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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1915)
PAOTn eiottt. DAILY EAST OKEC.OXIAy, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, .TANITAKY 20, 10 1: ETOTTT PAGES. ii Just once MORE Ml i.-J. - . l . r, You not only ean save dollars when you buy Groceries, but also your health, because our goods are pure and wholesome. Phone us your order today. PHONE 96 STANDARD GROCERY GO. Where all are Plee;d Court and Johnson Sts. BOOKLET WILL ADVERTISE ROUND-UP AND PENDLETON rouTLAxn riiEss club will JTUM-SH MEDIUM AT PAN AMA FAIR. rendleton, Umatilla county and the Round-up will receive some ad vertisement among the visitors to the Panama-Pacific exposition through Dale Rothwell DOCTOR OF OPTICS. Eyes examined by the latest and best methods known to science, lenses pround to the particular needs of each case. OFFICES AMERICAN NAT'L BANK BUILDING, Pendleton, Phone 609. As a Guarantee we can refer you to 400 patrons who3e glasses will never need changing ex cept for reading; 1 per cent were cross eyes, now straight. A System of glass fitting that will straighten cross eyes at any age. without operation, is absolute proof that we have something to offer that .triers do not have. D. fJ. ReberJlQ. Eye, Ear, Nose- and Throat Specialist Schmidt Bldg. Office Hours: 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. IFe IPisfll WHERE THE FAVORITE TODAY "The Good Thcwc who have not eeon Broncho Billy in any other coetume than that of tho Weet, will be pleuhanlly surprised at seeing him in the regulation full dress suit The Bccnes in the first two redid are laid in tho Kast. Coining Thursday KolxTt Ivleson in David BelaWg great success, "THE GIRL I 1.KFT BKHIND ME," 'kvinR at Maj.wtic Theatre, Portland, RESOLVED That wo make the sparks fly int of our prii'es when wo first mark our Gnx'orics. Wc Rive ) the pxvl kind every time. Iiitster Brown. ' I , ,, Ci- the medium of a large Illustrated booklet which will be published by the Portland Pre Club and clrculat ed among the fair crowds. The di rectors of the Commercial association on.l of the Round-up yesterday after noon met and subscribed funds suffi cient to defray the expenses of three pages ln the- booklet The matter was presented to them by Harry C. Canine, a special writer cn the Oregonlan, who is represent ing the Press Club. He stated that already the book is assured of a cir culation of 60.000 and that he ha hopes of providing for 80,000 copies. Panoramic pictures of Pendleton and the Round-up and other photos as well as statistical information will be rrnted on the Pendleton pages. The Idea of the booklet is to Inter est as many fair visitors as possible in Oregon with a view of bringing them to this state before they returi home. , INJURED MAX IS BEING SOUGHT BY POLICE CEXTRALIA. Wash.. Jan. . Mrs. A. Green reported to the local police that a man who stopped at her house for something to eat had his hand tied up in a bloody rag and limped as if his leg were' Injured. On the supposition that the man was the same one who was shot Thursday night by Mrs. Paul Gay, as he was trying to enter the woman's home, and for whom the police and Sheriff Foster searched fruitlessly all day Friday, the police started in pursuit Mrs. Green asserted that the man headed south along the Milwaukee tracks. Authorities ln the towns south of Centralla have been notified to be on the lookout for him. T. J:. TO LECTI HE FOU UNEMPLOYED BENEFIT XEW YORK. Jan. 16. Col. Theo dore Roosevelt will lecture tonight on South America at the Metropolitan c.pera house for the benefit of the un emrloyed. He will preface his lecture with remarks upon unemployment The colonel visited the municipal lodging house recently and It was there he got the idea for tonight's lec ture. Public IWnce Next Friday. Big public dance Friday night, Jan uary 29th, in Moose hall. United Or chestra. Admission 50c. dAv. PLAYERS PLAY THE HOME (or Nothing " Featuring G. M. Anderson Famous the World Over as ifOSkCfflO ADMISSION Newsy Notes 13 Abovo Xijtlit, The official thermometer last night recorded the fact that it waa the cold est night of the present cold spell. The mercury dropped to 13 above tero. On Sunday night the minimum tempera ture was 20 above, wherease In Baker It was fire below and In La Grande five above. (logical Survey Map. Through the kindness of Senator Chamberlain the library has been provided with a new map of Oregon Just published by the geological sur vey bureau. The map la Intended particularly to show the forest re serves and the streams of the state, all the rivers and creeks being shown In detail. Many Xcw Freshmen. Twenty-two freshmen have en rolled at the local hlghschool this semester, bringing the enrollment up to about 290 students. The session rooms are full to overflowing and all the teachers are busy starting the new students ln their courses. However, things are getting pretty nicely ar ranged and most of the students are getting familiar with the periods and