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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1915)
PAGE SIX. Rheumatism t Muscle Colds "It is easy to use And quick to respond. No work. Just PI".. it rx-noirates without rubbing." Read YVUt Other Sayt H.v. ud roor Unimnt mj auoceaafully la a of rhmmaiiam. m4 ala-aya hr a botito on td at c ol a cold or aora Utraat. I lah to I think it ! af tba beat o( houa-hold rroW I would not bar uat it only it rwommmded to me by friend of mina who, I uh to aay, U on ml the boat booster (or your liniawat ciTW ,"''w' FulUr' 0tr "Jurt a Una in' praite of Skua' ImmwnL I bar boen ill nmriy fouiuvn werka wita rbramaiiaa. br bora treated by doctor bo did tbrir brat. I bad not altpt for terrible pain (or atrcral nighta, bra my i(e fot ma a mull bottl of th Linimrat and thro applica cationi fve me relief ao lbt I oould Irop." Jotrpk Tamblyn, SIS Can. am Strut, McKntpcrt, Pa. T1ATT.Y 17 A ST OPrnAVTIXT TTvmTTn-wr nnTvi r. . - . . It . ' ' "''uni. UUM1AY, .IAMJAUY 20. 191K 13 Good for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Sprain and Bruise. All Dealer 25c Send four cent in Urap for a free TRIAL BOTTLE. DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc. DeptB Philadelphia, Pa. CARLOADS STOCK SHIPPED FROM Ell TO PORTLAND MARKET UU CONSIGNMENT GOES Oft ON S.iTlTU)AY FROM SEVERAL RANCHES. Old City Hail fat Sold and WIU be Converted Into a Garugt and Ma. chlnr) Shop Major Smith Got to Portland to Attend Convention Other News Not. Soldier, J4, Wounded. LONDON. Jan. !6. The youngest member of the British army at the front, Private James Stirrat, Is back in England recovering from a shrap nel wound in the leg. Stirrat, who Is 14 years old, is a son of a corporal who lost his life in the South Afri can war. The boy went to France! with the expeditionary force in August, Money Is said to be scarce In South America. Here is another bond of sympathy with North America. EIGHT PAGER EST IS MADE AT BAKER FOLLOW A EIRE EARLY MONDAY BUSINESS BLOCK IS NEARLY WIPED OUT BY DISASTROUS BLAZK. Zero Temperature Hinders the Fire men In Tlielr Work Frame Build lng Are Kwy Prey to Fire Hos pital Nearby Has Narrow Escape rront lieing lHtroycd. IF CONSTIPATED OR BILIOUS 'CASCARETS' TONIGHT! CLEAN YOUR llOWEIaS AM) STOI HEADACHE, COLDS SOUK STOMACH. The chap who Is buried In oblivion Is also a dead one. D. D. D. M Hospitals Steifei Mn Cere 10 '9 Mow many hospltn.1 patients, suffer ing the fm-ttful lu-h. the raw scorch ing pain of skin disease, have been oothed to sleep by a aoothln? fluid wasted In by the nurse's hands? That fuld Is the famous D. D. D. prescription for eczema. THE SCFTKYTSnrS TrK3E of one of our prominent Catholic Institutions name of r.urse and Institute on appli cation), writes regarding a patient "The disease had esten her eyebrows .away, lier nose and lips had becon:e disf.rured Finco tho uxa of P. D. I. eyebrows are rrowlnir. hor n"se and fare have assumed their ratural expression," How rran7 eczema sufferers arepay Inr ttr doctors for reirular treat ment htm nre betr? treatrd wlti ttis . aamo .h:nz, b?tlinr fluid? 11 "TO. T. tlCHDEOir fmr.kly TALIBAN DRl'G CO. tMni'r"1!!- D- D" 3 'uPTior to any- irr i"unu. sort and i...jiS, j a powenui acenL To do the work. D. D. I. Prescrip tion must be applied aocordiuy to directions given la the pamphlet around every bottle. Follow these di rections end see! And It certainly takes away the Itch at once the moment the liquid Is ap plied. The skin is soothed caJnifJ to thoroughly refreshed delightfully cooled. All Jrurits of standing have tho famous specific a.i well as the efficient V. D. D. Skin Soap. But we are so confident of the mer its of this prescription that we will refund the piTct.a-o price of t'.ie first full rl;ta bnrle- Jf It fails to reacli your cuJc. Vou aiono aio to judga, SMALL SAVINGS LiJJpn awaj are likely to le lost or stolen. Spent for pleasure tliev are gone and