The refreshments commit- tee is composed of Mrs. James Johns, tg Mrs. G. M. Rice and Mrs. Henry Dix-' on Jones. The tables committee Is J composed of Mrs. E. B. Aldrlch and g Mrs. George D. Haslett. The com- g mlttee on prizes, Mrs. John F. Rob- a inxon. Carda will be played from S 3 . 1 .1. .A X tlAIII , o ciock umii au uiu luicr wio there will be Informal dancing. The Parent-Teacher association of - . . - i i . -.1 t ..111 hAM Itfl ' regular monthly meeting tomorrow ; which he ran for eight years. This afternoon at 8 o'clock In the school hotel was washed building. "Child Welfare and "The h'Kh water of 1876. In 1871 he leas Big Brothers and Sister. Movement" , ed the J T Swltz ler nch aoss th. wm h the subiecU for discussion and river and farmed It for several years. ,-.a,Mion win be led by Mrs. T. M. Henderson and Mrs. Carl Power. John Vert today received a telegram nle Ethel B WUkl. w o Sjdleton ih.n a'n infant burg, and he I niece. Miss Ethel B. "k,no i nnrryt'A n, xfr. Anra Raley for $30. from Mra. Vert stating that their ViA fm-r. Vfnra wit n inm iuiiicu . y. . i ...lha lot at the corner of Mam ana aturaay at iv:zu wun ner uiumc. , on the 8. 8. LuslUnia for their home i in Scotland. Mrs. Vert and Miss WU- kie left here two weeks ago and went , .a.t via the Canadian Pacific visiting enroute friends at Calgary. Winnipeg. Toronto, Niagara. Montreal and Que- j bee. Last Wednesday they were met In Albany. New York, by Miss Wll- kie's brother who has been living in Portland lately. Mrs. Vert will visit In eastern cities a short time before returning home. WILSON SELECTS MEMBERS OF NEW TRADE COMMISSION AMONG THOSE CHOSEX TO SERVE IS W. II. PARKY OF SE ATTLE WASH. WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. It Is learned authoritatively that the presl-j dent practically has decided to ap point the following membership on the federal trade commission: Jo seph M. Hurley of Chicago; George Record of New Jersey; W. J. Harris of Georgia; W. H. Parry of Seattle. BOOTLEGGERS A PROBLEM. (Continued from page one.) I shall certainly favor providing work for the prisoners next winter. The county is called upon to furnish wood to many poor families and I see no reason why the prisoners should not work up this wood. They could also crush the rock which Is used on the roads near Fendleton. But for the fact that the crushers are in other parts of the county now, I would fa vor putting them to work now." JESSE FAILING DIES. (Conunued from Page 1.) they sent two or the party to invesi gate. These two were caught In a snow storm when half way and turned tack instead of goln on. Being 200 i miles from the base of their supplies nnd winter coming on, the whole I party turned back to the settlements. They never returned next spring but another party did and found quarts richly studden with gold. This was the beginning of the famous Canal Diggings which made many fortunes. From British Columbia, Mr. Falling went to Portland and for two or three years followed his trade as carpenter He helped build the Bap tist church there and also Captain Alnsworth's house. Captain Alns worth then sent him to Cascades to help build a boat which he was going to run as far as The Dalles. On the boat's maiden trip, Mr. Falling was a passenger up river. He caught an other boat at The Dalles and came on to Umatilla In 1S6S. the extreme weakness often results iu Impaired bearing, weakened eyesight, bronchitis and other troubles, but If Scott $ Emuhion is given promptly. it carries strength to the organs and creates rich blood to build up the depleted forces. Children thrive on ivott'i Fmublon. 14.7 It t Fire from Alcohol -ia ; t urn m vm m w.r.n ji jt 1 n?Tmmf!n!fnm!!?m!i!!r?ititr!!KTt:Ti 'll!!!!!!!!!!::!!!!:!!'!!! E 2 isf g3 The Plumber l)y Rorton Jirailcy. E g2 gE3 ' I tclephowd the plunil-er, And riht n tunc he cumo; lie trul,y was a hummer And should U. known to fame; He spf'i:t no time in p;azinr, And found out what wa.i wrong, And what is most amazing He had 1h tooh along. He did not eon the matter For half an hour or more; Nor solder did ho spatter Ujon the kitchen floor. With zeal ttill undiminished, He worked away for us; And when the job was finished He cleared up all the muss. With boating heart I waited His memo of expense, Until lie lightly stated His bill was 50 centa; My face grew pale and haggard, I gave a muffled scream Into a chair I staggered And woke it was a dream! KEEP ON DREAMING For words and music to above, see BFJ)DOW A MILLER 126 W. Court St Telephone 202 3 E3 m ap p ? L 1 t'-. i!Ml!lili:ilIiIIIil There he built the Orleans hotel. " the orchard whlch is sui. in ha umii there. It was while In Umatilla that he married Mrs Martha Hendley, a widow. t . nil r- TTo H In ty rnrrtA tn Pen- -' - - - Water street where he ha .conducted n "' - " ------ for a time of buying the lot upon which now sunds the Tallman Drug Store but decided It was ioo ausx, mere. Tn?as in Basineea. Mr. Failing engaged In the furnl ture and undertaking business here. toeing me pioneer in mose ,u-u t rnmnnrriai life. Havln been a carpenter and a very good one, since boyhood, he turned his skill while Help the Stomach Digest Your rood When the stomach fails to digest and distribute that which Is eaten. the bowels becDme clogged with a majw of waste and refuse that fer ments and generates poisons that are gradually forced into the blood. causing distress and often serious illness. Most people naturally object to the drastic cathartic and purga tive agents that shock the system. A mild, gentle laxative, positive In its effect and that will quickly re lieve constipation Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, sold by druggists at fifty cents and one dollar' a bottle. It does not gripe or cramp, but acts easily and pleasantly and Is therefore the most satWactory remedy for children, women and elderly persons. For a free trial bottle write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 452 Washington St.. Montlcello. Ills Episode No. 5 "His Gratitude" Mary Pickford "Papa Buys a Ball" Victor Comedy PAflK FIVF 'IM-'TI!'!!'!! .illilliiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiv: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiuiiii 3 : 5 t 1 E7 3 IIIIIIIQIII running his hotel In Umatilla to maKing rurnuure ana in is unrwuiw led him to engage In the furniture business here. He conducted his Joint business here until January, 1907, when he sold out to John Baker and Ralph Folsom. Since that time, how ever, he has still carried pianos and sewing machines In his old location. Eleven years ago his team ran away and he suffered Injuries thai necessitated the amputation of on. lee. Desnite this handicap, however. i - . he had retained his health and good spirits until the past few months when he began to fan. V. ot V. Dance Tuesday XUcht Pendleton Circle W. of W. will giver another of their "good time dance In Moose Hall. Tuesday. Feb. 2nd. The general public Is Invited. All promised a good time. Mustc by United Orchestra. Admission 60c Come! Adv. Manufacturer's Advertising Uller on PALMOLIVE SOAP For a limited time we will give away with each purchase of Palmolive Cream, 3 cakes Palmolive Soap Free. Tallman & Go. Leading Druggists V - :!