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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1915)
7 4 ..A ElflTTT PAOES. OATLY EAST fTtF.tlOXTAY. T'ENDTETOy. OREflON. MON'hAV. V KMIJI'ATfV 1, 1ft IS. PAGE TTTKFF. - - i ii . ... i - I Vo M - JJJ . Bull" Durham is Always "Good Form" 4. In the very smartest circles of American society the hand-made cigarette of deliciously fresh "Bull" Durham is recognized as the supreme expression of tobacco luxury. It is stylish, correct, and stamps you as a smojcer of experience, to "roll your own" ciga rettes, to suit your own taste, with I o) GENUINE P SMOKING nn a rn niimvw The wonderful, unique, savory fragrance and flavor of "Bull" Durham the delightful mildness and smoothness of "Bull" Durham hand -made cigarettes are irresistibly attrac tive and enjoyable. This pure, ripe, golden mellow tobacco gives paramount satisfaction to discriminating smokers the world over. Ah tor FREE Packag of "Paptnf. , with eA S tack. ', FREE An Illustrated Booklet, show ing correct way to "Roll Your Own" Cigarettes, and a pack age of cigarette papers, will both be mailed, free, to any address in U.S. on postal request. Address -Bull" Durham, Durham. N. C THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY .IT I ((til MiHir j ANNIVERSARY OF CHURCH SOCIETY HELD AT ATHENA ru:Asii imnk.uam is .i vi: nv m. i- All) sornrrv mtiikh m:vs notks. (Special Correspondence ) AT1IKNA, Or.-.. Jan. JO. The M. K. Aid society celclruted tholr twenty-third anniversary Thursday nfter nonn In the church parlor. Iellcloiis refreshments were nerved and a Rood time njoyed by ull present. MIm Irene Shcrrnd In visit n rela tives mid friends In Wull.i Walla. MIS Hull) lli kelimill hprllt Thurs day In Helix lsltlntf her hIk'.'T, Mrs. t l. dark. SPORTS Mrs. I'ean WlUaby was a Pendleton v'nHtr Wetlnosday. Mr. ntul Mrs. Oliver Dlrkensnn vis ited n( the Kmery Achilles home on Vanscle Thursday. Miss Ada De Freece was a county neat visitor Wednesday. I Athena Tamp W. of W. Installed the' fiillnw officers Wednesday evening,: January ;. isi5: C. C. K. E. Do I'eatt: advisor. H. O. Parker: escort. I Kd SaMskey; hanker. H. (). Worth-j Inutoti; -clerk. J I). I'lamondon; sen-; RA HAI, FHEKIIUX. try. M.-i iilih'ns; watchman, Cleve j Written for the Inlted I res.) Meis; iii.inaoers. (J. V. (tro.ui ondj NEW, YORK, Jan. sn. Cnn he 4 . i minim. vAiier insinuation re- , it t t..i. (,kiIq (.,mr.,l MtHtT VOVK is nn fnHliinents were served. ... ... , ... .... ,. , I iron mun wherever hasobull 1 deorte Kinnear over from Weston f-'rldav t Miown, succeed where Jim Jeffries J. I.'iial'i n of We.-ton transacted und Innumerable other sporting cel lia?iiie.s in Atlim i Friday. (brltU-8 have failed? Can he come Mr. and .Mrs Wm. Mcliride camejhack? GOOD j L1GH T Means- BETTER msiXf8 CHKEItFtX HOMra METTKn HEALTH AND KYKSIUIIT IrC a wire J"onr hrtne and In taU our modern IJhtlu Hi. tarea and Electrical Iiwtalla tlont all I bene . requlromenia can be obtained. May we aerve Klootrto and tn supplies, eleo trlo llKht wiring, bell wlrlnir, caa piping, motors and dynamo. J. L. Vaughan 831 Main Street Phone 139 up from their farm near Adams and spent Friday In Athena visiting. MUj Ethel I.lndley of Walla Walla spent Sunday visiting at the DolVatt home. Mrs. Mclntre and daughter Liiur.i are sojourning nt Hot Iake. Jake Hooher has purchased the tailor shoji from J. A. Conley end formed it partnership with It. IL Plerscd. Mr. Conley will leave In a few days to seek a new- location. Mrs. A. H. Mclntyre returned Thursday from Hot Lake where she has been receiving medical treatment Slight Improvement is reported In her condition. IPS HEADACHE, pain, en Don't suffer 1 Get a dims pack, of Dr. James' Headache Powders. Yon can clear your head and relieve a dull, splitting or violent throbbing headache in a moment with a Dr. James' Headache