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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1915)
T1T0TIT PAGER. DAILY EAST ORFJONTAN. PENDLETON, OftEOON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 2fl, 1015, PAfJE SF.VEN. HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG NOBODY CAN TEIX WHEN YOU DARKEN GRAY, FADED hair wrni sack tea. Grandmother kept her hair beau Utuffy darkened, Blowy and abund ant with a brew of Sage Tea and Bui Whenerer her fair fell out or leak on that dull, faded or ttreaked appearance, this almple mixture waa applied Tlth wonderful effect By taking at any drug atore for "Wy eth'a Page and Sulphur Compound," yru will get a large bottle of thla old time rerselpe, ready to uae, for about fO eenft Thla almple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural eoler and beauty to the-hair and U aplendld for dandruff, dry, Itchy acalp aa falling hair. A well-known downtown druggist aaya everybody usee Wyeth'a Bage and Bolphor becauae It darken! ao natur ally and evenly that nobody can tell It hae been applied It's o eaay to in, too. Tou almply dampen a earn er soft brush and draw It through your hair, Uklng one atrand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application r two, It la restored to 1U natural color and looks glossy, aoft and abaadant CMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiUllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIII (0rphoum 1 Theatre 1 J. P. MEPEliNACH, Prop. 1 1 High-Class 1 Up-to-Date I I Motion 1 Pictures 1 H)K MEN. WOMEN AND 1 E CHILDREN 5 rrocrara changes Sundays. Tuesdays, Thar E days and Saturdays. j 5 Bee Program in Today5 a E Frr. 5 KlIIIlIIIIIIIIllIllllIllIIIIIIIIIllItlUUtlllllliT HOG MARKET IS 15CTS HIGHER CHICAGO WHEAT AT HIGH MARK MimiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; I Pastime ! Theatre "The Home of n D .-H ALWAYS THE LATEST 5 in Photoplart :: Steady, 5 a Flickerleea Pictures :: Abeo S ' lately No Ey Strain. a ' S A Rfincd and ErterUinin 5 Sliow for the Entire Family. 5 Next to French Restaurant 1 Changoa Sundays, Tuesdays, 5 Thursdays and Saturdays. H 1 Adulta 10c Children under 3 10 yean So. E PmiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiimiimic - glUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIUHIIIIllllltlllllUUIlll PENDLETON'S POPU- 1 LAR PICTURE SnOW THE COSY s 5 S Where the entire family can E 2 tnjoy a high-class motion E H jricture show with comfort, E Fun, Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed (Courtesy Monday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore North Portland wits generally showing a better feel Ing in the entire livestock trade for the day. While the general market for hugs wus establlHhed at 18.70, or a dime above the previous price, there was one loud sold early In the day at $(.75, or an advance of 15c. Itun of hoKS In the yards was rather liberal for the day although less than last Monday's big total put In appear ance this morning. Outside buyers took hold of hogs rather well at the opening of the week's trade and this was consid erable aid to the situation in the local trade. General hog market range: Best light 16.7506.80 Medium light 6.600 6.70 Good to heavy 6.4006.60 Rough and heavy 6. 