bells. To Hold Entertainment Chester Reed, president of th sophomore class, has announced that a meeting of the sophomores will be held tomorrow night to discuss plans for an Intertainment to be held In the near future. No definite arrange ments have been made but It is ex pected that everything will be pro vided for In the meeting tomorrow night Gives Code to Library. It being Impossible under the pres ent laws for the state to provide pub lic libraries with free copies of the code and session laws. Senator J. N. Burgess has offered the local library his own copy of the present state code. The offer has been accepted and henceforth it will be possible ln the future for patrons of the libraries to look up the laws of Oregon through use of the code and session laws. Hoot let: Tor Fined $10. J. M. Grayble, who had Charles Bennett and Wilfrid Minthorn, Indi ans, arrested night before last and who, at the trial yesterday morning, was accused by them of furnishing them with liquor, was fined $40 in police court yesterday afternoon by Judge Fitt Gerald. The testimony showed that he had not only given these two Indians liquor but had at tempted to sell "booze" to another Indian earlier in the evening but was frustrated by Sheriff Taylor and T. F. O'Brien. Exhibit Committee to Meet. Either President Tallman or Secre tary Cranston of the Commercial as sociation will go over to Baker Thursday for a meeting of the east ern Oregon exposition committee which Is arranging an exhibit for the Panama-Pacific fair. Secretary Mea cham of the Baker Commercial club has called the meeting. The local county court has appropriated $1C0 for Lmatilla county's part of the ex hibit and the other counties have like wise subscribed financial aid. Lyceum Xumbcr Prai.od. Next Friday rUht the third Lyceum attraction will be presented at the high school auditorium, presenting the International Operatic company which is credited as one of the most talent ed companies traveling on the Pacific coast at the present time. Their en tertainments are of exceptionally good taste and quality and wherever they have appeared they have left a crowd of enthufiastic boosturs. The com pany was especially recommended by Ross Crane the cartoonist and clay modeler w ho appeared In this city on Dec. 12. According to Principle Ham ton's statement the operatic company attraction will probably be one of the best to be presented this season. UiiiiSiii, Of GOOD PICTURES TODAY lOt Hy" of Pendleton Marriage Lleonso Issued. A marriage license was Issued to day to Olon Williams of Walla Walla and Ethel Deltsch of this county. Jowko Tailing 111. Jesse Falling, pioneer merchant of I endleton, is reported as critically ill at his home here. McDevltt Won Math. In an Individual bowling match this afternoon ut the l'ungalow par lors Put McDevltt defeuted Speed Humphrev of U Grande. McDevltfs score fur the three games was 634 and Humphrey's 530. Xcw Grand Jury Tomorrow. The new grand Jury will be drawn tonight or ln the morning and will commence its first session In the mor ning. Subpoenaes were issued today to a number of witnesses in the half dozen or more cases which will be presented to the Jury. Weasel Ruys More Land. H. H. Weasel, retired merchant who last week sold a half section of land near Holdman to Gus Byers and Glen Scott has Just purchased two quarters five miles northwest of Barnhart For one quarter he paid 16500 and the other $4000, according to the deeds filed for record today. Can of Shoplifting. The theft of a dresser scarf, valued at 110. from the needlecraft rienart. ment ln the Vogue millinery store, has been reported to the police. It la thought the theft occurred Saturday anernoon cna it is attributed to a shoplifter. The party is said to be known and is requested to return the article at once or face prosecution. High School Has Nearly 300. This afternoon the enrollment at the Pendleton high school was 294, an Increase of 28 over the maximum at tendance last semester. The new pu pils entering the school were mostly freshmen who had come up from th grades. When Frincipul Hampton took charge of the high school eight years ago, the maximum attendance for that year was 12!). Woodshed Was Burned. The north side section was treated to a noonday blaze today when the woodshed In rear of the home of Roy T. Bishop on Jackson street caught fire. The origin of the fire is not known but being full of wood the lit tle building soon became a mass of flames. The fire was quickly extin guished on the arrival of the fire de partment and the loss amounted to but little outside of the destruction of the woodshed. I'-Uitorn Farmer Won Id Looat. F. A. Strocheln, a farmer of West Bloomfield. Wisconsin, lav In the "Oregon Album," a booklet Issued by the Oregon Immigration bureau, a pic-i. ture of th farm nf TTarman SnM north of Pendleton and he became so'1 Interested that he wrote to Mr. Suhl aaklng for full particular of the farm land and methods In this county, stat ing that he has between $15,000 and 120 nod