ETOIIT PAGES. TURN HAIR DARK WITH SAGE TEA IF MIXED WITH Sl'MMIUl DARKENS SO NATURALLY NOBODY CAN TELL. IT The old-time mixture of Bag Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked ajtd faded hair la grand mother'! treatment, and folk are again using it to keep their hair a good, even color, which la quite en Vole, a we are living in an age when a youthful appearance la of the greut eat advantage. Nowaday, though, we don t have the troubleaome taak of gathering the aage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug atorea aell the readyto-uae product called "Wycth'a Sage and sulDhur Compound" for about 60 cent a bottle. It la very popular be cauae nobody can dlacovcr it haa beei nniied. Blinply moisten your coml or a soft bruah with It and draw thin through your hair, taking one email atrand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappear, but what delight the lad It with Wyeth' Sage and Sulphur la that, beside beautifully darkening the hair after a few appii cation, It aUo produce that aoft lustre and appearance of abundance which 1 o attractive; beside, pre vent dandruff, Itching acalp and fall Ing hair. , M ciiiinuimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiis 1 0 r p h c u m ! Theatre J. P. MEPERNACJJ, Prop. 3 High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures I s E s s I FOR MEN. WOMEN AND 5 CHILDREN g Prorram chanjrt S Sundays,1 Tuwdaji. Thurt- daji and Saturday. H Be Projrram in Today's illlllllllllllllllllllUllllUlllllliliillllllilii: niiiiinumniiiiiiiiimiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiii S Pastime I Theatre I "The Home of I Good Pictures" ALWAYS THE LATEST in Photoplayt :: Steady, Flickerless Picture :: Abeo- lately No Eye Strain. 5 A Refined and Ertertainirm Show for the Entire Family. 1 Next to French Restaurant Chan ree Sundays, Tuesdays, I Thursdays and Saturdays. 5 1 Adult lOo. Children under S . 10 yean 5a iipiiitHimimiiiHiiiiii iniiiiiiin 1 PENDLETON'S P 0 P U- LATt PICTURE SHOW j THE I COSY I 1 When the entire family can 3 tnjoy a high-claM motion S picture show with oorafort, 1 Fun, Pathos 1 Scenic 1 1 Thrilling 1 I All Properly Mixed S ; " 5 s Open Afternoon and Even- 5 a ing. ChaDRca Sunday, lion- g S day, Wednesday and Friday. 5 mm ,T m Next Door to St George Ho- tl Admission 5o and lOo. iimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiiuiitl DAILY NO DEMAND IN CATTLE MARKET (Courtesy Frlduy's Journal.) I'OltTUXD, Ore. While there waa a fulr run of cattle reported In the North I'urtland yard since yeeter day r.-purt, 10 loud from the Inter ior ure merely feeding here and are expected to go forward to the Car Men 1'ucklng compuny at Tacoma tonight. There H an entire absence of regu l"r demand for cattlo In the local yurd at this time. All of the big buyers ha'vo practically quit The! aro holding a surplus at the present time and seemingly do not care to add to this at present In view of the very limited demand for the dressed product. fienera cattle market range: "elected steers 17.60fM.65 Good to prime 7.C0Q7.SS ood to choice '. .. 6.60 0 7. Ordinary to fair 6.75 6.25 Best cow 6.6006.65 Good to prime 6.50 06.61 Ordinary 6.2506.50 Selected calve 8.00 ft 8.25 Kancy bulla 6.60 06.75 Ordinary 4.0006.26 Iloff Market I Holding. General condition In the awine trade at North Portland are showing practically no change. There waa a fair run again In the yard over night but a large per cent of these were not of top quality. Somewhat better feeling waa shown for hog at point east of the Rock le today, the general trade there re covering practically all of It recent loss. General hog narket range: nest light 16.7506.80 Medium light 6.60 0 6.70 Good to heavy 6.40 0 6.60 Hough and heavy 6.25 Ptockers 5.50 0 6.16 Good Mutton May Rise. While there was practically no mut ton with which to gauge the market at North Portland today, the general opinion of the trade waa that price would either hold at the extreme val ues now In effect or that an advance of 106 to 15c would be forced for ex treme quality at an early date. General mutton trade range: Old wether $ 6.65 nest yearling 6.50 Best ewe 5.60 05.75 Best east mountain lamb 7.75 07.60 Valley light lamb ' 7.60 Heavy spring lambs 7.25 0 7.60 UvewUM'k Shippers. Hogs Cyrua W. Williams. Union Junction. 