25 Stackers 5.50 6.10 Cow Market Is Higher. Market for cows waa rather firm in the North Portland yards at the open ing of the week's trade. Hales were generally reported at an advance of a quarter for top quality. Itun of cattle In the yards waa quite lively over Sunday, total showing be ing 1223 head compared with 678 last Monday and 639 head a year ago for this inme day. Market for steers was alio slightly belter with advances of about a ime over limt week's prices, although to some extent this was aided by the bel ter utility offerings. General cuttle market rutigt-: ('elected steers 17.86 48.00 Good to prime 7.50 7.75 Good to choice 6.50j( 7.00 Ordinary to fair 5.76 (6.20 Bent cows 6.75$) 6.80 Good to iTlme 6.5066.60 Ordlnnry 5.250 5.60 Selected calves 8.00 8.50 Funcy bulls 6. 50 16.75 Ordlnnry 6.0094-25 Mutton Situation Strong. At the advances forecast by The Journal during recent days there was a very strong tune for mutton and j lamb In the North Portland yards at the opening of the week's trade. .''elect lambM nold around $7.70 dur ing the early day with ewes Inntantly grabbed at $5.55 for good stuff. There was a slight Improvement In the run In the mutton division as compured with last Monday, total run bein 3350 head compared with 2107 at that time. General mutton trade range: Old wethers $ 6.65 Kent yearlings 6.60 Best ewes 5.604? 6.76 Best east mountain lambs 7.75 J 7.80 Valley light lambs 7.60 Heavy iprlng lambs .... 7.25(7 7.60 livestock Shippers. Hogs W. E. Lowell, Gibson, 1 load; U V. Moore. Moro, 1 load; Grover Uros., New Plymouth. Idaho, 1 load; Von Dusen Bros.. 1 load; W. T. R. Hill, Wclser. Idaho, 1 load; R. Tower. Sumner, Mont.. 3 loads; J. F. Laird, Joseph, 1 load; Elgin Forwarding company, Lostine, I load; C. E. Rude, Echo. 1 load; Pearson A Hannon. Hermlston. 1 load; O. L. Fuglt. North Towder, 1 load; Chrla Johnson, 1 load; Grover Bros., Nyssa, 1 load; Kiddle Pros., Union Junction. 1 load; Kll bourne ft Co., Arlington, I load; John Dysert. Condon, 1 load. Cattle Minor Bros.. Heppner, 2 loads; W. G. McDonald. Wasco, 1 load; Tortland Feeder Co.. Burley, Idaho, 5 loads; Vaughn A Warren. Nampa, Idaho. 2 loads; George Jackson. Wel ter. Idaho. 1 load; W. O. Cummlngs, Taker. 1 load; W. Whlted. 2 loads; Ptlllwell A Troffltt. 2 loads; Farr Pros.. Mlkkalo, 1 load; Rains A Me Collough, Echo. 4 loads; . G. S. L. Schmidt. 4 loads ; J. B. Saylor, Echo, 4 loads; Adams A Co., Stanfield. 3 loads; J. L. Cox. 1 load; M. H. Lewis, North Towder, 1 load; Charles Dixon. Ontario, 3 loads. Fheop L. F. Russell. Washougal, Wash., 1 load; R. N. Stnnfield. Stan field. 4 loads; Walla. Walla, Wash., 2 loads; Pilot Rock, 3 loads. Cattle and calves E. M. Teacock, Nampa, Idaho, 1 load. Mixed Stuff T. E. Lowell. Gibson. 1 load cattle nnd hogs; L. V. Gentry, Heppner. 1 load cattle and hogs; E. Hnlman. Sugar City. Idaho, 2 loads cattle nnd sheep; P. J. Brown, Baker, i..aH hnn And unpen: Farmers' Commission Co., Baker. 3 loads cattle ana nog; nrreno riv:u, a tufiuo cattle and hogs; P. II. Horelock, En terprlpe, 1 load hogs and sheep; El gin Forwarding Co., Joseph, 1 load cattle, calves and hogs; H. E. Meyers, Imbler, 2 loads hogs and sheep; B. Vandecar, Haines, 2 loads cattle and sheep. J. L. Miller, do State vs Davis j. it. wesi, ao L. K. Stewart, do J. L. Miller, do making jury list .'