can never multiply. rrojK-rly invested they become the foundation of many a fortune. If you will systematically deyosit a portion of your earnings it will surprise you how rapidly your bank account will grow. THE American National Bank OF PENDLETON, OREGON Capital and Surplus $400,000.00 (Special Correspondence.) ECHO. Ore., Jan. 26. Thirteen carloads of livestock -were shipped from this point on Saturday to the Portland market. Twelve carloads were beef cattle and belonged to the following- men: McCullough and Raines, four cars; J. B. Saylor four cars and Q. S. L. Smith four cars. One car was hogs belonging to Bowman & Smith. Leavell Bros, have bouaht the old City Hall -building on Bridge street and will convert It Into a garage and machine shop. Messrs Leavell have been here the past year and are well supplied with all kinds of the latest machinery and equipment so that they can repair not automobiles alone but all kinds of farm or heavy machinery Mayor Hugh D. Smith left Sunday morning for Portland to attend the convention of the Hardware Mens" as. soclatlon which convenes ther. thi. 'eek. He was accompanied on ths trip by bis wife. m. vvattenburger has returned nome from a trip to Walla Walla and Atnena. While in Walla Walla Mr Wattenburger invested In some rent. dence property and on his way home ne visitea at Athena with his mother Mrs. Bert Tefft Is In Pendleton this week visiting with Mrs. Lottie M Brown. W. H. Boyd, former merchant of mis place came up from Portland yesterday on a business visit. Louis Scholl. Jr., and daughter Miss Esther Scholl are among the Echo visitors In Pendleton today. Miss Alma Egsreth of Pendleton returned home ye.-terday evening af ter a three weeks' visit with Miss Ilene Webb, a former school m.ito. O. K. Mudge. a former pupil of the Echo . public school but now a tele graph operator Is here visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Mad?. Humes McCormlck and son Harry went up to Pendleton this morning. James Johns of the Hartman Ab stract Co.. was a business visitor here Saturday. Miss Elizabeth Snell spent Saturday in Pendleton. Chinese Hosts at Banqnet. LA GRANDE, Jan 26. Local Chi nese celebrated the opening of a new rraternal organization in this city by a banquet at which local bankers, city officials, prominent attorneys and business men were guests. The ban quet was unique in the annals of similar events in this city, since the guests were treated to delicious ori ental dishes as well as to occidental dishes prepareJ by expert Chines chefs. Mexico should try to got a presi dent with Carrunza's respectability and Villa's entrgy and ability. VENTRAI.I.E Gi:UMN IDOL BAKER. Ore.. Jan. 26. John Na tl!, proprietor of the Little Dream Cafe and Earl Lunsford, cook at the cafe, were arrested by Constable Bowman on a warrant Issued by Jus tice of the Peace Hubbard on com plaint of District Attorney Godwin, charging them with maliciously burn ing the building In Monday's Center street fire. The Little Dream Cafe was Insured for (300. Fire Chief Grabner said that the property was not worth J30. although Natll gave its value as $300. Fire starting In the Little Dream Cafe on the north side of Center street between First and Second streets at 1:46 o'clock yesterday morn ing and burning until 6: SO o'clock, spread In both directions and laid waste half a block of business build ings, Including the H. J. Valentine Hardware store, Nevlus hall and half a dozen small business places. The total loss Is estimated at $16,250 and the total Insurance, thus far reported la only $6200. The buildings were all of frame construction and In a part where It was almost Impossible to In sure up to the total value. Extreme cold hampered the firemen two of the dead ends leading to the fire hydrants being frozen and delay ing the start of the battle with the flames which found ready kindling In the weathered timbers. It was five below zero and this