1 load; J. F. Forges, Dalley. 1 load; F. B. Decker, Sllverton, 1 load direct to Union Meat company; X. O. Miller. Lyle. Washington. 1 load. Cattle W. II. Harris. Coldwell. Ida.. 1 load; Still well ft Froffltt Haines, I loads; C. O. Fulton. Heppner, 1 load; William Hanley, Junture, 10 loads di rect to Carsten Tacking; company. Tacoma; C. B. Gachary, Condon, 1 load. Mixed Stuff Barcley & Cummlnga Curvallls. 1 load cattle and hogs; W. II. McMahon, Haleey, 1 load cattle and hogs: C. E. Lucke, Molalla, 2 louds hogs and sheep direct to the Union Meat company; P. O. Kopp- lln. I'lulnvlew, 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep; A. F. McFee, Washougal, Wn, 1 load cattle, calves and hogs; Red mond Lumber A Produce Co., Ited mond, 1 load cattle and hogs. Every time a man look Into a mlr I or he Imagine he see the reflection of a hero. Bewgro of Ointmcnta for Catarrh That Containa Mercury merrury will nrely destroy the sens of irafll snd completely derange the wbolt system when entering It tbrongh the no rous inrfares. Huch articles - Mould or be used eirepl on prescription from repnt- Me physicians, as tbs damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you ran poaalblf derive from tliera. Unlit Catarrh Cure, muntifitclured by F. J. Chaney Co., To Mo. O , contains no merrury, and la takes Internally, acting directly upon the blood nd mucous surfaces of the system. la buying Hall's Catarrh Cart be nr foe get the genuine. It Is taken Internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney 4 Co. Testimonials free. Sold hy Pmrsists lYIre Toe per bottle Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation. IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS SAYS nACKACHE IS SIGS YOU HAVE BEEN, EATING TOO MUCH MEAT. When you wake up with backache and dull misery In the kidney region If generally mean you have been eating too muh meat, say a well known authority. Meat forma uric acid which overwork the kidney In their effort to filter It from the blood and they become sort of ' paralyied and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, Ilka you relieve your bowel re moving all the body' urinous waste, else you have backache, sick head ache, dlxzy spells, your stomach sours, tongue Is coated, and when the weather 1 bad you have rheumatic twinge. The urine I cloudy, full of sediment, hannels often set sore, wa ter acalda and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night Either consult a good, reliable phy sician, at once or get from your phar macist about Tour ounce of Jad Baits; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salt la made fi'om the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and has been 'used ' for generation to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids In the urine so It no longer irritates, thus ending blad der weakness, ' Jnd Pulls is n Ufa savor for regular input caters. It Is Inexpensive, con not Injure and makes a delightful, ef fervescent llthla-water drink. EAST OTtEOONIAN", PET)LETON, OKEQOff, SATURDAY. .4 "? tf "' ; "... .' .. Samuel Gompers, the labor leader, .u . .... tho Federal Un LilO Bland ( Commission on Industrial Relation a t the New York City Hail, wnen e called out, "You Insult me'1 when a v-a ...orini. h liability of union v 4n cases of dynamiting and murder. Stories From BY WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) PAHIS, Jan. 3. (By Mall to New. York.) At Rhelms. while lunching. I ent the 12 year old son of the ho tel proprletresa across the street to buy some postcard pictures of the badly damaged town. While he was making the selection, a German shell fell and exploded almost In the mid dle of the street making an infernal racket A few minute later the lad returned with the postcards. Was he out of breath and all eagerness to tell the trange foreigner about the shell which had fallen near him? Not at all. ' "I'm sorry sir,' he said, quite as he would have done had he merely waited for a street car to pass instead of the smoke of a shell to clear up, "they are out of Cathedral