.... W. W. McQueen, do W. E. Miller, do Joe H. Parkes, do search war- rant Jos H. Parkes, do State vs. Baldwin E. T. French, do ((Monday's Market.) CHICAGO. President Wilson's' speech yesterday was Indirectly re- Wm. Barnhart. do sponsible for the establishing of ajnobert Johnson, do new high wheat price record at . Thron OUen. do , ,. $1.46 1-2 for May and a closing at' Jap Gulliford, do $1.45 2-4, that was 1 l-4c better than j Joe H. Parkes, do State vs. yesterday. July closed 2-4c up. Bohl Murket for wheat was firm from John Kearney, do the Jump this morning, with May J- K. Thompson, do starting the doy at an advance of 3-8c P''l'h hompson, do and July l-4c. The high mark " """"""' , . , , . i Mrs. Joe Bohl, do reached early In the day. Jm PartM do state v. There was a firmer market abroad Gllman with most values higher, and this In Joe H. Parkes, do Itself was an Influence of Importance. Joe H. Parkes, do State vs. WHEAT Burke w -,.... in 7 it iia i.s. Parkes, do low, 144 7-8; close, 145 3-4. July High, 126 3-S; high, 127 1-4; low, 126 3-8; close, 126 7-8. Alice G. Dausener, widows pen. Birdie E. Swarthart do Pearl E. Broxson, do Mallnda Reed Ida E. Stewart, do Flora May Harper, do MfJUon liandage It Aim. v NEW YORK. Jan. 26. Command- M w, 'ht tr Eva Booth of the Salvation Army, rearl E. Freeman, do la Inaugurating a campaign whereby Mary v. Ellis, do ahe hopes to employ 100 girls at f 1 a jo,e Kirk, do day for 10 weeks, and as a result of Winnie Fox, do their labor, provide bandages for 1,- Iddle Blizzard, do 000,000 soldiers, A fund of $6000 Is Carrie Neuman. do necessary, and the basis of the ap- E. R. Mlnton, do peal for this amount la that the mon- Mary E. Cummins, do f is to be devoted to a genuine "100 Ka Gerklng. do h0URf fer cent" charity. Tlift Untt'flf l,n Armv tr mrtr a HmA " Pendleton Water com do water ha. been carrjlng on nn "old linen Ko pf nl & Brog do drg rampalgn. As a result a quantity Be(1(1ow & Mller pluinWng of linen, Buffh lent to provide ban- j u Vaughan. do elec supplies uages for 1,000,000 soldiers, has been !e,,ow & Miller received from all parts of the toun- p.K.fl(, p0wer-& Light Co., do try. I.. lights 1 Pendleton Drug Co, do drugs . " " " T. D. Taylor, Jail board of prls- Beware of Ointmcnta for oners Catarrh That Contains Mercury standard Groery Co. do sup. t mer.-ury will sun-ly letroT the seniM ' A. C. Koepen A Bross do drugs of mrll snd completely drraiiire the whole . Worrell Mnfg Co. do disinfec jMtem when entering It thrnnirh the mu- j tant colli mrnire. Burn ininn inouia nerrr be used except on prescription from repot- Gray Bros. Grocery poor groc. shle phrslelsm. as tfas damage they will A. L. Aistrop do labor onfarm do Is tro fold to the good you can possibly Alexander Dept Store do shoes d.-rlT from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure. . i;e(jdow & Miller do plumbing msnufsrtured by K. J. Cheney A Co.. To- , r. . j ledo. O.. contains vo mercury, and U tsken , Mr"- E- L- Horn do cook on Internslly, acting dlrectljr uoa the blood ' farm and miicnns surfaces of the system. In L. Greenawald do shoe repair Dtiymu nans tstarrn lure ee enre yos Tallman & Co., do drugs get the genuine. It Is tsken Interrntly sod made la Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney lo. jrstlmonlats free. Gritman Bros, do tobacco Commissioners' Report Pacific Power A Light do lite Hold tr IrnirirlKts Price "5e per bottle. Ooe. C. Baer A Co., do hdw. Take Hall's Family Mils for coustlpatlon. . Oregon Market do meat .... Pendleton Mat. Co. do meat . . Empire Meat Co., do meat . . Max Baer, do shoes j Taylor Hdw. Co. do hardware .... ,, , , . 