not only hamper ed the fight but caused the firemen much suffering. At times their cloth ing was covered with Ice. Great apprehension was felt for the patients in St. Elizabeth's hospital at the start of the fire. This was In the adjoining block and for a time it looked as though not only this block but the neighboring one was doomed. Uottner's ambulance was ready and some of the patients were dressed and prepareJ for a hurried removal. Four patients, gravely ill, were not awak ened and did not know of the nearby peril. Get a 10-cent box. Take a Cascaret tonight to cleanse your Liver, Stomach and Bowels, and you will surely feel great by morning, lou men and women who have head ache, coated tongue, a bad cold, are bilious, nervous, upset, bothered with with a sick, gassy, disordered atom ech, or have backache and feel all worn out Are you keeping your bow els clean with Cascareta or merely forcing a passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor OUT Cascareta Immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter and poison from the bowels. Remember, a Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning. A 10-cent box from your druggist means healthy bowel action; a clear head and cheerfulness for months: Don't frrget the children. ed, are doing similar scout work off Heligoland, the Kiel canal and the bnse of the Imperial navy. The English navy through the In tervention of nature, narrowly escaped a tremendous disaster following the raid on Scarborough, Whitby and Hartlepool. The coastal attack was a marine bait Several German sub marines accompanied the kaiser's cruisers. They took positions, sub merged, along the line of retreat, planned by the German ships. The expectation was that the British ships would pursue and then the subma rines would attack. Pursuit started, but an Impenetra ble fog settled down and several British ships were saved from destruction. First notional PEKOLETOil, GHEGOH Band ESTABLISHED 1882 iiiiiiiHiiM Known For It's Strength imam LUMP COAL a Ton Starting on Jan. 14 this coal will be sold at the low price of $71$ a ton, street delivery. Keystone Kemmerer Coal May be used for heating stove, kitchen range or hot water and steam plants. No soot or clinkers, burns to & fine white ash. Send or phoae your order early to C. H. BRONSON, Phone 387 J. E. J. Baird, General Sales Agent Keystone Klmmerrr Coal. See Baird for special prices on car Iota. Pendleton Hotel British Fleet Watclied. CHICAGO. Jan. 26. The location of England's great fleet Is revealed In a letter recently received by the Chicago Herald from a European cap ital. The "grand fleet," which con slsts of England's most modern and powerful fighting ships, Is In the Irish sea. In the North Sea are the battle cruiser squadrons, the destroyer flo tilla, the scout divisions of the navy and some of the older dreadnoughts It Is well understood in England that German submarines are on con stant watch north and south of the anchorage. They do a tour of duty, resting on the bottom of the ocean, the length of the resting period de pending on air and fuel supply. English submarines, It Is also learn- For Every Boy, Girl and Baby In Our City and Vicinity The most stupendous and remarkably liberal offer ever made to its readers by any newspaper. IruM THE LAND OF .SUNSHINE, FRUIT AND FLOWERS CALLS YOU With SUMMERTIME In WINTER. Outdoor and Indoor Sports Poatinz. Surf-bathing, Driving, Golf, PJ Tenuis For ret and recreation. California is delightful For Safety and Comfort, go via the Oregon-Washington Railroad Cs Navigation Co. through Portland. ItETURN THE SAME WAT. CAM FORM IS STAGING TWO BIO SHOWS C;lkraUr:g Completion of the Panama Canal Panama-Pacific International Exposition San Francisco, February 20 to December 4, 1915. PANAMA-CALIFORNIA EXPOSITION San IHcxo, January 1 to December 31, 1913. They repri-snt the highest and best of human endeavor In the world of art. sol. ence