In Invent Mr Knhl InrnlH the letter over to the Commercial a- j sociation and Secretary Cranston has i supplied the information Walla Walla Bowlers Here. Having won back the honors lost In HrnnftA fho Ponrllptnn howlAra will tonight try to trounce the Walla I Walla team which defeated them by a narrow margin In that city last week. The Walla Walla bowlers will arrive this afternoon and the match will be gin shortly after 8 o'clock In the Bungalow alleys. Last evening Pat McDevltt and Fred Book defeated Loren Hoover and "Speedball" Hum phries in a iftatch game, the score be ing 1139 to 1907. McDevltt and Humphries, as high men. will roll for Individual honors this afternoon. Klrk-Gulllford Case Still On. The trial of Arthur Gulllford and Carl Kirk of Echo, charged with stealing cattle from Nelson Bros., is still being continued this afternoon with fair prospects of It going to th Jury before night. The prosecution rested its case principally upon evi dence tending to show that the two young men had ridden certain horses up Butter Creek at the time of the alleged crime and that the tracks fol lowing the cattle were made by thesa identical horses. Plaster casts of the tracks were made by Sheriff Taylor at the time. The d'-fense la trying to show that the boys went up( Buttcf Creek ln search of runaway horses but upon the night the cattle were driven away were home ln bed. 9 School Hans Scanned. GRESHAM. Ore., Jan. 26. At a meeting of the directors of the Union hlirh school district in the Gresham bank, nine plans fur tho proposed $25 000 Union high school were sub mitted by Portland architects. A special meeting will be held next Thursday, when, It Is expected the plans for the Union high school will be selected. The high school will be a two story brick structure, containing five class rooms. It will be erected ln Cleve lnnd addition ln time to be ready for the fall session of 1915. Widow's lesion to Stay. OLYMPIA, Wash., Jan. 28. Friends of the widow's pension act announced that Senator Taylor had promised to withdraw hi bill provid ing its repeal on condition that the law be amended to eliminate alleged abuses. The amendments probably will pro vide a residence requirement of two years or more and will bar a wom an against whom a divorce haa been Issued from participating In its bene fits. He Is an exceptional man who knows more than he thinks he knows. J At Oil M. Ill I T OX w it x loss srxi tlm ii At hearing being conducted by the U. . inuusmal Relations Commotion i New York City Hull, for the purpose of Investigating various large phllan- throplc foundations Mr vvhiff t 1 I I". 1 , . ... I'iMiueiu ana director of the Bar-1 on de Hlrsch foundation. He said that Baron de Hlr.ich donated about 12.500.000 to help the Russian Jews who came to this country. There Is about M. 100.000 in the fund now The money is Invested largely In New York real estate mortises. The foundation has thirteen trustees and maintains a trade school and iin agricultural 8chool near Woodbine. N. J. TODAY Is (illEAT DAY BIRTHDAYS WASHINGTON'. Jan. 26. Today is the birthday of a state, a library and a senator. Michigan Is the state, be ing admitted to the union on January 26. 1837. The library la the Library of Congress, the most complete Inst I tutlon of its kind In the world. Con gress bought Thomas Jefferson's pri vate library of 7000 volumes for the use of congress on January 26, 1815. Senator Oliver of Pennsylvania Is cel ebrating his 66th birthday. And In addition to these, the Caledonian club and other Scottish organizations will honor tonight the memory of Rob ert Burns, today being his birthday. KI1U WHO and Tlien Self. LO.S ANGELES. Jan. 26. Because he was unable to work and hia av. ln gs were almost exhausted. Edward Wal&ht. 65. a carpenter, shot and killed his wife and then himself. VESSELS X)LLIDE; 1 MAN IS DEAD NORFOLK, Va., Jan. 26. One man met death and 39 were res- cuea wnen an unknown schoon- or collided with the steamer Washington oft Cape Henry. The schooner made off while the Washington foundered ln a few minutes. NORFOLK'. Va., Jan. 26. Two vessels were sent to the bottom and, one man perished when the schooner Elizabeth Palmer collided with the steam ship Washlngtonlan off Cape Henry. The shock of collision waa so great that the Washlng tonlan went down Immediately, and the Palmer foundered shortly afterwards. Liner Ham ilton rescued the crews except ing one man. Vaudeville a Regular Thing At THE ALTA Today's Picture urm TIGRESS" Starring the Stages Most Beautiful Woman Madame Olga Petrova A Drama of Romance and Intrigue The Russian Tigress Preys on American Society Full of Sensational Incidents TODAY'S VAUDEVILLE MURRAY & MURRAY' "THE BOY AND GIRL IN PURPLE" MADE A HIT Entire change of songs tonight Hear the latest song hit "PANAMA" STOP! READ. THIS AD. Bring it with you if you like to this Big Busy store and see us back up every item with the goods. Compare our prices and quality until sale prices and you will find you can save money at the Golden Rule Store. Corset Cover values 9 50o Corset Cover values 25 Brassier vulucs 25? 