'a. C. Koeppen A Bros, do drgs I alms allowed by the County Court g p Hutchinson do chopping ut tho regular January, 1915, term, barley except thwe claims allowed by j Pendleton Roller'Mlils'do"bran ?rVRek n'T' C'rCUU dl8t, ,Si T. D.Sffdo n:W."farVV.u atty. expenses $ 12.61 Frncnes s.a.".nK:.'f Tae:. . ?!'. 52.00 T-Emou' co. ' "suppiie; John Hatlnv. Jr.. tuvenlla i "-' I "'. " r... . court. 6 mo L. G. Frailer, all offkeg, sup. 18 85 Pacific Tel. A Tel. Co.,do tel. 68 Glass A Prudhomme Co., sher iff supplies Western I'nlon Tel. Co., do 150 00 Tumalum Lumber Co. do slabs i ana ioai q ll. I. Iiuill, uu euro ui a. ci- I nun 2 jo Jonn s Baker do mileage and ouriai expenses II. W. Ireland, do printing Irwin Hodson Co., do supplies T. D. Taylor, do serving sub-poenaea J. L Vaughan, do battery telegrams 4-70 Swearlngen Broe. do mis poor 3.25 Wueen viiop nouse uo J"io pour 8 85 ,Gus La Fontaine do board and I room Mrs. Walton .gj Ella Terpenning, do care Mrs. .35 1 .S?rg Buahong Co.. clerk supplies 18.10 M"S- Sadie Pearson, do care Glass A Prudhomme Co., do.. .0 oss Glass A Prudhomme Co., re- Scotts Grocery do groceries for corder deed records 38.00 Underwood Frank Saling. do express 2.23 Byron G. Monkman do med ser O lass A Prudhomme Co, treas- Frultland Grocery Co. do groc- urer supplies 46.00 erles Mrs. Vernon Bushong A Co., do 6 60 Mrs. M. A- Means do care Mrs G. W. Bradley, do express . . . 1.68 j Sensney J. S. Beckwlth, coroner, re- I J. W. Dykes. Insane transferlng 34.80 : Oliver F. E. Boyden, do eamn. Franie 1.70 H. 8. Garfield do exam. OUviri, 1.70 Smith. Shill Fallon 1.70 Williams A dinger lbr Co.. do Joseph Bailey, do 1-70 election building booths ... . Fay Wood, do 1.70 b. L. Burroughs do lunfbcr and A. B. Thomson, do 1.70 for booths Percy Ripper, do 1-70 j. a. Stephens do rep. booths William Oliver, do 1.70 j. d. Kirk, do hall rent, fuel Ed Lltscy, do 1.70 and lights B. Carney, do 1.70 k. p. Vancil. do registering . . R. C. Wulden, do 1.70 Cnag Vun Koy do -,,! J. B. Dungan, do 1.70 A. j Wurnock. do elec. booths porting Inquest Frank Spike, do Ashbaugh A. Carden, do. . W. M. Rice, do. inq. Alice GERMAN AIRMEN SAID TO HAVE USED FRENCH FLAGS s Open Afternoon and Even- 5 infr Chanpca Sunday, Mon- a EE dayt Wednesday and Friday. 5 Next Poor to St George Ho- 5 tel. AdmiseSon 5o and 10a Siuiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiuiiiiiiis ATTACKERS OS DUNKIRK DE- CL.Rin TO HAVE FOOLED AIXIED TROOPS. LONDON, Jan. 25. Charges that German airmen painted the French flag on aeroplanes and wore uniforms of the allies', armies when they flew over tho allies lines Friday and drop ped bombs on Dunkirk were contain ed In dispatches from Flanders. The fact that twelve aviators, who partic ipated woro British, Fronch and Bel gian uniforms and carried tho French flag, say the dispatches, enabled them to fly over the allied lines without de tection. It was reported the pilot and observers of ono of the German Tuube aeroplanes which was brought down Frldny woro executed because thoy woro British and French uni forms. The press bureau had no con firmation of the rerort. W. M. Smith, do Edward Liesegang D. C. Connell, do Thomas Deweese, do Elna Thompson, do Gladys lane, do F. R. Dorn, do H. S. Garfield, do E. T. Wade, do Inq. unknown mnn at Cay use W. J. Clarke, do L. C. Rothrock, do K. P. Walker, do David Home, do B., S. Waffle, do Martin Madison, do T. B. Gurdane, do Charles Peterson, do