Powder. This old time headache relief act almost magi cally. Neml boiuo one to the drug store now for a dime puckago and a few mo ments after you take a powder you will wonder what became of the head ache, neuralgia and pain. Stop Buffer ing it's needless. Bo euro you get whsl you ask for. For SALE CHEAP 10 (load Good Work Mules For Further Particulars See E. L. Smith & Co. Pendleton, Oregon That Is the question which sport critics and lovers are pondering over Can the man who once mowed down batsmen In world's scries l ittles the fame ns In exhibition games put over the same brand -of f-tu.'f. the same weird assortment of flickering white flashes, thai once earned him the so briquet of "Iron man." Wilbert Robertson and Charley Eb nets would like to know. They have taken the chance and signed the vet eran for 1915, and before muny months have rolled by they will be able to unswer all Interrogators as to whether Jack Coombs can come back. from 18U until is 12 Coomha' name was perhnps the most feared of anj Pitcher. Jumping Into the big league from a scintillating path of victories at Colby college. Coombs started the baseball world after he had been In the league but a few weeks by pitch ing und winning a twenty-four In ning gam.) against the Doston Red 5-'ox. The score was 4 to 1. It is the longest major league game on record. Coombs' real fame came In 1910 when he shattered several records. His record at the close of the season showed him with thirty-two victorle and but nine defeates. Not satisfied with that, he broke another American league record by shutting out his op ponents thirteen times and wound up the season In a blaze of glory by pitch ing fifty-three consecutive scoreless innings. Coombs continued his patch of glory until the 1911 world's series when he was severely Injured. In 1912 he re covered enough to win 21 out of SI games, but since that time has pitch ed but two full games, winning one and losing one. Z.:3 Jiillllli 'minHnmtmiwiMmmmi73 Vncimionla Weather Is Here. No cough or cold should be neg lected. Forty years' use proves Fo ley's Honey and Tar a safe, reliable remedy. It contains no opiates nor habit forming drugs. If you want a cough syrup that will really help you, you will take Foley's In prefer- once to any other, genuine Foley's In protected against colds, coughs, croup: aore throat, grippe and such sick ness. Sold everywhere. Adv. I re DERATED I! 0! RUSSIANS AFTER A BATTLE IH THE SlOff CHIEF OF THE DIVISION AM) HIS hTAI'F ARE TAKEN rniso.N EHS. lav Cid'inin In the Cuucasim Muk-n u Duili AcroMt tli; e-.t of (lie Mountain, Tallii Murii Hoot) ( IIoiiih Try Counter Attack Hut Arc 1'i-cNlwly lU-polMil. lb m If BALL AT ATHENA HELD RE ENJOYABLE SUCCESS 1 r.rno ju n, Feb. j. The t,,;w his' r-port from the general Maff of the Russian army of the Caucasus uui glvi n out: ' ' 'ii the Mirl-Kaivf li front, on tht evening of January 21, one of our col limn, profiting by 11 no storm. ff rd the crest of the mountain! and seized after a violent struggle, the village of (JarneHH. making prisoners there the chief of the Thirteenth Turkish division, with his staff, 10 of ficers, seven surgeons and 450 others, and capturing three cannon, more than 2D( rifles, a convoy truln and a large 'luuntlty of war munitions and pro visions. "The next dy the Turks attacked this column, but were repulsed by a counter attack with great lorres. ab andoning to us a rapid-fire gun " LA GRANDE MAIN ON WAY TO ROSE CITY IN AUTO v.. I)AIS STOPS SHORT TIMK AT FII.OT IKK K (ITIII.R N()Ti;s OF Till KOCK. FIRST ANNUAL AFFAIR IS CIVFN SATIRHAV NH.HT MANV ATTEND. Midget liaskrt Hull Team U Defeat! by .Milton In Fast Garruv tlu-na I'olkn go to .Milton to Attend Revival OthiT Personal NoUn of Interest From Town. O'pecial Correspondence.) ATHKNA, Ore, Feb. 1. The first annual library ball was held Saturday evening at I. O. I). F.