and industry. Set; Both of Them. Tickets, information, etc., upon applica tion to T. F. O'Brien, A(ient, O-W. R. & N. Co, Pendleton, Oregon. It. UCHNS, I). F. P. A., WulU Walla, Wush. am mm J GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY SAVES TWO CHILDREN IN ONE FAMILY About one year ago two of ray chil dren suffered badly from weak kid neys. They would have severe dizzy Fpeiis and were alt run down In health. I was Just about discouraged. I tried several . remedies and finally a doctor, but they did not seem to improve. I know of a friend who was taking Swamp-Root for kidney trouble with good results and I de cided to get some for th children. I had noticed that there was some Improvement after ther hai tavn two large bottles and continued give It to them until they had taken one-half dozen bottles and wr well on the road to recovery. I think Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root has done more for my children than any other medi cine I have tried and recommend It to anyone having children that suffer as mine did. Very truly yours, R. W. LISENBT. Dothan. Ala. Personally appeared before me, this zna aay or July, 1909. R. W. Llsenby, who subscribed to the above state ment and made oath that the same Is true In substance and fact. A. W. LISENBT. Notary Public. fir NAP Kra ACf UAL HEIGHT, 121 INCHES ' ' .. ,. m'h -a- .T.gj -T T T " uimnmnmmimL OQUM MAJOR CAP ACTUAL HEIGHT, 18 INCHES VT wait every rood girl, boy tii btbr to hare F0CB-IX-03E. They'll aerer tlr f It and best of all the COLOBS ABB IB 80LCTELT nARtfT.FSft. WHY VfVK ava DADyj CALL cs ABOUT IT IfOTf! """ i isinxui ..i.i.i ..i.i i. ii .in., i.i GIUUV S BELT ACTUAL LENGTH 23 INCHES Letter to Tr, Kilmer & Co., Wachamfon, W. T. Prove Wlint Swamp-Root will Do For Yon. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer jt- rvv BInghamton, N. T., for a sample size bottle, it will convince anyone. Tou win also receive a booklet of valu able Information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing. ne sure and mention the Pendleton Daily East Oregonlan. Rerular flftv cent and one-dollar size buttle, for aaie at all drug atorea. Count Zeppelin, inventor and build er of the German war airships, who, in this war, will apparently attain the goal of his life's work, J. e., demon Rtratlng the practicability of the dir igible ti.'illoon as an engine of war. The success with which the recent night attark on the Norfolk coast of England by a flotlllu of German Zcp- p-rn dirigibles has made the titled inventor the man of the hour In Ger many am It Is now considered Inev itable that the Germans will soon be making nightly attacks on the city of London from the clouds. . a. r . ,r ....j a r m TO "ASklnoln Every Drop" Cet a .can today from your hardware or aro eery daaler. 3a MERE THEY &RE A Dandy Drum Major's Gap for the boy and a Belt for the neighbor's boy. A beautiful, life-like doll, (about 18 inches tall) as large as a baby, for the littlo garf.' A harmless and brilliantly colored ball for Baby Bunting. Something for each member of the family all on one sheet of muslin read to cut out and stuff. HOW TO GET FOUR ONE THE EAST OKEGONION IS GOING TO GIVE AWAY SEVERAL HUNDRED OF TIJTSH FEATURES FOR A LIMITED TIME AS FOLLOWS : ANY GIRL OR BOY BRINGING OR SENDING TO THIS OFFICE One new paid in advance mibecription to the daily East Oregonian, by carrir for one month tie m'l receive free Four-m-One." Or by cutting 5 coupons fro mtbe Daily or Semi-Weekly East Oregonian and 10c. Or for ono new paid in advance subscription to the daily East Oregonian by mail 1 1-2 monthg lit. Or for ono new paid in advance subscription to the Semi-Weekly East Oregonian 6 months 75o. If "F our-in-One" feature are to be sent by mail add 2c for postage. " i Hurry and get your Fonr-in-One Feature now, because this offor is for a limited time only. Coupons to be clipped will be found elsewhere in this paper each day.