T. J. Tweedy, do John McPhall, do A. B. Cooiey, do D. B, Watson, do F. E. Boyden. do l-' Eelio Lumber Co. do scunnlies Boys and Girls Aid Society Miscel. charity J-J0 Ernestine Gelssler ' do charity Jnn Sullivan, ilo rharltv c- M- Lookwood do auditing Co. books J. V. Tallman. do W. E. Meachanm, do appropri ation Panama fair Milton Eagle, do Com report 5.20 18.21 1.70 1.70 Freewater Times, do adv. 1.70 1.70 1.70 L. A. Relnemann, do water mst II. M. Cockburn, do Co. Com 17 days J-2" H. A. Waterman, do Co Com. J' A. C. Funk, do Deputy Sheriff 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 J. H. Estes, do Depty Sheriff R. T. Brown, Deputy Clerk . . Muriel Saling, Clerks Steno . . :' B. S. Burroughs, Rec, dep. hire U T .. I T-v-..... rr. IT H rtirflrM J 117ft llaa. ... Nina U Coon. ' do . 14 S B MccFnul Health Officer . . Tribune Co.. school rapt. ndv. 13 80 - Simpson Janitor Weston Leader, do 1.75 ' "orn; f"' Po ' Milton Eagle, do 1.75 " f' Oarfleld. Co. Physician . Krh rtn ? no J- Alton Yeager. School Supv. Tho Record, do 200 J n- Krumbah, labor rood dlst. Hermlston Herald, do 2.00 No- 2 ' J. Alton Yeager, do traveling II- Kralman, do expenses 51.35 E- lIoJS'n. do F. K. Noordhoff, do exam. 0eo- D Smith, do board 15.00 Pnl1 Murphy, do I. E. Young, do assistant 50.00 Jhn Leroux, blksmithing, road I. E. Young, do traveling ex- ,lHt- No- 2 16.65 wimanm or Hunger, lumoer, ao 175 E. L. Mitchell, labor, road dlst. 5.40 No 5 14.95 Edward Anderson, do Watts A Rogers, hrw. road dlst 51.00 N- 5 : Rufford Price, labor, road d'st 4.20 1.30 1.60 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.20 19.60 2.40 2.40 1.70 1.70 1.70 6.S5 1.20 6.50 6.50 6.90 1.70 5.20 8.65 4.45 8.30 2.40 25.00 26.00 17.60 17.50 40.00 10.00 17.60 17.50 10.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 17.60 17.60 10.00 10.00 .75 10.20 7.20 7.00 1.50 1.50 40.00 .75 253.64 3.90 1150 43 76 7.00 35.00 3.50 1.85 30.00 1.75 5.50 14 60 15.00 .65 5.30 28.53 1.40 3.00 2.70 1.80 29.60 9.00 79.25 30.85 20.65 10.00 10.30 9 00 16.20 5.00 3.65 2.25 31.00 6.00 7.00 10.00 10.80 -25.00 8.80 5.00 20.00 2.25 52 5ft 5.09 7.50 26.40 3.00 13.90 1.55 10.00 20.00 10.00 89.00 11. Co 50.00 14.60 2.00 108.40 85.00 85.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 125.00 70.00 125.00 100 00 13.90 80.00 100.00 85.00 120.00 4.50 6.75 13.00 4.50 40.50 No. g 7$ H. ('. fctone. labor, road dlst. No. 9 67.60 M. Kelley, do 11-85 J. Hayworth, do -7$ Tumalum Lumber Co, do lum. 36 00 W. F. Bowling, repairs, do . . -60 Fons-WinshlD Hdw Co. sup. do 1.66 Ira II. Stoll. labor, road dlst. No. JO 88-60 John Blake, do 30.85 L. L. Lleuallen, do .81.00 Frank Whlleley. do 3.90 8. K Hunter, do 46.76 Julius Nebion. labor road dlst No 11 87.00 Frank Herman, do 6 75 G. R. Herman, do . 6.75 Walian Carglll, labor road dlst. No. 13 '. 4.25 J. C. Prendergast, do 13.60 Ing Holmgren, labor, road dlst. No, H 14.01 Walter Cresswell, do 17.20 Henry Enbusk, do 8.00 Alfred Deinlng, do 5.65 J. W. Enbusk, do 9.00 L. Brownnell, labor, road dlst. No. 17 25.50 C. B. Dexter, do 13.60 I M. Bullack, do .., .' 13.60 J. T. Bullock, do 13.60 A. E. McFarland, do 12 76 J. A. Stephens, do 26.50 J. H. Round, do 25.60 Frank McNurlen, do 13. 