-K. of I, hall. It was a great succei-s, one hundred fortj tickets being sold. The floor com mitte was composed of Mayor H. I, Watts, eouneilmen Llttlejohn. DM, Miller, McKwen. Froom, Welch and Treasurer Hurke. The Athena Midgets, basketball team was defeated by Milton Satur day evening by a score of 30 to 3. E. A. Dudley and wife attended the revival meeting In Milton Saturday. Jos. N. Hcott and family motored to Milton Sunday. Hard Cough? Grippy? Head Stuffed? Bad Cold? No Matter IIov Bad You Ted, or How Hard Your Cold, You are cure of Quid and Grateful Relief by Taking Dr. King's New Discovery. No Bie to keep on gufTerinif and try fo to wear out your Cold. It will wear you out itiFtead. Start potting Utter by taking Vr. Kirk's New Dis covery. It contains jjet v.hat you rcc d to rid y m t, th .t Oiroy I-cvcri ,i 'tuTe J F'ee! end to s lop rat roiiHtar.t fiii.l t.i'.nov'ir.L a .;. of Dr. Kind's New Pbcovery, Ftart taking: at once; you will bti (rratefu!ly turpriiicd in your improvement. After u;ni; one lmttlo r f Dr. Kim:' 'ev Discovery, John S. Iiixon, Aydun, C, wriU?: "All forcr.ess left my chest, became easy and a (Special Correspondence.) PILOT HOCK. Ore., Feb. 1. W. Davis of La Grande was In town Thursday. He was on hla way to Port land in his auto. Grant Horn was In town Thursday f:om his ranch on business. Victor F.oueinagoux of Nye. was a business visitor here Wednesday. Miss Alma Hoylen spent Thursday evening at Pendleton. Mr West made a business trip to Pendleton Thursday. Mrs. K. It. Rankin spent Wednes day at the home of Mrs. Lon Etter. Jinks Ja'iues vicited at the county seat Thursday. Dr. Hayden of I'klah, was a visitor here Thursday. hl;mtatli Kct'oL'nles ( oat-r. KIMATH FALLS, Ore., Jan. 29. After scores of youngsters had eeii arrested by the police and atl once released because Police Judge j pine 8ee Leavitt held there was r.o ordinance undr vMrh they could be hel l, the dectees f coasting are How free to une Third stp.ct for coasting every r.ftht from 7 to 11 o'clock. An or der to thb effect was made at Mon day nlght'a meeting of the council, following tli introduction of a pe:l-t-on signed bj 200 or more persons, j KI KOI'EAX FINKS M KNACK TO NIHSI KV STOCK I'll Idle Hearing on Uic Question of Frohlbitlng IniMrtatloiiit An-noum-ed. WAiHI.VOTON". Jan. 30. Because of the danger to American nursery stock a public hearing will be held February 2, 1913, at the Department of Agriculture to discuss a proposed quarantine on the Importation of all pines from Europe. During the past year Imported pines have been found to beinferted with the European pine shoot moth. In Europe this is one of the principal Insect enemies of pines and is especially destructive in nur rerles. young forests, and ornamental plantations. I) kills or Injures the young twig growth and deforms the tree to a serious extent In this country the Insect seems to be still confined to the European pines In Connecticut, Illinois, Mas sachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Ohio. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island and West Virginia. Strenuous efforts are already being made to stamp it out and it is believed that these will be successful if no further Importations of infeiited stock are permitted. The white pine blister rust has al ready resulted in the exclusion of all five-leafed pines from Europe and Asia. The proposed quarantine will extend 'this prohibition to all classes of pines from Europe. No restric tion Is proposed on the Importation I he f:r.