cards. Perhaps I can find you some down the street, there is another place down there." I thought of the shells and told the boy to never mind. Think of It! A boy so used to shells 'falling in his street that they have ceased to be a subject for comment Later on, on that same day, a small boy on the street of Rhelms brought me a piece of ehell, still hot, which had fallen near him. fctng of the gamin type, with wits sharpened be jond his years, he asked me . if 1 would care to buy his piece of hot shell a a souvenir. Then there was another boy. This youngster paraded past the Cathedral at the height of the bombardment, while from various quarters near him came the -h-e-e-e-e of big shells and the bank of their explosion loud as WEEK'S MARKET HAS BEEN GOOD PORTLAND, Ore, Jan. 30. (Spe cial.) Kecelpts for the week have been, cattle, 1523; calves, 9; hogs, 3725; sheep, 4181. CATTLE. Thia week's market opened steady to strong In nil classes. Prime steers sold at $8, cow at $8.80 and other grades In proportion. Market closed steady. . HOGS. with a beslnnlns of $6.80 Monday which was 15c over the close of last week, hogs have maintained this lev- i . i . . ,. l. Bf1 itiA American mar- ri, aiiiiuuBu v..w kets have shown a decided weakness. North Portland being the highest oy 10 cents. SHEEP. Th strenath of the sheep market haa been able to bring somewhat In creased receipt thl week. Price have advnnced nnd lambs reached $7.80; ewes, 5.75. Outlook strong. The following sales are representa tive- 53 steers $8.00 20 steer 111 7-8S 1121 7.60 17 steers 1098 7.4S 28 cows 1131 6.80 1 cow 861 6.50 A cow 1155 6 25 IS cow 1341 6.00 4 bulls 1851 5.50 1 stag 642 5.60 1 heifer 1081 7.00 1 calf 181 8.25 171 hogs 188 6.80 111 Iioks . 181 6.75 1058 hogs 211 6.70 626 hogs 187 6.65 133 lnmhs 7.S0 72 ewesr lit 6.75 Cnlx Guard lK-ml llody. 1 NEW YORK. Jan. 29. T)u 40 or JO cats which Mrs. Angelina Ilcuer man, 66 years old, kept In her home, Mr. Gomper stated that the two great trouble from which labor has b een suffering are the constant Influx of Immigration and the failure of the Worker themselves to organixe and have a voice in shaping the conditio ns under which they work. the War Zone the keenest crack of lightning. He carried between his two hands a pan of milk which be balanced more gin gerly, Uklng very short steps to keep from Jarring the Ihuld over the pan's edges. He was well dressed and clean looking and his face was the rose pink of well cared for boys, boy ad ored oT their mother. S-h-e-e-e-e! A shell hissed ob struslvely overhead. Bang! came the explosion not more than two squares from the boy with the milk. He stop ped. Looked around as if to see If he was being watched. Then he slow ly raised the pan to his lips and took a little drink. Just as slowly, he low ered It and began his careful march homeward past the statue of Jeanne d'Arc and the House of God and on down in the direction of the canal. Two minutes after he had passea the statue, a shell came directly be tween the towers of the Cathedral, barely clearing the head of the Maid of Orlean's horse and tore a great hole in the Belgian blocks 30 feet, in front At the moment the boy wa having further refreshments from his pan. ' "You're going to lose that milk If you don't mind," I said to the lad from my position In a doorway. He had not seen me before and he look ed up sheepishly realizing he had been caught cheating mother. Then he grinned a perfectly honest whole some grin and replied with a good lit tle devil look out of the corner of his blue eyes: "The pan's too full!" The last, I saw of him was taking gingerly steps homeward with a pan less full, but fuller stomach, utterly unafraid. at 355 De Kalb avenue. Williams burg, were greatly excited when Ar nold Heuermnn, 74 -year-old husband of their mistress, got home from his woik as a nlghtwotchman. The old man saw that his wife was still In bed. apparently asleep Crouched on the bed was a large Hack cat. When xHeuerman went mar the bed the cat attacked him vl cloiislv. biting his hand. He shouted to his wife, but she did not answer. Then he ran to the. Hamburg-avenue police station and Rot Policeman Holman. The big. black cat