60 C. G. Brownell, do 25.50 8. T. Carrill. do 20 25 C. M. Smith, do 75.00 Otto Pound, do 37.60 Andrew King, do 8.00 L. Cummins, labor road dlst. No. 18 9.55 Harry Dunn, do 11.64 Fay Woods, do 17.06 M. Todhuntt-r, do' 6.50 Ed Ward, do 20.30 Oran Halstead, do 11.68 Will Rice, do 9.56 J. H. Mc Roberts, do 8 45 A. Robernett, do 3.35 W. J. Wattenberger, do 26.00 L. B. Ashbaugh, do 1 68 J. E. Arkell, labor road dlst. No. 19 27.00 John Caterall, do 13.50 Taylor Hdw. Co. do li)0 Guy Rockwell, labor, road disU No. 20 51.00 Herbert Guderian, do 51.00 Emil Bolln, labor road dlst No. 21 15.75 Geo. Bolln. do 80 90 Wm. Troxel, do 61.60 Evan Troxell, do 675 James Nelson, do 18.60 Wm. Troxell, do 27.60 Evln Troxell. do 6.75 James Nelson, do 10.00 J. A. McLaughlin, lumber do 11. 2 Geo. D. Jaques, labor road dlst. No. 22 1.00 Thomas Jaques. do 4.50 Pilot Rock Lumber Co. lum. do 125 Wm. Corley, labor road dlst. No. 24 4.25 M. Corley. do 2.25 A. Corley, do 2 25 Wilford Corley, do 2.25 Chas, Ely, do 12.60 Chits. Ely. nails, do 55 J. A. McLaughlin, lumber do . 12.48 A. S. Quant, spikes, road diet. No. 26 3.75 M. T. Thompson, labor, road dls No. 29 4.50 A. A. Griggs, do 4 80 W. A. Brace, do 8.60 W W. Williams, do 8.50 H. S. Thompson, do 4 50 B. L. Burroughs, freight, do 7.S0 11. R. Lorenzen, labor, road d'st No. 30 29.65 Frel J. Rees, do 111.00 C. F. Atkinson, labor road dlst No. 31 4.25 Robert Hart, do 4.25 Peter Hansen, blksmithing, do 11.65 A. B. Read, labor road dlst. No. 33 4.50 Alex McCorkell, do 4.25 Wm. McCorkell. do 6.00 Foss-Winshlp Hdw Co. sup do 3.50 Watts A Rogers, hdw. do .... 38.75 I. Holmgren, labor road dlst No. 35 44.85 Abe Liswlg. do 41.66 C. C. Morse, labor road dlstrlt No. 38 24.71 S. Poland, do 19.37 J. Mays, do 10.12 Sim Kilgore, labor road district No. 39 34.u0 A. C. McCulley. do 41.00 James Fisk, labor road district No. 41 Frank, do Wm. Metis do Joeph Ternpleton, do Lee Smith, do M. Johnson, do J. E. Jones, do P. Sheridan, do !xyd Chadwell, do Frank Rands, do James Moore, do F. B. Stuart, do C. C. Carr, do Ie Smith, do Wm. Mets, do Jesse Doney, do A. E. Hlatt, do Ire L. Gnln, do James Kik, do H. M. Klein, do Horace Walker, do P. Sherdlan, do Jasper Ternpleton, do John M. Wann, labor road dist No. 23 W. Glrton, do John Thompson, do Loyd Bey, do R. Hubbard, do J. McDonald, do B. McFarland. do 8. C. Blttner, labor road dlst. No. 41 J. R. Thompson, do O. J. Trowbridge, do C. F. Oregory, labor Will Horse Macadam John Gregory, do Harry Hicks, do Robt. Hick, do Mike Lais, do Steve Clark, do Sam Jakich, do A. D. Flanerv, do W A. Washburn, do Philip Longo. do Tony Rloss, do Clll Benedetto, do Pat Blno, do Joe Blno, do Sam Dono, do Geo. Clay, do V. Haden. do Frank George, do E. Fletcher, do Bob Lallch. do R. McCnrdy, do Mike Grant, do S. S Flersnl, do Bert Plersol, do O. R. Herman, do Fred Lldvall, do Ange Tomlln, do D. Simpson, do Wm Van Cleave, do Floyd Culley, do John Phillips, do Bessie Boiler, do S. E. Dnrr. blaoksmithlng. do W. J. Clarke, hdw. do J. L. Vaughan supplies, do . . Hodson-Feenaughty Co. cms. C. A. Barrett A Co. lea. belt, do Standard Oil Co. oil, do Foss-WInshlp Hdw Co Tumalum Lumber Co. Coal and lumber do Tumalum Lumber Co , coal do L. F. Dunlap. labor mlsc road Wm. Seaman, do Harve Alexrander, do Albert Whle. do Levi Kilgore, do John Crum, do Wm. Roller, do John John Anderson, do W. J. Crablll. do Sid Crablll, do Wm. H iley. da 1 J .i 9J.75 93.75 63.75 42.50 25 50 25.00 62.50 20.00 143.75 60" 42.50 23.- 143.75 110.50 28 25 25.00 17.00 162.50' SO; Geo Mlllon. do 12 7$ K. T. Mevers. do do 3 25 4 Hit .1) . '-M.6H 16 ivr. 16. IS J.imert Crawford Cien. Wllm n, do .. Mjrry H'nrner. do J. I. M:Gr w, ilo . . Kugen Watets. do John Hwrl?., do L. O. Meyers, do . . W. M. Meyer, do 1 9 1 . F. M. Mejeis, do 16 6!i Price Davlx, do.... H & Jim Cooper, do 1 1 R. C. Pheppard. do 21 t Riley, do II 20 Avers, do 4.2S Bacon, do 4,Ij Belmont, do l ' Brown, do 25.' Edwards, do 265 35.3.' 19.25 35.00 o. F. Reynolds, do 1M.71 l-85jw. R. Hurst, do 1350 Lulu Brown, do 12.7S 16.00 n W. Bradley, freight do John F. T W. T. A. J. Lulu S. A 66.90 O'.John W. Kimbrell. surveys do 21.00 11.25 11 25 6.62 2.25 2.25 Inland Empire Lumber Co. lumber, do 20.991 C H. Martin, salry, do 162.90 Echo Auto Co. auto hire do 6.50 Oregon Lumber Yard. lum. do 6.60 Vorthwest Steel Co. beam brld- -8S re. do 449.00 147.60. f... it Klevers. labor road dlst ru No. 15 I?. ' ! Chas Pederson, do 132.65 5",Henry Strove, do 24.2 48 00irarI Bredlng. do 7.( 27.50. t Frank Snyder, do 41.00 15.85 27.00 14.85 14.85 .27.00 14.45 14.85 7.25 15.60 14.85 20.25 14.85 XOTICr. OF TENDENCY OF PE TITION TO VACATE CERTAIN ALLEY-WAYS AND PARTS OK CERTAIN STREETS IN COLE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PENDLETON. Notice Is hereby given to all whom It may concern that a petition was filed on January 21st 1915, by th Irv'narton Height Lend Company, a 14 60 'corporation, with the Recorder of Th 16 50'Ci,y ot rendleton, Umatilla County. ii to' Oregon, and Is now pending before the i!'Common Council of said City, praying for the vacation of certain alley-ways and parts of certain streets In Cole's Addition (formerly McAllister's Ad dition) to The City of Pendleton. Umatilla County, Oregon, as per plat thereof of record and on file In the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of said Umatilla County. Oregon, to wlt: Of alt the alley-ways running north and south through Blocks num bered 3. 8. 9. 10 and 11 of said Cole's (Formerly McAllister's) Addition, and of that part of Wilson Street lying; between the west line of Ray Street and the east line of Arc Street, of that part of Washington Street lying be tween the west line of Ray Street and the west line of said Cole's Addition (the same being the southerly pro jected west line of said Block 9) and of that part of Arc Street lying be tween the north line of Jackson Street and the south line of Wilson Street: all of said property being within the corporate limits of The City of Pen dleton aforesaid: and the matter of granting of said petition will come up before the Common Council of said City in due course, as the law directs. Dater this 21 day of January. 1916. IRVINGTON HEIGHTS LAND COM PANY. By Chas. Cowen, President. IRVING TON HEIGHTS LAND COM PANY. By Frank J. Dorsey, Secretary. 14.35 4.85 14.10 14.10 36.85 37.10 35.60 19.60 70.10 12.60 30.90 24.75 15.75 155.56 7.95 2.63 4.50 198.35 3 00 10.21 91.00 65.65 38.95 4.50 31.85 12.00 17.00 20.25 70 Oi 41.25 17.60 60.85 (8.00 COUPON LCnCC FOUR-IN-ONE rliEsC "ANNA BELLE DOLL" Brine or Bend five of these Coupons properly signed nd 10f to the Kast Oregonian office and tret a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll" feature. No.. Pendleton, Ore., .1914 EAST OREGONIAN PUB CO.. Ilerewith please find five "Four-in-One" Coupons and 10 for which please give me a "Four-in-Onew muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell DolL' Address- If sent bv mail add 2c for postage. BE SURE AND STATE WIIICII FEATURE IS WANTED penses renland Bros., do drayage. . . East Oregonlnn, do