-t oose : tnrU reli. f sn l you 1 sorio'ji Couidi was cured." What it eep eU;n LetUr. Duy a COc. Lottie did f jr Mr. Dixoi it will do for you. H. Z. EUCKLCN L CO.. tZ0 North Droad Street, rhilijelphia, P. Stories From the War Zone OSTEND. There la one character istic of the British soldier that baji not yet ceased to astonish the good peasant folk of France and Belgium. At one British camp an old Flemish woman, after watching a number of the soldiers brushing their teeth, ex claimed. "My goodness, what hava they eaten that they are obliged to scour their mouths in this fashion. MELBOURNE. Two recent arriv als from Whitby, England, who were working Inland, upon hearing of the German naval bombardment of that town. Immediately threw up their Jobs and booked by the first steamer fur England to enlist. AMSTERDAM. The much adver tised German war loan apparently is not looked upon as a negotiable " curlty by the German government. According to the Frankfurter Zeltunir. a Berlin Judge In the landed eatata 1 court refused to accept ball offered In five per cent bonds of the war loan, on the ground that the Prussian high court has decided that such war loan bonds were not permlmable a ball, as these securities were not In cluded In the stock exchange quota tlons. JOHANNESBURG. The Leader Is sued an appeal for 3000 hillings la order to present a charger to General Botha. Subscriptions received with in a few hours exceeded the amount required. They were restricted to shilling each and confined to residents In the Rand. Jr'arnHTs' IUjIii Studies. DURHAM. X. H.. Feb. 1. Five hundred farmers came here today to learn how to produce grain from New Hampshire's stony soil. They are attending the annual week short course for farmers at New Hampshire state college. MISS LIBERMAN, A SENSATION AT PALM BEACH t-i : . h nr ... j v i YOUTHS TO I.Fi:X HOW rare soru of magnolias, holly, acubus TO I'KOSI'KCT FOR COIJ and smaller shrubs. Many of the j conifers have been clipped and train- GOLDEN, COLO, Jan. 30. A1 ed Into fantastic shapes, such as mon- school for the education of prospec-; uments, globes, corkscrews, birds and tors in primary lessons in geology.' pagodas, mineralogy and tests for minerals In I the field and for the promotion of' . a Intelligent prospecting will be opened In February at the Colorado School of Mines here. Old mining men of the state believe the school will revive In terest In prospecting and some express the hope that the instruction and stimulus imparted by the school may lead to the discovery of another Crip pie Creek and another mining boom in this state. The school Is the first of the kind to be established In connection with an institution like the School of Mines. In addition to the lectures, labora tory Instruction will be given. Woman Dies Cranking Car. PITTSBURG. Jan. 30. Mrs. Joseph H. Simpson, aged 33, of Evergreen road, died in the home of Mrs. Har riet Monohan. at 6701 Thomas boule vard, from heart disease. Mrs. Simpson had been calling on Mrs. Monohan and left for her home. She went to her automobile, stand ing in Thomas boulevard, and when she stooped to crank the machine was seized with convulsions. She was carried Into Mrs. Monohan's home. Dr. S. H. Adams of 7032 Hamilton av. enue. was called, but she died a few minutes after the doctor arrived. FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOIBEH Thousands Have Been Helped By Common Sense Suggestions. i-;..:vA,:.-,.f.7 L:r - ' .1 : I Vf.lWi-ri 1;' .m. J '-v'1 '1 ',,,..! ii h I Mil) liirwi liill 1 id i ttl 11' 1 iiiil II I) rfitf iMn a "4 'I r r i M. i Tl ih . ill MiilfcwMMiJ Xo Longer State Printer SALEM, Ore.. Jan. 2. The sup- leme court dismissed the case broughi ' W. C. Francis et al against Chris Schuman et al to test the right of R. A. Harris, as the state printer, to en ut Into an agreement to employ un ion help In the state printing plant The court finds that the reason for the Injuctlon prayed for to restrain Harris has ceased to exist, inasmuch as he Is no longer state printer, and that if it were granted it would be useless. Holland Ship Gardens Here. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 30. Ten carloads of rhododendrons, clipped conifers and bulbs for the Panama Pacific International Exposition have Just arrived here from Holland. This Is the third large shipment from the Netherlands, and will complete the beautiful Holland gardens. It In cludes conebearlng trees of more than a 'dozen species 700 rhododen drons of different varieties and many ONLY ONE. The Record in Pendleton Is a Unique One. This Is a photograph of Miss Llber mnn, a belle of Palm Peach, in her newest bathing suit. .Miss IJberman thinks it is the cutest thing in Flori da during this gay winter season, where the temperature of the water Is With a bottle ot as high now us tho temperature of tho the houso you are, air In many northern cities during the summer. Even In Palm Reach where tho outer becomes the commonplace, Miss Llberman succeeded in creating a sen sation when she appeared on the beach in what she calls her "zebra leg" costume. fJ'he is a substantial and solid oung woman who delights in the water. She did not say, how ever, if this costume was to bo en dangered by actual bathing, but i'. has been scon on the beach long enough to cause many othei women to t nvy her. If the reader has a "bad back" or any kidney Ills and Is looking for an tffeetive kidney medicine, better de pend on the remedy endorsed by peo ple you know. Doan's Kidney Pills have, given great satisfaction In such cases. Pendleton citizens testify to this. Here is a case of It: Joseph E. Maggert, 615 Iwls st.. Pendleton, says: "I felt quite miser able from a dull, dragging backache, caused by heavy lifting. A friend said that perhaps my kidneys were caus ing the tr.ouble and told me to try Doan's Kidney Pills. 1 used three boxes lit all and was completely cured." Statement given Mav 17. 1910.) OVER TWO TEAR.S LATER Mr Maggert said: "A short time no when I again needed a kidney medi cine. I took Dunn's Kidney Pills and one box fixed nie up In good shape.' My health is now excellent " ; Price 60c, at all dealers Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy gft Doan's Kidney Ftlla the same that Mr. Maggert had. Foster Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Womea saTering from ny form of female ills are invited to communicate promptly with the woman's private correspondence de partment of the Ly CiaE.Pink.ham Med icine Co., Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman ; thus has been established a confidential correspondence which has extended over many years and which has never beea broken. Never have the-y published a testimonial or vi a l.'tter without the written consent of the writer.and never has the Ccnpary allowed these confi dential lottera to pet out cf their pos cession, as tie hundreds of thousands of them in their Cles will attest. Cht of tho vast volume cf experience which they have to draw from, it i.i more than possible that they possess the very lnowled?e r.eedod in your case. Noth ing is asked in return except your pood will, and their advice has helped thou Fan Js. Surely ar.y woman, rich or poor, 6hould bo p!a 1 to take advantage of this prerous offer of assistance. Address Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., (con CJential) Lynn, Mas3. Every woman otrrht to have I.ytlia E. lMnkham's 80-pa;e Text Book. It is not a book for pcncrr.1 distribution, as it Li too expensive. It is fre and only obtainable by mail. Write for it today. mimiuiMiMiimmmmmmuitmuii!! F. E. Van Dusen E General Contractor and E Superintendent, E I rEXDLKTOX, ORKOO.V. riuiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiii. Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY 11 VSV1SWIJ Style HOT TAVlftLES CHILLI CON CARHE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Evsrythlnc clean and up-f date; rillST CLAflS BEItVim TEA 5c PackiKu Under State Hotel Cor. Wsbb and Cotton wo4 fits. Fhons 117 PendWton, Ore. 1 1