7fc Brassier values 49 Corset Cover Embroideries at every day prices 12 l-2, 19 2$, 49. Embroidery edging ftt alout Tmlf you pay elsewhere, 3? 5, O lAf, and 8 Men's Mackinaw Coats, a $0 value. $3.98 Men's Corduroy Pants, why pay $3 for no better $1.98 Mim's flannel Shirts, every one a good value at $2.50, only $1.49 Men's easy shoe, plain toe, $2.50 quality, only $1.98 Boys' $2.25 Shoo value 91.49 YOU CAN DO BETTER AT II f V Stories From Bt HENRY WOOD, (United CONSTANTINOPLE (Via Rome to New York.). Dec 22. The thoughts Of all Constantinople If not all of Tur key, have suddenly, as if by magic. Income centered upon one single man. By a strange oddity, too, this man Is not the one who for the moment l.i most In the public eye. Enver Pasha, with his 32 years of age. his :i.mvfr,',iJi, tJ Imperial allluncc. his ministry of war, t racked. In the second place, they and h's grand ambition to put the know Just how much It la to the In old Turkish empire back on the map.' tcrest of the people keeping him shut awakens no especial Interest In the Turkish mind. Enver la a dare-devil boy, they ay, who haa secured for himself the chance to have hi fling, and they are auite willing that he have It. If he makes good, all every well. They are quite willing that he shall have all the credit and reward for It. too. But If he doesn't make good well, that Is how all Turkey has suddenly begun thinking about another man, and who, by the way of strange con trast, la the man who at the present moment 1 farthest from the public eye. Abdul Hamld. the old sultan, th man whom the boy Enver put down and out, and by whom he Is now kept up In a little white prison palace ov er on the opposite shorea of the Bo phorous this. Is the man of mystery, the man of hypotethlcal possibilities about whom Turkey haa suddenly set ,.,eif a.thlnklng. . What Is passing at this precise mo ment, what schemes are forming In the mind of that foxy old man tnat man who was the shrewdest, the cruelest, the cunnlngest, the Inhuman - est. the cleverest old liar a Turk, every Inch of him who sat on the Turk'sh throne. These are the ques tions all Turkey Is today asking Itself and there Is hardly a member of the whole male population who would not give at least three If not all of the four wives accorded Mm by the ko-. ran to be able to peep In and solve Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderlne the riddle. at any drug store, pour a little Into Abdul Hamld is now 72 year of! your hand and rub well Into the aoalp age. From the night In 1909 when : with the finger tips. By morning mot Enver and hi band of Young Turks If not all, of this awful scurf will have deposed him, shutting him up first disappeared. Two or three appltca In the green high walled Villa Allat-tions will destroy every bit of dan alnl at Salonika, but later for safety's druff; atop scalp Itching and falling sake theirs, not his taking him to hair. Children's Shoes, sizes up to 5, good 75c quality..-. 4.9f One ht of Mis.W Shoos, every pair a good valtio at $2.00, every day price $1.G3 One lot of women's Shoes in patent or gun metal $2.49 $1.00 Corset values at. 09 $1.50 Corset values 98 75c ' Blanket values 49 $1.00 Blanket values 09 $1.50 Blanket values 98 25c Gloves and mittens 15 35c value Mittcus 25 75c Silk values at 49e Handkerchiefs If, 2 l-2t 5, 10. 25c Fleeced Hose values 15 20c Hose values at 12 1-2 50c Union Suit values .-. 25 WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW the War Zone I his present prison palace at Constan- i tlnople, the Turkish public haa known very little about him. At period! Intervals the word 1 passed aroand that he Is ln;ino. Rut no ono believes th's. In the first place, they figure that Abdul's master mind which for a quarter of a century kept the mind u-lobbln of most of the othor Euro pean monarch Isn't the kind to get up to have it believed that he la In sane. And then too, despite the tomb like seclusion in which he la kept apart from the world, there creeps from time to time to the ears of the Turk ish words which the old sultan are declared to have uttered and which far from creating the impression that he Is Insane, give vent to the Idea that he la very, very much In hi right mind, that he la very, very much In touch with everything that takes place In the Turkish world without, and that he la watting very, very foxily Just a foxtly a he ever dIC before for the moment when his prisoners may have hung themsrlve to step out and rule again. And It I only recently very re cently ln fact, since Enver dralaed all Turkey of Its last man, It laat "piastre." Its last animal. Its last mouthful of food, to carry out kM ambitious projects, that the Turkish ear haa heard a few phrases, reputed to have come from the Inside of the little white prison-palace that leave no doubt that the sultan knows what J all tf)e ro.t of Turkoy th prison walls knows namely, Enver the deluge. after TO REMOVE DANDRUFF j