advertising East Oregonlnn, com. report. . L. C. Smith Bros., assessor bal. typewriter Glass & Prudhomme Co.. do supplies 16.00- No. 7 C. P. Strain, do express 95 S. G. Trice, do R. O. Hawks, assess. & col. tax 111.00 Blue Mt. Sawmill So. lumber Rttshnnx & Co., Justice court rond dlst. No. 7 doiket 4.14 C. O. Henry, labor, road dlst. 4.20 No. 8 1.30 Lee Johnson, do 6.20 A. U. Booher, do 3. SO c. T. Smith, do 3.70 r. o. Henry, do 10.95 Win. Bacon, do A. R. Booher, do 4.20 lu-it Plersol. do 1.30 v. p. Howling, repairs, road dls J. I Miller, do State vs. Davis J. 11. West, do J. I Miller, do Stato vs Fulton J. W. Dykes, do J. 1,. Miller, do State vs Hoge J. W. Dykes, do J. I Miller, do Stato vs Ver non J. H. West, do 6.75 4.60 3.40 20.25 2.60 6.38 1 69 33.60 16.25 34.35 9.00 4 25 10.00 17.00 9 00 2.10 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY rUNEKAL DIRECTORS JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL DI rector and licensed embalmer Ou poslte postofflce. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 75. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral ears. Calls re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HAMArATRCTCoTMAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. EENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. 315 Main street Fhone 404. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all secondhand good bought. Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. 219 E. Court street. Phone 271W. ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALEY. ATTORNEYS-AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. FEE & FEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Despain building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear ot American National Bank Building. JAMES B PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON A BISHOU, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 6, Smith- Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone, 27; office telephone, 20. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS. wedding announcements, embosset private and business stationery, etc. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonian office and see sample. TRESSPASS NOTICES, STALLION SEASON CARDS and SALE BILLil of every decrlptlon printed at rea sonable prices at the East Oregonbia. We have a fine lot of stock cuts that our patrons are allowed the frve use of. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. IXWELL ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office In Despain building. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. P.. . HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon Of fice Judd Block. Telephones; Office. 311W; residence. 612J. WANTED PARTY WILL PAT Cash or give trade for Umatilla county farm, 120 to 360 per acre AdJreni Box 12, Athena, Ore. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, curds and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and. advertising complete will itsaure you of having a successful sale. AUCTIONEERS. LEGAL BLANKS? OF .EVERY ,DE scrip'.lon for comity court, circuit court, Justice court, ro;il estate, etc.. for sale at East Oregonian office. Jut East Orvgonlun office COU W. F. YOHNKA, AUCTIONEEIt : makes a specialty of farmers' stock! nn! machinery miVs "The man th:it ct.s vim the tri'iiey" I.eavo order E 'BEAVER EN GIVING (J M KAN Y ' r : Tv-..;t i-r-. i