and several oth ers of the animals set upon Holman vhen he entered the home and he had to beat them off with a patrol man's club. The black cat Jumped out of an onen window and the oth- rs fled. The woman was dead of apoplexy. Man's Neok Broken. STOCKTON,. Jan. 89. August Couvert, an electrician,, entered a sa loon and became interested in a nlokel in the' slot punching machine. After testing the power of his right arm several times he tried a new ttur.t. Lowering his head he charged thA machine goat fashion, butting the padded spring strenuously. As It ricked back. Couvert rolled over dt'ad. Coroner Warren found the man's peck broken. War Writer Is Wounded. PETROQHAD, Jan. 28. John Bobs correspondent of the Chicago Dally News. Is reported from Warsaw to have been wounded In the face by a piece of shrapnel ehell. Mr. Bass was brought to Warsaw by an English correspondent. nHICHESTER S Pll V7 'iia: iMAijosw i:5AM. a ,f- iv,..j .. a 1 t ..(.( r: :. ...t . s I , v- p. , r ru.i.x, -t 1 ly. ft yrl!i4-'iownaiIV-t,:.lf::t..4.!lv.krHa! It r.A..j.':r r::.:ii J f SGL2 r.' CL15 L..iVLKt i LchiiM.-ra lilnmonj irnt! Tin in t: l a-1 Hold twain -wV t"'V. sclcl Willi 1 l:iU-n. T..i HA r.. r rrt. V JAXtTATtV ?,0, 101.' IniiiPApn unrAT UINUHUU HIILHI SHOWS A LOSS (Friday's Market.) CHICAGO. Profit taking wa re sponsible for the Ioms of 1 l-2c a bushel for' May at the closing today and 1 3-4c for the July option of wheat. Market showed sign of heaviness at the opening. May was unchanged, while the July wa up a fraction. While both options made a slight fur ther advance after the opening, the strength was of very short duration. Thete was further strength in for eign markets and considerable export buHln3 v.a confirmed here. WHEAT. May Open, $1.49 7-8; high. $1.50 1-2; low, $1.48; close, $1.48 3-8. July Open, $1.24 1-4; high, $1.34 S-4; low, $1.32; close, $1.32 3-8. Murders IIIh Wlfo. HOUSTON, Tex., Jan. 29. Ward Pnyder, 42. said to be a son of the millionaire Pittsburg oil operator, slashed his wife's throat and then swallowed bichloride of mercury tab . lets. The woman is dead and Snyder i is dying. His wife waa a former opera singer and a noted beauty. Notice for Bid. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the County Clerk of Uma tilla County, at Pendleton, Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m., February 6th. 1 1915, covering the Improvements of Umatilla cut near the south end of the county bridge over the Umatilla river, directly east of Pendleton (es timated at 5S88 -cubic yards). I The map and plans, for said im provement are on file In the office of I the County Clerk or County Engineer, but no specifications given. Each bid must be accompanied bj a certified check for 5 per cent of the bid. The right I reserved to re Ject any or all bids. I FRANK SALINO, Clerk. (Adv.) NOTICE OF TENDENCY OP PE TITION TO VACATE CERTAIN ALLEY-WAYS AND PARTS OF CERTAIN STREETS LN COLE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PENDLETON. Notice is hereby given to all whom It may concern that a petition was filed on January 21st, 1115, by the Irvlneton Height Land Company, a ' corporation, with the Recorder of The uity or .renmeion, umauna cvumy, Oregon, und Is now pending before the Common Council of said City, praying for the vacation of certain alley-ways and parts of certain streets In Cole' Addition (formerly McAllister' Ad dition) to The City of Pendleton. Umatilla County. Oregon, as per plat thereof of record and on file In the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of said Umatilla County. Oregon, to wit: Of all the alley-ways running north and south through Blocks num bered 3. 8. 9, 10 and 11 of said Cole's (Formerly McAllister's) Addition, and of that part of Wilson Street lying between the west line of Ray Street and the east line of Arc Street of that part of Washington Street lying be tween the west line of Ray Street and the west line of said Cole's Addition (the same being the southerly pro jected west line of said Block I) and of that part of Arc Street lying be tween the north line of Jackson Street and the south line of Wilson Street: all of said property being within the corporate limits of The City of Pen dleton aforesaid; and the matter of granting of said petition will come up before the Common Council of said City in due course, a the law directs. Dater this 21 day of January, 1915. IRVIXGTON HEIGHTS LAND COM PANY, By Chas. Cowen. President. IRVINCTON HEIGHTS LAND COM PANY. By Frank J. Dorsey, Secretary. CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FUNERAL DIRECTORS JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL DI rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postofflce. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 78. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed era hammer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63 INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstract of title to all lnnds In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm nroperty. Buy and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. IL MARSH, Sec. DENTLEY A LEFFINGWF.LL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. iflS Main street. Phone 404. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all secondhand goods bought. Cheapest place in Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. 219 E. Court street. Thono 27 1W. ' , LEGAL. BLANKS OF .EVERY .DE" svrlption for county court, circuit court, Justice court, real estnte, etc., for sale at East Oregonlan office. We Can Building for any kind of a structure you con template building on the shortest notice Thorouchly season ed lumber of full thickness and guar-f4-- anteed quality, shin gles or prepared roofings for cover ings, framing, etc all the pick of the beat manufacturers. Come In and look us over maj uv 'ill save you some " II and trouble Plans and Specifications Free Oregon Lumber Yard A. IL Telephone 8. Alta Army's BiSgcst Gun gent BOSTON, Jan. 28. The army biggest gun, recently finished at Wa tervlelt arsenal for the defense of the Panama canal, and which la ca ETON Me and MIXED:-2 parts of Coke to 1 part of Coal will give you the same results in your coal stove as though you burned all Hard Coal. Think of the great saving effected by the use of Coke. Pacific Power 6 Light Co. "Always at Your Service' Phone 40 ATTORNEYS. RALET & RALET, ATTORNETS-AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. FEE A FEE, ATTORNETS AT LAW. Office in Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTHE. ATTORNETS at law. Office in rear of American National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON & BISHOU, ATTOR . neys at law; rooms 3 and 4, Smith- Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford) building. S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office In Despaln building. PHYSICIANS. II. S. GARFIELD. M. D.. HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd Block. Telephones: Office. S41W; residence. 512J. AUCTIONEERS. C'OU W. F. TOIINKA. AUCTIONEER makes a specialty of farmers' stock I rri'l nvichinery sales. "Tht man that 1 peta you the money" Leave orders' at East Oregonlan office. 1 I PAOK SEVEV. Supply Material COX. MgT. St, Opposite Court House mi i i w r pable of throwing a 2400-pound shell 21 miles, was brought to the Water town arsenal for 1U carriage. The gun, which is St feet long, re quired a specially constructed freight car for transportation here. VETERINARY SURGEONS. . C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. COUNTY Yeterlaarian. Residence telephone, 27; office telephone, JO). MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS. wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, eta. Very 'latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see sample. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY Cash or give trade for Umatilla county farm, 20 to $60 per acre. Address Box 12, Athena, Ore. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will assure you of having a successful sale. HELP WANTED FEMAI ES. LARGE KNITTING MILL INVITES correspondence from women desir ous of earning money, part or full time. Good pay. Experience unneces sary. INTERNATIONAL KNITTI.N MILLS. West Philadelphia. Pa. r HEAVER ENGRAVING ti cni.iniv 7'" lUl it rM I - .... 0 'i 1. j :' 1' I 4 v v;, '.'- , ... k. 1 ,1 .4 I: